单词 | Ph.D. |
释义 | 例句释义: 博士学位,哲学博士学位,医学博士 1. When he looked into the matter, he found three examples of direct copying of Ph. D. theses in the department. 当他深入调查此事时,他在机器工程系里发现了直接拷贝博士论文的三个例证。 news.koolearn.com 2. I believe there was not a girl who gained a Ph. D just for her boyfriend wanted a doctor wife. 我相信没有一个女孩谁获得了博士,为她的男友希望医生的妻子。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. Now, if you get a Ph. D. , and you decide not to teach, you don't always end up in a place like this. 今天如果你获得了一个博士学位,又不想去教书,通常也不会来到这样的一个地方。 www.ted.com 4. Many of you are trying to decide whether to pursue a Ph. D. Degree. Here are a few questions you might ask yourself. 很多人将要决定是不是去读博士学位,这里有些问题你可能要问问自己先。 bbs.mse.tsinghua.edu.cn 5. For that matter, the speaker might be a graduate student writing a Ph. D on humor and starting by listing all the things that are not funny. 要那样想的话,说话者可能是个正在写病历卡的研究生——从罗列一些无趣的东西开头。 www.douban.com 6. Vern Schramm, Ph. D. Ricin, a protein extracted from castor beans, can be in the form of a powder, mist, pellet or solution. VernSchramm博士说,蓖麻毒素是从蓖麻子中提取出的蛋白质,可以被制成粉剂、喷雾、药丸或溶液。 news.dxy.cn 7. One was highly educated and intelligent; he had a Ph. D. and completed four years of undergraduate work in less than two years. 一个受过良好的教育,聪明绝顶,拥有博士的光环,他曾经在不到两年的时间里修完了四年制的大学本科学业。 chinafanyi.com 8. Dr. Roy Fielding coined the term REST in his Ph. D. dissertation, where he referred to "hypermedia as the engine of application state. " RoyFielding博士在他的博士论文中提出了术语REST,他在其中提到了“作为应用程序状态引擎的超媒体”。 www.ibm.com 9. The son of a nuclear scientist, Charles graduated from Harvard at 16 and went on to get Ph. D. s in Genetics, Psychology and Biophysics. 身为一个原子学专家的儿子,查尔斯十六岁就从哈佛大学毕业,并进而攻读基因学、物理学和生命科学博士学位。 www.bing.com 10. There are few good reasons to get a Ph. D. "Because you want to become a professor" might be the only good one. 我知道有很多读博的理由,“想成为教授”可能唯一正确的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The key: Build steadily and specifically to a nipple crescendo for her, says Linda DeVillers, Ph. D. , author of Love Skills. 关键是:让她循序渐进得进入状态,并乐在其中。爱的技巧一书的作者lindadevillers说。 www.bing.com 2. I've (finally) finished my Ph. D. , and I'm off to the industrial labs to help start a new research program in programming languages. 我已经(最后)完成了我的博士学位工作,将前往行业实验室帮助开始新的编程语言调研项目。 www.ibm.com 3. Meanwhile, she's paying off her debt and saving for her dream graduate school: a Ph. D. in finance from the London School of Economics. 同时,她在用这笔钱还债,并为其将来到梦想的研究院——伦敦经济学院的金融博士专业深造存钱。 www.bing.com 4. In the U. S. a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) is designed to prepare a student to be an independent researcher or college teacher. 在美国,博士(哲学博士)是为了准备学生成为独立研究员或大学教师而设计的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Also , don't assume that having a Ph. D. and a history of working independently qualifies you for an executive position . 此外,不要认定拥有博士学位和独立工作的经历就可以使你胜任管理职务。 www.bing.com 6. His work would be impressive if done by a Ph. D. economist with twenty years of experience in the profession. 这种工作如果由具有专业工作20年经验的一位经济学博士完成,就会给人留下深刻印象。 www.bing.com 7. My maternal5 grandfather was a high school principal with a Ph. D. in mathematical physics. So there may be some hereditary6 factor as well. 我的外祖父是数学物理博士,在一所高级中学任校长,所以,也许还有些遗传的因素吧。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. I intended to get a Ph. D. and teach at a small college someplace, but I decided research was a lot more fun. 我原本想要读到博士,然后在某个地方的大学教书,但是我觉得研究是一件更有意思的事。 www.bing.com 9. But we almost didn't start Google, actually, because my co-founder Sergey and I were too worried about dropping out of the Ph. D. program. 但是我们那时几乎启动不成谷歌,因为我和联合创始人谢尔盖都太担心拿不到博士学位。 www.putclub.com 10. Some informations about her. She was a psychology student, going to obtain her Ph. D. 关于她的一些信息,她是一个学心理学的学生,打算在以后攻读博士学位。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. She is currently in her Ph. D. of the Curatorial and Visual Culture departments at Goldsmiths College in London. 最近,她开始在伦敦金史密斯大学策展和视觉文化学院攻读博士课程。 word.hcbus.com 2. Sheldon: Oh, well, a few years ago, he did go out with someone who had a Ph. D. in French Literature. 谢尔顿:哦,几年前,他和一个法国文学系的女博士约会过。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Compared with the undergraduates, the daily life of a Ph. D student appears rather simple and flavorless . 与本科生相比,博士的日常生活显得非常平淡无味。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I googled you and found out you were lying to me about your Ph. D. 我在网上查了你的信息,发现你所谓的博士学历全是一派谎言。 www.kekenet.com 5. eg. With a Ph. D. , he thought he could get greener paychecks. 他想,有了博士学位,他能得到更丰厚的薪水。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It was first introduced in 2000 in a Ph. D dissertation by Roy Fielding, one of the principal authors of the HTTP specification. 它首次出现在2000年RoyFielding的博士论文中,他是HTTP规范的主要编写者之一。 www.ibm.com 7. After receiving his Ph. D, he taught at several universities before he was hired by the DuPont Company to work on fundamental research. 还获得博士学位之后,他在几个大学任教,后来被杜邦公司聘请从事基础研究。 www.bing.com 8. "There didn't seem to be much point in completing my Ph. D. , " he says. 他说,“当时看来,完成我的博士学位没有什么用处了。” www.8875.org 9. Group leaders can expect a couple of MRC-funded positions for postdoctoral researchers or technicians and an average of two Ph. D. students. 小组领导者会获得两个由MRC资助的博士后研究者或技术员名额,还有平均下来每个小组两名博士生名额。 www.bing.com 10. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen any of my friends for the past three years because I was working on my PH. D. dissertation. 这个学生现在已经是博士了。他说:老实告诉你,过去三年我没有跟任何朋友见过面,因为我在写博士论文。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Half of our undergraduates go on to graduate studies for master or Ph. D. Degrees without examination. 一半以上的本科毕业生可以免试进入硕士学习阶段或直接攻读博士学位。 www.tsinghua.edu.cn 2. What had impressed on me was X teacher's enthusiasm. And I was determined to obtain the Ph. D. in Nankai University. 给我的印象是非常有激情,我知道我注定落脚在南开的。 emuch.net 3. Eventually, I earned a Ph. D. in linguistics close to the age of 50, a self imposed deadline. 我给自己定的上限是五十岁,后来终于在逼近五十的当口拿到了语言学博士学位。 www.bing.com 4. An outstanding student, she chose for her Ph. D. degree to work in the M. I. T. lab of Robert A. Weinberg, a leading cancer biologist. 作为一名出色的学生,她在博士阶段选择了在马萨诸塞州理工学院罗伯特A·温伯格的实验室工作,他是一位杰出的癌症生物学家。 www.bing.com 5. "Some men get so used to the hard, fast strokes that they have trouble climaxing with a partner, " says Barbara Keesling, Ph. D. 一些男人经常勃起,而且很快速的解决问题,这就造成真的和伴侣做爱的时候反而达不到高潮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. With a view to further my studies, I would like to apply for admission to your Chemistry Department to pursue a Ph. D. Degree. 为了进一步深造,我想向贵校化学系申请攻读博士学位。 www.chinaedu.com 7. Take the liberty of writing to you and to tell you I very much hope to go abroad, do you accept your guidance, Ph. D. 冒昧写信给您,是想告诉您我非常希望能够去日本留学,做您的博士生,接受您的指导。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Fang, Ph. D revealed that a woman's daily stress can reduce her ability to fight off the human papilloma virus. Fang博士进行的一项最新研究显示,女性如果每天处于应激状态,将大大减少机体对抗人类乳头状瘤病毒的能力。 news.dxy.cn 9. Gen. Hidetoshi Hirata, one of the Japanese air force's top officers, with a Ph. D. from Stanford. 同时将该基地置于平田英年中将直接指挥之下,此人拥有斯坦福授予的博士学位,也是日本空军最高指挥官之一。 dongxi.net 10. days at Columbia, went on to get his master's degree from Harvard, and a Ph. D. From Yale. 欧戴尔先生从哥伦比亚大学毕业之后,进入哈佛大学继续攻读硕士学位,然后在耶鲁大学攻读哲学博士。 dict.ebigear.com 1. This course is a public for platform Ph. D students to understand modern mathematics. 本课程是数学系博士生了解现代数学的公共平台。 www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn 2. The daughter of a saleswoman and an electrician, she worked part time in a factory while earning a Ph. D. in economics. 作为一个售货员和电工的女儿,她在工厂里兼职同时拿到了经济博士的学位。 www.bing.com 3. ph . d candidate must also pass specially examinations and carry out a regional research. 博士研究生必须通过一个专门的考试而且从事专门的研究。 www.ichacha.net 4. A two-year time frame to earn a Ph. D. is far less than what's typically required for a doctorate. 获得一个博士学位只用两年时间显然比典型的博士学位所需时间少得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. With the supervision of a Ph. D scientist, support new product development and customer issue resolution. 跟着博士学位的科学家,支持新产品开发和解决客户问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Some careers do not require any education past your high school graduation, while others will require a master's degree or a Ph. D. 有些职业可能仅仅需要高中学历就已经足够,而有的职业可能需要你至少拥有一份研究生学历,甚或是博士学历才足以胜任。 www.bing.com 7. Another idea popular among businesspeople: enticing foreign Ph. D. students to develop their new ideas in the U. S. 在商业人士中还流行这一看法就是吸引外国的博士生到美国来开发新鲜创意。 www.bing.com 8. In Bush brainpower, Fang WANG said she had a lot of best things: the unique Chinese female, the unique iatrology Ph. D etc. 在布什智囊团里,王舫说自己身上有很多“数一数二”的东西:唯一的中国女性,唯一的医学专业博士等。 www.hicoo.net 9. Laura Huggler, Ph. D. , a Michigan psychoanalyst, is a consultant to various companies and has worked with a number of female CEOs. LauraHuggler博士密西根州分析师。她是多家公司的咨询师。与许多女性CEO共事。 www.bing.com 10. Wilson earned her Ph. D. in an MIT laboratory focused on studying whether vibrations could boost hearing aid performance. 威尔逊在麻省理工学院获得博士学位,所在实验室的研究方向就是震动是否提高助听器性能。 www.bing.com 1. Eric J. Dammann, Ph. D. is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Manhattan. 本文作者埃里克?J?达曼博士是一名临床心理学家和心理分析学家,在曼哈顿拥有一家私人诊所。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Stephen, we United States produces thousands of Ph. D. Every year, but not a hero for the Kingdom of God. Pray for us! 我们美国每年都毕业出几千个博士,但是没有多少上帝国的英雄,没有多少为神的国争战的勇士,请你为我们祷告! cclw.net 3. There are more Ph. D. s unemployed or under-employed in this country than in any other part of the world. 在这个国家,失业的博士或待业的博士,比世界上其他任何地方都要多。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The research council asserts that it is now focusing more on the quality than the number of Ph. D. s. 研究协会主张,现在应该更多的关注博士生的质量而非数量。 www.bing.com 5. She wants to be a Doctor when she grows up----a medical Doctor, not a ph. D. 他希望长大后成为一个医生——医药医生,不是。 x.discuz.net 6. unmarried is a very common situation for a young man who pursues a Ph. D. de-gree. 26岁,没有结婚,对于一个追求博士学位的青年人来说是一个极为正常的情况。 www.tigtag.com 7. His Ph. D. thesis famously pronounced the Constitution's checks and balances antique and unsuited to a modern democracy. 在此他写下了那篇著名的博士论文,认为宪法下政府机关彼此之间的制衡不适合现代民主。 www.bing.com 8. For eight years, the engineering Ph. D. had a dream job carrying out semiconductor research at Samsung Electronics. 这位工程学博士干了八年在三星电子公司做半导体研究的理想工作。 www.bing.com 9. Now Mr. Jiang is applying to your prestigious university for a chance to continue his Ph. D research. 现在,蒋先生正在向贵校提出申请,希望能够有机会前往从事他的博士学位研究。 www.hxen.com 10. The researchers were headed by Antonio Terracciano, Ph. D. , a staff scientist at the U. S. National Institute on Aging. 这些研究者为一位名为安东尼泰拉恰诺(AntonioTerracciano)的博士领导。他是美国国家老年人协会的科学工作人员。 www.bing.com 1. So he was a math major in college who had a good heart, and decided he wanted to get a sociology Ph. D. Came to the University of Chicago. 和我一起写书的SudhirVenhatesh,才是真正的主角。他大学主修数学,非常善良,他决定要获得社会学的博士学位。 www.ted.com 2. Arnaud Johnson, Ph. D. , Princeton, Assistant Professor of Economics, Research Interests: International Trade. 阿尔诺。约翰逊,博士,普林斯顿大学,经济学助理教授,研究方向:国际贸易。 bbs.512ms.com 3. Conner, Alison Wayne (1979). The Law of Evidence during the Ch'ing Dynasty. Ph. D. dissertation, Cornell Univ. 孔纳(1979):《清代法律中的作证程序》,康纳尔大学博士论文。 www.snzg.cn 4. Ph. D. in biology, pharmacology, medicine or other related scientific field. 具有生物学、药学、医学或相关专业博士学历。 jobs.zhaopin.com 5. The first step is to prep for your slippery romp, says Ian Kerner, Ph. D. , author of He Comes Next. 第一步是要准备好你玩滑滑湿游戏的一些东西,《他紧随其后》的作者伊安·克纳博士说。 www.bing.com 6. The Ph. D. must be a substantial and innovative contribution to knowledge. 而博士论文必须是对知识的巨大的和革新的贡献。 www.bing.com 7. He's about to finish his Ph. D. and he was filmed recently with someone you all know. 他就要完成博士学位了。他最近和一个大家都熟悉的人拍摄了一段视频。 www.ted.com 8. She received her Ph. D. And postdoctoral degree from Stanford University's Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 她还在斯坦福大学工业工程和工程管理系获博士和博士后学位。 www.google.ca 9. Master or Ph. D. Degree in Cognitive Psychology, Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Industrial Design, or related disciplines. 硕士和博士认知心理学学位、人机交互、人为因素、工业设计、或相关专业毕业。 www.itpub.net 10. "The power of embarrassment is greater than willpower, " says Stephen Gullo, Ph. D. , author of The Thin Commandments. “尴尬的力量大于毅力,”斯蒂芬古勒博士,作者苗条戒律的作者如是说。 www.bing.com 1. Mr. Schoonover, 27, is midway through a Ph. D. program in neuroscience at Columbia, and thought he would try to find a different hook. 27岁的施科纳维现在正在哥伦比亚大学攻读神经科学的博士学位,虽然学业只完成了一半,但这位年轻人却在努力尝试找到一种与众不同的联系挂钩。 www.bing.com 2. Interestingly, being a teetotaler and a smoker increased the risk for mortality, said Carolyn Aldwin, Ph. D. , lead author of the study. 卡洛琳·鲍德温博士,这项研究的主要负责人表示:有趣的是,绝对禁酒者和吸烟者的死亡率更高。 www.bing.com 3. At Stockholm University, all new Ph. D. students in environmental and climate sciences are now offered training in speaking with the media. 在斯德哥尔摩大学,所有环境和气象专业的新博士研究生正接受与媒体对话的培训。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. West holds a Ph. D. from Baylor College of Medicine and is particularly interested in aging and stem cells. 威斯特从贝勒大学医学院取得博士学位,对老化和干细胞的研究特别感兴趣。 5. Have interviewed Nankai University economy academy professor , Ph. D candidate director Liu Xiao Xin with these problem , reporter. 带着这些问题,记者采访了南开大学经济学院教授、博士生导师刘晓欣。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. There wasn't an economist among them. And none of them was a Ph. D. 她们之中没有一位是经济学家,没有一个人拥有博士学位。 www.bing.com 7. Dr. LI holds a Master degree in Business Administration and a Ph. D. Degree in Economics. 李博士持有工商管理硕士学位及经济学博士学位。 chuangs.com.hk 8. Molecular mechanism involved in immortalization and transformation of human esophageal epithelial cells Lung, Maria, Ph. D. 香港大学医学院细胞生物研究室人食管上皮细胞永生化和转化的分子机制。 www.diseasedoc.com 9. Kenyan father, white American mother. Childhood dream to be president, Ph. D. 父亲是肯尼亚人,母亲是美国白人。 dict.wanyuwang.com 10. That question is what he and Ph. D. student Anastasia Zakolyukina set out to answer. 这就是他和博士生安娜斯塔西娅察柯柳金娜打算回答的问题。 www.bing.com 1. "It turns out that wine drinkers tend to live healthier lifestyles, " says Duke University alcohol researcher Aaron White, Ph. D. “喜欢喝葡萄酒的人往往会选择更健康的生活方式,”Duke大学酒类研究员AaronWhite博士说。 www.bing.com 2. With a whole week off, I'll try to finish my Ph. D's dissertation. 有一个星期的假,我可以写完博士论文了。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. To get a tenure-track professorship after Ph. D. school, you need an additional quality: tenacity. 想拿到终身教职,你需要额外的技能。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Tan Jian-rong. Research on global recognition and graph reconstruction of scanned image of engineering drawings[Ph . D. Thesis] . 谭建荣。工程图纸扫描图像的整体识别及图形重建研究[博士学位论文]。浙江大学。 www.bing.com 5. The Harvard Program in Virology provides extraordinary opportunities to conduct graduate study for the Ph. D. 在病毒学哈佛计划提供特别的机会,进行研究的博士研究生 www.baike.com 6. Ge Hongbin: consultant, Ph. D of Shanghai University, critic for modern and contemporary literature, writer and brand expert. 葛红兵:顾问,上海大学教授博导,现当代文艺批评家,著名作家,品牌传播专家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. "Roger" is extremely smart, funny, physically strong, personable, works in social work and is getting a Ph. D. in education. 罗杰非常聪明有趣,身体强壮,很有风度,经常参加社会活动,并且正在攻读哲学博士学位。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Rana, who has a Ph. D. in biochemistry from Ohio University, readily admits that small details of Scripture could be wrong. 拥有俄亥俄大学生化博士学位,很乐意承认经文中的小细节有可能是错的。 kk.dongxi.net 9. The editor, Clayborne Carson, Ph. D, is the author and editor of several books on the civil rights struggle in the United States. 本书编辑克莱伯恩·卡森是一位哲学博士,他曾经撰写、编辑过几本关于美国民权斗争的图书。 www.booksfly.com 10. By the age of three he was reading. At 18 he earned his Ph. D. from Harvard. 他3岁能读,18岁获得哈佛的博士学位。 dongxi.net 1. In the past, an unlimited number of European Ph. D. project students could be recruited and qualify for funding, she noted. 在过去,能够被认证取得受助资格的欧洲博士生人数可能没有限制,她指出。 www.bing.com 2. Mimi Schaaf graduated from National Taiwan University and obtained her Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry from Wayne State University. 毕业于台大化学系,获美国韦恩州立大学化学博士。 desmondwong.dyndns.org 3. If you want a Ph. D like that, you might as well cry for the moon. 如果你这样就想拿博士学位,那简直是异想天开。 www.i21st.cn 4. He later transferred to Carnegie Mellon University, which awarded him a Ph. D. in computer science in 2008. 后来他转到卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity),并于2008年获得了计算机科学博士学位。 c.wsj.com 5. Cognitive therapy can change the brain circuitry, concludes Richard Davidson, Ph. D. , After reviewing hard data. 认知疗法能够改变大脑线路,结束理查德戴维森博士检阅硬数据。 actuafreearticles.com 6. The scramble for faculty jobs is prompting graduate students and newly minted Ph. D. s to look overseas. 美国国内大学教职一职难求的现状迫使美国研究生以及新晋博士学位获得者将求职目光投向海外。 www.bing.com 7. Foreign students flock to American universities to earn master's degrees and Ph. D. s in science, technology, engineering and math. 外国大学生源源不断地涌入美国大学,攻读科学、技术、工程以及数学的硕士和博士学位。 www.bing.com 8. His Ph. D. in CS from Carnegie Mellon in 1988 and taught at the University of Virginia where he was granted tenure a year early. 1988年在卡内基梅隆大学获得博士学位。然后他执教于弗吉尼亚大学并提前一年拿到终身教职。 hi.baidu.com 9. In fact, I even had a Ph. D. thesis student here at MIT do an entire thesis on this topic. 事实上,我甚至还有一名麻省理工学院的博士生,他的整个论文,就是以这种事为题目的。 www.bing.com 10. Take any and all supplements with breakfast, suggests nutrition expert Shari Lieberman, Ph. D. , author of The Real Vitamin &Mineral Book. 营养师莎莉·莱伯曼博士(著有《真正的维生素和矿物质》一书)建议,早餐时摄取一切其他的补品。 www.bing.com 1. Finally, a good Ph. D. student must have the ability to clearly and forcefully articulate their ideas--in person and in writing. 最后,一个好的博士生必须拥有清晰准确的表达观点的能力,无论是口头的还是笔头的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. There's a small college in India that sells Ph. D. s. B. A. s and M. A. s, too, if that's all you want. 印度有个小学院,专门出售博士,硕士和学士学位,只要你想要,都可以买到。 www.bing.com 3. But while earning my Ph. D. at MIT and then as a post-doctor doing space research, the issue started to bother me. 然而,当我开始在麻省理工学院攻读博士学位以及随后作为博士后从事宇宙空间研究工作时,却开始被这个问题所困扰。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Officials said Mr. Zhu was a Ph. D. student in agricultural and applied economics. 官员表示朱海洋正攻读农业和应用经济学的博士学位。 www.bing.com 5. The author is a Ph. D. Candidate at Center for International Communication Studies, Tsinghua University. 本文作者为清华大学国际交流学习中心的博士学位候选人。 www.bing.com 6. She received her Ph. D. in Comparative Literature at U of Wisconsin-Madison for Anglo-American, French and Chinese Literature. 于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校比较文学系获英美、法国和中国文学博士学位。 www.chinesescifi.org 7. The lead investigator was Matthew Nock, Ph. D. , an associate professor of social sciences at Harvard University. 首席研究员是MatthewNock博士,哈佛大学社会科学副教授。 www.bing.com 8. China also spends four times as much as India on R& D. And China produces a much larger number of Ph. D. s. 此外,中国在研发上的投资比印度高三倍,中国的博士生也比印度多得多。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Surely there's a Ph. D. thesis around somewhere that explains why sidekicks are nearly always more interesting than heroes. 一定在哪存在着这么一篇博士论文帮我解释了为何死党几乎永远比主角有趣。 www.bing.com 10. "A small amount can signal that the meal is over, " says Barbara Rolls, Ph. D. , author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. “吃少量即标志饭吃完了,”芭芭拉罗尔斯博士,计量饮食计划的作者如是说。 www.bing.com 1. The senior investigator was Ronald Kessler, Ph. D. , a professor of healthcare policy at Harvard Medical School. 资深研究员是RonaldKessler博士,哈佛医学院卫生保健政策教授。 www.bing.com 2. Then he's planning to get a Ph. D. in educational media science at Michigan State University. 他计划获得硕士学位后,在密执安州立大学攻读教育媒体学的博士学位。 www.kaibell.cn 3. From 1993 to 2006, the U. S. saw a respectable 24% increase in the number of science and engineering Ph. D. 's graduated each year. 从1993年至2006年,美国科学和工程博士毕业人数每年以24%的速度增长,这样的数字还算可观。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Ye Xiaohua, Lecturer, PH. D. candidate, School of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, majoring in journalism. 武汉大学新闻与传播学院讲师,博士生,主要从事新闻理论研究。 journal.whu.edu.cn 5. or Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering or other related areas. 具有电子工程或相关领域硕士或博士学位。 docbeta.com 6. Graduate from athletics university pedagogy in Peking particularly an industry, Ph. D. degree. 毕业于北京体育大学教育学专业,博士学位。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. The importance of having a Ph. D is that you know you don't need one. 拥有博士学位的重要性就是让你知道你并不需要一个博士学位。 edu.netbig.com 8. And in faultless English, David Li of Tsinghua University confessed his dissatisfaction with the quality of Chinese Ph. D. s. 而来自清华大学的李稻葵则用完美的英语表达了他对中国博士素质的不满。 chinese.wsj.com 9. "The first meal you have appears to program your metabolism for the rest of the day, " said study senior author Martin Young, Ph. D. “早餐规划你剩余一天的新陈代谢,”研究的主要作者UAB大学心血管系MartinYoung博士说。 nutrition.fmmu.edu.cn 10. Nader, Ph. D. , professor of physiology and pharmacology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Nader博士领导完成,他是WakeForest大学医学院生理及药理学教授。 www.dxy.cn 1. This will stimulate the sacral nerves and build heat in the genitals, says Michael Gach, Ph. D. , founder of the Acupressure Institute. 这会刺激骶骨神经,生殖器也会因此生热,指压学会的创始人迈克尔·贾许博士说道。 www.bing.com 2. In general, however, new Chinese Ph. D. graduates might need more postdoctoral advising than U. S. graduates. 但总的来说,中国新博士毕业生比美国的毕业生需要更多的博士后指导。 www.bing.com 3. I'd like to suggest that our Ph. D. programs often do students a disservice in two ways. 我想说的是我们的博士培养计划经常会以两种方式来伤害到学生。 www.bing.com 4. Roger H. L. Chen, Ph. D. , is a professor of civil engineering at West Virginia University (WVU), Morgantown. 博士,就职于美国摩根敦西弗吉尼亚大学(西弗吉尼亚大学),是土木工程系教授。 img3.zhubajie.com 5. Some new heads of research teams have come straight from earning a Ph. D. 一些研究团队的头头直接来自博土新人。 www.bing.com 6. James is a Professor of the Educational and School Psychology Department: Ph. D. 吉姆,教育心理学教授,教育心理学博士(美国)。 www.worklish.com 7. Onge, Ph. D. , a research associate at Columbia University's New York Obesity Research Center. Onge博士说,她是哥伦比亚大学纽约肥胖研究中心的助理研究员。 www.qdtranslation.com 8. Elisha Goldstein, Ph. D. is a Clinical Psychologist and conducts a private practice in West Los Angeles. ElishaGoldstein博士,临床心理学家,在西洛杉矶开设私人诊所。 www.bing.com 9. Foreigners account for about 40% of all science and engineering Ph. D. holders working in the U. 所有在美工作的理工科博士学位持有人中,约四成为外国人; www.qeto.com 10. A. , M. A. , and Ph. D. in Economics from New York University. In 1954, he co-founded the economic consulting firm Townsend-Greenspan & Co. 1954年格林斯潘与合伙人共同创立了“汤森—格林斯潘”经济咨询公司,并担任副总裁、董事长、总裁。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Wing feather with copper-containing pigment, flight and display, Courtesy Peter Mullen, Ph. D. 带有铜类色素的翅羽,飞行和展示用,彼得·穆伦博士惠赠 www.bing.com 2. "We all look at faces, and practice face-watching, all the time, " says Germine, a Ph. D. student in psychology at Harvard. “我们所有人都在看脸,并且总是在练习,”哈佛大学心理学博士生觉民说。 www.bing.com 3. Since its fishing policy transformed Iceland, the place has become, in effect, a machine for turning cod into Ph. D. 's. 自从它的渔业政策转变了冰岛,冰岛已经成为了一部把鳕鱼(COD)转变成博士(PHD)的机器。 www.bing.com 4. said Alison Steier, Ph. D. , director of clinical training at the Arizona Institute for Early Childhood Development. 亚利桑那州儿童早期发展研究所的临床训练指导者,AlisonSteier博士这么说。 www.bing.com 5. Whittaker, Ph. D. "The column became a missile that shot across the road, through the window and through the floor. " Whittaker博士说,“这个圆柱充当了一枚发射物,跨过了道路,穿过了窗户和楼层。” cnc.wesiedu.com 6. With Jim Westwater's strong support, I got my Ph. D. in three years, faster than almost anyone. 在詹姆士韦斯特沃特的大力支持下,我用三年时间获得了哲学博士学位,几乎比任何人都快。 www.bing.com 7. Peng received a BA from Harvard University and Ph. D. from Princeton University, both in Mathematics. 彭博士获哈佛大学数学学和普林斯顿大学数学博士学位。 www.chitec.cn 8. Ph. D. Microbial Ecology - Growth and productivity of coastal and deep sea sediment bacteria. 微生物生态学博士——沿海及深海沉积物细菌的生长和繁殖。 www.seed.slb.com 9. In such fields as history and philosophy, these degrees are considered stepping-stones toward a doctorate (Ph. D. ). 在诸如历史、哲学一类专业领域,硕士学位通常被认为是获得博士学位的一个步骤而已。 www.yxc.cn 10. Lianyou Li, Ph. D. Candidate, Professor, Director of the research center for statistics and market survey. 在读博士,教授,中央财经大学统计与市场调查研究中心主任。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Wang Huiyan. Research on image edge detection and image matching and their applications[D]. Ph. D. Dissertation, 2003(in Chinese). 王慧燕。图像边缘检测和图像匹配研究及应用[D]。博士学位论文,2003。 www.opticsjournal.net 2. Wen-Xiu Wang, Professor, Ph. D. , co-founder of the Department of Medical Oncology. 王文秀,教授,博士生导师,肿瘤内科创始人之一。 3. Jeffrey Harris, M. D. , Ph. D. , University of Pennsylvania, Professor of Economics, Research Interests: Economics of the tobacco industry. 杰弗里。哈里斯,经济学博士,毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,研究方向:烟草业的经济。 bbs.512ms.com 4. Self-change is tough, but it's not impossible, nor does it have to be traumatic, according to change expert Stan Goldberg, Ph. D. 变化专家期坦·古德伯格博士说:自我改变是困难的,但并不是不可能的,也不一定会有创伤。 www.bing.com 5. Enrollment, a large proportion are working for Ph. D. study, graduate job really is not much. 招生人数,很大比例是在职读博,毕业真正找工作的并不多。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. In February, she received her Ph. D. in a bioengineering from the same school. 在二月份,她在同一学院取得了生物工程学博士学位。 www.suiniyi.com 7. A lot of Ph. D. students get depressed when they reach the boundary, because there's no longer a test to cram for or a procedure to follow. 很多博士生在达到边界的时候都很沮丧,因为他们从未被一项考验占据如此多的精力,或者从未坚持一个如此艰难漫长的过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Now, Wright State University psychology professor Lawrence Kurdek, Ph. D. , confirms that our lexicon is accurate. 现在,莱特州立大学心理学教授劳伦斯-库尔德克博士(LawrenceKurdekPh.D.)证实了这一点。 www.bing.com 9. Shanghai: Ms. WANG Lin Vice Chief of Shanghai Urban Planning Administration Bureau, Ph. D. 上海市规划管理局副处长、博士。 www.tjupdi.com 10. Nathaniel Isaacson is a Ph. D. candidate in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA. 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)亚洲语言文化系博士候选人。 www.chinesescifi.org 1. Zhang Hong , born in 1962 . Professor and Ph. D. Supervisor. His main research interests include data mine and machine learning . 张宏,1962年生,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为数据挖掘与机器学习。 www.bing.com 2. Michael Nelson Title: Buckets: Smart Objects for Digital Libraries Degree: Ph. D. 数据桶:数字图书馆的智能对象。 my.donews.com 3. As a Ph. D. student, I actually had three projects I wanted to work on. 当我在读博士的时候,实在我有三个项目是想做的。 www.bowwin.com 4. This course is designed only for Ph. D. students in electromagnetic fields and microwave techniques and some other majors related. 本课程专门为电磁场与微波技术和相关专业的博士研究生开设。 www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn 5. I originally decided to get a Ph. D. because I love teaching. 最初,我决心要获得博士学位,因为我喜欢教书。 www.bing.com 6. He published his first physics paper at 15, earned his Ph. D. from Caltech at 20 and two years later won a MacArthur prize. 他于15岁发表第一篇物理学论文,20岁从加州理工获得博士学位,并于两年之后赢得麦克阿瑟奖。 www.bing.com 7. I am convinced that I can enrich your Ph. D. program by contributing my special Chinese backgrounds, experiences and insights. 我相信,我可以贡献我特殊的中国背景、经验和见解,从而来丰富贵校的博士教学。 www.proftrans.com 8. A Ph. D. in clinical psychology, he hates performance reviews, if anything, even more today. 作为一名临床心理学博士,塞缪尔教授现在对于绩效考评的愤愤之情甚至更加强烈了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. What did the author constantly fight against while doing her Ph. D. and post-doctoral research? 作者进行博士和博士后研究时经常要对抗什么问题? cet.hjenglish.com 10. Ph. D candidate, research on amorphous and nanocrystalline alloy. 博士生,研究方向为非晶和纳米晶合金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Complete your bachelor 's degree or get a master's degree, MBA or even a Ph. D. 完成你的学士学位或考取一个硕士学位,MBA甚至是博士学位。 tr.hjenglish.com 2. But this, of course, creates a new problem: people with Ph. D. 's don't want to fish for a living. 当然,这也造成了一个新的问题:有着博士学位头衔的人不愿意捕鱼为生。 www.bing.com 3. Ph. D. , in which you have to do a research project, is a whole different thing. 作为博士,在某个领域,你必须做一个研究项目,这是一件真正困难的事情。 www.bing.com 4. Can Qualitative Study Be Used as Research Method of a Ph. D. Thesis in Sports Sciences? 定性研究可以做成体育科学的博士论文吗? www.ilib.cn 5. Postdoctoral researchers are paid from the same budget, but the number of Ph. D. s supported this way had ballooned. 博士后研究人员从同样的预算中获得报酬,但是以这种传统方式受助的博士生的数目迅速膨胀。 www.bing.com 6. He being a Ph. D. , The college provided all the conveniences for him. 由于他是哲学博士,所以学校为他提供各种方便。 xuele.cn 7. WANG Zhenlin, male, born in 1970, Ph. D, associated Prof. , research interests: architecture, compile, system virtualization. 王振林,男,1970年生人,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为体系结构,编译,系统虚拟化。 www.55doc.com 8. optimism reigns in regard to getting Ph. D. dropouts to return to their pursuit of the degree. 在关于博士辍学者重新追求学位的观点上,乐观主义占了上风。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. It does, however, prompt the question: Will the Ph. D. become the new master's? 可是,有一个问题:博士会成为新的硕士吗? www.bing.com 10. Ph. D graduate research on regulation of plastid gene expression in higher plant. 博士学位研究—高等植物质体基因的表达。 www.nibs.ac.cn 1. Ph. D. Of Department of Physics Drexel University Philadelphia, PA . 年,美国宾州费城的爵硕大学物理系。 www.bing.com 2. Jing Ning, born in 1963. Professor and Ph. D. Supervisor. His main research interests include GIS and spatial database. 景宁,1963年生,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为地理信息系统、空间数据库。 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. his ph . d . thesis was rated " the best thesis of the year " at the university of minnesota. 其博士论文被评为当年度明尼苏达大学的最佳论文。 www.ichacha.net 4. Already this year, Einstein has completed his Ph. D. thesis, finished one paper on photons and another on Brownian motion. 今年爱因斯坦完成了博士论文,写了论光子和布朗运动的文章各一篇。 bbs.open.com.cn 5. It's Jason Bourne with a Ph. D. in political science. 这是有着政治科学博士学位的杰森伯恩。 www.bing.com 6. You have a Master's Degree or Ph. D. And at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study. 您具有硕士或博士学问,并具有17年以上的全日制的学习经历。 newbbs.chuguo.org.cn 7. You needed a Ph. D. in order to understand the rate card. 要真正理解一张广告价目表,或许得派一个哲学博士来才行。 blog.huangjinping.com 8. Johnson, who has a Ph. D. in linguistics, isn't kidding around with his love of brevity. 作为一名语言学博士,约翰逊并不是在围绕他对“简洁”的爱而卖弄幽默。 yeeyan.42qu.com 9. He says, "In 20 years, you'll need a Ph. D. to be a janitor. " 他说,“20年里,为了门卫工作你可能要获得博士学位。” www.bing.com 10. My cousin working for a PH. D. degree at Cambridge. 我的表妹在剑桥攻读博士学位。 www.5doc.com 1. He and biological and agricultural engineer Glen Rains, ph. D. are doing just that. 他和生物、农学工程师格兰·瑞恩斯博士正在从事这样的工作。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Met cofounder Larry Page in computer science Ph. D. program at Stanford and dropped out in 1998 to start Google from a friend's garage. 布林在斯坦福大学攻读计算机博士学位时结识了Google联合创始人拉里?佩奇,并在1998年退学,在朋友家的车库里创办了Google。 www.bing.com 3. She got her Ph. D degree from K? ln University, Germany in 1990 with studies on energy transformation in Cyanobacteria. 1990年在德国科隆大学获博士学位,研究藻类能量转化。 www.ezkaoyan.com 4. After I received my Ph. D. In 1996 I started work for Schlumberger Cambridge Research in the Reservoir Treatments Group. 1996年获得博士学位后,我就职于SchlumbergerCambridgeResearch的“油层处理项目组”。 www.seed.slb.com 5. "The bedroom is where you relax and unwind, " says Denis Cauvier, Ph. D. , a business consultant and Lysaght's co-author. “卧室是你休息和放松的地方,”商业咨询顾问、莱斯特的合著者丹尼斯·居维叶博士说道。 www.bing.com 6. It was developed by Stanford Ph. D and light field expert Dr. Ren Ng. 它是由斯坦福大学博士、光学专家RenNg开发。 www.bing.com 7. She holds a Ph. D in Educational Linguistics from Stanford University. 获斯坦福大学教育语言学博士学位。 www.24en.com 8. D. , Ph. D. , assistant professor of internal medicine and obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School. 首席研究作者RonaldBuckanovich医学博士说,他是密西根医学院内科学和妇产科学的副教授。 news.dxy.cn 9. He obtained a Ph. D. in physics before starting a career in software development. 在开始他的软件开发生涯之前获得了物理学博士学位。 www.infoq.com 10. Director of Strategic Marketing, ON Semiconductor Corporation Gene Meieran Ph. D. 昂半导体公司战略营销主任。 www.huangbaiyu.com 1. Tetsuo Kondo : Ph. D, Professor, Biomaterial Design Lab. , Bio-Architecture Center, Kyushu University, 812-8581, Japan. 近藤哲男:教授,工学博士,农学博士,九州大学生物织构中心,生物材料设计实验室,日本812-8581。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "We don't know how many Jewish children survived the war, " said psychologist Eva Fogelman, Ph. D. , the daughter of Holocaust survivors. “我们不知道战争期间有多少犹太儿童存活下来,”哲学博士心理学家伊娃·福格尔曼说,她是二战大屠杀中一位幸存者的孩子。 www.bing.com 3. A Ph. D. is a small but significant contribution to human knowledge. 博士学位无关紧要,关键是要能对人类知识领域的突破做出贡献。 www.bing.com 4. The number of students pursuing their Ph. D. degrees has reached 120 thousand in China, second only to the United States and Germany. 目前我国的在读博士生人数已经达到12万人,仅次于美国和德国。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Most of the young teachers working in this university are Ph. D. 在这所大学工作的大多数年轻教师都是博士。 wenku.baidu.com 6. China. With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph. D. graduate program. 随着巨大的兴趣,工业工程,我写信给接受申请到博士研究生课程。 wenwen.soso.com 7. I had always harbored2 plans to do some research for a Ph. D. thesis outside the Netherlands, to broaden my perspective. 我一直暗暗地计划要离开荷兰从事我的博士论文研究,这样可以开阔我的眼界。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Haitao Hu: born in 1973 , Ph. D. Candidate, his current research interests include dynamic services composition and workflow . 胡海涛男,1973年生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为动态服务组合、工作流技术。 www.bing.com 9. "If you can fix your outsides, your insides follow, " says Susan S. Bartell, Ph. D. 如果你可以修理你的外部,那么你内部的变化将随之而来。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Shive received his Ph. D. in Chinese history in 1979 from Temple University in Philadelphia, his home town. 1979年在家乡费城的坦普尔大学获中国历史博士学位。 www.citygf.com 1. Fehervari is now a research associate in the department of pathology at the University of Cambridge, where he earned a Ph. D. in immunology. 现在,法贺维瑞回到他取得免疫学博士的母校英国剑桥大学,在病理系担任研究员。 2. But not nearly so many as the place needs, given its talent for turning cod into Ph. D. 's. 但鉴于冰岛将鳕鱼转换成博士的巨大能力,这一工作不需要那么多人。 www.bing.com 3. Perhaps you'll get a PH. D degree online in the near future. 或许在不久的将来,你可以在线获得博士学位。 www.chinaedu.com 4. This new interest led me to attend the University of Georgia, where I took my second Ph. D. , in the psychology of religion. 这个新的兴趣促使我来到乔治亚(前苏联)大学,并获得了第二个博士学位:宗教心理学博士。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. so if you really want to be a ph . d candidate , you must make full preparation. 因此,如果你当真想成为一名博士生,你必须作好充分思想准备。 www.ichacha.net 6. It was respectively given the authority to confer Ph. D in World Economics in 1998 and Western Economics in 2002. 1998年获得世界经济专业博士学位授予权,2002年,获得西方经济学专业博士学位授予权。 www.lingnan.net 7. Psychologists usually have a Ph. D. and help people primarily through counseling and psychotherapy. 心理师通常有博士学位,主要是透过谘商与心理治疗来助人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Li Tieli: Professor and dean of School of International Trade and Economics of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Ph. D. in Economics. 李铁立教授,经济学博士,广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院院长,主要研究方向为区域经济学。 www1.gdufs.edu.cn 9. Xingbo Gao, Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of School of Statistics. 在读博士,副教授,统计学院副院长。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Feng Yucai, male, born in 1946, professor and Ph. D. supervisor. His research interests include database technologies. 冯玉才,男,1946年生,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为数据库技术。 55doc.com 1. Rapoport is getting a Ph. D. in electrical engineering this year at MIT. 拉波波特今年在麻省理工学院获得了电气工程的博士学位。 www.bing.com 2. A Ph. D. , where you have to do a research project, is a whole different thing. 但作为博士研究生,你得从事一项研究课题,这是完全不同的一件事情。 www.bing.com 3. The consultant is a learned person who has just got Ph. D degree in Oxford. 那个顾问是个博学之士,他刚从牛津大学获得博士学位。 www.bing.com 4. So he became an engineer, earning a Ph. D. in chemical engineering from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. 因为这座城市的关系,他成为了一个工程师,并且获得了英国剑桥大学化学工程的博士学位。 www.bing.com 5. Huettel, Ph. D. , a neuroscientist at the Brain Imaging and Analysis Center. Huettel博士说,他是大脑成像和分析中心的一名神经学家。 news.dxy.cn 6. After that, I came to the Netherlands where I'm now doing a Ph. D. in Theoretical Immunology. 之后,我来到了荷兰,现在我在这里攻读理论免疫学的博士学位。 www.ted.com 7. Sam: Philip is a Ph. D student in the Department of Computer Science. 山姆:菲利浦是计算机系的一名哲学博士。 www.dictall.com 8. Can a Case Study Be a Ph. D. Thesis in Sports Sciences? 个案研究可以做成体育科学的博士论文吗? ilib.cn 9. A section of a Master's or Ph. D. thesis. 硕士或博士论文的一部分。 www.myoops.org 10. Monica, M. D. , Ph. D. , an ophthalmologist in New Orleans. 莫尼卡是新奥尔良的一个眼科医生。 www.bing.com 1. Anyway, there must be many people who want to be a Ph. D student, I think. 不管怎样,我想一定有很多人梦想成为一名博士。 bbs.wwenglish.org 2. Almost everyone who has obtained a Ph. D. is proud of their efforts and the result. 每个博士都为自己的努力和成果而骄傲。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Perhaps that's because the hematologist, who earned a Ph. D. in Paris, is not your typical bureaucrat. 也许是因为他是一个在巴黎获得博士学位的血液病学家,而不是一个典型的官僚主义者。 news.dxy.cn 4. State Street now has 700 excellent talents, in which more than 50% are masters and Ph. D. s. 目前公司拥有本科以上优秀技术人才近700名,其中硕士研究生占50%以上。 www.jobui.com 5. "People who forgive show less depression, anger and stress and more hopefulness, " says Frederic, Ph. D. , author of Forgive for Good. Forgiveforgood的作者弗瑞德瑞克博士说:“那些原谅别人的人,很少会情绪消沉,经常生气或是压力过大,他们都对未来更是希望满怀。” www.bing.com 6. In 1977, when Leo received his Ph. D. in physics from the University of California at Irvine, my mother wrote him a long, warm letter. 1977年,利欧在加州大学欧文分校获得物理学博士学位,妈妈给他写了一封充满温情的长信。 www.bing.com 7. However, according to Joy Davidson, Ph. D. , author of Fearless Sex, bigger isn't always better. 然而根据《无畏的性爱》一书的作者乔伊·戴维森博士所言:并不是越大越好。 www.bing.com 8. He also holds a M. B. A. and Ph. D. in Financial Economics from Chicago. 他也从芝加哥大学获得了财政经济学,工商管理硕士和博士学位。 open.163.com 9. I have known more people whose lives have been ruined by getting a Ph. D. in physics than by drugs. 我所看到的被物理博士学位毁掉生活的人,比被毒品毁掉生活的人还要多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Guangming Lv, Ph. D. in Economics, Lecturer. 经济学博士,讲师。 tieba.baidu.com 1. I called Joanna Mountain, Ph. D. , 23andMe's senior director of research, so she could teach me how to brag more effectively. 我给“23andMe”公司负责研发的高级主管乔安娜·芒滕博士打了个电话,好让她可以教教我如何更有效地进行炫耀。 www.bing.com 2. Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering 1965 from Imperial College London, UK. 1965年获得英国伦敦帝国理工学院电力工程学博士。 blog.163.com 3. Dan has a Ph. D. and John does too. Did he supervise anybody over there? 丹有博士学位,约翰也有,他在那儿管理过别人吗? www.bing.com 4. During my Ph. D. studies, I intend to focus on inorganic and materials chemistry in order to design new materials for use in industry. 我想以无机和材料化学作为博士学位课程研究的主要方向,这样就可以为工业设计出新的材料。 www.bing.com 5. I will start working on my Ph. D. In Bio-chemistry. In 10 years, I will get a Nobel Prize in that area. 我要攻读生化博士学位,在10年时间里我要拿下生化领域的诺贝尔奖。 www.pcfanblog.com 6. He received a Ph. D. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 1966. 1966年他在斯坦福获得了计算机科学博士学位。 gb.cri.cn 7. Jiang Tao, male, born in 1973, Ph. D. His research interests include data mining. 蒋涛,男,1973年生,在读博士,研究方向为数据挖掘。 55doc.com 8. The point that I want to make here and now is that Ph? D dissertations must be original. 此时此地我想要说的一点是博士论文必须是原创性的 www.qeto.com 9. Give the observer permission, suggests Paul Schutz, Ph. D. , of the University of Georgia, and you will receive feedback. 乔治亚大学的保罗·舒兹博士说:给观察者许可,你就能得到反馈。 www.bing.com 10. My Ph. D. degree at York takes about five years to complete. 我在约克大学的博士学位需要大约五年的时间才能完成。 www.tigtag.com 1. Barbara G. Taylor, Ph. D. , University of Florida, Research Interests: Human Resources. 芭芭拉。泰勒,博士,毕业于弗洛里达大学,研究方向:人力资源。 bbs.512ms.com 2. Miller, Harrison S. "State Versus Society in Late Imperial China, 1572--1644" , Ph. D. Dissertation, Columbia university, 2001. 哈里森·米勒:《中国帝国晚期的国家与社会:1572—1644年》,哥伦比亚大学博士论文,2001年。 flwh.znufe.edu.cn 3. He is smart and excels in chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts and gets his PH. D at the University of Illinois. 他是聪明,擅长化学工程在马萨诸塞州大学,取得在美国伊利诺大学获得博士学位。 www.nianjian.net.cn 4. He is a trained pathologist and also holds a Ph. D. in pharmacology. 他是一位训练有素的病理学家,并且持有药理学的博士学位。 www.360doc.com 5. Zhou Ting : Ph. D candidate of Biochemistry department, University of Zurich. Member of CUZ Photo Club. 周霆:苏黎世大学生物化学系博士生,CUZ摄影俱乐部会员。 sites.google.com 6. Margaret got a PH. D. degree from Colunbia University in1929. 玛格丽特1929年的时候从哥伦比亚大学获得了哲学博士学位。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 7. Her son later regained an interest in reading and has a Ph. D. 她的儿子不久又重获阅读的兴趣并获得了博士学位。 www.bing.com 8. It is sometimes called Dr. Copper by fans because it's seen as a better prognosticator of the economy than academics with Ph. D. s. 铜有时被投资者称为“铜博士”,因为它被视为能够比拥有博士学位的学术人士更准确地预测经济走势。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The Ph. D. , A traditional degree, signifies the highest level of advanced scholarly attainment. 博士学位是一种很传统的学位,代表着高级学术成就的最高水平。 www.bing.com 10. But if research isn't your passion, then a Ph. D. can afford many different opportunities, such as patent law and science writing. 但是,如果做研究不是你的激情所在,博士学位还可以提供许多不同的机会,如专利法、科学写作等。 www.bing.com |
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