单词 | on the subject | ||||||||
释义 | on the subject
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 关于,就某话题,关于这个问题 1. Some Iranians did not conceal their hope that the Islamic Republic, whatever its public words on the subject, would end up making a bomb. 无论官方辞令如何,一些伊朗人始终期待着伊斯兰共和国最终能制造出一枚核弹。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Delegation said that it would certainly be prepared to participate in a discussion on the subject at a later stage. 该代表团说,它当然愿意在以后某个阶段参加有关这个问题的讨论。 www.wipo.int 3. Hopefully, like all children, she will continue to talk only once a week, on the subject of New Yorker cartoons. 我非常希望,像其他孩子一样,她能够在纽约客卡通主题中每周发言一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I. m sure the tutorial paper will go really well you certainly seem to have done your research on the subject. 辅导论文做得真好。你肯定在这个题目上做了研究。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. They often retrieve pages that include a mere passing mention of the search term, but do not really focus on the subject at all. 他们通常检索单纯匹配检索词的网页,而并不集中于主题内容的检索上。 www.bing.com 6. The museum said the exhibition, opening on Thursday despite condemnation from some Christians, was the first in the world on the subject. 博物馆表示,尽管从周四开始的展览遭到一些基督教徒的指责,但这是世界有关动物同性恋主题的首场展览。 www.shinewrite.com 7. While on the subject of Agile Testing, we would be remiss not to mention the Agile Testing Days Conference that just took place in Berlin. 说到敏捷测试,我们不能不提到刚刚在柏林举办的AgileTestingDays会议。 www.infoq.com 8. There's no more talk on the subject until much later when I'm with one of the group on his own. 之后并没有再谈到这个话题直到很久以后当我和当时群里的一个人单独在一起时。 www.bing.com 9. I'm smiling because whenever we touch on the subject of this book which he is going to write some day things assume an incongruous aspect. 我笑是因为每回一谈到这本他有朝一日要写的书,事情就显得有点儿滑稽了。 www.bing.com 10. One day, about a month after the inquiry, Arthur suddenly decided to speak to his father on the subject. 法院审理后大约一个月,有一天,阿瑟突然决定和父亲谈谈这个问题。 1. We had not spoken to each other on the subject; we did not read each others' drafts. 我们从未就这个问题交换过意见;也没有读过彼此的草稿。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He made one or two trifling remarks on the subject of his projected visit to the archbishop. 他就自己计划去拜望大主教这一问题说了一两句无关紧要的话。 3. "If it was to be secret, " said Jane, "say not another word on the subject. You may depend upon my seeking no further. " “假如是秘密,”吉英说,“那么,就请你再也不要说下往了。你放心,我决不会再追问你。” www.chinabaike.com 4. A high grade is supposed to prove competence in the course, but the answer he gave did not show his knowledge on the subject. 高分应该能证明(他)在这门课上的能力,可他给的答案没有显示他在这个科目上的知识。 shantiangang163.blog.163.com 5. After I gave a talk on the subject of happiness, a woman in the audience stood up and said, "I wish my husband had come. " 在我做了一场以快乐为主题的报告之后,听众中一位女士站起来说“要是我丈夫也能来听这个报告就好了。” dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mittal, who has made no secret of his desire to expand into China, expanded on the subject in a later press briefing. Mittal毫不掩饰其向中国扩张的意愿,在稍后的新闻简布会上对这一主题进一步加以发挥。 cn.reuters.com 7. As the subject of exploration, researchers, along with an in-depth thinking on the subject feel that this research and the need for urgency. 作为本课题的探讨、研究者,随着对此课题的深入思考,深切感受到进行此课题研究的必要性与紧迫性。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. It occurred to me that this little creature might have some thoughts on the subject. 顿时觉得,似乎这个小东西会令我茅塞顿开。 www.elanso.com 9. How the main content of the briefing is structured obviously depends on the subject, but a general hint is to use plenty of headings. 简报主要内容的建构很明显要依赖您的主题而定,不过这里一个一般性的提示是使用许多标题。 www.scidev.net 10. Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie or two. 关于“破晓”电影:目前还没有剧本表明电影会拍成一部还是两部。 twilight.g.ifensi.com 1. This seems to be the most up to date research on the subject since it appears in the OED online as posted in draft September 2004. 以上似乎是对相关主题的最新研究成果,因为它在2004年9月才被发布到《牛津英语词典》的在线版本上。 www.bing.com 2. There may be mistakes occasionally, but for all that, it is the best book on the subject. 该书可能偶尔有错误,但尽管如此,这书仍是论述该课题的最好的书。 yaleygj99.vip.sina.com 3. The next morning he departed, early, so I never received my jar of violet cream, and I discovered no more on the subject of Constance. 第二天早上,他离开了我们。因此我从没有收到过我的紫罗兰面霜,而且我也再没有发现过任何关于Constance的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. With that course and a bit of tinkering in my free time, I became an authority on the subject. 通过那个课程以及在业余时间的一些修炼,我成为这方面的权威。 www.bing.com 5. really , " said monte cristo , lowering his voice , " you do not appear to me to be very enthusiastic on the subject of this marriage . “说实话,”基督山说道,压低了声音,“照我看,您好象对这桩婚事并不十分热心。” www.ichacha.net 6. He is on his way to overcoming his uncertainties and has really helped me clarify my thinking for my upcoming book on the subject. 他正在努力克服那些不确定,也真的帮助我缕清我的思路来写一本关于这些经历的书。 www.bing.com 7. 'I say, ' said he, when he had satisfied her on the subject of his health, 'would you like to do me a good turn? ' “我说,”她很满意他的情况还不错,他说道,“你能帮我做件事吗?” www.douban.com 8. Finally, however, Miss Glover decided to speak with him on the subject that distressed her. 不过,格洛弗小姐终于决定和他谈谈这个搅得她心神不宁的问题。 9. The first monograph on the subject, On Acoustics, is attributed to Aristotle, although it may have been written by his followers. 关于这个问题的第一本专著《声学》,是由亚里士多德,或可能是他的追随者写的。 www.bing.com 10. The page also initiated discussions: there was one on the subject of the Auschwitz memorials and Facebook. 该网页还发起讨论:一个有关奥斯威辛纪念馆和Facebook的主题。 www.bing.com 1. To Mr. John Knightley was she indebted for her first idea on the subject, for the first start of its possibility. 她多亏了约翰·奈特利先生,才第一次想到这个问题,开始意识到这种可能性。 novel.tingroom.com 2. What he said has no much bearing on the subject. 他所说的与本题没有太大关系。 www.enfang.com 3. Whatever criticisms may be made of the Court's opinion, it is clear that Vermont Yankee represents the current law on the subject. 无论对法院的意见有什么样的批评,弗蒙特-扬基一案都代表了在此问题方面的现行法律。 www.jukuu.com 4. People who were working on the subject soon found that it was basically equivalent to the form which had been originated by Heisenberg. 在这个领域进行研究的人很快发现,这种形式与海森堡发现的形式基本等价。 www.bing.com 5. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year. 尽管如此,他也明确表态说在伊朗问题上他的耐心是有限的,而且只能持续到今年年底。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. On the same day he said it, his rival in 2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject. 就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔?戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。 www.ecocn.org 7. Don't trouble him with questions on the subject: it will disturb him, for no good. 关于这件事不要老问他使他心烦吧:那会使他不安的,没有一点好处。 www.putclub.com 8. What he said has no bearing on the subject. 他讲的话与本议题无关。 e.3edu.net 9. The mechanism of nutrient uptake by soybean roots is only part of a more general problem on the subject involving all plant species. 大豆根系对养分的吸收机制只是所有作物吸收养分的最一般问题的一部分。 10. He had an objective take on the subject showing different points of view and I'm looking forward to watch the second episode of his show. 对同志议题采取客观态度,同时也展现出不同的观点,我很期待看到第二集的节目内容。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. I do not know whether the right honorable gentleman may not yet possess some of his old prejudices on the subject. 我不知道这位可敬的议员对这个问题会不会还保留原有的一些偏见。 www.for68.com 2. Someone gave him a book, Paul Hawken's "The Ecology of Commerce" to help him prepare his first speech on the subject. 有人给了他一本保罗?霍肯的《商业生态》来帮助他准备关于这个主题的首次演讲。 club.topsage.com 3. He countered such attacks vehemently, saying such a conclusion rested on a slanted reading of what he had said on the subject. 施奈德先生对这种攻击进行了猛烈的反击,声称人们对他的这种看法是由于片面曲解了他的有关言论。 www.ecocn.org 4. I was just talking to him on the subject about three minutes before I came to this call, as he's in the factory at the moment. 在他在工厂的时候我与他关于这个问题有几分钟的谈话,这就在这次电话之前。 ferrari-china.com 5. In the vice-presidential matchup, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has refused to provide any health records or to be interviewed on the subject. 在副总统的竞选中,阿拉斯加州州长莎拉佩林拒绝提供任何健康记录,也不接受这方面采访。 www.bing.com 6. Critics have continued to complain about this use of federal money; on July 27th a judge dismissed another lawsuit on the subject. 批评人士继续抱怨联邦资金在这个领域的使用,7月27日一名法官驳回了又一起针对干细胞研究的诉讼。 www.ecocn.org 7. On the last day of every month (if I remember), I post a list of recommended reading on the subject of happiness. 每月的最后一天(如果我记得的话),我会贴出一张关于快乐主题的推荐阅读清单。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. The result was that I uncovered the text of a soon-to-be-published interview they gave Pop Photo on the subject. 结果是我揭露了他们给在主题的流行音乐照片一次很快对是出版采访的文本。 pc.beareyes.com.cn 9. While we are on the subject of greeting others, please note that you don't always have to ask people how they are doing. 虽然我们现在在讨论跟人打招呼的方式,但请记住,你不一定每次都要问别人他们怎么样。 chineseamericanaccent.com 10. Part of her meaning was to conceal some favourite thoughts of her own and Mr. Weston's on the subject, as much as possible. 韦斯顿太太说这番话的意图之一,是想尽量掩饰她和韦斯顿先生在这件事情上的某些如意想法。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Collect the relevant stages of the children growing up, supplies and clothing for use on the subject. 收集有关孩子各个阶段成长的照片、用品和服饰以供开展主题时使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. read in after piling up to pressure when xiao hai, so as not to cause a heap of spine of deformation on the subject, compression. 起脊后的书册在堆放时底下要放垫板,以免堆书后受压导致书脊变形。 www.bing.com 3. It explained that it did not mean that they underestimated what WIPO could do on the subject. 它解释说,它并不低估WIPO在这一问题上的作用。 www.wipo.int 4. An unnamed senior minister told Le Journal du Dimanche there was no comment to make on the subject . 一位不具名的高级部长告诉《星期日报》,对此事他不予置评。 www.bing.com 5. (Setser now works for the Obama administration and is no longer producing public research on the subject). 赛瑟现在为奥巴马政府工作,不再从事关于该主题的公共研究。 c.wsj.com 6. He wrote to the National Chain Store Association and secured for me a copy of a debate on the subject. 他写信给全国连锁性联营百货公司公会,替我找来不少有关这方面的辩论记录。 es.bab.la 7. Her medical qualifications gave her stature and an automatic right to be heard on the subject of prescription drugs . 她过去行医的资历使她享有一种地位,在药物方面,人们不能对她的看法充耳不闻。 www.bing.com 8. Number theory is also referred to as the higher arithmetic, as in the title of Harold Davenport's book on the subject. 一些理论也被称为高算术,因为标题中哈罗德达文波特的书的主题。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. You can sort of bond on the subject, and there's usually some pretty funny material there. 你可以对如此的话题守口如瓶,而往往这方面都有很多非常有趣的素材。 lovelyparrot.spaces.live.com 10. There has been a vast outpouring of research on the subject, which the American economist Mark Aguiar helped me untangle. 关于这个课题涌现出大量的研究,美国经济学家马克?阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)帮我理清了其中的头绪。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Heroes of History was his last word on the subject, and much of it has been aimed directly at the doubts and fears of people today. 历史的英雄是他关于这一问题的最后一句话,并有许多已经瞄准了怀疑和恐惧的人直接今日。 book.kongfz.com 2. The resources page includes some great material from authors and bloggers on the subject, but little of it comes from within the enterprise. 它的资料页面(link)囊括了其他博客和书本上有关此话题的一些优秀内容,但是这其中来自Twitter公司内部的资源很少。 www.bing.com 3. If I lecture I'll probably repeat what I've been thinking and publishing on the subject. 如果让我来讲课,很可能是重复我对这主题一直思考并且发表的内容。 www.myoops.org 4. This Contract replaces any other preceding agreement between the parties on the subject. 本合同取代双方当事人之间过去有关该事项的任何其他协议。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The Home Office is due to respond to a consultation on the subject within the next few weeks. 未来几周内,内政部将在讨论会上对这一问题做出答复。 www.ecocn.org 6. While Marx and Engels wrote on the subject of women, they did not give any specific answers to the woman question. 当马克思和恩格斯就女性问题发表作品时,他们并没有对这个问题作出任何详细或者准确的回答。 www.elanso.com 7. This class on the theory of city form contains a complete set of lecture notes, and a vast set of readings on the subject. 此城市形式理论课程包括完整的授课笔记以及大量主题阅读。 www.myoops.org 8. Sir Robert Chiltern: Don't go. I consent. The report shall be withdrawn. I will arrange for a question to be put to me on the subject. 罗伯特?奇尔顿爵士:别走。我同意。原报告会被撤回。我将安排好在该项目上我会被问到的问题。 www.joyen.net 9. Galois had been submitting papers on the subject since the age of 17. 自17岁起伽罗华就在从事这方面的研究,并写了几篇论文, blog.sina.com.cn 10. and finding himself close to Mrs. Elton, and her attention disengaged, he necessarily began on the subject with her. 后来见埃尔顿太太离得很近,而且正闲着,便跟她扯起了这件事。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Here is a link to a blog talk radio show on the subject, as well as a few other ideas and resources you may find interesting. 这是一个跟这方面有关的博客视屏链接,那还有些你也许会感兴趣的想法和资料。 www.elanso.com 2. On the subject of pragmatism and material values: Miss Universe is similar to one of those quiz shows where nobody goes home empty-handed. 在实用主义和实际价值上这个议题上,环球小姐和智力问答节目一样,没有人会空手而归。 www.bing.com 3. Among the large number of books written on the subject, this book written by Danish journalist Tor Norretranders is a standout. 在众多的关于这个话题的书中,这本由TorNorretranders写的最突出。 www.bing.com 4. First of all, through the literature on the subject to the protection of genuine ingredients and the concept of defining characteristics. 首先,通过文献法对受保护道地药材的概念及特征进行了界定。 www.fabiao.net 5. Articles and blog posts on the subject seem to be on the upswing. 关于这个话题的文章和博客帖子似乎也越来越多。 www.fortunechina.com 6. When she was young, she became interested in physics and read as many books as she could on the subject. 她年轻时就对物理很感兴趣,关尽可能多地阅读了有关物理学方面的书籍。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. It's the first interview Sculley has given on the subject of Steve Jobs since he was forced out of the company in 1993. 这是自1993年他离开苹果之后首次接受关于史蒂夫·乔布斯的采访。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Although this was years before Buddhism was peddled in supermarkets, he eagerly studied Zen, gave reading lists on the subject to his dates. 尽管那时候佛教并不流行,但他很热切地学习禅宗,把这方面的数目列出来给自己的约会对象看。 www.bing.com 9. This awareness may be why they do not attack the Liberals on the subject as strongly as they might. 这也许解释了它们为什么没有在核能的问题上猛烈抨击自由民主党。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. Your plan seems to meet with the ideas of the committee on the subject. 你的计划似乎符合委员会对这个问题的看法。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Around a year ago I spoke at your half-yearly dinner on the subject of consumer protection and the banking industry. 大约一年前我在贵会半年度晚宴上谈过银行业消费者保障的问题。 www.info.gov.hk 2. I am currently trying to navigate through a whole stack of information on the subject. 我现在正试图通过这个材料的整个信息栈来导航 zhidao.baidu.com 3. What he said has not much bearing on the subject. 他所说的话与本题没有多大关系。 www.hjenglish.com 4. September 9, at the Mayors ' Building on the subject of "The Place of Expert Systems in Business During the Next Decade. " 午宴地点在市长大厦,题目为“今后十年内专家制度在商业中的地位”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The plan you submitted seems to meet with the committee's ideas on the subject. 你提出的计划似乎符合委员会对这个问题的主张。 6. Yip Men was acknowledged to be one of the greatest authorities on the subject of Wing Chun a branch of the Chinese Martial Arts. 叶男子被公认为是最伟大的权威之一的咏春拳是中国武术分支学科。 www.bing.com 7. This useful guide sets the standard and is one of the first comprehensive references on the subject. 这本有用的指南确定标准并且是关于主题的第一个全面的证明书之一。 www.tzhealth.com 8. Babylon was a great fount of knowledge on the subject. Magii there had sat watching stars for thousands of years. 巴比伦是一个学科的大宝库,麦基坐在那里观察星体上千年了。 www.chinaavg.com 9. Hardly a week passes without someone publishing a book on the subject. Most are rubbish. 几乎一周的时间过去,也没人出版这方面的书,大多数都是垃圾。 www.ecocn.org 10. Silent fell the prime minister on the subject of tax cuts after all his promises at the last election . 首相就减少税收的话题变得一言不发,尽管在最后的选举中他做了很多承诺。 www.bing.com 1. Li did not elaborate, but she is the most senior Chinese health official yet to publicly comment on the subject. 李斌虽未过多透露事态发展,但是她也是至今为止,公开评论此次禽流感事件的中国医疗界官方职位最高的人。 www.bing.com 2. Questioned on the subject, he said in the Daily Star on Sunday: "You never know in football. " 当被问到这个问题时,他周日对每日星报说:“你永远不知道足球圈会发生什么。” www.lfcbbs.com 3. I have long talked with him on the subject. 关于这个问题我已经和他作过一次长谈。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 4. By summarizing the relevant research achievement in and abroad, the author determined on the subject of this thesis. 通过对国内外相关文献的总结,确定了本论文的研究不足。 www.zidir.com 5. Through counseling, he learned to handle his stress and throughout recovery he decided to write his own book on the subject. 通过咨询,他学会了处理自己的压力,并且在整个恢复过程中,他决定出书来说明这个问题。 www.bing.com 6. GM has yet to confirm Ingersoll's report, but we expect to hear more on the subject as GM reworks its viability plan. 通用汽车公司还没有确认英格索兰的报告,但我们期望能够听到更多的关于这一主题的通用返工其可行性计划。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. A book that he wrote a year before the 2007 presidential election, intended as a draft manifesto, contained barely a word on the subject. 2007年总统大选之前,他出版了一本书,在这本被认为是他就职宣言的书中,他几乎没有提到这个话题。 www.ecocn.org 8. The importance of empathy in acting is a major theme of this book, and I'll spend more time on the subject later. 同情(入戏)在表演中的重要性是本书的一个重要主题,我之后会在这一话题上花更多的时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. While we are on the subject, I have also run a brothel. And I have been a male escort. 既然说到这个话题,我也打理过一个妓院,我也曾是个男妓。 www.bing.com 10. He has dubbed these groups " urban tribes , " and is writing a book on the subject . But only the name is new . 译文他为单身者起了个绰号,叫“都市部落”,并正在写一本关于这个题目的书。其实,他只是取了新名称而已。 www.bing.com 1. S. reversal from years of ambiguity on the subject during the presidency of George W. Bush. 该声明完善了美国多年来在布什执政期间对同性恋问题态度模糊的一个逆转。 www.bing.com 2. Finally I shall say a few words on the subject of politics. 最后我要就政治问题讲几句话。 www.jukuu.com 3. An interesting study was released last week on the subject ( referred to here). 上周有媒体发布了一项有趣的调查。 www.bing.com 4. To save herself from useless remonstrance, Mrs. Price never wrote to her family on the subject till actually married. 为了免得听些无益的劝诫,普莱斯太太在结婚之前从未给家里人写信谈论此事。 novel.tingroom.com 5. It is fascinating to hear how old-fashioned New Labour sounds whenever it opens its mouth on the subject of terrorism. 任何时候听到已过时的新工党关于恐怖主义这个话题的说辞都是令人神往的。 www.bing.com 6. The senators assailed the President on the subject of the treaty between the two countries. 参议员们就两国间的协定主题问题质问总统。 1home.hainan.net 7. He made a speech on the subject of air pollution. 他以空气污染为题发表了一篇演说。 www.wwenglish.com 8. Professor Watson referred me to an article she had written on the subject. 沃森教授要我去查阅她写的一篇关于这个主题的文章。 www.jszzzx.com 9. The plain truth is I've said what I've wanted to say on the subject of being cheap. 事实上关于省钱这个话题,我所有想说的都已经说过了。 c.wsj.com 10. In his last comments on the subject a few months ago, he reiterated his belief that demand for energy would remain strong. 几个月前最近一次谈到这个话题时,巴菲特重申自己相信能源需求会继续强劲。 www.bing.com 1. AMERICAN voters, spared a serious discussion of the budget in the midterm elections, are about to get an earful on the subject. 美国的选民们在中期选举时省去了一场关于国家预算的激烈讨论,而直接得到一个让他们满腹怨言的结果。 www.ecocn.org 2. unified teaching in a university sports principles of the preparation, evaluation technical methods to campaign on the subject. 统一了大学体育教材的编写原则;评价方法有利于运动技术的掌握。 www.fabiao.net 3. With the above background, we have carried out a number of studies on the subject of Photovoltaic power generation technology. 在上述背景下,本文在光伏发电技术方面开展了若干研究工作。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. With its consultative green paper issued end-March, the European Commission has now kicked off a wider debate on the subject. 随着3月底咨询性绿皮书的发表,欧盟委员会现在已经引发一场有关这一话题的争论。 www.ecocn.org 5. Sarah Helm, author of a book on the subject, says women were used as spies for a particular reason. 曾写过有关这个主题故事的小说家萨拉?赫尔姆说,出于某种特殊的原因,女人们被用作了间谍。 sogood.cn 6. Your paper must be interesting on its own, and not just because lots of other people wasted space on the subject. 论文必须侧重于自己的东西,这不是因为有其他一大堆人在这个问题已经浪费了一些空间。 q.sohu.com 7. If I am a fool, I shall be a fool indeed, for I have thought on the subject more than most men. 如果说我傻,我倒还真够傻的,因为我在这个问题上比多数人考虑得都多。 novel.tingroom.com 8. Not so simple as I had thought. Every body is so familiar with money, and most people may consider themselves an expert on the subject. 但不像我原来想想的那么简单。每个人都熟悉货币,很多人可能还自以为是这个方面的专家呢。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. That sorrow led me to do a Masters degree dealing with reconciliation and memory issues, and now a PhD on the subject. 这种伤痛让我进入硕士班研究和解与记忆等议题,现在则继续攻读博士。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. One of the most fundamental reasons is not completely clear on the subject attribute of the problem. 其中一个最根本的原因就在于没有彻底弄清楚学科属性问题。 www.13191.com 1. The reader is urged to refer to one or more of these for general background on the subject and its application to cracks. 阅读其中一本或几本会帮助读者了解其基础知识及其在裂纹上的应用。 2. This is the only one of the best books that has ever been written on the subject. 这是有关这个主题惟一写得最好的书。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Aaron sells a downloadable e-book that has become recognized as one of the leading authorities on the subject of search engine optimization. Aaron卖可下载的电子书籍在搜索引擎优化科目中已经成为公认的主要权威。 www.elanso.com 4. Everything was safe enough, and she smiled over the many anxious feelings she had wasted on the subject. 一切都保险了,她为这事担心来担心去的,全是白费心思,她不禁感到好笑。 novel.tingroom.com 5. On the subject of the vice-captain's much-debated form in an England shirt, Clarke gave an opinion from a Chelsea perspective. 对于这位副队长在英格兰的极具争议性的表现,克拉克从切尔西角度发表了意见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Cohen, the Chichele professor of social and political theory at All Souls College, Oxford University, has written two papers on the subject. 科恩,牛津大学万灵学院的奇切里社会和政治理论教授,曾就这个话题写过两篇文章。 www.bing.com 7. Please submit your resume to us via email. Kindly indicate applied position and city on the "subject" of your mail. 请将你的简历和照片发到我公司的信箱,并请注明你申请的职位编码。 www.showxiu.com 8. You could then follow it up by asking your boss his or her thoughts on the subject. 在此之后,你可以询问你的上司对这个问题的想法。 chinese.wsj.com 9. NASA has always been silent on the subject of sex in space -- which makes people all the more curious. 对于太空性爱这个话题,NASA一直闭口不提。不过这只会让人们更加好奇。 www.bing.com 10. He teaches fingerprint analysis to law-enforcement officials around the world and has published numerous articles on the subject. 韦特海姆向来自世界各地的执法人员教授指纹分析学,并且还出版了大量的相关文章。 www.bing.com 1. The meaning of risk should be identified as the possibility of damage, but not the damage and loss have occurred on the subject matter. 风险的含义应被确定为一种发生损害的可能性,而非已经发生的标的物毁损和灭失。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Few reporters have any training in criminal justice, but veterans on the police beat recommend taking at least one course on the subject. 很少有记者受过刑事司法训练,但是警务专线的资深记者建议,记者至少应选修一门这方面的课程。 www.america.gov 3. There has been a complete change in people's ideas on the subject. 人们完全改变了对这个问题的看法。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. However, China's Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the subject, and Chinese state media gave no indication of a change of policy. 不过,中国的外交部长拒绝就这一议题发表评论,而中国的官方媒体并没有任何迹象表明政策将会出现改变。 chinese.wsj.com 5. That stardom even made her the subject of a recent Wired magazine article on the subject of self-promotion. 其演员的身份甚至使其成为某在线杂志的关于自我提升的主题。 www.bing.com 6. Firstly start from the subject analysis, on the subject involved in the object and subject for a more in-depth study. 论文首先从题目的解析入手,对题目中涉及到的主体与客体进行了较为深入的研究。 www.fabiao.net 7. Please submit your resume to us via email. Kindly indicate applied position on the "subject" of your mail. 应聘者请将简历以电子邮件的方式发送给我们,并在邮件标题中注明应聘职位及期望工作城市。 www.jobui.com 8. On the subject of girlfriends, Lee -Hom is still available but interested ladies have to wait. 提到女朋友的话题,力宏还没有对象,但有兴趣的女士们可得等上一等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I am by no means an EJB expert, but I have worked through a number of tutorials and Redbooks that IBM offers on the subject matter. 我不是EJB专家,但是我已经学习了IBM提供的该方面的大量的教程和红皮书。 www-128.ibm.com 10. In a rare statement on the subject on its website last week, the NDRC played down the recent corn imports. 发改委上周少见地就玉米问题在其网站上发表声明。 c.wsj.com 1. Foreign Minister Li is going to address the United Nations on the subject of war and peace. 李外长明天将在联大作有关战争与和平的演讲。 bbs.edu-edu.com.cn 2. Three weeks ago at a luncheon with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce , I spoke on the subject of deflation and its causes . 三星期前我在加拿大商会的午餐会上发言,谈到通缩及其成因。 www.bing.com 3. And, while you are on the subject of me, I need a month's sabbatical to recalibrate my personal goals. 另外,如果你是在说我,那我需要休一个月的假来调整我的个人目标。 www.bing.com 4. One of the best books I've read on the subject is David Oshinsky's Polio: An American Story. 我读过关于这个主题最好的书是戴维欧斯卡的《小儿麻痹症:一个美国历史》。 www.bing.com 5. Take a few moments to check out the thread for yourself here, and let readers know what your take on the subject may be. 要想查看完整内容,您可以点击该链接,并可以让读者知道您对这个问题怎么看。 www.infoq.com 6. The report is part of a series by the US Climate Change Science Program, which collates all US federal research on the subject. 这份报告是美国气候变化科学计划的一部分,这份计划整理了全美国联邦在这个课题上的研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Yesterday, in his latest post on the subject, Levy took on a tricky question. Should the surgeon be punished for the error? 昨天,在它最新的回复中,利维提出一个敏感的问题,外科医生是否应当为此受罚? news.dxy.cn 8. It has certainly been more attended to of late years, and many treatises have been published on the subject. 近年来人们对于这个问题,的确比以前要注意,出版的书籍亦很多。 9. He had first got hooked on the subject in the late 1940s, at the end of his clinical training at Auckland hospital. 早在10世纪40年末,当他还在奥克兰医院临床实习时他就对这一课题产生了浓厚的兴趣。 www.ecocn.org 10. But her thoughts on the subject were short lived as Noah walked their way, taking Kate in his arms for a hug. 但在她的想法受到了短暂的诺亚走自己的路,以考察他的双臂拥抱凯特。 www.fnovel.com 1. What you have said has no bearing on the subject under discussion. 你所说的话与正在讨论的问题没有关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Elaborated on the subject of this study topics of origins, research significance, research ideas and literature review. 阐述了本研究题目的选题缘起、研究意义、研究思路、文献综述。 www.fabiao.net 3. eg: Helen had a few intellient things to say on the subject. 海伦就这一话题有精彩的话要说。 www.laizixi.com 4. The discussion is intentionally terse, as much industry writings have already been published on the subject. 由于在该主题上已经发表了许多行业文章,所以本论述有意写得十分简要。 www-128.ibm.com 5. That should be a violation of trade rules; it might in fact be a violation, but the language of the law is vague on the subject. 这应该就是对贸易法则的违背;这本就是违背,只是法律表述在这个问题上含糊不清。 www.bing.com 6. I was the chief British negotiator on the subject , and I was steeped in the issue . 我原是英国的首席谈判代表在这个议题上,我沉浸在这个事件中。 www.bing.com 7. Let me sing you a little song, ' went on the voice, 'which I have composed on the subject of Toad'--(prolonged applause). “我给你们唱一支小曲儿,”那声音又说,“这是我为蟾蜍编的。” www.bing.com 8. Philosophers, politicians, theologians and lay members of the various Christian churches have long been divided on the subject. 这个问题使得哲学家,政治家,神学家以及许许多多各种各样的教会长久以来一直存在分歧。 www.bing.com 9. That was the conclusion of an advisory group in Britain that reported on the subject last month. 这是英国的一个顾问群体上个月关于该主题的报告的结论。 www.ecocn.org 10. Negotiations over the federal constitution almost foundered on the subject of the Murray-Darling. 关于修改联邦宪法的谈判几乎在墨累-达令问题上崩盘。 club.topsage.com 1. Scientists at Canada's McMaster University pored over a dozen studies on the subject and were startled by the results. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学的科学家为此进行了大量的研究,对研究的结果感到震惊。 dipan.kekenet.com 2. To make money, as the authors of four new books on the subject all agree, every great inventor needs a great entrepreneur. 这四本新书的作者都认为,要赚钱,每个伟大发明家都需要一个伟大的企业家。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most central banks have been coy on the subject, not wishing to make public statements for fear of creating unrealistic expectations. 在这个问题上,多数央行都含糊其辞,不愿发表公开声明,以免引起不切实际的期望。 www.ftchinese.com 4. We have experienced a realist art within the time, the emphasis on the subject and other creative methods is neglected. 我们曾经历了以现实主义一枝独秀的艺术创作时代,那种强调主体想象和其他的创作策略被我们疏忽了。 www.zidir.com 5. But Mr. Chen's microblog postings on the subject promptly disappeared and he could not be reached for comment. 不过,陈东升关于此话题的微博帖子迅速消失,本报无法联络到他予以评论。 cn.nytimes.com 6. b. It was the first book to have appeared on the subject. 这是第一本关于这门学科的书。 e.3edu.net 7. Absolutely nothing, was the answer at a recent discussion on the subject. 最近就这个话题进行的一次讨论得出的答案是,什么都没有。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In later life I have seen how a literature has been built up on the subject of fortunes to be made out of the raising of chickens. 在以后的生活中,我看到了文学如何建立在财富问题时必须作出对鸡只的提高了。 bulo.hjenglish.com 9. It was a linguist who wrote one of the first papers on the subject, in 1989. 1989年,一位语言学家撰写了关于碉楼的第一篇论文,他就是中国社会科学院的孙宏开。 c.wsj.com 10. This event was the catalyst for many participants to declare their HIV status and talk more openly on the subject. 这一活动促使许多与会者公开自己的艾滋病毒情况并更开放地谈论这一问题。 www.who.int 1. His question has no bearing on the subject. 他的问题与主题无任何关系。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We've been on the subject of sleep for quite some time now and I am sure you have come across the term sleep debt. 我们对于睡眠这项课题的研究已经持续了很长的一段时间了,我相信你对于睡眠不足之债这个词语肯定印象深刻吧。 www.elanso.com 3. Psychologists, anthropologist, sociologists, and philosophers have all contributed to the research on the subject. 心理学家,人类学家,社会学家,哲学家都坚持不懈的研究这个议题。 www.bing.com 4. Since we are on the subject, we may as well open our minds to each other in a man-to-man way. 既然我们已经谈到了这个问题,那就让我们以男子汉对男子汉的方式开诚布公地谈一谈吧。 5. The selected candidate will also have to do research on the subject (Real estate) which will be displayed on the info-graphic image. 所选择的候选人也必须做研究的主题(房地产)将在信息,图形图像显示。 www.bing.com 6. we have done nothing wrong and followed London's direction but respect your guidance on the subject. 除了在这件事上尊重你的意见外,我们并没有做错什么,一切都按照伦敦方面的指示做的。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. This slow uptake can be attributed mostly to a lack of knowledge on the subject. 该技术的采用范围不广很大程度上是因为缺乏该主题的知识。 www.ibm.com 8. The Congress of Washington got interested in this and asked the CEO of Ford to come to a hearing on the subject. 华盛顿的国会关注了此事,要求Ford的CEO参加听证会。 open.163.com 9. It is advocated to design eco-friendly buildings with cultural richness and a seminar on the subject has also been held. 大家倡导设计既保护生态又富含文化气息的建筑,并就此召开了一个研讨会。 www.8875.org 10. The temporary monopoly on the subject matter of the patent is regarded as a quid pro quo for thus disclosing the information to the public. 在专利权的服从物质上的暂时的垅断为如此揭露对民众的数据被视为一磅金币职业者。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. These new scenarios are not the last words on the subject, of course. 当然,这种新的境况并不是这个话题的最终说法。 www.bing.com 2. A book called Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking has recently been published on the subject of snap decisions. 最近出版了一本讲突发奇想的书,名字叫“灵感:无思之想的力量”。 www.51testing.com 3. If you talk to American executives for more than five minutes on the subject, they'll tell you it's too high. 如果与美国企业高管就这个主题谈论五分钟以上,他们会告诉你这个税率太高了。 dongxi.net 4. Some college counselors are creating workshops on the subject and planning to include them in freshman orientation programs. 一些大学指导老师(心理辅导等)正在建立相关主题的学… dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Lighting has been shown to have effects on mood in the physical world (both sunlight and artificial light; see lots of info on the subject). 已有研究表明,照明可以影响情绪(日光和人造光线)。 www.bing.com 6. Beyond the behavior the sculpture triggers, critics have seized on the subject's lack of connection with the city. 除了引发不雅行为外,批评人士还指责这尊塑像与这座城市根本没有什么关联。 chinese.wsj.com 7. One of their studies polled college students and alumni on the subject of spring breaks. 他们其中的一项调查是就春游为主题让大学生及校友进行投票。 www.bing.com 8. It may therefore be some time before the next paper appears on the subject. 因此,下一篇与此主题相关的论文可能需要很长时间才能发表。 www.ecocn.org 9. Most Christians hold that the Gospels also attribute divinity to Jesus; however, others hold that the Gospels are equivocal on the subject. 大多数基督徒都坚持福音书也是归因于耶稣的神性;然而,其他人则坚持福音书在这个问题上是意义不明确的。 www.showxiu.com 10. While we're on the subject of sleep, let's take a moment to look at things that may affect our sleeping patterns. 当谈论睡眠这一话题上,我们先花时间来看下影响睡眠的因素。 www.elanso.com 1. It is used for the same reasons as selective focus, to minimize distractions in the background and focus the viewers eye on the subject. 它和选择性聚焦的使用原因相同,将分散视线的背景最小化,突出从观赏者角度观看的物体。 blog.163.com 2. The first of a series of two papers on the subject describes a range of treatments for psoriasis. 中的第一个系列的两篇论文的关于这个问题的描述了一系列的治疗牛皮癣。 www.syyxw.com 3. Moreover, as Joseph Nye notes in his seminal work on the subject, real soft power comes from a society, not from government. 此外,正如约瑟夫?奈(JosephNye)在其具有重要意义的相关研究中指出的那样,软实力来自社会,而非政府。 dongxi.net 4. She never opened up to me on the subject. 关于那个问题,她从未对我开诚布公。 www.qeto.com 5. Lastly, counselling helps people cope with infertility, but every community has its own view on the subject. 最后,咨询服务能帮助人们对付不孕问题,但每个社区对这个问题有自己的看法。 www.who.int 6. The ones that are interested in this have many published works and Internet websites, which are better documented on the subject. 对于那些有兴趣研究此问题的朋友,可以参看一些更加详细的书籍与网站。 qxwar.net 7. On the subject of children, if you have a child of any age, your son or daughter may become a focus of interest during eclipse time. 关于孩子们,如果你有一个孩子(无论他是什么年龄),你的儿子或者女儿可能在食相期间成成关注的焦点。 www.motie.com 8. He says he was not able to share his true opinions on the subject. 他提出他当时并不能表达他对这个话题的真实意见。 www.bing.com 9. Attach the infrared filter and FOCUS on the subject. Read the indicated distance off the lens barrel. 按上红外线滤光片,对拍摄景物对焦,请读出镜头筒指示的距离。 dict.ebigear.com 10. While we're on the subject of paragraphs, make sure they aren't too long. For most copy, anything more than four or five lines is too much. 确保你的主体内容段落有适当的长度,对于大多数文案来说,任何超过4-5行的段落都显得过于冗长了。 www.bing.com 1. He read books on the subject, learning that BED was not "gluttony, " but a psychological condition listed in the DSM4. 他读了有关暴食症的书籍,知道了BED不是“贪食”,而是在精神病诊断手册中所列出的一个精神病状况。 www.bing.com 2. They don't need to and are usually not expecting to become experts on the subject as a result of hearing your talk. 他们不需要而且通常也不想在听了您的演讲以后就成为某个课题的专家。 www.bing.com 3. The employees who enter confined spaces should have been trained on the subject of entry into confined space areas. 进入密闭空间的雇员须接受有关进入密闭空间地方的培训。 www.cts-com.com 4. She gave them a piece of her mind on the subject. 她向他们坦率地说出了自己对这一问题的看法。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. How can one have an "open discussion" on the subject when government circles continually deny the existence of such technology? 而当政界持续否认这种技术的存在的时候,人们如何能够就该主题进行“开放的讨论”? blog.sina.com.cn 6. the advanced teaching methods; had advanced views on the subject; a forward-looking corporation; is British industry innovative enough? 先进的教学方法;关于这个问题的先进的见解;先进企业;英国的工业是很先进的吗? www.jukuu.com 7. He has no pretensions to being an expert on the subject. 他并不以这方面专家自居。 wenwen.soso.com 8. That's good. But my editor makes the point that my post on the subject takes a decidedly bilateral view of real exchange rates. 但主编认为我的帖子对实际汇率显然是持的双边观点。 www.ecocn.org 9. There can be pages on the subject because there is no one perfect solution. 这一主题的文章会连篇累牍,因为没有完美的解决办法。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Haig kept me informed of his tortuous discussions with Nixon on the subject . 黑格经常向我通报他与尼克松就此问题的曲折磋商情况。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I told him what little I knew on the subject. 我把我对这个主题仅知道的一点告诉了他 zhidao.baidu.com 2. As published literature on the subject is limited, the author relies heavily on the interviews with the leading grassroots activists. 由于已发表的文献十分有限,作者访问了不少香港基层组织的活跃份子,以瞭解其实际情况。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In the Great Assembly, Dharma Master represented China in giving a speech on the subject of "One World, one Aspiration. " 在大会上法师代表中方作了题为《同一个世界同一种行愿》的演讲。 res6zeam.wordpress.com 4. The federal government's recalcitrance on the subject remains the biggest obstacle to an effective global scheme to tackle the problem. 联邦政府的冥顽不灵成为制定有效全球方略解决此一棘手问题的最大障碍。 www.ecocn.org 5. While I'm on the subject, I'd like to say to the good people of V Festival that experienced the same thing. 当我遇到这问题,我想告诉V音乐节的人这是曾发生的事。 zimsam.wordpress.com 6. The paper first studies on the subject background, research significance, research technical line, innovation. 本文首先阐述了课题的研究背景、研究意义、研究内容、研究的技术路线、创新点。 www.zidir.com 7. They endeavor to insure also that as little as possible shall be known on the subject in a decent way. 他们也力图确保尽量减少通过正当途径了解这方面情况的可能性。 www.jukuu.com 8. In his first blog post on the subject he asked the question: " Is it Service Oriented if the message cannot be intermediated? " . 在关于这个主题的第一篇博客帖子中,他问道:“如果消息不能被仲裁,那它还是面向服务的吗?” www.infoq.com 9. This should be remedied by a debate on the subject in the next meeting concerning the Development Agenda. 在下一次的关于“发展议程”的会议上,应该就这个问题展开辩论。 www.wipo.int 10. To characterize the imaging appearances of epithelioid hemangioma, we reviewed the available literature on the subject. 表征影像学表现上皮样血管瘤,我们审查了现有文献关于这一主题的。 www.syyxw.com 1. She represented to her sister as forcibly as possible what she felt on the subject, and had soon the pleasure of seeing its happy effect. 她把自己对这个问题的感想,解释给她姐姐听,果然一下子就收到了很好的效果,她觉得非常高兴。 www.hjenglish.com 2. On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise , but if someone to your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him. 餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。 www.hjenglish.com 3. On the subject fo sex, silence became the rule. The legitimate and procreative couple laid down the law. 人们对性奉行沉默法则,具有生育能力的合法夫妻才可窃窃私语。 bbs.scol.com.cn 4. This is one of the best books that have ever been written on the subject. 这是本科目写得最好的书之一。 www.chinaedu.com 5. It was a great opportunity to discuss my views on the topic as, quite frankly, it turns out I have a lot to say on the subject! 对我来说,能讨论这个话题是个很好的机会。坦白的说,我在这个主题中有很多话可以说。 www.bing.com 6. The called function was unable to do a usage check on the subject. 被调用的函数无法进行主题的使用检查。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. To this day, and despite the scores of books on the subject, the affair that rocked and divided France fascinates historians. 尽管关于该事件的书籍已经很多了,但这一震惊并分裂了法国的事件至今仍令历史学家着迷。 www.ecocn.org 8. Existing literature on the subject is widely scattered through many domestic and foreign technical and scientific journals. 关于这个题目的论著目前大都散见于许多国内外的期刊杂志中。 www.jukuu.com 9. Ekman has been studying deceptive behavior for more than four decades and is the author of several books on the subject. Ekman研究欺滦为已经超过四十年了并且是该主题好几本书的作者。 www.bing.com 10. At the same time, the Democratic leadership continues to be nervous about confronting Mr Bush directly on the subject. 同时,民主党领导层一直不愿与布什在这个问题上正面交锋。 www.ecocn.org 1. We have received your letter of July the 23rd for insurance on the subject goods and the premium is to be borne by you. 我们已收到你方7月23日来函,此函要求我们将标题货物投保,保险费由你们承担。 www.e-say.com.cn 2. The book draws on a vast body of academic, historical, legal, sociological and folk material on the subject. 本书汇集了大量的历史和文学资料,内容涉及历史学、社会学、法学、民俗学等众多学科。 www.i6999.com 3. Students are required to do extensive literary research on the subject and participate in class discussions. 学生们必须针对这样的主题做延伸的文献研究,并且参与课堂上的讨论。 www.myoops.org 4. Photo Tip: If photographing indoors, window or door light falling on the subject can be beautiful. 摄影小贴士:在室内拍摄时,透过窗户或门照在被摄者身上的光线是很美的。 www.bing.com 5. "His letters . . . boil with sarcastic gibes and insulting remarks on the subject of universal suffrage" (Mario Vargas Llosa). “在普选权这个问题上,他的信中…充斥着讽刺的嘲笑和冒犯性的语言”(马里奥·瓦尔加斯·劳埃莎)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. You might say that the theme is nature and everything that follows is a variation on the subject. 你也许会说主题是自然与它相关的一切是这一主题的变体。 www.ted.com 7. A monograph on the subject might be forthcoming. 关于本主题的一个专论即将推出。 www.ibm.com 8. The benefits of OOP are too many to list in this article, and as I mentioned before, many books have been written on the subject. OOP的好处太多,本文难以列举。正如我在前面提到的那样,有很多关于该主题的书籍。 www-128.ibm.com 9. But some statistics, as well as estimates from experts on the subject, provide some perspective on it. 但是透过一些统计数据和专家的分析估计,我们也许能够对这一问题得出相应结论。 www.bing.com 10. The influence of "non-subject" odors of raw materials of perfumery on the "subject" odor was also discussed. 文中也讨论了香料中“杂气”对主题香气的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The employees should have been trained on the subject of personal protective equipment. 在使用个人防护设备方面,雇员都须经过培训。 www.cts-com.com 2. The shallow depth of field as well as the natural framing focuses the eyes on the subject. 浅景深同样能作为自然的相框,让眼睛关注拍摄主体。 www.bing.com 3. Oncee there, I offered my services to speak on the subject of sound money. Many of my old school friends were in the audience. 到了那儿以后,我便自告奋勇地就健全的币制问题发表演说,听众席上有不少人就是我往日的同学。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. This book will surely be the last word on the subject. 这本书对于该问题,确实将是个定论。 springhero.wordpress.com 5. The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. 本手册所提供的信息与我们发布的资料的技术科目相对应。 www.tianya.cn 6. At a hearing on the subject in Moscow last week, two different delegations showed up, both claiming to represent TNK-BP. 上周在莫斯科就续签问题进行的听证会上,两个不同的代表团都声称自己代表TNK-BP。 www.ecocn.org 7. A "mania for thinness" sent it into decline after the second world war, says Helen Simpson, author of a book on the subject. 二战后的一个“以瘦为美的狂热”使下午茶走向衰落,海伦-辛普森这么认为,她写了一本有关这个问题的书。 www.ecocn.org 8. "No really, " replied Elizabeth; "I think there cannot be too little said on the subject. " “不想听,真不想听,”伊丽莎白回答道:“我认为这桩事谈得不算少了。” www.hjenglish.com 9. His wife was mute on the subject. 他的妻子对此话题保持缄默。 www.ebigear.com 10. In this pattern, the observer wants to be informed of state changes on the subject. 在这种模式中,观察者期望在目标的状态改变时得到一个通知(Notification)。 www.ibm.com |
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