单词 | poor |
释义 | poorer是poor的比较级
比较级:poorer 最高级:poorest 例句释义: 穷,差,萎靡的,不健康的,穷的,较差的,贫穷 1. Indeed, Belgium might be seen as a microcosm of the EU, with a wealthy, Germanic north fed up with subsidising a poorer, Latin south. 事实上,比利时可以视为欧盟的缩影,富裕的日耳曼裔北部受够了补贴穷困的拉丁裔南部。 www.ecocn.org 2. Along with other developing nations, China wants developed countries to be legally bound to help pay for curbing emissions in poorer ones. 与其它发展中国家一样,中国希望发达国家帮助承担较贫穷国家减排开支的承诺能有法律约束力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Although the Wall came down in 1989, it remains for some a symbol of continuing economic division between the richer west and poorer east. 虽然柏林墙1989年倒了,它仍是富有西德和贫穷东德经济差距的标志。 dongxi.net 4. Only a third of pupils in poorer parts of England show good development after a year in school, figures reveal. 只有三分之一的学生穷地区发展的良好表现,一年之后,英国学校、数字显示。 www.2getnews.com 5. For poorer shoppers trying to stretch their food budgets as far as they will go, such concerns may seem a bit abstract. 而对于那些想要尽可能延伸食物预算的穷商家来说,这样的说法似乎太抽象了点。 www.ecocn.org 6. But how much poorer? 但是,到底会多开支多少呢? www.bing.com 7. Do you promise to love him and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as you both shall live? 你愿意发誓,无论病痛还是健康,无论贫穷还是富裕,只要你们两人都活着,你都会一直爱他,在他身边吗? www.bing.com 8. She's as poor as you or I: poorer I'll be bound: you're saving, and I'm doing my little all that road. 她和你或我一样的贫穷:更穷,我敢说,你是在攒钱,我也在那条路上尽我的小小努力。 www.putclub.com 9. Turkey and Thailand now seem to have moved beyond that stage. Pakistan, a poorer nation, is still vulnerable. 土耳其和泰国现在似乎已经超越了这一阶段,比较贫穷的巴基斯坦仍比较脆弱。 www.ftchinese.com 10. For his escapades he was soon poorer in mind and body, to say nothing of his purse, which had lost thirty by the process. 由于这些越轨的行动,他很快感到身心交困,更不用说他的钱包了,那里面的钱也随之又少了30块。 www.bing.com 1. Some worry that this marks a first step in the secession of the county's rich, mostly white north from its poorer, mostly black south. 有些人担心这标志着富尔顿县富大多数相对贫穷的北部白人聚集区域和大多数黑人聚集的南部富裕退步的第一步。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the bottom lies the failure of the state to protect the weaker and poorer against the stronger and richer, she said. 她说,说到底,是国家未能保护弱者贫者不受强者富者的欺凌。 cn.nytimes.com 3. And most of Africa is actually poorer today than it was a few decades ago, when aid dollars began to increase. 今天,非洲的大部份地区实际上还比几十年前更穷,那时候,援助资金开始增加。 rss.xmlchina.org 4. There was no mechanism to allow richer provinces downstream to help poorer, polluting neighbours clean up, he added. 而且没有一种机制,促使下游较富裕的省份帮助贫穷的邻近省份搞清洁。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule! 许多人只强调今天和明天,如果我们真的依照这样的法则生活着会是多么的可怜啊! bbs.24en.com 6. Every stroke of the quill leaves me a little poorer . . . or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with. 每用羽毛笔写下一次,我就变的越来越穷……或者将会,若我不在一开始就是个穷光蛋的话。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. How much poorer? 穷多少? www.bing.com 8. It has a mind of its own. It is too lively and too bouncy and it's contributing to a poorer World Cup in terms of the quality of football. 它就像长了脑子一样,太活跃、太飘忽了,就是它才让这次世界杯的足球水平变得不敢恭维。 hi.baidu.com 9. Strange to say, she had grown poorer and prettier, two steps which it had not seemed within her power to take. 说也奇怪,她显得更穷,却也漂亮些了,这好象是她绝对不能同时迈出的两步。 www.ebigear.com 10. Another way of posing the second question: if Shanxi is much poorer, how much are its people benefiting from cheap, dirty energy? 换一种方式提出第二个问题:如果山西越来越穷,那么民众又可以从低廉脏污的能源中获益多少呢? www.chinadialogue.net 1. A smile cost nothing, but gives so much. It enriches those who receive it, without making poorer those who give. 微笑不花一毛钱,却带来无穷的价值。它使对方的生命丰盛,却不会使给予的人变的贫穷。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. People were attracted by the jobs and wages on offer and Britain would have been a lot poorer without people migrating internally. 人们受到了就业机会和工资的吸引,如果没有国内人口流动,英国会比现在贫穷许多。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Feeling poorer and with fewer people prepared to lend them money, consumers are cutting back: witness the slump in car sales. 倍感贫困,无钱可借,消费者可谓如坐针毡,看看汽车销量的陡然下滑便知一二。 www.ecocn.org 4. The children of poorer working mothers are the least likely to benefit from female-friendly companies. 工作较差的母亲最不可能享受到女性友好公司的好处。 www.ecocn.org 5. What does make a difference to poorer students' achievement is how much time they spend being taught. 影响贫困生成绩的一个重要因素,是他们接受教育的时间。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Once she was beautiful and rich, but now she becomes dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It is due to what we have done to her. 曾经她美丽富饶,而现在她变得越来越脏,越来越贫脊,那都是我们造成的。 www.zww.cn 7. As in the rest of America, better-off whites were more likely to vote Republican, poorer ones to vote Democrat or not at all. 在美国其它地方,境况好一点的白人更加倾向投票给共和党,穷一点的会选民主党,或者谁的票也不投。 www.ecocn.org 8. Finally, he gave each beggar responsibility to help another poorer than himself. 最后,他吩咐每个乞丐必须去帮助比自己更不幸的人。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 9. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule! 若按照这个想法生活我们是多么可怜啊! bbs.24en.com 10. Companies were waking up to the fact that technological innovation and economic reform were opening up new markets in poorer countries. 企业纷纷认识到,正是技术革新和经济改革在打开贫穷国度的新市场。 www.bing.com 1. At thirteen he had to leave school as his father suffered some losses and became poorer for a time. 十三岁时他被迫离开学校,因为他父亲的生意亏损,家境一度很贫困。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. East Asian countries with more SOEs than China (North Korea and Vietnam) are poorer, just as you'd expect. 如人们所料,国有企业比中国多的国家(如北韩和越南),经济状况越落后。 www.bing.com 3. It was a street in one of the poorer quarters, where there was an open market which was generally crowded and noisy. 约定地点在一个穷住宅区的街上,这条街有一个拥挤且吵闹的自由市场。 www.bing.com 4. Spain and Italy would not be the only places to fret about the precedent of rich regions pulling away from poorer ones. 富裕的地区从较贫困的地区分离出来这个先例,西班牙和意大利并不是唯一对此操心的国家。 www.ecocn.org 5. I don't want to have to look at the person's face who just made me a few thousand ringgit poorer while I'm doing my lats. 我不希望有看的人的脸,我刚才谁数千林吉特更穷,而我在做我的拉特。 word.hcbus.com 6. "If you grew up in a poorer neighborhood, you'd be more aware of someone coming up behind you and stealing your bag, " Mr. 如果你成长于一个贫穷的街区,你就会更容易意识到有人跟着你试图偷你的包。 www.bing.com 7. The two together could produce a negative effect, causing Chinese consumers to feel poorer and to reduce spending. 两者加在一快儿产生了消极影响,使得中国消费者感觉比以前更穷了,他们不得不想着减少开支。 www.bing.com 8. It is too easy to just accept an order for a paint job, do virtually no preparation, and make a lot more money out of doing a poorer job. 仅仅是接受一个涂刷工作的订单,几乎不做任何准备,就能通过做一项不太好的工作挣更多的钱,这样也太容易了。 www.frponline.com.cn 9. When school buildings collapsed in Sichuan in the 2008 earthquake, the victims tended to be the children of poorer families. 当校舍在2008年四川大地震期间垮塌时,受害者一般是较贫困家庭的孩子。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Li, himself, did not flee because he did not want to return home to burden his family which had become still poorer. 李自己没有逃跑,因为家里比以前更贫困了,他不想回去增加家庭的负担。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 1. The Little Green Data Book 2007 shows that deforestation has essentially been a feature of the poorer countries. 2007年版《手册》显示,森林砍伐实际上已成为较贫困国家的一大特点。 web.worldbank.org 2. The fact that they even asked would affect your friendship, and would make you see them in a poorer light. 事实上这甚至会影响你们之间的友谊,使你们觉得两个人之间做不成朋友。 m.yeeyan.org 3. I had sold to a second-hand bookseller a volume which I prized, and was so much the poorer for the money in my pocket. 我向旧书商卖了一卷我所珍藏的书,尽管口袋里有了些钱,反而觉得更加贫穷了。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. The Republic was one of the poorer areas of the former Yugoslavia. 马其顿共和国是前南斯拉夫较贫穷的区域之一。 www.ebigear.com 5. Since their explicit agenda is to make us consume less, that is, to be poorer, they worry that this may not be popular. 既然他们的明确计划是让我们消费少一点,换句话说就是更穷一点,但他们担心这恐怕行不通。 www.bing.com 6. All this all leads to a much poorer experience in gameplay, leading to less customers, and less profit for gaming companies. 所有这些会让游戏变得不那么好玩儿。玩家流失,游戏公司赚的钱就会少。 www.tianyayidu.com 7. Underscoring the scope for catch-up, car ownership in eastern China is three times that of the poorer interior. 更为明显的差距在于,中国东部的汽车保有量是相对较贫穷的内地的三倍。 cn.reuters.com 8. Other men may see only trash, but there is often gold, which history will be poorer for not having. 别人认为是拉圾的,其中往往却有黄金,而历史将会因没有它而为之减色。 www.bing.com 9. Mr. Xie said 'developed countries should, at least, contribute 0. 7% of their GDP' to help fund poorer countries fight global warming. 解振华说,至少发达国家应拿出国内生产总值(GDP)的0.7%用于帮助发展中国家应对气候变化。 www.bing.com 10. But this sort of thing is much easier for giants like China or large countries like Bangladesh, than it is for poorer Mali or tiny Maldives. 相比中国和像孟加拉这样大国,更为贫穷的马里和小国马尔代夫做这方面的筹备就不是那么容易了。 blog.ecocn.org 1. One of the cruelties of unemployment is that it tends to fall most heavily on the poorer half of the economy . 失业中糟糕的事情之一就是它把大部分重担压在了较为贫困的那一半人身上。 www.bing.com 2. In the longer term faster growth in poorer countries' demand is bound to be good for the advanced economies, but it will take time. 从更长的时期来看,发展中国家内需的更快增长对发达国家肯定是有利的,但这需要时间。 bbs.ecocn.org 3. In the grand arena of ideas, we have tended to see emotion as the poorer cousin to thought, especially in the context of persuasion. 从广泛意义上讲,我们倾向于把情感当成是思想的软弱的小跟班,特别是当我们处于说服的环境中。 www.bing.com 4. "We know from our recent work that increases in stress result in deformities, leading to poorer survival of fish larvae, " he said. 他说:“从我们最近的研究得知,鱼压力的增加导致仔鱼畸形,从而使仔鱼存活率降低。” www.bing.com 5. Encouraging these in-game services could aid development in many poorer countries, said the report. 某报告称,对这些游戏内服务的鼓励能有助于许多贫穷国家的发展。 www.bing.com 6. The researchers say they found a link between being overweight and having a poorer memory, but we don't know why. 研究人员表明他们发现体重超重和记忆力差之间的联系,但我们并不知道为什么如此。 www.bing.com 7. It also recommends food production be scaled up in poorer nations that are heavily dependent on food imports. 研究机构同时建议严重依赖粮食进口的较贫困国家扩大粮食生产规模。 www.bing.com 8. Some institutions are going to launch a new scheme to encourage more youngsters from poorer backgrounds to go on to college. 一些机构准备计划一个新项目,以此鼓励更多来自贫困家庭的年轻人进大学深造。 www.bing.com 9. In general, the rougher the surface, the poorer the pitting resistance, and the lower the critical pitting temperature. 表面越粗糙,耐点蚀性能越差,临界点蚀温度越低。 www.csu.edu.cn 10. Just do not spend a week did I check uric convention twice a lot of poorer however? 才不过一个星期我查了两次尿常规却差很多? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Generally seniors aren't poorer than other groups of customers (in the United States, at least). 一般来说,老年人并不比其他人来得穷(至少在美国是这样)。 www.bing.com 2. Poorer people, who tend to depend more on natural resources, will bear the brunt as they will not be able to compete with the rich. 对自然资源依赖更多的穷人因为无法和富人竞争,将承受人口过多带来的冲击。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Social mobilisation often remains a distant dream unless poorer groups are (at least partly) relieved from economic insecurity. 除非较贫穷群体(至少部分)获得了稳定的经济状况,否则社会动员往往就仍然是一个遥远的梦。 www.icarrd.org 4. Ironically, it is often the poorer people who give the most. 居然是比较穷的人给的最多。 cetd.sysu.edu.cn 5. Associate Professor Kavanagh said living in a richer or poorer neighbourhood was more important than a person's actual income. 副教授Kavanagh表示,生活在更富裕或更贫困的地区比一个人的实际收入更重要。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. For poorer farmers in less developed countries, even modest investments that would greatly improve their coffee can be out of reach. 对于那些不发达国家里更为贫穷的农民来说,甚至提升咖啡质量的最常规的投资都是可望而不可及的事。 www.ecocn.org 7. Once I was beautiful and rich, but now I becomes dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It is due to what humans have done to me. 曾经我美丽富饶,而现在我变得越来越脏,越来越贫脊,那都是人类造成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Even though men work all their lives, and women work only temporarily or not at all, on average, men are poorer than women. 尽管男人终其一生努力工作,而女人只需暂时工作甚至更本就用不着工作,但是通常男人比女人贫穷。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He also finds that children in poorer families miss out on pre-school reading, socialising and physical exercise (see diagram). Marmot还发现贫穷家庭小孩没有接受学龄前教育、缺少社会实践和体育运动锻炼(见图)。 www.bing.com 10. International adoptions in the U. S. gained momentum during the 1990s as families reached out to orphans in poorer corners of the world. 二十世纪九十年代,美国的跨国领养势头强劲,一些家庭向世界贫穷角落的孤儿伸出援手。 www.bing.com 1. But it is one of only four countries to report a rise in the number of people expecting their families to be poorer since March. 但是只有四个国家的认为自己家庭收入自三月以来减少的人数在增加,而英国也是其中之一。 www.bing.com 2. Europe is the only region in which TB has risen continuously, particularly in the poorer countries of the former Soviet Union. 欧洲是唯一一个结核病例连续上升的地区,上升的趋势在前苏联的那些较为贫困的国家特别明显。 www.ecocn.org 3. Since poorer people tend to save less than richer ones, higher house prices ought to boost spending more than rising share prices. 又因为穷人的储蓄倾向要低于富人,那么高房价应该要比股价的上涨对消费支出的影响要更显著。 www.ecocn.org 4. One obstacle to effective counter measures is that piracy tends to be rife in poorer regions where law and order has broken down. 采取有效的反海盗措施最大的障碍是海盗行为易于在贫困地区滋张蔓延,那里正常法律秩序遭到了破坏。 www.hjbbs.com 5. "The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually, " he said. “物质上越富裕,道德上和精神上就越贫乏,”他说。 www.bing.com 6. Globalisation was not supposed to work like this: the rich get poorer, while the poor get poorer still. 全球化不应该是这样的:富人变穷,穷人变得更穷。 www.ftchinese.com 7. All of these results in competing demands for land and impoverishment of poorer groups whose land needs cannot be met. 所有这些导致对土地的竞争性需求,并导致那些土地需求无法得到满足的较贫穷群体更加穷困。 www.icarrd.org 8. It is obvious that a business based upon only a trickle of fine ideas has poorer prospects than one based upon a steady flow of such ideas. 显然,一个只是基于涓涓细流式的好想法的生意,其前景比不上有着源源不断的稳定的好想法的生意。 blog.163.com 9. Perhaps had the woman not belonged to the poorer class, in need of money, no such lawsuit would have been filed. 也许,假如那个女人不属于贫困阶层,不缺钱,就不会立案。 www.bing.com 10. It could continue like this more or less indefinitely, steadily growing poorer and older but still managing quite comfortably. 也许它就这样浑浑噩噩下去,难说变好还是变坏,逐步的变穷变老,但仍能维持其舒适。 www.ecocn.org 1. Decreased monsoon strength reduced the rainfall and led to a poorer harvest, which may have sparked unrest and led to the downfall of Tang. 减弱的季风强度减少了降水,导致农业歉收,从而很可能激发了暴乱,导致了唐朝的灭亡。 www.scidev.net 2. Even if they did not discriminate on the basis of content, access fees wouldautomatically marginalize smaller, poorer Web sites. 即便服务商不会以网站内容为由施行歧视政策,接入费用还是会将那些小规模的、比较穷的站点自动边缘化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Money is an infinite resource, and by gaining your own share of it, it does not make the world poorer altogether. 金钱是取之不尽的资源,你通过努力获得你应得的那份,这并不会造成其他人的贫穷。 www.elanso.com 4. The new universities are real enough, though they remain middle-class bastions: very few of China's poorer citizens get a look-in. 新建大学的确够多了,但是它们仍然是穷人难以企及的殿堂,只有非常少的中国穷人有机会进入大学学习。 www.bing.com 5. It grew worse during the recent recession, and is likely to widen again as government budget cuts fall disproportionately on poorer regions. 而且随着政府削减开支的举措对落后地区造成较大影响,地区差距很可能再次扩大。 www.ecocn.org 6. Poorer countries have tried to promote chosen industries as a way of speeding up economic development. 贫穷国家已尝试选择性的促进一些产业以便提升经济发展的速度。 www.bing.com 7. Belgium is now almost totally split on linguistic lines between the rich Flemish-speaking north and the poorer French-speaking south. 比利时现在几乎完全由语言区域分割,说佛兰德语的富有的北部和说法语的较为贫穷的南部。 www.bing.com 8. Nuclear power, coal with carbon capture, and ethanol were all poorer options, as were oil and natural gas. 核能、含碳的煤、乙醇和石油、天然气都属于次级的选择。 www.bing.com 9. a tax break for the first ten employees of new businesses set up in Britain's poorer regions. 贫困地区的创业企业,前十个雇员将有税务减免。 www.ecocn.org 10. In the early stages of capitalism factories turning out consumers' goods worked almost exclusively for the poorer strata of the population. 在资本主义的初期阶段,工厂所生产的消费品几乎全都是为了满足较贫困人口的需求的。 www.bing.com 1. In the early stages of capitalism factories turning out consumers' goods worked almost exclusively for the poorer strata of the population. 在资本主义的初期阶段,工厂所生产的消费品几乎全都是为了满足较贫困人口的需求的。 www.bing.com 2. Helicopter inherent characteristics make its flight poorer quality, and helicopters use task is asking that it has good flying qualities. 直升机的固有特点使其飞行品质较差,而直升机的使用任务却要求它具有良好的飞行品质。 stae.com.cn 3. but it could have tragic consequences for those of poorer ones, especially if higher prices for feed divert production away from food crops. 但是对比较贫穷的国家则会有很悲惨的下场,特别是价格升高诱使农人由粮食作物改种饲料作物。 www.vegsky.com 4. Many poorer countries are reliant on external assistance in the form of loans or grants to meet their post disaster reconstruction needs. 许多贫困国家依靠外部的援助以贷款或捐赠的方式来满足灾后的重建需求。 5. But he also lived extremely well--building his celebrated home at Monticello--and likely was poorer after the end of his presidency. 他在蒙提萨罗的家可谓富丽堂皇,奢华之风远近闻名。不过,在卸任总统后他可能就越来越捉襟见肘了。 www.bing.com 6. As a result of all this, ordinary households actually get poorer in relative terms and even in absolute terms. 这一切的结果就是,普通家庭相对而言确实越来越穷,甚至是绝对而言越来越穷。 www.bing.com 7. The one big misstep is a property-tax cap of about 2 percent a year that will severely hurt schools and services in poorer communities. 然而也有一项重大过失,那就是财产税每年上限额度为2%的规定将严重打击较贫困社区的学校及服务条件。 dongxi.net 8. China's middle class is still small compared to its much poorer rural population. 相对于其贫困的农村人口,中国的中产阶级毕竟是少数。 www.bing.com 9. If being able to borrow makes people feel richer (however illusory the sensation), having to repay the debt makes them feel poorer. 如果说借钱能让人们感觉自己很富有(不管这种感觉多么地不真实),那么还钱就会让人觉得更加贫穷。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Government subsidies and the creation of a national exchange would make premiums more affordable to smaller firms and poorer individuals. 政府补贴和国内交换的创立可确保小规模公司和贫困个人有能力负担费用。 www.ecocn.org 1. Equally worrisome is the low percentage of employment in industry, which should be the GDP driver of a poorer country like India. 同样令人担忧的还有工业就业率的低水平,工业本应成为推动印度这类贫困国家GDP增长的动力。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Even if the tax cut doesn't end the recession, it would at least ease the downturn's burden on poorer Americans. 即使减税不能遏制衰退,也至少能缓和下降的经济给穷人的负担。 www.bing.com 3. The truth is, such a society is, overall, a poorer society. 事实真相是,现在这个社会总体上已经越来越穷。 club.mil.news.sina.com.cn 4. But although some of the findings could be applicable to poorer countries, developing nations can face different challenges. 但是尽管其中一些研究可以适用于更贫穷的国家,发展中国家可能面临不同的挑战。 www.scidev.net 5. Some oversea workers have done so well, they've been able to outsouce their own outsourced works to those even poorer than themselves. 一些海外“接包”人员进展得相当好,他们已经能够将接到的外包工作再外包给那些甚至比他们自己还穷困的人。 www.yeeyan.org 6. China has announced two new carbon trading initiatives to help develop its poorer regions and meet the UN Millennium Development Goals. 中国宣布启动了两个新的碳排放交易项目,以帮助开发其贫困地区并满足联合国千年发展目标。 www.scidev.net 7. Although air conditioning provides relief, not everyone has access to it, especially poorer neighborhoods and developing nations. 虽然开空调可以缓解一下,但不是每个人都能享受得到,尤其是穷人和生活在发展中国家的人。 www.bing.com 8. Sophisticated analytical methods may be expensive and beyond the reach of many professionals in poorer countries. 在许多财务较困难的国家,精密的分析方法可能太过昂贵而超出专业人员所能负担。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. If it reaches the site of an outbreak quickly, an antiviral stockpile could especially help people in poorer countries. 如迅速运到暴发地点,抗病毒药物储存可尤其帮助较贫穷国家的人民。 www.who.int 10. Later in life, however, those same traits "appear to be related to less life satisfaction and a poorer reputation. " 然而在晚年,那些相同程度的自恋则“与对生活的满足程度降低有关,而且会与坏名声联系起来。” www.bing.com 1. That would suggest that poorer nations like India might have a bigger hand in current warming than we'd long assumed. 这意味着像印度这样的穷国对现在气候变暖的影响可能比我们长期以来预想的要大。 www.bing.com 2. India is poorer than China and does not feel the same sense of strategic rivalry with the US. 印度比中国穷,也没有与美国形成战略竞争的意识。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The United States has also proposed greater lending by the International Monetary Fund to relieve stresses on poorer countries. 美国还向世界货币基金组织提出了更大额的借贷要求,借以缓解贫穷国家的压力。 www.bing.com 4. The allocation of a significant portion of post-natural disaster financing to housing reconstruction in poorer countries is examined. 对贫困国家自然灾害后房屋重建的大部分资金的分配情况进行了调查。 5. China should also make sure that it continues to trade in sufficient volume with its poorer neighbors. 中国还应明确表示,将本国与贫穷邻国之间的贸易规模保持在足够的水平。 www.cei.gov.cn 6. The country's strong tax base means it has a welfare budget that poorer African neighbours can only envy. 强大的税基确保了南非的福利预算,较贫困的非洲邻国只能望而生羡。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But China is still far poorer than Japan was at its peak, and thus has more room to improve productivity. 但是中国仍然比最繁荣时的日本穷得多,因此也有更多的空间来提高生产力。 www.ecocn.org 8. Food aid is now generally directed toward poorer countries, but some countries that are not poor receive significant aid. 现在粮食援助一般提供给比较贫困的国家,但是某些并不很穷的国家却得到了大量的援助。 9. Oil-flush Abu Dhabi says it will finance more infrastructure projects in the poorer princedoms that make up the United Arab Emirates. 石油丰富的阿布扎比宣布,将在构成阿联酋的较为贫困的酋长国中,为更多的基础设施项目提供资金。 www.ecocn.org 10. The lives farmers led were often harder and their diets poorer than hunters', but that was beside the point. 农人所过的生活常更艰苦,食物也比猎人更差,但问题不在这儿。 www.bing.com 1. And the packaging company with a few poorer equipment, its construction assures hard. 而一些设备较差的装潢公司,其施工就难以保证。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The poorer the country, the larger the share of its health-care budget typically absorbed by the cost of drugs. 国家越贫穷,其花费在药品上的经费占医保预算越大。 www.ecocn.org 3. Miguel Brechner, the organiser, says it has brought home-computing to tens of thousands of poorer households, while also reducing truancy. 活动主办人MiguelBrechner表示,这项计划已经使数万个贫穷家庭迈入计算机时代,同时也降低了学生的旷课时数。 www.ecocn.org 4. The West should focus more on policies and good governance (something many poorer Indian states are crying out for). 西方则应该更加关注政策和善治(这是很多印度穷邦所亟需的)。 www.ecocn.org 5. Indeed, the gap between richer and poorer regions is likely to widen in many countries as the public-spending axe falls. 实际上,当削减公共开支的大刀挥起时,很多国家贫富地区间的差距可能会进一步扩大。 www.ecocn.org 6. She said many medical diagnostic tests are too expensive for people in poorer areas of the world to afford. 沃考特仁博士讲道,欠发达地区的民众无力承担许多昂贵的医疗检测的费用。 www.bing.com 7. The world will be poorer if only academics get sentimental about Great-Grandad's letters from the front. 如果只有专业学者可以领会前人的信件,世界将会多么可怜! www.bing.com 8. Men with spinal pain (neck or lower back) accompanied byNTW radiating into a limb had poorer health status than those with milder pain. 伴有放射至四肢的NTW症状的脊柱痛(颈部和腰背部疼痛)患者,其健康状况较仅伴有轻度疼痛者差。 s1521.degree-distance.com 9. Archer Militia are bow-equipped peasants or poorer townsfolk called upon to provide a settlement with a garrison of missile troops. 民兵类型:都市民兵弓箭民兵是装备战弓的农夫,应徵入伍为城邑提供远程防御力量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. A key challenge in addressing this problem was to increase the financing for and improve the quality of healthcare in the poorer provinces. 解决这个问题的一项重要挑战是,增加对贫困地区医疗服务的资助和改善这种服务的质量。 web.worldbank.org 1. Men with poorer beginnings tended to have more asymmetrical features in older age -- despite improving their social standing as adults. 小时候生活环境不好的男子,即使成年后社会地位提高了,也会在老年时期呈现更多的不对称特征。 www.china.org.cn 2. I wished him good night, and walked out of the shop, the richer by that sum, and the poorer by a waistcoat. 我对他说了一声晚安,走出他的铺子,手里多了一笔钱,身上却少了一件背心。 www.tdict.com 3. Medellin is located in a valley, the region's residents in many poorer simple houses, built on the hillside as a residence. 麦德林位于一个山谷,这一地区不少较为贫困的居民在山坡上建起简易房屋作为住所。 www.englishtang.com 4. Only one of the two methods showed a link between higher BPA levels and poorer quality sperm. 只有其中一个模型显示较高的BPA水平和低劣的精子质量有关联。 www.bing.com 5. Since the reform in countryside, villagers have been getting well off, only Biaojiuye's family was getting poorer and poorer. 农村改革后,村子里的日子慢慢好过了,唯独表舅爷家是越过越穷。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Their intention is to destroy lower, middle class and working strata and to create a new society, the rich richer, the poor poorer. 它们的目的是要毁灭中低阶级和工人阶层,然后建立一个新社会,富人更富,穷人更穷。 www.hxen.com 7. "The poor are also poorer now, so altruists can achieve more with their donation. " But as Karlan warns, not everyone is an altruist. “穷人目前也变得更穷,因此利他主义者的捐助可以起到更大的作用。”但卡兰警告称,不是所有人都是利他主义者。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Dedicated to the poor of a statue. His devotion to pray for God to bless him. he is becoming poorer. 穷人供奉了一尊神像。他虔诚地祈求神为他赐福。结果他变得越来越穷了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. In 1979 China had an incredibly inefficient communist system and was poorer than India, poorer than sub-Saharan Africa. 1979年,中国的共产主义体系丝毫不起作用,经济状况甚至比印度和黑非洲更为落后。 www.bing.com 10. If they feel poorer, they may cut back even if the price of their house has not fallen below what they paid for it. 而当他们感觉较穷时,即使他们的房价没有跌至其购入价以下,他们也许会削减借贷和支出。 www.ecocn.org 1. Poorer people have to think hard about a million things that affluent people don't. 穷人必须苦苦考虑的N多事情,富人不必去想。 www.bing.com 2. Without it, the patient will die or require dialysis for years, which is an expensive procedure and often out of reach of poorer patients. 否则患者将死亡或需要多年透析,这是一种非常昂贵的程序并且贫穷患者难以获得。 www.who.int 3. This would line up the poorer north and north-east against the wealthier, more populous south and south-east. 这将会形成贫穷的北部和东北部各州对抗富有且人口稠密的南部和东南部各州。 www.ecocn.org 4. Informal businesses have lower wages, lower growth rates, poorer safety records, tend not to pay taxes and are prey to corruption. 非正式的经营工资低,增长慢,安全记录差,逃税现象严重,还深受腐败之害。 www.ecocn.org 5. But they could feed the suspicion many poorer Chinese have that this is becoming a more unfair, less equal society. 但这样可能会加剧那些更加贫穷的中国人的猜疑,他们会觉得这个社会越来越不公平越来越不平等。 www.bing.com 6. However, in young, active patients, it results in an increased rate of revision and poorer outcomes. 然而,在年轻人中,活跃的患者,术后翻修率增高结果也较差。 www.ruanjian520.com 7. Often, as in Germany, the subsidies seem mainly to be a way to transfer funds from richer to poorer regions. 一般来说,就像在德国,财政补贴主要被视作从发达地区向贫困地区转移资本的方式。 www.ecocn.org 8. The education quality in Macau, compared with that in HK, is absolutely much poorer, esp. in the teaching of languages. 澳门的教育水平与香港和台湾相比,的确较为逊色,特别是语言方面。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. For people with an external locus of control, job control actually predicted poorer well-being and health as stressors increased. 为人民与外部的心理控制,作业控制实际上预测穷福祉和健康的压力增加。 www.syyxw.com 10. In North Las Vegas, a poorer suburb, the figure was one in five. 在北拉斯维加斯相对贫穷的郊区,这个比例达到了五分之一。 www.ecocn.org 1. The budget doesn't get into the details but a number of warehouse-like regional pavilions housed exhibits from poorer nations. 报告没有谈到细节,但有几个仓库一样的地区展馆容纳了来自贫穷国家的展览品。 cn.wsj.com 2. Considering the poorer financial status, they decided to delay their project . (表示条件)鉴于较差的经济状况,他们决定将工程推迟。 www.jxenglish.com 3. They were supported, perhaps, by the poorer class with a grievance . 他们也许受到心怀不满的贫民阶级的拥护。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Why do they say all that stuff at weddings about "sickness and health, richer and poorer, for better or for worse, 'til death do you part? " 为什么在婚礼上新人总要说“无论是好是坏、富裕或贫穷、疾病还是健康都彼此相爱、珍惜,直到死亡才能将我们分开。” www.btfire.com 5. But once poorer neighbours enjoy free movement, closing legal routes to work will inevitably result in a bigger black market. 但是一旦那些曾经贫穷的邻国们享受到了自由流动的权利,关闭合法的通道必然会导致更大的黑市。 www.ecocn.org 6. She comments that, while many are feeling poorer than they have in years, the super-rich, are, so far, relatively buoyant. 她评论说,尽管许多人都感觉他们不如以前富有,但目前为止超级富豪们仍相对轻松一些。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Children born to younger, poorer mothers were more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke. 年龄较轻的、经济较贫困的母亲的儿童接触二手烟的可能性更大。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. In a nutshell, the longer it takes you to recover, the weaker you are and the poorer your performance. 一言以蔽之,恢复时间越长,你会变得越虚弱表现也会越差。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. water resistance is poorer, coating in the long run, tunnel in damp environment, water, or even fall off. 耐水性较差,涂层长期处于隧道的潮湿环境中,会积水、甚至脱落。 www.bm37.com 10. Inner beauty belongs to person of ordinary appearance, who knows they would be poorer if they had no inner beauty. 内在美多属于相貌平平的人,他们知道没有了此优势便会更糟糕。 s.sogou.com 1. Underprivileged hme environments simply aren't conducive to doing schoolwork, which means poorer students are at a learning disadvantage. 基于诸多原因,弱势家庭的环境根本不利于学生做作业,也就是说贫困学生身处不利的学习态势。 www.netfm.com.cn 2. But the market turmoil may be a dress rehearsal for the real crisis that will emerge when the economy is in poorer shape. 但是,市场的混乱可能预计着一场真正的危机,当经济形势再趋恶劣,这场危机就会来临。 www.ecocn.org 3. The collapse of the traditional family has made black Americans far poorer and lonelier than they would otherwise have been. 传统家庭解体使美国黑人更贫穷、更孤独,而他们的状况本可能稍好些。 www.ecocn.org 4. People with disabilities experience poorer health, lower education, fewer economic opportunities and comparatively higher rates of poverty. 残疾人健康状况较差,受教育程度较低,获得的经济机会较少,贫困率相对较高。 web.worldbank.org 5. The disproportionate services GDP contribution is an anomaly in a poorer country like India. 服务业占GDP的比例偏低,这在印度这样一个较为贫困的国家是反常现象。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The problem was that the poorer countries couldn't afford them. 以前的问题是贫穷国家没办法负担得起药费。 www.scidev.net 7. Although Jiangxi is one of Chinas poorer provinces, GAO AN is known for its porcelain and beef cows. 江西是中国较贫穷的省份,然而高安却以瓷器和牛肉食品闻名。 www.prayforchina.com 8. US consumers would be poorer if foreign car companies had been denied access to our markets. 如果不准外国汽车公司进入我们的市场,那么美国消费者将会变得更穷。 www.ftchinese.com 9. To offer bargains is a commercial trick to make the poor poorer. When greedy fools fall for this trick, it's serves them right. 提供打折只是一个让穷者更穷的商业把戏。当贪婪的人落入这个圈套时,那是他们活该。 bbs.cqwu.net 10. Perhaps long-distance commuters tend to be poorer or less educated, both conditions that make divorce more common. 或许,长途通勤者更倾向于贫穷或受教育程度低,两种情况下离婚都更为普遍。 www.bing.com 1. In cahoots with the politicians, these giant firms are indeed ripping off the middle class and poorer Americans. 这些巨头企业与政客合谋,确实在剥削美国的中产阶级和穷人。 www.bing.com 2. They make themselves out to be poorer than they really are. 他们把自己说得比实际上要穷些。 www.bing.com 3. Many of its poorer members regard it as an institution dominated by the views of richer countries. 很多贫穷的成员国把IMF看做是由富裕国家观点左右的组织。 www.bing.com 4. This has helped poorer parts of cities in recent years, as young people bring money into the neighborhood. 由于年轻人的消费,给近几年市区中较贫困地区的发展做出了一些贡献。 www.kekenet.com 5. Operating profitably in poorer markets often means switching to smaller stores with a narrower range. 在较贫瘠的市场运营并有利可图,往往意味着店铺要变得更小,过道也比较狭窄。 www.ecocn.org 6. DESPITE all the aid, investment and remittances that flow from richer economies to poorer ones, too much capital sloshes right back. 尽管各种援助、投资与汇款从发达国家流入贫穷国家,但是有太多的资本悉数流回。 www.ecocn.org 7. of what coarse metal ye are molded- Shakespeare; produced. . . the common cloths used by the poorer population. 都是用一些次金属浇铸成的―莎士比亚;制造一些劣质布给穷人穿。 www.hotdic.com 8. So in Britain, "rich, thick kids" still perform better than their brighter but poorer classmates. 所以在英国,“家庭富裕又长得壮实的孩子”表现得比家庭贫困的同学要聪明。 www.bing.com 9. Helping poorer countries catch up has long been among the benefits touted for globalisation. 帮助贫穷国家迎头赶上是长期以来吹捧的全球化好处。 www.bing.com 10. More rule-based transfers from richer to poorer areas would probably need to be part of this. 扩大从富裕地区向贫困地区的基于规则的财政转移可能也需要成为其中的一部分。 web.worldbank.org 1. Poorer regions have the least impact on global climate change, their emissions are limited to basic survival. 贫穷落后的地区对全球气候的影响最小,除了基本生存不再有其他任何形式的碳排放。 www.chinadialogue.net 2. Though some pacemaker manufacturers have dropped the price down to $800 in poorer countries, that's still out of reach for many. 在一些贫穷的国家,虽然起搏器的一些制造商已经将其价格降低到800美元。但对许多人来说,这仍然是不可及的东西。 www.bing.com 3. They may have promised to have and to hold for richer and for poorer. 他们可能已经约定永远保持更富裕或是更贫困。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Consumers would end up poorer than they would have been without a climate-change policy. 与没有气候变化政策的情况相比,消费者最终的开支要更多。 www.bing.com 5. It would also be too slow to catch up with poorer European Union members' per capita output. 即便是要赶上欧盟内较贫穷成员国的人均产值,这样的发展速度也太慢。 www.ftchinese.com 6. This also leads to the increased concrete cost, more complex construction technology, poorer liquidity and deteriorated performance. 但这也使得混凝土成本提高、施工工艺复杂、流动性变差、性能恶化。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Instead, it will assess the financial situation of each candidate and give preference to students from poorer backgrounds. 替代的做法是将对每个申请入学学生的经济状况进行评估,而给予家庭贫穷学生以优先考虑。 www.hotdic.com 8. Now, eating dog is viewed by many as an embarrassing reminder of a poorer time. 现在,吃狗肉被很多人认为是贫穷生活的象征。 www.bing.com 9. In the poorer parts of Tunisian towns and in far-flung villages most people know someone who suffered this kind of humiliation. 在突尼斯市镇的贫民窟以及边远的村镇当中,大多数人的亲朋好友都遭受过此类屈辱待遇。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. Poorer countries tend to churn out a high percentage of consumer-oriented businesses. 而在穷一些的地方,创业者开设的更多是面向消费者的公司。 c.wsj.com 1. For now, Mr. Sokol is expected to focus on NetJets, one of Mr. Buffett's poorer performing investments. 目前,索科尔预计将集中精力关注NetJets公司的问题。这是巴菲特旗下业绩较差的投资之一。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The world would be a poorer place without the jokes sparked by ridiculous yet ruthless rulers. But Russia would be a lot happier. 这些笑话产生于荒诞而粗暴的社会,世界如果没有了它们将会很无趣,不过现在的俄罗斯人好歹开心许多。 www.ecocn.org 3. They suck all money from tax payers to their pockets. The unemployed were still looking for jobs, and the poor became poorer. 他们把纳税人的钱全部吸进自己的口袋,失业人员照样找不到工作,穷人越来越穷。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He advised WeiZhen sea from evil, WeiZhen poorer sea that he was able to pay, I conscience, but can't find their trouble afterwards. 他劝魏镇海破财免灾,魏镇海说他能够出钱,本人问心有愧,但不能事后再找他们的费事。 tv.360mp3.com 5. In her time, nursing was something done mostly by poorer women. 在她那个年代,从事护理工作的人大多是较为贫穷的女子。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 6. Those who propose these schemes are unconcerned by the obvious fact that a sparse population is, in general, a poorer population. 提些这种建议的人没有考虑到一个明显的现实,一般来说稀疏的人口会带来更糟糕的污染。 career.51youcai.com 7. Each is now 25 cents poorer and Chamberlain is a quarter of a million dollars richer. 现在每人少了25美分,而张伯伦多了25万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Easterlin concedes that richer people are more likely to report themselves as being happy than poorer people are. 他承认,一般来说,富人比穷人更有可能称自己是幸福的。 www.gzubbs.com 9. Offshore work is a component of most outsourcing contracts, but jobs no longer flow only from richer countries to poorer ones. 离岸工作仍是大多数外包业务合同的一个组成部分,然而,工作机会不再仅仅从富裕的国家流向较贫穷的国家。 www.ecocn.org 10. It is likely that those who consumed large quantities of diet drinks had a generally poorer diet than those who tended to avoid them. 这个结果很可能是那些喜欢大量饮用无糖饮料的人们,自己平时的饮食习惯就比那些尽量不饮用的人要差很多造成的。 dongxi.net 1. And if you think that it's just rivers in poorer countries that are badly managed, think again. 如果你认为仅仅是贫穷国家河流保护不善,那你需要三思了。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. The study found a link between higher levels of BPA in urine and poorer quality sperm. 研究发现尿液中高BPA水平同糟糕的精子质量存在关联。 www.bing.com 3. Common to these problems may be a failure to deliver nutrients and hormones to muscle because of a poorer blood supply. 对于老年人来说,这些问题的共同原因有可能是供血不足导致了养分和激素无法抵达肌肉部位。 www.bing.com 4. Most of the migrant workers in the Gulf states hail from Asia, but a lot are also sucked in from the poorer Arab countries. 墨西哥湾沿岸各国的大部分移民工人来自亚洲,但许多人却进入了更为贫困的阿拉伯国家。 www.24en.com 5. The report by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warns this trend could hurt richer and poorer nations. 总部设在巴黎的经济合作与发展组织发布报告,警告说这种趋势会对贫穷和富裕的国家都造成伤害。 www.voanews.cn 6. It was chiefly the poorer citizens of Athens who sustained this empire by their most vigorous and incessant personal service. 维持这个帝国的主要是雅典的贫苦公民的极端奋勇和孜孜不倦的个人服役。 www.jukuu.com 7. Along with these problems, human greed has increased, the poor are getting poorer and the epidemic of loneliness is growing. 伴随者这些问题,人类的贪欲在增长,穷人更穷了,孤独寂寞在蔓延。 www.showxiu.com 8. The rich man looked down on his poorer neighbours. 那个有钱人看不起比他贫的街坊们。 csz.xwoxx.com 9. For Angola, with its oil wealth, it is easier to push back against Beijing than for poorer African countries. 对安哥拉而言,由于拥有石油财富,它比其它较贫穷的非洲国家更容易对中国政府说不。 www.ftchinese.com 10. And a number of nations, wealthy in the aggregate but often poorer per capita, might even think the rules don't apply to them. 还有一些整体富裕但按人均所得较贫困的国家,甚至可能认为那些规则并不适用于它们。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The bottom line is that about 80 per cent of jobs in poorer countries require some form of vocational skills. 底线是贫穷国家80%的工作机会都需要一些职业技能。 mailftp.lihpao.com 2. Seoul should also make clear it has the stomach to take on the enormous political and economic challenge of absorbing its poorer cousin. 韩国也应表明,对接纳贫穷兄弟国家带来的巨大政治经济挑战,它有勇气承担。 www.ftchinese.com 3. But they differ in how to do that, with the US resisting obligations to help poorer nations with new energy technologies. 但在怎样做方面它们有分歧,美国抵制以新能源技术帮助较贫穷国家的职责。 www.stnn.cc 4. Low blood iron levels have been linked to poorer maths performance in a large, nationwide study of over 5, 000 American children. 低血铁水平已与数学表现较差的一个大的,全国5000多名研究美国儿童。 beautyplusnz.com 5. meanwhile, as a positive anti-poverty measure, the performance of re-employment policies is poorer than expected. 而再就业政策作为一项积极的反贫困措施,政策绩效差也强人意。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. No longer will Brussels and the richer North turn a blind eye to the spending and shenanigans of the poorer South. 欧盟和北欧富国将不再对南欧穷国的花销和胡闹睁一只眼闭一只眼。 c.wsj.com 7. Increased droughts and floods could bring crop failures and starvation in poorer parts of the world. 在世界一些贫穷的地方,持续增多的干旱和洪水会导致作物的减产和人民的饥饿。 www.bing.com 8. But if you think buying drinks will make you feel worse, and poorer, then I'm sure you're right. 但如果你觉得,请人喝酒会令你感觉更糟也更穷,我可以确信你是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This year it will get a bad rap from people who fear that more winners in poorer nations turn richer countries into losers. 今年,那些唯恐穷国中涌现更多赢家将使富国沦为输家的人士将对全球化大加挞伐。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Essentially, PPP numbers try to reflect the differences in costs of living and tend to boost the economic rankings of poorer nations. 从实质意义上讲,购买力平价数据是要反映生活成本的差异,这往往会提高贫穷国家的经济排名。 c.wsj.com 1. The US and other countries want the World Bank to control money raise to help poorer countries deal with climate change. 美国和其他西方国家希望世界银行来控制为贫困国家提供用于抵抗气候变化的资金。 www.tingclass.com 2. These banks can offer competitive loans and less onerous conditions to borrowers in Africa, Latin America or the poorer parts of Asia. 这些银行可以向非洲、拉美或亚洲较贫困地区提供有竞争力的贷款,贷款条件也没有那么繁复。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Conflicts between poorer peoples and richer neighbors have been part of human history since antiquity. 穷国与富国之间的冲突自古就有。 www.forbeschina.com 4. People with lower education levels also tend to be considered poorer. 受教育程度较低的人也被认为更穷。 www.bing.com 5. How does the condition with not quite good in the environment, poorer condition fall to grab job of good party work? 在环境不太好、条件比较差的情况下怎样抓好党务工作?王建华说:除了带头还是带头,除此之外,我没有绝招。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 6. A devaluation is a proxy for a national pay cut: it helps exporters but makes consumers of imports poorer. 贬值可以减少国民支出:它对出口商有利,但是对进口商品的消费者不利。 www.ecocn.org 7. If these same consumers are poorer on average, it would also be regressive. 如果这些人平均来说都比较贫穷的话,对价格上涨的反应同样会是反向的。 www.ecocn.org 8. Considering the poorer fineachciwis status; they decided to delay their project . (表示条件)鉴于较差的经济状况,他们裁夺将工程推延。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The bazaar is also home to members of two poorer Muslim groups, who are said to be descended from low-caste former Hindus. 集市也是另外两个较穷一点的穆斯林团体的家,据说他们是印度教下等种姓的后代。 www.bing.com 10. Do you promise to love her and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as you both shall live? 你愿意发誓,无论病痛还是健康,无论贫穷还是富裕,只要你们两人都活着,你都会一直爱她,在她身边吗? select.yeeyan.org 1. Previously, the German chain stuck to the suburbs, where poorer folk live, says Fatouh Mourad, the store's manager. 这家德国连锁超市的经理FatouhMourad说,以前,这家超市坚守贫穷一些的人居住的郊区。 www.ecocn.org 2. And in poorer nations generally the proportion of urban poor is actually increasing faster than the rate of urbanisation. 通常在更穷困的国家,城市贫穷人口比例实际增速快于城市化进程。 www.ecocn.org 3. These people include good government officials who try to make policies that benefit the poorer class of society. 这些人中包括一些好的政府官员。他们努力制定造福社会中贫穷阶层的政策。 www.neworiental.org 4. Nehemiah was angry inside, over what some of the rich people were doing to the poorer people: What did he do? 对于他们当中的有钱人这样欺压同胞,尼希米感到非常气忿。他如何处理呢? blog.163.com 5. In some of the smaller and poorer countries, the populists' caricature has a grain of truth to it. 在一些较小和较穷的国家,平民主义者的讥讽也确有那么一丝真实。 www.ecocn.org 6. Poorer countries in the region, whose export sectors are dominated by garments and commodities, have been hurt badly too. 该地区较穷的国家,其出口部门主导的是服装和日用品,也已遭到重创。 bbs.yeeu.org 7. Leotheras the Blind - One of the poorer fights for a resto druid. 瞎眼-这是对纯恢复德倒霉的战斗之一。 www.9158w.com 8. The drivers, mostly migrant workers from poorer inland provinces, circulated a list of demands and appointed representatives. 这些司机大多是来自贫穷内陆省份的外来人员,他们提出了一份要求解决的问题清单,并指定了代表。 www.bing.com 9. It is quite natural for average prices to be lower in poorer countries and therefore for their currencies to appear cheap. 在比较贫穷的国家,平均物价自然较低,因此它们的货币看起来也便宜。 hi.baidu.com 10. Research also show children from poorer homes are more likely to interpret a series of mock social situations as threatening. 同时也有研究显示,来自贫困家庭的孩童,更可能把一连串摸拟社会情境解读成威胁。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. A number of things came together to make mobile phones more accessible to poorer people and trigger the rapid growth of the past few years. 多种因素的综合作用使手机越来越多地进入到低收入人群当中并促使其在过去的几年中快速增长。 www.ecocn.org 2. But many poorer families do not have money for a hospital or live too far away. 但是,许多贫穷的家庭没有钱去医院或者住的较为偏远。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The region was already poorer than much of Japan, its population ageing faster and many of its younger people gone to the cities. 这一地区本来就比日本大部分地区要穷,人口老龄化速度更快,而且许多年轻人都到大城市去了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Related to this is the point that it is never a proper goal of policy that anyone should be poorer. 与此相关的一种观点是制定政策的目标不应当是让人变穷。 www.bing.com 5. In many poorer countries, that means focusing on activities dominated by small-scale manufacturing, farming and services firms. 那么在许多相对较贫穷的国家里,就意味着要集中力量发展小型制造业、种植业及服务业公司。 www.elanso.com 6. But she was born in 1964, when Americans lived shorter, poorer lives and southern blacks couldn't vote. 但是她出生于1964年,那时美国人的寿命比现在短暂,也更贫穷,南部的黑人还没有投票的权力。 www.bing.com 7. As hypothesized, we found that those respondents who were unemployed had significantly poorer mental health than those who were employed. 就像猜测的那样,我们发现失业者们比有工作的人的精神健康更糟。 www.bing.com 8. What can be done to help poorer countries reach the next stage of economic development so they can eventually get rich? 要采取何种措施才能帮助较贫困国家达到下一个经济发展阶段,从而最终变得富有呢? www.ftchinese.com 9. Cities contribute much less to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than assumed, particularly in poorer countries, according to a researcher. 一位科学家说,城市对温室气体排放的贡献远远小于原先估计的水平,特别是那些穷国的城市。 www.scidev.net 10. Income inequality within a country can make those at the bottom feel poorer, no matter what their absolute income. 无论他们的绝对收入是多少,一国之内的收入不平等会使那些底层的人群感到更穷。 www.ftchinese.com |
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