单词 | population aging |
释义 | 例句释义: 人口老龄化,人口老化,人口变老,人口年龄 1. With the rise of population aging, the phenomenon of aging has become one of the important issues in the public health of Taiwan. 随著人口老化现象益趋显著,高龄化的现象俨然已成为我国公共卫生之重要议题。 2. But among the unintended consequences, or ones that were simply ignored, is a population aging twice as fast as America's. 但是没有想到或者被忽略的一个情况是,人口老龄化速度是美国的两倍。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Population aging has been a great matter to China in the 21~(st) century. 人口老龄化是我国21世纪社会发展面临的一个重大课题。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. As a result of the acceleration of population aging in China, problems associated with this have become a focus of many in society. 在我国,随着人口结构老年化进程的逐步增加,使得人口老龄化的问题成为现今全社会关注的焦点之一。 www.fabiao.net 5. Population aging is chiefly characterized by: firstly, the ageing of the population reached its greatest intensity in advance. 我国人口老龄化的主要特点是:第一,人口老龄化提前达到高峰。 www.bing.com 6. Population aging has three possible causes: migration, longer life expectancy (decreased death rate), and decreased birth rate. 人口老化有三个可能的原因:迁移、长寿预期(减少的死亡率)和减少的出生率。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Population aging is a common problem all over the world. 人口老龄化问题已是世界各国的共性问题。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. The challenge of population aging is not only elder's economic maintain but spiritual comfort and service for the elderly. 人口老龄化带来的挑战,不仅仅是老年人经济赡养的问题,还有精神慰藉和养老服务的问题。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Following the accelerated speed of population aging, socialization of old age support becomes the focus in city. 随着老龄化人口的增长,社会养老问题将成为城市的一个重要关注点。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Active aging is the scientific policy framework to deal with the population aging. 积极老龄化是目前应对人口老龄化的科学的政策框架。 lib.cqvip.com 1. But, with the advent of population aging, all the countries in the world are facing the challenge of "silver hair tide" . 但是,随着人口老龄化的到来,世界各国都面临着“银发浪潮”的挑战。 www.fabiao.net 2. Analysts said that population aging in Asia and the rest of the world makes IHH a good long-term investment. 分析人士说,亚洲和世界其他地区人口老龄化的趋势使马来西亚综合保健控股有限公司成为一个不错的长期投资选择。 www.ebigear.com 3. The speed of China's population aging has been fast, which has posed a severe challenge on the mode of providing for the rural old people. 我国人口老龄化速度逐步加快,对农村养老方式提出了严峻的挑战。 lib.cqvip.com 4. This means that as population aging runs its course, it might well go from stimulating the economy to depressing it. 这意味着人口开始老化后,人口数量减少不再能刺激经济增长,转而会使经济开始萧条。 www.bing.com 5. Population aging is a social productivity and progress of mankind into an aging society is a necessity. 人口老龄化是社会生产力进步,人类社会进入老龄化也是一种必然。 www.qikan.com 6. It shows that population aging is not necessarily a negative factor for growth. 本文首先讲明选题的背景和意义,说明人口老龄化是已经成为一个不容小视的问题。 www.fabiao.net 7. Enters for the 21st century along with the humanity, the population aging becomes the worldwide basis question gradually. 随着人类进入21世纪,人口老龄化逐渐成为世界性问题。 www.13191.com 8. Counter measures must also be made against labor force shortage and population aging because of population decrease. 由负增长引发的劳动力短缺和老龄化程度加剧要采取相应的对策。 www.cpre.sdnu.edu.cn 9. The pressure on employment will increase gradually and the problem of population aging will become more conspicuous. 劳动就业压力进一步加大,人口老龄化问题日渐突出。 tr.bab.la 10. An endowment system will be established to meet the trend of population aging. 建立适应老龄化发展趋势的养老保障体系。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Strengthening management over and service for the floating population and paying attention to the trend of population aging. 加强流动人口管理和服务,重视人口老龄化趋势。 dict.ebigear.com 2. On balance, the radical causes of population aging are low death rate or low birth rate. 总之,老龄化的根本理由是低出生率和死亡率。 www.ffenglish.com 3. In this context, building a service system for old-age home is an effective way to solve the problem of population aging. 在这样的背景下,构建居家养老服务体系是解决我国人口老龄化问题的有效途径。 anybing.com 4. Compared with city, the problem of population aging is much more serious in country. 相对于城市,农村地区的人口老龄化问题更加突出。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. The problem of population aging has a tremendous impact on the balance of the fund. 人口老龄化不足对基本养老保险基金的平衡也产生了巨大的冲击。 www.zidir.com 6. WwW. zIdiR. coM In the trend of population aging, the elderly health care issue is a subject worth studying. 在人口老龄化的发展趋势下,老年人医疗保障不足是一个值得我们去研究的课题。 www.zidir.com 7. Population aging is the inevitable trend of the development of modern society, and which is the common concerned issue around the world. 人口老龄化是现代社会发展的必然趋势,也是当今世界各国共同关注的问题之一。 www.fabiao.net 8. The closer a society's population growth rate gets to zero, the more population aging it will be. 一个社会的人口增加率越接近零,其人口便愈老龄化。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Under the pressure of population aging, it is urgent to explore community old-age care system in Chongqing. 重庆市在人口老龄化压力下,探索社区养老日益迫切。 journal.ctbu.edu.cn 10. With the development of the population aging, the "old age" reality becomes an urgent social problem. 在人口老龄化极速发展的今天,老年人的“养老”现实成为亟待解决的社会问题。 www.qikan.com.cn 1. At the same time, present condition of population aging, its developing tendency and the strategy for health were provided. 同时,针对我国人口老龄化的现状和发展趋势,提出卫生工作的思路和对策。 www.chemyq.com 2. Population aging is a common phenomenon in the 21st century. 人口老龄化是21世纪的普遍现象。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Li RB, Wang WY, Tan JA, et al. Stage, trend and geographic difference of progress of population aging in China. 李日邦,王五一,谭见安,等。中国人口老龄化发展的阶段、趋势和区域差异。 www.jbjc.org 4. WwW. zIdiR. coM With the population aging in China deepens, the heavy burden of social old-age problem is gradually apparent. 随着我国人口结构老龄化的加深,社会养老负担过重的不足正在逐步地凸现。 www.zidir.com 5. Of the world's population aging and the aging of the population in developed countries the same time, China's aging population xiaoneified. 在世界人口走向老龄化和发达国家人口老龄化发展的同时,中国人口老龄化也在加剧。 www.paper999.com 6. The speed of population aging and family becoming "empty nest" is very faster in China. 我国是一个人口老龄化和家庭“空巢”化速度较快的国家。 anybing.com 7. The conflict of population aging becomes more obvious in China, which causes the aged education that is worth studying carefully. 人口老龄化的矛盾在我国日见突出,随之带来的老年教育问题也是必须认真加以研究的。 www.dictall.com 8. Indeed, most developing countries are experiencing population aging at unprecedentedrates. 事实上,大多数发达国家正以前所未有的步伐经历人口老龄化。 www.bing.com 9. Population aging has become a burning social problem of our country. 人口老龄化已经成为我国亟待解决的一个社会题目。 www.qk114.net 10. The fertility rate rapidly decline causes our country to face the population aging question ahead of time . 生育率的迅速下降,使我国提前面对人口老龄化问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Along with the social structure of population aging, the trend of aging brings great challenges to the society and persons inevitably. 随着社会人口结构老龄化的加剧,老龄化趋势给社会和个人不可避免地带来了极大的挑战。 www.fabiao.net 2. Population Aging Characteristic and its Influence Factors in Guangdong Province 广东省人口老龄化特征与影响因素 3. Our country is faced with population aging which is more and more severe. Population aging crisis brings heavy pressure to pension payment. 我国已经面临日益严峻的人口老龄化形势,不断扩大的老龄化危机给我国养老金支付带来了沉重的压力。 www.13191.com 4. An Exploration on Present Situation, Problems and Countermeasures of the Population Aging in Shihezi Areas 石河子地区人口老龄化的现状、问题及其对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Developing Aging Industry: an Important Countermeasure against Population Aging 发展老龄产业:应对人口老龄化的一项重要战略 ilib.cn 6. Development Tendency Of Population Aging in Fujian Province And Strategic Countermeasures 福建省人口老龄化发展趋势及战略对策 ilib.cn 7. Migration and Stabilization: the Research of Regional Features of Population Aging in Guangdong Province 迁移与滞留:广东省人口老化的区域特征研究 ilib.cn 8. Strategy Countermeasure against Population Aging 人口老龄化的战略对策 ilib.cn 9. The Characteristics of Chinese Population Aging and the Developing Physical Education of the Aged 我国人口老龄化的特点与发展老年体育 service.ilib.cn 10. Influence of Population Aging on Health Service in Weifang Community, Pudong New District in Shanghai and the Countermeasure 上海市浦东新区潍坊社区人口老龄化对卫生服务的影响与对策研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Characteristic of Population Aging and Its Health Care Analysis in Macao SAR 澳门人口老龄化的特点及老龄化医疗照顾 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Influence of Population Aging on Health Service Wanrong Community, Zhabei District of Shanghai 上海市闸北区万荣社区人口老龄化对卫生服务的影响 www.chinagp.net 3. Population Aging Challenge to Urban Basic Medical Insurance Institution 人口老龄化对城镇基本医疗保险制度的挑战 ilib.cn 4. Investigation on Population Aging and Countermeasures in Hengyang City 衡阳市人口老龄化问题调查及其对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Population Aging and Analysis of the Defect of China's Rural Social Endowment Insurance System 人口老龄化与我国农村社会养老保险制度缺陷分析 scholar.ilib.cn 6. The challenge and opportunities in nursing management with population aging 我国人口老龄化带给护理管理工作的机遇与挑战 service.ilib.cn 7. The Impact of Rural labor forces migration on Rural Population Aging and Countermeasures 农村劳动力转移对农村老龄化的影响及其对策建议 www.ilib.cn 8. To Meet the Challenge of Population Aging and Fulfil the Strategy of Successful Aging 迎接人口老龄化挑战实现健康老龄化对策 www.ilib.cn 9. On Population Aging And Its Social Influence In Changshu City 常熟市人口老龄化态势及其社会影响 ilib.cn 10. The Current and Future State of Population Aging in Nanjing 南京市人口老龄化现状及其发展前景 ilib.cn 1. Analyzing China's Social Security System for the Aged Basing on the Population Aging 人口老龄化背景下我国老年社会保障制度的探析 ilib.cn 2. Study on Spatial Disparity and Forming mechanism of Shandong Population Aging 山东省人口老龄化空间分异及其形成机制研究 ilib.cn 3. The Countermeasures and Researches of Population Aging in Henan Province 河南省人口老龄化的对策研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Population Aging Process of Korea and Its Enlightenment 韩国人口老龄化过程及其启示 www.ilib.cn 5. The trend of Fujian population aging and developing community health service 福建省人口老龄化趋势与发展社区卫生服务探讨 ilib.cn 6. Study on the Problem of Population Aging and Social Security for the Aged in the Urban and Rural of Changchun City 长春市城乡人口老龄化与老年社会保障问题研究 ilib.cn 7. On the Process and Characteristics of the Population Aging in the Pearl River Delta Region 珠三角人口老龄化进程及特点 www.ilib.cn 8. New Child- bearing Culture and the Solution of the Population Aging Problems 新型生育文化对解决老年人口问题的启示 service.ilib.cn 9. Table 4 Correlative coefficient between rural population aging and economic development 表4农村老龄化与经济发展指标的相关系数 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The aged; Universal Design; Product; Population Aging; 老年人;通用设计;产品;人口老龄化; www.zidir.com 1. Fig. 4 Tempos of rural population aging of every province in China 图4中国各省区农村老龄化速度 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Table 1 Correlative coefficient matrix about effective factors of rural population aging 表1农村老龄化影响因子相关系数矩阵 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Population Aging and Community Health Service in Maanshan 人口老龄化与马鞍山市社区卫生服务 ilib.cn 4. The Analysis of Population Aging Problem of Gansu Province Basing on "The Fifth Census" Data 从“五普”数据看甘肃人口老龄化问题 ilib.cn 5. The 21st Century China Development: The Attention Coming from the Population Aging Influence 21世纪中国发展:关注来自人口老龄化的影响 ilib.cn 6. The Effect of the Population Aging on Residential District Planning 人口老龄化对住宅区规划的影响 ilib.cn 7. The Influence of Population Aging Tendency to The Labor Supply 我国人口老龄化趋势对劳动力供给的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Analysis and Solution to the Population Aging Problem 人口老龄化问题分析及对策 ilib.cn 9. Economic Influence of Population Aging 论人口老龄化的经济影响 www.ilib.cn 10. The Characteristics of Population Aging in East Asia 东亚地区人口老龄化特征分析 www.ilib.cn 1. The Present State, Cause and Influence of Guizhou's Rural Population Aging 贵州农村人口老龄化现状、原因及影响 ilib.cn 2. A comment on the current population aging in chinese society 论当前中国社会的人口老龄化问题 ilib.cn 3. Research on Library Work under Population Aging 人口老龄化背景下图书馆工作的探索 ilib.cn 4. Analysis of Population Aging and Retirement at Low Ages 人口老龄化与退休低龄化剖析 ilib.cn 5. Population Aging and Supporting System of Services 人口老龄化与养老服务保障体系 ilib.cn 6. Survey and Analysis on Population Aging in Rugao City 对如皋市人口老龄化现象的调查与分析 www.ilib.cn 7. The Effects of Population Aging on the Economy Development of Tianjin 天津市人口老龄化的经济后果 ilib.cn 8. The situation and pressure of population aging in BeiJing 新时期北京市人口老龄化的趋势、特征和面临的压力 ilib.cn 9. A Comparative Study of the Population Aging in China and Japan 中日两国人口老龄化再比较研究 www.ilib.cn 10. A great challenge to Chinese geriatric nursing because of population aging 人口老龄化使中国老年护理面临巨大挑战 www.ilib.cn 1. The Effect of Population Aging on the Growth of Health Expenditure 人口老龄化对卫生费用增长的影响 ilib.cn 2. The trend of global population aging 全球人口老龄化新动向 service.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on Regional Disparity and Contributing Factors of Rural Population Aging in China 中国农村人口老龄化的空间差异及其影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Aging of the Aged: The Development and Change of Population Aging 高龄化:老龄化的延续与演变 service.ilib.cn 5. The problem of population aging 人口老龄化问题 mondlango.ttsite.com 6. Pay Attention to the Problem of Population Aging While Planning for Residential Area 居住区规划应注意人口老龄化问题 ilib.cn 7. Population aging and care of the elderly 人口老化与老年照护 hanweb.fpg.com.tw 8. The Characteristic, Prospect and Policies of Population Aging in China 我国人口老龄化的特点、前景和对策分析 www.ilib.cn 9. On the Countermeasures of the Population Aging in China 试论我国人口老龄化的对策 www.ilib.cn 10. Impact of Population Aging on the Security System for the Aged in China 人口老龄化对我国老年保障制度的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Economic Consequences of Population Aging in China 人口老龄化的经济学后果 www.cpdrc.org.cn 2. Population Aging and the Reform of Old -people's Social Security System in China 人口老龄化与老年社会保障体系改革 ilib.cn 3. On Tendency and Features of Population Aging in China 中国区域人口老龄化趋势、特征及其对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Role of Health Management in Process of Population Aging in China 健康管理在我国人口老龄化进程中的作用 www.ilib.cn 5. The Population Aging and the Development of Human Resources of the Old in China 我国人口老龄化与老年人力资源开发 www.ilib.cn 6. A Comparison of the Population Aging of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao 穗港澳三地人口老龄化的比较 ilib.cn 7. Thinking on Giving Full Play to Retired Nurses and Suiting to the Population Aging of the Society 发挥退休护士的作用与应对人口老龄化社会的思考 www.ilib.cn |
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