单词 | calendar |
释义 | calendars是calendar的复数
复数:calendars 例句释义: 日历,历法,日程表,一览表,把…记入日程表中,把…列入表中,为作分类索引,日历集,月历,年历 1. Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent. 迄今为止,史学家作过这样的假定:日历是伴随着农业的出现而产生的。 www.hotdic.com 2. What fragile dignity is to be found among the coat hangers and calendars of a San Francisco family's one room home? 旧金山一家单间中的衣架与日历,又展示了怎样脆弱的自尊? www.gdmoa.org 3. Contacts and calendars also cannot be updated over the airwaves, but require the iPhone to be physically docked with a computer. 联系人名单和日程表也不能无线更新,而是要求iPhone与电脑物理连接后才能更新。 cn.reuters.com 4. Of course, when people think of calendars, they often think of a visual representation of dates, rather than just a list of events. 当然,一提起日历,人们通常会想到日期的直观表示,而恰恰不是事件列表。 office.microsoft.com 5. Adara and her father check their PlumLife calendars every morning by computer, to see what tasks and activities are laid out for the day. 阿达拉和她父亲凯斯每天早上都会在电脑上查看PlumLife日历,看当天有什么任务和活动要做。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Calendars have been enhanced with richer calendar views, expanded support for recurring events, and all-day events. 日历已得到增强,具有更丰富的日历视图,并扩展了对定期事件和全天事件的支持。 office.microsoft.com 7. That may be for the best, though; a year on Gliese 581 c lasts just 13 days, so we'd have to spend a fortune on calendars [source: Sample]. 不过也还好,格利泽581c上面一年只有13天,我们去那里的话买日历就能把人买穷了[来源:Sample]。 www.bing.com 8. I commend the hundreds of schools nationwide that are beginning to embrace extended school hours and academic calendars. 全国几百所学校开始延长在校学习时间,我对他们的做法表示赞赏。 www.bing.com 9. The Canadian student sells her calendars and other gift items with photos of her beautiful work on to help fund her studies. 这位加拿大的学生售出她的日历和精制折纸的照片,以积蓄学费。 www.hjenglish.com 10. It's no surprise to me that children are often used on calendars and in magazines to represent international love. 我一点也不奇怪为什麽小孩子常常被印在月历上或杂志上,象征着国际友爱。 www.ncut.edu.cn 1. You know, even simple things like calendars are personal attributes, your zip code, things like that. 你们知道,像日历一样的平坦简单的事物是像那一样的个人属性,你的区域号码,事物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A few months later, Google opened it up to all account holders to use with apps such as mail and calendars. 几个月后,谷歌向所有账户持有人开放这项技术,让他们在使用电子邮件和日历等应用程序时使用。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Indeed, I sometimes make a point of picking up the "female interest" calendars just to remind myself-and anyone else watching-that I can. 实际上,有时候我会刻意拿起那些“专为女性趣味”的月历来看,只是为了提醒自己——还有那些注意到我的人——我可以这样做。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Keeping students up-to-date with their homework assignments and school calendars can be a challenge. 让学生及时了解家庭作业和学校日历是一个挑战。 www.think.com 5. For 12 - month calendars , the empty string is always returned as the name of the 13 th month . 对于12个月的日历,总是返回空字符串作为第13个月的名称。 www.bing.com 6. I've found that calendars do a great job of telling me when I need to be somewhere but don't do as well showing me where that place is. 我发现,日程表可以很好地告诉我何时需要达到某个地方,但是不能显示那个地方在哪里。 www.ibm.com 7. These items will be kept up-to-date and can be viewed side-by-side with other personal or shared calendars. 这些项目将始终保持最新状态,并可与其他个人日历或共享日历并排查看。 office.microsoft.com 8. In the early days of the United States, children were not required by law to attend school. School calendars depended on local needs. 美国早期,法律并没有规定儿童发必上学,教学年历是根据当地的实际情况制定的。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. But so far the company hasn't taken the final leap that would put it firmly on buyers' calendars. 但到目前为止,该公司还没有完成最后的“一跃”,此举将使它明确进入买家的日程表。 cn.wsj.com 10. As you type in "Moon Calendar" on any search engine, you will find many possible calendars to download and print for this purpose. 当你在任何一个搜索引擎上输入“月历”,你会找到许多可以下载和打印的月历。 www.tisheng.org 1. When my oldest son first started playing baseball, he was still relatively young and not used to a life lived around clocks and calendars. 我大儿子第一次开始玩篮球时,还比较小,还不到那种靠闹钟和日程表生活的时候。 www.bing.com 2. Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them. 全部回历与之间切换的能力他们公历日历。 www.opda.net.cn 3. Mac; going into settings; you can flip on contacts, calendars, mail, and all this stuff flipping simple switches. 在设置中,你可以切换联络人、行事历、电子邮件,以及他们所有相关选项爱那个的简单切换。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Neither to-do lists nor calendars work for me, so usually my day is a disorganized mess, and I don't get important stuff done. 然而,无论是任务列表还是日程表都对我不起作用,因此大多数时候我的一整天就是一团混乱,而我也总是无法完成重要的事情。 www.bing.com 5. Keys, calendars, erasers, and pens are utilities at the front desk. 钥匙、日历本、擦除器和钢笔都是前台需要用到的工具。 www.ibm.com 6. Sending updated information allows other participants to keep their calendars up to date. 发送更新的信息将允许其他出席者使他们的日历保持最新。 translations.launchpad.net 7. Mandalas have been designed by Inca craftsman in the form of calendars and by Tibetan monks in the form of sand paintings. 曼荼罗以日历的形式被印加工匠设计和被西藏的僧侣以沙子绘画的形式来设计。 www.chinaufo.com 8. Calendars to carry around. Calendars that show a whole month or one day at a time. 有可以随身携带的,有一页显示一个月或一天的。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Using remarkable ingenuity, the Maya created the "Long Count" calendar, a departure from the shorter calendars. 玛雅人用自己的聪明才智创造了区分于其他短历法的“长历法”。 blog.163.com 10. You can open a second calendar in a new window and display up to 30 calendars in side-by-side view. 可以在新窗口中打开第二个日历,并且可以在并排视图中最多显示30个日历。 office.microsoft.com 1. To see if local calendars have been allowed on Office Project Professional 2007. 以了解OfficeProjectProfessional2007上是否允许本地日历。 office.microsoft.com 2. The Mayas used three separate calendars, and no one of them predicts the end of the world. 玛雅文明使用三个独立的历法,并且没有一个预言过世界末日的存在。 www.douban.com 3. If applicable , select the Scheduling ignores resource calendars check box to have the task calendar override all resource calendars . 如果可以,选中“排定日程时忽略资源日历”复选框,使此任务日历忽略所有资源日历。 www.bing.com 4. Advent calendars can also consist of cloth sheets with small pockets to be filled with candy or other small items. 未来日历也可以是一块有很多装满糖果和其他小玩物的小口袋的床布单。 www.elanso.com 5. Busy people can buy small calendars to carry around to help them organize and plan their life. 忙碌的人会买本小的便于携带的日历,来帮助他们组织和安排生活。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. If users select the option Add this calendar to your Show Calendars list, the Add a Calendar window displays as shown in figure 7. 如果最终用户选择“AddthiscalendartoyourShowCalendarslist”选项,“添加日历”对话框将会弹出的如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 7. Task calendars make it possible for tasks to occur outside of the project calendar's ( or resource calendar's ) working time . 日历(日历:确定资源和任务工作时间的日程排定机制。 www.bing.com 8. High on our list, for instance: Make spell-check work consistently across the platform and sync with business-grade Google Apps calendars. 下面是问题列表,例如:整个平台始终都有检查拼写,可以跟企业级应用服务谷歌日历同步。 www.bing.com 9. Commit yourself to remembering the totality of who you are by following these calendars for one earth cycle, just a short 365 days. 通过这些一地球周年的历法,你自己去回忆起整体的你是谁,仅是短短的365天。 200000008ok.blog.163.com 10. Or $12, depending on if they turn it into one of those folk art calendars or not. 或12美元,这取决于是否把它们变成民间艺术挂历。 www.bing.com 1. You can also overlay calendars to see transparent calendars stacked on top of each other. 还可以重叠日历以查看相互堆叠的透明日历。 office.microsoft.com 2. Document libraries , discussion boards , calendars, and announcements can be enabled to receive new postings via email . 可以启用文档库、讨论板、日历和通知,以便能够通过电子邮件接收新张贴的内容。 www.bing.com 3. Stonehenge is to be served as a compass, calendars and clocks and watches. 巨石阵还可兼作指南针、日历和钟表。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. To add miniature calendars for the next and previous months, select the Display month pane check box. 要添加上个月和下个月的缩图日历,请选中“显示月份窗格”复选框。 office.microsoft.com 5. Tools are the things like planners, todo managers, calendars, development environments, applications, etc. 日程安排表、待做事情管理器、日历、开发环境、应用等都可以看做工具。 www.bing.com 6. Calendars can be set up to also receive attachments to items by e-mail. 还可以将日历设置为通过电子邮件来接收项目的附件。 office.microsoft.com 7. The System. Globalization namespace provides several calendars including GregorianCalendar and JulianCalendar. System.Globalization命名空间提供几种日历,其中包括GregorianCalendar和JulianCalendar。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Replace bulky paper notebooks, clipboards, and calendars with your convenient Palm Pilot. 用方便的PalmPilot取代了厚厚的纸面笔记本、写字板和日历。 www.acrocat.com 9. By 'assistant' he meant Microsoft Outlook, which Joe and I use to share our calendars and coordinate our schedules. 他提到的“助手”指的是MicrosoftOutlook,乔和我通过它共享日历,协调日程。 cn.wsj.com 10. The company was established in 1992, mainly engaged in color packaging, books and magazines, advertising, calendars, and other social parts! 本公司成立于1992年,主要经营彩印包装,书刊杂志,广告,挂历等社会零件! www.tonke.cn 1. Each of the calendars includes images from the first four films, with descriptions as well as spotlights on the characters from the movies. 每本日历都包括了前四部电影的剧照,以及每个主要人物的介绍。 club.52harrypotter.com 2. There are a total of 20 calendars. The 20 calendars can be used to understand our mission in this dimension. 总共有20种不同的历法,20种历法可以用作推定我们在这个维度上的使命。 www.qtts.cn 3. These include complex calendars, numeric palindromes and numerically decorated technological cross sections and cityscapes. 这些包括复杂的日历,数字回文,数字化的城市刨面和景观图。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Because the two calendars featured years of slightly different lengths, they had diverged significantly and were several days apart. 因为两种历法在记量年岁长度上存在微小的差异,而这一重大的小分歧致使它们相离好几日。 www.elanso.com 5. An external calendar can be specified by clicking the Add link to the right of the My Calendars outline entry. 可通过单击MyCalendars大纲条目右侧的Add链接来指定外部日历。 www.ibm.com 6. While your calendars mark the year beginning in September, the true energetic beginning of the year is in October of 2011. 当你的日历标记9月作为这一年的开始,那么这一年真实的能量开端则是在2011年10月。 www.cfjkshbdw.com 7. Card storage bags are arranged among the pages of the album, and calendarsor monthly calendars are put in the card storage bags. 它的相册册页中设有卡片存放袋,且卡片存放袋中放有日历卡或月历卡。 ip.com 8. Business calendars can then be used for durations or timeouts in WebSphere Process Server. 然后可以将业务日历用于WebSphereProcessServer中的持续时间或超时。 www.ibm.com 9. When you use Outlook with an Exchange account, calendars can be shared between people. 将Outlook与Exchange帐户一起使用时,可以在人员之间共享日历。 office.microsoft.com 10. Calendars should warn you if you try to schedule a meeting at 2 AM or plan to take a vegetarian to a steak house. 行事历也须在当你试着定下凌晨两点的会议行程或计划请吃素的客人到牛排馆用餐时提出警告。 www.myoops.org 1. calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches. But ants show amazing accuracy as to the day of the year. 蚂蚁不可能随身携带日历就像招潮蟹不可能带着真正的手表一样。但是蚂蚁对一年中的特定一天有着惊人的精确判断。 www.jukuu.com 2. The account where a to-do item is stored depends on how you created the item, and determines the calendars you can use to track the item. 储存待办事项的帐户取决于您创建项的方式,并确定您可以用来跟踪项的日历。 docs.info.apple.com 3. Standard The Standard base calendar is the default calendar for the project and is the basis for resource calendars. “标准”日历“标准”基准日历是项目的默认日历,并且是资源日历的基准日历。 office.microsoft.com 4. Task calendars make it possible to schedule tasks during nonworking time , as defined by the project calendar or resource calendar . 任务日历可将任务安排在非工作时间(由项目日历或资源日历定义)内。 www.bing.com 5. However, there are other calendars that are used for political, religious, and cultural reasons. 但是,也有其他为政治、宗教和文化原因提供的日历。 www.ibm.com 6. He was a media star, posing for cheesecake publicity shoots, popping up on girlie calendars and matchbook covers. 他同时也是媒体上的明星,在模特广告,美女挂历,甚至火柴盒盖儿上抛头露面。 www.bing.com 7. There were, for instance, several agricultural calendars which outlined the tasks performed by farmers in each month of the year. 有若干农业历书列出了农民在一年中每个月所需要完成的农活; blog.sina.com.cn 8. The calendar will open, and any other open calendars will close. 此操作将会打开该日历,并关闭其他所有已打开的日历。 office.microsoft.com 9. A second approach is to simply ram into the brick wall by getting on key executive calendars for a 15 to 30 minute meeting once a month. 第二种方法是直接切入主题,根据重要主管的时间表,每月进行一次15到30分钟的会议。 www.ibm.com 10. We describe four helpful tools: nursery calendars, plant development registers, nursery inventories and records of nursery experiments. 我们需要四个实用的手段:苗圃日历、植物生长记录、苗圃植物名录以及实验记录。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Of course, some people who say "maybe" genuinely need to check their calendars. And many see it as a nice, gentle way to say "no. " 当然,一些人说“会来的”是他们查了日历,还有是他们想这是文雅的“回绝”(并非每个人都知道Facebook会请客。 www.bing.com 2. Its easy to print lists of information (phone numbers, birthdays and so on) and you can also print monthly calendars of events. 其易于打印的名单资料(电话号码,生日等)和您还可以打印每月的日历事件。 xtdownload.com 3. Team calendars can also be a great way to tell if your team has too many meetings. 团队日程表还是显示你的团队是否有诸多会议的最佳方式。 www.bing.com 4. Some people do not like little calendars, or big ones, or noisy electronic ones. 一些人不喜欢小日历,或大的,或有噪音的电子助理。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. 玛雅人理解17(种)不同的历法,他们中的一些图表的精确时间跨度超过一千万年。 bbs.awaker.net 6. Click the link at the top of the list, Microsoft Office Templates: Download templates for calendars, business plans, resumes, and more. 单击列表顶部的链接“MicrosoftOffice模板:为日历、商业计划、简历和其他文档下载模板”。 office.microsoft.com 7. We are getting quotations from China printers to print our complete line of calendars Some quote shipping and some do not. 我们用中国印刷厂家的报价来全线生产日历。有些报价中报了运费,有些没有。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. I printed directions, calendars, phone numbers and notes for the book I'm writing, in case I needed to work on it. 我打印出指路图,日历,电话号码,以及为我正在写的书所准备的材料,以防万一我会用到。 www.bing.com 9. Unfortunately for the Kikos, there's probably not as much room for wild ideas in calendars as in other applications. 不幸的是,对于Kiko,在在线日历方面不像其他应用,疯狂的创意并没有更多发展的空间。 www.bing.com 10. I brought with me a book of calendars. 我带了一个日历。 www.ted.com 1. Select the calendars for a time dimension. 为时间维度选择日历。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Using a day-by-day count, Euro-American astronomers could finally synchronize their calendars with the Maya Priests. 使用逐日计算法,欧美的天文学家最后终于能够使他们的历法与玛雅祭司同步。 chinaufo.com 3. If resource calendars or task calendars are not used, tasks are scheduled during the working time on the project calendar by default. 如果不使用资源日历或任务日历,默认情况下,任务在项目日历的工作时间中排定日程。 office.microsoft.com 4. Gerardo wanted to know if their calendars were all using the same count. 杰勒德想知道他们的历法是否使用相同的计算方法。 www.qtts.cn 5. Programs with visual representations of calendars are quite common, and they almost always display one month at a time. 很多软件中都有日历,而且几乎都是一次显示一个月份。 www.jukuu.com 6. Give your employees shared documents, calendars, email, etc. without the hassles of managing email servers or rolling out software updates. 给你的雇员共享的文档、日历、email等等。不需要有管理邮件服务器的干扰或者推出软件升级的麻烦。 www.elanso.com 7. You can customize your own base calendar using any of the base calendars provided. 您可以使用所提供的任何基准日历自定义自己的基准日历。 office.microsoft.com 8. If you choose a calendar group, all the event and To Do information from the calendars in the group is merged and published in one calendar. 如果您选取的是一个日历组,则组中的所有事件和待办事项信息合并到一个日历中发布。 docs.info.apple.com 9. Ancient cultures did not have the benefit of today's calendars. 古文化中还没有使用今天的日历。 396495845.qzone.qq.com 10. Business scope includes carton, box, pictures, brochures, posters, calendars, desk calendar, gift boxes. 经营范围包括纸箱、彩盒、画册、说明书、海报、挂历、台历、礼品盒等。 cn.esunny.com 1. It stores project information including tasks, resources, assignments, durations, task relationships, task sequences, calendars, and more. 可以存储项目信息,包括任务、资源、工作分配、工时、任务关系、任务序列、日历等。 office.microsoft.com 2. The "believers" also make money from conferences, books, magazines, and calendars, lectures and sightseeing tours. 这些“怪圈信徒”还可以从各种研讨会、书刊杂志、日历制作,讲座和观光旅游中赚钱。 www.bing.com 3. Family Picture Calendar - Enter Events and Pictures Once Print Beautiful Customized Calendars for Years to Come. 家庭图片日历-输入事件和图片一旦打印美丽的个性化日历年。 xtdownload.com 4. It's not a coincidence that Amanda's work can be seen in countles postcards, books, posters, calendars, among other materials. 所以,阿曼达的作品出现在无数的明信片、书籍、海报、日历和其他材料上,也不是个巧合。 www.bing.com 5. Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars. 多数美国人是按照活动日程所制定的时间段来生活的。 dict.bioon.com 6. These calendars are distinct from the Calendar view, which shows the project schedule in a calendar format. 这些日历与“日历”视图不同,后者以日历格式显示项目日程。 office.microsoft.com 7. Stationery, Calendars, Diaries, Folders, Notepads Diaries and Calendars. 采购产品文具,日历,日记,文件夹,笔记本日记和日历。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Online collaborative calendars are a great way to pick meeting times, set deadlines and generally gauge a colleague's bandwidth. 在线协作日程表是挑选会议时间,制定最后期限和调整同事误差的最佳方式。 www.bing.com 9. She has posed semi-naked for a variety of calendars and magazines and has also appeared in several Italian soap operas. 她为各种日历和杂志半裸体的照片,也出演了一些意大利肥皂剧。 www.cnnas.com 10. Spiritual winter does not arrive according to calendars handed out in advance. No, it comes when we least expect it. 属灵的冬天不会按着一早预定的计划来临的,它总是在我们毫无心理准备时来到。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The five women workers find the posters and calendars that are prominently displayed in the workplace offensive. 五个女工人找到了一些明显有冒犯意思的海报和日历。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Project uses four types of calendars: the base calendar, project calendar, resource calendar, and task calendar. Project使用四种类型的日历:基准日历、项目日历、资源日历和任务日历。 office.microsoft.com 3. The event starts bright and early at 10 AM PST , so set your clocks and calendars and try not to go too crazy in the meantime . 这次活动在阳光明媚的早晨10点钟开始,所以设置好你的闹钟和日程,而且那天不要太兴奋了。 www.bing.com 4. The calendar you've subscribed to appears in your Calendars list with a curved arrow beside it (shown above). 您已订阅的日历显示在“日历”列表中,其旁边带有一个弯曲的箭头(如上所示)。 docs.info.apple.com 5. Property returns an array containing all the calendars supported by the culture. 属性返回一个包含区域性所支持的所有日历的数组。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Advent calendars are a way of counting down to Christmas. 降临节日历是一种圣诞倒计时的方式。 www.elanso.com 7. The same goes for filing, checking voice mail, updating our calendars, checking our calendars, checking stats on stocks or web traffic. 同样的事发生发生在归档、查看语音邮件、更新日程表、检查日程表、查看股市行情或网络缓慢上。 www.bing.com 8. When you release the mouse button, the number of calendars will increase or decrease to fill the available space. 当松开鼠标按钮时,日历数将相应地增加或减少以适应可用空间。 office.microsoft.com 9. These calendars won't improve your productivity, but they can be part of your holiday planning, helping the family count down to Christmas. 这些日历将不会提高你的效率,但是它们会成为你假日计划的一部分,可以帮助家庭进行圣诞节倒计时。 www.elanso.com 10. Side-by-side calendars where you can view multiple calendars and drag items between the calendars. 同时显示的日历,您可以查看多个日历和在日历之间拖动项目。 office.microsoft.com 1. Hints of inconsistent Earthly timekeeping come through natural calendars preserved in fossils. 化石在自然界的日程表上标出了地球的“不守时”。 www.bing.com 2. Some have changed their calendars to try to improve student performance. 其中的一些为了改善学生的表现已经更改了日程表。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Base calendars are templates that project calendars, task calendars, and resource calendars are derived from. 项目日历、任务日历、资源日历都是从标准日历这个模板派生出来的。 www.cnblogs.com 4. You can then customize the resource calendars to accommodate exceptions to the individual resource's working times. 然后您可以为个别资源的工作时间定制资源日历以适应例外情况。 office.microsoft.com 5. They signed another $5 million deal with various companies to produce calendars, coins and school supplies. 他们另外还与众多公司签定了总额500万美元的协议,生产日历、纪念币和文具等等。 www.ebigear.com 6. Since the Qin Dynasty established county jurisdiction, there is already more than 2200 calendars history in Hangzhou. 从秦代设县治以来,杭州已经有2200多年历史。 dzszs.com 7. Tips on designing a budget, utilizing calendars, and organizing papers eliminate digging through piles of files. 贴士设计预算,利用日历,文件和组织消除成堆的文件,通过挖掘。 ccebook.net 8. The homepage also offers jigsaw puzzles, screensavers, printable calendars and posters. 该网页还提供砌图游戏,屏保,打印日历和海报。 xtdownload.com 9. Currency geeks, mark your calendars: The 25th anniversary for that historic pact is next Wednesday, Sept. 外汇买家们,在你们的日历上写下吧:下周三,9月22日是这一历史性协议签订25周年纪念日。 c.wsj.com 10. Your calendars are marked, your pre-orders are in, and your fingers are itching for the chance to squeeze the trigger. 你已经在日历标记,您的预购已准备好,你的手指十分搔痒等待著机会按下扳机。 www.chinavme.com 1. Now, Cerami's dream is to manage an agency of virtual pin-ups , touting them for calendars, games, ads, and movies. 赛拉米现在的梦想是成立一个虚拟美女代理机构,将她们“推销”给挂历、游戏、广告和电影等产业。 www.enbar.net 2. Internet Calendars are calendars that are shared through the Internet. Internet日历是通过Internet共享的日历。 office.microsoft.com 3. They will primarily use it for messaging and collaboration and to access email, calendars and productivity applications. 他们将主要用ipad来通信、协作、收发电子邮件,制定日程计划以及工作应用。 www.bing.com 4. Coordinate teamwork with shared calendars, alerts and notifications. 使用共享日历、警报和通知协调合作。 office.microsoft.com 5. And calendars of beautiful women in swimming suits, not wearing much at all. 还有些日历里有一些身着泳装的美女,她们的穿着都很少。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Life is not dated merely by years. Events are sometimes the best calendars. 生活不仅以年度计算,有时事是最好的历书。 edu.runsky.com 7. You can create calendars that show the schedules of a group of people or resources simultaneously. 可以创建日历来同时显示一组人或资源的日程。 office.microsoft.com 8. These items can be cancelled or changed using the Reschedule or Cancel options that exist in all versions of Lotus Notes calendars. 使用Reschedule或Cancel选项可以取消或更改这些消息项,所有版本的LotusNotes日历中都有这些选项。 www.ibm.com 9. The vast majority of respondents reporting using desktop calendars, email and telephone to plan meetings. 受访的大多数调查者使用桌面日历、电子邮件和电话来安排会议。 www.bing.com 10. A new calendar window allows users to add calendars from Google Calendar entries, another Lotus Notes user's calendar, or an iCal feed. 新的日程表窗口允许用户添加来自GoogleCalendar条目、其他LotusNotes用户的日程表或iCal提要的日程表。 www.ibm.com 1. Your device automatically backs up your contacts, calendars, and system settings everyday. 您的设备会每天自动备份联系人、日历和系统设置。 www.treo.net.cn 2. For anywhere access to e-mail, voice mail, calendars, and contacts from a variety of clients and devices. 从任何位置通过各种客户端和设备访问电子邮件、语音邮件、日历和联系人。 office.microsoft.com 3. With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history. 原住民的历法,土著居民的历史保存轨道的重要转折点。 bbs.awaker.net 4. Today we continue our discussion of school calendars as a new American school year begins. 今天,美国新的一个学年开始了,我们继续关于校历的讨论。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Please add the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit to your calendars. We hope you'll join us in Budapest! 希望您将全球之声公民媒体高峰会加入行程中,与我们在布达佩斯见! zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. A decade ago, PDAs were the preserve of digerati who liked using electronic address books and calendars. 十年前,PDA是喜欢用电子通讯录和日历的数字精英们的保留地。 www.bing.com 7. Calendars were originally designed to fit on stacked sheets of paper, not interactive digital displays. 日历的设计本来是为了适应一摞一摞的纸张,而没有考虑过交互的数字化显示器。 tr.bab.la 8. Calendars can be printed using various different styles. 日历可以用多种不同样式打印出来。 userbase.kde.org 9. Paper calendars show a single month because they are limited by the size of the paper, and a month is a convenient breaking point. 纸质日历每次显示一个月的日期,因为它们受限于纸张的大小,并且一个月是方便的分隔点。 www.jukuu.com 10. This article introduced one kind of use insults ten thousand calendars which the positive SPCE061A monolithic integrated circuit controls. 本文介绍了一种利用凌阳的SPCE061A单片机控制的万年历。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Create separate calendars for school work, personal information, important due dates, and more to stay ultra-organized. 为学校课业、个人信息、重要约会以及其他内容创建单独的日历,以保持良好的组织。 www.bing.com 2. Use resource calendars to accommodate exceptions to individual resource's working times. 使用资源日历使例外日期适合个别资源的工作时间。 office.microsoft.com 3. NOTE: There are many moon calendars available upon the web to keep track of the days and moons associated. 注:网站上有许多保持白天和月亮关联轨迹的月历。 www.tisheng.org 4. Once logged in, users can switch between day, month, and year views of their calendars (calendar views). 登录之后,用户可以在其日历(日历视图)的日、月和年视图之间切换。 www.ibm.com 5. You can view up to 30 calendars in side-by-side mode in Calendar view. 您最多可以在“日历”视图中以并排模式查看30个日历。 office.microsoft.com 6. Including some forms company, calendars and corporate propaganda color pages. 包括公司内部一些表格、挂历及公司宣传彩页。 www.tonke.cn 7. Calendars have become popular gifts because many are filled with beautiful pictures. 因为越来越多的美丽图片,而使日历成为了一样受欢迎的礼物。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. The two have breakfast or lunch together three to four times a month, according to his calendars. 贝南克日程表显示,两人一个月共进早餐或午餐三到四次。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Please note that our June, July and August calendars are updated. If correction is needed, please contact Larry Lee. 教会六、七、八月的行事历经已更新,请各部门留意,若需要更改请与李健华弟兄联络。 ocmgracechurch.org 10. You can publish and share your calendars with others by publishing them to a WebDAV server. 您可以将日历发布到WebDAV服务器上,与其他人共享。 office.microsoft.com 1. Could it work with our personal calendars as well? 那么它也会对个人日程起作用吗? www.elanso.com 2. Resource calendars ensure that work resources (people and equipment) are scheduled only when they're available for work. 资源日历确保仅在工作资源(人员和设备)可用时为其安排工作。 office.microsoft.com 3. Calendar Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their calendars by using the telephone user interface. CalendarAccessed是订阅者使用电话用户界面访问其日历的次数。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Property specifies other calendars supported by the culture. 属性指定该区域性支持的其他日历。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. These option settings have no effect on the working and nonworking times of calendars. 这些选项设置不影响日历的工作时间和非工作时间。 office.microsoft.com 6. Ants don't carry calendars around with them any more than fiddler crabs possess real wrist watches. 蚂蚁不可能随身携带日历就像招潮蟹不可能带着真正的手表一样。 www.24en.com 7. Delete the Calendars file from the User Library on your second Mac. Open Terminal and reenter the code from step 2. 在第二台Mac上的用户库里删除Calendars保存的文件,然后打开终端,输入第二步里的命令。 www.bing.com 8. They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant. 他们是时间的守护者,专家注意到历法是古老的,简洁的和切题的。 bbs.awaker.net 9. Calendars can become popular gifts because many are filled with beautiful pictures. 他也是很流行的礼品,因为很多都有漂亮的图片。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Browsable archive in the form of monthly calendars where you can click on specific days. 可浏览的归档,以月历的形式,可以点击某一天。 dict.bioon.com 1. Listing 2 is an example configuration file that permits the Lotus iNotes overlaid Google calendars feature to work properly. 清单2是一个示例配置文件,使LotusiNotes的覆盖Google日历特性能正确工作。 www.ibm.com 2. Dialogs with extraterrestrials and those they came to awaken contain many keys that unlock the calendars and heal the planet. 与宇宙对话和觉醒者包括很多钥匙,用来解开历法和治愈行星。 www.qtts.cn 3. If all the clocks and calendars vanished, children would still know when Sunday came. 即便时钟和日历都消失了,孩子们那时仍然知道星期天到了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Some experts say no really good studies have been done to measure the effect of school calendars on performance. 一些专家指出,目前还没有真正很好的研究来衡量学校校历对学生学业成绩的影响。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Various Christian denominations use these calendars to calculate the Easter Holy day. 不同的基督教派别使用这些日历计算复活节和神圣的日子。 www.ibm.com 6. It is widely applied into lamination of book cover, box package, documents, pictures, calendars, brochures etc. 广泛应用于书刊封面、包装纸盒、文件、图片、挂历、产品样本等的裱塑。 detail.cn.china.cn 7. We build clocks and calendars and we try and predict the weather. But what part of our life is truly under our control? 我们发明钟表和日历,还尽力去预测天气,可我们的生活中,有哪一部分是真正受自己控制的呢? blog.sina.com.cn 8. On the Working Time tab of the Resource Information dialog box, you can edit resource calendars to indicate nonworking time. 在“资源信息”对话框的“工作时间”选项卡上,可以编辑资源日历以指定非工作时间。 office.microsoft.com 9. Any idea how well or badly the new Google Nexus One syncs with Macs for things like Calendars, Notes, Address Books etc. 新谷歌NexusOne手机的日历、记事本、地址薄等内容能否与苹果机同步?性能如何? www.e-say.com.cn 10. One use for early astronomy was to create calendars. 早期天文学的用途之一是建立历法。 www.tingroom.com 1. Street hawkers sell paintings, calendars and intricate paper cutting. 街道小贩出售绘画、日历和图案复杂的剪纸。 www.hebeitour.gov.cn 2. The Amondawa people not only have no watches or calendars, but have no words for "time" , "week" , "month" or "year" . 阿莫达瓦部落的人们不仅没有手表和日历,而且也没有“时间”、“周”、“月”或“年”这些词。 www.bing.com 3. You can save and publish calendars directly from Outlook and updates are managed automatically. 您可以直接从Outlook保存和发布日历,其更新将自动得到管理。 office.microsoft.com 4. The CultureInfo. OptionalCalendars property specifies the optional calendars supported by a culture. CultureInfo.OptionalCalendars属性指定区域性所支持的可选日历。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You can even overlay your calendars to summarize and compare events on specific dates in the calendar program. 甚至可以重叠日历以汇总和比较日历程序中特定日期的事件。 office.microsoft.com 6. His words and photographs have appeared in many books, magazines, and calendars. 他所说的话和相片曾出现在许多书、杂志和日历中。 www.24en.com 7. Shows a list of your calendars under My Calendars. 在“我的日历”下显示您的日历列表。 office.microsoft.com 8. You can view up to 30 calendars side-by-side in Calendar. 可以在“日历”中并排查看多达30个日历。 office.microsoft.com 9. Policy and administrative tasks are often time-consuming, including issues such as coordination across calendars and schedules. 政策和管理的任务常常是耗时的,包括问题,例如协调横跨日历和日程表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. You can view multiple calendars that you have created as well as those shared by other Outlook users side-by-side. 可通过并排方式查看您自己创建的多个日历以及与其他Outlook用户共享的日历。 office.microsoft.com 1. You might also consider creating individual calendars on multiple pages. 您还可以考虑在多页上创建单独的日历。 office.microsoft.com 2. It consists of charts, animations, hierarchical trees, calendars, menus, and other elements. 它包含图表、动画、层级树、日历、菜单和其他元素。 www.ibm.com 3. You can also create or assign different base calendars for individual resources or groups of resources to indicate specific working hours. 还可以为个别资源或资源组创建或分配不同的基准日历,以指定特定的工作时间。 office.microsoft.com 4. Set specific sharing permissions on contact folders and calendars. 为联系人文件夹和日历设置特定的共享权限。 office.microsoft.com 5. I'm generally shelved among Snoopy calendars and collections of wisecracks . 我的书通常被放在史努比和俏皮话集子中间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It is primarily intended to sync with online calendars and address books, not those stored locally on computers. 该机的设计初衷是与网上日历和地址薄同步,而不是存在本地电脑里的内容。 chinese.wsj.com 7. But you can set a task option to ignore resource calendars and schedule the task through the resource's nonworking time. 但是,也可以设置任务选项来忽略资源日历并在资源的非工作时间期间排定任务的日程。 office.microsoft.com 8. If you enter resources, task schedules are further refined according to resource work, units, and working times entered on calendars. 如果您输入了资源,那么将根据在日历上输入的资源工时、单位和工作时间来进一步明确任务的日程。 office.microsoft.com 9. You see, FinchSync offers a powerful system to manage different calendars, addressbooks spread over mutliple PCs just from your PocketPC. 正如你所看见的,FinchSync提供了强大的系统来管理不同的日程表、联系簿,只是从你的PocketPC到不同的电脑上去。 www.bing.com 10. Tip Microsoft Office Online can help you get started with some sample Outlook Internet Calendars. 提示MicrosoftOfficeOnline提供一些示例OutlookInternet日历,可帮助您开始使用此种日历。 office.microsoft.com 1. Must screen phonecalls, maintain calendars and coordinate production of multiplehomework projects. 必须过滤打来的电话,按时查看日历,协调多个项目的生产作业。 www.bing.com 2. Every year you see the same calendars on the shelves with beauties and stars. 每年的挂历都千篇一律,不是美女就是明星,让人觉得索然无味。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Widget support in GWT-WL includes calendars, calculators, image buttons, progress bars, pagination, and more. 在GWT-WL中支持的widget包括日历、计算器、图像按钮、状态条、分页标记等等。 www.infoq.com 4. The hottest topic these days on venture capital (VC) calendars and developer blogs is Ajax. 最近风险资本日程表和开发人员博客上最热门的话题是Ajax。 www.ibm.com 5. Funny calendars with popular cartoon characters. 关于流行卡通人物的趣味日历。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Task calendars Microsoft Project 98 does not support Task Calendars. 任务日历MicrosoftProject98不支持“任务日历”。 office.microsoft.com 7. Visions of calendars and appointment books immediately pop into your mind. 您的脑海中会立即浮现出日历和约会本的图像。 www.ibm.com 8. Class to display and manipulate calendars for specific cultures. 类针对特定区域性显示和操作日历。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You can drag items from the Internet Calendar Subscription to other calendars in side-by-side view. 可以将项目从Internet日历订阅中拖到并排视图内的其他日历。 office.microsoft.com 10. This is a book of calendars, and I'll ask -- who was it that wanted to know their birth day? You sir? OK. 这是一本日历,然后我会问--是谁想知道他的生日的,是你吗,先生?好的。 www.ted.com 1. Note that mapping calendars can cause silent changes to calculated dates. 注意:映射日历可能会导致对计算日期的更改。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If you choose a calendar group, all the calendars in the group are published. 如果您选取的是一个日历组,则发布组中的所有日历。 docs.info.apple.com 3. They are called Red-Letter Days because in calendars they were marked in red ink. 吉利日之所以叫做“红色字母日”,是因为这些日子在日历中被印成红色的缘故。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Generate calendars by importing Outlook calendar data into Office Visio 2007 for easy viewing and reference. 将Outlook日历数据导入到OfficeVisio2007以生成日历,以便查看和参考。 office.microsoft.com 5. calendars, numerical tables, forms of general use and formulas. 历法、数表、通用表格和公式。 www.chinalawedu.com 6. Microsoft Project provides three base calendars, the Standard, 24-Hours, and Night Shift calendars. MicrosoftProject提供了三种基准日历,“标准”、“24小时”和“夜班”日历。 office.microsoft.com 7. Mark your calendars for the next KPOP Idol-Off 2 match! 在你的日历记录即将进行的KPOP偶像关闭2竞赛! tieba.baidu.com 8. If only we all had such faith, no longer requiring God to submit to our clocks and calendars. 只要我们都有这样的信心,就不再要求神服从我们的时钟和日程表了。 www.bing.com 9. She posed in swimsuits and shorts for hundreds of calendars, ads, and magazines. 她的泳装照、内衣照出现在数以百计的挂历、广告和杂志上。 www.ebigear.com 10. To quickly share your own calendar and open other shared calendars. 可以快速将自己的日历进行共享并打开其他共享日历。 office.microsoft.com 1. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings, and then click the Internet Calendars tab. 在“工具”菜单上,单击“帐户设置”,然后单击“Internet日历”选项卡。 office.microsoft.com 2. Calendars can be set up so that people can add items by sending e-mail, if your site is enabled to receive content by e-mail. 如果已经启用您的网站通过电子邮件来接收内容,则可将日历设置为用户可以通过发送电子邮件添加项目。 office.microsoft.com 3. Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars. These calendars may be divided into intervals as short as fifteen minutes. 多数美国人在日程表上写满了约会,把时间分成一段一段的。 www.100yingyu.com 4. If we license the total number of points, we can further prove the relationship between cards and calendars. 如果我们把54张牌的点数全部加起来,就可以进一步证明扑克牌与历法的关系。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. In the decades before the Civil War, schools operated on one of two calendars, neither of which included a summer hiatus. 美国内战前数十年,学校制定了两套作息时间,且都不包括暑假。 www.bing.com 6. Cording: To insert or tie cord on hanging CARDS, calendars , book- mark , etc. 绑线:在吊牌、月历或书签等上面穿线打结。 dict.ebigear.com 7. This date is based on the task's start date, duration, calendars, predecessor dates, task dependencies, and constraints. 该日期基于任务的开始日期、工期、日历、前置任务日期、任务相关性和限制。 office.microsoft.com 8. Many regions had their own calendars, including the Imperial Remnant. 许多地区都有自己的历法,比如帝国残余势力。 www.starwarschina.com 9. To overlay multiple calendars, use the arrow buttons on the calendar tabs. 要重叠多个日历,请使用日历选项卡上的箭头按钮。 office.microsoft.com 10. The traditional Korean calendar was based on the lunisolar calendar, like the Chinese and other East Asian calendars. 韩国传统历法是基于日月运行的一种历法,就像中国和其它亚洲国家的历法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Creating your own base calendars is particularly useful if you have alternative schedules for multiple resources. 如果对多种资源有不同的日程,创建自己的基准日历尤其有用。 office.microsoft.com 2. Babies don't read calendars, however, so your baby may do things differently. 宝宝是读不懂日历的,因此他们的时间表也是不同的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One was a plain hut that was simply papered with old calendars. 其中之一是一间普通的小屋,只是用报纸糊上旧的日历。 www.bing.com 4. Internet Calendars use the iCalendar format and the. Ics file name extension. Internet日历采用iCalendar格式和.ics文件扩展名。 office.microsoft.com 5. Pocket calendars are helpful for organizing a schedule. 小型日历对于确定时间表很有帮助 wenku.baidu.com 6. Many individuals also use such calendars to keep track of personal events. 许多个人也会使用这些日历来跟踪个人事件。 www.ibm.com 7. And that's usually not in our to-do lists or calendars. 而这件事情很多时候,并不在我们的日程表上。 www.bing.com 8. Project provides three base calendars: the Standard, 24-Hours, and Night Shift calendars. Project提供三种基准日历:“标准”日历、“24小时”日历和“夜班”日历。 office.microsoft.com 9. For pet lovers, there are calendars with pictures of cats doing unusual things. 365 of them - one for each day of the year. 对于宠物爱好者来说,还有印着猫图案的日历,它们做着一些不常见的动作,365天,每天的图案都不同。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. You must not stick or fix any pictures, posters, calendars etc. anywhere except on the notice board in your room. 您不得在您房间内通知板之外的其他任何地方张贴任何图片、海报、日历,等等。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 1. We have been making calendars, and New Year eve mask. 我们制作了日历及新年前夜面具。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 2. Bruising A grey or mottled effect, most noticeable in coated papers. It is a paper defect caused by undue heat or pressure in the calendars. 在粉纸上特别显著的灰色或斑点状情况。这是砑光机上的过度热力或压力所造成的纸张故障。 big5.cgan.net 3. Similar things I will see in our neighbors' houses: posters, calendars, politicians, celebrities, etc. , adorning their walls. 在邻居家,也可以看到用来装饰壁的类似东西:海报、日历、政治家画像、名人照片,等等。 www.cn.wsj.com 4. Sunday is the most straightforward and the first day of the week on many calendars. 许多日历上,星期天是最直接的,也是一星期的第一天。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. How do assignment units and calendars affect the schedule? 工作分配单位和日历如何影响日程排定? office.microsoft.com 6. Calendars Microsoft Project 98 supports only three shifts on a calendar. 日历MicrosoftProject98在一个日历上仅支持三个轮换。 office.microsoft.com 7. But if you need a system to show news, text documents, calendars and the such, you should look for a CMS. 但如果你需要一个系统来显示新闻,文本资料,日历以及诸如此类的东西,CMS会更合适。 www.zzbaike.com 8. For more information, see View calendars side-by-side or overlaid. 有关详细信息,请参阅查看并排或重叠日历。 office.microsoft.com 9. These calendars just make the wait to Christmas Eve a little easier. 这样的月历只是要让小朋友们能够耐心的等待圣诞节的到来。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Calendars help you manage and view your schedule by day, week, and month. 日历可以帮助您按天、周和月管理和查看计划。 office.microsoft.com 1. This is a kind of perpetual calendar, generating calendars where the movable events have to fall on the right date for any year. 这是一种永久日历,挂历在那里产生的动产事件,回到属于权之日起的任何一年。 www.bing.com 2. Calendars consist of time intervals. 日历由时间间隔组成。 www.ibm.com 3. You can quickly schedule a meeting with other people whose calendars you are viewing. 可以快速与您正在查看其日历的人安排会议。 office.microsoft.com 4. Some have the Ten Commandments, calendars or the multiplication table on them. 有的上面有(基督教的教条的)十诫、日历或者乘法表。 www.24en.com 5. It does not describe how to change resource or task calendars used to schedule your project work. 它不描述如何更改用于计划您的项目工作的资源日历或任务日历。 office.microsoft.com 6. Of course, in one way all calendars are the same. 当然,从某一方面而言,所有的日历都是一样的。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. One great office manager can scale to 50 employees if everyone calendars themselves. 如果每个人都能做好自身的日程安排,一位优秀的办公室经理人所管理的员工数量可上升至50位。 www.fortunechina.com 8. Calendars. Other than Niko-niko calendars, there are a lot of variations of using calendars to show project status or plan. 除了表情日历之外,还有很多日历变种可以用来显示项目的状态或者计划。 www.infoq.com 9. Calendar objects accommodate calendars with 13 months. Calendar对象提供具有13个月的日历。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In addition to the old standbys like calendars, trees, and menus, each has a charting option. 除了日历、树、菜单这类旧备用组件之外,还有一个聊天选项。 www.ibm.com |
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