释义 |
adj. | 1. relating or belonging to an order of dinosaurs that had a backward-rotating pelvis similar to that of birds. The order includes the triceratops and stegosaur. | n. | 1. an ornithischian dinosaur, e.g. an ankylosaur |
1. | 鸟臀类恐龙 牙印出现在许多种恐龙的化石上,例如三角龙(Triceratops)和鸭嘴龙(Hadrosaurs)的巨大肋骨,还有鸟臀类恐龙(ornithisc… songshuhui.net | 2. | 鸟臀目恐龙 研究人员针对西里龙类、鸟臀目恐龙(ornithischian)和蜥脚类(Sauropodomorph)的齿系和食性进行分析后发现,早期“西里 … baike.baidu.com | 3. | 似鸟恐龙 笨鸟先飞 English, 翻译, 例句, 字典... ... 始祖鸟 Archaeopteryx 似鸟恐龙 ornithischian 水鸟 waterfowl;a water bird ... zh.glosbe.com |