单词 | planner |
释义 | planners是planner的复数
复数:planners n. organizer,developer,city planner,arranger,designer 例句释义: 计划者,规划师,规划者,策划者 1. S. military planners should not assume that this will always be the case, even against seemingly lightly-armed insurgent adversaries. 美军规划者们不应当假定这会永远保持下去,即使在面对使用轻型武器的武装人员时也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Disputes over the northern city of Kirkuk remind America's war planners of how much remains to be done. 围绕北部城市基尔库克的争议提醒美国的战争部署者,还有多少事要做。 www.bing.com 3. And I shall call those cities and parts of cities which have been deliberately created by designers and planners artificial cities. 和我将请这些城市和部分城市已被蓄意制造的设计师和规划师的人工城市。 www.8875.org 4. We urge you to dream. Our Conference Planners will use their insight and expertise to help take your meeting to the next level. 请您想象一下。我们的会议规划者会议洞察力和专业知识帮助您解决一个又一个问题,最终将会议圆满的执行。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Ukraine used to get its gas allocation from Soviet planners and continued to expect the same after independence. 乌克兰过去从苏联的规划者那里获得天然气分配,在独立后也期望得到同样对待。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These planners decided what goods and services were produced, how much was produced, and who produced and consumed there goods and services. 这些计划者决定生产什么,生产多少,谁来生产和谁来享用这些产品和服务。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. For energy planners, a crucial question is how much this technology would cost if refined and installed on a bigger scale. 对于能源规划设计师而言,他们关注的一个关键性的问题是如果改进并大规模安装,这种技术的成本会有多少? www.bing.com 8. Air Force planners continued to see a need for the larger version of the radar. 空军规划人员仍在寻求开发大型雷达。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. After the war, the city planners decided to give it a modern look with shopping districts and broad avenues. 战后,都市计划人员决定给它一个拥有购物区和宽阔街道的现代化风貌。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. Ironically, those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated the hell out of the economy over the last few years. 具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn 1. Britain did not rule out the possibility of military strikes, and US planners were preparing for such a move. 英国没有排除军事打击的可能性,美国作战规划者也正在准备此类行动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Tax planners faced an "extremely challenging" environment for the immediate future at least, said the study. 调查显示,至少在不久的将来,税收筹划者将面临一个“极具挑战性”的环境。 www.ftchinese.com 3. All of it has been constructed to produce a carefree day of entertainment by amusement park master planners. 设计一个游乐园时,要先计算其日平均接待游客的数量。 www.zftrans.com 4. At the heart of our business are talented architects, landscape designers, urban planners, engineers, drafters to name a few. 处于我们的业务核心位置的一批才华横溢的建筑师、景观师、城市规划师、工程师、制图师等等,不一而足。 www.haoqiantu.cn 5. And corporate "scenario planners" are better than they used to be at thinking about Black Swan-type events. 并且,企业“预案制定者”在考虑“黑天鹅”型事件时也比之前要好很多。 www.ecocn.org 6. Only a generation ago social planners worried about what people would do with all this new-found free time. 只有上一代的社会规划者担心人们将要如何处理这些新找到的自由时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The planners had not provided for a failure of the power system. 制定规划的人们没有考虑到动力系统可能失灵。 8. Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot find the funds for it. 那些城市的规划者们如果大意这一点,将会付出他们无法蒙受的代价。 www.5qzy.com 9. Officials debated how useful one would be in a conflict over Taiwan, the military planners' main preoccupation until a few years ago. 官方就航母能在台海冲突中扮演什么样的角色展开辩论。台海问题直到几年前一直是军事计划的重中之重。 www.bing.com 10. After an arduous exploration, the truth has finally surfaced, the original, it was a premeditated conspiracy, planners is the shar khan. 经过一番艰苦卓绝的探查,真相终于浮出水面,原来,这是一场蓄谋已久的大阴谋,策划者正是沙尔汗···。 shentandirenjie4.cn 1. According to official said the Taliban leader Cary Tahir (q ari tahir) is the U. S. aircraft attack planners. 据这位官员称,塔利班头目卡里·塔希尔(qaritahir)是此次美军机被袭的策划者。 www.englishtang.com 2. Once the planners gained competency with the new systems, they found them easy to use. 一旦计划员们完全了解了新的系统,他们就会发现很容易使用。 www.navis.com 3. If you think China's central planners can tweak levers in a control room to correct the situation, you're not really thinking. 假如认为,中国中央决策者能坐在控制室里想出妙计改变这个局面,那么,你根本没用脑子思考。 www.bing.com 4. I designed an ad that looked like an invitation; it was aimed at corporations and trade show planners, among others. 我设计了一种看起来像邀请函的广告,主要针对对象为合作与贸易展览策划者。 www.bing.com 5. The KNX system together with ETS offers an easy to handle manufacturer independent toolbox for all planners and installers . KNX系统同时还提供了一个易于操作的制造商独立工具箱给策划者和安装者使用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Many city planners believe that cities, or at least their central areas, should be kept free of automobiles. 许多市政规划者认为,城市,至少是市中心,不应该有车辆通过。 www.hotdic.com 7. Still, military planners may be reluctant to fully trust a weapon that has never been field-tested. 但是,军方计画人员或许仍然不愿充份信任未经实际测试的武器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Network planners wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night when faced with "the unexpected. " “不可预测性”会让网络规划者们在午夜中带着冷汗惊醒。 kb.cnblogs.com 9. But he said that it was a focus of policy planners. 但是他说,这是政策计划人员考虑的一个重点。 www.bing.com 10. As is pointed out in the report, future food supplies will depend as much on family planners as on fishermen and farmers. 正如那份报告所指出的,未来的粮食供给既取决于农业耕作者,又取决于计划生育的决策者。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. He made his case before several presidents, military planners and Congress. 他曾在多位总统、军事策划家及国会面前试图证明自己的观点。 chinese.wsj.com 2. There are those whose food source is love, and the Original Planners intend to alter the frequency of Earth to that of love. 还存在那些是爱的食物来源,而原规划者打算改变地球的频率到爱频率上。 hnpt.blog.163.com 3. But inflationary pressure will remain strong, making it the top priority of planners when they draft macroeconomic policies to deal with it. 但通货膨胀压力仍然很大,使这些计划者不得不在制定宏观经济政策时将其作为首要问题来解决。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. After the reunification of Germany, West German planners found the work of their colleagues over the border to be dehumanising. 东西德统一后,西德规划师就觉得东德的规划太不人性化了。 www.playenglish.net 5. A similar annual checkup takes place in another type of practitioner's office: financial planners. 另一种类似的年度检查是在金融顾问的事务所里进行的。 www.bing.com 6. Thos urban planners who ar blind to this point will pay a have price, which thy cannot afford it. 那些城市的规划者们假如忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价。 www.jgzyw.com 7. The betting odds were that GM's planners were either war gaming how it would fold Chrysler in to the company or cut spending. 可以确定的可能性是,通用的主导者们在模拟着怎样组合克莱斯勒汽车,或者怎样减少开销。 biz.bossline.com 8. Personally, I do not diversify, at least not in the way the financial planners recommend. 就我个人来说,我不主张多元化,至少不会采用像财务顾问那样的办法。 www.bing.com 9. Budget planners think the change could bring in an extra $80m a year from licence fees. 规划预算者认为这一改变一年可以多征收8000万美元的营业执照费。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. Therefore, it becomes one of the main tasks for planners to satisfy the sunshine requirement in the planning of high-rise communities. 在高层居住区规划中满足日照要求成为规划师主要解决的问题之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Chinese economic planners have been trying put restrictions on purchasers to let prices decline gradually. 中国经济规划者一直试图对购房者施加限制以促使房价逐步下降。 c.wsj.com 2. The possible reasons for this might be relevant to customers' familiarity with and trust in financial planners. 其可能原因为客户与理财规划人员的熟识度与信任度有关。 www.cetd.com.tw 3. But what should rightly concern American military planners is not so much the missile but the new Chinese naval strategy behind it. 但恰恰值得美国的军事策划人员关注的并非中国那么多的导弹而是潜藏其背后的中国新海军战略。 dongxi.net 4. Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price , which they cannot afford it. 那些城市的规划者如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的沉重代价。 www.worlduc.com 5. Those urban planners who are not blind to the point will pay a heavy price, which them cannot afford it. 那些都市的规划者们假如忽视这一点,将会付出她们无法承受的代价。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This frustrates Chinese authorities and Expo planners who wanted this "Economic Olympics" to be as high-profile as the athletic one. 这使得中国政府以及世博策划者十分烦恼,他们希望这次的“经济奥运”能与北京奥运一样高水准。 www.bing.com 7. Prices of new homes rose in January from a year earlier in all but two of 70 cities monitored by central planners. 1月,在中央规划者监测的70座城市中,只有2座城市的新住宅价格未出现同比上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The planners of this campaign clearly wanted to make sure that, whatever the outcome, Russia would be blamed for worsening the situation. 这次运动的始作俑者意图很明显,无论结果怎样,俄罗斯必会因其破坏了当前局势而受到谴责。 yinghanhuyi.com 9. Chinese government planners have long known that the urge of couples to have sons was skewing the gender balance of the population. 中国政府的计划部门始终认为,夫妇们渴望有人儿子的渴望一直在影响着人口的性别平衡。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. New materials requires teachers imparting knowledge from the simple step by step into a director who planners. 新教材要求教师从单纯的知识传授者逐步转变为导演者、策划者。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. But it also served to call in what modern military planners would term air support. 可是,这也起到了请求给予现代军事学家所说的“空中支援”的作用。 www.24en.com 2. They teach children that the biggest problems of the day can only be solved by central planners. 学校教导学生,现今那些最严重的问题,只有那些中央计划者可以去解决。 www.bing.com 3. As a result, making cities more climate-resilient must be a priority for city planners and managers around the world today. 因此,加强城市适应气候变化的能力,必须成为世界各国城市规划者和管理者的当务之急。 web.worldbank.org 4. By luck or design, however, the newly installed interim chief of staff, Pete Rouse, is one of Washington's great long-range planners. 但幸亏或有意的,新任过渡幕僚长彼得罗思,是华盛顿伟大的长远规划者之一。 www.bing.com 5. Judging from all the struggling land planners I talk to, I think the next 2-3 years are going to be even leaner than today. 看所有的土地规划挣扎我交谈,我认为未来2-3年内将要甚至比今天更精干。 www.igolfyou.cn 6. We must watch out some ill-intentioned Internet planners who are trying to mislead public opinion. 我们要警惕某些恶意网络推手企图误导舆论。 gb.cri.cn 7. By law all financial planners are required to be registered with a government agency. 所有财务策划师都应按照法律要求在政府机构里注册后才得上岗营业。 www.ef.com.cn 8. In Shanghai alone, urban planners believe some 5 million people will move to what are called "satellite cities" in the next 10 years. 单就上海来说,城市规划人员相信在未来的10年里,将有5百万人迁移到“卫星城”。 blog.163.com 9. Yet the lean years helped to stop the city's historic buildings being replaced by the concrete utopias beloved of modernist planners. 然而这段萧条时期阻止了城市的历史建筑被现代化主义规划者的混凝土乌托邦所取代。 www.bing.com 10. The planners, led by Microsoft veteran Dean Hachamovitch, came up with a concept for preventing consumer tracking. 由微软资深员工哈查莫维奇(DeanHachamovitch)带领的设计师团队提出了防范消费者被追踪的理念。 c.wsj.com 1. We need to break down our vision of what planners are, of what the correct way of a path is. 我们需要仔细分析我们的想法关于未来规划者应该是什么样,关于正确合适的道路是什么。 www.ted.com 2. German military planners, if they did not welcome war, by 1914 were increasingly inclined to expect it. 即使德国军队的计划者不欢迎战争,到1914年他们也渐渐倾向于期望战争。 www.bing.com 3. City planners have to think about getting water, electricity, sewage, and other services to allow the city to function. 城市规划者必须考虑获得水、电、污水和其他服务才能使城市运转。 www.ibm.com 4. Business planners must now confront a much wider set of scenarios that could affect the profitability of contemplated long-term commitments. 制定商业计划的人士今后必将面对更加多变的形势,这些形势可能影响长期商业计划的盈利能力。 www.ftchinese.com 5. And in Santiago, the planners imposed arbitrary routes that took little account of passengers' habits. 在圣地亚哥,决策者制订的不经过大脑的路线根本没有顾及乘客的习惯。 www.ecocn.org 6. You may not know it to look at them, but urban planners are human and have dreams. 你从外表也许看不出来,但城市规划者通人性,有梦想。 blog.163.com 7. But, by thinking smaller, military planners have developed weapons that use a similar principle, without the need for a nuclear explosion. 然而,遵循小巧即好的思维定式,军事规划者们已研发了运用类似原理且无须核爆的武器。 www.bing.com 8. Investigators took a computer, cell phone, camera, planners and a diary from Yang's room. 而在杨欣屋内调查人员拿走了一台电脑,一部手机,一台相机,日程表以及一本日记本。 www.bing.com 9. After 20 years of stagnation, nuclear energy again finds favor in the eyes of many energy planners. 核能发电的发展停滞了20年后,再度受到许多能源规划者的青睐。 www.showxiu.com 10. Diplomats are interested in what they think states intend to do, but military planners have to work with what they think states can do. 外交官们对它国打算做的事情感兴趣,但军方的规划者们必须从他们认为它国能够做到的事情着手。 www.ecocn.org 1. Intent on the post had been reached, the project manager, real estate sales and planners are still shortages. 就已经达成意向的职位而言,项目经理、房地产销售和策划人员仍然短缺。 dictionary.osun.org 2. Government planners were reported to have asked state oil companies to beef up diesel supplies to meet a seasonal spike in demand. 政府要求国有石油公司加强柴油供应,以应对季节性需要高峰的到来。 3. Arguments for a "peace production board" are heard before the war ends. Wartime "planners" who want to stay in power, encourage the idea. “和平生产委员会”的争论在战争结束前就开始了。而希望继续拥有权力的战时“计划制定者们”鼓励这个想法。 tianyayidu.com 4. But what central planners in Beijing want is not always what they get. 然而,北京的中央规划者并不总是能够如愿以偿。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Military planners have also expressed concern that attempts would be made to kidnap him. 军事策划人员同时也表示出了对绑架的忧虑。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. Nato planners are worried that the pace of the bombing campaign is taking its toll on the limited number of air crews involved. 北约的指挥官们开始担心越来越强的空袭将导致有限的空军力量变得捉襟见肘。 blog.163.com 7. History has also repeatedly shown how the commanding heights beloved by government planners can turn into costly economic sink holes. 历史再三表明,政府规划者钟爱的制高点,会变成代价高昂的经济“无底洞”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The commencement of a government bond market in coming months will create another policy tool for government planners. 在未来几月将开始实施的政府债券市场会为政府决策者们带来另外一个政策工具。 www.bing.com 9. The planners decided to enlarge the four villages and preserve their distinct identities. 设计者们决定扩大这4个村庄并保留它们各自的特色。 infos.edulife.com.cn 10. It offers a bit less to experienced office systems planners, who may be familiar with many of the concepts. 对于可能已熟悉许多概念的有经验的办公室系统策划者来说,这本书提供的东西少了一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Tools are the things like planners, todo managers, calendars, development environments, applications, etc. 日程安排表、待做事情管理器、日历、开发环境、应用等都可以看做工具。 www.bing.com 2. Those urbar planners who are shutter to this point will pay huge price which they cannot fund it. 那些都邑的规划者们要是轻视这一点,将会付出他们无法接受的代价。 www.5qzy.com 3. Coping with inflation is just one of the many challenges facing economic planners in Beijing. 处理通胀问题时北京的经济决策者们多面临的最具挑战性的问题之一。 blog.renren.com 4. Accordingly, planners have decided to block off huge swathes of downtown Washington. 因此,规划者决定封闭到华盛顿市中心的主要道路。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At the time of the Economica articles, Popper was between Hayek and the socialist planners. 在《学报》争论时期,波普尔的观点介于哈耶克和社会主义计划经济学家之间。 kk.dongxi.net 6. Beyond the environment, testing also requires test teams, coordinators, planners, and, where possible, dedicated hardware and networks. 除环境之外,测试还需要测试团队、协调员、计划人员,并在可能时还需要有专用的硬件和网络。 www.ibm.com 7. But military planners need to think of what Taiwan can do to maximize the effect of American intervention should it come. 美国会随之改变自己的防御和计划。但是军事决策者要考虑到美国干涉地最大化的结果。 www.bing.com 8. And, if it does, can town planners and biologists learn from one another? 而且,如果这个说法确实有道理的话,城市规划师和生物学家可否互相学习一下? www.ecocn.org 9. China's banks historically operated as a branch of the government, funneling capital where the central planners thought it was most needed. 中国的银行历来就是政府的分支机构,中央政府认为哪里最需要钱,银行就把钱花到哪里。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Rising food prices might be one thing on the minds of Thanksgiving Day meal planners this year. 今年不断上涨的食物价格有可能要成为感恩节食物制定者们要考虑的一件事。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. It should be a team effort. Find reputable estate planners, attorneys, financial advisors and accountants. 应该有一专业的团队来干这种事(不动产评估师、理财顾问、律师和会计)。 www.bing.com 2. City dwellers' emissions per person tend to be lower, and the more planners can do to increase population density the better. 城市居民人均二氧化碳释放量更低,规划师越能提高人口密度,效果就越好。 www.ecocn.org 3. Thanks to its irrepressible growth, China's national income is bigger than its planners expected. 由于其势不可挡的经济增长,中国的国民收入超出其规划人员的预期。 www.bing.com 4. Yet despite planners' prejudices, places like Houston and Dallas are more than collections of pesky suburban infestations. 然而,抛开城市规划师的偏见不谈,像休斯顿和达拉斯这样的城市并不仅仅是城郊的肆意膨胀。 www.bing.com 5. Plus, once you get labeled as a doer, everybody wants to work with you because they have all been burned by planners and talkers. 此外,一旦你被公认为实干家,每个人都会愿意与你共事,因为他们都被计划狂与空谈者忽悠过。 www.bing.com 6. Thirty percent of planners also cited that they would be looking for event planning software suppliers at this year's exposition. 30%的策划者同时表示他们将会在今年的展览上寻找会议策划软件供应商。 www.bing.com 7. Research contact names in the Directory of Meeting Planners or start with your local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club. 查查那些组织者的联系方式,或者先从当地的商会或扶轮社开始。 www.bing.com 8. If you are forced to take a salary cut, financial planners advise creating a realistic new budget and sticking to it. 如果你被迫接受减薪,财务规划专家建议你重新制定一个现实的新预算,并严格执行。 www.hjenglish.com 9. To cope with the population growth, our planners, architects and engineers have been looking for new - and often higher - solutions. 为了应对人口增长,我们的规划者、建筑师和工程师已经着手寻求新的更高层次的解决之道。 www.kouyi.org 10. But some financial planners ignore the Wall Street prognostications altogether. 但一些财务规划师则完全忽视华尔街的预言。 www.haiguinet.com 1. With American help, the dictator brought in Constantinos Doxiadis, then one of the world's leading city planners. 在美国的援助下,独裁者带来了康斯坦丁·陶克西亚迪斯,后来世界城市规划中的佼佼者。 dongxi.net 2. It rejected the idea of large-scale new construction; that had been the downfall of past Olympic planners. 它不包括大规模的建设体育场馆计划,因而被之前的奥运规划者们痛骂。 www.bing.com 3. By pointing out underlying problems, the system shows urban planners where to focus their attention, Zheng says. “通过指出潜在的问题,这个系统展示给城市规划者哪儿是值得特别注意的地方。”郑宇表示。 www.bing.com 4. It was built to demonstrate the power of the Hapsburgs rather than the supremacy of town planners . 该城的建立并非是显示城市设计者们高超的技艺,而是体现了哈布斯堡王朝的权威。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. These are the kind of medium-to-low probability outcomes with significant consequences that planners must take into account. 这些中低型可能性的结果,其影响值得规划者认真考虑。 dongxi.net 6. Government is building a social credit system advocates, planners and designers, is a social credit system construction of the initiator. 政府是社会信用体系建设的倡导者、规划与设计者,是社会信用体系建设工程的启动者。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Certainly, democratic India cannot be bulldozed and rebuilt by central planners in New Delhi. 当然,民主的印度不能由新德里的中央计划者推倒重建而来。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Now a few planners and politicians are starting to try something new: embracing shrinking. 现在只有几个规划者和政客开始进行新的尝试,包括缩减城市规模。 www.bing.com 9. With that notion in mind, we asked planners what they ask their clients during their annual financial physicals. 有了那个念头,我们就想,规划师在年度财务健康状况检查时,都会询问他们的客户哪些问题。 www.bing.com 10. Central planners have resolved to clean up the country's heavy industries, but they don't always get what they want, writes Patti Waldmeir. 中央决策者已决心整顿本国重工业,然而他们有时不能如愿。在各级省市,地方官员常常有其他想法。 new.chinadialogue.net 1. A database of how people behave in modern cities could also be a goldmine for urban planners. 关于现代城市人们行为方式的数据库,还可能成为城市规划者的金矿。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It is no coincidence that sports and amusements have carefully "planned" in all regimented nations. Once started, "planners" can't stop. 在所有的严格控制的国家,运动和娱乐都被仔细地“计划”了,这绝非巧合。一旦开始,“计划制定者”就无力阻止。 www.tianyayidu.com 3. But even so, planners should note that there is now evidence that even a well intentioned new road may make traffic jams worse. 但即便如此,规划者也应该注意到,即使是一条善意修建的新公路也有可能让交通堵塞更严重。 www.ecocn.org 4. The actual impact of the warning remains to be studied, but Vidale says planners in the Pacific Northwest should take it into account. 这一警告的真实影响仍然需要进一步研究。但Vidale称在西北太平洋地区的政策执行者需要对这一警告进行认真地考虑了。 www.bing.com 5. Among rich countries Australia stands out as a place whose geography and geology pull its energy planners in different directions. 在富裕国家当中,澳大利亚的地理和地质条件将该国能源规划者引向不同方向。 www.ecocn.org 6. From specialized photographers to wedding planners, would-be couples have plenty to choose from. 从专业摄影师一直到婚礼策划人,即将结为夫妻的人们有很多选择机会。 en.cnxianzai.com 7. I talked with a dozen financial planners to find out their concerns, and tried to address them in my talk. 我和十几个财务策划师聊天,以找到他们关注的焦点,再试图把他们融入到我的谈话中。 www.bing.com 8. But, to soften the pain of the inevitable reckoning, he advises Beijing's central planners to recognize that the era of high growth is over. 不过,为了缓解不可避免的算总帐时的痛苦,邓肯建议中国的中央决策者承认高增长的时代已经过去。 hi.baidu.com 9. Until recently military planners had assumed that fuel would be plentiful and easily available. 直到最近军事策划者们都认为燃料会很充足且容易得到。 www.ecocn.org 10. Interior designers and planners in cooperation with SieMatic create kitchens for people that are looking for something exceptional . 室内设计师们与西曼帝克紧密合作,为那些渴望与众不同的人们设计厨房。 www.bing.com 1. Introduce architects, designers, builders and planners to working with bamboo as a structural material. 介绍建筑师,设计师,建设者和规划者与竹作为结构材料。 www.showxiu.com 2. Many in Washington are cross: their defence planners face hard choices, too. Why spend money protecting ungrateful, stay-at-home skinflints? 华盛顿一方则十分愤怒:他们的防御规划者面临也面临艰难选择:为什么要花钱保护忘恩负义、龟缩不出的小气鬼们呢? www.ecocn.org 3. I paid the bureau a fee, and they invited meeting planners to see speakers, including me, deliver speeches. 我向演说局缴纳了费用,他们安排会议筹办人员来观看包括我在内的演讲者们演讲。 www.chinastudents.net 4. Because Chinese planners want industrialists at home to move up the value chain. 原因何在?因为中国的规划者希望国内的实业家向价值链高端转移。 www.bing.com 5. There part of the "reintegration" strategy that military planners are gambling will win over sceptical Afghans. 这是军事谋划者们正在投石问路的“重新整合”战略的一部分,以赢得持怀疑态度的阿富汗人的支持。 www.ecocn.org 6. Armies take advantage of this hard wiring, as do the smartest corporations, not to mention wedding planners. 军队利用了这项成果来帮助建设,同样还有那些最聪明的公司,更不提那些婚礼设计者们了。 www.bing.com 7. As one of his country's major economic planners, Wan is very aware of the pitfalls ahead. 作为他的国家的主要经济计划制定者之一,万很清楚他们面临的问题。 www.fyjs.cn 8. Investment brokers and security officers, retirement planners, accountants and CPAs are in continual demand to meet this need. 投资经纪人、证券交易员、退休规划者、会计等职业的需求量也将继续增加。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. Mass privatisation broke the planners' grip but failed to create the hoped-for shareholder democracy. 大规模的私有化挣脱了计划者的控制,却没能建立起所希望的持股制民主。 www.ecocn.org 10. As a private manufacturer, founded in 1986, the company has grown up outside the direct control of China's economic planners. 这家成立于1986年的民营制造商,迄今一直在中国经济规划者的直接控制范围之外增长。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, without guidance, it is not easy for planners to determine the most effective locations for placing wind turbines. 然而,如果没有安装指导,规划人员就很难判断哪儿是安装风力发电机最有效的位置。 www.frponline.com.cn 2. those urban planners who are blind to this point will payaheavy price , which they cannot afford it. 那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点你着该死的温柔将会付出他们无法承受的代价。 www.ichacha.net 3. And government planners say that resolving it could raise annual GDP growth by a full percentage point. 政府计划人员说解决这一问题将使每年GDP增长提高整整一个百分点。 www.ecocn.org 4. Concept: The work is inspired by the abstraction that planners and architects experience when designing road networks. 作品构思:作品从城市建设者和建筑师在设计道路网体验的抽象中得到灵感。 www.artnow.com.cn 5. But even a replacement-level rate would not be enough for today's planners. 然而对目前的政策制定者而言,生育率即便达到人口取代水准仍嫌不足。 categories.christianlovedating.com 6. might be one thing on the minds of Thanksgiving Day meal planners this year. 可能成为今年人们计划感恩节大餐要考虑的一件事情 voa.hjenglish.com 7. This "fully burdened" cost of fuel is seeping into the calculations of military planners. 这种燃料成本的“沉重负担”正在悄悄进入军事策划者们的考虑之中。 www.ecocn.org 8. China adopted a form of Soviet-style accounting designed to serve central planners. 中国采用了专为中央计划政府服务的前苏联式会计方法。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Landscape planners could maintain the excellent place of landscape and improve the poor according to the evaluation results. 景观规划师可根据评价结果有的放矢保留景区优良景观地段,改善差劣景观地段。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Our ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, orchestrators who seeded worlds and civilizations with creativity and love. 我们的祖先是一些地球的原始的计划者,是用创造性和爱播种世界和文明的交响乐家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Numerous development zones encircle most Chinese cities, and town planners encourage companies to go. 大部分中国城市被数不清的开发区包围着,城市规划人士鼓励公司搬离市区。 c.wsj.com 2. Uncertainties in the predicted prevalence and the numbers infected should be acknowledged by control programme planners. 控制血吸虫项目的规划者对预测的流行程度和感染者数量不确定性要有充分的认识。 www.who.int 3. SWOT is a handy mnemonic to help corporate planners think about strategy. SWOT是一套简易便利的帮助公司策划者思索战略的工具。 www.ecocn.org 4. Rising food prices might be one thing on the minds of ThankgivingDaymeal planners this year. 食物价格上涨也可能对今年感恩节大餐计划者来说是一个要考虑的事情。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Perhaps China does not mean ever to use its weapons aggressively. But American defence planners cannot rely on that, so they must respond. 也许中国从来没有想要带攻击性地运用武器,但是美国的防御策划者不能完全相信,他们必须做出回应。 www.bing.com 6. How can planners guarantee flexibility of usage, determine the technical strategy and select from available systems accordingly? 规划者如何保证使用的灵活性,从现有的技术系统确定相应的战略和选择? www.ccebook.net 7. And its big but ill-equipped armed forces, perhaps the navy aside, trouble no military planners outside of South Asia. 而其庞大但装备不良的军队(海军除外)对南亚以外地区军事规划者构不成任何威胁。 www.bing.com 8. In Brand's report, planners stood for bureaucrats everywhere, and hackers became not mere technicians, but cultural revolutionaries. 在布兰德的报告中,规划者无时不在为官僚代言,而黑客不只是技师,更是文化革新者。 www.bing.com 9. The conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have made planners acutely conscious that fuel dependence is putting US forces at risk. 阿富汗和伊拉克爆发的冲突也使制定计划者敏锐地意识到,对于燃料的依赖使得美国军队处于风险当中。 www.bing.com 10. Existing hydroponic greenhouses provide a basis for prototype vertical farms now being considered by urban planners in cities worldwide. 现有温室水培法为立体农场原型提供了现实基础,正为全世界的城市规划师所认可。 www.bing.com 1. Second, the newspaper editor is to news reports at each stage of the activities of planners and organizers. 第二,报纸编辑是每一阶段新闻报道活动的策划者和组织者。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Golf-course designers can be divided into two camps, which can be generally described as planners or builders. 球场设计师可以分为两大阵营,一般描述为规划师和创造师。 q.sohu.com 3. If urban planners are right, finding parking for all those vehicles might be no problem. 如果城市规划者没有错,寻找停车场也许不是问题。 www.bing.com 4. Facility planners had to choose layouts that make material handling efficient not only in each individual plant but throughout the complex. 设施规划者必须选择那些不仅在每个工厂内部而且在整个综合企业中就物料搬运来说都是有效的布局。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. College and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, and a Professional Planner licensed in New Jersey . 山姆获得亨特学院城市规划硕士学位,是美国规划师协会会员,新泽西州注册规划师。 www.jukuu.com 6. Some Wall Street disaster planners believe more pressure needs to be put on the utilities by their regulators. 一些华尔街灾难预防规划者认为,监管机构须对公用事业部门施加更多的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Even the town planners have had to retreat. 就连通州区规划局也不得不收敛拳脚。 www.ftchinese.com 8. TMOS is used in areas near Air Force landing strips around the world to provide weather data for planners and field commanders. TMOS用在空军飞机跑道区附近,为规划者和战地指挥官提供天气数据。 www.etiri.com.cn 9. When planning for high volume sites, planners must consider the impact of invalidation traffic on network bandwidth and plan accordingly. 在规划一个高容量网站时,策划者必须考虑无效流量对网络带宽的影响,相应作出规划。 www.ibm.com 10. However, China has so many economic planners who are supposed to have such foresights. Otherwise, why should we have economic planners? 但是,中国有这么多的经济计划者,他们应该有此先知先觉。 www.lvye.org 1. The Original Planners wish to bring freedom of choice with respect to frequency back to this planet. 最初的计划者希望用尊重频率带来自由选择回到这个行星上来。 hnpt.blog.163.com 2. But many planners don't set minimums and charge flat fees of as little as $1, 000 a year. 但许多理财规划师并未限定最低资产金额,并只收取低至每年1000美元的固定费用。 cn.wsj.com 3. So how do planners and policymakers in the U. S. get people to take the necessary steps before, during and after a disaster? 美国的计划和政策制定者们如何让人们在灾难发生之前,灾难期间和灾难发生之后采取必要的措施呢? www.bing.com 4. The survey also points out that few Chinese women claim to be expert financial planners. 该调查指出,她们普遍没有信心说自己很精通财务规划。 www.hxen.com 5. Commissioned Officers are the managers, problem- solvers , key influences and planners who lead Enlisted Soldiers in all situations. 军官是管理者、问题解决者、关键作用者和计划者,他们在各方面领导着士兵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. His criticism of mechanistic technology has attracted environmentalists and planners. 他对于机械技术的批判也深深吸引着环保主义者和规划者的目光。 www.bing.com 7. Evaluates planned order and exception reports using Oracle Applications Planners Workbench. 在Oracle系统中评估计划订单和特例报告。 hr.wtojob.com 8. Charlie's planners are a great way to break your big project vision down into little steps. 查理规划就是一个方法,可以很好的将巨大的项目远景分解为多个步骤。 www.bing.com 9. Rome wasn't built in a day, but planners and workers made progress each day and the city became great. 罗马不是一天建成的,设计者和工人一天一天地取得进展,城市才变得宏伟。 www.bing.com 10. The venue also offers themed hassle-free kids' birthday parties with party planners to offer an unforgettable birthday experience. 该场地还将提供派对策划员为小朋友及家长制造「无烦恼」的完美难忘生日派对。 www.seemacaunow.com 1. Communist countries worked on the premise that central planners in the government were in the best position to guide economic activity. 共产主义国家运行的前提是,政府的中央计划者能在最正确的位置上指导经济活动。 www.showxiu.com 2. Lead a team of planners responsible for machine specs, procurement, project management and machine improvements. 领导计划员团队负责机器参数规格,采购,项目管理及机器改进; www.lietou.com 3. That process has extraordinary appeal to state planners but is horribly inefficient for individual institutions. 那个过程对于国家审计部门非常有吸引力,但对于单个金融机构来说,效率太差。 www.bing.com 4. They are unreconstructed central planners who can't get used to the idea of not dictating prices. 他们的思想还停留在中央计划的年代,无法适应取消指令性价格后的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With increased local and global interest in sustainability and urban design, professional planners are in great demand. 随着更多的地方和全球可持续发展和城市设计的兴趣,专业规划师的需求甚殷。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The picnic planners left out of account that it might rain. 计划去野餐的人没考虑到会下雨。 www.hotdic.com 7. One symbolic move the US made in the recent financial crisis showed how out of touch its economic planners had become. 美国在最近金融危机中的一个标志性动作,表明了该国经济规划者们是多么脱离实际。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The JSOC planners determined to keep the operation as secret as possible had decided against using additional fighters or bombers. JSOC策划者决定尽可能地保持此次行动的机密性,他们决定不使用额外的战斗机或轰炸机。 www.bing.com 9. However, Ma continued, China's urban planners have realized the problem and have been adding missing features into neighborhoods. 当然,马海兵补充道,中国的城市规划者已经意识到问题所在,并且开始在社区中补充缺少的设施。 www.bing.com 10. If America and Europe were to go to war over subsidies now they would find what military planners call a "target-rich environment" . 如果现在美国和欧洲要就补助金开战,他们会发现处于军事家所称的“多目标作战环境”。 ecocn.org 1. But with the bill not likely to become law for months, planners in Winchester and across England are in limbo. 但议案在几个月之内是不太可能成为法定条例的,温彻斯特以及全英的规划师们仍旧一头雾水。 www.ecocn.org 2. So the power companies' incentives are not necessarily aligned with those of central planners in Beijing. 所以,电力公司的刺激不一定与北京的中央计划人员的动机相一致。 www.bing.com 3. This team is composed of architects, urban planners, interior designers, landscapers and civil engineers. 团队成员包括建筑师、规划师、工程师、景观设计师以及室内设计师。 www.dblant.com 4. Areas devastated by war or invasion challenge urban planners. Resources are scarce. The existing population has needs. 被战争和侵略破会的地方给了城市规划师一种新的挑战。那里的资源匮乏到不能满足现存人口的需求。 wenwen.soso.com 5. JANUARY: Max those savings! Financial planners argue you should be saving 15% or more of your income each year. 一月:尽可能提高储蓄比例。理财顾问认为,每年应该把收入的15%以上存起来。 chinese.wsj.com 6. You and Esme should go into business as wedding planners. 你和埃斯米应该开婚礼筹办的公司。 bookapp.book.qq.com 7. Chinese planners now talk of the need to restrict investment in sectors that are overflowing with unsold products. 现在,中国的规划人员谈到需要限制各个领域的投资,在这些行业未销售出去的产品一直流动过剩。 www.xgbbs.net 8. For meeting planners, the hotel offers more than 1824 square meters of meeting and banquet space to suit every occasion. 对于会议组织者,青岛万达艾美酒店配备了总面积达1824平方米的会议和宴会空间。 www.grandhotels.com.cn 9. The findings will be used in a last-ditch effort by tax planners to persuade the Treasury to rethink its plans. 税务规划师将利用这些调查发现来进行最后努力,旨在游说英国财政部重新考虑其计划。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Prior to implementing Navis Expert Decking, all yard planning was paper-based with planners using basic allocations. 在使用NavisExpertDecking之前,所有的堆场规划都是纸张作业,由计划员用基本分配方法完成。 www2.navis.com 1. In this paper, we describe a computer-based tool that planners can use to easily evaluating the alternatives of public facility plans. 本研究提出一套电脑化工具,让规划者能够方便地评估公共设施计画方案。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. And planners use their annual checkups to help clients make sure they are doing that. 规划师们运用他们的年度检查报告帮助客户们实现他们的愿望。 www.bing.com 3. America's military planners worry that China is using cyberspace not just for espionage but to prepare a future hot war, say over Taiwan. 美军的计划人员担心,中国不仅正在利用网络从事间谍活动,而且也在为未来的热战争——如对台动武——作准备。 www.ecocn.org 4. The next five years, urban planners say, will be critical to Mumbai's future. 城市规划者表示,今后五年对于孟买的未来至关重要。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This system may can effectively support the developmental decision marking for planners and developer. 此一系统也许能够有效地支援规划师与开发者之发展决策工作。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Stauffenberg and co-planners of the assassination was executed, but he became a German 20th century, one of the few undisputed hero. 施陶芬贝格以及暗杀的共同策划者被处决,但他成为了德国20世纪为数不多的无可争议的英雄之一。 www.englishtang.com 7. Watch out for "wedding planners. " 警惕“婚礼策划师”型投行。 www.fortunechina.com 8. This article is intended for the architects and planners of the operations center. 本文针对的读者是操作中心的架构师和规划人员。 www.ibm.com 9. Transport planners are also developing ways of managing the existing road network more efficiently. 公共交通的筹划者们同时也在想方设法使现行的道路系统更有效地发挥作用。 www.jzit.net.cn 10. Construction has already started on what will eventually be a 175m tower and planners are aiming to complete it by September next year. 这栋高达175米的城堡已经动工,设计者计划在明年9月之前完工。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Such advertising creative is in place to attract developers and estate planners, or indeed think it portends some? 这样的广告创意是开发商和策划者在做秀吸引购房人,还是它的确想预示一些什么? dictsearch.appspot.com 2. City planners, who once viewed parks as financial drains and nests of crime, now see them as magnets for tourists and creative types. 那些曾经视公园为浪费金钱和罪恶深渊的城市规划者,现在将它们看作是吸引游客的特色景观和创新的设计。 www.ecocn.org 3. Are planners following the correct model to build their cities? Are they in danger of making the same mistakes as the West? 规划人员是否以正确的方式建设城市?他们是否存在重复西方同样错误的危险? www.bing.com 4. Opportunistic weeds and pests will migrate, and often be a surprise to the planners. 投机取巧的野草和害虫将会迁徙,而且经常对种植者造成奇袭。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Be it kitchen ware or an electronic personal care product or planners and communicators, all come under this category of gifts. 你可以送给她厨房用具或个人电子产品或通讯工具,这些都属于可以帮助到母亲的礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Planners, engineers, academics and officials will discuss whether transport is our solution or our enemy. 规划师、工程师、学者及政府官员将会讨论交通系统对我们的城市是利是害? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Planners had to presume it existed, which meant the B-2 bombers would have to drop a large amount of ordinance. 策划者只能假设那里存在暗道,这意味着B-2轰炸机得投放威力很大的炸药。 chinese.wsj.com 8. With a real-time view of the terminal, planners can make more strategic decisions, optimizing labor and equipment resources. 通过对码头的实时观测,规划人员可做出更有计划性的决策,并优化劳动力和设备资源的利用。 www.navis.com 9. The appropriateness of future living in what should be embodied? Town planners need to use what means to create new urban scene? 未来居住的适宜性应当在哪些方面加以体现?城市规划者需要用什么样的手段去创造新的城市景象? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. What publication planners understand by the term is precise but it is also quite distinct from the popular interpretation. 选题策划者对这个词的理解与大众的理解不同,那是相当的精确。 www.foodmate.net 1. Assist to execute action plans to recruit and develop a team of high quality productive financial planners and managers. 协助执行公司销售队伍增员及培训计划,协助培养高素质、高产能的财务规划师和经理人队伍。 www.qzr.cn 2. Planners had envisioned a new agricultural corridor nearly 10 miles wide on either side of the tracks, doubling regional food production. 规划者本设想在铁路两边10英里开发新的农业走廊,从而使该地区粮食产量加倍。 www.bing.com 3. We spent some time with a number of cocktail experts and party planners to show you how simple it can be. 让我们与几位鸡尾酒专家和派对企划师一起,告诉你这能有多简单。 www.tingroom.com 4. The sentiments voiced by McDonough several years ago typified the grand aspirations of the eco-city planners. 几年前McDonough表现出的热情代表了生态城市规划者们的宏大愿望。 www.bing.com 5. The country's powerful economic planners see the auto industry as a "pillar" of the national economy. 中国最高经济规划部门认为,汽车业是国民经济的一个重要“支柱”。 www.ecocn.org 6. The politicians and planners are gambling that, by arranging Angelenos in a more conventional pattern, they can change their behaviour. 政客和城市规划者们正在冒险尝试。他们觉得用“常规的”方式重新安置洛城人民,就可以改变其行为习惯。 www.ecocn.org 7. Military planners in Canberra, though, are wary of China's rapid arms build-up and the expanding might of Indian forces. 不过,堪培拉的军事决策者们对中国军力的迅速提升和印度军队的扩充感到担心。 www.voanews.cn 8. Therefore, they are not injected with cash to improve their liquidity position by government planners fearful of systemic collapse. 因此,由于政府规划者对金融系统倒塌的恐惧,他们也没有资金的注入用来改善财政状况。 www.bing.com 9. The solar approach worked because planners positioned buildings so that no home could throw a shadow on its neighbors' southern windows. 太阳能的引入发挥了作用,因为规划者对建筑物的布置做了规划,以防止住宅会遮挡邻居的南向窗户。 dongxi.net 10. The best civil engineers we had, the best planners, the best architects. 我们最好的土木工程师,最棒的策划人,最有天赋的建筑设计师。 www.ted.com 1. It is no wonder that planners wanted construction in Aurora to begin quietly. 计划者希望奥罗拉的工程悄悄开工也事出有因。 www.showxiu.com 2. Still, riding this doctrine, U. S military planners are pursuing dozens of space-based technology efforts. 然而,美国军事策划者仍然秉行这个方针,开发数十个项目的太空技术。 www.hotdic.com 3. Meanwhile in Minsk, city planners are drawing up blueprints for Belarus' first "kitai gorod" or Chinatown. 与此同时,在明斯克,城市规划者们正在为中国城或者说是唐人街绘制美好蓝图。 www.bing.com 4. The variety, quantity and prices in every sphere of the economy were fixed by state planners. 经济各领域的种类、数量、价格由国家计划执行部门制定。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The key feature is a visualized supply chain which enables planners to base their decisions on real-time numbers. 而最主要的特点是一条形象化、高透明度的供应链,它容许计划者根据实时数据去作出任何决定。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. We are your experienced planners, expert partners for implementation, and reliable service providers. 我们是具有丰富经验的策划人;专业合作伙伴;可信赖的服务供应商。 www.kuka.cn 7. To keep the economic engine on, while reining in car use, some city planners choose to simply increase the price of driving. 既要保持经济增长,又要限制汽车使用,许多城市规划者选择简单地增加驾驶成本。 www.bing.com 8. Brussels was apparently almost as good as Paris until the postwar city planners wrecked it. 布鲁塞尔据说曾经和巴黎几乎一样美好,但战后城市规划师把她毁了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It was not intended to last forever, and social planners in Beijing thought it should probably endure for 30 years. 独生子女政策是在1979年正式生效,这原本并非是一项永久政策,当时北京的社会规划者认为它可能持续30年。 www.bing.com 10. They are biased and insular. He gives "a typical example" where planners ask leading questions from the audience about their preferences. 他给出的“典型例子”是,这些人员在展示自己所作所为时向听众提诱导性的问题。 www.bing.com 1. The planners are usually covered in real leather and are quite striking and stylish. 本本的封面一般是真皮的,看上去相当显眼、时髦。 iattraction.cn 2. The W took a cue from the St Petersburg's original planners, hiring Italian architects to design the 137 rooms and suites. W酒店学习了圣彼得堡传统的设计师,雇佣了意大利建筑学家来设计了137间单间和套房。 www.i21st.cn 3. To Chinese military planners, Taiwan is a potential base from which to push out into the Pacific. 对于中国大陆的军事规划者而言,台湾是向太平洋进军的一个潜在基地。 www.bing.com 4. Those urban planners which are blind to that point be to offer a heavy price, which we could not aftod it. 那些都市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出她们无法承受的代价。 www.ffenglish.com 5. Not surprisingly, Chongqing grew fast once central planners separated it from Sichuan. 无需惊讶,自从中央将重庆从四川省划分出来它的发展速度就非常快。 www.bing.com 6. Each country's planners develop their own separate menus of desirable imports and surplus goods available for export. 每个国家的计划制订者分别拟定出所需要的进口商品和可供出口的剩余商品的清单。 7. Now even as its slopes are scarred by erosion and defiled by tons of garbage, planners seek to accommodate more people. 现在即使它的斜坡由于侵蚀变得伤痕累累和受到大量垃圾的污染,计划者仍然设法接待更多的来客。 bbs.0756tong.com 8. The central planners, then, are in need of a good crisis. 中央政府需要的是一次幸运的危机。 chinese.wsj.com 9. China's hunger for energy may soon be met by domestic supplies of natural gas, if the country's policy planners have their way. 按照中国政策规划者的计划,国内天然气供应可能会很快满足中国的能源需求。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In conjunction with T&D planners, develop plans to build and deliver prototype vehicles in line with Test and Development plans. 与试验计划编制人员一起,按照测试和开发计划,制定样车制造和交付计划。 www.haoqiantu.cn 1. Even some professional party planners, who are often hired for their inventiveness, now steer clear of creative instructions. 即使是专业派对策划人,现在也和新奇的着装规定划清了界限,虽然人们雇用他们通常就是看中了他们的创意。 www.neworiental.org 2. Program planners developed a community action plan to address the perceived barriers. 项目规划开发了一个社会行动计划,以解决知觉障碍。 www.syyxw.com 3. Financial planners strongly advise parents against plundering their own retirement savings, which they are likely to need, to pay for this. 理财专家们强烈建议学生家长们不要将自己的养老积蓄用来为孩子付学费,这笔钱他们自己可能还用得着。 www.kekenet.com 4. The Japanese were particularly punctilious planners, typically looking ahead in great detail on a 10-year horizon. 日本人是特别精细的设计者,尤其能详细地考虑十年以内的规划。 www.bing.com 5. The research is to provide healthy planners with useful information on systematic changes. 这项研究试图为保健规则人员就体系上的变化提供有用的信息。 blog.emuch.net 6. Planners also overestimated the coverage that networks would provide. 相关规划人员还高估了该网络的覆盖范围。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield. 创造性的宇宙射线通过最初的创造者发送而且最初的计划者通过这频率护罩渗透。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. British planners want to maintain aesthetic balance in areas with architecturally interesting buildings. 英国的规划部门希望维系独特建筑风格地区的审美平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Eventually the planners agreed that it made the most sense to fly directly into the compound. 策划者最终认为直接飞进庭院是最合理的方法。 www.bing.com 10. Many strategists recommend an equity allocation well below the standard 60% that financial planners suggest. 很多投资策略师建议,绝对收益组合的权益类配置要远低于金融规划师推荐的60%的标准水平。 c.wsj.com |
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