单词 | on a par with |
释义 | 例句释义: 与…持平,与…不相上下,势均力敌,与…相提并论,与……相似 1. I used to be able to brag that Berlin was really affordable but now my rent actually works out on par with Washington and New York. 我以前到处宣扬柏林是个物价低廉的城市,不过现在我的房租几乎和华盛顿和纽约持平了。 cn.reuters.com 2. In this system, analysts say, Mr. Zhou's role is akin to that of an economic adviser a position not exactly on par with Ms. Clinton's. 分析师们说,在这样一个体系中,周小川的角色相当于经济顾问,而这样的地位并不能跟克林顿相比。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The people familiar with the matter declined to say the amount of Crown's bid but described it as on par with the Geely offer. 知情人士拒绝透露Crown的出价金额,但称与吉利的报价在同等价位。 cn.wsj.com 4. Ads call it a "world-famous spirit" on par with Scotch whisky and French brandy. 它在广告中将自己称为可与苏格兰威士忌以及法国白兰地相提并论的著名酒品牌。 www.bing.com 5. Obama should focus those things that will help the U. S. at least get on par with China. 奥巴马必须关注于那些能够帮助美国起码和中国平等竞争的事情。 ltaaa.com 6. Five years from now, Mr. Wadhwa said he believes Indian workers will be developing software on par with programmers in Silicon Valley. 瓦德瓦说,他认为五年内印度工人将与硅谷的程序员在开发软件上不相上下。 c.wsj.com 7. It would be a little bigger than Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif. , and on par with the parks in Paris and Tokyo. 它将比位于美国加州阿纳海姆市的迪士尼乐园稍大一点,与巴黎和东京的公园不相上下。 www.bing.com 8. Like the fighting game, the animation is on par with its graphical quality, and there were no signs of slow down. 喜欢战斗游戏,动画在和它的图解式质量的标准上,而且没有迹象慢向下的。 bbs.imobile.com.cn 9. You can do so by learning to see that all of us are on par with each other because we share the same universal spirit. 也许你还会发现这正是一个好机会让你了解到因为我们是同一个宇宙的一部分,所有人都是平等的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Based on what? China have greater numbers and capital. Technologically, China is at least on par with Russia. 基于什么这样说?中国数字更大,资本更多。技术上,中国跟俄罗斯不相上下。 bbs.tiexue.net 1. Future upgrades will be very modern on par with Apaches- however fire control and radars need to be the best in the world. 未来对它的改进将使它与阿帕奇一样先进,然而火控与雷达则需要世界上最先进的。 www.warchina.com 2. The state's humidity levels are on par with the Sahara desert; it's been about three months since the last rain. 该地区湿度水平与撒哈拉大沙漠相当;一次降雨发生在三个月以前。 www.bing.com 3. But are any of those feelings on par with the kind we feel when engaged in real, face-to-face intimacy? 但是这些感觉中有一种能与我们实际生活中面对面的亲近等同吗? www.bing.com 4. We want the short film to be on par with Pixar and Blue Sky productions and to submit it to film festivals around the world. 我们希望短片将与皮克斯,蓝天制作标准杆,将其提交给世界各地的电影节。 www.bing.com 5. The latest study also revealed that quality at Ford and Chevrolet is now virtually on par with that at Toyota. 最新的研究还显示,质量,福特和雪佛兰现在几乎等同于在丰田。 usa.315che.com 6. However, I wouldn't expect a PLAN on-par with the size or technology American, Japanese, or South Korean navies for quite a few decades. 但是,我不希望在建的PLA海军几十年后具有与美帝、倭寇、棒子同样的规模和技术。 www.top81.com.cn 7. Girls often lack basic medical care and generally do not receive recreational opportunities on par with those afforded boys. 女童经常缺乏基本的医疗照顾,一般来说也不能与男童享有同样的休闲机会。 www.hrw.org 8. Ignoring the fact that Japan's army is now purely for defensive purposes, I believe that China is on par with the USA. 不管日本的军队现在是完全用于防御的这个事实,我认为中国和美国的力量是一样强大的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The 20 mpg we averaged is nothing special, though it's pretty much on par with its rivals. 20分钟,我们平均每场是没有什么特别,但它几乎等同于它的竞争对手。 usa.315che.com 10. Unfortunately, I have found that the documentation available is not always on par with the excellent tools. 遗憾的是,我发现可用的文档并非总是与极佳的工具相称。 www.ibm.com 1. Then you must prove it by going to his house, to see his parents and see if his status is on par with yours. 那么你必须住到他那来证明给你的父母,看看他的条件是否与你相配。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. So much for the wonders of technology and medicine, for all our advances, human mortality rates are on par with chimps. 虽然科技和医学不断创造奇迹,人类不断取得进步,但是人类和黑猩猩的死亡率竟然不相上下。 www.bing.com 3. Mexico is not at all on par with the United States. 墨西哥和美国不是完全一样的。 www.ted.com 4. Given that the facts show otherwise, their credibility on fiscal matters should be considered on par with BP's safety record. 鉴于事实恰恰相反,我们认为,他们在财政事务上的可信性,应该与英国石油(BP)的安全记录不分上下。 www.ftchinese.com 5. InfoQ: Given the current state of open source ESBs, would you consider them to be on par with commercial alternatives? InfoQ:鉴于开源ESB目前的状态,您认为能够把它们看作是商业产品相当的替代品么? www.infoq.com 6. When they do build their own carriers, two of which are in production , their cost will be on par with the cost of a modern US carrier. 当他们建立自己的航空母舰时,其中两艘已经在建,其生产成本将与美帝现在的航母相当。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A respected Jedi on par with the venerable Yoda, Mace Windu was a senior member of the Jedi High Council. 梅斯·温杜和年高德劭的尤达大师一样,是绝地高级委员会中一位受人尊重的高级委员。 www.bing.com 8. In fact, its byte code can be hard to distinguish from byte code created through Java source code, and its performance is on par with Java. 实际上,很难区分Scala的字节码和从Java源代码生成的字节码,其性能也与Java相当。 www.ibm.com 9. The company has slashed its overall labor costs per worker to less than $50 per hour, which is on par with Japanese carmakers. 该公司调降了整体劳动力成本每名工人,以少于50元每小时,这是等同于日本的汽车制造商。 usa.315che.com 10. New York and London foreign exchange market is now on par with the world's two largest foreign exchange market. 纽约和伦敦外汇市场上,现在不低于世界上两个最大的外汇市场。 blog.jrj.com.cn 1. Not staying on par with colleagues and those vying for your job will be a death knell. 不注意跟同事和那些窥探你工作的人做比较,丧钟将为你而鸣。 www.ebigear.com 2. Elephants are thus on par with apes for fast learning of deliberate cooperation with a partner. 所以,大象通过思考进行合作的快速学习能力可以与猿类相媲美。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Employers in April are on track to cut at least 600, 000 jobs, on par with the large declines in recent months. 预计4月份将至少裁减60万个就业岗位,与最近几个月就业岗位大幅减少的形势一致。 www.bing.com 4. It was the first time the Chinese labeled the South China Sea a core interest, on par with Taiwan and Tibet, the official said. 这位官员还说,这是中国人第一次以等同于在台湾问题和西藏问题的高度上明确主张自己在南海的核心权益。 www.bing.com 5. A study showed the devices are on par with traditional mechanical treatment facilities for removing organic compounds and nitrogen . 研究显示,在消除有机化合物和氮含量方面,该设备与传统机械处理设施的处理能力相当。 www.bing.com 6. Nonetheless, the county's population grew roughly on par with the rest of the nation. 然而,这个县的人口增长基本与全国其他地区持平。 www.bing.com 7. MOST Americans regard the illegal downloading and distribution of Hollywood movies as something on par with minor parking offences. 大多数美国人把好莱坞影片的非法下载和分销看成看齐轻微违例停车。 www.2getnews.com 8. The Linux operating system offers superior security, reliability, and uptime on par with other UNIX-like operating systems. Linux操作系统提供了较高的安全性、可靠性同时保证象UNIX等操作系统能提供的正常运行时间。 www.ibm.com 9. Brown writes that Constantine called this council so he could introduce a new divine Jesus on par with the Father. 布朗认为康斯坦丁召开这个会议是为了自己能够引进全新的与天父同一地位的神圣的基督。 www.bing.com 10. Communicating with friends is on par with breathing, to the delight of your wireless provider. 让无线设备供应商开心的是,通过这些设备和朋友交流变得和呼吸一样重要。 www.elanso.com 1. If so, it might be time to start living a life on par with the heroes of Narnia. 你是否过着香草味的生活?如果是的话,是时候开始像纳尼亚英雄般的生活了。 www.bing.com 2. It's much, much better than Internet Explorer, and on-par with Firefox. 它远优于IE浏览器,并与FIREFOX相提并论。 www.elanso.com 3. Dramatizing the work of historians, Larson has produced a page-turner on par with The Devil in the White City. 通过对历史学家的作品的戏剧化处理,拉尔森出品了一本和“白色城市的魔鬼”同样引人入胜的书。 dongxi.net 4. Whether power resistance( PR), a special defensive ability on par with spell resistance, resists the power. 类似的特殊防御能力)否能抵抗该异能。 tr.bab.la 5. It's not on par with the likes of MyPhotopipe. com, but it beats the heck out of Wal-Mart. 它不像MyPhotopipe.com提供的那样好,但是比从沃尔玛打印出来的糟糕玩意好多了。 www.bing.com 6. He instantly was transformed into a megastar in China, on par with his Shanghai buddy, NBA star Yao Ming. 很快,他摇身一变成为中国巨星,人气不逊于他的上海同乡NBA明星姚明。 www.rr365.com 7. Sri Lanka outscores both with 8. 2 years of schooling and is on par with China's 99 per cent literacy rate for young female adults. 中国成年年轻女性的识字率为99%,斯里兰卡也差不多。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Sri Lanka out scores both with 8. 2 years of schooling and is on par with China's 99 per cent literacy rate for young female adults. 斯里兰卡为8.2年,比中印两国都高。中国成年年轻女性的识字率为99%,斯里兰卡也差不多。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Prior to the 1870s, scientific opinion held such creatures as nothing more than ridiculous myths, on par with mermaids or sea serpents. 在1870年之前,对此类生物的科学看法仅是类似于美人鱼或海蛇一样的传说。 www.bing.com 10. In time, a globally traded yuan could emerge as a store of value on par with the dollar, euro and yen. 一段时间之后,人民币就有望在全球范围内交易,成为与美元、欧元和日圆相当的储值工具。 c.wsj.com 1. Additionally, we have raised Archavon's hit points, in heroic, to keep the quality of item on par with the challenge of the encounter. 此外,我们提高了英雄难度阿尔卡冯的伤害值,以确保物品的质量不低于遭遇战的难度。 wow.tgbus.com 2. The companies hope to keep pricing on par with what consumers pay for video-on-demand for new titles, these people say. 这些人士还说,公司希望定价与消费者付费点播新电影时所付的价格保持相近。 www.bing.com 3. China's code is now on par with similar codes in seismically active areas of the world. 中国现在实行的规范与世界其他地震活跃地区施行的类似规范一致。 hi.baidu.com 4. They bring the standards-bound Java community competitive advantages in some areas and put it on par with the competitors in others. 在某些领域中,它们给正常的Java社区带来竞争优势,并使Java在其他领域与竞争对手不分伯仲。 www.ibm.com 5. 'Loneliness is a profound factor for cancer and death; it's on par with cigarette smoking. Social engagement is very important. ' 孤独是癌症和死亡的深层因素,与吸烟的影响相同。社会参与是非常重要的。 www.bing.com 6. Our products are almost on par with the best foreign-made products. 我们的产品几乎与最好的外国货旗鼓相当。 www.ebigear.com 7. Just when we feel we have met the expectations and are on par with the rest of society, someone goes and raises the bar. 正当我们觉得刚达到我们的期望值和其他人平起平坐时,又有人超越了我们并提高了标准。 www.elanso.com 8. What kinds of balance changes do you think need to be made to the arms tree to bring it on par with other classes? 什么样的平衡的变化,您认为需要作出的武器树,使其不低于其他类别? bbs.ngacn.cc 9. Does this put Verizon on par with foreign ISPs that block torrent sites and social networks? Verizon是在效仿外国那些屏蔽BT网站和社交网站的ISP供应商吗? www.bing.com 10. Legal prostitutes were psychologically on par with other women but street workers were far less stable, said Seib. 赛柏指出,合法娼妓在心理层面与其他女性不相上下,但流莺的心理则不稳定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. My hatred for the Duke Blue Devils is on par with the hatred Heather Locklear has for Denise Richards. 我对于杜克蓝魔的憎恨可以跟海瑟·洛克莱尔对丹尼斯理查兹的怨恨相媲美。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If the price is in the 50s or high 40s and we can keep the residuals on par with Genesis, we might have something. 如果价格在50岁或40多岁的高,我们可以保留残值不低于成因,我们可能有一些。 usa.315che.com 3. But while that puts the moderate mainstream on par with the Islamists in communications terms, we should not get carried away. 不过,就通讯而言,网路虽让温和派主流得以和伊斯兰主义者旗鼓相当,我们却不该因此激动。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Note: median investment and revenue (which is listed below) is significantly lower. They are also earning CPMs on par with large publishers. 注意:中线投资与汇报(在下面有列)很明显的比较低,他们还赚取与大型出版商同样价位的每千次点击费用。 www.bing.com 5. It's on par with United States in these two social dimensions. 在这两个社会层面是和美国一样的。 www.ted.com 6. As the world's second-largest economy, China is "on par with Algeria and El Salvador in per capita terms. " 作为世界第二大经济体,中国却和和阿尔及利亚,萨尔多瓦处于相同的情况。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. what if when this happens China became naval power only next to if not on par with USN? 如果这是在中国成为与美国海军试比高的海军强权以后发生的事呢? blog.sina.com.cn 8. While there are plenty of accomplished writers in the world, this guy wrote classics on par with Dickens. 尽管这个世界上有许许多多的成名作家,但是只有这个男人能与狄更斯共同列为经典的行列。 www.bing.com 9. Many migrant workers prefer these places because salaries are in some cases almost on par with Shanghai's and it's simply closer to home. 许多农民工更愿意去这些地方,因为那儿的薪水有时差不多向上海看齐,而且离家更近。 c.wsj.com 10. Of course, I wouldn't yet label Shenyang as "green" on par with, say, Portland, Maine. 当然,目前我还不会用绿色形容沈阳,把它与波特兰、缅因相提并论。 m.yeeyan.org 1. Even today, China's $3, 600 per capita GDP is roughly on par with those of El Salvador and Albania. 就算到了今天,中国那$3600的人均GDP,大概还跟萨尔瓦多和阿尔巴尼亚平起平坐。 www.bing.com 2. They are on par with the trend of continuously shrinking sea ice. 它们都印证了海冰在继续减少的事实。 dongxi.net 3. Investors are now fearful that a Greek default will trigger a global credit market event on par with Lehman's 2008 collapse. 投资者现在担心,希腊债务违约将引发全球信贷市场危机,其严峻程度不会亚于2008年雷曼兄弟的倒闭。 chinese.wsj.com 4. These people fail to recognize the progress that has put South Africa on par with previous hosts, according to the government official. 她说,这些人没有认识到,南非取得的进展已经使之达到了与前几届主办国相当的水平。 c.wsj.com 5. These two lenses are optically on par with the tested Nikkor being definitely cheaper at the same time. 这两个镜头,不比光学镜头与被测试的肯定,同时便宜。 forum.xitek.com 6. But China only put together their program in the 90'. The way it goes, they would probably be on par with them in another 20 years. 中国人在90年代才开始这项计划,但是按他们这样发展,20年后他们会处于相同的位置。 club.xilu.com 7. The elegance of the cabinets is on par with the value of the books. 书柜的典雅可与书籍的珍贵堪比。 www.ryedu.net 8. Mercedes didn't provide any performance specs but says the car is on par with a similar-size vehicle with a 2. 0-liter gas engine. 梅赛德斯公司没有提供这款汽车的任何性能数据,但称该车性能与2.0升汽油发动机驱动的同等大小汽车不相上下。 www.transcn.org 9. Some say it is already a strategic asset on par with oil. 有人说好土已经和石油一样成为了战略资源。 bbs.chinafund.cn 10. The importance of studying history is on par with the value of studying any subject of science. 学习历史的重要性与学习任何自然科学的学科的价值是同等重要的。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. By 2008, that put Africa's economic output at $1. 6 trillion, roughly on par with Russia and Brazil. 2008年,非洲的经济总量达到1.6万亿,与俄罗斯和巴西持平。 www.bing.com 2. That's on par with her predecessor, Mr. Cole, who received a $1 million salary and a $666, 667 bonus last year. 这和她的前任科尔(Cole)不相上下,后者去年拿到了100万美元薪水和666,667美元奖金。 www.bing.com 3. Would they put my interests on par with their own? 会把我的利益看得和他们自己的一样重要吗? www.ecocn.org 4. On par with most other 3-D releases this summer, 3-D showings accounted for 45% of all ticket sales. 与大部分其他今夏上映的3D影片一样,这部影片的3D票房占总票房的45%。 chinese.wsj.com 5. "That is on par with the national average, " she says. “也就是全国平均出生缺陷率水平,”她解释说。 news.dxy.cn 6. And the life expectancy was 35 to 40 years, on par with Afghanistan today. 而且寿命的期望值是35到40年,是和阿富汗的今天一样的。 www.ted.com 7. We seek rates of ROE, 4 ROA, 5 and income per customer on par with the highest levels in China and overseas. 我们力争在资本回报率,资产回报率和单一客户收入这些指标上达到国内国际先进水平。 www.bing.com 8. Mr. Parker Bowles recently told you that Hong Kong's restaurant scene is now on par with New York and London's. 《华尔街日报》:鲍尔斯最近跟您说,目前的香港餐饮业可以与纽约、伦敦相媲美。 chinese.wsj.com 9. We think that if we add a few features to the PF we can make it much more viable and on par with the OC. 我们想如果给行星堡垒加入几个特色我们可以让他更可用且和轨道指挥部对等。 www.sc2c.com 10. That leaves it at 40 times last year's sales, on par with where Facebook is valued on private markets. 该估值是其去年销售额的40倍,与Facebook在私人市场上的估值旗鼓相当。 www.ftchinese.com 1. 'The level is increasing every year. Hong Kong is on par with the rest of the world. ' 这个标准每年都在提高,如今香港已经与世界其他地方不相上下了。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Such statistics put TV watching on par with smoking as a lethal activity; 该数据将看电视与吸烟并列人类的“致命活动”; www.bing.com 3. Be on par with: to be at the same level or standard; 等同于,相同于。水平或标准; bbs.putclub.com |
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