单词 | page view |
释义 |
例句释义: 单页点阅率,页面访问数,网页浏览次数,浏览率 1. When you hold the iPad horizontally, iBooks switches to a two-page view with a rounded rise in the middle, like a paper book's binding. 当你将iPad横过来的时候,iBooks会转换为双页窗口,在两页中间有一道弧形的凸起线,就像纸质书籍的装订线。 c.wsj.com 2. In the Page View window, click the HTML tab at the bottom of your page. 在“页面视图”窗口中,单击页面底部的HTML选项卡。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Old-style applications would force a new page view for you to edit a definition. 旧式的应用程序会强迫您用一个新的页面视图来编辑定义。 www.ibm.com 4. A picture or object that you add in notes page view will appear on your printed notes page, but not on your screen in normal view. 在备注页视图中添加的图片或对象会在已打印的备注页中显示,而不在标准视图中显示。 office.microsoft.com 5. Now Google's made the page view even more obsolete with its new Google Instant Search capability. 现在Google用它的新Google即时搜索能力使PV更加过时。 www.bing.com 6. Switches between a full -page view of a sheet and a magnified view . 在全页视图和放大视图之间切换。 www.bing.com 7. This text will appear on your page in Page view but will not appear when you publish your Web site. 注释文本将在“网页”视图中显示,但不会显示在发布的网站中。 office.microsoft.com 8. What's a quick way to see all of the files and folders in your Web site, while staying in Page view? 要在“网页”视图中查看网站中的所有文件和文件夹,比较快的方式是什么? office.microsoft.com 9. Figure 15 shows the Browse troubleshooting links module, expanded to its full page view. 图15显示了Browsetroubleshootinglinks模块,而且该模块被扩展为全页视图。 www.ibm.com 10. Page view "inventories" for online advertising continues to fall short of demand, even if an economic downturn takes place. 网络广告的页面浏览“清单”继续供不应求,即使出现经济低迷。 www.elanso.com 1. Page view allows you to create, edit, and view your Web pages. “网页”视图可用来创建、编辑和查看网页。 office.microsoft.com 2. Code view is a page view in Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 where you can view the code of a page in your site. 代码视图是MicrosoftOfficeSharePointDesigner2007中的一种网页视图,您可以在其中查看网站中网页的代码。 office.microsoft.com 3. You can page through the results in the same manner as the full page view above. 您也可以像之前在全页视图那样逐页浏览所有结果。 www.ibm.com 4. The committee blamed the ticket system failure on "excessive page view volume" at its website. 北京奥组委埋怨道,订票网上“过多的浏览量”导致了系统故障。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Causes page view state to be persisted, if called. 如果调用,则保持页视图状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Depending on the resolution of your monitor , you may not see certain graphics , such as thin borders, in full -page view . 由于监视器分辨率的原因,有可能无法看到某些图形,例如全页视图中的细边框。 www.bing.com 7. On the Team Project Creation Status page, view the status messages and status bar that describes what the wizard is doing. 在“团队项目创建状态”页上,查看状态消息以及描述向导正在执行的操作的状态栏。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Stores ASP. NET page view state on the Web client in a hidden HTML element. 用一个隐藏的HTML元素存储Web客户端上的ASP.NET页视图状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In Page view, position the insertion point where you want to add an Expedia map or a link to a map. 在“网页”视图中,将插入点定位到要添加的Expedia映射或映射链接处。 office.microsoft.com 10. You can also check and change the headers and footers of your notes in Notes Page view. 您还可以在“备注页”视图中检查并更改备注的页眉和页脚。 office.microsoft.com 1. A nonce is a hard-to-guess value generated for each page view that contains a form. 一个nonce就是针对包含表单的某个页面视图而生成的一个难以猜出的值。 www.ibm.com 2. To test the link on a data access page, switch to Page view and click the hyperlink. 若要测试数据访问页中的链接,请切换到“页”视图并单击该超链接。 office.microsoft.com 3. In Page view, click Format and then click Shared Borders. 在“网页”视图中,单击“格式”,然后单击“共享边框”。 office.microsoft.com 4. In the master page, view state will effectively be disabled because the setting on the master page will take priority. 实际上会禁用视图状态,因为母版页上的设置具有优先权。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. A custom web page view which hosts an HTML page in the results pane. 一个在结果窗格中显示HTML页面的自定义网页视图。 svn.net.henu.edu.cn 6. In Page view, on the File menu, point to New and then click Page or Web. 在“网页”视图中,在“文件”菜单上,指向“新建”,然后单击“网页或网站”。 office.microsoft.com 7. In Page view, click where you want to include a page. 请在“网页”视图中,单击要包含其他网页的位置。 office.microsoft.com 8. At the same time, public indicators suggest that Yahoo! 's search and page view shares have declined. 第三方数据显示,雅虎在搜索市场占有的份额、以及页面访问量均出现下滑。 bbs.wwenglish.org 9. Am I simply a page view to you? 我对你而言,仅仅是一个网页而已? blog.sina.com.cn 10. How to use that response document on the client to update your page view. 如何在客户端用响应文档更新页面视图。 www-128.ibm.com 1. I do not see the Navigation Pane when I'm in Page view. 在“网页”视图中时,看不到“导航窗格”。 office.microsoft.com 2. The highest daily page view volume has exceeded 500 million. 每日的最高页面查看量已经超过5亿。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. For instance, how long do the companies store page-view data? 比如,这些公司可以保留页面阅读信息多长时间? www.bing.com 4. To print the document from this page view, click the Print page view icon Image: PrintPgViewIcon. png to open the Print dialog. 若要在页面预览下打印文档,请点击打印页面预览图标Image:PrintPgViewIcon.png,打开打印对话框。 ooo.pingju.org 5. In Page view, open the page you want to link to the style sheet. 在“网页”视图中,打开要链接到样式表的网页。 office.microsoft.com 6. In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Design 在“网页”视图中文档窗口的底部,单击“设计” office.microsoft.com 7. In Page view, at the bottom of the document window, click Code 在“网页”视图中,在文档窗口底部,单击“代码” office.microsoft.com 8. Complementing these actions are four additional links on the home page view, shown in figure 4 除了这些动作外,主页上还有4个链接,如图4所示 www.ibm.com 9. In Page view, a form is represented by a dotted line: A number of different form field options are available 在“网页”视图中,表单是由点线表示的,有若干不同的表单域选项供用户选择 office.microsoft.com 10. Architecture of Website with High Page view and High concurrency 高并发高流量网站架构 blog.csdn.net 1. Remove a filter to show all records in a data access page in Page view 在“页”视图中取消筛选以显示数据访问页中的所有记录 office.microsoft.com 2. Create a filter in Page view to limit records after they've been retrieved 在“页”视图中创建筛选,以便检索记录后限制这些记录 office.microsoft.com 3. Here's a sample of what's logged for one page view 这里有一个例子,是一次页面浏览所留下的记录 meta.wikimedia.org 4. If you are viewing or editing a frames page in your Web site, Page view has two additional panes tabs 如果您正在查看或编辑网站中的框架网页,“网页”视图会显示两个附加的窗格选项卡 office.microsoft.com 5. Working with Data Access Pages in Page View 在页视图中使用数据访问页 office.microsoft.com 6. Page View Identification Based on Site Topology 结合站点拓扑结构的页面视图分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Editing your pages in Page view 在“网页”视图中编辑网页 office.microsoft.com 8. When you are working in Page view, there are two ways to get an overhead look at your pages while you're editing them 在“网页”视图中工作时,有两种在编辑时查看网页的总体外观的方法 office.microsoft.com 9. To change the default page view to Design view 将默认页面视图更改为“设计”视图 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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