单词 | planet x | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | planet x
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 行星,太阳系第十颗行星 1. Hi Nancy, I recently posted a picture on my page and waited to see if anyone thought it might be Planet X. 您好南希,我最近在我的网页发布了一张图片,等着看有没有人认为它可能是行星X。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The relative size of Planet X, along the edge of the Sun, has been computed by an observer. 沿着太阳边缘的行星X的相对大小被一位观测者计算了出来。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Shiva, in Hindu lore, is Planet X and Kali, the Dark Twin, is his wife. 印度传说中的湿婆,就是X星而卡莉,黑暗双星,是他的妻子。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. It looks as if it may have captured planet X next to the sun at 1. 49 in the video (picture also attached). 看起来上面的视频在太阳处1.49的位置已经捕捉到了行星X(也附上了照片)。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 5. This cannot be a co-incident and the true mission of this messenger spacecraft seems to be studying the approaching Planet X. 这应该不是巧合而这个信使号太空船的使命貌似是研究接近的X星。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Their primary attraction, while being in the charged tail of Planet X, is to the body of Planet X itself, swept along, as it were. 在行星X尾部充满电荷,一直沿途扫荡而过的时候,主要的引力是对行星X的主体而言的。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 7. By the time where the Planet X will be visible enough to clearly see it (naked eye) on the sky, how much time left for the pole shift? 到行星X可以在天空中足够被肉眼清楚地看见之时,离极移还有多少时间? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Per the Zetas, admitting that it was all a hoax, a part of the Planet X cover-up, would be just too humiliating. 根据齐塔人的说法,承认这一切都是骗局,是X星掩盖活动的一部分,实在是太令人丢脸了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. They are at the front of the cover-up over Planet X, and expect to be blamed by the public when admissions are finally made. 他们都处于掩盖行星x的前沿阵地,当最终于承认真相的时候,他们预料会被公众谴责。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But on occasion, as she did recently, she points her N Pole toward the Sun and the oncoming Planet X, leaning into opposition. 但是偶尔,就像她最近做的,地球将她的北极指向太阳和即将到来的X星,倾斜向反方向。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The establishment does not want the fact that Planet X is near the Sun to be a focus. 权利机构不想让行星X就在太阳附近这个事实成为人们关注的焦点。 hi.baidu.com 2. Recent military and political activity suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the return of Planet X is imminent. 最近的军事和政治活动表明世界力量正在做好准备,仿佛是X星即将回归。 blog.163.com 3. The timing is known by no man, nor was it provided by the Annunaki, as the slow creep of Planet X past the Sun can encounter many obstacles. 没有人知道极移的时刻,Annunaki人也没有提供任何信息,因为X星的缓慢爬过太阳将会遭遇到很多障碍。 www.angozj.com 4. So NASA track Planet X since the first view. Trying to estimate timings. 自从NASA第一次看见行星X以来,就在追踪它,并且在估算着(过境)的时间。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. The only explanation for these phenomena is the near presence of Planet X, sun side, between the Earth and the Sun. 对这些现象唯一的解释就是X星在附近的存在,在太阳旁边,在地球与太阳之间。 angozj.com 6. Ah, but the cause is not the plate movement inflicted on the Earth by the daily Earth wobble, a result of the near presence of Planet X. 啊,但是原因不是由于每天的地球抖动使地球承担的板块运动,附近X星存在导致的结果。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. This pass Planet X finds itself pushing against the Earth, the Dark Twin, and Venus on its outbound pass. 此次过境的行星x本身正好朝着地球和太阳推进,金星则在通过路线的外围。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. After a year of observations, Tombaugh finally discovered an object in the right orbit, and declared that he had discovered Planet X. 经过一年的(对比)观查,汤博最终在预测的轨道上找到了一个天体,并宣布他已发现了X行星。 www.douban.com 9. Earth and Planet X are in a dance with each other, with Venus and the Dark Twin on occasion bumping into this couple on the dance floor. 地球和行星X是在与对方的舞蹈,金星和黑暗双人偶尔碰撞到这对夫妻在舞池。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. However, the core of the Earth drags the crust with it as it turns to [remain in alignment with the passing Planet X]. 然而,地核转向去和过境的行星x排列成一排时,会把地壳拖在一起移动。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Yesterday I managed to photograph what I think was Planet X, you all asked for video and I got video! 昨天我设法拍到我认为是X星的那个东西,你们都想要视频,而我拍到了! apps.hi.baidu.com 2. If this is the stance, then since Planet X is pointing OUT into space, away from the Sun, then the Earth will attempt to do likewise. 倘若处于该种情形,那由于行星X正指向太空,远离了太阳,地球也同样会尝试着这么做。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 3. The path between the Earth and its passing brother, [Planet X], will be so electrified at points, and static electricity accumulates. 地球与其过境的兄弟星球,即行星x之间路径的某些点上充满了电荷,静电在此积聚起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Why would TPTB prefer for us to think the Sun will cause our demise over Planet X? Why is one worse than another in their eyes? 为什么当权者喜欢我们认为是太阳引起了毁灭,而不是行星X呢?为什么在他们的眼里,一个会比另一个更坏呢? hi.baidu.com 5. Planet X is twisting the Earth's magnetosphere, absconding with its S Pole on occasion, or blasting the Earth with a hose of magnetons. 行星X正在扭曲地球的磁气圈,不时地使地球南极逃遁,或者用一阵磁子猛烈轰击地球。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Planet X is slightly to the right of the Sun in the line of view from the northern hemisphere. 从地球的北半球看去,行星X稍微在太阳的右侧。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. That seems to happen only sometimes, not every time, when Nibiru, Planet X, passes through. 这似乎只是有时发生,而不是每次,当猎般胡,行星X,经过。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. In similar manner, Planet X is held away from the Sun by the Repulsion Force of gravity blasts outbound from the Sun. 行星X也是以同样的方式,被从太阳处向外爆发的引力的互斥力推离。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 9. America faces the Sun and Planet X, the N. Pole is exposed in its location just above the Canadian NW Territories. 当其北美洲面对着太阳和行星x的时候,北极的位置正好在加拿大西北地区的上方。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. And that bright orb at 1 o'clock is far too bright to be Planet X, when compared to the Sun, also. 而且与太阳相比,这明亮的天体过于明亮,所以不是行星X。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Those in the know understand that it is Planet X, and not the Sun, causing electromagnetic disruption on Earth. 那些了解内情的人知道是行星X,而非太阳引起了地球的电磁扰乱现象。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Like any giant magnet, Planet X is pushing space debris ahead of it, as well as trailing debris behind it. 就如其他的巨大磁体一样,行星x正把太空碎片推向其前方,又把其尾部的残片推向后方。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The quest for Planet X always starts out with celestial objects behaving badly. 探求未知星体的过程中,开始总是会遭遇某些不太“规矩”的天体。 www.bing.com 4. Hindu mythology also associated their god Shiva, which is Planet X, with his dark blue wife Kali, which is the Dark Twin. 印度教的神话也将代表行星X的神“湿婆”与代表其黑暗孪星的深蓝色妻子“加里”联系起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The doomsday scenario revolves around claims that the end of time will come as an obscure Planet X - or Nibiru - collides with Earth. 末日假设围绕一颗名为X或者Nibrus的未知星球将撞击地球,随后世界末日到来。 www.bing.com 6. Not all who capture evidence of Planet X and its Moon Swirls can withstand the heat they come under when they go public. 不是所有拍到X星及其卫星泠涡证据的人都能够抵挡住当公开之后的他们的火爆程度。 zikao5you.com 7. But it is also blown about by the solar wind and tends to trail the moving Planet X. 但是它同样会被太阳风吹拂并趋向于拖延X星的运动。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This would be the last source you might expect to honestly disclose the reality of Planet X. 这或许是你期望诚实揭露行星X存在这个现实的最后来源吧。 hi.baidu.com 9. How can anyone doubt that NASA is telling the truth about the near presence of Planet X, when they are collecting so much information? 当他们已经搜集了如此之多的信息之后,怎么还会有人怀疑NASA说的不是真话呢? apps.hi.baidu.com 10. When Planet X is stalled near the Sun the charged tail is blow out and away from the N Pole of Planet X. 当行星X在太阳附近受阻之时,其带电荷的尾部飘荡出来,远离了行星X的北极点。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Planet X is approaching Earth in a retrograde orbit, clockwise, heading into the Earth in its counterclockwise orbit. 行星X是以逆行的轨道顺时钟靠近地球的,与按照逆时钟方向运行的地球要迎面相遇。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. Confusion over whether the Earth changes are caused by activity in the Sun or by the presence of Planet X abounds. 对于地球变化是太阳活动引起的,还是由于行星X的存在引起的,有着很多的困惑不解。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 3. Frozen and lonely, planet X circle the far reaches of the solar system awaiting discovery and a name. 一个冰冷的,孤单的X行星,不停地运行在远离太阳系的轨道上,等待被发现,被命名。 iciba.3gpdj.com 4. Is Planet X pointing its N Pole off into space to the side of Earth, assuming a side-by-side alignment with Earth's magnetosphere? 如果行星X将其北极从地球一侧移向太空,会和地球的磁气圈并排而立吗? zdy.0898.blog.163.com 5. Bs we have mentioned, the eddy flow of particles coming round behind Planet X form a cup, and as Planet X approaches this cup tightens. 正如我们已提到的,X行星身后携带的粒子涡流形成了一个杯子,当X行星靠近时这个杯子就会收紧。 qingziw.hn00.com 6. Planet X has a retrograde orbit and a retrograde rotation, and thus collides with the Earth on both those fronts during a passage. 行星X的轨道是逆行的,其旋转也是逆行的,因而在其过境期间会在正面与地球冲突。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. These flow lines become tighter at the Sun's middle, so Planet X almost aligns Horizontally just under the Ecliptic. 在太阳中部的时刻这些磁力线变得更紧密了,因此行星X几乎是水平地位于黄道下方。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This focused light coming down along a moon swirl tube can be significant and mistaken for the shrouded Planet X corpus itself. 这种聚焦了光线,沿着某卫星晕圈而下的管道会很瞩目,并且会被误当作(被尘埃云雾)包裹着的行星X主体本身。 www.56gk.com 9. How is NASA doing, in their attempts to triangulate the position of Planet X - its speed, its path, the alignment of its magnetic poles? NASA在企图三角测量X星位置--速度,轨道,磁轴--的过程中都做了什么? apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Both Planet X and the Earth are such magnets, but are not allowed to touch each other as the anti-gravity force keeps them apart. 行星和地球就是这种磁铁,它们是不能相互接触的,因为反重力的力量会使使它们分开。 blog.163.com 1. Pluto is unaffected by Planet X, but NASA is desperate to point away from the Sun, as we mentioned. 冥王星是不会受到行星X的影响的,但我们说过,NASA拼命想把公众视线从太阳处转移开。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This question has been raised periodically, as NASA is so intrinsically tied to the cover-up over the presence of Planet X. 这个问题已经被定期提出过了,由于从本质上讲,美国航空航天局(NASA)在尽力掩盖行星X存在的真相。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Goro-Goro is apparently the passage of Planet X, the pole shift, and the increasing Earth changes to afflict Java preceding the last weeks. 很明显是指行星X的过境和极移,以及最后几周之前地球变化增加,使爪哇遭受了灾难。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. In this diagram, Planet X is shown entering from the lower right, moving slowly past the Sun and doing dual 270 degree rolls. 在这个图像中,显示了X星从右下角进入太阳系,缓慢越过太阳并完成双重的270度旋转。 www.angozj.com 5. Nuclear warheads and installations are a man-made thing, where the passage of Planet X is a natural event. 核弹头和设施是人为的事件,而X星的过境是自然事件。 www.tiantianbt.com 6. Does the passage of Planet X usually coincide with the passage of our solar system through the galactic center? 是否行星x过境通常与我们的太阳系通过银河系的中心同时发生呢? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Planet X is currently moving outbound from the sun. Could the Zetas mention at what speed per km? 目前行星X正向太阳外围移动。齐塔人能够说说它是什么速度运行的吗? zdy.0898.blog.163.com 8. Planet X will pass overhead at an angle, such that it moves from being exactly between the Earth and Sun to crossing overhead. 行星将会以某个角度从我们得头顶通过,也就是它刚好准确地位于地球和太阳之间时,从我们得头顶过境。 blog.163.com 9. Planet X is in the inner solar system, standing between the Earth and Sun, and warping the Earth's magnetosphere. 行星X在内太阳系中,位于地球和太阳之间,并使地球的磁气圈变形。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Sunlight bounced off the immense dust cloud shrouding Planet X, and came straight to Earth to the viewers eyes. 日光被X星厚重的尘埃云所反射,直接到达地球上观测者眼中。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As Planet X gets closer will it cause an unexpected eclipse of the Sun ? 随着行星X更加接近,它会引起出人意料的日蚀吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. The large circles represent the two foci of Planet X - your Sun and the Sun's dark binary twin. 大圆圈代表了X星的两个焦点----你们的太阳和太阳的黑暗双星。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that something is amiss. 地球的磁场参加一个行星X慢滚地球这样的,没有人可以否认的东西不对劲。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This aspect of the cover-up was seen when fireballs were first screaming across the skies in early 2004, debris from the tail of Planet X. 在2004早期,行星X尾部散落的碎片形成的火球第一次划过天空的时候就见识过这方面的真想掩盖了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The light you see, whether from Planet X or a Moon Swirl, is light reflected off the dust. 无论光线是从行星X还是其卫星漩涡而来,你所看见的光线都是被该尘埃反射的结果。 www.qiyeku.com 6. There stands Planet X next to the Sun, displayed on SOHO images almost daily. 行星X就位于太阳旁边,每天都出现在SOHO卫星的影像里。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. There are many chemicals in the atmosphere, due to the tail of Planet X, causing halos around the Moon or Sun and neon clouds and the like. 由于行星X尾部,大气层里就有了许多化学物质,引起月亮和太阳周围的光晕,霓虹状云彩之类的东西。 hi.baidu.com 8. The Zetas explain that this is just another representation of Moon Swirls in the tail of Planet X. 齐塔人解释,这不过是卫星在X行星尾部里涡旋的另一种表现。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. At times she is even going into opposition, trying to point her N Pole at Planet X. 有时她甚至走向反面,试图将北极指向X星。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. What this also means is that Planet X more completely SUPPLANTS the Sun's influence for the Earth, acting as a buffer. 这意味着行星X彻底地取代了太阳对地球的影响力,扮演一个缓冲角色。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 1. A comet like object enters coming within the orbit of Venus on the franc, crossing Earth's orbit twice, just like Planet X, aka Nibiru. 在法郎上一个彗星一样的物体进入太阳系直到金星轨道范围内,两次穿过地球轨道,就像X星--又叫nibiru--一样。 www.angozj.com 2. Depicting the merging magnetic fields of Earth and Planet X, the Wayland crop circle shows the area of turmoil where the fields overlap. 描绘了地球和X星磁场的合并,卫兰的麦田圈显示了当磁场重叠时的混乱的区域。 hi.baidu.com 3. These rumors are not recent, as before the current time it was easier to discuss the approach of Planet X than it is now. 这些谣传不是最近才有的,因为以前比现在讨论行星X的过境要更容易些! apps.hi.baidu.com 4. These types of temporary adjustments will occur on occasion as the Earth pulls hard to the left, to evade Planet X. 这些临时调整会发生在地球向左边努力倾斜,以避开行星X之际。 hi.baidu.com 5. Scientists have discovered "Planet X" but it does not move thru our solar system and cause damages. 科学家已经发现了“X行星”,但是它不会穿过我们的太阳系并对我们造成伤害。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But as it is squeezed in the cup with the Earth, in front of the approaching Planet X, it is out of place. 但是由于在X星面前被地球挤出了杯子,它现在不在应该在的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As the squeeze tightens, the planets in the cup crowding together, they pop out, allowing Planet X to come closer to the Earth. 随着积压的绷紧,杯中的行星互相拥挤,它们会弹出去,允许X星更加接近地球。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Is the establishment concerned about electronics affected by the electromagnetic pulse from the charged tail of Planet X? 权利机构体贴来自行星X带电荷的尾部的电磁电子脉冲对于电子装备造成的影响吗? quancai.com 9. Planet X makes sense, intuitively, as the reason for pole shifts, for crust shifts, for the Ice Ages and wandering poles. 行星X从直觉上就讲得通了,因为它是极移,即地壳移位的原因,也是冰河时期和地极动荡的原因。 blog.163.com 10. The circle is showing that regardless of what direction Planet X approaches the solar system, this squeeze occurs. 这个麦田圈显示了,无论行星X朝什么方向接近太阳系,这种挤压都会发生。 hi.baidu.com 1. These are a few examples that have given NASA fits, as they are tasked with denying the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system. 这儿有几个例子已经让NASA大吃一惊了,因为他们的任务就是否认X行星在内太阳系的存在。 www.douban.com 2. The US government has been aware of this pending disaster for decades, as they have been aware of the approach of Planet X since 1983. 美国政府已经意识到了这几十年即将到来的灾难,因为他们自从1983年以来就知道行星X在靠近之事… zdy.0898.blog.163.com 3. Both the debris striking the Sun, and the magnetic field of Planet X, are causing these terrible solar explosions. 两种残片都袭击者太阳,而行星x的磁场引起了可怕的太阳爆发。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We have been asked this question before, as to whether the progress Planet X makes is under control, slowed or sped up. 我们以前已经被问及过该问题了,即关于行星X的运行是否被控制着,可减慢速度或者增加速度。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And this flash of light, this glint off the vast tail of Planet X, is moving! 这束光,这束穿过X星巨大尾翼的光,正在移动。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. The Earth moans, groans, and complains as the core pulls at the crust but the crust is gripped, increasingly, and held by Planet X. 当地核拖拽着地壳,但地壳不断地被行星X抓住之时,地球呻吟吼叫并抱怨着。 www.xici.net 7. They knew that the Earth wobble would ensue when Planet X entered the inner solar system, and become increasingly worse. 他们知道当X星进入内太阳系的时候地球将发生抖动,并越来越严重。 hi.baidu.com 8. At present it is the eddy flow coming round the sides of Planet X that dominates, but this equilibrium will soon change. 目前来自行星X几侧的旋转粒子流占主导地位,但这种平衡将很快会改变。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But these sink holes have only started to appear in these numbers since Planet X began jerking the Earth around in a daily wobble. 但这些天坑都是在行星X开始以每日抖动的形式摇晃地球之后才现身的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. You see, Fleet only has to "tug" planet X, and the whole solar system comes along with it. 你看,舰队只有“拖船”X行星,整个太阳系来自与它一起。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. You see, Fleet only has to "tug" planet X, and the whole solar system comes along with it. 你看,舰队只有“拖船”X行星,整个太阳系来自与它一起。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. The Pioneer probes, as is known, were sent forth specifically to peek at Planet X and to determine its speed and trajectory. 先锋探测器,众所周之,被特别地派去偷看X星并确定其速度和轨道。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. When will someone from inside NASA is going to leak a clear photo of Planet X? 什么时候某个NASA内部的人将要泄露一张行星X的清晰的照片? nature.31931.cn 4. When the Earth is attempting to lean its N Pole away from Planet X, this results in a cooler Northern Hemisphere overall. 当地球正在试图将其北极偏离行星X,就会在总体上造成北半球更凉爽。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. All solar systems have a "Planet X" which draws them around the central Star of the Galaxy they belong too. 所有太阳能系统有一个“X行星”,吸引他们围绕中央恒星的银河,他们属于。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. In the past month, those at NASA have been almost frantic about the appearance of Planet X on their SOHO images. 在过去的一个月里,NASA的那些家伙对于行星x出现在他们的太阳及日光层观察卫星的影像上,几乎感到要发狂了。 blog.163.com 7. The Zetas are frequently asked to pinpoint the spot where Planet X could be sighted, but it is a complicated picture! 齐塔人经常被问及X星能够被目击到的精确位置,但这很复杂! blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Earth wobble caused by the near presence of Planet X has been noted by the general public in many ways. 星在附近的存在导致的地球抖动被公众以多种方式注意到了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Sun and Moon have halos these days because of the grease in the atmosphere from Planet X. 因为来自行星X的油脂存在于大气层里,太阳和月球这些日子都有光晕。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 10. serpentine twist is, as we have mentioned in other crop circle analysis, the magnetic dance that the Earth and Planet X have now entered. 就如我们对其他麦田圈所作的分析,这个蛇状的盘曲表示现在地球和行星X之间已经在进行的磁场“舞动”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The dust cloud is most attuned to Planet X, hosing out from its N Pole which streams magnetons outward. 尘埃云最习惯于X星,从其向外喷射磁流的北极向外延伸。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. At the same time, Planet X is getting closer to the sun while Mercury is the closest planet to the sun within our solar system. 同时,X星越来越接近太阳而水星是太阳系中最靠近太阳的行星。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. This is due to the buffeting around that the Earth and its satellites take in the particle flow turmoil coming round from behind Planet X. 这是由于地球周围狂暴的状态,以及地球的卫星吸收了来自行星X。后面的流动着的混乱微粒。 hi.baidu.com 4. The Winged Globe at least is Planet X, yes. 是的。有双翼的球体至少是行星X。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. What happens, then, if the aurora display is affected by the increasing greasy chemicals in the tail of Planet X? 倘若显示出来的极光不断地受到了行星X尾部油脂状的化学物质污染,会发生什么呢? hi.baidu.com 6. The Moon has had a tilted orbit since 2004, after Planet X came into the inner solar system in 2003. 行星X于2003年进入了内太阳系今后,自从2004年以来月球的轨道就倾斜了。 www.wffy.com.cn 7. Thus, on occasion, these moons are blown some distance from the corpus of Planet X, due to magneton crowding. 因此,有些时候,由于磁子处于拥挤状态,这些卫星在距X行星的某个距离时会飘动。 www.douban.com 8. Can Zetas say anything about this new formation in Netherlands ? Is it some kind of Planet X position for now? 齐塔人能否对这个荷兰新形成的麦田圈说些什么?是在说明X星现在的位置么? apps.hi.baidu.com 9. How will this change as the red dust in the tail of Planet X increases in the atmosphere? 当X星尾部中的红尘越来越多出现在大气中,这将发生什么样的变化? blog.sina.com.cn 10. This is man's operation, done by the wealthy to fog up the skies so that any evidence of Planet X cannot be seen. 这是人类的行动,是那些富裕之人的做法,目的是使天空充满烟雾,因而就不能看到行星X的任何证据了。 hi.baidu.com 1. Every pole shift, historically, has been associated with a passage of Planet X. 历史上的每一次极移都与行星x的过境有着关联。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. They have constantly tried to estimate the trajectory and speed of Planet X and been wrong, utterly, every time. 他们不断地尽力估算行星X的轨道以及速度,但每次都完全弄错了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. They have been sending probes aloft, and out into the vicinity of Planet X, since its discovery in 1983 by the IRAS team. 自从1983年X星被发现,IRAS(红外天文卫星)团队就向空中发射过探测器,送到X星附近。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. The charged tail of Planet X causes electromagnetic disturbances, as is known and well documented recently. 就如最近已经知晓并做过记录的那样,行星X带电荷的尾部引起了电磁扰乱现象。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The magnetic fields of Planet X and Earth clash, and this is not a steady state but a surging affair. 行星X和地球的电磁力场彼此碰撞冲突,情况不会稳定下来,而会越来越紧张。 www.17moshu.cn 6. They are wrong about the source of the cosmic rays, which are coming from Planet X and its vast entourage of dust and debris and moons. 你们把宇宙射线的来源搞错了,那其实是来自于X星及其大量的随从尘埃碎片和卫星。 www.angozj.com 7. NASA emerged with two articles offering excuses for satellite failure and increasing debris from the tail of Planet X. NASA出现了两篇文章,为卫星故障和越来越多的来自X星尾部的碎片提供了借口。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Planet X reacts to the cluster of planets caught in the cup before it by slowing in its progress. 星对被困在杯中的行星作出的反应就是放慢其前进的脚步。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. We have previously stated that the Planet X complex would be seen in the skies, undeniably, 7 weeks before the shift. 我们以前已将说过了,在极移前的7周,行星X的综合体将会在天空中被看到,这是无可否认的。 www.xici.net 10. Could NASA be looking for Nibiru - also known as Planet-X? 太空总署可能在寻找Nibiru,也就是行星x吗? blog.sina.com.cn 1. Red light bends most readily, and the charged dust cloud shrouding Planet X is composed primarily of red iron oxide particles. 红光最容易弯曲,而且X星带电的尘埃云主要是由红色的氧化铁组成。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The exit of Planet X from the solar system, once the passage has involved the Earth in a pole shift, is swift. 一旦过境导致了地球的极移,X星从太阳系的离去是迅速的。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. This is in addition to the fact that the establishment fears that soon the Planet X complex will become visible in the skies. 这就是对该事实的补充:权势机构害怕行星X的综合体很快就在天空中可被看到; blog.163.com 4. As Planet X has come closer, the N Pole has been pushed away more steadily, giving the entire Northern Hemisphere cooler weather. 随着X星更加接近,北极被更稳定地推开,使得整个北半球的天气更加寒冷。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. This lightning flows from the Earth to Planet X, else would be devastating to those on Earth. 这些闪电漂浮在地球与行星X之间,否则会给地球的人和物造成大毁坏。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Per the Zetas, this Stereo Ahead capture is a genuine capture of the Planet X complex. 根据齐塔人所说,StereoAhead卫星捕捉到是真正的行星X的综合体。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Venus is currently being pushed back and forth, within the eddy flow cup in front of Planet X. 金星现在正在X行星涡流杯内的前端位置被前后推动。 hi.baidu.com 8. In spite of their wicked efforts to hide the truth, the effects of Planet X are increasing daily. 尽管他们在用卑鄙邪恶的手段掩盖真相,但行星x所造成的影响在与日俱增。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In like manner, the Earth's magnetosphere is being twisted by the influence of Planet X, in the extreme. 在喜欢的方式,对地球磁层是被扭曲的X行星的影响,在极端。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Blaming the Sun has been NASA's top excuse for the Earth changes caused by Planet X. 美国航空航天局一直把太阳当做由行星X引起的地球变化的主要借口。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The anticipation of destruction by fire, wind, or water was the association of a close pass of Venus with the passage of Planet X. 预期的毁灭形式有火,风或者水,这些与行星X的过境和金星近距离靠近地球有着关联。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. However, scientists say Planet X does not even exist. 然而科学家们认为这个“星球X”根本不存在。 www.bing.com 3. Thus, for the Earth to assume a temporary opposition to the magnetic field of Planet X is not unheard of. 因此,地球临时处于行星X相反的磁场位置并非闻所未闻。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It does so during the pole shift because of the violence of the magnetic push during the close proximity of Planet X, passing. 由于行星X靠近,其磁场剧烈地推动着地球,发生极移的时候才会如此。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Mankind does not even have a term for the type of smoldering brown dwarf Planet X represents. 人类甚至对X星所呈现的闷燃棕矮星都没有一个术语。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. The large orb at 4 o'clock which the poster correctly identified as the prime suspect is the Planet X corpus itself. 拍摄者正确地识别出来的4点钟方向的大圆盘,是X星的本体。 zikao5you.com 7. In 2003, this happened when the Earth encountered Planet X in her path. 2003年的时候,当行星X在其路途上之时,地球与之相遇了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Planet X is coming between the Earth and Sun, and coming closer. 行星是地球和太阳之间,并且越来越接近。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The Monster Sun was frequently seen in late 2003, when Planet X had just moved into the inner solar system. 在2003年后期,当X星刚移动进内太阳系开始这个怪物般的太阳就被经常观测到。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Can the Zetas explain the difference between Moon Swirls of Planet X and the Planet X itself? 齐塔人可以解释一下行星X的卫星漩涡和行星X本身之间的差别吗? www.qiyeku.com 1. The Earth magnetic field is not being assisted, it is being twisted into compliance with the magnetic field of Planet X. 地球的磁场并没有得到帮助,而是正在被扭曲,以顺从行星X的磁场。 hi.baidu.com 2. What does cause the warping of the Earth's magnetic field is the near presence of Planet X, which is a giant magnet. 是附近存在的X星造成了地球磁场的扭曲,那可是块大磁铁。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Will Planet X or Eris approach the Earth and threaten our planet with destruction? 行星X或矮行星厄里斯(Eris)行将接近地球,威胁并要毁灭我们的地球吗? www.bing.com 4. These photos have also been included on the catch-all blog for Planet X photos. 这些照片也被收录在专门张贴X星照片的专栏catch-all里。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. No. A Red Cross is, however, an ancient symbol of Planet X, as is the Winged Globe. 不是的。红色的十字才是。然而,古代象征着行星X的是带有双翼的球体。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 6. All three planets are caught in the eddy flow cup in front of Planet X, and are being squeezed closer and closer together. 所有这些星球都被捕捉在X星前面的涡流杯中,而且被挤压得互相之间越来越近。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Her website has actual photos of Planet-X along with update messages from the Zetas. 她的网站有行星x的真实照片,还有来自齐塔人的更新过的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Then there is the issue of the angle by which sunlight bounces off the dust cloud shrouding Planet X or the Moon Swirls. 然后是角度问题----阳光得从包裹行星X或其卫星的尘埃云雾中反射回来。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. What will the wider blast of magnetons coming from the N Pole of Planet X mean? 那么从行星X北极点而来的范围更为广阔的磁子冲击意味着什么呢? apps.hi.baidu.com 10. So while the latest version of Planet X could certainly exist in theory, it's way too early to start rewriting the textbooks. 因此,最近未知新星体的发现也许从理论上来说确实存在,但是要想改写进教科书,还是太早了。 www.bing.com 1. Planet X is normally seen around the 4-5 o'clock position from the northern hemisphere, so this is a suspected Moon Swirl capture. 在北半球X星通常在大约4-5点钟方向被观测到。所以这可能是一个卫星漩涡的照片。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. This is due to the increased pressure on the Earth's magnetosphere from the hose of magnetons from the N Pole of Planet X. 这是由于来自行星X北极的磁子给地球的磁气圈造成了不断加大的压力; hi.baidu.com 3. Is Pluto -- or Planet X -- our Solar system's final frontier ? 冥王星--或X行星--是不是太阳系的最后疆界呢? freecot.wordpress.com 4. They are clearly using the ISS as a spy station, to triangulate the position of Planet X. 他们很明显在将国际空间站作为间谍站来使用,以便三角定位X星。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Recall that planets are in their orbits for many reasons, all of which remain after Planet X moves along. 想到所有行星都在其自己的轨道上有很多原因,这些原因在X星离开之后还会存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There are images from SOHO, which apparently is a reflection on them a genuine body of Planet X? SOHO卫星上面的影像上明显有反射,这是真正的行星X的主体吗? www.qiyeku.com 7. All are aware of Planet X to the extent that they believe it is present and will pass the Earth at some point. 他们全部知道行星X的真相,并相信它存在,会在某个点上过境地球。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Of note is the leading point, which is either Planet X itself or the dominant moon in a Moon Swirl. 注意到引导点,那不是X星本体就是其卫星漩涡中主要的卫星。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. And how do the Zetas anticipate that NASA, the main liar in the Planet X cover-up, will react? They will run and hide. 那么齐塔人预期NASA,对X星的存在的掩盖活动的主要说谎者,将如何反应呢?他们将躲躲闪闪。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. At this time we estimate that [Planet X] will come to within 14 million miles of the Earth. 在此刻,我们估计行星x将来到距离地球1400万英里以内的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They will not, however, admit the presence of Planet X. 总而言之,他们不会承认行星x的存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. After Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003, the Moon developed an extreme tilt in his orbit. 在X星2003年到达内太阳系以后,月球在其轨道上形成了极端的倾斜。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. As noted on the Pole Shift ning the many captures of Planet X or the Moon Swirls on SOHO are now being erased, rubbed out! 就如在极移ning网站注意到的那样,SOHO卫星上捕捉到的许多行星X和其卫星漩涡现在正被擦除和剔掉! blog.163.com 4. Every probe they have sent forth is spying on Planet X, as is the ISS. 他们发出的每次探测都是为了监视X星,像国际空间站那样。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. One prediction, made by modern day humans is the idea that a Planet X will crash into the Earth. 一个预测,提出了现代人类的想法是一个行星X将撞向地球。 tieba.baidu.com 6. For those who have, you may have come across the Planet X theory. 另一些了解内情的,也许偶然听到过行星x的理论。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I've been reading about the Pole Shift and Planet X and I live in NYC. 我在查阅极移和X星相关内容,我住在纽约。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. But the cover-up over the presence of Planet X employs minions and they are spreading the lie. 但是对于X星的存在的掩盖活动雇佣了很多奴才,而且他们在传播谎言。 www.56gk.com 9. Since there is a cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, this is also a banned subject in the media. 由于对内太阳系中存在行星x这一真相进行了掩盖,(因而)对媒体而言,这也是一个禁止的话题。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If Planet X is at the 4 o'clock position when seen from the northern hemisphere, why is this Monster Sun appearing above the Sun? 如果说X星在北半球看去是4点钟方向,为什么这个怪物太阳出现在太阳上方? apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Planet X and the "JESUIT FOOTAGE" X行星和“耶稣影片” blog.sina.com.cn 2. Since they don't even have a term for an entity like Planet X, they can hardly be armed to address the emissions it produces. 连一个称呼X星这样的实体的专业术语都没有,更别说处理它制造出来的电磁干扰了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. The result is that most will simply walk away in disgust, and not only from the Comet Elenin discussion, but Planet X, as well. 其结果是,大多数只会步行路程厌恶,不仅从彗星Elenin讨论,但X行星,以及。 apps.hi.baidu.com 4. This is a true capture of Planet X, which only an educated eye would spot. 这是真正地捕捉到了行星X,只有有经验之人的眼睛才能发现。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It does, according to the Planet X theory. 根据X行星理论,是这样的。 www.bing.com 6. Planet X drags us around Alcyone every roughly 26, 000 years. 行星拖动着我们围绕昴宿六以大约26000年运转一圈。 guangyuai.com 7. Many voices press the issue of the cover-up not only about the alien presence but also the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system. 许多声音在催迫揭露真相掩盖,不只是关于外星人的存在,还有行星X存在于内太阳系的真相。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Yes ah, we should work together to solve problems, not avoid, I think I should go back, I know how to save the planet X. 是啊,大家应该齐心协力解决问题,而不是逃避,我想我该回去了,我知道应该怎样拯救X星球了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. They have lost funding as a result, and are continued only because of the pressing need to obtain information on the trajectory of Planet X. 他们因此失去了资金,只是因为迫切需要获得有关行星X的轨道信息才继续进行着。 apps.hi.baidu.com 10. Can the Zeta's please discuss what causes the Ice Ages on Earth? Is it Planet X ? 请问齐塔人能否讨论下是什么导致了地球上的冰河期?是行星X吗? blog.163.com 1. NASA has been involved not only in plans to build a base on Mars but also to nuke Planet X, and has failed at both missions. 它不仅参与了在火星上建立一个基地的计划,而且也想用核弹去轰击行星X,这两个任务都失败了。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. Mercury does not have a massive dust cloud shrouding it, and Planet X does. 水星不具有围绕它的一片巨大的尘埃状云层,而行星X却有。 hi.baidu.com 3. Cataclysms Happened Before On Earth, Is It Because of Niburu, Planet X? 地球灾变发生前,是不是因为对Niburu,行星X? www.tiantianbt.com 4. What other symbols in ancient times depict Planet X? In China there is a dragon chasing a "peril" . Is this representative of Planet X? 在古代还有其他什么符号在描绘行星X呢?在中国,有条龙在追逐某个危险的事物。这代表着行星X吗? zdy.0898.blog.163.com 5. Planet X and New Earths X 和新行星地球 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Worm went to planet X and the seventh seal 蠕虫来到X星球和第七印章 zhidao.baidu.com |
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