单词 | anthrax |
释义 |
复数:anthraces 例句释义: 炭疽,炭疽病,炭疽热,炭疽乐队 1. That's a bunch of mice that had been poisoned by our scientist friends down in Texas, at Brooks Air Base, with anthrax. 那是一群被毒害了的老鼠,由处于德克萨斯州的科学家朋友们,用炭疽杆菌下的毒。 www.ted.com 2. They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax . "It works great. " 他们意识到他们正在测试的设备也许可以用于检测地球上的炭疽热病毒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. They realized the device they were testing might have applications on Earth in detecting anthrax . 他们意识到他们用来测试的装置可能用在地球上来监测炭疽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This was the beginning of the anthrax scare created byter rorists throughout the USA and the rest of the world. 这便是恐怖分子制造的席卷美国和全球的炭疽热恐慌的开始。 www.for68.com 5. Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis. 在这些实验中使用的药箱本来包括炭疽热,鼠疫,布鲁氏菌病。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Article 28. The body of a person who died of plague, cholera or anthrax must be disinfected immediately and cremated at a nearby place. 第二十八条患鼠疫、霍乱和炭疽死亡的,必须将尸体立即消毒,就近火化。 fj.chinalawinfo.com 7. The conclusion was that the lethal bacteria were naturally occurring and, though closely related to anthrax, not usually as dangerous. 由此可以得出一个结理论,虽然这个致死细菌和炭疽菌有很近的亲缘关系,但是它是自然环境下产生的,通常不会有危险。 dongxi.net 8. Anthrax is one of the five supremacies zoonosis and is a great harm to stock farming and human's health. 炭疽病是五大人畜共患病之一,对畜牧业及人类健康的危害很大。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. And yet the vast majority of people experiencing anxiety probably had no appreciable risk of exposure to anthrax . 然而大多数焦虑不安的民众可能根本没有接触到炭疽菌的危险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. When anthrax affects humans, it is usually an occupational hazard of agriculture and wildlife workers who handle infected animals. 在人类之间,有染病之虞的通常是因职业关系要处理受感染动物的农业及野生生物工作者。 www.chp.gov.hk 1. Since the first case of anthrax infected found in US, in the past month it has left four dead an infected more than a dozen others in US. 自美国发现第一例炭疽病例以来,在过去的一个月中已有四人死亡并有数人感染。 www.jukuu.com 2. At the moment, antibiotics given to victims of inhalation anthrax may control microbial expansion but leave the toxin free to wreak havoc. 但目前投给吸入性炭疽受害者的抗生素,或许可以控制微生物的扩散,对炭疽毒素却是一筹莫展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For anthrax to be an effective agent in biological warfare, it must be aerosolized into very small particles. 要以炭疽病作为生物战中的有效媒介,必须将之制成极细的雾化微粒。 www.chp.gov.hk 4. Recognising the characteristic clinical picture of cutaneous anthrax is essential for prompt treatment and a favourable prognosis. 认识到其特征为皮肤炭疽的临床表现是必不可少的及时治疗和预后较好。 www.syyxw.com 5. A criminal investigation is under way in Florida, where 3 people at a publishing company were exposed to anthrax, one of those workers died. 一个犯罪调查组已经在前往Florida的路上,那里有3名在一家印刷公司工作的工人已经接触到了炭疽病毒,并且其中一人已经死亡。 www.360abc.com 6. Uncover key operatives in al-Qaida's biological weapons program, including a cell developing anthrax to be used in terrorist attacks. 查明了“基地”组织生物武器项目的关键成员,其中包括一个研制可用于恐怖主义袭击的炭疽病菌的团伙。 www.america.gov 7. And they had also been treated with a drug that we made that would attack anthrax in particular, and direct your immune system to it. 接着我们对他们使用了我们制作的药物,它可以一种特殊方式攻击炭疽杆菌,并引到免疫系统去攻击它。 www.ted.com 8. We've all learned what the kind of panic that can occur when an old disease rears its head, like anthrax. 我们都知道当这些陈旧疾病重新爆发的时候,会给人们带来多少痛苦,例如炭疽热。 www.ted.com 9. And an antibody probe for, say, anthrax needs to make a match with the exact strain of the specific bacterium it is targeting. 譬如说针对炭疽菌的抗体探针,必须与目标中特殊品系的菌种完全匹配才行。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 10. The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology. 于炭疽病的研究突然将医学细菌学引入了黄金时代。 www.jukuu.com 1. The disease can be prevented after exposure to the anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics . 一旦暴露于炭疽孢子后,若及早以适当的抗生素治疗,可防止染病。 www.bing.com 2. The only anthrax vaccine approved for human use in the U. 美国唯一合法给人类使用的炭疽疫苗则不同。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Cutaneous anthrax (CA), the most common form of the disease, accounts for 95% of cases and usually develops on exposed sites. 皮肤炭疽(CA)的,最常见的疾病,占95%的情况下,通常开发外露的网站。 www.syyxw.com 4. Anthrax can be prevented after exposure to anthrax spores by early treatment with the appropriate antibiotics . 暴露于炭疽孢子后,若及早以适当的抗生素治疗,可防止患上炭疽病。 www.bing.com 5. Pediatricians have been swamped with questions about vaccinations against such exotic diseases as smallpox and anthrax. 儿科医生们也为回答有关通过接种以防止诸如天花和炭疽病这些已不常见的疾病的问题而应接不暇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Up to three molecules of anthrax lethal factor (LF) bind to the heptamer , which is then internalized . 然后三个炭疽致死因子(LF)与七聚物结合,并进入细胞。 www.bing.com 7. Previous studies have shown what happens after anthrax spores enter the body and wreak havoc. 以前的研究都是关于芽孢进入细胞后对细胞的破坏。 med.essaystar.com 8. Thankfully, a quicker, cheaper and more effective means of decontaminating soil infected with anthrax has been discovered. 谢天谢地,一种更为快速、廉价而且更加有效的净化被炭疽热污染的土壤的方法被发现了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is the causative agent of the disease anthrax of human and herbivores, including cutaneous, gastrointestinal and inhalational anthrax. 它可感染动物和人引起皮肤炭疽、肺炭疽和肠炭疽等。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. December 1, the patient as a suspected case of anthrax admitted to area hospitals Khan Siniora. 12月1日,该患者作为炭疽病毒疑似病例住入汗乌拉区卫生院。 www.englishtang.com 1. anthrax; epidemic situation; investigation; control. 炭疽;疫情;调查;控制。 all.zcom.com 2. abstract: Anthrax is an ancient zoonotic disease that continues to threaten human and animal health. 炭疽是一种自古以来一直威胁着人类和动物健康的动物源性传染病。 www.bing.com 3. The vaccine has not been licensed for use in people already exposed to anthrax spores. 这种疫苗并未获准使用在曾经暴露于炭疽孢子环境下的人身上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. During a nation-wide anthrax scare in 2001, AMI's office in Boca Raton, Florida, was targeted and a photo editor was killed. 在2001年遍及全美国的炭疽热恐慌中,美国媒体公司位于佛罗里达州波卡拉顿的办公室,曾沦为攻击目标,并有一名图片编辑遇害。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Because of anthrax's large influence of society, the relative research is always the hot point of life science. 因此炭疽杆菌对人类社会的影响是极其巨大的,这使得与之相关的研究一直是生命科学领域的热点之一。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. An anthrax bacteria or spore might have a minimum size of one micron. 炭疽细菌或孢子最小粒径可达1微米。 www.bing.com 7. the father of microbiology, who developed vaccines against chicken cholera, anthrax, and swine erysipelas . 微生物学之父,他发展出疫苗对抗鸡瘟、炭疽及猪丹毒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade. 伊拉克政权已经阴谋地发展了炭蛆菌、神经毒气和核武十年。 www.moon-soft.com 9. Squalene was used in anthrax vaccines given to US (and other nations') troops in the Middle East. 美国(另外一个国家)驻中东的部队士兵都使用过含有角鲨烯的炭疽病疫苗。 www.elanso.com 10. The history of anthrax is intimately associated with the history of bacteriology and infectious disease. 炭疽病的历史与细菌学和传染病学的历史是密切相关的。 www.bing.com 1. Although antibiotics can kill the anthrax bacteria, they are not effective in killing the toxins produced by the bacteria. 抗生素虽然可以杀死炭疽杆菌,但在消灭杆菌产生的毒素上,没有什么效果。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Anthrax is infrequent in most industrialized countries. It is most common in agricultural regions where anthrax in animals is common. 炭疽病并不流行于大多数工业化国家,反而最多见于常有动物患上炭疽病的农业地区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Any of various highly infectious diseases of cattle , as anthrax . 牛疫发于牛身上的各种恶性传染病,比如炭疽。 www.bing.com 4. Sure. And maybe they could get a few envelopes of anthrax, too. 当然,或许他们还能收到一些装炭疽病的信封呢! www.nba100.com 5. The animals were exposed to a dose of anthrax approximately 200 times the lethal dose, the researchers said. 研究者说,这些动物感染了约二百倍致死剂量的炭疽病毒。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Secondly, our public health system, as we saw with anthrax, is a real disaster. 其次,我们的公共卫生系统是一个灾难,正如炭疽热见证的那样。 www.ted.com 7. The Justice Department is expected to decide soon whether to close its investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks. 司法部将很快做出决定是否停止对2001年炭疽病攻击的调查。 bbs.putclub.com 8. Most of the spending in the Bush administration has actually been more related to the anthrax results and bio-terrorism threat. 实际上,布什政府的钱大部分都花在了应对炭疽和生物恐怖袭击上面了。 www.ted.com 9. Tanners and wool sorters sometimes get anthrax, a serious infectious disease, when they handle the hides of sick animals. 制革工和羊毛分类工在处理生病动物皮革时有时染上炭疽热,一种严重的传染病。 chinafanyi.com 10. Letters containing anthrax spores were sent to American senators and news outfits in autumn 2001, killing five and infecting seventeen. 2001年秋季,寄送给美国参议员们和新闻单位的包含炭疽孢子的信件要了其中5人的命,感染了17人。 www.ecocn.org 1. Anthrax vaccine is essential to protect against the endemic and the bio terror of anthrax. 炭疽疫苗是预防炭疽流行和炭疽生物恐怖的重要手段。 www.dictall.com 2. anthracis vaccine A16R strain sterile culture filtrate and PA is the important protective component of anthrax vaccine. 目的:初步分析由我国炭疽疫苗株A16R所生产的无菌培养滤液中的主要成分。 www.dictall.com 3. Extensive replication in the blood is generally what kills patients who succumb to anthrax . 血液内大量繁殖的细菌通常是炭疽病致死的主因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. And the lesions can be mistaken for something worse, like anthrax. 此外,这种痘疮有时会被误诊为像炭疽这样的重病。 www.bing.com 5. Since the "9. 11" attack, anthrax becomes the world's first postal disease and terrorists' biological weapon of choice. 自“9.11”事件后成为世界首例邮局病例和恐怖主义分子使用生物武器的选择之一。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. unit reaches 58%, and anthrax vaccine emergency vaccination target population for more than 70% vaccination rate. 单位达到58%以上,炭疽疫苗应急接种目标人群接种率达到70%以上。 www.chinavalue.net 7. Anthrax - a potentially fatal human disease - is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. 致命的炭疽是由炭疽杆菌引起的。 wwqq66.blog.163.com 8. anthrax organisms can cause infection in the skin , gastrointestinal tract , or the lungs. 炭疽杆菌可引致皮肤胃肠或肺部受感染。 www.ichacha.net 9. Sports Illustrated stopped soliciting reader letters entirely after the anthrax scare of 2001. 《体育画报》(SportsIllustrated)在2001年出现炭疽热恐慌时就已经完全中止接收读者来信了。 www.bing.com 10. Cutaneous anthrax : Occurs when the bacterium enters skin wounds. 皮肤炭疽病:细菌侵入皮肤伤口,便会感染这种疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. 1998 - American troops stationed in the Persian Gulf begin to receive the first vaccinations against anthrax. 1998年的今天,美国驻扎在波斯湾的军队开始接受首次防炭疽疫苗的注射。 www.for68.com 2. The Bacillus anthracis6, the anthrax bacteria, can form spores and survive tens to hundreds of years. 引起炭疽病的炭疽杆菌可以形成孢子存活几十至几百年。 www.0591trans.com 3. Anthrax is a rare bacterial disease caused by the bacteria Anthracis Bacillus. 炭疽病是由炭疽杆菌引致的一种罕见的细菌性疾病。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 4. We're making $10 microscopes and all of the discussion around us is about weaponized anthrax. 我们正在做10美元的显微镜,我们周围的所有讨论主题是关于炭疽武器化。 www.bing.com 5. Anthrax is primarily a disease of herbivorous animals. 炭疽病主要是草食动物的疾 www.jukuu.com 6. A mask's filter canister is intended to stop particles such as anthrax , chemicals such as nerve gas, and germs such as smallpox. 防毒面具的滤毒罐,用途是阻绝微粒(例如炭疽菌)、化学药剂(例如神经毒气)以及细菌(例如天花)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. This mouse was inoculated with anthrax bacillus . 这只小鼠接种了炭疽杆菌。 www.newxue.com 8. The patient begins to develop symptoms that go beyond anthrax. 很快病人就表现出了比炭疽热更糟糕的病情。 www.lkong.net 9. When Victor's mother died from anthrax, Fredy came along and adopted him. 维克多的妈妈得炭疽病死后,佛雷迪就收养了他。 m.yeeyan.org 10. "something that has anthrax spores" . 60A表示“带有炭疽孢子的东西”,应用 www.hxen.com 1. Cutaneous anthrax is the most common type and accounts for approximately 95% of cases. 皮肤性炭疽热是最常见的一种,大约95%的病例都是皮肤性的。 word.hcbus.com 2. The bacteria were not anthrax, but were closely related. 并不是炭疽菌,但和炭疽菌有非常近的亲缘关系。 dongxi.net 3. According to another report, the capital of Ulan Bator, a 53-year-old Khan Ul area men were identified as infected with anthrax. 另据报道,首都乌兰巴托汗乌拉区一名53岁男性被确认感染炭疽病毒。 www.englishtang.com 4. What are the symptoms of anthrax? 炭疽病有何症状? www.chp.gov.hk 5. Symptoms of pulmonary anthrax are very similar to the flu, which can make an initial diagnosis somewhat difficult. 肺部炭疽热的症状与流感很相似,所以由初期症状很难确诊。 en.eol.cn 6. General, Anthrax Beta upgrade is here. 炭疽菌伽玛升级完毕。 www.17feng.com 7. We're making 0 microscopes and the discussion around us is about weaponized anthrax. 我们正在做10美元的显微镜,我们周围的讨论主题是关于炭疽武器化。 www.bing.com 8. We found that special components in tea such as polyphenols have the ability to inhibit the activity of anthrax quite considerably. 我们发现茶水中的某些特殊成分,例如多酚类等,在抑制炭疽活动方面有奇效。 wwqq66.blog.163.com 9. He was later diagnosed with cutaneous12 anthrax. 随后他被诊断患了皮肤性炭疽热。 www.for68.com 10. Today, many parents blame vaccines for their children's autism and some ill Gulf War veterans blame their anthrax shots. 而今天,很多父母谴责疫苗接种使他们的孩子有自闭症和某些患病的海湾战争退伍军人归罪于他们的炭疽疫苗注射。 www.bing.com 1. Can anthrax spread from person to person? 炭疽病可否以人传人的方式传播? www.chp.gov.hk 2. It is not a good idea to culture anthrax in your home. 在家中培育炭疽病毒可不是好玩的。 www.ebigear.com 3. A centre south of Harbin in China turned typhoid, anthrax, smallpox, cholera and dysentery into mass-produced killers. 731在中国哈尔滨南城将伤寒、炭疽病、天花、霍乱和痢疾变成大规模人口灭绝的杀手。 multipletext.com 4. Is anthrax contagious? 炭疽热会传染吗? en.eol.cn 5. If antibiotics are taken after exposure to anthrax, there is a very high chance to prevent anthrax infection successfully. 若在接触炭疽菌后服食抗生素,防止患上炭疽病的机会相当高。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 6. The questions were: Was it anthrax? 需要讨论的问题是:确定是炭疽吗? dongxi.net 7. That is the one of the sad lessons of the anthrax attacks. 这是我们从炭疽菌袭击中得出的令人沮丧的教训之一。 www.ebigear.com 8. How can anthrax be treated? 炭疽病应如何治疗? www.chp.gov.hk 9. It is a long-term significant task to distinguish genuine bioterrorism agents such as anthrax spore from mundane powder. 区分普通无害的粉末与真正的生物恐怖物质如炭疽芽孢粉末是一项任重道远的工作。 www.fabiao.net 10. If you're weird, people might call you 'Taliban' or ask if you have anthrax. 如果你很怪,人家可能称你「神学士」或问你是否感染炭疽热。 1. For example, in 2001 anthrax-tainted letters resulted in several deaths, caused widespread public panic and exerted a heavy economic toll. 例如,在2001年炭疽污染字母造成数人死亡,造成了广泛的公众恐慌,并施加了沉重的经济代价。 www.syyxw.com 2. Anthrax bacteria5 are named for the Greek word for coal, anthracis, because they cause coal-black lesions6 when they infect the skin. 炭疽细菌的词源是希腊单词(anthrakis)——煤,因为它们感染皮肤后,导致皮肤损坏,变成炭黑色。 www.for68.com 3. In California, a letter sent to Sony Pictures Entertainment in Culver City tested positive Friday for anthrax. 在加州,一封寄到索尼公司的信也携带炭疽病毒。 word.hcbus.com 4. Are you making anthrax? - Excuse me. 你是不是得炭疽热了?-对不起! www.tingclass.net 5. Objective To study the popular condition of Anshun city anthrax in order to provide scientific basis for the prevention and cure job. 目的了解安顺市炭疽流行情况,为防治工作提供科学依据。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. whether the anthrax vaccine or any other product candidates will be shown to be safe and effective; 炭疽疫苗和其他研发中的产品是否具有安全性和有效性; news.dxy.cn 7. And they didn't die because they didn't have anthrax anymore. 因为它们不再有任何炭疽杆菌了。 www.ted.com 8. whether Vical or its collaborative partners will seek or gain approval to market the anthrax vaccine or any other product candidates; Vical公司和它的合作伙伴是否能够获得允许去销售炭疽疫苗和和其他研发中的产品; news.dxy.cn 9. Expression, purification and immunogenicity of a partial fragment of anthrax neutral protease 炭疽中性蛋白酶部分片段的重组表达、纯化及免疫效果研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Expression, Purification and Characterization of the Recombinant Anthrax Protective Antigen 重组炭疽保护性抗原的表达、纯化与生物活性分析 service.ilib.cn 1. Diagnosis and Disposal of a Case of Swine Anthrax 一起猪炭疽的诊断与处理 www.ilib.cn 2. in tobacco prosperous long-term, biological organic fertilizer processing area anthrax and climate scab's occurrence and popular heavy; 在烟草旺长期,生物有机肥处理区炭疽病和气候斑点病的发生和流行较重; zhidao.baidu.com 3. Expression and Characterization of The Recombination Anthrax Lethal Factor 重组炭疽致死因子的表达及生物活性分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Expression, Purification and Characterization of The Recombinant Excellular Portion of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 炭疽毒素受体胞外区在毕赤酵母中分泌表达、纯化与活性鉴定 www.ilib.cn 5. Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Variable Region Genes of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Anthrax Protective Antigen 抗炭疽保护性抗原单克隆抗体可变区基因的克隆及序列分析 service.ilib.cn 6. Toxin-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to the different domains of anthrax protective antigen 针对炭疽保护性抗原不同结构域的中和性单克隆抗体的筛选和鉴定 service.ilib.cn 7. Expression and analysis of biological activity of the recombination anthrax edema factor 重组炭疽水肿因子的表达与生物活性分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Construction of shuttle vector of anthrax toxin protective antigen with upstream strong promoter 芽孢杆菌外毒素保护性抗原与上游强启动子穿梭载体的构建 www.ilib.cn 9. Progress in research on anthrax toxin receptors and mechanism of their binding to protective antigen 炭疽毒素受体及其与保护性抗原结合机制的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 10. Isolation and identification of pathogenic bacteria of Anthrax and Pasteurellosis in yaks 牦牛炭疽和出血性败血症的病原分离与鉴定 ilib.cn 1. The Isolation and Evaluation of a Single Soil Anthrax Bacteria 一株土壤炭疽杆菌的分离培养及理化特性鉴定 service.ilib.cn 2. Duplex PCR for directly detect anthrax spores from artificial contaminated soil 用复合PCR检测炭疽芽孢的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Researchers improve detection of diverse anthrax strains 科学家改进了检测变异炭疽杆菌的方法 ilib.cn 4. Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for anthrax 炭疽诊断标准及处理原则 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Prevention and cure measure and strategy for biological anthrax attack 炭疽生物袭击的防治措施及对策 6. Consideration and Handling of Anthrax and Clostridium Perfringens Infections in Cattle 黄牛炭疽和魏氏梭菌病疫情的处置及思考 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on control measures of an anthrax outbreak event 一起皮肤型炭疽疫情控制措施探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Epidemic and treatment of anthrax in Liuzhou District, Guangzhou 广西柳州地区炭疽流行情况和防治对策 www.ilib.cn 9. Detection of Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli from a suspected anthrax patient 从疑似炭疽病人检出粪肠球菌和大肠埃希菌 www.ilib.cn 10. about 20 percent of untreated cases of cutaneous anthrax will result in death . deaths are rare with appropriate therapy 如果不采取及时的治疗措施,皮肤性炭疽热还是会导致死亡,死亡率为20%。 www.ichacha.net 1. The principle and application of examining gemma of anthrax bacillus with PCR PCR检测炭疽杆菌芽孢的原理及其应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Pathogen isolation and identification of anthrax in cattle 牛炭疽病的病原分离与鉴定 www.ilib.cn 3. Design of an Electron Linac Applied for Sterilizing Anthrax-Bacilus in Mails 消毒灭菌用电子直线加速器物理设计 service.ilib.cn 4. Analysis on epidemiology and control strategy of anthrax in Lanzhou City 兰州市炭疽疫情特点及防制对策 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on the correlation between immuno-protection and anti-spore IgG titer in potency test for live anthrax vaccine 炭疽活疫苗家兔免疫力与血清抗芽胞IgG关系的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anthrax 炭疽病的诊治和预防 service.ilib.cn 7. Progresses in Structure Research of Anthrax and New Therapy of Anthrax 炭疽毒素及炭疽防治研究进展 www.ilib.cn 8. Progress on the Anthrax Toxin and Its Receptor 炭疽毒素及其细胞受体的研究进展 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Epidemiology and clinical features of anthrax 炭疽流行病学与临床特点 www.ilib.cn 10. End up with two back hands Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can't stand 把炭疽放到你的月经棉条上,扇你直到你站不起来 www.cunshang.net 1. Zoonosis diagnosis and prevention of anthrax 人兽共患病炭疽的防治与诊断 ilib.cn 2. Some Thoughts on Diagnosis of Anthrax in a Sika Deer 一例梅花鹿炭疽的诊断体会 www.ilib.cn 3. The research progress of vaccines to Anthrax bacillus 炭疽芽孢杆菌疫苗研究进展 service.ilib.cn 4. Anthrax spore bio-terrorism and related problems 炭疽芽孢恐怖及其相关问题 service.ilib.cn 5. An Investigation Analysis on the Outbreak of Anthrax 一起皮肤炭疽暴发的调查分析 www.ilib.cn 6. whether Vical or others will continue development of the anthrax vaccine; Vical公司和其他人是否会继续研发炭疽疫苗; news.dxy.cn 7. Discussion on Inspection of Anthrax in Pigs 关于猪炭疽病检验的探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. An Update Review and Control Measure of Anthrax 炭疽的研究进展及防控对策 www.ilib.cn 9. Put anthrax on a tampax, and slap you till you can't stand 把炭疽热放到月经棉塞上,并把你拍地站不起来 forum.streetballa.com 10. Diagnosis and Treatment of Yaks with Peracute Anthrax 牦牛最急性型炭疽病的诊治 www.ilib.cn 1. 6 bacteria, including anthrax and pneumonia 6種細菌﹐包括炭疽﹐肺炎 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Report of 3 Cases of Anthrax Vaccine Induced Adverse Reaction 炭疽疫苗诱发不良反应3例 www.ilib.cn 3. Progress on the vaccine for anthrax 炭疽芽胞杆菌疫苗研究进展 4. Test and Disposal for Swine Anthrax 猪炭疽的检验与处理 www.ilib.cn 5. Anthrax epidemic in Napo County of Guangxi Province in 2001 2001年广西那坡县炭疽流行的调查分析 service.ilib.cn 6. anthrax lab on a w. virginia farm 是因为位于西弗吉尼亚州的一个农场上的炭疽实验室 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Time Crucial in Anthrax Cases 炭疽病治疗时间至关重要 www.ilib.cn 8. Thinking Over an Anthrax Case 一起炭疽病案例引发的思考 service.ilib.cn 9. The Diagnosis of Goat Anthrax 羊炭疽病例的诊断 www.ilib.cn 10. Care of patients with cutaneous anthrax 皮肤炭疽患者的护理 www.ilib.cn 1. On guard of mail anthrax 警惕炭疽邮件 www.ilib.cn 2. Use of Anthrax Bacillus in terrorism 恐怖活动中的炭疽杆菌 www.ilib.cn |
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