单词 | bounce in |
释义 | bounce in例句释义: 全部 1. It has appreciated 3. 4% since, including a bit of an upward bounce in the past few days. 此后,人民币兑美元累计升值了3.4%,这一幅度包括人民币在过去几天的些许升值。 c.wsj.com 2. The bond between Torres and Anfield was cemented with the creation of his own song, to which thousands of Kopites bounce in unison. 托雷斯与安菲尔德的血肉联系还在于球迷为托雷斯创作的托雷斯之歌,现在安菲尔德都有数千球迷有节奏齐唱托雷斯之歌。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 3. Analysts from Deutche Bank called it a "a solid quarter showing good progress, " predicating a bounce in shares. 德意志银行分析师称此为“一个强劲的季度,展现出良好的进步。”并预估其股价会大涨。 cn.reuters.com 4. De Santis was unlucky because he made the ball bounce in the only part in which it was possible to play. 德-桑蒂斯很不走运,因为他让球在球场中唯一能弹起的地方测试。 www.bing.com 5. The sharp bounce in stocks since the dark days of early March has been eye-catching. 3月初的黑暗时期以来股市的大幅反弹一直令人注目。 www.bing.com 6. The answer is both. The world economy will no doubt bounce in the next few quarters. 答案是二者皆会。毫无疑义,世界经济在接下来的几个季度中将得到反弹。 www.bing.com 7. Mr Brown finally succeeded Mr Blair, and clever tactics and conducive circumstances gave him a giddy bounce in the opinion polls. 布朗最终取代了布莱尔,并且利用技巧和有利环境使他在民意调查中起死回生。 www.ecocn.org 8. The young jobless often get a particular bounce in recoveries: first out, they are often also first back in. 失业青年经常会在经济复苏时得到特别的优待:首先被解雇,他们通常也会被优先聘用。 www.bing.com 9. Good on you, every healthy girl needs that sort of affection to create a bounce in life! 很好,每个健康的女生都需要这样的呵护来制造一个活泼的人生。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. So, it should not be surprised to see an oversold relief bounce in the coming days. 因此未来数日标普出现超跌反弹行情是不足为奇的。 www.capitalessence.com 1. there was still a noticeable bounce in her stride , but whatever springiness I had once possessed had long since left me. 在她的步伐中仍然可以很明显的看到弹性,但是我曾经拥有的多少弹性都早已离开了我 blog.sina.com.cn 2. A resolution that falls short of that outcome this Sunday will put the current market bounce in jeopardy. 然而,如果本周日的决议让市场的愿望落空,此轮市场反弹将岌岌可危。 www.fortunechina.com 3. Due to a bounce in both risk and commodities AUD has bounced sharply from its recent lows back above parity with the USD. 由于风险和商品皆出现反弹,澳元从其近期低位急剧反弹,兑美元突破一算。 www.mpfinance.com 4. The rabbit began to bounce in her direction. 小兔子听了朝她跑去。 www.bing.com 5. His Oval Office upbraiding of Mr Obama and his adulatory reception in Congress may have given him a bounce in the polls. 内塔尼亚胡总理办公室对奥巴马的谴责,以及他在美国国会受到的热烈欢迎,也许会提升他的民意支持率。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Far from delivering a bounce in the polls, the overhaul of health reform that Mr Obama pushed through in March has incensed many voters. 奥巴马在3月力排众议推出的医改方案非但没有带来民意调查结果的反弹,反而激怒了众多选民。 www.ecocn.org 7. The scraps bounce in high speed and progressive stamping will influence the quality of the work pieces and normal operation of the stamping. 高速级进冲压生产中的废料回跳会影响制件的质量和冲压生产的正常运行。 www.juyy.net 8. Kwame Brown: Again, I'm not talking about an All Star effort, but with seven boards in 16 minutes, Kwame showed a little bounce in his step. 夸梅·布朗:再一次,我不想再他提起全明星球员式的努力,但是16分钟抢下7个篮板,夸梅·布朗还是表现出了一些进步。 bbs.tbba.com.cn 9. "Signs of a bounce in the housing market kept the pressure on bonds, " said Carley Garner, senior analyst at Alaron Research in Las Vegas. AlaronResearch资深分析师CarleyGarner称,“房市回升的迹象令公债承压。” cn.reuters.com 10. Export figures from Asia have been stronger than expected, confirming a possible bounce in activity. 亚洲的出口额大于预期,说明经济活动可能出现反弹。 c.wsj.com 1. i am starting to feel and be in love with the feeling the slight bounce in my steps these days. working hard to make my steps bounce more. 我现在开始喜欢那种走起路来有一点轻轻弹性的感觉。会努力让这感觉曾强,弹性更轻的。 lookingat.passingsights.com 2. The bounce in mining stocks since February has been underpinned by the commodities rally -- which rests almost wholly on China's shoulders. 采矿类股自2月份以来的反弹一直受到大宗商品价格回升的推动,而这种回升几乎完全拜中国所赐。 www.bing.com 3. Mr Jerram reckons that the inventory rundown is coming to an end, which will lead to a short-term bounce in output as factories reopen. Jerram估计存货下降即将见底,随着工厂重新开张,出口将有一个短期反弹。 www.ecocn.org 4. That led to a bounce in Nikko's shares and Citigroup had to raise its offer, valuing the firm at $13. 4 billion. 该决策使得日兴的股份回升,同时花旗银行将不得不提升其相当于公司134亿资产的报价额。 www.ecocn.org 5. That said, now that the Oscars are nigh, Hollywood was finally regaining the bounce in its step. 尽管如此,既然奥斯卡一天天的临近,好莱坞最终又重拾人气。 www.bing.com 6. Combined with continued strong demand from China, this would "create a bounce in consumption that people just don't see coming" . 结合中国持续旺盛的需求,这将“形成出乎人们意料之外的消费反弹”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Perfect for dry or chemically treated hair that needs added moisture. To retain the bounce in curly hair use on dry hair between washes. 适合于干燥或化学烫染需要额外水分的头发。为保持卷发的弹力,在清洗之间用于干燥头发上。 www.wujinggou.com 8. An inventory-related bounce in the economy won't be enough to bring economic recovery. 库存带动的经济增长可能不足以推动整体经济复苏。 www.bing.com 9. The increase in housing starts was mainly due to a big bounce in the volatile multi-family category. 新屋开工数的上升,主要是由波动较大的多户型大幅反弹所致。 www.ftchinese.com 10. How does the ball bounce in both cases? 球在两种情况下如何弹跳? www.rrting.com 1. The US surprise was matched by an unexpected bounce in the equivalent PMI indices in China, now the world's second-biggest economy. 与美国惊喜相对应的是,当今全球第二大经济体中国的采购经理人指数也出现了意外反弹。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Warehouse shelves eventually get so bare that the need to replenish them causes a bounce in economic activity. 仓库货架终于变得如此空空如也,使得补充存货的需要带来了经济活动的反弹。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Any bounce in activity from a turnaround in the stock cycle will be short-lived if underlying demand fails to revive. 如果基础需求没有重新增加,任何来源于股票周期突然上扬的反弹都会是短期的。 www.ecocn.org 4. 'I expect we'll see a substantial bounce in next year's survey, ' Thomas says. 谭安厚说,我预计明年的调查会出现很大的反弹。 c.wsj.com 5. Rechristened Bounce in 2003, the show was mounted at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, and at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D. 2003年已被更名为《反弹》[Bounce]的这出戏终于在芝加哥的古德曼剧院和华盛顿的肯尼迪中心上演。 www.bing.com 6. His answer is that officials are juggling the data to set up a relatively firm statistical bounce in the second half of 2009. 他的回答是中国官员在调整数据,为2009年下半年制造一种相对强劲的数据反弹效果。 cn.reuters.com 7. Fiscal stimulus and inflation may trigger a bounce in the global economy in the second half of 2009. 财政刺激和通胀,将在2009年下半年推动全球经济反弹。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Local investors in Shanghai and Shenzhen bounce in and out of hot stocks, while most foreigners can invest only in Hong Kong. 本地投资者可以买卖上海和深圳股市的热门股票,而大多数外国投资者只能投资香港股市。 www.bing.com 9. The fish gave a bounce in the basket . 鱼在蓝紫中跳了一下。 bulo.yeshj.com 10. same scene like image C, but now the MAX BOUNCE in the Final Gather panel has a value of 3. 跟C一样的场景,但是在最终聚集面部里将光线最大反弹次数提高到了3。 www.cgbegin.com 1. There is bounce in His step. 他的脚步很有劲儿。 dict.ebigear.com 2. But most tellingly of all, early surveys of public opinion show a big bounce in the government's popularity. 但最说明问题的是,最新民意调查显示,政府支持率大幅反弹。 www.ecocn.org 3. Analysis and Solution of Scraps-Bounce in Progressive Die Stamping for Computer Case Septum Board 电脑箱勾板级进模废料上跳问题的分析与解决 ilib.cn 4. Research for the problem of "Ground Bounce" in digital and analog mixed circuits 数模混合电路中的“地跳动”问题研究 www.ilib.cn |
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