单词 | page views | ||||||||||||
释义 | page views
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 页面浏览数,综合浏览量,页面访问量 1. "Google is probably trying to get additional usage out of their product, " he added, "and monetize those page views. " “Google可能正试图寻找其产品的其他用法,”他补充到,“并从那些页面阅览中获取利润。” www.bing.com 2. The problem was that most of AOL's page views were being generated by the firm's subscribers rather than by random internet surfers. 但问题是,大多AOL的网页访问量都是由其订阅用户贡献的,而不是那些随机的互联网冲浪者。 www.ecocn.org 3. 'Dave, this isn't about my ego or page views, ' I said. 'This is about trust. If I leave, I'm not coming back. ' “戴夫,这跟我的自尊或页面浏览量无关,”我说,“这事关信任,如果我走了,就不会再回来。” www.bing.com 4. But Executive Editor Bill Keller says the Times is still profitable and had a billion page views on its Web site in October. 但是,执行编辑比尔。凯勒说,《纽约时报》目前仍然盈利,并且10月其网站有10亿网页浏览数量。 www.unsv.com 5. That article then went viral across the internet, gaining tens of thousands of page views and seeming to herald the reaction to come. 这篇文章在互联网上一下子成为热门,访问量已经上万,似乎预示着要有什么反应。 www.bing.com 6. It's unlikely that the article is so long that it requires pagination; in most cases, it is used to increase page views . 不太可能是文章实在太长了,因此需要分页;在大多数情况下,这样做是用来提高页面浏览量的。 www.bing.com 7. Boosting the page views to a new blog goes together with making the blog more popular or improving page ranking for your blog. 深入推进到一个新的页面浏览量博客一起去使博客更受欢迎或改善你的博客网页排名。 corrugatedroofing.info 8. Google representative says these page views may be stored with a user's account for "several weeks" before being erased. 一位谷歌代表说,在被删除之前,用户的页面阅读信息可能保存“数星期”。 bbs.i21st.cn 9. Almost as outdated as "hits" as an audience metric, page views have somehow managed to hold on far after their time. 页面浏览量(pv)是几乎和“点击(hits)”一样过时的受众度量,以某种方式已设法持续了很久。 www.bing.com 10. Some sites offering contests with huge sums of money selling services to attract consumers browse the web, increase your website page views. 有些网站提供有奖销售服务,以巨额奖金吸引消费者浏览其网站,提高网站浏览量。 www.zzzdao.com 1. In the second quarter, AOL said, its own members made up 36% of unique visitors to its network of websites, but generated 80% of page views. AOL称,第二季度,其自有会员的访问占了其网站单一访客量的36%,而贡献了80%的页面浏览量。 www.ecocn.org 2. App Engine is free and includes up to 500 MB of storage and enough CPU bandwidth to provide five million page views per day. AppEngine可免费使用并且包括多达500MB的存储及足够的CPU带宽来满足每天5百万次页面浏览。 www.ibm.com 3. It has integrated its SiteCatalyst software to allow publishers to get updates on advertising responsiveness and page views. Adobe还整合了它自己的SiteCatalyst软件让出版商对用户的广告回应和页面查看有实时更新的了解。 www.bing.com 4. In page design must be considered as possible factors that affect the access speed to enhance the speed of page views. 在页面设计上要尽可能地考虑影响访问速度的因素,提高页面访问速度。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Based on current traffic, Baidu estimates that its search service may attract at least tens of millions of page views per day. 根据目前的流量计算,百度预计其搜索服务每天可能会吸引至少数千万的访问量。 www.cn.wsj.com 6. That's measured by total page views, total number of visits and total user time spent on its websites as of February. 这是基于截止到二月份的总页面浏览量,总访问数和总用户停留时间而决定的。 www.bing.com 7. Some 590m people visited the company's sites in June, including its popular news and finance services, generating 78 billion page views. 六月份有5亿9千万人访问了雅虎网站,包括其时事新闻和金融服务栏目,创造了780亿的浏览次数。 www.ecocn.org 8. A free account can use up to 500MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month. 免费帐户,最多可以使用500MB的长期存储和CPU和足够的带宽,约500万的页面涉猎量一个月。 www.macoupedumonde.com 9. That post made the rounds and got thousands and thousands of page views (to this day it's doing huge traffic). 这个帖子不断被浏览,已经被浏览了成千上万次(至今应该已有极大的访问量)。 www.bing.com 10. Days ahead of the Qixi Festival, dating websites have earned page views and ad revenues by promoting blind dates for singles. 早在七夕之前几天,各类相亲网站上演各类“速配”节目,点击量、广告商由此倍增。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. You can calculate this by multiplying your average page size with the number of expected page views per month. 你可以通过用平均页面大小乘以每月预期的浏览页面次数的计算,来得到通信容量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. That helped Facebook account for roughly a quarter of online page views in November, significantly outpacing Google, Hitwise said. 这使得Facebook在十一月份得到四分之一的网页浏览量,这大大的超过了Google。 www.bing.com 3. Note The Visual Aids command is available only in one of the Page views. 注释“视觉帮助”命令只在其中一个“网页”视图中可用。 office.microsoft.com 4. The investigative article was the site's most popular, drawing nearly a third of page views, while the home page drew another third. 这篇调查报道是站内最受欢迎的文章,吸引了将近三分之一的页面浏览量,而主页的浏览量也占到三分之一。 cn.nytimes.com 5. Web transaction completely unrelated to shopping cart activity (page views, product inquiries, searches, an so on). Web事务完全与购物车活动(页面查看次数、查询产品、搜索等等)无关。 publib.boulder.ibm.com 6. Mr Rao said the site had received more than 200, 000 page views in the first five days. 饶先生声称网站成立后的头五天,就已经有超过了200,000页的留言。 bbs.m4.cn 7. Luoruiziao said as much page views, social networking for all companies will be a challenge. 洛瑞兹奥表示,由于页面浏览量很大,社交网络对于所有公司都将是一个挑战。 www.dob2c.com 8. Cripple your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic, especially for pages that get millions of page views per day. 发送大量突然的请求将使你的服务器宕机(Crippleyourservers),尤其是每天有数百万访问量的页面。 www.cnblogs.com 9. They say that will grow to 1 billion page views by end of September this year. Lijit表示到今年9月底他们的页面浏览量将增加到10亿。 www.bing.com 10. At present, the company has over 10m registered users and over 20m page views per day. 目前,该公司拥有超过1000万注册用户和2000万网页浏览量。 www.bing.com 1. This helps to explain why advertisers will only pay a pittance for page views on many social networks. 这有助于解释为什么广告商按页面浏览量只付给许多社交网微薄的广告费。 www.ecocn.org 2. So we're doing around 1. 4 billion page views monthly, so it's really gotten to be a huge thing. 我们每个月有大约14亿次页面浏览,它真的成为一个巨大的东西。 www.ted.com 3. Within a blog, the list of categories for the individual blog posts is unlikely to change regularly between page views. 在一个博客站点内,针对单个blogpost的类别列表不大可能在页面查看间经常性地变更。 www.ibm.com 4. Using a far future Expires header affects page views only after a user has already visited your site. 一个用户已访问过您的网站后,才使用远未来的Expires标题会页意见的影响。 www.cnblogs.com 5. Each unique visit to a site can result in multiple page views. 每浏览一个网站就会导致浏览多个网页。 www.bing.com 6. Social network page views high, but by CPM basis, their ad prices lower than the large Internet companies. 社交网络页面浏览量很高,但按千人成本计算,它们的广告价格低于大型互联网公司。 www.dob2c.com 7. Django has been around longer and originally came from an online newspaper that serves millions of page views per day. Django的历史比较长,来源于一个每天服务于数百万次页面查看请求的在线报纸服务。 www.ibm.com 8. However, if we measure by Web page views, Facebook is bigger than the next 99 websites combined, so the FEW is already huge. 然而,如果是看页面浏览量,Facebook比排它之后的99个网站的总和加起来还要多,所以Facebook的网络已经非常巨大。 www.bing.com 9. For expanding in this market, it now bets more on ifeng. com, its internet arm which is China's most frequented news website by page views. 为了扩张市场,该公司如今把更多希望寄托在其互联网子公司凤凰网(ifeng.com)上——按页面浏览量计算,这是中国人气最高的新闻网站。 www.ftchinese.com 10. This actual user had a peak rate of 8K page views per second. 实际用户的峰值率为每秒8K页面查看。 www.ibm.com 1. For all 12 days, there was a decline in total page views which ranged between 11% and 30%. 在12天中的每一天,总页面访问量都有下降,从11%到30%不等。 www.bing.com 2. So if you have a blog that gets at least 1, 000 page views a month, then I'll give you a FREE copy of my ebook, Reclaim Your Dreams. 那么,如果你的博客在一个月之内有至少1000次浏览量,我就免费送你一本《重塑你的梦想》。 www.bing.com 3. Being a market leader has traditionally been based on sales, page views, unique visitors, members and engagement. 传统上一个市场领先者凭借的是销售额、页面访问量、独立访客、会员和参与度。 www.bing.com 4. Since the launch in October 2000, the monthly traffic has gone from about 4 million page views to over 5 million today. 自2000年10月创办以来,月流量已经从4百万左右的页面点击率发展到今天的5百万次以上。 www.ibm.com 5. This type of comparison based on unique visitors and page views is clearly flawed because not all page views are created equal. 这种仅仅依靠访问者数量和网页浏览量做出的比较是有明显缺陷的。 www.bing.com 6. As subscribers left, therefore, AOL was losing page views too. 因此,随着订购用户的离开,美国在线也在失去页面请求访问量。 www.ecocn.org 7. They have typically relied on page views: the more page views, the more advertising revenue. 他们通常依赖页面浏览量:浏览次数越多,广告收入就越多。 www.bing.com 8. For the first eight months of my blog's life, it made zero income and barely cracked 1, 000 page views per day. 博客生活的头8个月,收入为0,日访问量勉强超过1000。 www.bing.com 9. Switches between page views, and enables users to carry out tasks such as changing page layout or editing controls. 在页面视图之间切换,使用户能够执行任务,例如更改页面布局或编辑控件。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. How many page views could generate the money both Google and the music companies expect? 需要多少网页浏览量才能产生出谷歌和唱片公司预期的收入? www.bing.com 1. So as subscribers leave, AOL will steadily lose page views. 所以如果订户离开的话,AOL将逐渐丧失页面访问量。 www.ecocn.org 2. If you take the blog page views anddivide it by the blog income, you get a site wide eCPM of $102. 56 . 如果你用这个博客的页面浏览量取除博客收入,你会得到整个网站的eCPM为$102.56。 www.bing.com 3. In December, it notched as many page views as MSN and Yahoo combined. 在12月也创下点击率的新高,就如MSN和雅虎整合后一般。 www.bing.com 4. now sees 20% of total page views and 15% of new B2C subscriptions each week coming directly from mobile and tablet devices. 现在每周FT网站20%的浏览量,15%的B2C交易都直接来源于手机和平板电脑操作终端。 www.bing.com 5. Visits, page views, links and referrals (you can see these with Google Analytics or SiteMeter). 访问次数,页面访问量,链接和介绍人(你可以用GoogleAnalytics或SiteMeter看到) www.bing.com 6. Since it put up its paywall, visits to the paper's site have dropped by about 10% and page views by about 20%. 自从建立了收费墙,报纸网站的访问量下降约10%,页面的浏览量下降了20%。 www.bing.com 7. When Shopzilla dropped latency from seven seconds to two, revenue went up seven-12 percent and page views jumped 25 percent. 当购物区延迟从7秒降低到2秒,收入增加7到12个百分点,页面观点数也增加了百分之二十五。 www.bing.com 8. They've got millions of users, and zillions of page views. 他们拥有数百万的用户,不计其数的网页浏览量。 www.bing.com 9. On the Tianya bulletin board, a single discussion string about the veracity of the pictures has attracted 25. 8m page views. 在天涯公告栏上,一个仅仅有关照片真实性的讨论就吸引了2580万人次的点击率。 www.bing.com 10. Last month the site accounted for 1 out of 4 American page views. 上个月,该网站的占1次超过了美国4页。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In no time, there were more than a million page views. 一会的时间网页浏览量就超过了100万。 www.bing.com 2. page views: promoting your tianbao shop channels to increase the flow, such as clean out treasure to train, the blog, BBS, site, etc. 浏览量:多渠道推广你的淘宝店铺以增加流量,比如淘宝直通车、博客、bbs、站点等。 www.82g.com.cn 3. As a result, we saw record highs in our key engagement metrics: cumulative members, unique users and page views. 其结果就是,我们的累计会员数、独立用户数以及页面浏览量等关键参与指标都创下历史新高。 www.fortunechina.com 4. He witnessed a drop from 39% from 2003 to only 2% in 2010 of page views coming from the home page of a large research site. 他见证了一个大型研究网站的“首页进入访客比例”从2003年的39%,下降到2010年的2%。 www.bing.com 5. Poole's commitment to anonymity has helped 4Chan acquire more than 12 million active users; it boasts 600 million page views a month. 他的创始人克里斯·普尔(ChrisPoole)以此使网站获得了超过12万的活跃用户,每月产生6亿个新页面。 www.mittrchinese.com 6. Fourteen of Nachtwey's images that were posted on Time. com had 2 million page views on that first day. 其中公布在Time.com的14张照片自第一天起至今已有2百万浏览量。 www.bing.com 7. We knew that Facebook's page views exploded in late 2009. 我们都知道,Facebook的页面访问量在2009年年底登顶。 www.bing.com 8. Data traffic is up 319%, year-over-year, and page views have increased by 255%. 年度数据流量上涨了319%,而页面访问次数则增长了255% www.bing.com 9. Instead of focusing solely on page views, Mixpanel shows insight into user-defined events, such as buying virtual goods in a Facebook game. 从而代替了对单个页面访问量的关注,Mixpanel展示了它在用户定义事件上的洞察力,例如在Facebook里购买游戏虚拟商品。 dongxi.net 10. It has 550 million users, and accounts for about 1 of 4 American page views. 它有5.5亿用户,并占美国网页浏览量的四分之一。 www.bing.com 1. StatCounter's figures are based on aggregate data on a sample of over 15 billion page views per month. StatCounter提供的是综合数据,来自一个150多亿次访问量的抽样调查。 www.bing.com 2. In June 2008, Opera Mini servers processed 100 million page views per day for the first time. 2008年6月,每天通过OperaMini浏览的网页首次超过了1亿个。 www.bing.com 3. There are now Minyans in 122 countries that drive upwards of 10 million page views each month. 现在,Minyanville的会员遍及122个国家,每个月有1000万的页面浏览量。 chinese.wsj.com 4. They asked me how many page views we got each month, said they'd talk about it and never got back to me. 他们问我读写网每个月的访问量有多少,说他们回去讨论下,就再也没有找过我。 www.bing.com 5. Not too long ago I published the all-time top 10 posts on Mission to Learn based on the number of page views those posts have received. 不久前,我刚出版了目前在《学习任务》中浏览量排名前十的帖子。 www.bing.com 6. Just to throw out some figures, last month (April 2006), this site received over 1. 1 million visitors and over 2. 4 million page views. 我把自己的一些数据报给你听吧,上个月(2006年4月份),这个网站的访问者有110万,并有240万的文章浏览量。 www.bing.com 7. The hot news and blog site gets 3 billion page views a day, according to some estimates. 据估计,这个热门的新闻和博客网站每天有30亿的浏览量。 www.bing.com 8. For, example you book a web campaign on page views and you keep going until you reach your goal. 例如,公司预订一个页面广告浏览活动,就持续做下去直到浏览数量达到目标。 www.bing.com 9. tools to understand how the community is faring -- metrics such as number of posts, page views, unique visitors, and so on 帮助理解社区如何运作的工具——比如发帖数、页面视图数、惟一访客数等衡量标准 www.ibm.com 10. Number of page views from a referring domain to a target page 从推荐域到目标页的点击率 report.etcell.com 1. Number of page views from a referring site to a target page 从推荐站点到目标页的点击率 report.etcell.com 2. Top website metrics: average page views per visit, average time on site, booking engine abandonment rate 最高网站指标:每次访问的平均页面浏览量、网站停留的平均时间、预订引擎放弃率 www.bing.com 3. Number of page views to a subdirectory 子目录的点击率 report.etcell.com 4. Number of page views to a target domain 目标域的点击率 eb.njau.edu.cn 5. Number of page views to a target site 目标站点的点击率 eb.njau.edu.cn 6. Number of page views from a referral site 来自推荐站点的点击率 report.etcell.com 7. Enable multiple page "views" per mode to learn about portlet page navigation 对每个模式启用多页“视图”,了解有关Portlet的页面导航 www.ibm.com |
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