单词 | on the tape | ||
释义 | on the tape
例句释义: 行情显示 1. There is no indication on the tape of who said the word. 没有迹象表明是谁说了这个词。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Each of these segments contains several tracks that run parallel to one another lengthwise on the tape. 每个部分包含几个轨道平行运行的一个纵向的磁带。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Transcriber's note: Indeed, the howling of the wind came through on the tape. Creepy! blog.sina.com.cn 4. The glue on the tape is a wonderful adhesive agent and will bond well to anything from a piece of crystal to the handle of a broom. 这种带子的粘胶是一种极好的粘合剂,它能牢固地粘接到任何东西上,不论是一块水晶还是一个扫帚把。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The amount of cash turned in and the amount recorded on the tape should be in agreement, if not , any differences should be accounted for. 汇总的现金数量应当是与带子上的记载是一致的。如果不是,那么肯定是差帐了。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 6. Then, you finish by recording yourself and comparing what you hear on the tape to what you hear in the movies or on the radio. 然后录下你自己讲的话并和你在电影和电台中听到的内容对比。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The question you're waiting to hear on the tape could be about anything. 你准备听到的可能是任何东西。 www.kekenet.com 8. I told my broker on the floor to take the other side of the trade and listened as he slapped it on the tape. 我告诉自己的场内经纪人,让他安排做市交易,并听着他敲击键盘输入指令的声音。 xiaozu.renren.com 9. Mr Knight wasn't in the store at the time of the robbery, but he watched Paco's courageous attack on the tape. 劫案发生时奈特先生并没有在现场,但他通过录像带看到了帕托的英勇攻击。 dongxi.net 10. At the age of 25 he was driving in his car and listening to an audio book on the tape deck. 25岁时,有一天,柯林斯一边开着车,一边用录音机收听有声读物。 app.fortunechina.com 1. Try to pronounce everything just like the speaker on the tape. 尽力像录音带上说话的人一样发音。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The tape is then reeled in and the highest mark on the tape wet by the oil is read and recorded as the height of the oil in the tank. 然后,将尺卷起,读出并记录量油尺上被油润湿的最高处,即为罐内油的高度。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. On the tape, one woman described the lovely flowers she was supposedly looking at. 录像带上,一位女性在描述她应该在看的美丽鲜花。 www.bing.com 4. Ask small groups or individual students to repeat each question and affirmative tag answer on the tape. Drill all the vocabulary thoroughly. 让小组或单个学生重复录音上的每个问题,并作出肯定的简短回答;彻底练习所有词汇。 5. However, al Qaeda experts in the region say that the voice on the tape sounds similar to other tapes aired from Mr. bin Laden. 但中东地区研究基地组织的专家们说,这盘录音带中讲话人的声音与本?拉登在其他录音带中的声音相似。 c.wsj.com 6. Without erasing any old headers or data, a new formatting scheme can be established by writing new segment-headers on the tape. 不需擦除任何旧的标题或数据通过将新的段标题写到磁带上就可以建立一个新的格式化方案。 www.dianzi518.com 7. Try to pronounce everything just like the eaker on the tape. 尽力像录音带上说网游视频话的人一样发音。 www.51yue.net 8. Listen carefully and complete the following chart according to what you hear on the tape. 根据所听的对话内容完成表格。 www.chinaedu.com 9. An inch long piece of aluminum glued on the tape signalling the tape drive to begin a valid tape. 粘结在磁带上的一英寸长的铝片,用来指示磁带已驱动到有效部分的始端。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. When you press "Record, " all sounds are stored on the tape until you press "Stop. " Recording a macro is a virtually identical process. 当按下“录音”键,所有声音都存储在磁带上,直到按下“停止”键。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. encrypted within a digital tape, but the library's existence on the tape would be invisible even to powerful computers. 这些数据不仅能够非常安全地被加密在数字带中,而且,甚至连强大的计算机都察觉不到这个数据库的存在。 dict.kekenet.com 2. I wonder if that wind blowing through the chimney will come through on the tape? That would sound creepy, wouldn't it? 我想知道烟囱吹出的风是否会在最后存活下来?听起来很毛骨悚然,是吗? blog.sina.com.cn 3. The binder on the tape is of good quality and it will stick to most surfaces. 这种带子上的粘合剂质量很好,能够粘着在大多数物体的表面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. to what you hear on the tape. 你一定要注意你听到的录音。 www.ebigear.com 5. Even if you are extremely careful when shooting, you usually end up with a lot of "junk" on the tape. 即使拍摄时非常小心,录相带中还是可能出现大量“垃圾”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Exchange ensures that all logs needed for replay into the backed up databases will be present on the tape. Exchange确保所有重播备份数据库所需的日志将出现在磁带上。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Listen and choose the best response to the sentence you hear on the tape. 根据你所听到的句子,选择最恰当的应答句。 edu.qd.sd.cn 8. The compressibility of the real data in the database depends both on the data itself and on the tape drives used. 数据库内实数据的可压缩性取决于数据本身和所使用的磁带机。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Specifies that after the RESTORE operation the tape will remain loaded on the tape drive. 指定在RESTORE操作之后磁带将继续加载在磁带机中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. This ensures that the volumes are put back-to-back on the tape. 这样确保各个卷在磁带上一个接一个地排列。 www.ibm.com 1. Just get a recording and repeat the words on the tape, and memorize what they mean. 你可以找个录音机,重复地录入并记住它们的意思。 www.bing.com 2. Listen to the radio, or listen to the recording on the tape. And then read after it. 听一听收音机,也可以听录音带,并且要跟读。 www.bing.com 3. Now, I've looked ahead on the tape, and he does find him again. 现在,我已经先看过了他后来有找到他 www.bing.com 4. II. Listen and choose the responses to the sentence you hear on the tape. 根据你所听到的句子,选出最恰当的应答句。 www.sh-llzx.com 5. Otherwise the music or sounds on the tape just drown out the chatter in your mind. 那些声音和音乐只是把脑中的思绪淹没了。 www.bing.com 6. He says on the tape: 'No one sits around, everyone assists each other. ' 他在录音中说:“不要有人坐在一边,所有人要互相协助。” kk.dongxi.net 7. A typical problem is caused by the ragged edges of the holes, or by dirt on the tape. 一个常见的问题是由孔的边缘不整齐或者纸带不干净所引起的。 www.bing.com 8. The second tensities system of control theory relies on the tape, and the linear speed of the feed roller, implemented by friction. 二次张力系统的控制原理是依靠纸带的速度与送纸辊的线速度之差,通过摩擦实现的。 www.bing.com 9. I erased the music on the tape ago recording on the tape first lot time. 我在往磁带上录音之前先消掉了上面的music。 www.ffenglish.com 10. The single instance on the tape makes that very hard. 磁带的这种单实例特性使之非常难以实现。 www.microsoft.com 1. This is the full version as it appeared on the tape. . . nothing has been edited out. 这是一个完整的版本,因为它出现在磁带上…没有被编辑。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. I erottomd the music on the tape before recording on the tape anymore. 我在往磁带上录音之前先消掉了下面的音乐。 kmf1.glwyao.com 3. Complete the map of each site based on what you hear on the tape. S1-7. 根据你在磁带上听到的内容,完成每一处遗址的地图。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You can hear the sentences on the tape. 你们可以听到磁带上的句子。 jermmy.blog.163.com 5. Gray also suggests on the tape that a good idea for men to try, when their women are upset with them, is to buy them flowers. 格雷在磁带上又给男人们提出了一个好主意,当女人跟他们生气的时候,给她们买花吧。 www.bing.com 6. Please check the seal number on the tape and the one on the Form. 请检查部分样品的密封号是否与记录单上记录的号码一致。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Don't leave your tapes on the tape deck. 不要把录音带放在音盒里。 edustar.library.nenu.edu.cn:8080 8. A device that is installed in a tape reel to permit writing on the tape. 一种器件(实为一种塑料环),将它装在磁带盘上便允许在磁带上写入数据。 tr.bab.la 9. But there's no truck on the tape. 但录像上并没有货车。 www.b2b99.com 10. No more data is on the tape. 磁带上不再有任何数据。 www.drados.com 1. Well, the thing is, it's not recorded on the tape. 噢,这问题是,它没有录在磁带上。 www.peilian365.com 2. Matthew tells his best friend Simon about the voices on the tape Is he losing his mind, is Tom alive or dead? 马修把这件事告诉了他最好的朋友西蒙。是马修神经错乱了吗?汤姆到底是生是死? www.babsoft.net 3. IV. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear on the tape 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,用 zxyy.xhedu.sh.cn 4. Adjustment of the loop length on the tape-type positive feed system 线圈长度在积极式条带给纱装置上的调整 www.ilib.cn 5. Manipulate the knobs on the tape recorder 操作磁带录音机的旋纽 www.kaoyan.com |
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