释义 |
1. | 蠢货;大老粗an offensive way of referring to a person that you consider rude or stupid, especially a person of a lower social class |
n. | 1. somebody, usually a man, who is considered to be ill-mannered, ignorant, and socially inferior 2. a stupid, rude, unpleasant man |
1. | 亦斯提 哈萨克... ... 夏普拉什提 aykym,asyl,ekey,eskozha,chibyl 亦斯提 oik,tilik 阿尔根 atygay,basentein,begendyk,jogary-shekty, ... tieba.baidu.com | 2. | | 3. | |
4. | 袅 a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... oiji 承认错误 oik 袅 oilk 教育部 ... www.guandang.com | 5. | |