单词 | pollutant |
释义 | pollutants是pollutant的复数
复数:pollutants n. contaminant,impurity,toxin,poison,waste product 例句释义: 污染物,污染物名称,其他污染物,非放射性污染物 1. The sea is increasingly used as a rubbish bin, filled with poisons, plastics and other pollutants. Parts of it are infested with pirates. 海洋逐渐变成垃圾箱,用来倾倒毒物、塑料和其他污染物,有的海域受海盗侵扰。 www.ecocn.org 2. Scientists must then determine how much exposure to pollutants is harmful. 科学家必须决定如何接触到的污染物是有害的。 www.kb120.com 3. Be able to understand the factors including diffusion, convection , and reaction in environmental pollutants. 解污染物在环境扩散,传输及反应之各项因子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The study doesn't say how much more likely it is for people to develop lung cancer if they're exposed to higher levels of the pollutants. 该研究没有谈及,如果人们暴露于较高程度污染的环境中,其易患肺癌的程度有多大。 news.dxy.cn 5. Scientists at the EPA have long favoured such a ruling, which did not contain any specifics about reducing emissions of the pollutants. 环保局的科学家们长期以来倾向于这样一条原则,就是不抑制任何可以降低污染物排放的具体措施。 www.ecocn.org 6. Fiber-degrading enzymes have also been used to increase animal productivity and decrease environment pollutants. 纤维降解酶已被用于提高动物生产效率和降低环境污染物。 www.fao.org 7. The land utilization style produces lots of pollutants which are easy to flow into the lake. 流域土地利用格局造成了大量污染物的产生且易入湖。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The waste material might have infectivity bacteria, viruses, chemical pollutants and radioactive such harmful substances, for great risk. 废物中可能存有传染性病菌、病毒、化学污染物及放射性等有害物质,具有极大的危险性。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Persistent pollutants----Inorganic synthetic pollutants with complex molecular structures that are not effectively broken down in water. 持续污染物——无机合成污染物有复杂的分子结构,不易被水有效分解。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Landfill leachate contained high concentration of pollutants and great variation is often observed in either composition or flow rate. 垃圾渗滤液污染物浓度高,水质水量变化大,是国内外污水处理的难题。 www.chemyq.com 1. The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday, but the concentration of pollutants remained high. 周二,盘踞莫斯科达一周之久的烟雾稍有消散,但空气污染物浓度依然很高。 www.china.org.cn 2. Smog frequently builds up in eastern China during the winter when weather conditions trap pollutants over the plain. 天气状况受到污染物的影响,整个冬天污雾在中国东部频繁增强。 www.bing.com 3. Sulfur dioxide is one of the major pollutants in air. Its monitor is of great Significance to environment protection. 二氧化硫是大气的主要污染物之一,对其浓度的检测具有十分重要的意义。 www.fabiao.net 4. the motor vehicles and vessels that cannot be made to meet the prescribed norms for pollutants discharge shall be confiscated and destroyed. 对无法达到规定的污染物排放标准的机动车船,没收销毁。 www.bing.com 5. She explained that the studied pollutants "are mainly man-made" and "end up in the oceans upon release into the environment. " 她解释说所研究的污染物基本是“人造的”并且是“释放到环境中最后进入海域”。 www.bing.com 6. A product of fire and a component of smoke, carbon monoxide is among the pollutants that wildfires spread across much of western Russia. 作为火灾的产物,烟尘的成分,一氧化碳是俄罗斯西部大部地区森林大火的污染物之一。 www.bing.com 7. The aim of the total amount of pollutants is to protect more effectively regional environment and improving environmental quality. 污染物总量控制的目的是更加有效地保护区域环境和改善环境质量。 www.chemyq.com 8. He said discharges of industrial pollutants were concentrated in very few industries and regions. There were "no major surprises" . 他表示,工业污染物的排放集中在少数几个工业领域与地区。调查结果“没有什么特别令人吃惊的地方”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. North Dakota's capital is protected from pollutants due to a relatively remote location and the fact that it's not downwind of other cities. 北达科他州首府不受污染物的破坏是由于它相对偏远的位置,还有它不处于其它城市的下风区的事实。 www.hxen.com 10. "Combining nature with technology can increase the effectiveness of plants in removing air pollutants, " he said. “把自然和技术结合起来能够增强植物清除空气污染物的效力,”他说。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Consequently, remediation of sediments contaminated by refractory organic pollutants is one of the urgent environmental issues at present. 因此,对底质中难降解有机物的修复是目前所迫切需要解决的环境问题之一。 lib.cqvip.com 2. The recent researches are beginning to reveal its satisfactory performance in air pollutants control. 近年来的研究初步表明,它在治理空气污染物的方面具有较好的性能。 epub.cnki.net 3. Analyses the main emission pollutants from vehicles and discusses some air quality standards which could be used for references. 分析了机动车排放的主要污染物,探讨了地下机动车道可借鉴应用的空气质量标准。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Volatile organic pollutants into the atmosphere, enter the body through the respiratory system, has been on human health hazard. 挥发性有机污染物进入大气,通过呼吸系统进入人体,已经对人体健康产生危害。 www.diqujieda.com 5. Of course, a degree of scientific uncertainty remains about some of these pollutants' precise contribution to warming. 当然,这些污染物对气候变暖造成的确切影响,在科学上仍存在一定程度的不确定性。 www.bing.com 6. Yet averages between cities have served as the main measure of the long-term effects of pollutants . 而城市间的平均水平已成为衡量污染物质的长期影响的主要手段。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Yet averages between cities had served as the main measure of the long term effects of pollutants. 然而,调查是以成时间的平均污染物所产生的致病效果作为长期的研究源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Other pollutants, after all, are essentially impurities, which can be washed from the coal or filtered out of the flue gas. 毕竟那些可以从煤炭中或烟道气体中滤除的其他污染物质本身就是杂质。 club.topsage.com 9. Acid rain and heavy metals are only a few of the many pollutants that contaminate rivers, lakes, streams, seas, and oceans. 在众多的河流、湖泊、小溪和海洋的污染物中,酸雨和重金属只是其中的少数几种。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. 污染的空气或空气中含有的废物引起眼睛刺痛,流鼻涕。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In this paper, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in terms of the definition, characteristics and sources are briefly described. 介绍了持久性有机污染物的定义、特性和来源,研究了它们的全球归趋并探讨了机理。 www.dictall.com 2. Yes, if water tests show that your drinking water contains pollutants or if it has an unpleasant taste or color. 是的,设想水测试显示你家里的饮用水含有污染物或水有难闻的味道或颜色。 www.hxen.com 3. Organic pollutants inflow into the bottom of rivers and drainage channels with rainfall and surface runoff directly. 有机污染物随着降雨和地表径流直接汇入河流,并沉积到排水渠底部。 www.13191.com 4. The environmental chemistry and ecological toxicology of the protracted organic pollutants is one of the active fields now. 持久性有机污染物的环境化学和生态毒理学是目前环境研究最活跃的领域之一。 www.chemyq.com 5. abstract: Objective To understand the relationship between air pollutants and the respiratory daily mortality in Guangzhou. 目的探讨广州市大气污染对居民每日呼吸系统疾病死亡人数的影响。 www.bing.com 6. The fact that only drum fish died means the cause of death was localized in a specific species, which rules out pollutants or toxins. 事实上,只有石首鱼死亡。这说明其死亡原因排除了污染或毒素,仅定位于特定的物种。 dongxi.net 7. Speaking of a healthy baby's room, there are few website to help parents keep toxins and pollutants to a minimum. 说到有利于健康的婴儿房,有很多网站可以提供建议以帮助父母们把毒素和污染物降到最低。 www.elanso.com 8. Search nationally, by state or by city, to see what pollutants are currently in the air. 按州或按市进行国内搜索,确定近期空气中有哪些污染物。 www.bing.com 9. Additional water is pumped through the garden systems, which biologically filter out contaminants and pollutants. 更多的水则被循环泵入花园系统,通过生物过滤的方式去除污染物和有害物。 www.bing.com 10. And for those unimpressed by the more distant threat of climate change, there is always the immediate problem of conventional pollutants. 对有的人来说,气候变化的威胁还很遥远,但他们一直面临着常规污染物的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This time, rather than just report the concentrations of the pollutants, she and her colleagues tried to determine their sources. 这次,骄雅和他的团队不仅仅是报告了氯联苯污染,他们决定查处污染源。 www.bing.com 2. Any major changes in the kinds, quantities and density of the discharged land-based pollutants must be reported in a timely manner. 排放陆源污染物的种类、数量和浓度有重大改变的,必须及时申报。 www.bing.com 3. In the lower atmosphere, pollutants like sulphur dioxide "rain out" of the air within days. 在大气层底部,像二氧化硫等污染物会随着下雨几天内就从空气中排出。 www.bing.com 4. The concrete measures for the State Council shall prescribe the total emission control of major air pollutants. 主要大气污染物排放总量控制的具体办法由国务院规定。 www.24en.com 5. It was possible to cut down the amount of pollutants in leather processing, and rationally utilize waste and environment friendly dispose. 在加工过程中大幅度减少污染物的排放和废弃物的资源化利用是可以实现的。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. dependence between pollutants , so long as the flow capacity and concentration of one of kind of pollutants can be . . . 通过污染物相关关系,只要测出流量和一种污染物浓度,就可推算出相关污染物排放浓度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. One of the main problems is the lack of an effective way to remove these pollutants on a large scale expediently. 存在的主要问题之一是有效地清除这些污染物的大量缺乏规模方便。 beijing.newchannel.org 8. These pollutants, which take the form of tiny, airborne particles called aerosols, act as nuclei around which cloud droplets form. 因为这些叫做浮质的微小的、飘荡在大气中的粒子污染物起到一种核心的作用,云层的水滴围绕其而形成。 www.chinaedu.com 9. Due to the effects of climate change, shrinking habitat, and an increase in pollutants in northern waters, their future is uncertain. 由于气候变化的影响、栖息地的减少、以及北部水域的污染增加,它们的未来令人担忧。 kk.dongxi.net 10. In plants of this type, coal would be gasified and pollutants like mercury, sulfur and soot removed before burning. 在这种新型工厂,煤将被气化,像汞、硫、煤灰等污染物在燃烧前会被去除。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The results show that karst water in Jinan has generally been polluted by organic pollutants, which detection rate is up to 93%. 结果表明,泉域岩溶水已普遍受有机物污染,有机污染物检出率高达93%。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Experiments show that the oxidation with hydrogen peroxide is an effective process for the destruction of organic pollutants. 实验结果表明,氧化与过氧化氢是一种有效的进程,破坏有机污染物。 www.syyxw.com 3. Photocatalytic processes to degrade organic pollutants in water by utilizing a catalyst have been the subject of research recently. 最近以来,利用某些催化剂进行光催化过程来降解废水中的有机物质成为研究的热点。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. The main gaseous pollutants from automobile exhausts, nitrogen dioxides and carbon monoxide, are the major air pollutants in the city. 氮氧化物和一氧化碳是汽车尾气的主要气态成分,也是城市空气的主要污染物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The rate of growth in environmental pollutants and pollutant production in unit GDP production dropped significantly. 环境污染物增长率和单位GDP污染物产生量明显下降。 www.zshg.com 6. With the booming, the reservoir area water would be polluted more seriously by the large quantity of pollutants from b. . . 随着航运业的发展,各种船舶向水体排放大量的污染物将污染三峡库区。 www.chemyq.com 7. They have the dubious distinction of belonging to the "dirty dozen" - a group of dangerous chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants. 其具有类似于“12大危害物”的特性——“12大危害物”是一组被称为持久性有机污染物的危险化学物质。 www.who.int 8. The many textile-dying, chemical- and food-processing plants around the lake have caused a major accumulation of pollutants. 遍布太湖周边有上万家纺织印染、化工制造、食品加工企业,令污染物急剧积累。 www.eucma.org 9. Ozone is one of the major pollutants at the ground level, though a good gas in the stratosphere. 平流层臭氧有益,近地面臭氧是重要空气污染物。 www.chemyq.com 10. Visitors must pass through a filtration(9) system to help reduce the work's exposure to dust and pollutants. 参观者必须经过一套过滤系统,以降低作品受尘埃和其他污染物质的破坏。 www.hjenglish.com 1. ROAD VEHICLES. MEASUREMENT METHODS FOR GASEOUS POLLUTANTS EMITTED BY MOPEDS EQUIPPED WITH A CONTROLLED IGNITION ENGINE. 道路车辆.由装有控制点火发动机的机动脚踏两用车排气污染物测量方法 www.mapeng.net 2. All belong to a group of chemicals known as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). 所有属于这一组的化学制品被称为持久有机污染物(POP)。 www.elanso.com 3. Application of a powerful evaluation and management system for gross control of regional pollutants in Yangzhou is presented. 首次建立区域污染物总量控制考核指标体系水平等级的评定模式和动态管理的应用技术。 www.chemyq.com 4. NO_x is one of the most serious pollutants which are difficult to be dealt with. 氮氧化物气体是危害最大、最难处理的大气污染物之一。 www.chemyq.com 5. Pollutants like industrial waste, sewage runoff, overpopulation and agriculture discharges all make for quite a toxic brew. 工业废水,生活污水,人口过剩和农业排放等污染物把江河湖泊泡制成毒液之源。 www.bing.com 6. " To discharge " means to drain pollutants into the sea, including pumping, spilling, releasing, gushing and pouring. “排放”是指把污染物排入海洋的行为,包括泵出、溢出、泄出、喷出和倒出。 www.24en.com 7. "After the authorities lifted the traffic restrictions, the levels of these pollutants shot right back up, " Witte noted. Witte提醒道:“官方取消交通管制措施后,大气污染物浓度旋即反弹上扬。” www.bing.com 8. Farms are revealed by the report to be the biggest single source of the main water pollutants. 此次报告显示,农业是主要水污染物的最大单一来源。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The content of organic pollutants is the highest at the surface of sediment, and the organic content decreases with the depth of sediment. 底泥中有机污染物在表层有机物含量最高,随深度的增加,有机物含量逐渐降低; www.13191.com 10. Given the age of the coal fleet, many of the oldest plants also run afoul of clean-air guidelines on traditional pollutants. 最早建造的燃煤电厂服务年限已经很长,许多已不符合控制传统污染物的清洁空气指导原则。 www.bing.com 1. This change has been thought to be due to lifestyle changes, the rise in overweight and obesity, and exposure to toxins and pollutants. 男性生育能力的变化一直被认为是因为生活方式的变化、过度肥胖者的增多和环境污染等。 www.bing.com 2. Ship operations emit nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and hazardous pollutants into the air. 船舶作业中把排出的氮氧化物、二氧化硫、微粒物质以及危害性的污染一并散播到空气中。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. As the concentration of pollutants through the food chain, researchers worry that the plankton-eating fish will be contaminated. 由于污染物会通过食物链富集,研究人员担心以浮游生物为食的鱼类也会受污染。 www.englishtang.com 4. The EPA regulates outdoor air pollutants in the United States and oversees exposures from air, water, and soil. 美国环保署(EPA)调控美国室外环境污染。他们监视空气、水、和土壤的污染暴露情况。 www.bing.com 5. Effective gross control of regional pollutants should be a criterion for all responsible senior level government officials. 区域污染物总量可纳入各级政府和相关部门行政首长政绩考核中。 www.chemyq.com 6. Arsenic among chemical elements pollution is one of the most serious pollutants. 在环境化学污染物中,砷是最常见、最严重的污染物之一。 www.chemyq.com 7. The natural ecological cycle depends on plants, which absorb some pollutants and release oxygen to the air. 自然界生态循环依靠植物。植物吸收了部分污染物质,并把氧气释放到大气中。 www.wwenglish.com 8. As human efforts to develop new substances, the atmosphere of the types and quantities of pollutants are also constantly changing. 随着人类不断开发新的物质,大气污染物的种类和数量也在不断变化着。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. This missing piece of the puzzle might help scientists design new engines that emit fewer pollutants, paving the way for clearer skies. 这一新的认识或许能帮助人们设计新的引擎,减少污染物的排放,让天空更蓝,更清澈。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The mixture, incubated at rather less than body temperature, produced carbon dioxide and hydrogen but no pollutants. 这种混合,在低于体温的环境中发生反应,产生二氧化碳和氢气,但没有污染。 www.ftchinese.com 1. with a wide array of environmental pollutants including gases, particulates, sewage and et al. 现在我们必须对付很多种环境污染物,包括气体、颗粒物、阴沟污物等等。 www.jukuu.com 2. The studies show that the bi- frequency ultrasound is an effective method for pollutants degradation, but it need to make further study. 实验表明,频率组合对有机污染物的降解是一条有效途径,但需要更进一步的研究。 sioc-journal.cn 3. Presently the extracellular polymers in natural biofilms have been found to strongly impact the pollutants' action in aquatic environment. 目前已发现生物膜胞外聚合物对污染物在水环境中的行为具有重要影响。 www.juhe8.com 4. These(organic) pollutants in water could be biodegraded mostly, even fully through the co-metabolism action by some microorganisms. 水中的难降解有机污染物,可能通过几种微生物的一系列共代谢作用得到大部分,甚至是彻底的降解。 www.dictall.com 5. The first step to vibrant health, is to detoxify the body of health-repressing toxins and pollutants. 回复健康的第一步,就是先排出体内毒素,并且控制身体再次被毒素污染。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Lanzhou section of the Yellow River; water environment; environmental capacity; pollutants; industrial; layout. 黄河兰州段;水环境;环境容量;污染物;工业布局。 ccclw.cn 7. The invention provides a chemical filter capable of maintaining removal performance of ionic gaseous pollutants for a long time. 本发明提供一种能够长期维持离子性气态污染物质的除去性能的化学过滤器。 ip.com 8. The emission of combustible, carbon-containing pollutants can be controlled by optimizing the combustion process. 废气燃烧,含碳污染物的释放可以通过优化燃烧过程来控制。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. In Europe it is currently one of the air pollutants of most concern. 目前它是欧洲最为令人关切的空气污染物之一。 www.who.int 10. airborne particles and pollutants are filtered from the atmosphere by the substrates and vegetation on a green roof. 绿色屋顶的基质和植被可以过滤空气中的微粒和大气污染物。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When break, the deposits lean along the lower reaches of the valley carrying variety of pollutants. 溃坝时尾矿砂流沿山谷向下游倾泄,并携带各种污染物。 degree.fzu.edu.cn 2. Hangzhou intended to control the total amount of vehicle pollutants, in order to lessen the pressure of the atmosphere. 杭州拟控制机动车污染物总量,为大气解压。 food.sonhoo.com 3. When air is filled with harmful chemicals and pollutants, the trees and plants absorb this as well. 当空气里含有有害的化学物和污染物时,树木也能吸收。 dict.ebigear.com 4. industrial pipework . suction pipe for atmospheric pollutants . basic metal components . specifications. 工业管道。大气污染物吸入管道。基本金属部件。规范。 www.ichacha.net 5. Large amount of respiratory mortality corresponded with the month in a higher concentration of pollutants in line. 呼吸系统疾病日死亡人数较多月份与各污染物浓度较高的月份趋于一致。 www.bing.com 6. The main ingredients of the pollutants adhered to the membrane surface are oxygen-containing organic compounds. 污染物附着在膜的表面,其主要成分是含氧的有机化合物。 www.iwt.cn 7. the main relations of the atmospheric particles water-soluble ion, the main air pollutants and the chemical components of precipitation. 大气颗粒物水溶性离子与主要大气污染物和降水化学组成之间的关系; epub.cnki.net 8. Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years. 最后,有些污染物质特别是那臭名昭著的原子污染废料,可能要对大气、土壤和水继续污染下去达几千年之久。 www.wwenglish.com 9. From the perspective of the water treatment development in recent years, refractory pollutants are a major problem. 从近几年国内水处理发展来看,难降解污染物是废水处理中的一大难题。 www.fabiao.net 10. Energy consume and pollutants emission are the major factors which affect the air quality in Fushun city. 能源消耗及污染物排放是影响抚顺市环境空气质量的主要因子。 epub.cnki.net 1. Separation of chiral transformation products greatly complements the understanding of stereochemistry of chiral pollutants. 手性转化产物的拆分研究极大地弥补了手性污染物立体化学的内容。 www.fabiao.net 2. It is clear that the effects of these environmental pollutants are very real . 很清楚,这些环境污染物的影响是实际存在的。 www.bing.com 3. Organic polymers and petroleum hydrocarbons are the main pollutants in viscous oil wastewater. 有机聚合物和石油烃类物质是稠油废水中的主要污染物。 www.dictall.com 4. Furthermore, nano-zeolite can also be used for removing other pollutants. 同时,纳米沸石分子筛也可以去除其他污染物。 www.dictall.com 5. Air pollution is the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere of harmful degree, exceeding the environmental quality standards. 大气污染是指大气中污染物浓度达到有害程度,超过了环境质量标准的现象。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Printing plant and paper mill and color printing factory were the main sources of the soil pollutants in the target area. 区域内的印刷厂、造纸厂、彩印厂是土壤污染物的主要来源; lib.cqvip.com 7. Compared with other pollutants, the heavy metal pollution latent and is toxic, NiZhuanXing protracted and not the characteristics. 与其他污染物相比,重金属污染具有隐蔽性、毒性大、长期性和不可逆转性的特点。 winliuxq.com 8. The organic pollutants exist in karst water with a lower content and superscalar phenomenon only exists in local area. 尽管岩溶水有机污染较普遍,但有机物含量较低,仅局部地段存在有机物超标现象。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Electrogalvanizing zinc plate was used to degrade the organic pollutants in wastewater. 用电镀锌板对废水中的有机污染物进行了降解。 journal.ecust.edu.cn 10. Those who discharge pollutants into any water body for which local standards have been established shall observe such local standards. 凡是向已有地方污染物排放标准的水体排放污染物的,应当执行地方污染物排放标准。 www.bing.com 1. Those that discharge pollutants into water shall pay a pollutant discharge fee in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State. 向水体排放污染物的,按照国家规定缴纳排污费。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Dioxin-like chemical(sDLCs)are among the most toxic pollutants to the environments. So far, about 90% of DLCs come from the waste burning. 二恶英类毒物是目前已知最有害的环境污染物之一,而迄今为止,90%的二恶英类毒物都来源于垃圾焚烧。 www.chemyq.com 3. Sulphur dioxide has been regarded as one of the most serious of these pollutants. 二氧化硫一直被认为是这些污染物中最严重的一种。 ggene.cn 4. As one of heavy metal pollutants in soil, Arsenic has a great impact on the growth of plants and animals. 砷作为土壤中重金属污染物之一,对动植物生长影响极大。 www.chemyq.com 5. The results show that the water body of the river reach is polluted, and the main pollutants are manganese and coliform bacteria. 结果表明,该河段水体己受污染,主要污染因子为锰和粪大肠菌群。 lib.cqvip.com 6. Agreeing on a shared strategy to curtail short-lived pollutants would be a good way for all of them to start. 达成共同战略的一致,减少短命污染物将是这些国家付诸行动的好方法。 www.bing.com 7. Dioxins are a group of chemically-related compounds that are persistent environmental pollutants. 二恶英是一组对环境具有持久性污染力的化学物质。 www.who.int 8. Cytotoxicity and Apoptosis : evaluation of toxic compounds, anti-cancer antibodies, toxins, environmental pollutants etc. 细胞毒性和细胞凋亡:评价有毒化合物、抗癌抗体、毒素和环境污染物等。 www.labbase.net 9. Uptake of organic pollutants by plant was considered as the local partitions between organic components of plants and environment media. 植物吸收有机污染物的实质是有机污染物在植物有机组分和环境介质之间的平衡分配过程。 soso.361xs.com 10. Most of its tasks have focused on the movement of air and associated penalties involving distribution of pollutants, energy and fresh air. 其中大部分关注空气的运动和摆脱污染物、能源和新鲜空气分布利用不当的处罚。 biositemap.com 1. The pollutants in the first runoff were in the form of adsorbing on the solid particles. 初期径流中的污染物主要依附于固体颗粒物上存在。 www.shhydxxb.com 2. pollution is commonly attributed to motor vehicles' releasing pollutants into the atmosphere. 空气污染通常是机动车将污染物排放到空气里所致。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The electrolytic mechanism, course of the object pollutants and the biodegradability after electroanalysis were studied. 研究可降解目标污染物的降解机理及历程,并对电解后的废水进行可生化性的考察。 www.fabiao.net 4. It has set a number of targets for reducing emissions of pollutants and there has been good progress in this direction. 它设立了一些降低污染物排放的目标,并在这个发展方向取得了良好的进展。 www.dltcedu.org 5. To promote environmental protection education and enhance management of rural pollutants discharge for purification of rural environment. 加大农村环保宣传与污染治理力度,净化农村生产生活环境。 www.bing.com 6. Maoming Petrochemical Ethylene to establish a circular economy as the goal, insist on the source from the production to contain pollutants. 茂名石化乙烯确立为目标,循环经济,在从生产源头控制污染物的坚持。 www.qiyeku.com 7. The preparation of the catalyst is simple, safe, innocuous and free from pollutants and the catalyst can be recycled. 该催化剂制备过程简单安全、无毒无害、无污染,且催化剂可回收循环利用; ip.com 8. "This is, in effect, a fingerprint . . . the pollutants fingerprint, " one of the scientists said. 一位科学家表示:“事实上,这是一个指纹……污染物的指纹。” www.ftchinese.com 9. The aim of this project is to model impacts of long-range transported pollutants to air pollution over Taiwan. 本研究的重点为模拟境外排放污染物之长程传输对我国空气污染之影响。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 10. Walk on the windward side of the street where exposure to pollutants can be 50 percent less than on the downside. 在街道上,走在上风口比走在下风口要减少50%的污染。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Pollution absorptive capacity----The ability of the environment to absorb pollutants without incurring damage. 污染物吸收容量——环境吸收污染物以免遭到伤害的能力。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Even if Beijing cuts man-made emissions to zero, levels of such pollutants could still hit danger levels during the games, it says. 报告指出,就算北京把人为排放削减至零,此类污染物的水平在奥运会期间仍可能达到危险的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 3. To ensure environmental safety, we launched the fourth annual nationwide campaign to punish enterprises that illegally discharge pollutants. 连续四年在全国开展整治违法排污企业、保障群众健康环保专项行动。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. The manufacturing process uses large amounts of energy and generates pollutants that contribute to global warming. 制造塑料过程中使用大量的能源并产生导致全球变暖的污染物, www.foodmate.net 5. He also says that substances released into the air by burning the fat are low in harmful pollutants, including sulfur. 他还说,燃烧的油脂释放出的有害污染物含量(包括硫在内)较低。 www.dictall.com 6. Blumberg has shown that the organic pollutants tributyltin and triphenyltin derail the hormonal mechanisms that control the weight of mice. Blumberg已经表明,有机污染物三丁基锡和三苯基锡从控制老鼠体重的荷尔蒙机制中脱离出来。 www.bing.com 7. As a result, the pollutants generated in most households seldom build up to dangerous levels. 因此,房间里产生的污染物很少到影响健康的程度。 edu.21cn.com 8. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread environmental pollutants with high toxicity. 多环芳烃是一类毒性较大的环境污染物。 www.magsci.net 9. Alternatively, a chemical may be injected into the scrubber water, which then reacts with the pollutants. 另外,化学物质会被注射入擦洗器的水中,然后与污染物起反应。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Amid the gaseous pollutants they inhale are carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrochloric acid, ammonia and hydrocarbons. 在他们所呼吸的污染气体中有一氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、盐酸、氨和碳氢化合物。 amiellin.blog.163.com 1. Compressed air of liquid water will cause the pipeline corrosion (produced solid pollutants), lubricants scour erosion, equipment damage. 压缩空气中的液体水将引起管道腐蚀(产生固体污染物)、润滑剂冲刷流失、设备破坏。 www.sokongyaji.com 2. A growing body of research is shedding light on the ways that air pollutants impinge on the health of the American public. 越来越多的研究机构开始关注各种空气污染对美国大众健康的影响。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. Road vehicles. Measurement method of gaseous pollutants emitted by motorcycles equipped with a controlled ingition engine. 道路车辆.有点火装置摩托车排出污染气体的测量方法 www.mapeng.net 4. The trash and pollutants can be removed, new water quality standards enforced, "Venice" resurrected. 只要清除垃圾,杜绝污染物排放,坚决执行新的水质标准,“威尼斯”就可以重现昔日风情。 www.bing.com 5. Various pollutants leased by university laboratories jeopardize the health of experiment staff and worsen environment pollution. 高校实验室产生的各类污染物给实验人员健康和环境污染带来越来越大的危害。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Environmental benefit assessment index for energy recovery period, reducing the emissions of pollutants and environmental costs. 环境效益评估指标为能量回收期、降低污染物的排放量以及环境成本。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Units shall report in time on any substantial change in the categories, quantities or concentrations of the pollutants discharged. 排放污染物的种类、数量、浓度有重大改变的,必须及时申报。 szlawyers.chinalawinfo.com 8. Even relatively low concentrations of air pollutants have been related to a range of adverse health effects. 即便空气污染物的浓度相对偏低,它也与一系列的健康副效应相关。 www.who.int 9. Heterocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are major pollutants in industrial wastewater treatment. 杂环芳香族化合物是工业废水处理过程中的主要污染有机物。 www.fabiao.net 10. Both the tiles and the floor must be clean, dry and dust free. Clean off any grease, paint or pollutants. Prepare the bonding cement . 瓷砖和地板都必须清洁干净,干燥,无尘。清洁掉任何油脂,油漆或污染物。准备好粘合好的水泥。 www.showxiu.com 1. Granular pollutants include solid state carbon granule , and dissolubility organic distilled water materials . 它包含了固态的碳粒、可溶性有机分馏物。 www.bing.com 2. Microbe-soil pollution ecology is a subject researching the interrelationship among fungus, pollutants and soil environment. 微生物-土壤污染生态学是研究菌类、污染物、土壤环境之间相互关系的一门科学。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Article 32 No motor vehicles and vessels shall be permitted to discharge atmospheric pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge norms. 第三十二条机动车船向大气排放污染物不得超过规定的排放标准。 www.bing.com 4. Evaluating the major factors for pollution level, and introducing to the characteristics and control technologies of pollutants. 各别探讨主要影响污染程度之因素,并介绍污染物的特性与控制方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The results indicate divergent trends in emissions of various industrial pollutants, and suggest that pollution impedes economic growth. 实证结果表明,工业污染是经济增长的阻碍因素; www.cpre.sdnu.edu.cn 6. In future, a range of genetic and environmental factors could be studied, including the effects of pollutants on our fertility. 将来,我们可以研究一系列的遗传和环境因素,其中包括污染对人类生育能力的影响。 www.bing.com 7. This paper introduced solid phase extraction(SPE) technique in details in collecting trace organic vapour pollutants in ambient atmospheres. 祥细介绍了固相萃取技术采集环境空气中痕量有机化合物的方法。 www.chemyq.com 8. A warmer Lake Superior may also have consequences for the movement of airborne pollutants to and from lakeshore communities. 苏必利尔湖变得越来越热,有可能是来自湖畔社区的空气污染物对流运动的后果。 www.bing.com 9. Research on the Movement of Nutrient - pollutants in an Agricultural Watershed in East China . 江淮农业流域壤中流养分的迁移过程研究。 www.bing.com 10. Industrial pipework. Suction pipe for atmospheric pollutants. Additionnal metal components . Specifications. 工业管道.大气污染物进气管道.补充金属部件.规范 www.mapeng.net 1. We tax pollutants to discourage their production in other parts of the economy. 我们对污染物课税,以阻止它们在经济体的其他地区生产。 dongxi.net 2. By linear regression method, we explored the association between incidence of birth defects with air pollutants and meteorological factors. 采用线性回归的方法,探索气象因素及大气污染与出生缺陷发生的关联。 www.bing.com 3. Two pollutants cause most of the problem: oxides of nitrogen, which damage the lungs, and fine particulates, which are also carcinogenic. 空气污染主要由两大污染物造成:损害肺部的氮氧化物以及同样致癌的细颗粒物。 club.topsage.com 4. Constructed wetlands in the riparian zone can decontaminate certain organic pollutants and nutrients in surface runoff effectively. 在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖径流中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. testing the most advanced techniques for converting coal to a gas, capturing pollutants, and burning the gas for power. 这些技术包括将煤转化成气体、捕获污染物和燃烧煤气做动力。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. We found that the concentrations of pollutants were correlated with the growth phases of fish cultured in the corresponding tanks. 结果表明,养殖废水中污染物的浓度与所养殖鱼的生长阶段相关; www.marinejournal.cn 7. Sometimes industries discharge pollutants into city sewers, increasing the variety of pollutants in municipal areas. 有时工厂将污染物排泄到城市的污水系统中,使城区各种污染物质增多。 www.docin.com 8. Indoor air pollutants include formaldehyde, benzene, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, etc. 室内空气污染物主要包括甲醛,苯系物,总挥发性有机物,氮氧化物等。 www.fabiao.net 9. The results showed that the major odor pollutants are hydrogen sulfide, organic sulfide, phenol, organic amine and organic acids. 结果表明:主要恶臭污染物为硫化氢、有机硫化物、苯酚类、有机胺及有机酸等; www.chemyq.com 10. The surface layer transport condition such as airflow is closely related to the dilution and diffusion of atmospheric pollutants. 近地层输送条件即地面流场与大气污染物稀释扩散密切相关。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 1. Emission standard of air Pollutants for heart transmission boiler was not established clearly in the environment standard. 目前,相关环境标准中均未明确制定关于导热炉大气污染物的排放内容。 www.dictall.com 2. Scientists are continuing to amass data concerning the effects of many other types of toxic pollutants. 科学家正在继续积累有关其他类型有害污染物影响和危害的数据资料。 www.hotdic.com 3. The environmental behaviors and ecotoxic effects of herbicides and their interactions with other pollutants were reviewed. 介绍了除草剂在土壤—植物系统中的环境行为、生态毒性效应及与其他污染物的交互作用。 www.chemyq.com 4. But in many areas, pollutants are put into the air faster than weather conditions can dispose of them. 不过,在很多地区,污染物排放到空气中的速度比天气处理污染物的速度快。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Women's exposure to pesticides, solvents and persistent organic pollutants may potentially affect the health of the fetus. 妇女对杀虫剂、溶剂和持久性有机污染物的暴露可潜在影响胎儿的健康。 www.who.int 6. while the transversal wind will result in the higher concentration of pollutants in a large range around the tunnel portal. 而横向风则会导致隧道两侧很大区域内的污染物浓度超标。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. The structures, specific properties and harms to humanity and environment about persistent organic pollutants are discussed. 对持久性有机污染物的结构、特性及其对人类和环境的危害进行了论述。 www.chemyq.com 8. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys. 河水正在变清,空气正被净化,污染物从烟囱中排放出来以前,就得到了控制。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The concern that pollutants might come from air or animals with the use an opened tank favors the use of a closed expansion tank. 当使用开放式贮水容器时,便需要注意空气中的病菌及小动物有可能会污染到纯水。 www.21food.cn 10. Water is used for carrying away the pollutants collected by electrodes and sheets and maintain the reactor in optimal operating conditions . 利用水将极线与集板收集下来的污染物带走,并保持湿式静电集尘在最佳操作状。 www.bing.com 1. Plant metabolism of CO2 and air pollutants and gas fluxes in plant ecosystems influence global gas cycles as well. 也植物CO2和空气污染物和气体流在植物生态系统影响的新陈代谢全球气体循环。 www.tzhealth.com 2. construction of other facilities, the pollutants emissions shall not exceed the prescribed discharge standards. 建设其他设施,在污染物排放不得超过规定的排放标准。 www.qiyeku.com 3. It bonds well with pollutants in the atmosphere, but breaks down quickly in the presence of light. 它与环境中的污染物有效结合,但却迅速地阻断了灯光的呈现。 www.bing.com 4. EPA as priority pollutants, Sb speciation analysis in the environment and biomonitoring has received relatively little attention. EPA指出锑及其化合物是主要的污染物之一,但在环境和生物监测方面没有引起足够的重视。 www.antpedia.com 5. We call the waste water with organics as the major pollutants in a high concentration "Organic Waste Water" . 水体中的污染物以有机物为主、且有机物的浓度过量的污水我们称之为“有机污水”; www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Pollutants reach the sea from adjacent shorelines, from ships, and from offshore oil platforms. 污染物从附近的海岸线、轮船以及近海石油平台流入大海。 www.docin.com 7. The four places in the automobile from which pollutants can escape are the fuel tank, carburetor, crankcase and tail pipe. 汽车内泄漏污染物的四个位置是燃油箱、化油箱、曲轴箱和尾管。 www.dictall.com 8. Wind acts as part of the planet's circulatory system for heat, moisture, plant nutrients, and long-lived pollutants. 风行为的一部分,这个星球上的血液循环系统的热量,水分,植物养分,而且寿命长的污染物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Inventory lists of major pollutants. The EPA documents and publishes inventory lists of major pollutants introduced by industrial sites. 主要污染物的详细目录EPA记录并发布由工业场所引起的主要污染物详细目录。 www.bing.com 10. Thus the contact of the catalyst with pollutants in feedstock and heavy toxicants is avoided. So the catalyst service life is longer. 这样就避免了催化剂与原料中的污染物和重质毒物接触,因而催化剂使用寿命较长。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that uses plants to clean up pollutants in the environment. 植物修复是一个新兴的技术,利用植物来清理污染物在环境中。 www.syyxw.com 2. As incomes go up, people often focus first on cleaning up their drinking water, and then later on air pollutants like sulfur dioxide. 随着收入的增长,人们常常最先关注的是他们的饮用水,而后是有关氧化硫的空气污染问题。 www.bing.com 3. Methane and black carbon (sooty particles) emitted by inefficient stove combustion are powerful climate change pollutants. 因炉灶燃烧不完全而释放的甲烷和黑碳(煤烟颗粒)是导致气候出现重大变化的污染物。 www.who.int 4. Environmental catalysis directed toward destruction of gaseous pollutants. 环境催化指导消除气体污染物质。 www.chemonline.net 5. Similarly, black carbon can in many places be managed under existing clean-air regulations, as can some other climate-changing pollutants. 同样地,在很多地方,对炭黑的处理可以采取现行的净化空气的法规,此法亦适用于其他造成气候变化的污染物。 www.ecocn.org 6. Above measures to cut the gaseous pollutants are effective means for controlling the production of secondary particles and ozone pollution. 采取以上削减气态污染物的措施,均有利于控制二次颗粒物产生和臭氧污染。 www.hotdic.com 7. Beams of electrons can help clean water and air by breaking down pollutants into different molecular compounds. 电子束可以把污染物分解成不同的分子化合物,从而帮助清洁水质和空气。 www.bing.com 8. Also known as the "primary pollutants. " 又称“原生污染物”。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. Methyl tert-butyl ether is a widely used gasoline additive, for increasing fuel octane levels and reducing tailpipe emission of pollutants. 甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)是一种汽油添加剂,广泛应用于中高档汽油中。 www.chemyq.com 10. The results showed that the project could let all the pollutants from the workshop meet the emission standards. 结果表明:该工程能使车间作业场所的所有污染物均达到排放标准。 www.chemyq.com 1. As a safe and reliable technology for the treatment of air pollutants, phytoremediation has been of great interest in the past years. 作为一种安全可靠的环境污染治理技术,大气污染的植物修复已成为国际大气污染研究的前沿性课题。 www.chemyq.com 2. Also, we approach the problems in the evaluation of the environmental pollutants on human reproductive toxicity. 并探讨目前环境污染物对人类生殖毒性评价研究中仍存在的问题。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Therefore, control and treatment of road surface runoff pollutants becomes an outstanding issue in the technology of permeable road surface. 因此,发展透水性路面技术时,对路面径流污染的制约与处理,是需要重点解决的不足之一。 www.zidir.com 4. It is generally felt now that a combination of several pollutants may have been associated with this, as well as other community disasters. 现在一般认为,这种公害的原因和其他社会公害一样,是与几种污染物的共同作用有关。 slimaii.spaces.live.com 5. Pollutants introduce noise to this process, like static over a radio station. 污染对这个过程产生噪音,像静态发射的雷达站。 www.bing.com 6. The self-made multi-needle-mesh reactor was adopted in this study, and benzene and m-xylene were selected as the target pollutants. 实验采用自制的针群-网式反应器,选取苯系物中的苯和间二甲苯作为目标污染物。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. The sources of indoor air pollutants and its influence on the indoor air quality and the hazard on human health were analyzed. 分析了室内空气污染物的来源,以及这些污染物对室内空气的影响和对人体健康的危害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The new energy considerably reduces the emission of pollutants causing plenty of ecological problems. 新能源极大得减少了污染物的排放。这些污染物导致了许多的生态问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Water chemists study the chemical composition of seawater. They also analyze the types and quantities of pollutants entering ocean waters. 海洋化学家们研究海水的化学成分,他们还分析流入大海的污染物的种类和数量。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Verification project sewage link, and the calculation of emissions of pollutants generated, cleaner production analysis. 核实项目排污环节,计算污染物的产生和排放量,进行清洁生产分析。 www.ksw123.com 1. As a new type of zero-valent iron, sponge iron possesses positive capacities for removing pollutants from water body. 作为一种新型的零价铁材料,海绵铁在处理水体污染物的过程中显示了较强的处理能力。 www.iwt.cn 2. His lungs were blackened with atmospheric pollutants and he showed evidence of tuberculosis. 他的两片肺叶由于空气污染物侵鉵变黑,并表现出肺结核症状。 www.sdau.edu.cn 3. Polychlorinated pesticides and herbicides are of important organic pollutants in soils owing to their poor biodegradability. 有机氯杀虫剂、除草剂等难降解有机物是重要的土壤污染物。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Meteorologists say pollutants, partly from vehicle waste and coal burning in the winter, gradually accumulated in recent windless days. 气象学家表示,污染物部分来自于汽车废气和冬天燃烧的煤炭,无风致使北京的污染物不断累积。 www.kekenet.com 5. The bags consumed less energy and generated fewer pollutants during manufacture, transportation, and disposal. 塑料袋消耗更少的能源和减少污染物的产生在生产,运输和处置。 www.512121.com 6. Contaminants and pollutants studied included toxic heavy metals, organic pesticides, oil, and radio nuclides . 污染物和污染源的研究包括有毒重金属、有机杀虫剂、石油、放射性核素。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Stable isotope technique is a new, innovative approach to assess the source and natural attenuation of organic pollutants in environment. 稳定同位素技术是近来发展起来用于识别和评价环境有机污染物来源和降解的新方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Silica or alumina based ceramic diffusers generate microbubbles for solid-liquid separation of pollutants in wastewater. 基于二氧化硅或氧化铝的陶瓷扩散器用于在废水中污染物固液分离时产生微气泡。 www.patent114.com 9. These build upon existing WHO outdoor air quality guidelines and recently published WHO guidance on levels of specific indoor pollutants. 这些将以现有的世卫组织室外空气质量指南以及最近出版的世卫组织关于特定室内污染物水平的指导意见为基础。 www.who.int 10. Extensive application prospects of SPME in determination of organic pollutants in the environment were emphasis. . . 着重指出SPME在环境有机污染物分析中具有广泛的应用前景。 www.chemyq.com 1. Chemical catalytic oxidation is fit for the processing of high strength, persistent organic pollutants. 化学催化氧化法适合于化工厂处理高浓度、难降解的有机废水。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Phytoremediation involves the use of plant for removing pollutants from soils and water and makes environmental remediation. 植物治污是利用植物清除土壤和水中的各类污染物,进行环境治理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Air polluting acts in the foregoing paragraph means acts in which air pollutants are not emitted through exhaust pipes. 前项空气污染行为,系指未经排放管道排放之空气污染行为。 www.cntranslators.com 4. These "conventional" pollutants remain in the atmosphere for only a short time. 因为这些“传统”的污染物(SOx,NOx)在大气范围内存在的时间很短。 www.bing.com 5. Study on removal rate of pollutants and plant growth in subsurface and surface flow constructed wetlands. 潜流湿地和表面流湿地的净化效果与植物生长比较。 www.ilib.cn 6. New concepts of the scale partial index of air pollutants and the scale integrated index of air environmental quality are suggested. 提出用标度表示大气污染物分指数和大气环境质量综合指数新概念。 www.chemyq.com 7. The distributions of non cancer risks or cancer risks were similar with the distributions of pollutants concentrations. 致癌风险与非致癌风险分布均与污染物的浓度分布相一致。 www.juhe8.com 8. The likelihood of immediate reactions to indoor air pollutants depends on several factors. 对室内空气污染可能产生的即时反应取决于几个因素。 www.ebigear.com 9. That conclusion is underscored by a new study, which looks at the pollutants that go up smokestacks along with carbon dioxide. 科学家们对烟囱中混合了二氧化碳的污染物进行了一项新研究,强调了这一结论。 www.bing.com 10. Pollutants in cigarettes called PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) can cause genetic damage in minutes. 香烟中的污染物质PAHs(多环芳香烃)会在几分钟内对基因造成损害。 www.bing.com 1. Wetland water quality were mainly threatened by organic pollutants and eutrophication pollutants. 结果表明,湿地水质主要受有机污染和富营养化威胁; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Water born pathogens or pollutants are something citizens of industrialized countries are rarely concerned about. 水生病原体或污染物是工业化国家的市民极少关心的问题。 www.angozj.com 3. In a word, marine sediments has become the main reservoir of persistent and poison chemical pollutants in marine environment. 海洋沉积物已经成为海洋水体环境中持久性的、有毒的化学污染物的主要存贮地。 www.fabiao.net 4. Reverse osmosis (RO) is a compact process for the removal of ionic and organic pollutants from contaminated water. 反渗透(RO)是从受污染的水离子和有机污染物去除紧凑的过程。 www.syyxw.com 5. So effective methods should be taken to control the diffusion of the pollutants from the tunnel portal. 因此,应采取有效措施,控制隧道峒口污染物的扩散。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. In addition, transportation infrastructure construction and expansion often generate pollutants or endanger natural resources. 另外,运输设施的建设及扩展也会产生污染物,或危害我们的自然资源。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Even so, industrial emissions of pollutants are still act recklessly and care for nobody pollution rare freshwater resources. 即便是这样,工业排放的污染物依旧肆无忌惮的污染着稀有的淡水资源。 www.bf55.com 8. On the Newly Promulgated "Discharge Standards of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant" 新颁《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》学习体会(上) www.ilib.com.cn 9. One of the typical halogenated aromatic, 1, 4-DCB is choose d as the research target pollutants in this study. 本实验选用卤代芳烃的代表物质1,4-二氯苯(1,4-DCB)作为研究目标物质。 www.dictall.com 10. In addition , Beijing is surrounded by mountains that prevent pollutants from dispersing and is subject to severe sandstorms . 此外,北京四周环山,不利于污染物的扩散,并且北京遭遇严重的沙尘暴袭击。 www.bing.com 1. The accident happened in Jilin, and the pollutants spilled into the Songhua River, where crews are fishing out barrels of poison today. 那场事故发生在吉林,污染物流入的也是松花江。今天,在同一条江面上,人们正在忙着四处打捞成桶的毒药。 kk.dongxi.net 2. Using the correlation of pollutants can reduce the number of monitoring factors and improve the effectiveness of data collection. 利用污染物之间的相关性,减少监测指标数量,提高采集数据的效用。 www.cjee.ac.cn 3. This class of technology seems especially suitable for removing organic pollutants, salts and heavy metals from liquids. 这类技术似乎特别适于去除水中的有机污染物、盐和重金属。 www.scidev.net 4. The relationship of changes in the central nervous system and sense organs to environmental pollutants is a vast and difficult topic. 中枢神经系统和感觉器官与环境污染物的关系,是一大而艰难的课题。 5. Artificial lights block formation of molecules that bond with air pollutants to clear the air. 人工照明系统阻碍了空气污染物与水分子的结合,起到了净化空气的作用。 www.bing.com 6. And it is very important for preventing the diseases induced by indoor air pollutants to understand those main effective factors. 正确认识上述因素的影响将为预防室内空气污染危害发挥积极作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In city clusters of China, surface ozone pollution has become one of the major air pollutants. 在高速发展的城市群区域,地面臭氧已经成为其主要的大气污染物之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Discussion on "One-dimensional numerical analyses of migration processes of pollutants through a clay liner considering sorption of aquifer" 关于“污染物运移过程的一维数值分析”的讨论 www.ilib.cn 9. Hydroxyl helps break down pollutants like sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and even the powerful greenhouse gas, methane. 氢化物有助于抑制污染物的生成,比如二氧化硫,一氧化碳,氢化碳甚至是污染效果更严重的温室气体,甲烷。 www.bing.com 10. All pollutants except falling-dust in residential and clean regions are within the standard. 居民区和清洁区除降尘外,均达到二级标准。 epub.cnki.net |
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