单词 | policy setting | ||||
释义 | policy setting
例句释义: 政策制定,决策环境 1. Minutes from policy-setting meetings last year suggest a continuing discussion over how much of the unemployment rate is structural. 去年的货币政策制定会议记录暗示,他们仍继续讨论失业率中间有多少是结构性的。 cn.reuters.com 2. Because a password cannot be set for this policy setting, you can use only a portal URL. 因为无法为此策略设置,设置密码可以使用仅门户URL。 archive.cnblogs.com 3. Formulate, consummate the management regulation and policy, setting up and implement the equipment management specification. 制定、完善各项设备管理规章制度,建立并贯彻落实各项设备管理规范; www.91student.com 4. You can enable a policy setting to reapply any policies that you first applied through Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension. 您可以启用策略设置来重新应用最初通过“InternetExplorer维护扩展”应用的任何策略。 support.microsoft.com 5. An association between an IEAK policy setting and a custom browser toolbar button. IEAK策略设置和自定义浏览器工具栏按钮之间的一个关联。 www.fan6.net 6. This policy setting allows you to manage the default risk level for file types. 此策略设置允许您管理文件类型的默认风险级别。 yeebang.com 7. Enabled: If you enable this policy setting, only the default client printer is redirected in Terminal Services sessions. 启用:如果你只有默认的客户端打印机被重定向到终端会话中。 hi.baidu.com 8. By using a Group Policy setting, you can disable the Troubleshooting Control Panel applet if you want your Help desk to resolve all issues. 通过使用组策略设置,您可以禁用故障排除控制面板小程序,如果您希望您的帮助台以解决所有问题。 technet.microsoft.com 9. If you are running Windows XP or a later version of Windows, this Group Policy setting is no longer supported. 如果您运行的是WindowsXP或更高版本的Windows,则系统将不再支持此组策略设置。 support.microsoft.com 10. Its policy-setting council meets on April 2nd, and seems likely to cut the bank's benchmark "refi" rate to 1% from 1. 5%. 欧洲央行政策制定理事会将在在4月2日举行会议,似乎会将基准“再融资”利率从1.5%降至1%至。 www.ecocn.org 1. There is a workaround, however this workaround requires making changes to a Group Policy setting that could expose a known attack vector. 没有一种解决方法,但是这种解决方法要求对组策略设置的更改无法公开已知的攻击媒介。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Economic analysts say they expect the Federal Reserve's policy-setting committee to release more money into the economy. 经济分析人士说,他们预计美联储制订政策的委员会会将向美国注入更多的资金。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Locate and double-click the Recovery Console: Allow Floppy Copy And Access To All Drives And Folders policy setting. 定位并双击“故障恢复控制台:允许对所有驱动器和文件夹进行软盘复制和访问”。 www.wangchao.net.cn 4. At his first policy setting meeting as ECB President, Draghi noted that Europe is heading towards a 'mild recession'. 在其就任欧洲央行行长之后的第一次政策制定会议上,德拉基就表示欧洲正迈向“温和衰退”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Visibility of the status of a policy setting is critical. 策略设置的可见性是严格的。 www.ibm.com 6. That bias is likely to be repeated at the Fed's next policy-setting meeting on May 9th. 这样的倾向很有可能在美联储的下次在5月9日的政策制定会上重演。 www.ecocn.org 7. At its meeting on Tuesday, the Fed's policy-setting committee will debate whether further steps are needed to bolster the economy. FED政策制定委员会在下周二会议料就是否需采取进一步措施支撑经济进行辩论。 cn.reuters.com 8. An especially important firewall policy setting is to block internal users from using the DNS protocol to connect to external DNS servers. 一个特别重要的防火墙策略设置是阻塞使用DNS协议去连接到外部DNS服务器的的内部用户。 www.31456.com 9. The Federal Reserve's policy-setting committee's two-day meeting starting on Tuesday will also grab investors' attention. 美国联邦储备理事会(美联储,FED)将于周二召开为期两天的议息会议,届时料将吸引投资者注意力。 cn.reuters.com 10. Other members of the policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee have differing views. 制定决策的联邦公开市场委员会(FederalOpenMarketCommittee)的其他委员们有着不同看法。 cn.wsj.com 1. The PMS needs a mechanism for the report execution service to access that policy setting. PMS需要报告执行服务访问那个策略设置的机制。 www.ibm.com 2. You need to configure the local security policy setting to request a user name and password when you make changes to the computer system. 你需要配置本地安全策略设置,当你更改计算机系统时要求用户名和密码。 bbs.51cto.com 3. He spoke at a meeting of the World Bank's policy setting committee in Washington on how to deal with the meltdown . 他是在谈世界银行政策指定委员会在华盛顿的一个关于如何处理经济垮台的会议。 bbs.putclub.com 4. An association between a policy setting and its status. 策略设置与它的状态之间的关联。 www.fan6.net 5. Minutes from the Fed's latest policy-setting meeting in June revealed that they nudged their forecast for 2010 growth lower. 美联储6月政策会议记录显示,他们下调了2010年经济成长预估。 c.wsj.com 6. If you are running a version of Windows 2000, set the Unsigned non-driver installation behavior Group Policy setting to Silently succeed. 如果您运行的是某个版本的Windows2000,请将“未签名非驱动程序的安装行为”组策略设置配置为“默认继续”。 support.microsoft.com 7. You may have to create a new software restriction policy setting for this GPO if you have not already done so. 如果您还没有为此GPO创建新的软件限制策略设置,可能必须创建一个。 support.microsoft.com 8. Contact the system administrator to change the Group Policy setting. 与系统管理员联系以更改组策略设置。 support.microsoft.com 9. There is no policy setting out any limits for tourism. 没有出台任何限制旅游业的政策。 www.bing.com 10. The Federal Reserve began a two-day policy-setting meeting on Tuesday. Its policy statement is due on Wednesday around 2: 15 p. m. EDT. 美国联邦储备理事会(FED,美联储)周二开始为期两天的议息会议.预定于周三1815GMT公布政策声明。 cn.reuters.com 1. AD policy setting is a problem, the client server, and not normal. AD策略设置有问题,客户端登陆服务器不正常。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Make sure that the Effective Policy Setting checkbox is selected for the Exchange Enterprise Servers security group. 确保选中ExchangeEnterpriseServers安全组的“有效策略设置”复选框。 www.microsoft.com 3. You are attempting to open a file type that is blocked by your registry policy setting. 您试图打开的文件类型被注册表策略设置阻止。 support.microsoft.com 4. This policy setting is broadly consistent with the prevailing US output gap, estimated at about -1. 2% of GDP in 2003. 这种政策背景大体上与美国通行的产出缺口是一致的,估计在2003年约为国内生产总值的-1. 5. The element that is used by the client and server to correlate acknowledgements to a particular policy setting. 客户端和服务器用于关联对特定策略设置的确认的元素。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Make sure the Exchange Enterprise Servers security group has an Effective Policy setting. 请确保ExchangeEnterpriseServers安全组具有“有效策略”设置。 www.microsoft.com 7. You can configure a policy setting to use either the newer sort order or the sort order that is used in Windows 2000. 可以配置一个策略设置,以使用较新的排序顺序或者使用Windows2000中的排序顺序。 support.microsoft.com 8. Terminal Servers cannot locate the license servers when you use the "Use the specified Terminal Server license servers" policy setting 当您使用终端服务器许可证服务器找策略设置使用指定终端服务器“许可证服务器” support.microsoft.com 9. An Outlook 2003 Group Policy setting that forces Outlook clients to only use a Unicode offline folder is not applied correctly 不能正确应用强制Outlook客户端仅使用Unicode脱机文件夹的Outlook2003组策略设置 support.microsoft.com 10. When you change a User Rights Assignment security policy setting, an MMC process may slow down or stop responding 更改用户权限分配安全策略设置时,MMC进程可能减速或停止响应 support.microsoft.com 1. A Restricted Groups policy setting may not remove security identifiers in Windows 2000 Server 受限的组策略设置可能不会删除Windows2000Server中的安全标识符 support.microsoft.com 2. The Policy Setting of America's New Government 美国新政府的政策走向 www.ilib.cn 3. You cannot use a Group Policy setting to set the same mandatory profile for all the Terminal Services users in Windows Server 2003 您无法使用组策略设置来为WindowsServer2003中所有终端服务用户设置相同强制配置文件 support.microsoft.com 4. Group Policy setting that prevents use of the Internet Connection Firewall is not enforced in Windows XP or in Windows Server 2003 with SP1 在WindowsXP或带有SP1WindowsServer2003中不强制组策略设置禁止使用Internet连接防火墙 support.microsoft.com |
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