单词 | paper-thin |
释义 |
例句释义: 薄如纸的,极薄的,如纸一般薄的,微乎其微的,极微的 1. tread pattern is projected in the place, some paper thin-paper with a watermark is such a system. 花纹凸出的地方,纸就薄了些——带水印的纸张就是这样制出来的。 www.bing.com 2. But now, the heart sky high, life than paper-thin older woman left in a nest, but only elementary school teaching. 可是现在,这个心比天高,命比纸薄的大龄剩女却只有窝在一间小学校里教书。 www.bluraycd.com 3. Those days did have one advantage, though: the screen was light, paper-thin and could be rolled into a portable tube. 尽管如此,早期的东西有个优点:屏幕的重量很轻,像纸一样薄,而且可以捲成筒状方便携带,这比笨重的电视或电脑萤幕强多了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Due to the existence of these shortcomings, it is criticism of the Chinese system is a tissue-paper thin, there is no role. 由于存在有上述缺点,因此有批评中国制度根本是薄如一张绵纸,毫无作用。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But the first impression is still a surprise, for Faludi, 48, is so paper thin and softly spoken as to seem almost like a middle-aged child. 但首次照面还是让我大吃一惊。48岁的法露迪,单薄如纸,讲话轻声慢语,以至于看起来像个大小孩一般。 dongxi.net 6. Your little one's brain is taking shape inside his oversized, transparent skull and a paper-thin layer of skin is covering his whole body. 小不点的大脑在极大的透明的脑壳里正在成形,薄如纸张的皮肤覆盖着他的整个身体。 www.bing.com 7. Thanks to precision cutting techniques, researchers are able to examine a paper-thin slice of human brain. 得益于精确切割技术,研究者们可以对薄如纸张的大脑切片进行深入研究。 www.bing.com 8. The drapes were paper thin, I could take a match near and they'd go up in flames. 窗帘像纸一样薄,如果我点根火柴,它们马上就会燃烧起来。 weike.taskcn.com 9. Members of her team developed a layer-by-layer manufacturing process to create the paper-thin solar cells. 他的团队创造了一种生产纸薄太阳能的层叠层的批量生产程序。 www.bing.com 10. So, think about it as a paper-thin, huge area of many hundreds of thousands of miles, which is rotating. 所以想象它如纸薄,广大的区域成千上万英里,环绕着。 www.ted.com 1. the paper thin, poor, coupled with a suction nozzle, the excessive absorption of the page. 纸张较薄,较差,加之吸嘴的吸力偏大,将书页吸破。 www.bing.com 2. Avoid hiding in obvious places, often times it's more of a surprise to an enemy to find you in the open than behind a paper-thin box. 不要隐藏在显而易见的地方,很多时候敌人发现你在明处而不是躲在薄木箱后面,会令他们也很惊奇。 q.sohu.com 3. He spends up to 80 hours creating each bikini with 40 paper thin flexible, photo-voltaic panels and conductive thread. 施奈德制作一款比基尼要耗时80个小时。每款比基尼由带有40块像纸一样薄、易弯曲的光伏电池板和传导线制成。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 4. Many of our fears are tissue paper-thin, and a single courageous step would carry us through them. 我们很多的恐惧只不过像纸那样薄,勇敢地迈出简单的一步就能越过。 www.bing.com 5. Each tube toothpaste whether, must not squeeze net finished, squeezed paper-thin. 每管牙膏无论贵贱,一定要挤净用完,非挤到纸一样薄不可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Filo (or phyllo) dough comes in fresh or frozen paper-thin layers and is similar to strudel pastry. 费罗面团像新鲜的或冷冻纸一样薄,它类似于一种点心或蛋糕。 www.bing.com 7. Served in paper-thin slices by expert chefs, fugu combines luxury with a high-stakes gamble. 用熟练的大厨做的极薄的河豚切片待客,是结合了奢侈和高风险的赌博。 www.bing.com 8. And I look. I am always looking for a fresh texture, a new edge, a paper-thin sheet to layer. 我总是努力探寻一种具有全新纹理、全新边缘,薄厚如纸的泥片。 www.futogp.com 9. Upper front teeth that are paper thin, with the enamel almost completely worn away, and teeth that hurt. 上端前齿过薄,牙釉质几乎消失,牙齿也有损伤。 www.soudoc.com 10. She sighed, thinking is higher than the sky, life than paper thin. 她叹息,想法比天高,生活比纸薄。 www.bing.com 1. Carter had eked out a paper-thin victory only because of Watergate, stagflation and defeat in Vietnam. 卡特那薄如白纸的胜利只是因为水门事件、经济停滞与越南的失败才勉强得到的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The smooth muscles, the glands and the mucosa of the intestines trophy and the walls become almost paper-thin. 平滑肌,各种腺体,萎缩了的肠粘膜(吸收细胞层)和肠壁都变得几乎和纸一样薄了。 www.kuenglish.info 3. The idea is said to come from watching cooks prepare paper-thin Taiwanese pancakes. 据说,研究者在观看厨师摊台式薄饼时产生了此想法。 www.china.org.cn 4. Prototyping uses computer modeling to create paper-thin cross sections of the skull. 原型开发使用计算机建模构建只有纸张那样厚的颅骨横切面。 www.yappr.cn 5. Although the world of fashion has claimed it no longer wants paper-thin models, it still cannot alter the concept that thin equals beauty. 尽管时尚圈已经多次说不要纸片模特儿,但是似乎还是无法改变瘦就是美的观念。 times.hinet.net 6. companies specializing in products : one - time sitting toilet paper , paper thin. 公司专业产品有:一次性坐厕纸、薄型纸。 www.ichacha.net 7. a wide range of areas, from the substrate to the cardboard paper thin paper to plastic film. 广泛的承印物范围,从薄纸到硬卡纸到塑料膜。 www.bing.com 8. In the shape of a full moon, it is paper-thin, snow-white, delicious and unique in flavor. 它圆如月,薄如纸,白如雪,并且还有着很独特的风味。 www.xcn-chinese.com 9. I don't know why everyone's in love with this simple, paper-thin character or his cartoonish pals and nemeses. 我不知道为什么每个人都喜欢这个简单得薄如纸片的卡通人物,以及他的伙伴和敌人。 www.bing.com 10. Institutional traders generate paper-thin returns on huge volumes of capital. 机构交易者利用大成交量制造很少的收益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The mother bee neatly folds in the inner layer of petals, smears a paper-thin mud layer and then folds the outer petals. 母蜂先把最里面那层花瓣整齐地弯曲折叠起来,抹一层纸张厚的泥巴,再然后把外边那层花瓣也叠起来。 www.bing.com 2. In addition to that, injuries plagued Los Angeles all season long, leaving the club paper thin on the bench. 另外,伤病也一直在整个赛季都困扰着银河队,大部分的队员都在板凳上。 post.baidu.com 3. Gibbons had given him the paper-thin disposable device, which was programmed to turn on just once. 吉博斯给了他一些可以任意使用的极薄的装备,这些装备只能被用一次。 www.elanso.com 4. The paper-thin crust serves as the wrapper of the stuffing. 纸一般的面皮是用来包那些馅儿的。 www.xcn-chinese.com 5. Rough edge paper burrs, paper thin, drizzied conservition, was pale yellow, there is no anti-moisture performance, better ink absorption. 毛边纸毛边纸纸质薄而松软,呈淡黄色,没有抗水性能,吸墨性较好。 www.bing.com 6. Even the cheapskate strategy of buying a paper-thin presence is being closed off. 即使是只购买极少份额,这样吝啬的战略也被拒之门外。 www.ecocn.org 7. Yes, they are very large in one dimension; in the other dimension they are paper thin. 没错,它们在宽多上很大,不过厚度却和纸一样薄。 www.ted.com 8. A counterfeit paper thin hair soft, partial, sound noticed, not resistant to knead the 20 percent. 假币纸张发软,偏薄,声音发闷,不耐揉折。 www.bing.com 9. Cause 3. the paper thin and strength. Resolution: the replacement of paper. 原因3。纸张薄而强度差。解决方法:更换纸张。 www.bing.com 10. You'll squeeze a toothpaste tube down to paper thin. 把牙膏挤得一点不剩。 cloud2004.blogbus.com 1. Importantly, it must be sliced paper-thin in order to fully develop its aroma. 要使它的香气完全散发,一定要将火腿切得像纸一样薄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Description: Disposable, paper-thin , with all 8. 2 MHz RF systems. 描述:本纸标签适应所有的RF射频系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin, like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? 你是否感觉自己单薄无助,像一座纸卡屋子在坍塌后扬起的一纸薄片? tieba.baidu.com 4. Copy paper thin, copy paper are suitable for business card printing and membership card making multi-connected having carbon copies; 拷贝纸拷贝纸薄而有韧性,适合制卡和会员卡制作多联复写本册; www.bing.com 5. Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away with the wind 假装他编造的借口是那样单薄如同一张纸风可以轻易吹走 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Study on High Flatness Processing of Paper-thin Silver Electrode 压电陶瓷超薄银电极的高平面度加工研究 www.ilib.cn 7. the roll surface coating of soft, paper thin and poor Ma Hang and depression; 辊面软、强化层薄和纸质差造成的麻坑和凹陷; www.bing.com 8. The walls of this hotel are paper-thin 这旅馆的墙壁纸一样薄 www.tiggor.net 9. So paper thin that one real feeling, could knock you down 那薄薄的纸却是很真实的感觉,可以把你击倒 zidao.baidu.com |
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