单词 | phase, two | ||||||||||
释义 | phase, two
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 第二阶段,第二阶段计画,二期 1. The character code is coming back in phase two in early July so you'll have plenty of time to check it out. 人物码(不知道这是什么)将会在七月上旬的第二阶段内回来,你将会有很多的时间来测试它。 bbs.sc2.com.cn 2. Phase two of a cyclical bull market begins as markets start to anticipate the beginning of a monetary tightening cycle. 随着市场开始期待货币紧缩周期的开始,周期性牛市的第二阶段就开始了。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Now, researchers are on to phase two: turning that cellular glop into a square inch of honest-to-goodness muscle tissue. 现在研究人员正在进行第二阶段:将这软胶性浓稠的半流体物发展成一平方英寸实实在在的肌肉组织。 www.suiniyi.com 4. But the commission has learnt its lesson and got meaner with allowances, thus pushing up the price in phase two. 然而委员会已经学乖了,发放许可更加吝啬,因而推动第二阶段的价格一路上扬。 www.ecocn.org 5. Phase Two comes when you start an actual conversation with an employer, online, by phone or in person, about an actual job. 第二个阶段开始的标志是:当你跟潜在雇主有网络,电话,或者面对面的交谈。而这些交谈是围绕着一个真正的工作的。 page.renren.com 6. As part of the on - going pay level survey, the Phase Two Consultant has completed the preparation for job descriptions . 第二阶段顾问完成了薪酬水平调查中有关拟备职责说明书的工作。 www.bing.com 7. In phase two we increase our competitiveness through operational excellence, innovation, and branding. 进而,我们为第三阶段做好了准备:达到迅猛,盈利的业务增长。 www.tianya.cn 8. But yesterday marked the beginning of phase two. 不过从昨天起,第二阶段明显开始了。 www.bing.com 9. Nato launched phase two of its air strike campaign against Yugoslavia yesterday. 北约昨天向南斯拉夫发动第二波空袭。 dict.ebigear.com 10. The control strategy of single-phase two-stage grid-connected PV(PhotoVoltaic) generation system is studied and improved. 研究并改进了单相两级光伏并网发电系统的控制策略。 www.epae.cn 1. Phase two is completed, amusement park will become the Qilu boutique online travel a bright pearl, with more international appeal. 二期建成后,富华游乐园将成为齐鲁精品旅游线上一颗璀璨的明珠,更具有跨国吸引力。 weifang.qite8.com 2. Construction of phase two has already begun and is set for completion in time for Virgin Galactic's pioneering flights. 第二阶段的建设现在已经开始了,它主要是为了给维京银河的先期飞行做准备。 gb.cri.cn 3. And the Nuclear Power Qinshan Joint Venture Co. , Known as Phase Two. 核电秦山联营有限公司二期。 big5.cctv.com 4. Phase two deals with the business benefits you can realize from forming some services versus others. 阶段2处理您能够认识到的某些服务而不是其他服务所带来的业务价值。 www.ibm.com 5. Phase two. Whether you want to supplement your Social Security or stretch your paycheck, look for ways to earn more cash. 不论你是否想增加你的社会保障或提高薪水,找更多的机会去赚更多的钱。 www.bing.com 6. Phase Two: experiments that involve designing and colligating. 实验内容包括,多级放大电路的设计和调试; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. After we finish here, we move on to phase two of the anniversary evening. 这里完成之后我们去纪念之夜的第二阶段。 sfile.ydy.com 8. After phase one of the project is complete, we will move into phase two. 当我们完成第一个阶段以后,我们将进入项目的第二期工程。 davegrowingup.spaces.live.com 9. The second area we look is from a Phase Two perspective, in areas that are aligned with our areas of expertise. 我们考虑的第二个领域是研发过程的第二期,关注那些与我们专长领域相符的领域。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The " Phase Two" plan will nearly double the size of the mall. 这个“二期”规划规模是当前商业街的两倍。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. That was the first step and it has been done. Now we're moving on to phase two, which is bringing players in. 这是第一步并且已经完成了。现在我们正在迈向第二阶段,就是买入新球员。 bbs.sports.163.com 2. Phase two, preparation, adds a layer of speed by introducing tempo runs and long repeats. 第二个阶段,会增加一部分速度训练,包括乳酸门槛跑和长距离的反复跑。 www.bing.com 3. Debates in Phase two of the competition will be adjudicated by a minimum of 5 adjudicators. 第二阶段的比赛每场至少由五位评委评判。 www.fltrp.com 4. After sit handed the pan legs, two legs had gently smooth extend, heel phase, two palms helped knee touch fast massage 108 times. 坐完后双手把盘放的腿轻轻拿下,两腿平伸,脚跟相触,两手掌扶膝快速按摩108次。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Phase Two. . . we chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa. 第二阶段…我们要臭骂他们一顿因为他们把我们丢非洲了 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Well, look, why don't you just, why don't you do your Phase Two strip club thing with us. 你为什么不,不继续你的第二阶段,和我们一起去看脱衣舞表演呢?不,你们不行。 ldh95.blogchina.com 7. In phase two, actual, clear-cut and persuasively packaged proposals will be more important. 而在第二阶段,作出软硬兼施的提议更为重要。 www.bing.com 8. Phase Two includes extended Oneness projects and courses that will be rolled out across Africa from 2012 to 2035. 第二阶段包括延伸的合一计划和课程,从2012年到2035年普及整个非洲大陆。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Phase two will see the completion of the central dome. 第二阶段则将完成中央穹顶的建造。 www.bing.com 10. Phase two lasts, on average, 11. 4 months and results in an average fall in global equities of 7 per cent. 第二阶段平均持续11.4个月,并导致全球股市平均下跌7%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Why don't you do your phase two strip club thing with us? 我们跟你去进行第二阶段好了 www.bing.com 2. We have to get to phase two and phase three. 我们必须进行第二阶段和第三阶段的试验。 www.ted.com 3. Marty, we skipped Phase Two we didn't chew them out. 马蒂我们跳过了声讨他们的阶段 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Phase One will be completed in June 2010 and Phase Two be from July to December 2010. 第一期复修工程会于二零一零年六月完成,而第二期工程将于同年七月至十二月展开。 www.modelshopbangkok.com 5. Measurement error analysis for three-phase two-element watt-hour meters used in three-phase four-wire system 三相二元件表在三相四线系统中的计量误差分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Brief Introduction of the Auxiliary Feedwater Deaerator for Qinshan Nuclear Power Station Phase Two 秦山二期核电工程辅助给水除氧器简介 ilib.cn 7. Influence of Blasting Compaction of Rubble Bed for Works in Phase Two of Yangpu Port upon Works Itself and Surrounding Structures 洋浦港二期工程基床爆夯对工程及周边建筑的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Quality Control for the Construction of Anchor Pile and Pile Embedded in Rock of Phase Two Project of Yantian Port 盐田港二期工程锚碇桩和嵌岩桩的施工质量控制 ilib.cn 9. Quality Control of Construction for the Terminal of Phase Two Project in Yantian Port Area 盐田港二期工程码头混凝土施工质量控制 ilib.cn 10. Application of acrylic chemical grouting material in phase two of Three Gorge project 丙烯酸盐化学灌浆材料在三峡二期工程中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Application of Replacing Method of Heavy Compaction to Phase Two Project of Yantian Harbour Area 强夯置换法在盐田港区二期工程中的应用 ilib.cn 2. In phase two, these administration activities are performed 在阶段二之中,执行了以下管理性活动 www.ibm.com 3. The Several Problems Met During Piling for Wharf of Phase Two Project of Yantian Harbour Area 盐田港区二期工程码头打桩遇到的几个问题 ilib.cn 4. alternating current single phase two wire insulated system 交流单相双线绝缘系统 www.foodmate.net 5. Optimization of Phase Two ventilation System Design of Meishan Iron Mine 梅山铁矿二期通风系统设计优化 ilib.cn 6. YL Series single-phase two-value capacitor induction motor YL系列单相双值电容异步电动机 donavo.com 7. Research and Simulation of Space Vector Modulation of Three-phase Two-level Inverter Based on Simulink 基于Simulink的三相两电平逆变器的空间矢量调制的研究与仿真 service.ilib.cn 8. Phase Two Development of Huairou Lakeview Aquatic Park 怀柔区湖景水上乐园二期项目建设 www.nanyang.com 9. YL Series single phase two-valuecapatitor motor YL系列单相电容电机发送询价 www.wjzhan.com |
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