单词 | Ph D |
释义 | 例句释义: 哲学博士学位,博士课程,博士生,薄饼博士 1. Out of my friends that were in possession of decent degrees in Physics, I was the only one that carried on to a PhD. 一起读物理专业的同学里,就我一个人读到了博士毕业。 www.bing.com 2. He was studying for his PhD in actuarial science, but no one expected him to go on to a career in academia. 他在攻读保险精算博士学位,但没有人希望他今后走学术道路。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Luo Long is not a wealthy man, just a good PhD, is a middle-level cadres of the company. 罗富陇并不是什么有钱的男人,也只是个优秀的博士生,是一家公司的中层干部。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. In the case of your PhD, the years of toil and tuition fees paid should be irrelevant. 就你的博士学位而言,付出的多年努力和学费都并不重要。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He took his PhD at Berkeley, but back in China he was firmly of the opinion that China should follow its own path, not the West's. 他在伯克利取得博士学位,但回国后他坚持中国应该走自己的路线,而不是照搬西方。 dongxi.net 6. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center was one of the first institutions approved to award master and PhD degrees. 中山大学中山眼科中心是我国可招收眼科硕士和博士研究生最早的单位之一。 rsc.sysu.edu.cn 7. Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date. 具有博士学位的天文学家不可能与一对在露天约会的年轻情侣以同样的方式注视星光明亮的天空。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Professional schools are now encountering the graduate-overproduction issues with which PhD programmes have been wrestling for decades. 专业学院现在面临毕业生生产过剩的问题,这也是博士教育近几十年一直努力解决的地方。 dongxi.net 9. I understand that doing a PhD with so much pressure from both study AND the social circle must be very challenging and stressful for you. 我知道在读博期间,你会受到来自学业和社会的很多压力,这些对你来讲都很有挑战而且很紧张。 wenwen.soso.com 10. another , which covers the whole of the uk , allows any overseas student completing a phd degree to stay and work for a year. 另一个在全英国推出的项目是允许完成博士学业的外国留学生在英国生活和工作一年。 www.ichacha.net 1. Using the IBM dump engine: The dump engine provides a large number of events on which you can produce a PHD or system dump. 使用IBM转储文件引擎:转储文件引擎提供了大量您可用来生成一个PHD或系统转储文件的事件。 www.ibm.com 2. It was there that Sudhir Venkatesh found himself in 1989, as a sociology student doing fieldwork for his PhD thesis. 1989年,就在那里,一个研究社会学的博士生---苏蒂尔?万卡特希,找到了自己研究领域的论文主题。 www.ecocn.org 3. You don't HAVE to be aprofessor, you know. Almost all PhD disciplines in the sciences havesome private-sector employers. 你不一定非得成为一个教授,科学领域几乎所有有PHD的学科都能找到私营部门的雇主。 www.bing.com 4. It's just like that you can't ask a elementary student to come out with a PhD thesis. 就像你不能要求一个小学生能做出博士论文来。中国毕竟还只是一个发展中国家。 www.chinadialogue.net 5. There seemed very little point in continuing with his research because he might not live long enough to finish his PhD. 由于他可能不能活到完成博士学位那天,他觉得继续研究已经没有什么意义了。 www.kekenet.com 6. Cognitive neurologist Alireza Atri, MD, PhD, agreed that this might be useful. 认知神经学家AlirezaAtri博士同意该研究发现可能有用。 news.dxy.cn 7. Quite unexpectedly, in 1995, the average weekly earnings of master degree graduates drew even with that of PhD graduates, both at $185. 出乎意料的是在1995年,硕士毕业生的平均周收入与博士毕业生拉平:皆为185美金。 edu.21cn.com 8. "I didn't hire him as a research assistant, " said the chancellor, Angela Merkel, herself boasting a PhD (legitimately, it is believed). 吹嘘自己有一个博士学位的总理安吉拉·默克尔(AngelaMerkel,她有一个博士学位这个是真的)说:“我并没有雇佣他作为一个助理研究员”。 www.ecocn.org 9. The average PhD thesis is nothing but the transference of bones from one graveyard to the other. 至于博士论文,十之八九无足观赏,不外把一堆尸骨从一个坟墓搬到另一个坟墓。 edu.philosophyol.com 10. Now there are plans to send 10, 000 lecturers and students abroad over the next four years for research or to obtain masters or PhD degrees. 如今还打算在未来的4年中送1万名教师和学生出国从事研究或攻读硕士、博士学位。 www.scidev.net 1. A young man who had recently earned a PhD accepted a post-doctoral position in a city far from his hometown. 一位最近获得博士学位的年轻人在离家很远的城市找到了一份博士后研究员的工作。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Many of those who embark on a PhD are the smartest in their class and will have been the best at everything they have done. 很多去读博士学位的人都是班上最聪明的学生,他们也可以把他们想要做的任何事情做到最好。 www.bing.com 3. Medvedev recalled working as a labourer and a snow sweeper while studying for a law PhD at Leningrad State University. 他还回忆起在列宁格勒国立大学修读法学博士时当打工族和扫雪工的情景。 www.bing.com 4. But the PhD enrollment, enrollment for three consecutive years has been a (very small increase to the new doctoral units). 但博士招生,已经连续三年停止扩招了(极少量增加给新增博士单位)。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. In the early years of research - typically honours, masters and PhD years - a beginning researcher has the support of supervisors and peers. 在做研究的早期日子里——(typicallyhonours),研究生,博士阶段,一个新手会得到指导者和同伴们的帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I must confess Obama's election campaign was one of the most hopeful things for US democracy . . . but I have a PhD in political science. 我必须承认,奥巴马的竞选是美国民主中最有希望的事情……但我是政治科学方面的博士。 dongxi.net 7. "Prof Nancy Ip and Dr Andrew Miller have inspired me greatly, " said the high-flyer who wants to complete his PhD at HKUST. 这位满怀大志的年轻学子打算在科大完成哲学博士课程。他说:“叶玉如教授和梅安祖博士对我启迪良多。” publish.ust.hk 8. Mr Reichert, a PhD student at the University of Toronto, said the Snowbird "represents the completion of an age-old aeronautical dream" . 理查特先生是多伦多大学的博士生,他说雪鸟“象征着一个古老的航空梦想的实现”。 www.suiniyi.com 9. She was born in Tasmania and received a PhD from Cambridge University before carving out a career in the US. 她出生于澳大利亚东南部的塔斯马尼亚岛(Tasmania),获得剑桥大学博士学位之后在美国开创事业。 www.bing.com 10. A student may earn a doctor of philosophy degree, known as a PhD, or a professional degree in an area like medicine, law or education. 有的学生可能获得自然哲学博士学位(即我们通常所说的PhD),也可能获得像医学、法律或教育这类领域的专业学位。 www.hjenglish.com 1. That is undeniably true: he has a degree in electrical engineering, a PhD in finance and was an investment banker and a hedge fund manager. 这无疑是正确的:他拥有电气工程学位和金融博士学位,他曾经是一名投资银行家和一位对冲基金经理。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Dr Schwartz, the New York physicist, says the skills learned in the course of a PhD can be readily acquired through much shorter courses. 纽约物理学家Schwartz博士说,通过许多短期课程,人们很快就能学会在博士课程中所学的技巧。 www.ecocn.org 3. Even though the growth margin of the income of PhD graduates drew apart from that of master degree holders in 2005, the gap was merely $15. 虽然博士毕业生的收入在2005年的增幅有所加大,但与硕士毕业生的差距也仅仅只有15美金。 www.soudoc.com 4. "We're already starting to see some health effects, " notes George Luber, PhD, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 疾病控制和预防中心的GeorgeLuber博士解释说:“我们开始观察到气候变化对健康产生的一些影响”。 www.bing.com 5. At first Page and Brin, reluctant to leave the PhD program, tried to license the technology to existing web companies. 起初,佩奇和布林都不想放弃博士课程并设法将这项技术授权给已有的网络公司。 www.bing.com 6. That sorrow led me to do a Masters degree dealing with reconciliation and memory issues, and now a PhD on the subject. 这种伤痛让我进入硕士班研究和解与记忆等议题,现在则继续攻读博士。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. How their partnership was formed: Larry and Sergey met at Stanford's PhD program in 1995, but they did not instantly become friends. 关系形成:拉里和谢尔盖首次相遇是在1995年斯坦福大学的博士课程上,但他们并没有立即成为朋友。 www.bing.com 8. Proponents of the PhD argue that it is worthwhile even if it does not lead to permanent academic employment. 支持者争辩说,即使找不到终身从事学术研究的工作,攻读博士学位也是值得的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The startling new medical technology is the result of a Royal College of Art design student's PhD. 这一惊人的医学新技术是由皇家艺术学院设计系攻读博士学位的学生取得的成果。 www.bing.com 10. That's what I'm doing this summer, and I'm hoping the work will feed into my PhD thesis. 这是我今年夏季正在进行的课题,我希望它会为我的博士论文带来帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. At the time I was fully expecting to receive my PhD, I applied for a post teaching advanced technology fusion at Konkuk university in Seoul. 在我满心希望获得博士学位时,我在首尔建国大学(Konkukuniversity)申请了一个教授先进的聚变技术的职位。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He had a "PhD" behind his name, but he didn't have much common sense, and all the "long hairs" looked alike to him. 在他的名字后面有博士头衔,但他却没有多少常识,所有的“长毛”他都很喜欢管。 www.enbar.net 3. As Europeans try to harmonise higher education, some institutions are pushing the more structured learning that comes with an American PhD. 当欧洲人努力协调高等教育时,有些机构正在竭力推行来自美国的更加有组织的博士学习方式。 www.ecocn.org 4. Quite apart from the intellectual stimulation and rigour that writing my PhD entailed, completing it was a valuable life experience. 实际上除了智力上得到启发和遇到的艰苦之外,能完成博士论文也是一段有价值的人生体验。 www.douban.com 5. He holds a PhD from MIT, is an author of a book on rapid chess improvement, and an Agile trainer and coach. 他有麻省理工的博士学位,写过一本迅速提升国际象棋技巧的书,是一名敏捷培训师也是敏捷教练。 www.infoq.com 6. Postdoctoral scholar Susan Coller, PhD, is the other Stanford researcher included as an author of this publication. 斯坦福另一研究员、博士后学者SusanColler博士也是该文章的作者。 news.dxy.cn 7. We were discussing life in Beijing, work at Microsoft Research, and my PhD project on tangible user interfaces. 我们畅谈在北京的生活,谈论在微软研究院的工作以及我博士学位课题——可触用户界面。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin, was accused of copying parts of his PhD thesis. 俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔.普京也被指控其博士论文有抄袭行为。 www.ecocn.org 9. She was the first woman to earn a PhD in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in Indiana. 她是第一位获得美国普渡大学在印第安纳州的机械工程博士学位。 www.maynet.cn 10. PhD usually requires at least 3 years of full-time study after a bachelor'sdegree. 哲学博士通常在获得学士学位以后至少需要经过3年的全职学习。 www.bing.com 1. Yet the former general with a PhD in agricultural economics appears to be anything but worried. 但是有着农业经济学哲学博士的前将军看起来一点也不担心。 www.ecocn.org 2. All good training for her next venture: undertaking a PhD program. 她还准备再接受下一步的挑战:修读博士课程。 publish.ust.hk 3. Even though the university has cleared me of plagiarism it has still refused to award me my PhD. 尽管这所大学排除了我剽窃的嫌疑,但仍拒绝授予我博士学位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. PhD is one of the few chances to set up your own project, finish it "the right way" , and to a depth that a Masters doesn't offer. 博士研究在时间上基本不会有机会允许你安排个人项目,用正确的方法去完成它,达到硕士不能企及的研究深度。 www.douban.com 5. In 1952 came to the U. S. , enrolling a year later to get his PhD in political science at the University of Wisconsin. 1952年,詹达利来到美国,一年后进入威斯康辛大学(UniversityofWisconsin)攻读政治学博士学位。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Undergraduate, masters and PhD degrees in information technology, science, health and engineering will be among the courses on offer. 它提供的课程包括信息技术、科学、卫生和工程学的本科、硕士和博士学位课程。 www.scidev.net 7. For some unknown reason, a disproportionate number of fathers over the age of fifty have a PhD. in BS. 不知为什么,他们中相当一部分超过50岁的父亲都有博士学位。 www.elanso.com 8. In the UK we do it now a little too quickly in my opinion, but getting a PhD before the age of 26 is quite possible. 在英国,我认为读完硕士和博士的时间有点太快了,在26岁以前读完博士是完全可能的。 www.bing.com 9. Suspending their PhD programmes with Stanford's blessing, the two became entrepreneurs of a typical Silicon Valley start-up. 于是布林和佩奇暂停了博士学位攻读,成为了一家典型的硅谷创业企业的掌门人。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. Mr Guttenberg, considered until recently a possible candidate for chancellor, has already been stripped of his PhD. 古滕贝格近日仍被认为是未来德国总理职位的有力竞争者,但他的博士学位已被取消。 www.bing.com 1. Everyone who starts a business, gets their PhD, becomes a writer or other similar things all take on risk to do it. 每一位自主创业者、博士、作家以及其他取得类似成就的人,都为自己的事业承担了风险。 www.bing.com 2. Experiments show that the Gaussian mixture PHD filter can be used to track multi-target in clutter effectively. 实验结果表明,在杂波环境下混合高斯PHD滤波方法可以有效地跟踪目标状态。 ceaj.org 3. I indulged in a PhD [uncompleted] after leaving Harvard, where I was a teaching fellow. I also taught at Cambridge for two years. 离开哈佛(当时我是讲师)后,我去读了博(未完成),还在剑桥大学教了两年书。 www.ftchinese.com 4. read is the ordinary university graduate, with a focus on University Graduate 's quality of graduation or test is a key university phd. 读的是普通大学的研究生,以重点大学研究生的素质毕业或者考的是重点大学的博士生。 www.1363.cn 5. Clinical psychologist Mitch Golant, PhD, spent his childhood dealing with a mother who suffered from severe depression. 临床心理学家米奇?格兰特博士,整个童年都与患有严重抑郁症的母亲作伴。 dongxi.net 6. So let me invoke my former life as a literature PhD student here to say, "This is incredibly farking cool. " 若假设我前生是个文学博士生的话,我就会说,“这简直太给力(farking)了。” www.bing.com 7. Within these posts Robert has acquired exceptional laboratory, management and computing skills. Robert has a PhD and a B. 在这些特殊的罗伯特已经收购了实验室,管理和计算机技能的职位。 www.a1pak.net.cn 8. I've been a sex researcher since I started my PhD studies in the 1990s (academic background here). 自上世纪90年代我开始我的博士研究起,我就已经是一名性研究者了。 www.bing.com 9. Some university departments and academics regard numbers of PhD graduates as an indicator of success and compete to produce more. 有些大学院系和机构把博士培养数量作为成就指标,所以竞相增加培养规模。 www.ecocn.org 10. In the province of Ontario (Canada), this trend is to improve the traditional PhD rather than to develop new professional doctoral degrees. 在加拿大的安大略省,发展趋势则表现为改进传统的哲学博士学位教育而不是发展新的专业博士学位。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Your correspondent was aware of them over a decade ago while she slogged through a largely pointless PhD in theoretical ecology. 本文作者在十年前就已经有体会,当时她正在为一个无多大意义的理论生态学博士而苦苦奋斗。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The manufacture of polyurea polyol ( PHD) is so complex that the preparation of title compound is difficult in common laboratory and plant . 聚脲多元醇PHD的生产工艺复杂,在普通实验室和工厂合成较为困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Mr Blair, a PhD candidate, says that the older mind appears to have trouble suppressing irrelevant information. 身为博士生的布莱尔先生说,年长者的记忆似乎在抑制无关信息方面遇到麻烦。 www.bing.com 4. He published his first scientific paper at the age of 15, and had received his PhD in theoretical physics from Caltech by the age of 20. 他15岁时发表了自己的第一份科学著作,仅在20岁时就获得了加(利福尼亚)州工学院的理论物理学博士学位。 www.bing.com 5. The same kind of cells can be found in humans, report Wei-Qiang Gao, PhD, and colleagues at Genentech Inc. , South San Francisco, Calif. 而来自加利福利亚州南圣弗兰西斯科基因技术有限公司的高伟强博士和他的同事报道,同样的细胞可以在人类中找到。 news.dxy.cn 6. Dr. Katz talks about how you can't support a family on a science PhD, but last time I checked, high school teachers aren't exactly starving. Katz博士说一个物理学博士的学位无法养活一个家庭。但我发现,高中教师至少不会挨饿。 www.bing.com 7. Former US senator from Texas, free market advocate with a PhD in economics who fought long and hard for financial deregulation. 来自得克萨斯州的前美国参议员,拥有经济学博士学位的PhilGramm是一位自由市场的坚定拥护者,他为了放宽金融管制进行了长期艰苦的斗争。 www.bing.com 8. Kaplan graduated in electrical engineering from MIT and followed that with a PhD in operations research from Cornell. 卡普兰毕业于麻省理工学院电气工程专业,然后在康奈尔大学获得运筹学博士学位。 www.ecocn.org 9. I still don't have my PhD and I am angry and disappointed about that. I worked so hard all my life and my research ended up going nowhere. 我现在仍然没有拿到博士学位,我对此感到气愤和失望。我一直如此努力,但我的研究成果最终却无影无踪。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Using PhD students to do much of the undergraduate teaching cuts the number of full-time jobs. 而用大量的博士生给本科生代课又挤占了全职教师岗位。 www.ecocn.org 1. It is still a bit early to decide whether I will go back to China or stay in the states after I get my PhD. 现在决定我是否在获得博士学位之后回国或是留在美国有些为时过早。 www.24en.com 2. In 1967 Marcian Edward Hoff decided to walk away from academia, having gained his PhD in electrical engineering. 1967年,MarcianEdwardHoff在获得电子工程学博士后决定离开学术圈。 www.bing.com 3. An interest in applying mathematics to finance led him to do a PhD at Cranfield University. 把数学应用到金融学的兴趣引导他去克兰菲尔德大学(CranfieldUniversity)修了一个博士学位。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I never would have imagined I'd get a PhD, or become a professor, or write books. 我从未想到过自己会获得博士学位、成为教授、并著书立传。 www.ftchinese.com 5. After his first degree he did a PhD in finance and worked as a professor at Indiana University before joining Morgan Stanley. 他在拿到第一个学位后,又继续攻读了金融学博士,之后在印第安纳大学(IndianaUniversity)当教授,直至进入摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)。 www.ftchinese.com 6. When Bob Joss arrived at for the first time as a young PhD student in 1965, business was not considered much of an academic discipline. 1965年,当鲍勃?乔斯(BobJoss)以年轻博士生的身份首次来到斯坦福大学商学院时,很多人并不把商业视为一门学科。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Top academic talent; Reward-gainers of the excellent PhD dissertations; Growing experience; Qualitative research. 高层次学术型人才;优秀博士学位论文获得者;成长经历;质的研究。 86qb.com 8. But then my PhD student Haiying Yu looked at more recent data and discovered that the opposite was the case. 但这之后,我的博士生于海英在研究了更多近期的数据后,却发现了相反的情况。 www.bing.com 9. I fell out with the adviser who was supervising my PhD. 我与自己的博士学位导师翻了脸。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Don't see your PhD as just a road map laid out by your supervisor. 不要将博士生活看作是导师帮你画好的路线图。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn 1. Henry Wechsler, PhD, has made a career out of studying drinking habits and patterns. Henrywechsler博士一直在从事饮酒习惯和饮酒模式的研究。 www.bing.com 2. More importantly, the establishment had to recognize that PhD scientists could find satisfying and valuable careers outside academia. 更重要的是,这些机构承认博士科学家们可以在学术界之外找到令人满意并且是有价值的工作。 dongxi.net 3. He then young and entered the University, PhD, to applause and surrounded alive and that his dictionary, never "be rejected" strange term! 他那么年轻,进入了大学,攻读博士学位,就为了掌声和包围而活着,他的字典中,从来就没有“被拒绝”这个怪名词! bookapp.book.qq.com 4. (There did not seem) much point in working on my PhD --- I did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位对我来说似乎没有什么意义了,我没有期望活那么久。 www.jxenglish.com 5. He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and currently studying part-time for a PhD. 他是电子工程学院的一名特许工程师和研究员,现在正在攻读在职博士学位。 www-128.ibm.com 6. Born in Cairo, he had spent a few years in Oregon as a preteen while his father earned a PhD. 他在开罗出生,10岁前在俄勒冈州待了几年,那时他父亲获得了哲学博士学位。 www.bing.com 7. She got her start number-crunching nature with her PhD thesis, a DNA analysis of river dolphins. 她开始她的有关自然的大量运算的博士论文,一篇关于白鳍豚的DNA分析。 www.bing.com 8. There did not seem much point in working on my PhD. 似乎没有意义再继续我的博士学位。 www.51share.net 9. Kuk, PhD, of Toronto's York University, and colleagues examined thousands of patient records from a clinic in Texas. Kuk博士和他的同事对得克萨斯一家诊所的数千名病人进行了研究。 www.voanews.cn 10. Consult another economics PhD for a precise translation of those terms. 你可以咨询另一个经济学博士,让他解释这些术语。 www.bing.com 1. But retrieving a report from Diabetes PHD is only the first step. 不过,从“糖尿病PHD”检索一份报告还只是第一步。 bbs.edulife.com.cn 2. At least a third of successful PhD students come from abroad. 至少三分之一的优秀的博士生来自于国外。 www.ecocn.org 3. Co-author Anthony Ricci, PhD, associate professor of otolaryngology, was responsible for this step of the work. 合著者安东尼.里奇博士(耳鼻喉科学助教)负责这部分研究。 www.bing.com 4. In Germany 13% of all PhD graduates end up in lowly occupations. In the Netherlands the proportion is 21%. 在德国有13%的博士最后沦落到低收入行业工作,在荷兰这一比例是21%。 www.ecocn.org 5. Kofi was a PhD research student, but we lived in the same block of units, so I had seen him a few times. 科菲安南是一个博士研究生,但我们生活在同一个单位组,所以我以前见过他几次。 wenwen.soso.com 6. And you were founded by 2 brain surgeon rocket scientist Stanford PhD grads who invented a perpetual motion machine, blah blah blah. 而且你们公司是由两名斯坦福脑科博士创立,他们还发明了永动机,等等。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 7. I am Doctor Sheldon Cooper, BS, MS, MA, Phd, and SCD. OMG, right? . . . Perhaps that joke was a little too hippy - dippy for this crowd. 我是谢尔顿.库珀,理学学士兼理学硕士兼文学硕士兼哲学博士兼理学博士,我的神呐,是吧?…也许这个笑话对于在座各位有点太弱智了。 ts.hjenglish.com 8. That may well be true; but doing a PhD may still be a bad choice for an individual. 这也许是对的;但是读博士对个体而言仍然是一个坏的选择。 www.ecocn.org 9. "A PhD physicist with one course on differential equations is not competitive, " says Dr Schwartz. “修过微分方程科目的物理学博士不再有竞争力”,Schwartz博士说道。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Thomas Knoll, the PHD student, is still heavily involved with Photoshop years later. ThomasKnoll,博士生,多年之后仍积极参与着Photoshop的开发。 www.bing.com 1. I think it really broke his heart that he never got that PhD, " Jacobs said. " 我想,那时他真的伤透了心,他因此没能修到博士学位。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The predicament of the current crop of law- and medical-school graduates might give PhD students an opportunity for Schadenfreude. 现在法学院和医学院毕业生的窘境可能会给博士生们一个幸灾乐祸的机会。 dongxi.net 3. In a report by Beijing Evening News, Hou Zhengfang, a Beijing-based education PhD, questioned the benefits of military training. 在刊登在《北京晚报》上的一篇报道中,来自北京的教育学博士侯正方就军训有益与否这个问题提出质疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Xiao Qin from Beijing is studying for a PhD in computer science at Georgetown University in Washington. 来自北京的XiaoQin正在华盛顿乔治敦大学就读计算机科学博士学位。 www.ebigear.com 5. Kauppinen, PhD, currently a neurology research fellow at SFVAMC and UCSF, when she was a graduate student in Finland. Kauppinen博士在芬兰读硕士时研究的,她如今是SFVAMC和UCSF的神经病学研究员。 www.bioon.com 6. But the symptoms are real, says Robert A. Smith, PhD, director of cancer screening for the American Cancer Society. 美国癌症学会癌症筛检主任罗伯特?A?史密斯博士说,这些症状是真正的临床表现。 news.dxy.cn 7. He earned a PhD in computer science at a top university. He studied how mathematical formulas could improve search engine results. 他在一所一流大学获得计算机科学博士学位,研究如何利用数学公式改进搜索引擎的搜索结果。 www.america.gov 8. Wang Handong (1954 ~), male, associate professor, PhD. , School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, majoring in communication. 王翰东(1954~),男,武汉大学新闻与传播学院副教授,哲学博士,主要从事传播学研究。 journal.whu.edu.cn 9. Advertising note to American students: you can get a perfectly good PhD at a top British university in under four years. 打个广告提醒美国学生:你在英国顶尖大学获得一个完美的哲学博士学位不会超过四年。 www.ecocn.org 10. In his PhD, Yaser is investigating how software reuse and customization can be achieved using agile methods. 攻读博士期间Yaser在调查如何通过敏捷方法来达成软件重用和定制化。 www.infoq.com 1. The post-Sputnik era drove the rapid growth in PhD physicists that came to an abrupt halt as the Vietnam war drained the science budget. 后人造卫星时代推动了物理学博士的大量培养,但越战爆发占用了大量科学预算,结果那些物理博士项目被硬生生停止下来。 www.ecocn.org 2. It is perhaps unsurprising he went on to get his PhD in molecular biology but less predictable that he subsequently pursued an MBA. 由于父母都是医生,他继续攻读分子生物学博士学位可能并不奇怪,但让人更难以想见的是,他随后又继续攻读了工商管理硕士学位(MBA)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. He had also taught a young prisoner math and physics after they knew he was a PhD candidate. 在狱友得知翟田田在攻读博士学位后,他还给一位年轻狱友辅导了数学和物理。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Cano got his master's and went on to earn a PhD in microbiology at the University of Montana. 卡诺在那里取得硕士学位,并在蒙大拿大学拿到了微生物学博士。 www.bing.com 5. For decades America has gorged itself on a seemingly limitless supply of brilliant Indian PhD students and entrepreneurs. 几十年来,美国不断地接纳源源不断来自印度的高才博士生和出色的企业家。 www.ecocn.org 6. If you've got a PhD, you will score 50 points. But a bachelor's degree is only worth 30. 如果你有哲学博士学位,你可以获得50分,但是学士学位仅值30分。 www.kekenet.com 7. At Lingnan University, we offer education in seven distinctive disciplines through programmes at the BA, MA, MPhil and PhD level. 学院在七个学科范畴内提供文学士、授课式硕士、研究式硕士及博士课程。 www.ln.edu.hk 8. Everyone has some measure of resilience, says aging expert Adam Davey, PhD, an associate professor at Temple University in Philadelphia. 费城坦普尔大学的一位研究衰老问题专家、副教授亚当?戴维博士说,每个人都具备一定程度的适应力。 www.bing.com 9. He anticipates exchanges of PhD and post-doctoral students between the two countries. 他期待着交换两国的博士生和博士后。 www.scidev.net 10. These armies of low-paid PhD researchers and postdocs boost universities', and therefore countries', research capacity. 廉价博士和博士后组成了科研大军,使大学、国家的科研能力大大加强。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Only in medicine, other sciences, and business and financial studies is it high enough to be worthwhile. 而只有医学等其他一些自然科学方面以及商业和金融领域的PhD值得一读。 www.ecocn.org 2. Many psychologists served on the panel, including Paul Ekman, PhD, a longtime researcher of deception detection (see main article). 许多心理学家都受命与这个小组,包括PaulEkman,一位长期致力于谎言心理的博士。 www.bing.com 3. PhD student Verena Heise will use state-of-the-art brain scanning techniques. 韦雷娜*海瑟博士将用最尖端的脑部扫描技术进行研究。 www.bing.com 4. The comment came from Daniel Jernigan, MD, PhD, deputy director of the CDC's influenza division, during a news conference. 这项说明是由美国疾控中心流感病毒研究室副主任-医学博士丹尼尔·杰尼干在一次新闻发布会上作出的。 www.citychinese.com 5. "People are now using their dreams as tools to make their lives better, " comments Marcia Emery, PhD, a psychologist at Holos University. “现在人们把他们的梦作为工具,使生活变得更美好。”霍洛大学的心理学家玛莎艾默里博士评论道。 www.hxen.com 6. But the bees are not as happy as they sound, which is why Mr Wardell, who has a PhD in entomology and is a de facto bee doctor, is here. 然而蜂群并不像听上去那么快乐,这也是沃代尔先生——这位昆虫学博士和货真价实的蜜蜂大夫——来到此地的原因。 club.topsage.com 7. Rajeev Motwani was mentor to Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, when they were PhD students at Stanford university. 谷歌创始人拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林在斯塔福大学攻读博士学位的时候,RajeevMotwani是他们的导师。 www.bing.com 8. After receiving his PhD, he stayed at Cambridge, becoming known even in his middle 20s for his pioneering ideas. 在得到博士学位后,他继承留在剑桥,在他二十几岁的时间就由于他的创造性的想法而闻名。 www.018tv.com 9. What were odds that Peter, PhD candidate from Germany, I, public health worker from Los Angeles, would have ever met without Yahoo? 如果没雅虎,彼特,德国博士攻读者,和我,洛杉矶公共医疗工作者,在起相遇机会又多大!? www.english767.com 10. This website provides related information about the institute, including research, PhD program, and general information etc. 该网站提供有关该所的相关信息,包括研究,博士项目,和概况等。 www.biositemap.com 1. Johanna Jansson is a PhD candidate in international development studies at Roskilde University, Denmark. 翰娜·扬森,丹麦罗斯基勒大学国际发展研究博士候选人 www.chinadialogue.net 2. That's why we should make a serious attempt to simplify our lives, says Cecile Andrews, PhD, author of Slow Is Beautiful. 这就是为什么我们应认真努力,以简化我们的生活,安德鲁斯说,薛博士的太慢,是美丽的作者。 www.douban.com 3. What makes you think that you deserve for phd qualification? 你认为什么令到你有资格取得博士学位? ciying.wordpress.com 4. These armies of low-paid PhD researchers and post docs boost universities', and therefore countries', research capacity. 大量的低薪博士研究院和博士后们的确提高了大学的因此也提高了一个国家的研究能力。 club.topsage.com 5. This PhD degree project is composed of two parts of study. 该博士学位论文由相对独立的两部分工作组成。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn 6. She holds a PhD in cultural theory , and is currently completing a doctorate of creative writing . 她持有文化理论的博士学位,现正修读创意写作的博士学位。 www.bing.com 7. Symposium moderators include Mrs Alice King and Mr Lee Chun -yi, PhD candidate of the Arizona State University . 研讨会主持人为水墨会主席金董建平女士及美国亚利桑那州州立大学博士候选人李君毅先生。 www.bing.com 8. PhD, Nanjing University; Professor, Shanghai University; High Profile Writer. 南京大学博士;上海大学教授;知名作家。 www.ibaweb.org 9. working on my PhD ---- I did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位似乎没有什么意义了,我已经不指望活那么久了。 www.51share.net 10. De-coupling the reason for doing a PhD from its increasing necessity in academia was useful for me. 切断我去读博士和学术界对博士需求量的增加的因果关系,对我来讲是有帮助的。 www.douban.com 1. It needs to do more not only to draw masters and PhD students to its universities but to keep them after they graduate. 美国政府不仅需要加大力度吸引学生来美攻读硕士和博士学位,还要采取更多措施让他们在毕业后留在美国。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Xiao Jun (1974~), female, lecturer, PhD. candidate, School of Journalism & Communication Wuhan University, majoring in media management. 肖珺(1974~),女,武汉大学新闻与传播学院讲师,在职博士生,主要从事媒介经营与管理研究。 journal.whu.edu.cn 3. I intend to begin my xx University PhD study, I would like to enrol xx University School of Business and Management Finance degree courses. 我打算去xx大学开始我的博士学位的学习,我想报读xx大学工商管理学院财务学博士学位课程。 www.fane.cn 4. Mr Ghanem, 65, was educated in Libya and the US, where he took his PhD in the 1970s. 加尼姆现年65岁,先后在利比亚和美国受过教育,70年代在美国拿到博士学位。 www.ftchinese.com 5. We come from different parts of the world, and we live under differing conditions. Our education ranges from a PhD to nothing. 我们来自世界不同地方,生活在不同的条件下,我们拥有各种人才。 www.2muslim.com 6. He received his MD degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University and obtained his PhD in the United Kingdom. 他在开罗大学医学院获得医学博士学位,并在联合王国获得哲学博士学位。 www.who.int 7. As part of the research project, PhD student Helle Jensen has infected human cancer cells with VSV. 能溶解肿瘤细胞的病毒作为本研究项目的一部分,博士生HelleJensen已经用VSV感染了人类癌细胞。 scifans.com 8. PhD Candidate , International Relations at the Waseda University, Japan. 日本早稲田大学国际关系博士候选人 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Yu gained a PhD in chemistry from Princeton before switching into Wall Street as a biotech analyst. Yu在普林斯顿拿到化学博士学位后,投身华尔街,当了一名生物科技分析师。 www.ftchinese.com 10. master's degree during the graduate student research capability, selection for early PhD. 硕士研究生期间科研能力突出,选拔为提前攻读博士学位。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Both he and AgBank President Zhang Yun, who holds a PhD in economics from Wuhan University, are respected players in Chinese finance. 他和农行行长张云双双拥有武汉大学经济学博士的学位,均为中国金融界的要员。 dongxi.net 2. Lu Shangbin (1962~), male, PhD. candidate, associate professor, Department of Journalism & advertisement, Huazhong Agriculture University. 吕尚彬(1962~),男,武汉大学新闻与传播学院博士生,华中农业大学广告与传播学系副教授。 journal.whu.edu.cn 3. Ge Feng (1971 ~): male, PhD. Candidate, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University's School, majoring in journalism theories. 葛丰(1971~),男,武汉大学新闻与传播学院博士生,主要从事新闻理论研究。 journal.whu.edu.cn 4. Si Jingxin: lecturer, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, PHD, majoring in practical journalism. 司景新:武汉大学新闻与传播学院讲师,博士在读,主要研究新闻业务。 journal.whu.edu.cn 5. I've had numerous PhD students doing research with patients who have been told 'you're the first person to take me seriously'. 我的很多博士学生说:他们的病人告诉他们,他们是第一个认真对待自己的人。 www.bing.com 6. But universities have discovered that PhD students are cheap, highly motivated and disposable labour. 但是大学已经发现,博士生是廉价的、奋发的、便于使用的劳动力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Chair: Robert Donmoyer, PhD, Professor of Leadership Studies and Co-Director of the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit Research at USD. 主席:RobertDonmoyer博士,领导研究学教授,圣地亚哥大学凯斯特家庭非盈利研究中心联席主任。 www.bing.com 8. But he was explaining it like it was his PhD dissertation defense. 但是他一直在解释着,就像是他的博士论文答辩。 linux.cn 9. W. Chad Futrell is a PhD candidate in development sociology at Cornell University in the United States. 查德?弗特勒尔是美国康奈尔大学发展社会学专业的在读博士。 new.chinadialogue.net 10. Erich Gamma laid the foundation for software design patterns with his PhD dissertation in the early '90s. ErichGamma在90年代初期他的博士论文中提出了软件设计模式的基础。 www.ibm.com 1. PhD programmes in the sciences still overemphasize the academic track and actively devalue other career paths. 理科的博士课程仍然过度强调走上学术之路,并且主动贬低其他职业道路。 dongxi.net 2. Yves De Smet, PhD has been appointed to global marketing manager, fibers & composites for Michelman's fibers and composites business. 伊夫德斯梅特,博士已被任命为全球营销经理,纤维及复合材料米歇尔曼的纤维及复合材料业务。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 3. Dexter Holland of Offspring was a PHD candidate in molecular biology at USC. 后裔合唱团(Offspring)的DexterHolland则是南加大分子生物学的博士候选人。 cn.engadget.com 4. And here are the criteria a top economics PhD program uses in determining admissions. 这里是顶级学院经济学博士生招生的准则。 www.bing.com 5. Quant, a quantitative analyst skilled in the black arts of PhD level (and above) mathematics and statistical methods. 船桨(示量),极擅长用数学和统计学方法的拥有博士级以上学历的骨灰级定量分析师。 www.bing.com 6. "We humans are too diverse to establish a norm, " says Betty Dodson, PhD, a New York City-based sexologist and the author of Sex for One. 贝蒂-多德森博士是纽约市的性学家,也是《一个人的性生活》的作者,她说:“我们人类之间的差别太大,根本无法建立统一的标准。” www.bing.com 7. wichita state university is a comprehensive , national university offering over 110 bachelors , masters and phd programs. 学校提供学生超过110个主修科目,包括有学士、硕士及博士课程。新生报到时,本校有最周到的服务。 www.ichacha.net 8. Louis Cha, 85, is now a PhD candidate at Cambridge University, majoring in Chinese history. 目前85岁高龄的金庸正在修读剑桥大学的博士课程,攻读中国历史。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Roberts, PhD, a professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. 塔夫斯大学弗里德学院营养科学与政策教授,本研究的资深作者苏珊·罗伯茨博士介绍道。 news.dxy.cn 10. and Reed Mangels, PhD, RD, nutrition advisor at the Vegetarian Resource Group, Baltimore, Md. 以及ReedMangels,博士,研究学博士,巴尔迪麽素食资源组营养顾问。 www.91gupiao.com 1. But Harvard nutrition researcher Frank Hu, MD, PhD, says it is too soon to tell people at high risk for type 2 diabetes to eat more dairy. 但是哈佛营养学研究人员,医学博士FrankHu说道,现在就告诉易患2型糖尿病的人多多食用乳制品还为时过早。 www.elanso.com 2. Masters by Research graduates should receive three years post-study work rights and PhD graduates four years. 研究型硕士毕业生应在毕业后享有三年的工作权,博士毕业生应享有四年的工作权。 www.thenewstone.com 3. Zhang Song is professor and PhD supervisor at Tongji University's College of Architecture and Urban Planning. 张松,上海同济大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、博士生导师。 www.playenglish.net 4. "IKB had an army of PhD types to look at CDO deals and analyse them, " says one CDO investor. “IKB有很多博士般的人员研究CDO交易并对其进行分析,”一位CDO投资者表示。 www.ftchinese.com 5. We are both Cambridge graduates but she also sweeps the academic board against me, holding a PhD while I only have an MA! 我们两人都是剑桥的毕业生,她是博士学位,而我是硕士,所以她在学术上也超越了我! www.topsage.com 6. India lacks the large-scale, high-quality master's and PhD courses to produce many such breakthroughs. 印度缺乏实现大量此类突破所需的大规模、高质量硕士与博士课程。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. 在多数国家,PhD学位是进入学术界的门槛。 page.renren.com 8. 'When I graduate with a PhD, I won't even have my own place to live in, ' Zhang says. 他说:‘就算我毕业了,得了博士学位,我还是连住的地方都没有。 www.bing.com 9. She's presently working on her PhD. 她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. She is studying for her Phd in law, has a boyfriend, but no children. 她正在读法律博士学位,有一个男友,但没有孩子。 www.bing.com 1. The latter is aimed at Chinese PhD students that might like to do the MA during the course of their Chinese PhD research. 比如攻读博士学位的中国学生可以攻读上述中国卫生与人文方向硕士学位,然后完成中国国内的博士学位。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But universities have discovered that PhD students are cheap, highly motivated and di usable labour. 但各大学也发现博士生已沦为廉价但主动性强同时可任意使用的劳动力。 www.51wuxian.com 3. That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Mass. 这个发现对吉娜奥格登博士是有意义的,她是麻州剑桥的一名性治疗师,还是一名婚姻家庭治疗师。 www.bing.com 4. To test how this phenomenon applies today, a team of Harvard University psychologists led by PhD student Arnold K. 为了测试这一现象今天是否依然适用,由博士生阿诺德(ArnoldK。 www.360doc.com 5. A recent report shows that American women are now even getting more PHD degrees than men, although the proportion varies a lot by field. 最近的一则报告显示,拿到博士学位的美国女性甚至比男性还要多,虽然根据领域不同,这个比例有所变化。 www.bing.com 6. Feig, MD, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Feig博士说,他是休斯敦Baylor医学院的一名儿科副教授。 news.dxy.cn 7. Mary McDonald, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nonprofit Leadership and Management at USD. MaryMcDonald博士,圣地亚哥大学非盈利领导和管理学副教授。 www.bing.com 8. University of Manchester PhD student and budding entrepreneur have been named as the most outstanding black student in Britain. 曼彻斯特人大学的博士生兼初露头角的企业家被称为“英国最杰出的黑人学生”。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Now he is the vice-principal of Lingnan College, and also the PHD supervisor of the major of Finance and World Economic. 现任岭南学院副院长,金融学和世界经济专业的博士生导师。 rsc.sysu.edu.cn 10. Yunus received his PhD in economics in 1969 from Nashville's Vanderbilt University, where he was a Fulbright scholar. 尤努斯一九六九年从纳许维尔的凡德比尔特大学拿到经济学博士学位,他也是傅尔布莱特学者。 www.merit-times.com.tw 1. Firstly, you have to get a PhD, but if you want to practise you then need venture capital, otherwise you don't have the tools. 首先,你必须弄到一个哲学博士学位,但是如果你想执业的话还要有创业资本。要不然你就拿不到仪器。 www.bing.com 2. He holds PhD and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Purdue University. 他在普渡大学的电子工程和计算机系取得了博士和学士学位。 www.infoq.com 3. Courses leading to PhD degrees in librarianship were first introduced in the USA in the early 20th century. 图书资讯学博士学位的课程开始于美国20世纪初。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Since its fishing policy transformed Iceland, the place has become, in effect, a machine for turning cod into Ph. D. 's. 自从它的渔业政策转变了冰岛,冰岛已经成为了一部把鳕鱼(COD)转变成博士(PHD)的机器。 www.bing.com 5. After the war he gained a PhD in economics from Ohio State University. 战后他在俄亥俄州立大学取得了经济学博士学位。 www.ecocn.org 6. Vikram Garg, a PhD student from Mumbai delves into the caste politics in India from an academic standpoint. 孟买的博士研究生VikramGarg从学术角度分析印度种姓政治,在名为「Mayawati能否为贱民阶级带来改变?」 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 7. Luo Fei (1976 ~), female, PhD. candidate, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University. 罗飞(1976~),女,武汉大学新闻与传播学院博士生。 journal.whu.edu.cn 8. Dunham, who had a PhD in anthropology, worked in rural development in some of the poorest places in the world. 安·邓纳姆拥有人类学博士学位,她在世界上一些最贫穷地方从事乡村发展工作。 www.24en.com 9. Shapiro then earned a PhD at MIT, where he developed a noninvasive imaging technology for observing chemical messengers in the brain. 夏皮罗在麻省理工大学拿到了博士学位,在那里,他发明了无创成像技术,用以观察大脑里的化学反应。 www.bing.com 10. He spent five and a half years gaining a PhD and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. 在加州大学伯克利分校的5年半时间里他获得了博士学位和工商管理硕士学位。 www.ecocn.org 1. A 30-year research subject for scientist Irene Pepperberg, PhD, Alex whittled away at the belief that parrots were simple mimics. 对于科学家IrenePepperberg博士来说,Alex,这只30岁的实验对象削弱了“鹦鹉只是简单的模仿生物”这一观念。 www.bing.com 2. Future generations of scientists will be hit: there will be fewer opportunities to gain a PhD or hold a postdoctoral post. 将来的科学家也可能受到影响:获得博士学位或博士后委任的机会会更少了。 www.ecocn.org 3. I think he and that PhD in biology have so much in common. 他应该和那生物学女博士有着很多共同语言吧? fujian.yyets.com 4. Roseanne Mirabella, PhD Associate Professor at Seton Hall University. She is the top nonprofit management education researcher in the field. RoseanneMirabella博士,SetonHall大学副教授,她是非盈利组织管理教育领域的顶尖研究者。 www.bing.com 5. Liu Jianming (1964~), male, lecturer, PhD. Candidate, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, majoring in journalism. 刘建明(1964~),男,武汉大学新闻与传播学院讲师,在职博士生,主要从事新闻理论研究。 journal.whu.edu.cn 6. That's what I tell my PhD students: Don't do any reading. 我告诉我的博士生:别读任何文献。 www.bing.com 7. Bachelors, masters, MBA, and doctorate (PhD) available in the field of your choice. 不管你选什么专业,学士、硕士、MBA、博士文凭我们通通都有。 article.pchome.net 8. Oh, I am most delighted to hear( that) you have got a phd degree. 哦,听说您获得了博士学科我很高兴。 www.hotdic.com 9. Headquarter is in Beijing, where have about 50 R & D Engineers, of them 80% got Master or PhD degrees from well-known universities. 总部设在北京,目前大约有50名研发人员,其中80%由国内知名学校的硕士和博士组成。 www.yingjiesheng.com 10. In 1962 he got his degree with honors and went to Cambridge University to get a PhD in astronomy. 1962年,他以优异成绩获得了学位,并前往剑桥大学攻读天文学博士。 zhishi.sohu.com 1. Pell completed a PhD at Edith Cowan University and attended the SSP at the International Space University, France (2006). 贝尔在艾地斯卡文大学完成博士学位并到法国国际空间大学加入SSP(2006年)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Janine Randerson is a New Zealand media artist and a PhD researcher at the University of Melbourne. 珍妮-兰德森,新西兰多媒体艺术家,在墨尔本大学获得博士学位。 zhuanti.ccom.edu.cn 3. Then I smoothly passed the defense of my thesis and obtained my PhD degree. 接下来的进展就水到渠成了,我顺利通过了毕业论文的答辩,取得了博士学位。 www.showxiu.com 4. This paper discusses how to do novelty searches on line for a PhD dissertation proposal. 文章主要阐述了博士学位论文开题的课题查新。 www.dictall.com 5. I am currently studying a wide array of psychotherapeutic methods in preparation for my PhD dissertation on Naked Therapy. 目前正在学习各种心理治疗的方法来准备我的博士论文,这论文的主题是裸体疗法。 www.bing.com 6. After earning a PhD from Insead, he became associate professor of marketing at HEC, specialising in selling from one business to another. 从欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)获得博士学位后,他成为HEC市场营销学副教授,专门研究企业间销售。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He received a BS in Physics from Taiwan University in 1967, and a PhD in Physics from Harvard University in 1972. 1967年获得台湾大学物理学学士学位,1972年获得哈佛大学物理学博士学位。 gov.finance.sina.com.cn 8. After that, he then received his MS and PhD degrees in Animal Science from Michigan State University. 在这之后,他又获得了硕士和博士学位动物科学从密歇根州立大学。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Elizabeth Angell is a PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University. 伊丽莎白?安吉尔目前是哥伦比亚大学人类学博士研究生。 www.chinadialogue.net 10. Adam Stock, an Orwell scholar at Newcastle University who did his PhD on mid-20th-century dystopian fiction and political thought, says. 纽卡斯尔大学教师亚当·斯多克是一名研究奥威尔的学者。此人攻读博士学位时曾研究20世纪中叶的反面乌托邦小说和政治思想,他日前声称 select.yeeyan.org 1. he obtained his bs , meng and phd in electrical engineering from cornell university , usa. 他肄业于美国康乃尔大学,主修电机工程学,并留校修读硕士及博士学位。 www.ichacha.net 2. Over six years, he earned his third masters and a PhD. 他用六年时间获得了第三个硕士学位和一个博士学位。 www.bing.com 3. Chen Chun, Professor; Zheng Jianming, PhD Candidate: Department of Cultural Heritage and Museology , Fudan University, Shanghai 200433. 陈淳,教授;郑建明,博士研究生:复旦大学文物与博物馆学系,上海200433。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Arthur was a penny lawyer, Mr Jonathan the first in his family of canoe-makers to earn a PhD (though some doubt he wrote it). 亚瑟曾是个收入稀薄的律师,而乔纳森的家庭依靠制作独木舟为生,他是家族中第一个取得博士学历的(尽管有些人认为其中有假)。 www.bing.com 5. But a scientific idea is not seminal because it influences the research agenda of PhD students. 但一种科学思想之所以具有开创意义,并不在于它会影响博士研究生的研究课题。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He received his Master in linguistics and PhD in organization behavior and HR management from the State University of New York at Buffalo. 在布法罗纽约州立大学,他分别得到语言学硕士学位,以及组织行为学和人力资源管理学的博士学位。 www.iacmr.org 7. Ms Batuman describes her route to a PhD in comparative literature with unusual verve. 巴图曼小姐以不同寻常的神韵记述了她获得比较文学博士学位的过程。 www.ecocn.org 8. I have been told by one person with lots of post graduate education that PhD stands for "pig-headed determination. " 一个有着很多年研究生学习经历的人曾经告诉我,PhD就意味着“顽固不化的决心”。 www.bing.com 9. RXPE has been honored with "National demonstration base apply high technology to production" and "National level post PhD work station" . 荣信公司已被国家授予为“国家重点高科技企业示范基地”和“国家级博士后工作站”,拥有众多核心关键技术。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. He earned his PhD at Harvard while working under future Nobel laureate William N. Lipscomb, Jr. 他拜师后来的诺贝尔桂冠得主威廉·纳恩·利普斯科姆二世门下,在哈佛大学获得博士学位。 www.ecocn.org 1. Prior to working at Epiphany, I completed my PhD in the Computer Science Department at Stanford. 去Epiphany工作前,我在斯坦福大学的计算机系拿到了博士学位。 wyhhx.com 2. Mr Chau is a professor at the University of Chicago and a naturalised citizen of France, where he completed his PhD. Chau先生是一名芝加哥大学的教授且已入法国国籍,并在法国完成的其博士学位。 www.ecocn.org 3. Anne Marijke Schel carried out the work at Budongo Conservation Field Station, Uganda, as part of her PhD project. 安妮。玛丽。斯科尔在乌干达的布顿哥养护场开展研究工作,作为其博士课题的一部分。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. She's also very smart. Has a PHD in psychology. Her specialty is counselling men with sexual problems. 她也非常的聪明。拥有心理学的博士学位。她的专长是指导男人的的性方面的困惑。 www.xici.net 5. Atleast with a Phd, you MIGHT get an academic career and thus enjoyacademic freedom (once you get tenure). 至少有一个PHD,你有可能获得学术生涯,并享受学术自由(只要你得到一个永久教职)。 www.bing.com 6. I am certain the Chinese PhD does not get his hands dirty. 我确定中国的博士是不会让自己的手弄脏的。 www.ltaaa.com 7. He has professional qualifications in accounting and finance and earned his PhD at Braford University. 他在布兰福特大学获得其博士学位,主修会计及财务。 www.ln.edu.hk 8. Five of the native staff hold PhD degrees and two hold full professorship. 这些外教中,五人具有博士学位,两位是正教授。 wyxy.bnuz.edu.cn 9. 'I don't know whether I am looking at science or I am looking at art', commented an external examiner reviewing the student's PhD viva. 一位校外主考回顾学生那次博士研究生的口试时说:“我不知道我是在审视科学还是在审视艺术品。” www.bing.com 10. Muammar Qaddafi's son, Saif, could soon be stripped of his PhD, too. 卡扎菲(MuammarQaddafi)的儿子Saif很快也会被剥夺博士学位。 www.ecocn.org |
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