单词 | petite |
释义 |
例句释义: 纤弱的,娇小的,佩蒂特,娇小玲珑,娇小型 1. Meanwhile, his wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even like to go out to dinner. 但是,他的妻子身材小巧玲珑,性格恬静,是一个不折不扣的家庭主妇,他甚至不喜欢外出就餐。 www.bing.com 2. The year she turned fourteen her mother met a man. The man was tall. He and her petite mother was a good match standing together. 她十四岁那年,母亲认识了一个男人。那男人高高的,跟小巧的母亲站在一起很般配。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Leia is a petite, fair-skinned human female with brown eyes, and long brown hair that she often wears in an elaborate fashion. 莱娅是一位身材娇小、美丽动人的人类女性,她有着褐色的眼睛,喜欢把自己褐色的长发打理成精致的发型。 www.starwarsfans.cn 4. Though still youthful and strikingly petite, his tussled hair has greyed and his lips purse tightly as if against a lifetime of indignities. 尽管仍然年轻,突出娇小,他扭打灰色的头发和他的嘴唇紧紧钱包好像对一生的屈辱。 www.douban.com 5. Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms. 邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。 www.bing.com 6. "Michael and Randy don't want you just to witness their ceremony, " said the minister, a petite lesbian with spiky platinum-tipped hair. 一位神职人员,她有著刺猬头又身材娇小的女同志说:「麦克及雷迪并不想你们只是见证他们的婚礼。」 blog.roodo.com 7. She was a slim, petite woman, with a regal bearing that made her appear taller than she was. 她是个身材细小纤弱的女人,带着一种威严的气度,使她看上去比实际要高。 dict.veduchina.com 8. They posture petite tender, well-dressed, do not think of labor, excessive pursuit of life of ease. 他们体态娇小柔弱,衣着华丽,不思劳动,过度追求安逸的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Ms. Li, 38, her petite frame dressed in a pink nightgown, spoke softly and stared at the ceiling with teary eyes. 李女士,38岁,身形瘦小,穿着一件粉红色睡衣,柔声诉说,泪眼一直盯着天花板。 www.bing.com 10. The original is the class of the most petite of the child, one night, like springing up, like a one to pull up. 原来是班里最娇小的孩子,一夜间,就像雨后春笋一样,一节一节地拔起来。 www.dota123.com 1. He finds two girls with similar eyes, but only one of these has the petite nose he remembers from the original picture. 他找到了两个女孩都有相似的眼睛,但其中只有一个具有小巧的鼻子,这是他从原来的图片中记住的特征。 www.51testing.com 2. Although dance secondary rainbow clothes the shape is petite, the movement is still deft, once and for all has the human of entity. 虽然舞霓裳身材娇小,动作敏捷,但毕竟还是有实体的人。 www.csqsng.com 3. Soft pastel natural colors are the true reflection of the beauty of these petite flower girls. 蜡笔自然的颜色是这些娇小花童的真实写照。 www.bing.com 4. I bent down to pick it up and put in the palm, it only covers the palm of my hand: it really is a petite leaves! 我弯下腰把它捡起来放在掌中,它只盖住了我的掌心:真是一片娇小的叶子啊! www.bing.com 5. A petite, light-skinned Jamaican woman sits with her husband in a crowded beachside ice cream shop in San Diego. 一个小巧、肤淡的牙买加妇女和她丈夫坐在圣迭戈拥挤的海边冰激凌店里。 www.bing.com 6. The box I had to carry was very heavy----as I'm quite a petite girl---but I didn't complain. 框我需要携带非常沉重的----因为我相当娇小女孩---但我没有抱怨。 wenwen.soso.com 7. CHINA TEAM will contest the better of two matches against United Internet Team Germany in the petite finale of the group. 中国之队明天将和德国联合网队争夺小组第三名。 www.china-team.org 8. Celebi: How inappropriate! To poke fun at my petite proportions . . . 雪拉比:真是太不对了!竟然取笑我娇小的身材… dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When the petite woman was gone, he closed the door behind her. Then Ryan Chappelle turned to find Jack Bauer in his face. 身材娇小的雅梅离开后,瑞安·查普利在她身后关上门,转过身来发现杰克·鲍尔站在面前。 www.bing.com 10. petite histoire as a more effect means of unraveling the lived experience of people. 小史是一个更加有效的手段揭开生活经验的人。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. These kinds of thoughts were nothing new. Ever since the petite blonde could remember, she had been painfully shy. 有这些想法不足为奇,打这个娇小的金发碧眼的小女孩能记事时起,她就非常害羞。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. For a petite frame avoid weather treatments, look for pin-tucking and a slim cut. 身材娇小的要避免穿磨损的款式,要找有细褶和细长剪裁的牛仔裤。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Each day my laziness trumped the petite desire to clean up the cup. 每天,我的懒惰蚕食着我清理杯子的内心愿望。 home.tianzhujiao.org 4. Five bodies showed up at my triage desk, a pale petite woman and four small children in somewhat rumpled clothing. 一下有5个人出现在我的分诊工作台前,一个脸色苍白的小个子妇女和4个穿着有些皱巴巴衣服的小孩。 www.bing.com 5. I often wonder how such a small, petite figure can handle that much pressure. 我经常不知道这么小的,纤细的身材可以处理那么多的压力。 tieba.baidu.com 6. If you're petite, many boots can overwhelm your whole leg and make you appear as if you're standing in a bucket. 如果你身形娇小,很多靴子会“淹没”你的腿型,从而使得你看上去像站在一个桶里。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Night after it left the poor bud, as a petite woman, but Moon. 一夜过后,它只剩下可怜的花苞,像一位娇小的女子,却又含苞待放。 www.bing.com 8. Although its petite size, but the lethality amazing, can blow enemy ships keel at least 7-meter-long hole. 虽然其体型娇小,但杀伤力惊人,能把敌船龙骨炸出至少7米长的口子。 www.englishtang.com 9. She was petite built which meant that her small frame lent far more kindly towards a females body than mine. 她小巧玲珑,娇小的个儿变装女人体态,远比我好得多。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Shewore grim dark suits that did not flatter her petite frame, and her hair was acareless mop of black curls. 她穿着不适合她娇小身材的黑色套装,未经修饰的黑色卷发乱蓬蓬一团。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, h is wife is petite, quiet and a complete homebody. She doesn't even like to go out to dinner. 而她,纤细安静,完全就是个居家女子,甚至都不喜欢和朋友外出吃饭。 www.showxiu.com 2. It's petite sized to take anywhere and may be used alone or fits between you and your partner during sex. 它的娇小尺寸采取的任何地方,可以单独使用或与你和你的伴侣适合性交。 www.ttbuy168.com 3. The first Macintosh was a higher form of this anthropomorphic art, petite and rectangular, but also without sharp corners. 第一台Mac机已然是人性化艺术品的高端诠释,小块头,长方形却又不带凌厉的边边角角。 www.bing.com 4. The groom must be tall with dark brown curly short hair and the bride must be petite with light brown shoulder-length straight hair. 新郎必须是身材高大,深褐色的卷曲短发,新娘必须与浅棕色的及肩直发娇小。 www.bing.com 5. The dress looks real good on you, with you petite figure. 这裙子穿在你身上很好看,特别因为你的身材娇小。 www.ef.com.cn 6. while the cabriolet starts at sixteen-and-a-half thousand dollars. And don't let the petite size fool you. 而敞篷版则起价一万六千五百美元。您不要被它娇小的尺寸所欺骗啊。 www.yappr.cn 7. When I joined my secondary school most of my friends were quite petite, but I was quite chunky. 当我进入中学的时候我大部分的朋友都很娇小,但我长得相当壮实。 www.bing.com 8. She is petite and looks younger than her age, unusually pale but there was some glow in her small eyes. 她长的娇小柔弱,看上去要比实际年龄小些。她的脸色非同一般人的苍白,可在她细小的眼中洋溢出光茫。 www.bing.com 9. The Super Terrain Vehicles were designed to comfortably seat a large range of body types, from petite individuals to tall sports figures. 超级陆地车为各种体型的乘客设计,从瘦小的妙龄女郎到高大的运动健将都能舒适乘坐。 www.bing.com 10. She bulged from a petite nine stone 16-year-old to 50 stone on her 40th birthday after comfort eating to cope with the loss. 在她用暴饮暴食来平丧母之痛之后,她从一个16岁只有126磅的娇小女生迅速膨胀到40岁700磅。 www.bing.com 1. However, although body fat is not preserved on ancient mummies, the signs are that Ahmose Meryet Amon was probably petite, Allam said. 但是,虽然在古代木乃伊的身体上的脂肪并未被保存下来,但是迹象仍表明AhmoseMeryetAmon可能是身材娇小的人,奥勒姆说道。 m.yeeyan.org 2. Petite yet boyish -looking, she confessed to developing a love for Singapore food and Indian clothes during her stay. 娇小但看起来像男孩子的她,待在这儿的期间,已经明显的发展出对新加坡食物和印度服饰的喜好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Her petite good looks and popularity has seen her sizzle on the pages of FHM and Sports Illustrated swimsuit special. 她娇小好看的外貌和火爆身材都可以在《FHM》和《运动插画》的泳装页面看到。 www.elanso.com 4. Indeed, before T. rex hit the scene, tyrannosaurs were relatively petite. 在霸王龙出现之前,暴龙类的成员是比较娇小的一群。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Late at night, and dim, the daughter petite hands stretched over, holding tightly to my body. 夜深了,朦胧中,女儿娇小的双手伸了过来,紧紧地抱着我的身体。 blog.wtojob.com 6. Up to this, petite boy, you have caused me great displeasure and unhappyness . 到此时,小男孩,你引起了我的深深的不快和苦闷 zhidao.baidu.com 7. She was petite. Elegant. Forceful. 她娇小、优雅、有力。 cn.nytimes.com 8. The dancers are not pretty girls or handsome young man, nor attractive or petite. 舞蹈家不是俏丽女孩或英俊的年轻人,亦不可爱或者小量重的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Compare the petite Chihuahua with the daunting Great Dane, or the lithe greyhound to the poofy Pomeranian. 比较大戴恩的艰巨,或柔软灰狗到poofy波美拉尼亚娇小的奇瓦瓦州。 www.bing.com 10. The designer is easily recognizable by her heavy bangs and petite features. 设计师本人有着长长的刘海和娇小的五官,非常好认。 c.wsj.com 1. Made exclusively from grapes grown In cognac's two best regions: la grande and la petite champagne. 由生长在科涅克两个最佳地区,即格朗德的葡萄和珀蒂特香槟特制而成。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Some fat old man, old lady petite body, they each arm, and leaned forward, come from my side. 老先生有些发福,老太太身体娇小,他们互相搀扶着,依偎着,从我身边走过。 www.tradeask.com 3. If you fit into the category of petite ladies with below-average height, then you should try shorts that are short. 如果你是身高低于平均身高娇小的那种类型,你应当尝试穿比较短的裤子。 www.en400.com:8080 4. The grey-blue body-hugging dress showed off her stunning petite figure, and the plunging back was oh-so sexy! 这件灰蓝色裹身礼裙展现出她曼妙的身材,而背部尤为性感! gb.cri.cn 5. The tender Petite appearance, let people feel tender affection. 那柔弱娇小的样子,让人心生怜爱。 www.bing.com 6. Her petite frame ensures discrete yet reassuring company. 她的身材娇小但令人欣慰的离散确保公司。 www.ttbuy168.com 7. This season the brand comes full circle, as it launches Lanvin Petite, 25 pieces for young girls aged four to 10. 当它发布朗万·坡泰(LanvinPetite),也就是适合四到十岁的小姑娘们用的25件服饰时,这个季节的品牌回归了原地。 www.bing.com 8. I always canbetween the rape and, singled out those petite and fresh vegetables, fat and pull out those green grass Pig. U. 我总能在密密匝匝的油菜和麦苗之间,挑出那些娇小而鲜嫩的野菜,拔出那些肥硕而翠绿的猪草。 www.bing.com 9. Conversely, a petite woman should consider a bold graphic for its very impact. 相反,因为它的重大影响,所以娇小的妇女应穿粗犷型的图案。 www.tdict.com 10. Julia's a pretty name, little modern but cute and petite. Clarkson, nice surname. 茱莉亚是个好名字,不太现代,但很可爱,这个姓氏不错。 www.bing.com 1. You'll see teenagers and grandmothers, women from sizes petite to plus. 你会看到小姑娘和老奶奶,从娇小型到庞大型。 proxy.clan-cdf.com 2. In Japan, the "petite surgery" have set off such a rage that top clinics are raking in $100 million a year. 在日本被称为“可爱手术”整形美容掀起了巨大的狂热,每年一流的诊所可捞进1亿美元的高额收人。 www.fzfanyi.com 3. Now GM has decided it wants to expand the GMC brand with some more-petite offerings. 现在通用汽车决定生产小型车以拓宽GMC的品牌影响力。 www.acsf.cn 4. A gourmet baby food company based in Long Island City, N. Y. , Petite Palate opened in 2006 and closed in October. 立基于纽约长岛的婴儿美食公司,PetitePalate于2006年开业,2010年10月倒闭。 www.bing.com 5. I'm petite, so I don't think long skirts and flats is a good match for me. 我的体型很娇小,所以我不认为长裙配平底鞋适合我。 dict.bioon.com 6. They frequently take special steps to maintain a diet that will make sure their shape stays looking nice and petite. 她们为了使自己美好而娇小,总是采取各种方式节食,保持体形。 dongxi.net 7. This product can mixed with pet food or medicine and increase pet ap petite. 不沾手,可将产品混合在宠物主食或药特里,增加宠物食欲。 www.showxiu.com 8. She's about your size, maybe a little more petite. 她跟你身才差不多﹐可能还稍微瘦一些。 www.easyvoa.com 9. She was very petite, very kind people. 她很娇小,对人很慈祥。 www.dota123.com 10. The petite nursery teacher has been coming to these events for months. 这位纤秀的幼儿园老师几个月来经常来这里。 www.bing.com 1. Prisca-Usually a petite firecracker. 通常一个小的爆竹。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout. 雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。 www.bing.com 3. My date is petite and beautiful, just like my dream date Meg Ryan. 我的女朋友娇小可爱,就象是我的梦中情人梅格·瑞安。 www.xianzai.cn 4. chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet. 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。 dict.veduchina.com 5. "Oui" is petite and discreet, but don't let its size fool you. “说不”的娇小和谨慎,但不要让你愚弄它的大小。 www.ttbuy168.com 6. In general, girls who are petite will need to wear their bra straps shorter than girls who are tall. 一般来说,小个子女生胸罩的背带要比高个子女生的短。 www.bing.com 7. Dress sizes range from petite to extra large. 衣服尺码从小号到特大号不等。 www.in2english.com.cn 8. But they are petite compared with the lion's mane jellyfish. 但是和狮鬃水母比起来,它们只能算小儿科。 www.bing.com 9. am a charming and gentle Chinese woman, petite, open and bright. 是一个迷人的,温柔的中国女人,身材娇小,开放和明亮。 www.spiiker.com 10. A petite and beautiful lady who had once lived in a shack of mud and plastic now has her own house and coffee plantation. 这个娇小美丽的女子曾生活在由泥浆和塑料构成的窝棚内,如今,她有了自己的房子的咖啡种植园。 newssgo.com 1. I am really, REALLY petite, so whenever I see them I feel like I'll look even smaller! 我真的是很矮很矮,所以每次看到靴子的时候我都觉得自己会显得更小。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The iPod Nano, above, shrinks and gets a petite 1. 7-inch screen and small square enclosure. 由上图中的iPodNano可见,其尺寸缩小了,屏幕仅有迷你的1.7英寸,带有小的方形外壳。 www.hjenglish.com 3. But my wife is petite. I think she prefers a shorter one. 但是我的妻子属于娇小型身材。我想她喜欢再短一点的上衣。 www.englishint.com 4. Bother to create a petite, hot, 17-year-old killer robot? 会去创造一个火辣的17岁小矮个机器人杀手? wenku.baidu.com 5. Soft draping is important so that it doesn't overpower a petite height. 柔软悬垂之重要性在于其不会压抑娇小型女士的高度。 www.bing.com 6. When you're petite, a mini skirt at the length gives you the longest leg line. 如果你的身材娇小型,穿一条修身的迷你裙会使你的腿变得更修长。 www.tianya.cn 7. Or is he worried about a place has a petite figure like me face -- lose one's temper to pretend to be strong but again so confused? 还是他在担心某个地方有个娇小的身影像我一样面对电闪雷鸣时想假装坚强却又那么的彷惶? www.bing.com 8. Her long hair, petite figure, only 5. 2 feet tall. 她长发披肩,身材娇小,身高仅5.2英尺。 bbs.godeyes.cn 9. Her. This is a petite girl, but also good at expressing their emotions and cheerful girl. Very cute. Two children together and once. 她了。这是一个娇小的女孩,而且善于表达自己的情感的开朗女孩。很招人喜爱。两个孩子在一起说着曾经的。 www.bing.com 10. Own life can pick up a pen to lower case, stroke side like, words such as petite, and location of the scale, if the characters are. 生平自负能提笔作小楷,笔画端谨,字如蝇头,而位置规模,皆若大字。 1zitong.com 1. Japanese, Italian, French, and Spanish- you ever see how these women define petite, especially if they are under 40? 日本人,意大利人,法国人,西班牙人,你见过这些女人是如何的娇小,尤其是当如果他们在40岁以下呢? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Although we petite women aren't going to grow any taller, there are some ways we can look taller. 尽管我们这些娇小美眉没法再长高了,但是有些方法能让我们看起来更高点儿。 www.bing.com 3. Ella is 20 years old, petite and professional in appearance: her hair is glossy and blow-dried, her outfit neatly accessorised. 艾拉现在20岁,年级轻轻却打扮的相当职业:她的头发光泽,被吹的一丝不苟,外套整洁,搭配合体的饰物。 www.bing.com 4. You may decide you like petite blondes, for example. 比如,你可能认为你喜欢小个子的金发女孩。 www.bing.com 5. A Great Writer and A Petite Woman: On Zhang Ailing's Novels 大作家与小女子:张爱玲小说论 www.ilib.cn 6. Rengaomada, Xu Jinjiang simply carrying the petite wife of "small ants, " played an open chapeau , two of the two skinhead Xiangyingchengqu; 而人高马大的徐锦江则干脆背着娇小的妻子“小蚂蚁”出场,一揭盖头,两人的两颗光头相映成趣; dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The Recovery of Spathiphyllum Petite's Variation Seedlings 小叶白掌变异苗的恢复 www.ilib.cn 8. Petite body to drive my own eyes on my face 让娇小的身驱靠向我亲我面 zhidao.baidu.com 9. and the husband of his petite amie is very unpleasant 还有他的女友的丈夫又很让人讨厌 www.ichacha.net 10. 3 Symphonies (Complete), Polovtsian Dances, In Centralasien, In the Steppes of Central Asia, Petite Suite 3首交响曲(全集),波罗维茨人的舞蹈,在中亚细亚草原上,小组曲 imgscan.com 1. Talking about Ma petite traduction, My little essay, 我的小作文, spaces.msn.com 2. And you may make petite demands, 你也可以提各种小小的要求, blog.sina.com.cn 3. A Petite Palace of Pettie His Pleasure 的《小欢乐宫》 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 4. night is my lady her petite body jumps on my nib 在我的笔尖上跳跃 www.24en.com 5. i like that, thick-petite n' pretty 我喜欢你那,美丽娇小的模样。 bulo.hjenglish.com |
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