单词 | post-new | ||
释义 | post-new
例句释义: 关于 1. Nowadays, it's easy to find authors on the web, who often post new material expanding or correcting their work after it's published. 现在想在网上找到作者很容易,一般来说作家们都会在书籍出版之后把一些扩展或修改内容发布在网上。 www.oxford.com.cn 2. As a new user of the VT forums, you must first register for a user account before being able to view current topics or post new threads. 作为一个VT论坛的新用户,您首先必须登记一个账户才能阅读当前论坛内容或发表新贴。 www.cmsfx.bm 3. I'm doing this partly just to show you how this happened historically and this actually gets you into a post-New Testament kind of subject. 我这样做的目的之一是向你们展示,这些发展的历史背景,这些资料把你们导入后新约之类的题材。 open.163.com 4. You also can't force it to refresh on your own, but it will refresh automatically as your friends post new updates. 你无法手动刷新,但是当你好友发布最新更新时,这款应用会自动刷新。 www.bing.com 5. We'll periodically post new information in the Exhibit Hall along with the reports from other people who have done these experiments. 我们将在“展示厅”定期公布新信息及由完成这些实验的其他人提供的报告。 www.seed.slb.com 6. dasBlog has one feature that really stands out called "Mail to Weblog" , which allows you to post new entries via e-mail. 但dasBlog有一个很突出的特性,那就是“MailtoWeblog”,它允许你通过邮件来发布新信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. This would mean continuing to post new news articles to these WordPress blogs on a regular basis on specified topics. 这将意味着继续发布新的新闻文章,在一个特定主题定期对这些WordPress的博客。 www.bing.com 8. You are not allowed to post new content in the forum. 您没有在此讨论版发表新文章的权限。 www.bp-one.com 9. My plan is to repost episodes from several years ago and when I'm in the mood write, record and post new episodes. 我的计划是重播从几年前的广播,当我我有状态时我会动笔,录音,广播新话题。 www.bing.com 10. Chapter 2 analyze female images' characteristics of the post- new movie period . 第二章分析了台湾新电影时期女性形象的具体特质。 1. Our site will be a place where we will post New Years Eve Parties by major U. S. City, including New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and more. 我们的网站将是一个地方,我们将发布的美国主要城市,包括纽约,迈阿密,洛杉矶新年除夕缔约方,等等。 www.bing.com 2. We'll periodically post new results on this site. 我们将在此站点上定期公布新结果。 www.seed.slb.com 3. Bieber would post new songs on YouTube, respond to messages from fans and interact with them. 比伯要在Youtube上发布新歌,回复粉丝们的信息并与他们互动。 www.bing.com 4. We may post new legal information or changes in the laws that may affect users. 我们可能改变后的新的法律或法律信息可能影响用户。 5. Throw a pre-Christmas party or a post-New Year's Eve party to finish all the leftovers. 办一个圣诞节前或新年前夕过后的派对来消磨剩余的时间。 www.bing.com 6. New Topics: Only authorized users may post new topics in this forum. 新主题:本论坛只允许授权用户给新主题发帖。 forum.tracemode.cn 7. I hereby insist that my activities on FB are just approve new requests, update my status and post new pictures. 我在这里坚决表明,在FB,我仅仅只是更新状态,发布图片和接受好友请求。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The Identi. ca API includes methods to post new status messages or remove existing ones. caAPI包含了可发布新状态消息或删除现有状态消息的方法。 www.ibm.com 9. To start, Users need a way to log in so that they can post new entries. 首先,User需要一种登录方式,从而能够发布新的条目。 www.ibm.com 10. Course Practice in Learner's Post: New Exploration on Practical Teaching of Modern Open Distance Education 随岗实践:现代远程开放教育实践教学新探索 www.ilib.cn 1. The Japanese Private Novel and the Chinese Post-New-Period Privatized Feminist Writing 日本私小说与中国后新时期女性私人化写作 www.ilib.cn 2. You cannot post new topics in this forum 在这个论坛里,你不能发布新主题 www.k555.cn 3. Post new message to buyer 向买家贴送新的留言 forums.ebay.com.cn 4. You CAN NOT post new topic 您不能在本论坛发表新主题 www.australianwinner.com |
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