单词 | power stations |
释义 | power stations是power station的复数
复数:power stations 例句释义: 发电厂的,动力源电池有限公司,可推算出美国的用电量最高 1. FOR power stations on the coast of China, it is often cheaper to import coal by sea from Indonesia than from mines in the interior. 对于中国沿海的发电站来说,从印度尼西亚由海路进口煤炭往往比从内地煤矿运购更划算。 www.ecocn.org 2. During these peaks, the dirtiest power stations are fired up to help meet demand and electricity becomes more expensive to produce. 在这些用电高峰,最容易产生污染的电厂也得开足马力以应对需求,发电需要更大成本。 www.bing.com 3. However, he hoped that the company would be able to reactivate coal, oil and gas power stations quickly, adding roughly 7m KW. 不过,他希望该公司能够尽快重启燃煤、燃油和燃气发电站,增加大约700万千瓦的电力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He says Iran has no intention of acquiring an atomic bomb; it is only making low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear-power stations. 内贾德说,伊朗并无计划制造原子弹,只是制造一些低浓缩铀作为核电站的燃料。 www.bing.com 5. Of course, balloons do not last as long as conventional power stations (each is estimated to have a working life of about a year). 当然,气球不会和传统发电站寿命一样长(每只估计有一年的工作寿命)。 www.ecocn.org 6. It's not just a case of windmills and solar panels: gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures. 不仅风力发电或太阳能电池板与天气有关:燃气发电厂在低温下效率会更高。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The Xinhua News Agency said five power stations were put out of action and six transformer substations were shut down in Sichuan. 据新华社报道,目前四川省有五所电站和六所变电站停止运转。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Large areas of the countryside could also be planted with woodland and crops to be burnt in a network of smaller power stations. 同时,可以在全国大范围推广林地和庄稼种植,这些作物能够在小发电厂网络中得到回收和燃烧发电。 www.bing.com 9. These targets would seem to rule out rebuilding coal-fired power stations, because coal is the most planet-warming of the fossil fuels. 为了是实现这个目标,就得排除重建燃煤发电厂,因为煤炭是化石能源中使全球变暖的最主要黑手。 www.ecocn.org 10. Power stations were being built and cables being laid in all of the United States' major cities; the age of electricity had dawned. 在美国的主要城市,都在兴建电厂,铺设缆线;电气时代业已到来。 www.hxen.com 1. Some power stations in southern China were operating with only a few days' supplies of fuel in reserve, according to government officials. 据官方消息,一些华南地区的发电厂仅剩下维持少数几天运转的燃料储备。 www.bing.com 2. What they don't tell you: It makes sense for individuals to use less electricity to help reduce the emissions of British power stations. 他们没告诉你的第一件事:对个体来讲少用电能可减少英国电厂的排放。 www.bing.com 3. When carbon dioxide from the power stations is mixed with water, the algae soak up much of it, using it as a nutrient. 当把从发电厂排放出来的二氧化碳溶入水中时,藻类能把绝大部分二氧化碳当作养料而吸收,从而茁壮生长。 www.ebigear.com 4. Power stations had to tune themselves to deal with a specific mine's output, and would generally be located near the mine head. 发电站必须自我调整,适应某个特定煤矿的出产,它们通常都会建在煤矿附近。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Mitochondria are the power stations supplying energy for sperm motion and mobility -- one of the crucial factors in fertility. 线粒体就像发电站为精子的运动和活力提供能量--这是受精过程的一个关键因素。 www.jiai-sh.com 6. However, the many coal-fired power stations for which CCS will not be economically viable will have to be shut down. 然而,对于许多燃煤发电厂来说,CCS是不划算的,因此不得不被关闭。 www.chinadialogue.net 7. Elderly nuclear power stations and dirty coal plants must be shut down over the next five years. 陈旧的核电厂和脏乱的煤发电厂在未来五年必须关闭。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Three more power stations and two substations have been knocked out in Shaanxi province to the north of Sichuan. 四川省北面的陕西省也有三家发电站和两家变电站遭到破坏。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Solar power stations and wind farms are built with ease, meeting none of the public resistance that dogs western developers. 太阳能和风力发电站建设很顺利,不会招致西方开发商遭遇的民众阻挠。 cn.reuters.com 10. While enjoying the energy from the nuclear power stations, we have to bear the risk of the unlikely event of a nuclear accident. 但在享用核电站的电力时,我们也要承受万一发生核事故的风险。 www.weather.gov.hk 1. One of the greatest advantages the space power stations can offer is the flexibility of locating its power plants. 最好的利益之一空间发电所能提供是位于它的发电厂的柔性。 www.kele8.org 2. They can also be used to power warships, merchant ships and oil tankers, or to generate electricity in small gas-fired power stations. 这些引擎还可以用来驱动战舰,商船以及油轮,或者在小型煤气发电站中发电。 www.ecocn.org 3. Stocks of thermal coal, used to fire power stations, are among those to have been drawn down. 库存下降的大宗商品包括用于火力发电站的热煤。 www.ftchinese.com 4. CCS is only being proposed for power stations - which are a major cause of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. 目前CCS只是被推荐给发电站,因为他们是主要人为温室气体排放的来源。 tinyurl.com 5. The test results for children born and living in areas around the state's power stations show high levels of uranium in their bodies. 对于出生以及生活在该州发电站附近孩子的检测结果表明他们体内有高水平的铀。 www.bing.com 6. Our government is going to put in six new nuclear power stations. 再来看看核裂变。我们政府正打算建立6个新的核电站。 www.ted.com 7. Politicians may have calculated that a few nuclear-power stations will be easier to sell the public than thousands of wind turbines. 政客们也许会盘算,比起成千个的风力涡轮发电机,几个核电站更容易得到大众的认可。 www.ecocn.org 8. Richard Hamilton, the boss of Ceres, says he is indifferent as to whether his grasses end up in petrol tanks or power stations. Ceres能源作物公司的老板理查德?汉密尔顿说他不关心他的作物最后是用在油罐里还是加油站里。 www.ecocn.org 9. At the moment, however, most countries seem happy to develop plans for nuclear power stations. 但是,现在大多数国家都在全力发展核电站。 www.zftrans.com 10. Electrical Engineering , Lighting, Power Stations & Supply, Power Transmission And Distribution , Installation. 电力,照明,输配电(站)及安装。 www.51docs.com 1. Work with the Power Station Team to help customers design and implement large power stations for stand-by or prime power. 同负责电站方面的团队一起帮助客户对大型电站及附属设施或主要电力来进行设计和实施。 www.gao8dou.com 2. Another danger is that unconventional gas will push aside not just a swathe of coal-fired power stations, but promising renewables, too. 另一威胁则是,受到非常规天然气排斥的不仅仅是一批燃煤发电站,还有充满前景的再生能源。 www.ecocn.org 3. Low-cost power stations, high-speed rail networks, oil refineries and the like could save governments around the globe billions. 低成本的发电站、高速铁路网络、炼油厂等设施,能够让全世界各国政府节省数十亿的资金。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Unlike most of China's smoke-belching power stations, it has such low emissions that luxury flats are being built next to it. 该厂与中国大多数喷吐着烟雾的发电厂不同,排放较低,附近建有豪华公寓楼,且价格不菲。 club.topsage.com 5. The environmental conditions around the thermal and nuclear power stations were analyzed. 通过对火电站、核电站所处环境的分析,证明了这些电站周边环境的恶劣状况。 www.chemyq.com 6. The aim is to develop power stations that emit less of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 这项合作目的是开发向大气层中排放较少温室气体的发电厂。 www.scidev.net 7. Ministers have become more prescriptive in their announcements, specifying the number of nuclear-power stations they want built and where. 部长们在他们的声明中写的更正式,其中明确了他们想要建立的核电厂的数量和地点。 www.ecocn.org 8. Sales and marketing of our products to oil, natural gas, power stations, petrochemical and refineries, environmental industry. 负责密析尔产品在石油,天然气,电力,石化及炼油,环境等行业的销售及市场开拓工作。 jobs.zhaopin.com 9. Faith in controlled nuclear fission is now being shown by the construction of atomic power stations. 现在原子能电站的建造,显示了对受控核裂变的信心。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Due to the growth in power demand, power systems are being expanded and power stations are being located further away from load centers. 由于电力需求的快速增加,电力系统被扩展,发电厂也被安排在离负载中心更远的地方。 www.tianya.cn 1. But sulphur causes acid rain, although proponents point out much less sulphur would be needed than pours from power stations. 但硫元素会导致酸雨——尽管该建议的倡导者指出,该方法所投放的硫量远低于发电厂的硫排量。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Either way, gas-fired power stations are more likely to substitute for solar panels, wind turbines and nuclear power stations. 不管怎么说,燃气发电站更可能会被太阳电池板、风力漩涡机和核电站所代替。 www.bing.com 3. Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surrounded by idle "buffer" land. 建造发电站倾向于选址于远离城市的地方,且被能起到缓冲作用的闲置土地环绕。 www.xgbbs.net 4. Power stations , large and small , have been set up all over the country . 大大小小的水电站已经在全国各地兴建起来了。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Zero discharge of wastewater from small scale thermal power stations can be achieved by wastewater reuse and final treatment. 通过废水回用和最终处置,实现火电厂废水零排放。 www.souyq.com 6. Hydroelectric power stations are to be built in large numbers where water resources are plentiful. 只要那儿那里水源充实,就在那儿那里建筑多量的水电站。 peixun.nntv.com.cn 7. Sarobi hydro-power plant on Kabul River is one of the country's foremost power stations. 喀布尔河上的萨洛比水电站是这个国家最重要的发电站之一。 dongxi.net 8. Reputable clients include prestigious banks, financial centers, power stations, petroleum facilities, and retail chains. 我们拥有一批信誉良好的客户,其中包括著名的银行、金融中心、电站、石油设施和零售连锁店。 www.haoqiantu.cn 9. The main power generator groups in platform power stations are basically piston natural gas generator group and gas turbine generator group. 近海油田平台电站主发电机组主要是活塞式燃气发电机组和燃气轮机发电机组。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We would get down to historically low levels of margins of plant, to when you are starting to ask if you have enough power stations. 当你询问其我们是否还有足够的发电站的时候,富余的发电厂数量将达到历史新低。 www.bing.com 1. To stay within those limits, coal-power stations will have to fit expensive scrubbing equipment. 为了遵守规则,煤电站就得安装费用高昂的洗涤设备。 www.ecocn.org 2. Masayoshi Son, a wireless tycoon, plans to build huge solar-power stations and a new grid to connect Japanese prefectures. 无线巨头MasayoshiSon打算兴建大型太阳能发电站,并计划新开通一条输电网,连通日本各县。 www.ecocn.org 3. Tokyo Electric Power lost a third of its generating capacity when the earthquake struck and power stations automatically shutdown. 东京电力公司的发电量在地震中下降了三分之一,导致电站自动关闭。 www.bing.com 4. Local government has set up power stations, chemical fertilizer plants and a hundred and one other factories. 本地政府建立了发电站,化肥厂和许多其他工厂。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The government launched a solar rooftop program to absorb the domestic capacity and is now promoting solar power stations. 政府推出的太阳能屋顶计划用以吸收国内生产能力,同时正在推广太阳能发电站。 www.bing.com 6. For Dong Energy, while greening its image at home, is busy building coal-fired power stations elsewhere in Europe. 东能源公司一方面在国内塑造其绿色的形象,另一方面又忙于在欧洲其它地方建设燃煤电厂。 www.bing.com 7. This process is so tedious that some companies are considering the idea of burning the dried algae in power stations instead. 这个过程是如此冗长沉闷,于是有些公司考虑干脆直接建设焚烧这些干海藻的发电厂算了。 bbs.ecocn.org 8. Builders are also contemplating immense solar-power stations in the nation's deserts that would pose the same transmission problems. 建设者们同时也正考虑在国内的沙漠中建设大规模的太阳能电站,这也会带来同样的传输问题。 www.bing.com 9. Australia wants to show that existing power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way. 澳大利亚想展示现有的电站经重新改装可以以一种更加清洁的方式来燃烧煤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The main difference between nuclear and fossil-fuelled power stations is an economic one. 在核和化石加燃料发电厂之间的主要差别是经济的。 bbs.hiall.com.cn 1. She has backed an extension of the 2022 deadline for shutting nuclear power stations, as part of a broader plan to lower carbon emissions. 她支持延期关闭核电厂以作为减少碳排放计划的一部分,原截止时间为2022年。 www.ecocn.org 2. The coal power stations of China's central Shanxi province provide energy for much of the rest of the country. 中国华北省份山西的煤电站为该国其它地区提供了大量能源。 www.scidev.net 3. The team is now forming the new polymer into small beads that can pass through the cooling systems of nuclear power-stations. 这组团队现在正将这一新型聚合物做成小珠的形状,这些珠子可以通过核电站的冷却装置。 www.ecocn.org 4. Each year it has been building enough new power stations to provide electricity to the whole of the UK. 它每年都要新建许多的电站,其新增电力可以满足整个英国的需求。 www.ftchinese.com 5. This may be followed by complete solar power stations combined with underground hot water storage reservoirs and other ancillary facilities. 这可能是随后完成太阳能与地下热水,水塘及其他附属设施综合站。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. ON, a major UK energy supplier that already operates hydro, wind and biomass power stations in Europe. ON的英国分公司进行,它是英国主要的能源供应商,已经在欧洲开展了水能、风能和生物质能发电站的运作。 exam.tigtag.com 7. developing small hydro power stations and power-based chemical and agricultural products processing industries. 发展小水电和以电力为基础的电化工业及农业品加工业; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Fly ash as a by-product of coal-fired power stations causes significant economic and environmental problems. 粉煤灰作为燃煤火电厂的副产品,带来巨大的经济和环境问题。 www.chemyq.com 9. So much has changed since the UK last built nuclear power stations 25 years ago. 自从英国在25年前建造了最后一座核电站以来,已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It is set to replace half its ageing power stations (nuclear and conventional) over the next 15 years. 15年后德国境内一半以上的老电厂(既有传统的火电厂,又有核电厂)将退役停运。 www.ecocn.org 1. It has built roads, bridges, railways and power stations in return for access to markets and resources. 他们铺路建桥、修铁路、建电站来获取市场准入和资源。 www.bing.com 2. Private capital has poured into building power stations, but most other bits of the supply chain are in the hands of the state. 私人资本大量涌入发电行业,但是供应链的很多环节都是控制在政府手里的。 www.bing.com 3. Authorities attributed this phenomenon to the country lacks water resources, hydroelectric power stations. 当局将此现象归咎于该国水力发电站的水力资源缺乏。 www.englishtang.com 4. Reducing peak demand means fewer power stations need to be on standby, thereby cutting carbon emissions. 减少用电高峰意味着减少待命发电站的数量,从而降低碳排放量。 www.bing.com 5. During the winter, gas is diverted to power stations to meet greater demand for electricity for heating. 在冬季,天然气运输到发电站,以满足更大的取暖用电需求。 www.silkcapital.com 6. It will keep nuclear-power stations open longer, but the two countries may not agree on a lot else over the EU's energy policy. 土耳其会继续保留它的核动力发电站,但是在欧盟很多其他的能源策略上,法德两国可能会不予支持。 www.ecocn.org 7. Embedment and observation of interior instruments are important for safety monitoring of pumped storage power stations. 内观仪器埋设观测是抽水蓄能电站水工建筑物安全监测工作的重要内容。 www.dictall.com 8. Hansen said he was taking part in the Coventry demonstration tomorrow because he wants a worldwide moratorium on new coal power stations. 汉森说他将参加明天在考文垂的示威活动,因为他希望在全世界范围内暂停新的燃煤电站。 www.bing.com 9. Oil Refining - gas, petrol, diesel, heating oil, fuels for power stations, aeroplanes, ships. . . . . . 炼油-气体,汽油,柴油,取暖用油以及发电厂,飞机和船舶用燃料。 5doc.com 10. The existing grid, tweaked and smartened to make better use of its power stations, should be infrastructure enough. 现有电网,改良候以充分使用其供电站,即可作为基础设施投入使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The EDF suggested this in the 1990s as a way of cutting sulphur-dioxide emissions from power stations. 上世纪90年代,EDF就开始力推此系统以削减发电站的二氧化硫排放量。 www.ecocn.org 2. Austrilia wants to show that the existing power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way. 澳大利亚想表明现有的电厂可以在整改后,以一种更加清洁的方式去燃烧煤。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. But nuclear-power stations and wind turbines are expensive, so, whoever wins, higher bills for domestic consumers seem inevitable. 但是核电站和风力发动机价格昂贵,因此,无论谁胜出,对国内消费者收更多的钱似乎在所难免。 www.ecocn.org 4. Therefore, it is very necessary to carry out optimal regulation research of tide- power stations. 因此很有必要开展潮汐电站优化调度方面的研究工作。 www.lw23.com 5. Large, modern gas-fired power stations can turn about 60% of the energy in fuel into electricity. The rest is lost as waste heat. 大型的现代化气电厂能将燃料中60%的能量转化为电力,其余部分则作为余热丢弃了。 www.bing.com 6. Plans to build nuclear power stations in earthquake-prone Italy have been halted, as have projects for five plants in Thailand. 在经常发生地震的意大利,建立核电站的计划已经停止,正在建立5个核电站的泰国也停止了核电的建设。 www.bing.com 7. Factories, power-stations and motor vehicles send waste gases and soot into the air. 工厂、火电站和机动车辆将废气、烟灰排放到大气中。 www.zftrans.com 8. A lot of water that used to plunge down now goes through the electric power stations, both American and Canadian. 过去常常往下冲的大量的水,现在都流过美国和加拿大的发电站。 www.examw.com 9. Since then electricity companies have been building power stations with gay abandon. 自那以后电力公司一直在尽量兴建发电站。 www.ecocn.org 10. As for the closure of nuclear power stations, Berlin of course must make up its own mind. 在关闭核电站的问题上,柏林方面当然必须要自己拿主意。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Some power stations vibrate excessively in certain work area, so their units operation are confined owing to vibration problem. 不少电站在某些工作区域内振动过大,由于振动问题而限制了机组运行。 www.fabiao.net 2. This has instructive meaning for the reformation and operation of old governing system in water power stations. 对水电站调速器的改造及运行具有现实的指导意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The policies of the Green Party include the phasing out all coal mining and all coal-fired electricity power stations. 绿党的政策包括有逐步取消所有煤矿开采及火力发电站。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. But researchers warn that tropical reservoirs might release more greenhouse gases than fossil-fuel power stations. 但是科学家警告说,热带水库所释放的温室气体可能多于使用化石燃料的发电厂。 www.scidev.net 5. Chemical plants, power stations and foundries have to cut emissions by one-third. 化工厂、发电厂以及铸造厂必须将排放减少三分之一。 www.neworiental.org 6. Moreover, diesel generators are a more polluting energy source than many of China's conventional power stations. 更要命的是,柴油发电机比起中国的常规发电站污染大得多。 www.bing.com 7. FOR its supporters, the idea of growing single-celled algae on exhaust gas piped from power stations is the ultimate in recycling. 对于其支持者来说,在发电厂的废气排放管道上种植单细胞藻类是再循环的根本途径。 www.ecocn.org 8. On the southern shore of the Baltic Sea, Poland plans two nuclear-power stations to reduce its dependence on coal. 在波罗的海的南岸,波兰正计划兴建两座核电站以减低对煤的依赖。 www.ecocn.org 9. A large part of CDM revenues are subsidising carbon intensive industries or projects building fossil fuel power stations. 清洁发展机制中的一大部分资金用于资助那些高碳排放的产业或者那些建设化石燃料发电站的项目。 www.bing.com 10. More recent ideas include managing distressed power stations and buying delinquent credit-card debts from banks. 近来有人打起了新的主意,包括管理陷于困境的发电站、从银行买入信用卡欠款的债权等等。 www.ecocn.org 1. Power is fed into the grid from power stations in the hope that it will arrive in factories, offices and homes. 电源从发电站输入电网,然后送达工厂、办公室和家庭。 blog.eastmoney.com 2. At present nuclear power stations around the detected radioactive material include iodine 131 and cesium 137. 目前核电站周围检测到的放射性物质包括碘131和铯137。 www.englishtang.com 3. Solar-thermal power stations have several advantages over solar-photovoltaic projects. 比起太阳光伏项目,太阳热能电厂有几个优势。 www.ecocn.org 4. Animals and plants also have special power stations in the cells called mitochondria, which use oxygen to get energy from sugar. 动物和植物也在细胞中有特殊的能量站——即线粒体——利用氧气从糖中获得能量。 www.jfdaily.com 5. Some power stations adopted natural draft air-cooling system in North China where is rich in coal and is short of water. 在我国北方一些富煤缺水的地区,部分电厂采用空冷机组。 www.lw23.com 6. If power stations, refineries, banks and air-traffic-control systems were brought down, people would lose their lives. 如果发电站,炼油厂、银行或空中交通控制系统遭到袭击,那么人们很可能会把自己的命都给丢了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. "Combined heat and power" stations produce electricity while also warming nearby homes using their waste heat. “热电联动”电厂在发电的同时也利用余热为附近的住户供暖。 1home.hainan.net 8. "FACTORIES of death" is how James Hansen, a crusading American scientist, describes power stations that burn coal. 燃烧煤炭的发电厂就像是「死亡工厂」,一位美国科学运动家詹姆斯.汉生(JamesHansen)如此这般描述。 www.bing.com 9. Investments in power stations are made on purely commercial grounds; half a dozen big firms compete to sell power to consumers. 对发电站的投资纯粹是基于商业考虑;六大电力公司相互竞争,将电力出售给用户。 www.ecocn.org 10. Many power stations are due to close over the coming decade (see chart 1), and supplies are getting tight. 未来10年,许多发电站将要关闭(见表1),供电将更为紧张。 www.ecocn.org 1. If the use of these trouble-maker to produce bio ethanol, it can be said to serve the dual purposes of power stations. 如果利用这些麻烦制造者生产生物乙醇,对发电站来说可谓一举两得。 www.englishtang.com 2. it is hardly a national secret that the country's nuclear plants are old and its coal-power stations filthy. 英国核电站设备老旧,煤电站污染严重,这已算不上什么国家机密。 www.ecocn.org 3. But most of China's coal comes from the country's interior and must be transported to coastal power stations by train. 但是中国的煤绝大多数来自该国的内陆地区,并必须用货车运到沿海的发电站。 www.ecocn.org 4. Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power stations are being built in large numbers. 只要哪里水源充足,就在哪里修建大批的水电站。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Geoff WilsonAustralia wants to show that existing power stations can be refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way. A demonstrati. 澳大利亚希望说明现有的发电站可以经由改造之后更为清洁地燃烧煤炭。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It is true that coal remains cheap, and is the favoured fuel for power stations in industrialising Asia. 煤炭价格的确还处于低位,而处于上升期的亚洲地区发电厂最普遍的燃料便是煤炭。 club.topsage.com 7. Its runaway growth has led to the world's biggest programme of building coal-fired power stations. 它的飞速增长,促成了全球最大燃煤电力项目的建设。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The low-pressure economizer installed in thermal system of power stations gives a useful option for reducing the coal consumption rate . 在电厂的热系统内增设低压省煤器是降低发电标准煤耗的有效措施。 www.dictall.com 9. "Alternative energy sources are rare and costly and coal-fired power stations are dirty and expensive, " he says. 他说:“替代能源量少价高,燃煤电站则既脏又耗资巨大。” www.ftchinese.com 10. Heavy distillates from the oil refining process. Used as fuel for power stations, industry and marine boilers. 石油提炼过程中产生的较重的蒸馏物,主要用作电站、工业及船舶锅炉的燃料。 glossary.cn.reuters.com 1. Construction and administration of thermal power stations . 火电站的建设与经营。 www.bing.com 2. When nuclear power stations are built, local residents receive generous subsidies. 建设核电站时,当地居民收到了丰厚的补贴。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Melting snow provides water for rivers, electric power stations and agricultural crops. 融雪为河流,水力发电厂以及农业灌溉提供了水源。 www.remword.cn 4. In 1984 it became one of the biggest thermal electric power stations in the USSR. 在1984年成为苏联最大的热电厂之一。 www.bing.com 5. Where water resources are plentiful, hydro-electric power stations are being built in large numbers. 哪里水源充足,就在哪里修建大批的水电站。源充足 wenku.baidu.com 6. But China had outages then because its power stations could not make enough power, points out Mark Williams of Capital Economics. 但当时中国之所以电力短缺,“资本经济”的马克?威廉指出,是因为电站供电能力不足。 www.hxen.com 7. Cleaner power stations with the latest anti pollution technology are replacing old ones. 拥有最新的排污技术的发电站很快地取代了旧的发电站。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Within minutes the remaining power stations exploded with the strength of nuclear bombs. 数分钟内,其余的发电场以核弹的威力爆炸。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Nuclear power stations provide about 18 percent of Britain's electricity now, but many are nearing the end of their lives. 目前,核电站提供了英国18%的电力,但很多核电站面临关闭。 cn.reuters.com 10. Applications: Handling of feed water in power stations and industrial facilities. 应用:用于输送发电站及工业设备中的锅炉给水。 www.yuheng88.com 1. Australian scientists believe that the capture and storage of CO2 from commercial power stations could be viable by 2020. 澳大利亚的科学家们相信,从商业发电厂中聚集和封存二氧化碳的方法,将于2020年之前实现。 www.bing.com 2. We will have to endure a new and mighty role for Opec and the sprouting up everywhere of new nuclear power stations. 危机过后,我们还将要忍受Opec的强势和到处都是的新核电站。 www.bing.com 3. After all, their fuel is free, whereas the bills of power stations that run on coal and natural gas are high and rising. 因为毕竟,这些公司所用燃料可以免费获得,而依靠煤和天然气发电的公司,其成本不仅居高不下,而且还日益上升。 www.ecocn.org 4. A major concern was further damage to the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant and other nuclear power stations in the area. 一个重大担忧是,该地区受地震破坏的福岛核电站及其他核电站可能会受到进一步破坏。 www.voanews.com.cn 5. Industrialisation and electrification in the developing world will require a lot of new power stations. 发展中国家的工业化和电气化需要许多新发电站。 www.ecocn.org 6. In the southwest of China, many large-scale underground power stations were built in the high mountain zone with high in-situ stress. 中国西南的许多大型地下电站建在高山峡谷地区,该地区普遍有较高的初始地应力。 www.rockmech.org 7. Accomplish a regular function test of lightning protection for building and power stations according to regulation requirement. 按法规要求定期实施建筑防雷系统和变电所的性能测试。 www.jobui.com 8. Swiss authorities recently approved three sites for new nuclear power stations. 瑞士当局最近通过了3个新核电站的选址。 www.bing.com 9. The suspension of Chinese-built power stations follows a rise in friction between Beijing and New Delhi. 在中国企业发电厂项目暂停之前,中印两国之间的摩擦有所升级。 www.tesoon.com 10. Nuclear power stations use nuclear fission to generate energy by the reaction of uranium-235 inside a nuclear reactor. 核电站通过核反应堆里铀-235的反应,发生核裂变从而产生能量。 www.bing.com 1. Pellets and briquettes is heating alternatives to coal and oil. many power stations and heating plants are swtiching their coal to pellets. 小球燃料和煤块是加热煤和石油的可供选择的方式。 www.wood168.net 2. Where water resources are plentiful, (there)hydroelectric power stations will be built. 哪里水源充足,就把水电站建在那里。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fireworks must be banned in thermal power stations to prevent explosions. 火电站一定要禁止烟火,以防发生爆炸。 www.nciku.cn 4. Energy-watchers now fret about possible blackouts as power stations close and are not replaced. 而由于没有新电站取代关闭的旧电站,很可能造成停电,能源监管人员现在对此极为焦虑。 www.ecocn.org 5. Data centres are essential to nearly every industry and have become as vital to the functioning of society as power stations are. 数据中心几乎遍及各个行业,而且在社会中的重要性有如发电厂。 www.ecocn.org 6. In recent years, the biomass generated power stations develop very quickly under the national policy encouragement and the support. 近两年生物质电站在国家政策的鼓励与扶持下得到了快速发展。 www.dictall.com 7. Nuclear power stations are hugely expensive to build but very cheap to run. 核电站建造时非常昂贵但是运行时却非常经济。 www.ecocn.org 8. It achieves high level automation in power stations monitoring. ? ? 提高了电站的自动化水平和运行的安全可靠性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In his report on December 1st, Lord Turner will probably call for more nuclear-power stations and wind farms. 特纳勋爵在他12月1日的报告中很可能呼吁建立更多的核电站和风能发电站。 www.ecocn.org 10. But the sulphur that spews from the smokestacks of coal-fired power stations causes acid rain and the soot generates smog. 但是从火力发电厂的烟囱里喷出来的硫导致酸雨,而黑灰产生烟雾。 www.ecocn.org 1. Perish the thought that the supply is for anything other than providing fuel for civilian nuclear-power stations. 但愿他们只是为民用核电站提供核燃料。 www.ecocn.org 2. A reservoir for regulating the overflow in the river and to downstream hydroelectric power stations. 用以调节江河水流和流向下游水电站的水流的水库。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Implementation and progress of "Western PV village power stations" “西部光伏村落电站”项目实施机制与进展 ilib.cn 4. Hitachi's sprawling business makes everything, from power stations to frigs. 从发电站到冰箱,日立公司的业务已延伸至各个领域。 www.eoezone.com 5. In others, power stations were built but not maintained. Turbines were run at full capacity until they broke, then were abandoned. 在另外一些国家里,发电站被建造完成之后却没有得到很好的维护与保养—汽轮机全负荷地运转直到设备崩溃,然后就抛置于一边。 club.topsage.com 6. Australia wants to show that existing power stations can berefeated refitted to burn coal in a much cleaner way. 澳大利亚政府想要说明现有的发电站可以经过改造用一种更清洁的方法燃烧煤炭。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Supplying new power stations with gas is a headache, as is recruiting competent staff. 向新的发电站供应燃油是件头痛的事情,招募称职尽责的员工同样如此。 www.ecocn.org 8. Within the decade, we could see stores selling shirts that turn us into portable power stations. 十年之内,我们会看到商店销售能把我们变为便携式发电站的衬衣。 www.bing.com 9. Widely used in chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, power stations, such as industrial production process. 广泛应用于化工、石油、冶金、电站等工业生产过程中。 www.bf35.com 10. China plans to build hundreds of coal-burning power stations in the coming years to support its rapid economic growth. 中国已经计划在今后的若干年内建一批燃煤电厂以满足快速发展的经济的需要。 www.scidev.net 1. By comparison, gas power stations extract energy from gas more efficiently, he says. 他认为,相比之下,天然气电站直接从天然气获取能量更高效。 www.bing.com 2. Both the German and Scottish plants will this way reduce emissions by 20-30% compared to conventional coal power stations, it says. 该公司称,通过这种方式,德国和苏格兰的电厂都将相对于普通的燃煤电厂减排20-30%。 www.bing.com 3. "A local council could approve ten nuclear-power stations and not see a penny of revenue, " he says. 他说,“地方议会可以批准10家核电站的建设,但是却收不到一分钱。” www.ecocn.org 4. Will the Chernobyl-type accident occur at the Daya Bay nuclear power stations? 大亚湾核电站会否发生类似切尔诺贝尔核事故的意外? www.hko.gov.hk 5. Only last autumn the government had agreed to extend the lives of some nuclear-power stations by an average of 12 years. 因为在去年秋天政府才刚同意要将一些核电厂的平均使用寿命延长至12年。 www.ecocn.org 6. In Britain, as in most rich countries, the average efficiency of coal-fired power stations is about 35%. 同大多数富国一样,英国燃煤发电站的平均燃烧效率在35%左右。 www.ecocn.org 7. Ageing management in German nuclear power stations from an expert's point of view. 从专家的角度看德国核电站的老化管理…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 8. In a referendum in 1987 Italians voted to close down the three nuclear power stations then in operation. 1987年,意大利公民投票,关闭了三个当时正在运作的核电站。 www.ecocn.org 9. When we burn fuels in vehicles and power-stations, huge amounts of extra carbon dioxide go into the atmosphere. 当我们把燃料用于车辆和火电厂时,大量多余的二氧化碳进入大气层。 zftrans.com 10. In power stations, coal or oil is burned and changed into electricity, which is then sent over to homes and factories. 在发电站里,煤和油燃烧变成电,然后电沿着导线输送到住家和工厂。 ens.ccit.edu.cn 1. India's overloaded railways struggle to deliver enough coal to power stations. 印度负荷过重的火车运输系统不堪重负,运往发电站的煤炭往往数量不足。 www.ecocn.org 2. Today we'll make a journey into the past of one of the biggest hydro power stations in the world and see what it looks like today. 今天,我们将在曾经是世界上最大的水电站之一的克拉茨诺雅茨克水电站中做一次旅行,看看它现在的样子。 www.bing.com 3. Alongside coal-fired power stations and coal exports, a coal conundrum is growing. 随着煤炭发电站和煤炭出口的增加,一系列煤炭的难题也将逐步出现。 www.ecocn.org 4. Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. 空气污染来自工厂,电站和汽车。电站发出的烟雾中所含的化学物质造成了很大的破坏。 www.xiaolaoshi.com 5. By replacing 20% of their fuel with biomass, power stations can reduce their emissions by a further 20%. 用生物量取代20%的燃料,发电站将进一步减排20%。 www.ecocn.org 6. So if gas-fired power stations are built instead of coal-fired ones, the cheap gas bonanza will help control global warming. 所以燃气发电站替代了燃煤发电站,便宜的天然气富矿将有助于控制全球气候变暖。 www.bing.com 7. The government needs to build a number of nuclear power stations in the next 10 years to replace old atomic and coal plants. 政府需要在未来十年里建立起相当数量的核电站,以取代老旧的原子能电站以及燃煤电站。 www.bing.com 8. The lifetime emissions from these countries' planned power stations would match the world's entire industrial pollution since 1850. 那些国家计划建造的电力站在运行期内排量将会与全世界自1850年来的工业污染量相匹敌。 www.ecocn.org 9. One of the most famous power stations is on the River Niagara. 最有名的一座水电站就建在尼亚加拉河上。 www.showxiu.com 10. Here, sometimes the power stations are built faster than the grid, sometimes the grid is built faster. 现在就是,有时是电站建得比电网快,而有时电网的速度又快于电站。 www.bing.com 1. A swarthy man in his 50s, he had worked in nuclear-power stations for 25 years. 他皮肤黝黑,五十多岁了,在核电站工作了25年。 www.ecocn.org 2. By September 30th the EPA is due to propose limits on greenhouse-gas emissions for power stations. 截止到九月三十号,环境保护局应该按时完成对发电所温室气体排放限制的提议。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. Besides, power stations, sewage treatment plants, ports and other large projects will be organized in the field tours. 同时结合研修主题,还将组织学员们前往发电站、污水处理厂、港口等大型项目进行实地参观考察。 www.docin.com 4. The likely outcome is a "dash for gas" : such power stations are quick and relatively cheap to build. 由此导致的可能的结果是“一冲为气”。相比较来说,建设天然气发电站,周期短,成本低。 www.ecocn.org 5. There are also two other power stations nearby at Oldbury and Berkeley on the banks of the River Severn. 还有两个其他发电厂附近奥尔德伯里和伯克利对银行的塞文河。 www.baike.com 6. Hansen says coal-fired power stations are 'factories of death', but unless we want to go without electricity, we must keep them open. 汉森说过燃煤发电厂就是“死亡工厂”,但除非我们愿意过没有电力供应的生活,我们仍然需要这些电厂的存在。 www.bing.com 7. Its coal fuels the power stations that keep that revolution churning. 它的原煤在电站中燃烧,保持了革命的动力; club.topsage.com 8. People building solar-thermal power stations prefer sites low in dust. 人们喜欢在粉尘低的位置建造太阳能热发电站。 www.ecocn.org 9. Electricity is a modern wonder, but power stations have burnt too much CO2-producing coal. 电力是现代的奇迹,但是电站燃烧了太多的产生二氧化碳的媒。 www.ecocn.org 10. Britain has agreed to cut emissions of nitrogen oxide from power stations. 英国同意减少热电厂氧化氮的排放。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 1. It also has a reputation for building power stations faster than its neighbour. 它还拥有发电厂建设速度快于其邻邦的美名。 www.tesoon.com 2. Britain has improved by switching from coal- to gas-fired power stations. 英国的排放情况在发电厂煤转气后有所好转。 www.ecocn.org 3. Wires convey electricity from power stations to the users. 电线把电从电厂传送到用户。 www.5ykj.com 4. Such political tensions only compound the difficulties facing those who want to build more nuclear power stations. 这种政治紧张只会对支持增建核电站的人构成麻烦。 www.ecocn.org 5. An important class of power stations in the Middle East uses byproduct heat for desalination of water. 在中东地区一个重要的电站分类就是使用海水淡化产生的副产品热能。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. There are two nuclear power stations at Hinkley Point , the other is Hinkley Point B , operated by British Energy. 有两个核电站在车站欣克利点,另一种是欣克利B点,由经营英国能源。 www.baike.com 7. To clarify, I prefer nuclear power to oil, coal and natural gas power stations. 为了澄清,我更喜欢核电,石油,煤炭和天然气发电站。 www.ltaaa.com 8. Mr Cridland said a wave of 1970s-style wildcat strikes at oil refineries and power stations was "atypical" . 克里德兰表示,炼油厂与电厂工人掀起的、上世纪70年代式的自发罢工浪潮,属于“个例”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Subsequently a chain of nuclear power stations was planned. 接着又规划了一系列核电站 dict.hjenglish.com 10. Finally, most of the new power stations being built are gas-fired. 最后一点,英国多数正在建造的新电站是以天然气为燃料。 www.ecocn.org 1. the construction and operation of power stations. 电站的建设和运作。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. B. Electricity is conveyed by wires from power stations to the user. 电线将电由发电站输送给用户。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 3. Nuclear-power stations take many years to build, so new ones will not help Britain meet its 2020 targets for curbing emissions. 核电站的建造需要一些时日,因此新建电站将不会有助于英国在2020年达到降低排放物的目标。 www.ecocn.org 4. Waste heat accounts for about 40% of the energy produced by power stations. 余热约占发电站产生能源的40%。 www.bing.com 5. even India's airports, have backup generators or their own mini-power stations. 甚至是印度的飞机场都拥有备用发电机或它们自己的小型发电站 www.ecocn.org 6. It is true that China is building coal-fired power stations at a blazing rate. 中国正在以炫目的速度建造燃煤发电站,这是事实。 www.bing.com 7. Many water power stations have been built in the country. 我国已建成许多水电站。 www.24en.com 8. These include renewable energy sources such as windmills and solar panels, as well as more efficient cars and power stations. 其中不仅有风力发电、太阳能板等可再生能源,还包括更高效的车辆和发电站。 www.bing.com 9. New gas production has helped to free up for export crude that is burned in local power stations. 新的天然气生产利于降低出口原油的油价,那些原油在地方的发电站燃烧。 www.ecocn.org 10. I think hydro electric power stations are much safer than nuclear power stations . 我认为水电站比核电站要安全得多。 study-abroad-web.com 1. If chips are as hot as power stations, the thinking goes, why not use them as such? 如果芯片像发电厂那样产生热量,那么我们为什么不用同样的方式去处理它们呢? www.bing.com 2. The Balts and the Finns are constructing big new nuclear power stations. 波罗的海地区居民与芬兰人正在建设新的大型核电站。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Drawing on prior research, Luz began building a series of solar-thermal power stations in California's Mojave desert in the mid-1980s. 借鉴了以前的研究,Luz国际开始与80年代中期时在加州Mojave沙漠建造一系列的太阳热能电厂。 club.topsage.com 4. If this time and electricity energy can be saved, the CO2 N pollutions which released from power stations could be reduced. 这些电能都可以被节省下来,从而大量地减少发电站的二氧化碳和污染物的排放。 webs.nbptweb.net 5. I have dozens of power stations, a transportation system, a sophisticated communications setup. 我有几十个发电站,一个运输系统,一个高级的通信机构。 dict.veduchina.com 6. But two-thirds of Japan's nuclear power stations are switched off. 但日本三分之二的核电站正处于关闭状态。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It is reported in the Fukushima nuclear power stations in recent days after a crisis, 18 million people have evacuated the area. 据悉,近几日在福岛核电站发生危机后,该地区18万人已经撤离。 www.englishtang.com 8. What matters is the nature of those power stations. 需要关注的只是那些“加油站”加的是什么。 www.ecocn.org 9. The country is simply failing to build enough roads, ports and power stations to keep pace. 该国根本没有修建足够多的道路、港口和发电站来跟上经济的增长。 www.ftchinese.com 10. By the same date, our aim is that all new power stations should be fitted with carbon capture and storage. 届时,我们的目标是所有新的电厂必须装备碳捕获及埋存设施。 www.uk.cn 1. A huge economic effects are got for these power stations. 并应用此法于一些大型发电机取得显著效果。 joa.csee.org.cn 2. China has taken a growing interest in helping build Africa's infrastructure such as roads, railways, bridges, ports, and power stations. 中国对帮助修建非洲的基础设施(如道路、铁路、桥梁、港口和电站)越发感兴趣。 www.bing.com 3. The inhabitants of the village of Gezhuotou are surrounded by power stations, coal mines and factories. 葛濯头村(Gezhuotou)居民的生活被电厂、煤矿和工厂所环绕。 www.scidev.net 4. The local coal mines supply the fuel for power stations. 当地的煤矿为发电站供应燃料。 www.nciku.cn 5. Wind power win be utilized more in wind power stations. 风能利用赢在风力发电站的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Staythorpe is among several planned new gas-fired power stations. 斯泰索普(Staythorpe)电站是几个计划新建的燃气发电站之一。 www.ecocn.org 7. American consumption of electricity generated by wind power stations soared 35 percent in 2008. 2008年,美国风能电力用量飙升35%。 www.america.gov 8. Because it needs hot steam, many desalination facilities were put next to power stations, which generate excess heat. 因为这种方法需要高温蒸汽,许多去盐设施都设在了可以额外产生热量的加油站旁边。 boboan79.blog.163.com 9. Some people advocate new technologies, such as ways to trap the carbon emissions from power stations and store them underground. 有些人推崇其他新技术,例如收集发电站排放出的碳,把它们储存于地下。 www.bing.com 10. Nuclear power-stations produce waste which is radioactive. 核电站排出放射性的废弃物。 www.zftrans.com 1. Tidal power stations and ocean flow power stations may arrange for their generations according to the prediction. 潮汐电站与潮流电站可根据预报表安排发电运行。既不稳定又无规律的是波浪能。 www.zftrans.com 2. About 70% of China's electricity supply comes from coal-fired power stations. 中国的电力供应约有70%来自燃煤发电厂。 www.bing.com 3. Big banks are like nuclear power stations. 大银行就像核电站。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Now it wants Beijing to build nuclear power stations and dams. 现如今,巴方还希望北京方面为该国修建核电站和大坝。 www.ftchinese.com 5. They have built three nuclear power stations this year. 他们今年建造了三座核电站。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Power stations burn coal at a higher temperature and produce less sulphur dioxide but also significantly less soot. 发电厂高温燃煤不但产生的二氧化硫少,而且煤烟也大大减少。 www.bing.com 7. The Government is planning a new generation of nuclear power stations which are due to begin generating power by 2020. 英国计划开发新一代核电站,这批核电站将从2020年开始发电。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. All German nuclear power stations are scheduled close down by 2022. 所有的德国核电站定于2022年关闭。 www.bing.com 9. These are operated through a series of keys, the same procedure as in nuclear power stations. 操控这两座变电站要用到一系列钥匙,程序上与核电站无异。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They are also better for the earth than coal or gas power stations. 而且比起火电站来说,对地球没有污染。 study-abroad-web.com 1. America needs to concentrate on strategic targets such as power stations rather than spraying money around. 美国需要把注意力集中在大型电站这样的战略目标上,而不是漫无目的地拿银子打水漂。 club.topsage.com 2. Capturing and storing emissions from power stations is estimated to cost $75-115 per tonne. 据估算,从发电厂捕获和存储1吨碳,需花费75到115美元。 www.ecocn.org 3. It is included in the list of Top ten hydro power stations of the world. 它在世界水电站中位列前十。 www.bing.com 4. Around a third of British power stations will need replacing by 2015 . 到2015年,英国大约三分之一的电力站需要整修。 www.showxiu.com 5. South Korean nuclear power stations are designed to withstand an earthquake of 7. 1 magnitude. 韩国核电站的设计抗震等级为7.1级。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr Gay thinks solar power will be as cheap as that from big coal-fired power stations within a decade. 盖伊先生认为太阳能电力会在十年内与大型煤炭发电厂的电一样便宜。 www.ecocn.org 7. His study found that US data centres' power consumption in 2005 was equivalent to the output of five 1, 000-megawatt power stations. 他的研究发现,美国数据中心2005年消耗的电量相当于5座百万千瓦发电站的发电量。 www.ftchinese.com 8. More power stations will be built in this city next year. 明年将有更多的电站在这个城市建立起来。 wenku.baidu.com 9. All power-stations need huge amounts of water to cool them. 为了冷却,所有的火电站都需要大量的用水。 www.zftrans.com 10. Such as thermal power stations, nuclear power engineering, ethylene project on the pipeline. 如火力发电站、核能工程、乙烯工程的管道上。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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