单词 | build on |
释义 | building on是build on的现在分词 例句释义: 依赖,把…建筑于 1. None of her predecessors since 1967 have managed it, but she would have to stop, once and for all, Jewish building on Palestinian land. 自1967年以来,没有一位以色列首相能够阻止在巴勒斯坦土地上建起犹太建筑,但拉芙妮必须设法一劳永逸的解决这个问题。 blog.ecocn.org 2. But the local government is only a small portion of the building on both sides of the main installed cable TV. 但当地政府只是在主干道两旁的小部分建筑安装了有线电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At midnight I go up to the roof of our apartment building on near the center of town, and climb up the telephone mast. 那天午夜时分,我登上位于市中心附近的公寓屋顶,爬上了电话塔。 www.china.org.cn 4. Pressure had been building on a number of fronts, but the issue which finally destroyed her was the yet-to-be-born euro. 她面临着各个方面的压力,不过最终压垮她的是当时尚未诞生的欧元。 www.bing.com 5. Building on this idea, some of his colleagues argued that language is an adaptation shaped by natural selection, just like eyes and wings. 从这个观点出发,他的同僚们也主张语言是由于自然选择而形成的适应结果,就像眼睛和翅膀一样。 www.bing.com 6. Silas had never been here, but he felt a rising sense of refuge and asylum ashe approached the building on foot. 塞拉斯从未到过那里,然而当他以步代车向那栋房子走去时,他的心中逐渐有种越来强烈的前来寻求避难的感觉。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Flora: (Stepping out on the balcony. ) Oh, what a fine view one gets from here! That tall building on the right is a hotel, I believe. 弗洛拉:(走到露台。)噢,站在这里看到的景色真美丽啊!我想,右边的那座高大建筑物是一家宾馆。 bbs.e10000.cn 8. The Empire State Building, the Rockfeller Center Building, as well as the Chrysler Building on Lexington Avenue, were all built in this era. 帝国大厦、洛克菲勒中心大厦,以及莱克星顿大道上的克莱斯勒大厦,均建于该时期。 www.dictall.com 9. For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. Central-government efforts to curb this have not worked. 因为地方政府经常通过在耕地上建房来生财,中央政府限制占用耕地的努力并未奏效。 blog.ecocn.org 10. The guys and I talked for a bit (at a Denny's far, FAR away from that building on Kiowa street) after that. 之后伙伴们和我聊了一会(就在离那栋楼很远的吉奥瓦街的一个叫丹尼的人家里)。 en.eol.cn 1. Keep going until you see a white building on your left. The place you're looking for is right next to it. 一直往前走,直到看见左边一幢白色的大楼,你要找的地方就在它旁边。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. For local governments building on arable land is often a money-spinner. 对地方政府而言,可耕种土地上的建筑常常可以带来可观利润。 www.stnn.cc 3. Radiation of up to 49 millisieverts per hour was detected inside the building on April 17 when the company sent in a robot. 4月17日,东京电力将一机器人送入该建筑物内,当时检测出反应堆建筑内部的辐射水平为最高每小时49毫西弗。 cn.reuters.com 4. Building on his contacts with the European Commission and with Harvard Business School, the initial event had a pronounced management theme. 这一论坛建立在他与欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)和哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)联系的基础上,最初的活动有一个明确的管理主题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Christian protesters outside the building on national television sit-in demonstrations have been held for nearly a week. 基督教徒示威者在国家电视台大楼外举行静坐示威活动已经近一个星期。 www.englishtang.com 6. He also became my closest technical advisor and leapt many a tall building on my behalf, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. 他还成了我最亲密的技术顾问,为我分担了许多压力,对此我一直非常感激。 www.ibm.com 7. Mr Zegna and his cousin Paolo, the company's chairman, have been building on their fathers' decision to expand beyond weaving cloth. 杰尼亚和他的表弟保罗,同时也是公司的主席,已经落实了他们父辈的决定----扩张产品线,也不仅仅只是局限于生产机织服饰。 www.ecocn.org 8. Perhaps building on its heritage, early Buddhism simply did not allow room for human exceptionalism. 也许根据传承,早期的佛教只是不认同人类例外论而已。 www.bing.com 9. McRaven led the President and his team into a one-story building on the other side of the base. McRaven引导总统和其队伍进入基地另一侧的一栋一层建筑中。 www.bing.com 10. Building on our definition of a service, service orientation is a way of integrating a business as a group of linked services. 以我们的服务定义为基础,面向服务是一种将业务作为一组相关联的服务集成的方式。 www.ibm.com 1. Pilots of other aircraft were reporting ice building on their wings around the time of the crash last night. 其他客机的飞行员报告说,昨晚机翼上结了冰,造成了坠机事件。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. September 9, at the Mayors ' Building on the subject of "The Place of Expert Systems in Business During the Next Decade. " 午宴地点在市长大厦,题目为“今后十年内专家制度在商业中的地位”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Maggie is continuing her earlier career as a model as well as building on her acting abilities. 玛姬在表演才能日臻成熟的同时仍然继续从事以前的模特事业。 dfsc.cn 4. Building on the concept of collaborative play, social networking is an important tool to incorporate into mobile games. 对于手机协作游戏概念的建设,社交网络是一个推广手机游戏的重要工具。 www.ecocn.org 5. Felix Baumgartner and his team smuggled the parachute into the building on Monday and stored it on the roof of a washroom. 星期一费力克斯和他的行动小组私自携带降落伞并将其藏在了这座大楼的一个厕所顶棚上。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The exact location of every building on the planet can be known. 地球上的每座建筑物的准确位置都为人所知。 www.bing.com 7. The sight of a massive building on its side has fast become one of Shanghai's newest tourist attractions. 去一睹这座倒卧的巨大楼房,很快成了上海最新的一处游览景点。 www.bing.com 8. Depending on the quality of your work you will be employed to carry out SEO duties as well as link building on a regular on-going basis. 根据你的工作质量,您将被用来进行搜索引擎优化工作,以及定期持续的基础环节建设。 www.bing.com 9. A building on which construction has ceased for at least 3 months. 停止建设中—停工至少3个月的建筑。 bbs.topenergy.org 10. In baggy jeans, sneakers and a Nike windbreaker , Liu Xiang stood on the observation deck of the Empire State Building on Wednesday morning. 穿着宽松的牛仔裤,运动鞋以及尼克的风衣,星期三早上,刘翔站在纽约大厦的了望甲板上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. at least three police patrol cars, a bus and a building on fire. 至少三辆警察巡逻车、一辆公共汽车和一座楼房着火。 www.englishtang.com 2. The project calls for an understanding of the local ecology, the tides, climate and the constraints of building on an island. 专题要求理解一个小岛当地的生态、潮汐、气候和对建筑的限制。 www.myoops.org 3. But reaction to the burning of the building on September 9th was more nuanced. 而对本月九号燃烧以色列建筑的行为作出的反应,则显得更为微妙。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. The building on my right, which is our corporate campus for The Gap with an ancient meadow, is an asset -- its nesting grounds. 右边的建筑是我们为TheGap公司建的企业园区,屋顶上有原始的草原,将会成为我的是一项资产—筑巢的好地方。 www.ted.com 5. In any competitive race you do not win by emulating your rivals but by building on your intrinsic strengths. 在任何竞技比赛中,你都无法通过模仿对手而获胜,而是要以自身内在优势为基础。 www.bing.com 6. Jobs even went so far as to decree that there be only two huge bathrooms in the building, on for each gender, connected to the atrium. 乔布斯甚至要求这座大楼里只允许有两个洗手间,男女各一个,都连通中庭。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Building on their groundbreaking research in nanoelectronics, Williams and team are the first to prove the existence of the memristor. 威廉姆斯及其研究小组开创性的研究以纳电子学为基础,他们是证明忆阻器存在的第一人。 www.suiniyi.com 8. These services are all building on the collaborative consumption trend that has taken hold over the last four years. 这些服务都建立在过去四年间形成的共同消费(团购)的趋势基础之上。 www.ecocn.org 9. She said, "Go straight along this street, turn left, and it's the second building on your right. " 她说:“沿着这条街一直走,向左拐,你右手边的第二栋就是。” www.ryedu.net 10. Building on the suggestions made by the contributors to the supplement, we offer a number of topics for such an agenda. 的基础上提出的建议贡献的补充,我们提供了一些专题,以供这样一个议程。 www.syyxw.com 1. The Casino, the first permanent building on the property, was built in 1895 with a restaurant downstairs and a ballroom upstairs. 赌场,财产上的第一长备的建筑物,被建造在1895由于在楼下的一家餐厅和一个舞厅二楼。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The government this month imposed a temporary ban on building on farmland , as it revives its attempt to achieve self-sufficiency in rice. 政府于本月强制实施了一个临时法令,禁止征用农田进行建筑,以再次努力实现大米的自给自足。 www.showxiu.com 3. Notifications can offer more types of content by building on the expanded set of UI Widgets that are now available as remote Views. 此外,通知还可以通过使用扩展UI组件以远程视图的方式构建的更多类型的内容。 www.bing.com 4. But its long record of change dramatically demonstrates that evolution is a matter of building on what had been built before. 但中阿瓦什地区对于变化的延续记录深刻的表明了进化是层层构筑起来的。 www.bing.com 5. And how can our understanding of poverty enable more effective policies, building on the lived experiences of the poor? 根据穷人的生活经验,如何让我们对贫困的理解使政策变得更有效? www.bing.com 6. Foreign-invested enterprises construction engineering design of the building on the advice of the Executive Department in charge of. 外商投资建设工程设计企业需在征求建设行政主管部门意见后办理。 www.bing.com 7. A person might buy a building and adjoining land , and either erect another building on the spare land or sell the land for a profit . 某人买房的同时可以买下与其相连的空地,也可以在空地上建造另一栋楼房,当然也可以卖掉这块地。 www.ebigear.com 8. Alan: Go straight ahead until you see a big glass building on your left. The supermarket is right beside it. 艾伦:朝前直走,看见左边一座玻璃大楼。超市就在旁边。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Likewise, Silicon Valley is reinventing itself as a center of alternative energy by building on its long experience in battery design. 同样,硅谷正在基于其长期以来在电池设计领域的经验进行自我重新塑造,以期转化成替代性能源中心。 www.america.gov 10. Building on Students'Intuitive Strategies to Make Sense of Cross Multiplication. 培养学生运用直觉策略理解数学叉乘法的含义。 www.jshzzx.com 1. I feel sure that with continued support we will be able to show significant progress building on this year's work. 我确信在持续的支持下,我们在今年的工作中能够取得巨大进步。 www.bing.com 2. Now if I was a bird, the building on my left is a liability. 如果我是鸟,左边的建筑对我是危险的。 www.ted.com 3. Copies of the following publications can be picked up from campus publication boxes that are located in virtually every building on campus. 下面出版物的副本,几乎可以在位于校园每个建筑物下的刊物岗亭处获得。 www.hjenglish.com 4. to get rich, are trying to build an Empire State Building on a 6-inch slab. 大多数人,当他们努力致富时,总是试图在6英寸厚的水泥板上建造帝国大厦。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The giant dams that China is building on the international rivers flowing out of Tibet are a particular source of anxiety. 中国在从西藏流出的跨国河流上修建的巨型水坝尤其引起人们的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the next installment, I'll discuss refactoring toward design, building on the concepts of composed method and the SLAP principle. 在下期文章中,我将在组合方法和SLAP原则的基础上讨论重构如何推进设计。 www.ibm.com 7. It is an imposing neoclassical building on a hilltop overlooking a flat, dusty valley in the western part of the Afghan capital. 这是一幢令人难忘的新古典主义建筑,位于一座小山顶端,俯瞰着阿富汗首都西部平坦而尘土飞扬的山谷。 edun.hzcnc.com 8. I looked out of the window and saw thick smoke coming out of the building on the corner. 我向窗外望去,看见浓烟从拐角处的大楼里冒出来。 bbs.etiantian.info 9. Rockefeller Center is two blocks down the street, and I believe the Travel Bureau is building on the left. 往下走两个路口可到洛克菲勒中心,我相信旅游局在左边第二栋大楼。 www.bing.com 10. The move suggests pressure is building on the bank to install new people in leadership positions. 此举意味着要求美国银行引进新人出任领导职位的压力正在不断上升。 www.bing.com 1. I can only see dimly the edges of the building on a dark night. 黑夜中,只能依稀可见建筑物的轮廓。 www.kekenet.com 2. Building on his Budapest vision, Tesla began experimenting with multiple alternating currents in a motor. 特士拉以他在布达佩斯的想法为基础,开始在马达里尝试多重的交流电。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Construction costs are high: Due to dig at the end of drilling, underground construction costs higher than building on the ground. 建造成本高:由于要钻挖地底,地下建造成本比建于地面高。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Thousands of supporters of Thailand former Prime Minister Taxin block the entrances to the parliament building on Monday. 周一,数千泰国前总理他信的支持者封锁了国会大楼的入口。 my.putclub.com 5. Will give different metal materials tubes in the building on the pipeline construction standardization and high efficiency bring new change. 将给不同金属材料管在建筑管道施工上的标准化与高效率带来新的变革。 51wufengguan.cn 6. notification requirements : reduction of real estate, construction land to be piles, building on -line mapping and other commodity prices. 通知要求:下调房产、建筑用地拨地定桩、建筑物放线等测绘产品价格。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But building on these improvements won't be easy as the two countries explore the boundaries and compatibility of their 'core interests. 但随着两国在对各自核心利益的兼容性和底线的不断探索和评估,巩固这些改善成果并非易事。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Ban says the rebuilding process in Haiti should be an exercise in nation-building on a scope and scale not seen in generations. 他说,海地重建过程将是数十年来空前规模和范围重建一个国家的演练。 www.voa365.com 9. And of course, we evaluate the communities we're building on the various social networks. 当然,我们也评估我们在各种社会网络上的社区建设情况。 www.bing.com 10. The building of a harmonious beauty, building on the stone carving vivid realism. 这些建筑和谐优美,建筑物上的石雕生动逼真。 declan-galbraith.cn 1. Therefore, the Customs and Excise Department on the legislative building on a very important practical significance. 因此,研究海关的立法建设问题具有十分重要的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 2. She said, "Go straight along this street , turn to the left at the end, and it's the second building on the right . " 她说:“沿着这条街一直走,到头向左转,右边的第二幢楼说是。” blog.163.com 3. Such strategies would take advantage of positive elements of prior knowledge by building on students' existing valid physical intuitions . 这种战略将利用积极因素先验知识的基础上学生的现有有效的物理直觉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. annie Reed from Baltimore wants to meet us at the top of The Empire State Building on Valentine' s Day. 巴尔的摩的安妮·里德想和我们情人时节在帝王大夏顶楼见面。 wenku.baidu.com 5. We were living in the same building, on different floors. We saw each other every morning at the elevator, and one thing led to anther. 我们住在同一栋楼里,但不在同一层。我们每天早上都在电梯口见面,事情就一件接一件地发生了。 www.onlycollege.com.cn 6. Building on this, countries and the international community must now also work together to strengthen both prevention and treatment efforts. 在这个基础上,各国和国际社会现在还必须携起手来,加强预防和治疗工作。 www.who.int 7. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg unveiled a $25m, energy-efficient office building on the Brooklyn waterfront a few months back. 纽约市长麦克尔·布林伯格数月之前向公众揭开了了布鲁克林沿海地带的一座造价达两千五百万美元的绿色环保建筑的神秘面纱。 www.bing.com 8. That might mean accepting shorter lease lengths, with a view to refurbishing a building on expiry and then increasing rents. 这可能意味着接受更短的租期,并打算在期满之后对楼进行重新翻修,然后提高租金。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Economist has survived, and indeed prospered, by building on the internationalism of its outlook and by selling abroad. 经济学人幸存了下来,而且由于它基于世界范围内的视野和海外销售的良好,实际上它更繁荣了。 www.bing.com 10. The injured, with visible burns, were carried out of the building on stretchers, according to the unidentified witness quoted by Xinhua. 新华社引用未表明身份的目击者的描述说到:能用肉眼看出有烧伤情况的伤员,已经被用担架运出了这栋楼。 www.fanyitie.com 1. Building on these qualitative relations, researchers have begun introducing quantitative measures of entanglement. 基于这样的定性关系,研究人员开始引入量度缠结的方法。 www.showxiu.com 2. The politics become easier as the decade progresses if you're building on a foundation of security and economic development. 冲突后十年间,政治会变得更容易,如果重建是以安定和经济发展为基础。 www.ted.com 3. come from this hill, and gradually building on the gorge, but since GaoFengFa veins, to the east of every 2 already. 今山势渐下,而上湫之涧,却自东高峰发脉,去此已隔二谷。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Building on the concept of tagging is the idea of social bookmarking. 在标签基础上建立的概念是社交书签。 www.ibm.com 5. Weeds have sprouted at the base of the building, on the edge of an asphalt lot. 杂草已萌生在该基地的建设,在法律边缘的沥青地段。 www.sjgcz.cn 6. Yet the greater joy of this book is Ms Moorehead's skill in building on Lucie's observations. 然而,阅读本书更大的乐趣在于穆尔海德在构建露丝的视角方面的高超技巧。 www.ecocn.org 7. Jiangsu Province Office building on the current planning Director Zhang was still at the planning changes phenomenon has raised its concern. 江苏省建设厅城乡规划处处长张就当前仍然存在的规划被随意修改现象提出了自己的担忧。 www.cnrealty.org 8. Building on its arrangements increasingly "bad" will be living with the relative mediocrity gradually legislation. 建筑在它的安排下,愈发显得矫情,将生活与平庸渐相对立。 www.iyihu.com 9. The various systems building on top of the Identity Model infrastructure can define claim types and rights as required. 在标识模型基础结构上面构建的各种系统可以根据需要定义声明类型和权限。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. They focus on strengthening social networks and building on existing ways community members deal with distress in their lives. 准则注重于加强社会网络和利用社区成员在生活中应对烦恼的现有方法。 www.who.int 1. Building on the Yokohama Vision, we firmly resolve to support the strong, sustained, and balanced growth of the regional and global economy. 在《横滨愿景》(YokohamaVision)的基础上,我们决意支持强劲、持久和均衡的地区及全球经济发展。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 2. I can only dimly see the edges of the building on a dark night. 黑夜中,我只能依稀看见建筑物的轮廓。 www.tingroom.com 3. Orientation: In architecture, the position of a building on its site. 朝向:在建筑中,建筑物所在地的位置。 www.tdict.com 4. Building on the mother language, the learning of multiple languages must be a pillar of 21st century education. 在母语的基础上进一步学习多种语言必须成为21世纪教育的一个支柱。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Building on this success demands new thinking, both within Latin America and north of the Rio Grande. 在胜利之上继续发展需要新的思考,拉美和北美都需要。 www.ecocn.org 6. Building on experience of Mozambique, FAO is preparing normative materials on resource tenure, targeting Lusophone countries. 基于莫桑比克的经验,粮农组织正在编写关于资源使用权的规范资料,供非洲葡语国家使用。 www.icarrd.org 7. This aerial view also shows other structures, including the Observatory Control Room building, on the main platform's front edge. 本图中还有其他建筑,其中平台最前方的是观测控制室。 www.astronomy.com.cn 8. In a landmark building on the left before the computer sales department, a number of steel and fire extinguishers piled on the ground. 在粤海大厦左边的某电脑销售部门前,地上堆了许多钢管和灭火器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Together they turned a building on Captain Jack's Wharf into a stage. 这些年轻艺术家共同把杰克船长码头(CaptainJack’sWarf)上的一栋建筑物改建为舞台。 www.24en.com 10. Our Internet Marketing division is looking to outsource the task of link building on behalf of several of our SEO clients. 我们的网络营销部门正在寻求外包的客户,我们几个代表的SEO链接建设的任务。 www.bing.com 1. Comprehension can also be enhanced by building on students'background knowledge, e. G. By having a group discussion before reading. 建构学生的背景知识可以提高理解力,如在阅读前进行团体讨论。 www.kecheng.net 2. Witnesses report seeing a vehicle force its way past security and explode once it reached the four-story building on Friday morning. 目击者说,周五上午他们看到一辆车强行冲过联合国机构大院的保安设施,在到达这个四层高的大楼时爆炸。 www.bing.com 3. Proper soil and water conservation measures are a prerequisite for building on mountainsides . 在山坡地建屋,必须先做好水土保持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Fourth, seek extensive publicity, building on close ties with the press at all levels. 四是加强宣传,建立与中央和地方各类新闻单位的紧密联系; pr.shisu.edu.cn 5. The owners of a building on Times Square held that first party on top of their building. 时代广场的楼房业主在楼顶上举行了第一次派对。 www.jukuu.com 6. Represents the base class for WPF core-level implementations building on WPF elements and basic presentation characteristics. 表示WPF核心级实现的基类,该类建立在WPF元素和基本表示特征基础上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. LinkedIn invests heavily in open source, with the goal of building on best in class components, recruiting community involvement. LinkedIn对开源项目投入巨大,希望构建出一流的组件并号召社区参与进来。 www.infoq.com 8. a building on a college campus dedicated to social and organizational activities of the student body. 大学校园里负责组织学生主体进行各种社会实践活动的一个组织。 www.jukuu.com 9. The PAD is outraged that Cambodia is building on disputed land around the site. 柬埔寨在争议地点修建各种建筑让人民民主联盟愤怒不已。 www.ecocn.org 10. Gauteng is building on the top floor of this well-known billionaire's club is located. 高腾大厦顶楼是这间著名的亿万富豪俱乐部所在地。 cid-25f35e9067c8dc09.spaces.live.com 1. Fortunately, for this photo, there weren't much changes except for the unfinished building on the right. 幸好,这一幅相,除相中右上角的未落成楼宇外,可说是没有改变。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 2. The AMS Scientific Congress are planned 3 years in advance, building on the topics and experiences of our past Annual Scientific Congresses. 澳大利亚更年期学会会议提前三年开始计划,以过去的科学年会的话题和经验。 www.med365.com.cn 3. Other aspiring rulers tried to make islands by sinking ships in shallow water or building on reefs and shoals. 其他一些满怀希望的统治者则通过在浅海区沉船,在暗礁或浅滩上建造房屋的途径制造岛屿。 www.bing.com 4. Building on Lula's progress, Dilma Rousseff certainly symbolises a new era for a country whose growth rates make the West envious. 在鲁拉的基础上,狄尔玛.罗瑟芙当然象徵着一个国家的新时代,这个国家的成长使西方羡慕不已。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 5. Building on the preceding code example, the media player control can be loaded with the exhibit video as follows. 在前面的代码示例基础上生成,该媒体播放器控件可以按以下方式使用展示视频加载。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Early Thursday, Molotov cocktails, thrown from a bridge nearby where pro-Mubarak protesters had assembled, set a building on fire. 周四凌晨,从附近大桥上扔出的燃烧瓶让一座大楼燃起了大火。这座大桥上聚集的都是穆巴拉克的支持者。 c.wsj.com 7. If you'll just go back south about four blocks, you'll see the big building on your. . . on the left-hand side of the street. 往南走约四条街,就可以看到一幢很大的建筑物…就在左手边。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 8. The deformation and stress induced by the loading of building on the foundation will cause the settlement and incline. 建筑物的荷载通过基础传给地基,地基受力后将会产生应力和变形,从而导致建筑物基础产生沉降和倾斜。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The zebras are in the first building on the left as you go in the main entrance. 斑马的第一建筑在左边,你可以在大门。 www.ok177.com 10. His attempting to design a building on his own surprised us. 他试图独自设计一幢建筑让我们吃惊。 www.bing.com 1. U. S. support for Yemen will not, and should not, involve military intervention and state building on that scale. 美国对也门的支持,不会也不应该,停留在这种规模上进行军事干预以及国家建设。 www.bing.com 2. Contribute to the capability building on shop operations and category management for both the shop team and operations team. 对便利店业务团队及运作前线提供便利店运营业务及品类管理方面的能力培养支持。 jobs.zhaopin.com 3. One client has an entire building on his property used as a "private museum. " 有一位客户把个人财产的一整座建筑作为“私人博物馆”。 www.bing.com 4. Many more people were trapped under debris after the building on the Indian capital's east side collapsed, said B. 印度首都东边的大楼倒塌后,许多人被困在废墟下,B。 www.aitrans.net 5. An ESB-centric mainframe integration solution leverages these advantages by building on the ESB architecture. 以ESB为中心的大型机集成解决方案通过建立在ESB架构之上,充分利用了这些优势。 www.infoq.com 6. The city of Paris launched a competition to create a new cultural program and building on this site. 巴黎市发起了一项竞争创建一个新的文化项目,并在此基础上的网站。 www.telaijz.com 7. Regional Capacity Building on Return, Reintegration and Combat against People Smuggling? 在回归、遣返及打击偷渡人口问题能力建设? www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. These initiatives turn organizations inside out, sending more people outside the building on far-afield trips to develop new ideas. 这些初露端倪的未来社会雏形将推动组织朝外向型转变,派遣更多的人离开办公楼不断出行去开发新事物。 www.bing.com 9. Seoul, a 39-story building on the 5th morning, shaking, hundreds of people panic to escape. Rise followed by an emergency shutdown. 韩国首都首尔一幢39层高楼5日上午发生晃动,数百人惊慌逃跑。高楼随后紧急关闭。 www.englishtang.com 10. The Empire State Building on New York's Manhattan Island is an architectural icon. 耸立在纽约曼哈顿岛上的帝国大厦是一个建筑设计杰作。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 1. For the most part, this experience has validated my initial impression that building on the Web infrastructure is good. 总的来说,这些经验验证了我当初的印象,即建立在Web基础设施上是一种好的做法。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Some arrays have two dimensions, such as the number of offices on each floor of each building on a campus. 某些阵列会具有两个维度,例如校园中每栋建筑物之每个楼层的办公室数目。 technet.microsoft.com 3. But the government would rather build a multi-story building on the land, or return the land to a wasteland. 可是政府宁愿在土地上盖大楼,或是让它又会变回一片荒地,也不愿让我们在上面生存。 4. Most days you can hear a brass band or a cowboy trio thumping out tunes in a small building on a Culiacan side street. 平日里,在库利亚坎街边的一个小建筑物中,你可以听到一个铜管乐队或者是一支牛仔三重唱乐队在演奏乐曲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A promising manufacturing report this week showed a jump in new orders and production, building on those expectations. 本周一份令人鼓舞的制造业报告显示,受这一预期推动,美国的新订单和工业生产都出现了跃升。 www.bing.com 6. Israeli rescuers carry a man rescued from the collapsed tax authority building on Saturday in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 以色列的救援人员从海地太子港救出一位伤员。 blog.qq.com 7. Too often we start each project from scratch, instead of building on work we have done before. 我们的项目总是一切从头开始,而非建构在之前完成的作品上。 www.bing.com 8. But by building on this particular foundation, you'll find that the leverage you can get is extreme. 但是如果在此基础上构建,您会发现获益极多。 www.ibm.com 9. In the Veterinary Hospital, a single building on a restricted site, must collect the programmatic complexity. 这是一个位于狭窄空间的单独建筑,项目的复杂性在这里要受到一定的限制。 www.julemei.com 10. Daliesque building on a subtropical island, with a view of the ocean and signs on campus warning of venomous snakes, is more unusual. 一座亚热带岛屿上,可以望到大海,同时也可以看到毒蛇的警告的标志。就是在这样一个地方,达里艺术风格的建筑就显得格外不同。 www.ecocn.org 1. Does the building on land and ground have depreciation minute years commonly? 土地及地上建筑物一般分几年进行折旧? www.dictall.com 2. The project has also been helped by building on existing technology and modifying it rather than starting afresh. 而且,研发该项目只需利用现有的技术并稍作修改,而不需要另起炉灶。 www.bing.com 3. I was lucky enough to visit the Empire State Building on Sunday morning last week. 上周日早上,我有幸参观了帝国大厦。 wenxinshe.zhongwenlink.com 4. Building on the prior example, if you add an element named , it will have a beginning tag and a corresponding end tag . 我们继续以前面的示例为例,如果添加了名为的元素,它将有一个开始标记和相应的结束标记。 www.ibm.com 5. The flat is in a building on FangCao street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School . 后位补述……非限制性定语从句这个公寓位于芳草街,它离建新华文学校不远。 wenku.baidu.com 6. The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire. 为了很快地进入着火的房子,消防队员拆了那面墙。 www.hxen.com 7. Developed countries too are interested in supporting S&T capacity building on the continent. 发达国家也对于支持非洲的科学技术能力建设表现出了兴趣。 www.scidev.net 8. Go straight ahead for five minutes and you'll see a tall building on your right. 一直向前走五分钟,你就会看到右手边的一座高建筑物。 llang.net.cn 9. If this is indeed the case, Twitter is once again emulating some of the functionality third-party sites are building on top of Twitter. 如果事实的确如此,那么Twitter无疑又是在效仿部分建立在Twitter上的第三方网站。 www.bing.com 10. Cities is the exposition's theme, but the real message is clear: China has a vision for its future and is actively building on it. 城市是这次世博会的主题,但是传达出来的真正信息则是:中国对其未来蓝图有明确目标,而且正努力为此努力。 cn.9iquzhou.com 1. Pulse is a complimentary technology building on top of the open source solutions. Pulse是一个构建在开源方案之上、免费赠送的技术。 www.infoq.com 2. A building on the university's south campus was evacuated after someone reported seeing people with weapons. 在有人报告说看到有人持有武器后,该大学南边的一所大楼已经进行了疏散。 bbs.putclub.com 3. You're at your best when you're building on your past and seeing your future come into focus. 你在你的最佳当你建立你的过去,看到你的未来。 wenwen.soso.com 4. The move came after another employee at the plant died after falling off a building on Tuesday morning. 在郭台铭采取上述举措之前,又有一名富士康工人在周二早上坠楼身亡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Building on a standard allowed us to utilize the collective wisdom of the Atom community to tackle our problems. 基于标准进行构建使我们得以利用Atom社区的群体智慧来解决我们的问题。 www.infoq.com 6. Go straight ahead until you see a big glass building on your left. 朝前直走直到看见左边有一座玻璃大楼。 rong789.16789.net 7. I hope I go beyond the building on the geometry of the physical size limits. 我希望我的建筑超越几何大小上的物理界限。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Enter a pleasant hacienda-style building on a remote stretch of the coast. 你会进入偏远海边一座赏心悦目的庄园式建筑。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This can be called vertical thinking since it involves building on what is accepted as traditional. 这种方式可称为纵向思维,因为它以公认为一贯确立的东西为基础。 online.cumt.edu.cn 10. The hardcore for the slab consists of demolition rubble from the previous building on the site. 板层的核心是以前建筑拆毁后的碎石块。 bbs.topenergy.org 1. The making of architecture is a cyclical and dynamic process always growing and building on itself. 建筑物的修建是一个依靠自身不断成长和积累的循环、动态过程。 www.myoops.org 2. All programming starts with making the most basic assumptions, and then building on those basic assumptions. 所有的编程工作都建立在一些最基础的假设之上。 www.bing.com 3. The NYSE, housed in a large building on Wall Street, does the bulk of trading in listed securities. 纽约股票交易所设在华尔街的一座大楼里,凡列入目录的证券大部分都在这里交易。 www.jukuu.com 4. The construction of underground project or the underground tunnel will influence the subsiding of adjacent building on the earth surface. 地下工程或地下洞室的修建会使周围一定范围内的既有建筑物受到影响,对地面产生变形。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Building on top of poorly designed code, rather than fixing the problem, just makes the problem worse. 但在设计不好的代码上面继续扩展,而不去解决这个问题,会使问题更加恶化。 www.infoq.com 6. A stable supply of materials is needed to complete the building on time . 要如期完成这幢房子,需要建筑材料的供应稳定。 www.jukuu.com 7. Our job is to continue building on this foundation. 我们的工作是在这个基础上继续努力。 www.kouyi.org 8. The landmarks of Boston in the background: John Hancock building on the left, Prudential on the right. 波士顿的地标:左边高楼叫约翰汉考克楼,右边高楼是普鲁扥秀大楼。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We. . . believe that we are building on this proud tradition of giving access to anyone, anywhere and at any time. 我们…相信,我们正在传承敞开知识大门的光荣传统,而且可以对任何人,在任何地方,任何时间。 www.bing.com 10. Building on vacant state -owned land will take to recover or major acquisition, into land reserves, the use of separate arrangements. 对空闲的国有建设用地,将主要采取收回或收购方式,纳入土地储备库后,另行安排使用。 www.showxiu.com 1. Swing became Beans (building on Swing, but with additional requirements). Swing又变成了Bean(构建在Swing上,但有另外的要求)。 www.ibm.com 2. He bought the land for the purpose of building on it. 他买地是为了盖房。 emuch.net 3. That's building on his momentum from yesterday's North Carolina primary win. 这完全是他昨天在北卡罗纳州初步胜利的势头所至。 bbs.putclub.com 4. He is a teacher in the city of Mianzhu, and survived the quake because he was outside the building on a toilet break. 他在绵竹市当老师,地震发生时他正好离开教学楼去上厕所,因而幸免于难。 www.bing.com 5. Keep going until you see a big white building on your left. 继续往前走,一直走到左边有座白色建筑。 wenku.baidu.com 6. It is the root of a fairly complex tree that can support building on different hosts for multiple targets. 它是一个相当复杂的树的根,这个树支持在不同的主机上、针对多个目标构建代码。 www.ibm.com 7. Building on the so-called Chiang Mai Initiative, it draws from a foreign-exchange-reserve pool of only $120 billion. 该雏形以所谓的《清迈倡议》为基础,只从外汇储备库里提取了1200亿美元。 kk.dongxi.net 8. And I want to see more of the new nation you are building on a scale even the emperors could not have foreseen. 我也想了解更多这个正在大规模建设的新国家的方方面面,这些都是古代帝王所无法预见的。 www.ryedu.net 9. You 'll see a four - story building on your left. 您会看到在你左边有一栋四层楼的建筑物。 www.1stenglish.com 10. To achieve this we are committed to building on the progress already made, including with regard to modalities. 为达成这一目标,我们承诺将维护议程已取得的进展,其中包括就议程形式所达成的一致。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Our friendship is building on sincerity; it can burden the wild wind and tempestuous rain , and can fend off the ferocity of flood. 我们的友谊大厦建筑在真诚的基础之上,它经的起狂风暴雨,它挡的住洪水激流。 wenku.baidu.com 2. You'll see our building on your right after you pass the museum. 过了美术馆之后,在右边你会看到我们的办公楼。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He described how to his left the beach curved around and became a point with wooden building on it, . 是这个意思吗:他描述了如何离开海滩闲晃,并变成了木头小屋边的小点? bbs.pdafans.com 4. The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street. B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street. 这栋房子在芳草街的一栋楼上。 datum.studyget.com 5. It is bestowed following a brawl in which Whip fought three English sailors outside the impressive H&H building on Fort Street. 这来自一场恶斗之后。惠普在碉堡街神气的霍一黑公司大楼前独斗三个英国水手。 www.jukuu.com 6. it's furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus. 在学校里面,是个三层楼里的两居室,有家具。 www.tingroom.com 7. They spend years building on a technology stack that nobody else is using. 他们花了几年的时间去建立一个其它人都不用的技术栈。 www.bing.com 8. He described how to his left the beach. . . around and became a point with wooden building on it. 他描述了他左边的围绕着海岸线,在海岸线上远处的木屋已经变成了一个小点。 blog.esnai.com 9. Building on the Harvard model of professors of management practice, Prof Tufano intends to bring practitioners into the classroom. 图法诺打算在哈佛管理实践教授模式的基础上,让从业者进入教室讲课。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It's a furnished two bedroom flat in a three-story building on campus. 我的公寓在校园内,在一个三层楼里,带家具,两间卧室。 www.ebigear.com 1. Inside a massive building on a university campus, 20 Ping-Pong tables stretch across a hardwood floor. 在一所大学校园里的一座大型建筑物内,硬木地板上四处排放着20台乒乓球桌。 www.kekenet.com 2. He lives in an apartment building on Wall Street. 他在华尔街的一棟公寓住。 test.iask.sina.com.cn 3. We were living in the same apartment building, on the same floor. 我们曾经住在同一幢公寓,同一层。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You are building on the striking success of strategies for intensified measles control. 加紧控制麻疹战略已取得显著成效。你们正再接再厉,继续往前迈进。 www.who.int 5. Keep building on your bank of shared memories. 你要不断构筑分享记忆库。 www.bing.com 6. The yen began the new week softer, with the crosses building on equity moves higher. 日元新的一周低开,而日元交叉盘受股市涨势激励上扬。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The second concern is building on the land, or earth texture. 另一个关注的议题则是在土地或是大地环境中的建筑物。 www.myoops.org 8. Certainly. It's that white building on the corner. 好的,是那个转角的白色大楼。 www.ebigear.com 9. Because you will be building on the Jazz platform, you will need to add the plug-ins shown in Table 2. 因为您将在这个Jazz平台上构建,您需要添加表格2中所显示的插件。 www.ibm.com 10. But building on code from third parties brings new business and licensing concerns issues that can put software projects at risk. 但是,在第三方引入的代码上进行构建会带来令软件项目处于风险中的新的业务和许可关系问题。 www.ibm.com 1. The oldest building on our list, Zwinger, which was heavily influenced by Versailles, was all but destroyed in the Second World War. 这是该榜单中最古老的建筑。茨温格宫建筑风格深受凡尔赛宫影响,在二战中几乎被全部破坏,后来重建修复。 cn.reuters.com 2. Men and women go in and out flat building on Huaihai Road. 上海出入于淮海路公寓楼里的男女。 arts.tom.com 3. Yeah! You can see a tall building on your left side. 是的,你可以在你的左手边看见一栋很高的楼。 www.jukuu.com 4. We can use them as greening plants on the north side of a building, on the north slope of a hill as well as under the woods. 我们可以利用他们作为绿化植物对北边的一座大厦上,北坡一宗山火,以及根据老虎伍兹。 www.ksw123.com 5. THE Playwright Tavern is across the street from the Barclays Capital building, on 49th St and 7th Avenue in Manhattan. 剧作家酒馆位于曼哈顿49街和第7大道之间的巴克莱投资银行大厦对面。 www.ecocn.org 6. Cognitive radio is arriving on the heels of SDR technology and building on it. 感知无线电紧跟在SDR技术后出现,以其为设计基础。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. There's that new apartment building on Bedford Street. Bedford Manor. 在贝德街有幢新公寓楼,贝德福德庄园。 www.hxen.com 8. Clad in black and speaking Chinese, the three men entered a mah-jongg parlor hidden in a building on Hester Street in Chinatown. 三名讲汉语的黑衣男子走进一家麻将馆。这家麻将馆隐匿于中国城Hester街的一幢建筑里。 www.bing.com 9. In these theories and ideas based on the analysis of nonlinear reflection of the complexity of building on. 在这些理论和思想的基础上,分析了非线性建筑对复杂性的反映。 www.fabiao.net 10. Shutters and balconies on building on Quai Frederic Mistral. 弗雷德里克·米斯特尔码头处,建筑物的百叶窗和阳台。 www.kekenet.com 1. In an office building on Sixth street. Why? 在第六街的一栋办公大楼里,为什么这么问? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Mr. Small: We think we are building on a significant base that we already have. 斯莫尔:我们认为,棒球运动在中国的基础还是相当不错的。 chinese.wsj.com 3. A five-story office building on South Church Street in the Caymans serves as the official address for 18, 857 corporations. 位于开曼群岛南教堂街上的一幢5层办公大楼,却为18857家公司提供了办公地址。 www.bing.com 4. We'll finish the building on time provided there are no foul-ups in supplying materials. 只要在材料供应上没问题,我们将按时完成这幢建筑。 www.hotdic.com 5. They will build a new government building on the corner of the street. 在街道拐角,要开设一家新政府。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The most inviting building on our campus is the student recreation center. 我们校园里最吸引人的建筑物就是学生活动中心 www.englishcn.com 7. ClearType took this to new levels by building on the properties of LCD panels. ClearType借此提高到新的水平的基础上的属性液晶面板。 renheshi.com 8. Pressure is building on the South Korean government to resume food aid. 在恢复对朝粮食援助的问题上,韩国政府正承受越来越大的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Another 87 were taken to a security police building on Hafez Street. 另外87名学生被带到哈菲兹街(HafezStreet)的一个秘密警察局。 www.bing.com 10. The law forbids building on this land. 法律规定禁止在此处进行修建。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Usage : It is applicable to the circuit in shipping and building on water with the rated voltage not higher than 1 kv . 用途:该产品适用于船舶及水上建筑中额定电压不超过1千伏的电路中。 www.bing.com 2. Wang's team is already building on the rat findings, Tech Review reports. 科技导报报道说,王的研究小组已经对大鼠发现有所建术。 www.bing.com 3. The pavilion, nicknamed "dandelion" by the Chinese public, intends to convey the idea of "Building on the past, Shaping our future. " 中国游客将英国馆昵称为“蒲公英”。这一造型旨在表达“传承经典、筑就未来”的主题。 www.bing.com 4. We are building on U. S. -China cooperation in third areas of the world, from Iran to Western Sudan. 从伊朗到苏丹西部,我们正在世界上的很多第三方地区扩大美中合作。 www.america.gov 5. In Part 3, you go even further by building on what you've done here to offer more robust and useful tools. 在第3部分中,您将继续基于本文构建的成果进一步提供更健壮、更有用的工具。 www.ibm.com 6. Get a taxi and ask for the Kuangfu Building on Chienkuo North Road and the driver will understand. 叫辆计程车表示要到建国北路的光复大楼,司机就知道了。 www.linguist.com.tw 7. Building on the discussion from Session 1, this meeting will focus on the value proposition itself. 承接第一次研讨会的讨论,这次会议将集中关注价值理念本身。 www.myoops.org 8. The building on our right hand is our theatre. 我们右边的那座建筑是我们的剧院。 9. Therefore, this paper is focused on one key technique of building On-Board system test platform - designing and realizing of test script. 论文就是针对列控车载设备测试平台开发中的关键技术之一—测试脚本的设计与实现而展开的。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Changed to prevent Engineers from building on top of the shack in each base. 修改了不能让工程师在每个基地的小屋上盖建筑物。 wiki.teamfortress.com 1. Building on top, snow and gave it grandpa very thick quilt ", " a bed. 教学楼顶上,雪爷爷很大方地送给它一床厚厚的“棉被”。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. People look at what remains of a six-story communications building on January 13, 2010 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 人们看什么样的一栋6层通信建设1月13日,2010年仍然在港太子港,海地。 blog.163.com 3. You'll see the building on your left. 那栋建筑在你的左手边。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Building on OMG's core modeling standards, we created a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) that is language-, vendor- and middleware-neutral. 在OMG核心建模标准的基础上,我们建立了MDA(ModelDrivenArchitecture,模型驱动体系结构),它是语言、供应商和中间件中立的。 www.ibm.com 5. So in late 2007, he started on a road trip to meet with the people who were already building on PayPal's limited open code. 因此2007年年底,他开始沿途拜访那些早已运用贝宝有限的开发代码进行创建的开发人员。 www.bing.com 6. Return no knowledge, dark building on the incense. 归来无人识,暗上沈香楼。 1zitong.com 7. The deed to the property that Thomas Ames is building on. Read it. 托马斯艾米斯正在建造的土地的财产契约。念一下。 www.bing.com 8. Town hall building on Albert Square in Manchester. 位于曼彻斯特艾伯特广场的市政厅。 dt85.com 9. That's the problem with building on a hillside - it's so steep. 在山坡上施工建设就有这个问题——太陡了。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I have seen her in the building on several occasions, soon we become good friends. 我在办公楼里几次遇见她,没多久就成了好朋友。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Hangzhou Cuisine, located at No. 6 Jinlong Building on Shui Shang Bei Lu in Nankai District, features Zhejiang dishes. 三六三杭州菜,位于南开区水上北路津龙公寓6号,主打浙江菜。 i.myechinese.com 2. This is a simple SEO project building on a solid unique website service. 这是一个简单的搜索引擎优化在坚实的独特的网站服务项目建设。 www.bing.com 3. As we keep building on old image technology, types of file formats keep piling up, each with their own nuances and uses. 当我们不断依赖老图像技术时,各种文件格式不断涌现,每种都带有自己细微的差别和用途。 www.bing.com 4. But with cost pressures building on many fronts, that has become harder. 不过,在很多领域的成本压力都在不断积聚之际,这样做难度变大。 c.wsj.com 5. What kind of strategy do I propose building on that foundation? 基于这个经济基本面我们该制定什么样的操作策略呢? www.bing.com 6. A four-storey building on the East Side of Manhattan collapsed after a thunderous explosion this morning. 曼哈顿东区的一栋四层楼房今晨因发生爆炸而倒塌。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Pressure is building on Turkey to take the lead. 各方压力建立在土耳其领导的基础上。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. And to make sure themoney is properly spent, we're building on reforms we've already put inplace. 为了确保资金恰当的使用,我们正在建设已经在推进中的改革。 m.yeeyan.org 9. "Building on this knowledge may help in the treatment of memory disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. " “这一发现有助于治疗阿滋海默氏症及其它痴呆症等记忆障碍。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. These are movements that are building on the heritage of socialism and moving it in new directions. 这些运动建立在社会主义的遗产之上,并有自己的新方向。 www.eduww.com |
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