单词 | parallel |
释义 | paralleled是parallel的过去式
复数:parallels 过去式:paralleled 过去式:parallelled 现在分词:paralleling 例句释义: 平行的,并联的,相同的,并联,相似,相似物,平行线[面],对比,使成平行,与…平行,与…相匹[配得上,相应],匹配的,并行化 1. Other large-scale trends have paralleled the decline in violence and cruelty, but it is not easy to sort out cause and effect here. 野蛮和暴力减少的同时也出现了其他一些大趋势,但是很难简单地分清哪些是原因哪些是结果。 dongxi.net 2. Watching it, I was struck by how much the protagonist's story paralleled Nim's. 观看时,我强烈震撼了,主人公的经历与尼姆的经历何其相似。 www.bing.com 3. The reason was a basic antagonism to intelligence that paralleled the opposition to any technical innovation . 原因是有人从根本上反对搞情报活动,就象有人反对技术发明一样。 www.bing.com 4. In this chart the fixed costs are plotted paralleled to the variable costs. Thus the fixed cost line becomes the total cost line. 在这一图中,固定成本线与变动成本线平行,固定成本线就成了总成本线。 www.tdict.com 5. The point is that while we have selected Carlson, he is by no means unique, and many well-managed firms paralleled his example. 问题是我们已经选择了卡尔森,他决不是唯一的,许多管理出色的公司与他的例子不相上下。 6. Aircrews plotted out a path that paralleled the flight from Jalalabad to Abbottabad. 机组成员绘制出从Jalalabad到Abbottabad航线的相似路线。 www.bing.com 7. The growth of IIA has paralleled the recognition of internal auditing as an essential control function in all types of organizations. IIA的成长相应地使内部审计被认可成为各类组织必要的控制职能。 bbs.hnerp.com 8. Itis through this characteristic that stability of the system is achieved and division of load between paralleled units is made possible. 正是通过这一特点,系统的稳定性是取得和分工负荷之间的平行单位,是可能的。 dajiao.net 9. which consists of two synthetic oblique accommodation zones and one strike-paralleled accommodation zone. 由两个同向型斜向调节带和一个平行走向型调节带组成。 www.juyy.net 10. The strong performance of New Zealand exports to China has paralleled the entry into force of the New Zealand-China Free Trade Agreement. 随着新中自由贸易协定的正式生效,新西兰对华出口表现强劲。 www.kouyi.org 1. The supplied PSA hardware products are supposed to be the new products or the updated products paralleled with the new products. 所供应的PSA硬件产品应为新产品或与新产品同等的升级产品。 pro.yeeyan.org 2. The altered rocks had a similar development with the hydrothermal ore deposits in the area of three paralleled rivers. 蒙脱石化蚀变岩的发育分布与三江地区热液矿床的分布具有相似的规律。 dict.bioon.com 3. Are differences in the developmental capacities of the egg and embryo paralleled by the distribution of metabolites? 卵和胚发育能力的不同是否被代谢分布所平衡? 4. This rapid response offers possibilities in the stabilization of the AC networks at the converter terminals or in paralleled AC ties. 此快速响应提供了在换流终端站或并联交流联络线稳定交流电网的可能性。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The object of tort law is the liability relationship of the infringement of civil rights. "Right" and "interest" are not paralleled. 侵权责任法调整的是侵害民事权利而产生的责任关系,“权利”和“利益”不是并列关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. This rise has been paralleled by an increase in fluid milk intake. 糖尿病发病率的上升是与液体奶摄入量的增加并行的。 www.bing.com 7. Conclusion: neuropsychiatric improvement was paralleled with improvement of VBI symptoms. 结论:随VBI症状改善,神经心理学损害亦有改善。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This paper introduces a two-paralleled H-bridge topology and proposes a digital feed forward control scheme for the gradient amplifier. 本文介绍一种基于双H桥并联结构的梯度放大器的电路拓扑,并提出一种数字前馈控制算法。 www.dictall.com 9. Then, the current of the paralleled branch coils excited by sine voltage is obtained by way of phasor. 然后,采用相量法求解出正弦电压激励下各并联支路的电流; lib.cqvip.com 10. Low impedance - enhances load handling when put in paralleled with a battery. 低阻抗-增强的负载处理时,在与电池并联付诸表决。 www.ddqcw.com 1. The uptick in guerrilla violence has been paralleled by a rise in activity by former paramilitary groups, recycled as criminal bands. 与游击暴力事件的上升相对应,一些落草为寇的前准军事组织的活动也日趋频繁了。 www.ecocn.org 2. In this dissertation, real-time defects inspection was implemented using paralleled structure and high-speed operation of FPGA. 本文利用FPGA并行结构、运算速度快的特点实现了材料缺陷的实时检测。 www.fabiao.net 3. Production processes often paralleled those of alchemy, giving an almost magical quality to colors. 生产过程往往平行炼金术的人,让一个几乎神奇的色彩质量。 ccebook.net 4. This paper considers a two identical components paralleled repairable system with inspection cycle. 研究了考虑检测周期的两同型部件并联的可修系统。 www.dictall.com 5. This paper presents a highly paralleled relaxed Newton method for transient stability real time simulation. 介绍一种新的用于大规模电力系统暂态稳定性实时分析计算的高度并行松弛牛顿方法。 joa.csee.org.cn 6. The POS and word sense disambiguation approaches based on individual rules have been experienced in non-lexical paralleled parallel corpus. 第三,在未经词汇对齐的平行语料中,实践了基于个性规则的词性、词义消歧方法。 7. This part discussions mainly from two aspects: paralleled research and cross-cultural research. 主要从平行研究和跨文化研究两个维度展开述评性的探讨。 www.fabiao.net 8. We prove by experiments that paralleled cameras can provide larger reconstructable area and higher accuracy then the non-paralleled cameras. 我们用实验证明了依照本篇的方法,平行摄影机可以有更大的可重建范围以及更准确的重建结果。 9. Paralleled grammar evolution results in that every type of conjunctions have synonymous member. 平行虚化直接导致每类连词中存在大量的同义成员。 www.boshuo.net 10. The increase in unrest has paralleled the increase of business and factory closings and job losses. 工厂倒闭,企业关门,工人失业,这都和社会稳定息息相关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. His warning paralleled the president's suspicions. 他的警告同总统的疑虑不谋而合。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The frequency electric field under the paralleled multi - transmission lines was calculated by Equivalent Charge Method. 利用等效电荷法计算多线路并列架设空间工频电场。 lib.cqvip.com 3. Achieve a highly paralleled algorithm to calculate the simplification error of triangular meshes by using CUDA. 利用CUDA实现了高度并行化的网格模型简化误差计算算法。 www.xactad.org 4. The evolution of press clothing from "conventional felts " to engineered fabrics has paralleled changes in paper machine design (13). 压榨毛布的演变从“传统的毛毯”,到工程织物具有平行变化在纸机设计中(13)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The fall of piracy was paralleled by the elimination of ship armaments and the reduction of crew sizes. 伴随着海盗覆灭的是轮船武装的解除与船员的削减。 www.zftrans.com 6. This bird cannot be paralleled for beauty. 这只鸟的美丽是无与为匹的。 www.hotdic.com 7. The return to the ways of ancient Rome "has closely paralleled the decline of Christianity" . 对古罗马样式的回归“与基督教的衰退如影随形”。 www.bing.com 8. Huawei's growth paralleled the herky-jerky rise of many Chinese firms. 华为的成长可以媲美其他急剧发展的中国公司。 www.bing.com 9. Not matched or paralleled by others of its kind; unrivaled. 不等同的一类中其他所不能匹配的或不能相比的; dict.hjenglish.com 10. Designed for small to medium size generator sets, the EGCP-2 can be configured to operate stand-alone or utility paralleled sets. 专为中小型发电机组,egcp-2,可以设定的运作的立场,单独或公用事业平行套。 dajiao.net 1. By 1800 the six towns of Stoke-on-Trent paralleled China as a world centre for ceramic production. 在1800年的时候,特伦特河畔斯托克的六个小镇与中国并驾齐驱成为世界陶瓷产品的中心。 www.futogp.com 2. The rise in the numbers of workers in manufacturing paralleled growing activities by workers to organize for their benefits. 随着制造业工人人数的增加,工人为自身利益组织起来进行的活动越来越多。 www.zftrans.com 3. Apple's rise to power in our time directly paralleled the transformation of global manufacturing. 苹果公司的崛起和全球制造市场的变革是同步的。 www.bing.com 4. Haiti paralleled similar protests by hungry people in more than twenty other countries. 同时,二十多个其他国家饥饿的人们举行了与海地的类似的抗议活动。 www.bing.com 5. There is an exceptional case, three forces with paralleled lines of action, which will be discussed in Chapter 3. 三个力的作用线相互平行的例外情况,我们将在第三章讨论。 www.jukuu.com 6. 'Maybe this is just someone else who just happened to look like him and whose life story just kind of paralleled, ' Mr Gutt said. 格特先生表示:“也许这只不过是一个碰巧看上去有些像库珀的人,他的一生都是规规矩矩的那种。” dongxi.net 7. Cleared to land on the grass , it is paralleled to the active runway to the east . 可以在草地降落,它平行于使用跑道的东面。 www.bing.com 8. It can be paralleled with the boot loaders found on xSeries machines to launch a Linux partition. 它可以与xSeries机器上的引导加载器并行,以启动Linux分区。 www-128.ibm.com 9. It can be paralleled with the boot loaders we find on xSeries machines to launch a Linux partition. 它类似于我们可以在xSeries机器上找到的用于启动一个Linux分区的引导加载器。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Your track is paralleled with reference line. 你船的航迹和参照线平行。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The legislation and the practice paralleled will make the civil procurator's protest system more reasonable, the function more notable. 立法与实践并行定能使现有民事抗诉制度愈加合理,效能更显卓著。 www.fabiao.net 2. Paralleled the ditch to the highway. 平行于公路挖沟渠 dict.hjenglish.com 3. It also paralleled an 86 percent rise in ADHD medicine prescriptions for kids aged 10 to 19 during that time. 统计期间另一项激增的数据,是医生开给10至19岁儿童、青少年的ADHD药物处方笺,共计增加了86%。 cheap.yourabusedbitch.com 4. Theoretical Analysis of Steady Operation of Two Armatures Circuits Paralleled in the Two Armatures Separately Excited DC Motor 双电枢他励直流电动机两电枢回路并联稳定运行的理论分析 ilib.cn 5. Reliability analysis of a two- dissimilar- unit paralleled redundant systems with repair priority 具有优先修理权的两个不同部件并联系统的可靠性分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Study of Paralleled Buck Converters With Improved Automatic Current-Sharing Technique 改进式自主均流技术的研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on an Improved Paralleled Active Power Filter and Its Simulation 改进的并联型电力有源滤波器及其仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Clinical Evaluation of Itopride for Chronic Gastritis with Dyspepsia, - A Multi - Center, Randomized, Paralleled, Placebo - Controlled Trial 伊托必利治疗慢性胃炎合并消化不良症状多中心、随机、双盲、平行安慰剂对照研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Two-different-units paralleled repairable system with a replaceable facility and repair delay 修理设备可更换且修理有延迟的两不同型部件并联可修系统 www.ilib.cn 10. A paralleled compared study of Wuling capsule and Deanxit in the treatment of general anxiety disorder 乌灵胶囊和黛力新治疗广泛性焦虑症对照研究 www.ilib.cn 1. The invention discloses a method for decreasing the spending of information transfer between paralleled multi-digital signal processors; 本发明公开了一种降低并行多数字信号处理器之间消息传递开销的方法。 ip.com 2. The Error Margin Compensation Feasible of Fractional Turn for Current Transformer Second Winds Composed of Several Paralleled Conductors 电流互感器二次多根并绕的分数匝误差补偿可行性 ilib.cn 3. Two-unit Same Paralleled Repairable System with a Replaceable Facility and Delay Repair 修理设备可更换且修理延迟的两同型部件并联可修系统 www.ilib.cn 4. Vertical Diversity of Natural Landscape and Comprehensive Regionalization in Paralleled Ridge--Valley of East Sichuan 川东平行岭谷区自然景观垂直分异规律及综合分区--以重庆北碚区为例 www.ilib.cn 5. Design and application of automatic tracker for a new reactor paralleled resistance 并阻尼电阻消孤线圈自动跟踪装置的研制及其应用 ilib.cn 6. The established conditions of moment of momentum theorem to instantaneous rotation axis when rigid body doing paralleled planar moves 刚体做平面平行运动时动量矩定理对瞬时轴成立的条件 service.ilib.cn 7. Study on the Obligate Deformation of Flexible Protection System for Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Paralleled the Highway 铁路客运专线与公路并行区段柔性防护预留变形空间的研究 8. Paralleled clustering and leapfrogging linear development pattern 平行滇池的组团跳跃式线型发展格局 9. Development and Application of Autotracker of Paralleled Damping Resistance Arc-suppression Coil 并阻尼电阻消弧线圈自动跟踪装置的研制与应用 service.ilib.cn 10. Application of AC Deexcitation Technology in Self- paralleled Excitation Generator Systems 交流灭磁技术在发电机自并励系统中的应用 www.ilib.com.cn 1. An Interactive Following Current-sharing Control Strategy for Single Phase Paralleled Inverters in Full Digital 一种全数字化互动跟踪式单相逆变电源并联均流控制策略 ilib.cn 2. Performance simulation of paralleled water pumps with different regulating speed schemes 变频调速并联水泵系统性能仿真研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Discussion in Law on Financial Supervision Paralleled with the Headquarters of Foreign Capital Banks 对外资银行总行进行同步金融监管的法律探讨 4. Paralleled Separation and Coupling System for the Bioconversion of Cellulose to Ethanol 纤维素制酒精的分散、耦合、并行系统 www.ilib.cn 5. Study and application of a new reactor paralleled resistance 并阻尼电阻消弧线圈自动跟踪装置的研究与应用 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Simulation of Variable Speeds Operation Schematics for Multiple Paralleled Pumps 多台泵变频调速运行方案性能仿真研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Modeling and Design of Paralleled Buck Converter System with Automatic Current Sharing Technique 自主均流型Buck变换器并联系统的建模与设计 www.ilib.cn 8. The Design for Symmetry Circuit Control for Parallel inverter of SCR-Paralleled Medium-frequency Power Supply 晶闸管并联逆变中频电源对称性逆变控制电路设计 www.ilib.cn 9. The Simulation Research on the Control Technology of the Naval Ship's Paralleled Main Twin-engine 舰船主柴油机双机并车控制仿真技术的研究 10. High-voltage Generator Paralleled in Electric Power System without Transformer 不用升压变压器直接并网的高压发电机 service.ilib.cn 1. Review on Power Switch Distributed paralleled Current Sharing Technique 开关电源的分布式并联均流技术概述 ilib.cn 2. Calculation and position of reverse curve between paralleled lines in railway station 站内平行股道间反向曲线的设计和定位 www.ilib.cn 3. The Distributed Paralleled Computation of the Three Gorges Ship Lift Whole Dynamic Simulation System 三峡升船机整体动态仿真软件的分布式并行计算 www.ilib.cn 4. Legal Thinking on Paralleled Imports of the Patented Products 专利产品平行进口的法律思考 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on Full Paralleled AT Traction Power Supply Relay Protection Allocation 全并联AT牵引供电方式继电保护配置的研究 6. Simulation research of control technology of paralleled twin-engine on naval ship 舰船燃气轮机双机并车控制仿真技术研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Practical researches of paralleled optimal power flow algorithm based on subarea division of the power system 基于电网分区的并行最优潮流算法实用化研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Theory and Application of Air Flow Ejected from Air Curtain by Paralleled Fans in Mining Tunnels 多机并联空气幕引射风流及其应用研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Elementary talk on the influence of harmonic wave upon paralleled capacitor 浅谈谐波对并联电容器的影响 ilib.cn 10. Characteristics on the Output Speed of Plane-paralleled-gear Motors 平面式并联齿轮马达的角速度特性 ilib.cn 1. Super Finite Element Analysis for Two-way Voided Slabs with Paralleled Circle-tubes 平行圆管空心双向板的超级有限元分析 scholar.ilib.cn 2. Characteristics on the Output Speed of Plane-paralleled-gear Motors 平面式并联齿轮马达的角速度特性 ilib.cn 3. Motion Analysis of Paralleled Mechanism with Two Axles Driving 两轴驱动并联机构的运动分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Paralleled Optimal Power Flow Algorithm Based on Auxiliary Problem Principle and Interior Point Algorithm 基于辅助问题原理及内点法的分区并行最优潮流算法 www.ilib.cn 5. Recommended Values for Paralleled DC-DC Converters 并联使用的参考值 wenku.baidu.com 6. Application Among Paralleled Inverters on CAN Bus CAN总线在并联逆变电源中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. A Novel Current Sharing Method of Paralleled Converters 一种简易的并联开关电源均流方案 www.ilib.cn 8. The Development of the Industrial PC Computerized High Voltage Paralleled Capacitor Protection Device 基于工业PC机的高压并联电容器保护装置的研制 www.ilib.cn 9. A Paralleled Algorithm for Rapid Collision Detection Based on Division of Polyhedron 一种基于多面体剖分的快速并行碰撞检测算法 www.ilib.cn 10. Door frame and door should be paralleled 门框和门扇要平行 wenku.baidu.com 1. Door frame and door should be paralleled 门框和门扇要平行 wenku.baidu.com 2. A new and practical method for fault location based on single-end real time data in paralleled double circuit line 基于平行双回线单端实时数据的准确故障测距实用新方法 ilib.cn 3. A Genetic Algorithm Based on Uniform Design Paralleled with Genetic Operation 均匀设计和遗传操作并行的遗传算法 www.ilib.cn 4. The Design and Implement of Control System of Paralleled Single Phase Inverters Based on DSP 基于DSP的单相逆变器并联控制系统设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 5. Paralleled with the development of internet 伴随着网络发展, zhidao.baidu.com |
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