单词 | on year | ||||
释义 | on year
例句释义: 大年,那个女生在宿舍住 1. Prices were 8. 4% higher than a year ago - the eighth consecutive month that there has been a year-on-year rise. 相比一年前,价格要高出8.4%——连续第八个月都是逐年增长。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The GDP for the fourth quarter will be announced on the Budget Day. We expect it to return to a year-on-year positive growth. 第四季本地生产总值后日预算案才揭晓,预料将回复按年正增长。 www.putclub.com 3. Lacking any such restraint is year-on-year grade inflation across the board. And that, like continental drift, is hard to see in action. 但年复一年的分数“膨胀”就没有这样的抑制了,而且就像大陆漂移一样难以察觉。 www.ecocn.org 4. While net profits rose 14 per cent to $9. 4bn on a year-on-year basis, fourth quarter income was one-third that of the previous quarter. 尽管中行全年净利润同比增长14%,至94亿美元,但第四季度的收益却只相当于上一季度的三分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, the year-on-year figures for December show that the pain was more evenly distributed by the end of the year (see chart 2). 但12月份的销售数据显示,与去年同期相比,汽车销量的颓势显得更加均匀(参见表2)。 www.bing.com 6. Shaped by the strong viscosity, admission (sticky) (sticky), that is more than a year on year agreement, will be known as the pudding cake. 因糍粑黏性强,取年(黏)年(黏)高,即一年更比一年好之意,将糍粑称作年糕。 wenda.tianya.cn 7. The decline was Taiwan's biggest on a year-on-year basis and marks its fourth consecutive month of shrinking exports. 这是台湾最大的出口同比降幅,也是出口连续第四个月出现萎缩。 www.ftchinese.com 8. BYD is not the only carmaker feeling the pinch: this week Ford of the US said its July sales were down 6 per cent year on year. 比亚迪不是唯一感受到痛苦的汽车制造商:美国的福特(Ford)本周宣布,7月份销量同比下降6%。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The American economist Joseph Stiglitz has urged policymakers not to be slaves to year-on-year rises in gross domestic product. 美国经济学家约瑟夫-斯蒂格利茨(JosephStiglitz)则力劝政策制定者,不要变成国内生产总值(GDP)年增长的奴隶。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Management fees were 22 per cent higher on a year-on-year basis, but flat in the last six months. 管理费用较上年同期增长22%,但过去6个月来一直持平。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Exports to Taiwan's other leading markets fell less steeply in May on a year-on-year basis than in the previous month. 今年5月,台湾对其他主要市场的出口额较上月年度同比下降幅度趋缓。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Harley Medical Group (HMG) said the number of enquiries from women in that age group is up 9 per cent year-on-year. 哈利医疗集团说,这一年龄组的妇女咨询率高达百分之九。 www.tianya.cn 3. Our periodic round-up was dominated for nearly a year by countries where house prices were falling year-on-year. 我们的阶段性总结报告的主要情况是各国的房价同比都在下跌,这种情况大约持续了一年。 www.ecocn.org 4. A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking it was a decent quarter, with many banks posting higher year-on-year operating profits. 年初以来许多银行的同比经营利润都有所上升,乍看之下容易认为银行业第一季度复苏情况良好,这是可以理解的。 www.ecocn.org 5. Though it went on year round, the height of cricket fighting was between the summer solstice and autumn equinox. 虽然它了全年的高度板球战斗之间的夏至和秋分。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Overtime hours worked continued to fall by double digits, declining 40 per cent year-on-year in the manufacturing sector. 加班工作时间继续以两位数的速度减少。制造业的加班时间同比下降40%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The economy shrank by a grim 18. 7% year-on-year, but the worst seems to be over and some industries are picking up. 经济以每年18.7%的可怕速度萎缩,但是最艰难的时光似乎已经过去,一些产业正重振旗鼓。 www.bing.com 8. The year-on-year price rise has slowed down: in December it was 6. 4%, not that much higher than the overall inflation rate. 房价同比涨幅已有所下降,12月为6.4%,比总体通货膨胀率高不了多少。 www.ecocn.org 9. Money supply is still expanding at a rate of nearly 30% on-year, while bank lending continues to surge, albeit at a slower pace. 中国的货币供应量仍在以同比将近30%的增速扩张,银行信贷继续上升,只是步伐有所放缓。 c.wsj.com 10. Looks like the iPod gravy train is finally slowing, and from here on in, we'll see declining year-on-year sales of Apple's key gadget. 看来iPod的轻易发大财脚步终于放缓了,而从现在起,我们将会看到苹果的核心产品的一年一年走向衰退。 www.bing.com 1. Developed markets are still iffy, with a year-on-year increase of just 0. 4 per cent in total PC sales. 发达国家市场仍不太可靠,个人电脑销售总额同比仅增长0. www.ftchinese.com 2. Gazprom's output fell 34 per cent year on year to its lowest level in a decade in May due to the drop in worldwide demand. 由于世界范围内的需求下降,Gazprom5月份产出同比下降34%,降至10年来最低水平。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Omniture stats referred to in the Annual Report say that the site is getting 5. 5m visitors a month, an increase of nearly 20% year-on-year. 年度报告中提到的Omniture数据显示,网站每月的用户数量为550万人,年增幅接近20%。 www.bing.com 4. December data was friskier, with consumer prices up 2. 8 per cent on a year-on-year basis, but much of this is due to grain. 去年12月份的数据显示,通胀有所抬头,消费者价格指数上涨2.8%,但这主要归因于粮食价格上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With food prices rising by an official 10. 1 per cent in October year on year, the rising cost of living is inflaming public passions. 根据官方数据,10月份食品价格同比上涨10.1%。不断攀升的生活成本正引发民怨。 www.ftchinese.com 6. TI is aware of the index's shortcomings. The CPI, it says, is "an annual snapshot" with "less of a focus on year-on-year trends" . 透明国际已经注意到该指数的缺陷,它们称“CPI是一个年度简要说明,较少关注年度变化趋势”。 www.ecocn.org 7. Year-on-year comparisons for multinational companies had been inflated for 12 quarters in a row by a weakening dollar. 连续12个季度来,跨国企业利润年度同比因美元走弱而被夸大。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. While China's exports are still falling year on year, the rate of decline slowed sharply in September compared with previous months. 虽然中国的出口额同比仍在下降,但与之前数月相比,9月份的降幅已明显收窄。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Sales at malls rose in the past two months on a year-on-year basis, ending a string of declines. 在过去两个月,购物商场的销售额停止直线下降趋势,与去年同期相比开始上升。 www.ecocn.org 10. It was reported last Saturday that the nation's urban house prices fell by an average 0. 4 percent in December year-on-year. 据上周六报道,中国城市十二月房屋价格与去年同期相比下降了0. 1. The eighth consecutive year-on-year rise added to worries of a real estate bubble. 连续第八年同期上升,增加了房地产泡沫的担忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Personal insurance premiums grew by 22 per cent in 2007, on a year-on-year basis, and total penetration is low. 2007年个人保费收入较上年同期增长22%,而总体普及率较低。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Compared with a year ago, house prices were off by 13. 3 per cent, the smallest year-on-year drop in 17 months. 与一年前相比,房价下跌了13.3%,为17个月来最小的同比降幅。 www.ftchinese.com 4. On a year-on-year basis, the CPI rose 1. 3 per cent, the smallest gain since the the second quarter in 1999. CPI同比增幅为1.3%,为1999年第二季度以来的最小增幅。 www.ftchinese.com 5. All the major Japanese banks saw year-on-year profit growth of at least 50% in the financial year ended March 2011. 在2011年3月公布的财政年度,所有主要的日本银行年利润增长率至少在50%。 www.bing.com 6. The company showed a profit in its third quarter, it reported on November 2nd, with underlying profits up 18% year-on-year. 据公司11月2日公布的三季报显示,其基础利润按年增长18%。 www.ecocn.org 7. Year-on-year growth in nominal retail sales volumes seems to have troughed at 11. 6 per cent in February. 2月份时,中国名义零售总额的同比增幅似乎已跌至谷底,为11. www.ftchinese.com 8. Costs relating to troubled loans in the investment bank doubled year on year, with a sharp jump quarter on quarter in the loss rate. 与问题贷款相关的成本较去年同期增加一倍,较上一季度大幅上升。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Chinese imports grew 21. 3 per cent year-on-year in September, their weakest performance for more than a year. 中国9月份进口同比增长21.3%,为一年多来最差表现。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In the next 12 months year-on-year comparisons ought to be flattering. 与上年同期数字相比,接下来的12个月的数据应该会讨人欢喜。 www.ecocn.org 1. First quarter global steel demand fell 40 percent year-on-year, and is still falling in developed countries. 今年第一季全球钢铁需求较上年下滑了40%,发达国家的需求目前还在下降。 cn.reuters.com 2. At present, the majority of urban groundwater by a certain degree of spot-and surface-like pollution, and the trend year-on-year increase. 目前全国多数城市地下水受到一定程度的点状和面状污染,且有逐年加重的趋势。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Unlike in other industries, bankers typically rely on year-end bonuses for a large portion of their yearly compensation. 银行家每年年底的奖金往往在全年薪酬中占到很大比重,这一点和其他行业不同。 cn.reuters.com 4. We're actually close to the peak in year-on-year consumer price inflation--it could move a little higher, but not much. CPI年比通胀实际已接近峰值,再度上行是可能的,但幅度不会太大。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The General Administration of Customs says exports have increased 14 percent year-on-year in December. 中国海关总署表示,出口较上年同期增长了14%。 www.bing.com 6. Looking at annual figures, three major cities reported year-on-year declines in new commercial home prices last month, up from two in March. 看年度数据,上月三个主要城市新商品房报价同比下降,比3月时为二个主要城市下降。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 7. The government earned some plaudits for calming rampant inflation, which reached a year-on-year peak of 28% in August. 政府在去年八月由于稳定了一度达到28%的通胀率,,此举受到了赞誉。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Food prices, which account for one-third of the basket of goods used to calculate China's CPI, surged 11 percent year-on-year. 菜篮子商品用来计算CPI,而占其中三分之一的的食品价格较上年同期上涨了11%。 www.bing.com 9. The year-on-year rate of increase in the number of these older workers is 2. 1 per cent. 这部分年长劳动力人数较上年同期增长2. www.ebigear.com 10. That surprised many in the group, because they thought Nathan was lucky to be in a secure business he could depend on, year after year. 内森的话让很多人吃了一惊,因为大家一向都很羡慕内森的幸运,认为他可以躺在自己的家族企业中,年复一年地依靠它。 www.kekenet.com 1. "That will extend to six years the period for which total spending will have been cut year-on-year, " said Johnson. “这是被延长到6年,按年为单位的总开支削减时期,”约翰逊说。 www.lkong.net 2. And many agronomists hold that relying on year-to-year yield changes for modelling exaggerates the damage due to longer climate shifts. 很多农学家认为,依靠逐年同比的产量变化建模,夸大了较长时间气候变化引起的损害。 www.ecocn.org 3. The tax on year-end bonuses should be no more than 10% of the total bonus. 年终奖的奖金税的交纳金额不应超过奖金总额的百分之十。 www.nciku.cn 4. Year-on-year gross profits at the company's agriculture division increased more than four-fold to $209. 3m. 该公司农产品业务的毛利润为2.093亿美元,同比增长三倍以上。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The growth rate of 2. 2% achieved in October is by far the best year-on-year improvement in a very depressed year. 09年10月所达到的2.2%的增长速度是目前为止在经济低迷时期的一年中最高的一个月份。 www.bing.com 6. But there will be a recovery, when risk assets once again outperform defensive assets on a consistent year on year basis. 但复苏终将到来,届时风险资产的表现同比将再度胜过防御性资产。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Theories of supply and demand do not work, either. Mining production is slightly up year on year; jewellery demand is down by 13. 8%. 而供需理论此时也解释不通,因为采矿业的产量年复一年地轻微增长,珠宝的需求已下跌了13. www.ecocn.org 8. A month ago, I would have said flat spending year-on-year, and now we're looking at a modest decline. 他说,“一个月之前,我还曾说过(2009年广告支出)和去年持平,但现在看来应该是有小幅下降了。” cn.reuters.com 9. Year-on-year, the spirit of the traditional bronze embodies the aesthetics in modern society still with the dazzling light. 春去秋来,体现着青铜器美学精神的传统美学思想在现代社会依然折射着耀眼的光芒。 www.594wm.com 10. In June, Chinese exports expanded 44 per cent year on year, including a strong expansion in both the US and Europe. 6月份,中国出口同比猛增44%,对美国和欧洲的出口增长都相当强劲。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Komatsu, one of the biggest heavy machinery makers, saw Chinese unit sales fall 28 per cent year on year in March. 全球最大的重型机械制造商之一小松(Komatsu)报告,其中国市场的单位销售量3月份同比下降28%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But, as the FBI pointed out, the numbers are too fuzzy to make year-on-year comparisons with any validity. 但是,正如联邦调查局指出,这些数字太模糊,不能用来在有效性上与上年同期数字做比较。 www.ecocn.org 3. The annual environmental report should aim to provide year-on-year comparisons of performance and improvement initiatives. 每年的环保报告应提供连贯性的资料,好让读者比较机构在不同年度的表现水平和改进计划的成效。 www.epd.gov.hk 4. Those year-on-year comparisons are the norm for China and avoid confusion arising from short-term changes in the economy. 采用年度对比数据是中国的惯常做法,这样可以避免经济短期波动带来的混乱。 www.bing.com 5. Corporate profits, which can be highly seasonal, are typically expressed in year-on-year terms. 而季节性有可能很强的企业利润则通常基于逐年同比方式报告。 c.wsj.com 6. Year-on-year, pretax corporate-profit growth in the U. S. peaked at 42% in the last quarter of 2009. 2009年第四季度,美国税前公司利润同比增速达到42%的顶点。 www.qeto.com 7. In terms of registered capital, the total is more than 19 trillion RMB, an average of 20. 1% year-on-year increase. 私营企业注册资金年均增速达到20.1%,总额超过19万亿元。 www.ecocn.org 8. Energy systems of the world becoming progressively, year on year, decade on decade, century on century, becoming less carbon intense. 日复一日,年复一年,数十年来,甚至数个世纪以来,全球能源体系正逐渐地大力地在转化成低碳能源体系。 www.ted.com 9. But data from the Ministry of Land and Resources show revenue from land sales for the first five months of the year down 11% year on year. 但来自国土资源部的数据显示,今年头五个月土地出让收入同比下降11%。 c.wsj.com 10. Other categories tracked to a similar trend, dipping late in the year but still ending higher year-on-year over the first 11 months of 2010. 其他类稀土元素也呈现类似趋势,2010年后几个月下跌,但前11个月仍比上年同期有所增长。 chinese.wsj.com 1. India's exports to China, for example, dipped in the first nine months on a year-on-year basis, mostly due to infrastructure bottlenecks. 举例来说,由于基础设施方面的瓶颈,今年头9个月印度对华铁矿石出口较上年同期有所下降。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The relative strengths of UK universities vis-a-vis their international peers vary only marginally and incrementally year on year. 就英国的大学而言,它们和世界其他高校的对比和竞争每年变化并不大。 www.bing.com 3. The year-on-year fall in oil prices is likely to be steepest in the third quarter next year, when the base will be this summer's peak. 以今夏的峰值为基点,明年第三季度很有可能为出现原油价格的最大年度跌幅。 www.ecocn.org 4. Analysts expect year-on-year growth in industrial production to accelerate in April, driven by rapidly recovering exports. 分析师预计,受出口迅速回升推动,4月份中国工业产值同比增速应该有所加快。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Estonia's first-quarter figures showed a year-on-year decline of 15. 6%. 爱沙尼亚第一季度的数字显示了连年百分之十五点六缩减。 www.ecocn.org 6. Economic performance improved steadily. National revenue reached 3. 93 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 769. 4 billion yuan. 经济增长稳定,国家财政收入达3.93万亿元,比上年同期数字相比增长7694亿元。 www.in2english.com.cn 7. Data from real-estate services firm Soufun show sales of new property in first-tier cities down sharply year on year. 据房地产服务公司搜房(Soufun)发布的数据显示,中国一线城市新建房屋销售量同比大幅回落。 c.wsj.com 8. Exports returned to "pre crisis" levels , Beijing confirmed this month, with year - on-year growth of more than 40 percent . 这个月北京政府证实了出口已恢复到危机前的水平,即出口额同比增长40%以上。 www.bing.com 9. China's urban fixed-asset investment in the first five months rose almost a third year on year, signaling recovery of the economy. 今年前五个月,中国城市固定资产投资同比增长近三分之一,预示经济复苏。 www.eoezone.com 10. At U21Global, applications have been rising year-on-year, says Helen Lange, dean of business management programmes. 在U21高教在线,企业管理课程系主任海伦-兰格(HelenLange)表示,申请数量逐年增加。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Retail sales of consumer goods increased by 15. 9% in real terms, registering a year-on-year growth of 3. 6 percentage points. 社会消费品零售总额实际增长15.9%,增幅同比提高3. www.putclub.com 2. Overall revenues fell at several big banks, both over the previous quarter and year on year. 几大的银行的总体收入较上一季度和去年同期相比均有所下降。 www.ecocn.org 3. The shipments meant China's total food donations climbed 260 per cent year-on-year and were surpassed only by those of the US and EU. 这一数字意味着中国粮食捐赠总量较上一年攀升260%,仅次于美国和欧盟的捐赠量。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Sale and purchase agreements in the territory fell by 24% month on month in October (though they were still up by 97% year on year). 境内销售和采购协议于10月份下降24%(虽然他们比去年同期仍然上升了97%)。 www.ecocn.org 5. South Korean exports rose by more than a quarter year-on-year in April; the biggest increase in four years. 韩国4月份出口较上年同期增逾四分之一,为4年来最大增幅。 www.ftchinese.com 6. While China's export growth has slowed, it is still growing at 7% in year-on-year, inflation-adjusted terms. 虽然中国的出口增长有所减缓,但经通胀因素调整后的年增长率仍然达到7%。 www.bing.com 7. Analysts will look at the growth of GNP, its trends, quarter-on-quarter, year-on-year, by analyzing the various components in detail. 分析家通过具体分析各种详细的数据资料,可以掌握每个季度、每年GNP的增长情况、趋势和走向。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. General Motors announced plans to slash second quarter production by 34% as it reported a whopping 53% drop in year-on-year U. 通用公司宣布二季度计划减产34%,据该公司报道其二月份在美国的销售额同比下降了53%。 www.elanso.com 9. Maxim was the biggest loser, shedding a full 35. 8 per cent of its circulation year-on-year. 《箴言》损失最为惨重,发行量较上年同期足足降低了35. www.ftchinese.com 10. These showed output 4. 9% higher than a year before, the strongest year-on-year growth since December 1994. 这些数据显示,跟去年相比,产值增长4.9%,为1994年12月以来逐年增长率之最高。 www.ecocn.org 1. These showed output 4. 9% higher than a year before, the strongest year-on-year growth since December 1994. 这些数据显示,跟去年相比,产值增长4.9%,为1994年12月以来逐年增长率之最高。 www.ecocn.org 2. Sales of the electronic components it manufactures for firms around the world were up 70% year-on-year in the first half of 2009. 2009年上半年,它为全球各大公司生产的电子产品零部件的销售额与去年同期相比增长了70%。 www.bing.com 3. Doll points out that since 1960 everytime year-on-year growth has fallen under 2 percent the U. S. economy has gone into recession. 他指出,自1960年以来每当美国经济年成长率降至2%以下,经济就已经步入衰退。 cn.reuters.com 4. The US sustained a year-on-year contraction of 3. 9 per cent in GDP in the year to June 2009. 美国经济产出在二季度同比持续下滑,GDP降幅为3. www.ftchinese.com 5. Indeed, America has the weakest year-on-year growth rate of the 42 economies listed in the weekly indicators of The Economist. 事实上,美国是《经济学人》每周指南上列出的42个经济体中年度增长率最低的国家。 club.topsage.com 6. Spending is looking less bad, as year-on-year comparisons improve, but retail sales growth remains negative. 随着同比数据好转,支出情况已显得不那么糟糕,但零售增长仍为负值。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Fourth-quarter economic growth of 4 per cent, year-on-year, was the strongest since 2000 and well above expectations. 第四季度同比经济增长率达4%,是2000以来最强劲的水平,且大大高于预期。 www.tianyablog.com 8. We cannot go on, year after year, simply pretending to do something to help the situation in the Middle East. 我们再不能对中东进程简单作点模样、年复一年地走下去了。 news.sina.com.cn 9. Analysis IV: leather garment exports during the first half of the amount of 650 million U. S. dollars, year-on-year decrease of 25%. 分析四:期间650亿美元,今年上半年金额皮革服装的出口上的25%,同比下降。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Demand for oil in July fell five per cent from the previous month, and is up just two per cent year on year, according to Deutsche Bank. 根据德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的数据,7月份中国原油需求环比下降5%,同比仅增长2%。这是自去年1月份以来最低的增长率。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Chinese consumer prices grew 3. 4 per cent year on year in May, the fastest pace in more than two years, as pork prices soared. 由于猪肉价格飙升,中国5月份消费价格指数同比上涨3.4%,为两年多来的最大增幅。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In year-on-year terms, Thailand's second-quarter economic data continue to paint a fairly depressing picture. 今年同比去年,泰国的第二季度经济数据持续呈现明显的低迷状态。 www.ecocn.org 3. The perception of Goldman's management and Wall Street analysts will be that Goldman was "tough but fair" on year-end bonuses. 高盛管理层和华尔街分析师的观点是,高盛在年终奖金的问题上“严格又公道”。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Although China stage a relatively low breast cancer incidence area, the incidence is rising year on year. 我国虽属乳腺癌相对低发区,但发病率正逐年上升,在某些大城市已升至女性恶性肿瘤的首位。 www.fabiao.net 5. With producer price inflation at 10% year on year in July and still rising, companies may increasingly seek to pass on costs to customers. 7月生产物价与去年同期相比通胀为10%,且仍在上升,公司可能会将成本越来越多地转移给客户。 www.bing.com 6. Overall capacity is expected to be flat year on year. 总体库存水平预计与去年同期持平。 www.bing.com 7. China's policymakers are well aware that year-on-year comparisons will flatter current growth rates. 中国的决策者充分认识到同比数据会美化当前的增长速度。 c.wsj.com 8. The quarter-on-quarter calculation can also show the peaks and troughs in growth appearing at different points from the year-on-year data. 按两种方法计算的经济增长高峰和底谷也有可能出现在不同时期。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The rate of year-on-year price increases for new urban residential builds has been falling since April, when it hit 15. 4 per cent. 城市新建住宅销售价格同比涨幅自4月份触及15.4%的水平以来,一直在下降。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Producer price of annual industrial product relatively on year rise 3 % , raw material, fuel, motivation purchases the value. . . 全年工业品出厂价格较上年上涨3%,原材料、燃料、动力购进价格… zhaiyao.ckzl.net 1. GDP growth on-year is lower than expected but nonetheless still above 9%, and (on-quarter growth) is still very strong at 2. 3%. GDP同比增长率低于预期,但仍旧高于9%,而环比增速仍然非常强劲,达到2. www.bing.com 2. The province's two major cities--Haikou and Sanya--witnessed a ridiculous 50% year-on-year price rise February for buildings sold. 该省的两个主要城市海口和三亚2月份售出楼盘价格同比上涨高达几近荒谬的50%。 c.wsj.com 3. Globally, hotel prices rose 15 per cent year-on-year, reflecting the increasing demand for hotel rooms against a backdrop of undersupply. 全球酒店价格较上年同期上涨15%,这反映出在酒店客房供应不足的情况下,市场需求正不断扩大。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This was in spite of companies benefiting from a fifth consecutive year-on-year rise in export prices for textiles. 尽管这些企业从纺织品出口价格连续第五年同比上升中获益。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Overall, fixed asset investment in everything from power grids to residential property increased by 34% year-on-year. 总体而言,包括从电网到住宅物业的固定资产投资比去年同期增加了34%。 www.bing.com 6. "More importantly, China has greater potential. It will maintain double-digit year-on-year growth for a long time. " 更为重要的是,中国有更大的潜力.它将长时间持续两位数的增长速度。 www.bing.com 7. The "market cleanliness" figures revealed sharp year-on-year changes in the number of likely insider trading cases between 2000 and 2005. 这一“市场清洁度”数据显示,2000至2005年间,可能属于内幕交易案例的数字有明显的年度变化。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Headline inflation plunged to 3. 7% on a year-on-year basis from 4. 9% a month ago. 通货紧缩下跌至3.7%,上个月的指数是4. www.ecocn.org 9. Government housing price figures have shown record year-on-year rises over the past two months. 政府房地产价格数据过去两个月的同比涨幅达到创纪录水平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At Citi, securities and banking revenues were up by a half versus last quarter, but were down 19 per cent year-on-year. 在花旗,证券和银行业务收入较上季度增长了一半,但较去年同期却下降了19%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Year-on-year house-price inflation peaked in April at 12. 8%, but has since moderated a bit. 同去年同期相比,中国4月份房价膨胀上涨了12.8%,目前缓和了一点。 www.bing.com 2. Meanwhile, commerce department numbers for July show no improvement; year-on-year orders are still off an astonishing 23 per cent. 与此同时,美国商务部7月份的数据未见任何改善;订单数量较去年同期减少23%,这一数字令人吃惊。 www.ftchinese.com 3. With the progress of the mining operation in Lanjian Iron Ore year on year the effect of blasting vibration on safety of adit is increasing. 随着兰尖铁矿采场水平逐年下降,爆破震动对平硐的安全影响日益突出。 www.dictall.com 4. The bank reported an 82% drop in profits, year-on-year, to $613m. Revenue also fell by 36% to $8. 8 billion. 这家投资银行披露:与去年同期相比利润下滑了82%,降至6.13亿美元,销售额也下降了36%至880亿美元。 putclub.com 5. Revenue collected from new contractsreached VND3 trillion ($158 million), a year-on-year increase of 38. 4per cent. 新单保费收入达到3兆越南盾(158百万美元),年增长率为38. www.bing.com 6. The world's fourth-largest global tobacco group by revenue said first-half tobacco sales are expected to increase around 2% year-on-year. 按收入排世界第四位的英美烟草烟草公司说,上半年的烟草销售预计同比增长约2%。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. if you units and the Internet connection, you can choose "the year-on-year package" approach. 如果您单位与Internet连接,可以选择“按年包库”的方式。 hi.baidu.com 8. Automobiles and furniture remained the most popular consumption choices, respectively securing 40% and 38% year-on-year growth rate. 汽车和家具继续成为消费热点,同比分别增长40%和38%。 www.putclub.com 9. Container volumes from the river's ports to Shanghai, China's busiest container port, are currently growing 35 per cent year on year. 从长江沿岸港口向中国最繁忙集装箱港口——上海港的集装箱送输量,正以每年35%的速度增长。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Year-on-year industrial production and retail sales were both up by nearly a fifth in December. 12月份,工业增加值和零售总额均同比增长近五分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But to date, the year-on-year increases have been modest. 但迄今为止,年度同比涨幅一直较为温和。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The condition of Taiwan reapplying year on year however suggests that Beijing could revert to blocking Taiwan's participation in the future. 台湾每年必须申请的条件表示北京可在未来阻挡台湾参与。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Attention starts to shift from year-on-year price changes to month-on-month comparisons. 市场注意力开始从年度价格变化,转移至月度价格变化。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The average number of derivative and stock option contracts also surged by 106 per cent and 259 per cent respectively year-on-year. 此外,衍生品和股票期权合约平均每日成交张数也分别较上年同期劲升106%和259%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Japan has been mired in deflation for a decade, and prices are falling by 2% year on year. 日本在近十年里饱受通货紧缩所困,物价水平每年以2%的速度下跌。 www.ecocn.org 6. This would be the biggest year-on-year fall for more than 60 years. 这可能是逾60年来最大幅度的同比下降。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The data show that complaints about sales service witnessed a sharp rise year-on-year. 此外,数据显示,销售服务投诉明显增多。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Official data suggest that, in the first six months, aggregate profits for the top 100 companies fell 11 per cent year on year. 官方数据显示,今年上半年,前100家大公司的总利润同比下降了11%。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Among large consuming countries, China alone showed steel demand growth in the first quarter, increasing by 7 percent year-on-year. 在大型消费国中,中国一枝独秀,今年第一季的钢材需求较上年同期增长了7%。 cn.reuters.com 10. Such strategies take top management's eye off of improving same store sales year-on-year. 高层主要关注这些策略,而忽略了对年年相同的营销方式的改进。 www.bing.com 1. The company aggregately sold 225, 000 sedans, SUVs, and pickups in 2009, with a 77% surge year on year. 该公司去年出售可的松225,000轿车,越野车,并以每年77%激增到2009年皮卡。 bbs.fblife.com 2. For China, there's been lots of debate recently over what quarter-on-quarter change is implied by the 6. 8% year-on-year growth rate. 对中国而言,6.8%的年增幅对应的季度增幅应该是多少最近存在很多争议。 www.bing.com 3. BYD saw sales rise just 3. 2% on year and the company looks like it will struggle to meet its annual target of 800, 000 vehicle sales. 比亚迪销量同比仅增长了3.2%,看起来该公司将难以实现今年80万辆的销售目标。 www.qeto.com 4. LinkedIn does not disclose its financial figures but says it is profitable, with revenues up "well over 100 per cent" year-on-year in 2008. LinkedIn没有披露财务数据,但表示自己处于盈利状态,2008年收入同比增幅“远高于100%”。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The gyrations in commodity prices skew year-on-year inflation numbers. 大宗商品价格起伏不定,扭曲了同比通胀数据。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Treasury estimated that the economy would have contracted by 1. 3 per cent year-on-year without the stimulus programme. 澳大利亚财政部估计,如果不实施刺激计划,澳大利亚经济本来会同比收缩1. www.ftchinese.com 7. In the first three quarters of the year, the year-on-year growth of purchasing prices for raw materials, fuels and power was 9. 8 percent. 前三季度,原材料、燃料、动力购进价格同比上涨9. www.hjenglish.com 8. The cost of renting commercial property also declined sharply in 2009, falling by 18 per cent year on year. 商业用房的租赁成本也在2009年急剧下降。同比下降18%。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. In November, China recorded its first year-on-year export decline in seven years. 11月中国创造了7年来首个年出口同比下滑的历史纪录。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Then plan for a long-term alliance you can build on year after year. 这样,你们就可以订立长期的合作计划。 www.bing.com 1. Swiss watch exports to mainland China rose 46% year on year in May, according to the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry. 据瑞士钟表业联合会(FederationoftheSwissWatchIndustry)统计,今年5月份,瑞士对中国内地的手表出口同比增长了46%。 c.wsj.com 2. Data released Tuesday showed that exports in July fell 23 percent year-on-year, the ninth straight month of decline. 周二发布的数据显示,七月份出口同比下降23%,这已经是连续第九个月下跌。 www.bing.com 3. Despite top marks in dependability and satisfaction surveys, Lexus has conceded its number one spot to BMW based on year-to-date sales. 尽管最高的可靠性和满意度调查,雷克萨斯已经承认其排名第一的基础上向宝马今年迄今为止的销售。 usa.315che.com 4. However, when comparing year-on-year figures, port throughput contracted by 13. 4%, compared to a 10% YoY drop in March. 然而,与去年同期相比,4月港口吞吐量收缩了13.4%,而3月同比降幅为10%。 www.bing.com 5. China's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) grew 11. 4 percent year-on- year with the risks of spiraling inflation and economic overheating rising. 中国的GDP(国内生产总值)年增长11.4%,由于通货膨胀的恶性循环和经济过热增长的风险。 4155990133210283.ourtra.com 6. At present, A company has appear the shop-on-year decline in performance, open a new store. 目前,A公司已经出现老店同比业绩下降、开不出新店的现象。 www.bing.com 7. China has built a relief materials reserve network based on special storehouses, which has seen year-on-year improvements. 已经建立以物资储备仓库为依托的救灾物资储备网络,国家应急物资储备体系逐步完善。 nwgstudio.spaces.live.com 8. End-of-June prices for pork, China's favorite meat, are up 67% year on year. 作为中国最受欢迎肉类的猪肉,6月底价格较去年同期上涨67%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Independent analysts suggested the policy had caused a drop in executions of as much as 30% year-on-year. 独立分析人士认为,这项政策将逐年减少高达30%的死刑判决。 blog.163.com 10. Figures in brackets denote year-on-year percentage changes. 括弧内数字表示按年变动百分率。 www.showxiu.com 1. The consumer price index, a key gauge of inflation, rose 6. 5 percent year-on-year in July to a three-year record. 消费者价格指数,这个衡量通货膨胀的主要标准,在六月时比去年同期上涨了6.5%,为三年来最高。 www.ecocn.org 2. Both GM and Ford were also able to post year-on-year increases in sales in October, of 4. 7% and 3. 3% respectively. GM和Ford10月份都将实现年度的同比增长,增长率分别为4.7%和3. www.ecocn.org 3. To reflect changes in inflation as an indicator, the quarter GDP deflator fell by 1. 6 percent year-on-year. 作为反映通货膨胀变化情况的一个指标,当季的GDP平减指数同比下降了1. www.showxiu.com 4. China's exports and imports grew substantially in January year on year. 中国的出口跟进口在一月份大体上发展了,一年比一年好 bbs.ebigear.com 5. Stripping out inflation, Royal Bank of Scotland reckons the 18 per cent year-on-year increase in retail sales is a mere 10 per cent. 苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)估计,如果不计通胀因素,中国零售销售额同比增长18%的增幅其实只有10%而已。 www.ftchinese.com 6. That year-on-year increase in consumer prices was slightly outside the central bank's comfort zone. 一年一年在消费者价格的增长些微地超出中央银行的适度范围。 www.aitrans.net 7. Las Vegas Sands' year-on-year revenue at its older resort fell in the fourth quarter. 拉斯维加斯金沙集团旗下建成较早的度假村去年第四季度收入较上年同期有所下降。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Overall, it is possible that China may record an increase in its year-on-year trade value in 2010, reversing last year's declines. 总的来说,2010年,中国贸易额有望实现同比增长,从而扭转去年的跌势。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Growth accelerated to 11. 1 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter, above expectations and almost its fastest rate in a decade. 今年第一季度,中国经济较上年增长11.1%,这个数字不仅超出了人们预期,而且几乎是十年来的最快速度。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The carmakers' trade association reports that sales tumbled by 68% year-on-year in January. 而汽车制造商同业公会则公布1月份汽车销量同比下降68%。 www.ecocn.org 1. In October alone, garment exports fell 15 per cent year-on-year, compared to an 11 per cent increase in high-tech exports. 仅在10月一个月,服装出口同比就下降15%,而高技术产品出口同比上升了11%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The rise in commodity prices pushed up the corporate goods price index 3. 4 per cent year-on-year in July, according to Bank of Japan data. 日本央行(BankofJapan)的数据显示,大宗商品价格的上涨,推动日本7月份企业商品价格指数较上年同期上升3. www.ftchinese.com 3. Even where prices are still falling year on year, markets are healing. 即使有些地方房价同比仍呈下降趋势,市场也正处恢复期。 www.ecocn.org 4. The British lender saw net profit double to $6. 7 billion year-on-year. 这一英国贷方可见的净利润较上年同期翻倍,达67亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 5. Taiwanese exports to China, its biggest trading partner, rose 45 per cent year-on-year in the fourth quarter. 台湾对其最大贸易伙伴中国大陆的出口在去年第四季度同比增长45%。 glx.ujn.edu.cn 6. Take the May Day holiday for instance, passenger volume has increased by 50 percent year on year. 就拿五一假期为例吧,客流量以每年50%的速度增长。 www.hxen.com 7. In the first three quarters of this year, the producer prices for manufactured goods went up by 5. 5 percent year-on-year. 前三季度,工业品出厂价格同比上涨5. www.hjenglish.com 8. Since reform and opening up, China's Gini coefficient rose year-on-year. 改革开放以来,我国的基尼系数逐年攀升。 cn.qikan.com 9. Wage inflation is nearly double overall inflation levels, running at about 28 per cent year on year. 工资上涨幅度几乎是整体通胀水平的两倍,年涨幅在28%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Stripping out export price inflation brings Korean year-on-year growth down to only 10 per cent or so. 剔除出口价格通胀的因素,韩国出口同比增幅仅为10%左右。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Year on year, the yuan has gained approximately 15 percent against the euro. 近年来,人民币对欧元汇率已经上升了15%。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Trade data on Friday showed exports and imports falling for the 10th month, year-on-year. 上周五公布的贸易数据显示,中国进出口总额连续第十个月同比下降。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Total outstanding foreign- and local-currency lending was up by 27% year on year at end-March. 截止到三月底,未偿付的外币和本国货币贷款总额比去年同期增长了27%。 www.bing.com 4. A recession is defined as two quarters of year-on-year negative growth. 而对经济衰退的定义是:GDP连续两个季度出现同比负增长。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The world's largest gambling market is on track for its first year-on-year decline since it was opened to foreign competition in 2002. 自2002年澳门赌业开放竞争以来,这个全球最大赌博市场的年度收入可能首次下滑。 www.tesoon.com 6. Year-on-year growth rates conceal this bounce; to spot the turning-point, look at quarterly changes. 比去年同期增长率掩盖了这一反弹事实,为了体现这一转折点,我们来看看各季度变动。 www.ecocn.org 7. Indeed, June's year-on-year CPI rose to a new high of 6. 4 percent, about what most economists anticipated. 正如大多数经济学家所料,六月份的消费者物价指数(CPI)同比上涨6. dongxi.net 8. Compared with the same period year-on-year, Microsoft data up 10% this year, and output value to $250 billion. 和去年同期数据相比,微软公司今年的产值上升了10%,达250亿美元。 www.worlduc.com 9. The CPI, main indicator of inflationary pressures, was 2. 8 per cent up year-on-year in the first quarter of this year. 今年第一季,通胀压力的主要指标消费物价指数(CPI)年率上升2. finance.sina.com.cn 10. WHEN we last looked at global house prices, only six of the countries we surveyed had recorded year-on-year declines. 当最近一次我们注目全球房屋价格时,在我们观察的国家里只有6个记录显示年度衰退。 www.bing.com 1. Another hedge against the dollar is to buy hard assets. China has done this. Copper imports last month were up 173 per cent, year on year. 另一个对冲美元风险的做法是购买硬资产。中国已经在这么做了。上个月中国的铜进口量同比增长了173%。 www.bing.com 2. Huaxia Bank, partly owned by Deutsche Bank, estimates that its net profit rose 90 per cent year-on-year in the first half. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)持有部分股权的华夏银行(HuaxiaBank)估计,上半年净利润同比增长了90%; www.ftchinese.com 3. Operating profit last fiscal year, much of which coincided with the credit crisis, rose 15 per cent year-on-year to A$8. 2bn. 麦格理上一财年的运营利润同比增长15%,达到82亿澳元。而上一财年的多数时间恰好与信贷危机重合。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The most recent trade figures show exports up by 18%, year on year, and imports up by a staggering 56%. 最新的贸易数据显示出口年同比增长18%,而进口则增长了令人震惊的56%。 www.bing.com 5. Ben's average selling price has almost tripled. Sales are up more than 50% year-on-year. 他的工厂生产的产品平均售价涨了近两倍,销售较上年增长逾50%。 c.wsj.com 6. China's foreign exchange reserves rose by a faster-than-expected 30. 3 percent year-on-year by the end of June to reach US$3. 2 trillion. 中国的外汇储备每年以30.3%的超预期速度增长,截止到6月底,已达32000亿美元。 www.bing.com 7. But that now looks wildly optimistic, after a 5. 8% year-on-year decline in the first quarter, and an even worse April and May. 但是现在看起来,这太乐观了,因为仅第一季度就环比下降了5.8%,而且4月份和5月份的表现更加糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 8. At 5. 3%, Gold is a smooth refreshing cider which has already proved popular in the on trade with sales doubling year on year. 3%,黄金是一个令人耳目一新的顺利苹果酒已经被证明能够流行,与逐年倍增的销售贸易。 www.a1pak.net.cn 9. The year-on-year rate of increase in imports grew sharply from 22. 7 per cent in July. 较7月22.7%的进口同比增长率,8月进口猛然增速。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Total Chinese light vehicle sales in July were up a remarkable 60 per cent year-on-year at 1. 03m vehicles, the JD Power figures show. JDPower的数字显示,今年7月中国轻型车销售总量同比大幅增长了60%,至103万辆。 www.ftchinese.com 1. First-quarter shipments from Rio Tinto's Western Australian iron ore mines totaled 39 million tonnes, down 9 percent year-on-year. 力拓西澳大利亚铁矿石矿山第一季出货量总计3,900万吨,同比下降9%。 cn.reuters.com 2. Exports plunged 25. 7 percent year on year in February, one of the sharpest falls ever, while imports dived 24. 1 percent. 出口比去年2月同期下跌25.7%,是有史以来最大跌幅之一,同时,进口也下跌了24。 www.ebigear.com 3. The producer price index (PPI), a major measure of inflation at the wholesale level, fell 7. 2 percent in May year on year. 生产者物价指数(PPI),从批发销售方面衡量通货膨胀的主要措施,五月月环比下降7. ourtra.netat.net 4. Toyota's sales rose 7. 7% on year in June, a much slower rate than its overall 27% on-year sales rise so far in 2010. 6月份,丰田汽车公司(Toyota)销量同比增长7.7%,较今年以来该公司27%的同比增速低了很多。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Phoenix TV: According to MOFCOM statistics, China's investment in the U. S. soared by 81. 4% year on year. 在商务部提供的资料当中,其中中国对美国的投资同比增长了81.4%,这个数字增长的幅度比较大。 www.kouyi.org 6. Maersk Line suffered a 12 per cent year-on-year fall in first-half rates between Asia and Europe, despite a traffic increase of 9 per cent. 今年上半年,尽管马士基欧亚航线的业务量同比增长了9%,但运费费率反而惨跌12%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Operating costs were down 9% year on year on a constant currency basis. 按不变利率计算,经营成本同比下降9%。 www.bing.com 8. In January 2009, bilateral trade value dropped 21. 6% year on year. The gravity and speed of the decline are unprecedented indeed. 双边贸易也受到负面影响,今年1月,中英双边贸易额同比下降21.6%,下降幅度之大、速度之快是罕见的。 www.hjenglish.com 9. On Friday China said that its absolute trade surplus in April was flat year-on-year. 中国上周五表示,其4月份绝对贸易顺差与去年同期持平。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Over the course of 2009 as a whole, gross domestic product fell 4. 8 per cent, the biggest year-on-year fall since 1949. 2009年全年而言,英国国内生产总值(GDP)下降了4.8%,创1949年以来最大年度降幅。 www.ftchinese.com 1. China's gross domestic product data for the third quarter is due Tuesday. It will probably show solid year-on-year growth at about 9%. 中国第三季度GDP数据将于周二发布,其同比增速可能在9%左右,仍然强劲。 cn.wsj.com 2. The drop in house prices, revealed in figures published yesterday, followed an 18. 2 per cent year-on-year decline in the prior month. 24日公布的数据显示,房价继去年11月份同比下跌18.2%后继续走低。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Exclude financials, and year-on-year earnings growth falls below 21%. 不包括金融股在内,企业较上年同期获利增幅跌至不到21%。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A leading bank forecast last Friday that China's consumer price index ( CPI ) hit a new high in February, rising 8. 3 percent year-on-year. 一家主要银行上周五预测,二月中国的消费者物价指数又创新高,同比增长达到8. dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But exports confounded expectations by accelerating in July, rising 34 per cent year-on-year compared with 27 per cent in June. 但是,中国的出口挫败了预期,在7月份加速增长,较上年同期的增幅达到34%,高于6月份的27%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Retail sales increased by 14. 8% year on year in April, maintaining the recent trend of impressive expansion. 四月的零售额比去年同期增加了14.8%,维持了近来令人印象深刻的增长趋势。 www.bing.com 7. The average cost that advertisers paid Google per click increased 5% on year and 4% from the prior quarter. 广告客户支付给谷歌的平均每次点击费用同比增长5%,环比增长4%。 c.wsj.com 8. China's consumer price index rose 0. 6 percent year on year in November. This brings an end to nine consecutive months' of decline. 在去年11月,中国消费物价指数同比增长0.6%,止住了连续9个月的下跌势头。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Never before have net book sales gone down, year-on-year, in any single month. 从前上网本没有一个单月是同比负增长的。 dongxi.net 10. EA's high-octane take on the sport continues to improve year on year. EA公司针对这项运动推出的新品每年都在进步。 www.bing.com 1. Their number has increased by 17-28 per cent over the previous six quarters alone, year-on-year, according to government statistics. 根据政府数据,单单在前6个季度,香港零售总额的同比增幅在17%至28%之间。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Russia's gross domestic product contracted by 8. 8 per cent year-on-year in January, Russia's economy minister said yesterday. 俄罗斯经济部长昨日宣布,该国1月份国内生产总值(GDP)同比下降8. www.ftchinese.com 3. Paper-making and printing companies' net profit rose most, up 500 percent year on year. 第一季度,造纸印刷业的净利润增长最快,同比增长幅度高达500%; adult.chinese.cn 4. A growing trade surplus also masked strong growth in imports in July, up 27 per cent year on year. 不断扩大的贸易顺差也掩盖了7月份进口的强劲增长——较上年同期增长27%。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Year on year, all nations are showing a contraction in GDP, with Japan seeing the sharpest drop in output totalling 6. 5 per cent. 与去年同期相比,上述所有国家GDP均出现下滑,日本的降幅最大,达到6. www.ftchinese.com 6. Iron-ore prices are still up nearly 85 per cent year on year on the back of strong demand from China. 在中国强劲需求的支撑下,铁矿石价格的同比涨幅仍接近85%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. China's consumer-price data for February showed its first year-on-year decline since 2002. 国2月份的消费者价格指数(CPI)较上年同期下降1.6%,为2002年以来首度同比下滑。 www.bing.com 8. Advertising by financial services firms in the USA is down around 40% year-on-year. 按年度计算的话,如今美国金融服务公司在广告上的开支减少了40%。 www.tencentmind.com 9. Prices of production materials fell 8. 8 percent in May year on year, the NBS said in a statement. 国统局在一次声明中称,生产资料价格在五月年环比下降8. caseycasey.ourtra.com 10. Electricity generation is down year on year. 与去年同期相比,中国今年的发电量有所下降。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This trend is echoed in Thailand, where January's exports to China grew 94 per cent year-on-year. 这种趋势在泰国得到呼应——泰国在1月份对中国出口同比增长94%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Sales of new houses were down 32% year-on-year and down 80% from July 2005. 新住房销售同比下降了32%,与2005年7月相比,下降了80%。 www.bing.com 3. The sharp drop in interest rates caused ICBC to suffer a 76 basis-point fall in its net interest margin, year on year, to 2. 25 per cent. 利率的大幅下降,导致工行净利差减少76个基点,缩减至2. www.ftchinese.com 4. Still, overall retail sales fell for the 13th straight month in September, with a 1. 4% year-on-year drop, the government said Wednesday. 日本政府周三说,9月份整体零售额同比下滑1.4%,连续第13个月出现下降。 www.voa365.com 5. ArcelorMittal forecasts global steel demand to rise 6% year-on-year in 2011, compared with an expected 10% rise in 2010. 安赛乐米塔尔预测2011年全球钢铁需求年同比增长6%,低于2010年10%的预期增幅。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Overall consumer prices rose 2. 9 percent year-on-year after increasing by the same margin in January. 除开1月份相同以外,整体居民消费价格与上年同期相比增长了2. www.bing.com 7. The consumer price index dropped 1. 6% year-on-year, the National Statistics Bureau reported today. 国家统计局今天报道较上一年居民消费价格指数下降了1. www.bing.com 8. Data yesterday showed Ford reporting a 30 per cent year-on-year slide in November sales and Toyota a drop of nearly 34 per cent. 昨日有数据显示,福特11月份销售额同比下滑30%,而丰田(Toyota)销售额下降近34%。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Electrical items were 2. 6 per cent down year-on-year as retailers dropped prices to attract cash-strapped consumers. 而电子产品逐年递减2.6%,原因是零售商降低价格已吸引手头拮据的消费者。 www.bing.com 10. Figures from the IPEA, a government-managed institution, show that industrial stocks fell by 80 percent year-on-year in the third quarter. 应用经济研究所是巴政府下属的机构,该研究所的数字显示,第三季度的工业股票同比负增长80%。 www.fane.cn 1. The Apapa terminal is currently experiencing 30 per cent year-on-year growth. 目前,阿帕帕码头的同比增幅为30%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Poor weather contributed to a 10. 7% on-year rise in grain prices in April. 恶劣的天气使得4月份粮食价格年比上涨10. chinese.wsj.com 3. Spanish core CPI, which excludes unprocessed food and energy products, fell by 0. 1% year on year in April. 4月份西班牙剔除未加工食品及能源产品的核心CPI年比下滑0. c.wsj.com 4. And NOL's container terminals business reported a 40% year-on-year increase in revenue during Q1, to $157 million. NOL集装箱码头业务的报告中,宣布了第一季度40%的年比增长,收入达到1.57亿美元。 www.bing.com 5. Over the same period, sales of tape products contracted 1. 7% year-on-year. 在同一时期,磁带产品销售额同比下降1. smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 6. The seven biggest mainland banks have just posted a 16% year-on-year increase in pre-tax profits between them for the first quarter. 中国大陆最大的七家银行今年第一季度税前利润比上一年同期增长了16%。 www.bing.com 7. And money-supply growth next year is targeted at 17%, up from a November rate of 14. 8%, year on year. 2009年的货币供应量增加率被锁定在17%,同比2008年11月14.8%的增幅有较大增长。 www.bing.com 8. Both Japanese and Chinese exports are down more than 20 per cent year-on-year. 日本和中国的出口同比降幅都在20%以上。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the first three quarters of this year, the consumer prices went up by 2. 9 percent year-on-year. 前三季度,居民消费价格同比上涨2. www.24en.com 10. Consequently, Acer's fourth-quarter revenues fell 11 per cent year-on-year. 结果,宏碁四季度收入同比下降了11%。 www.ftchinese.com |
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