单词 | on me | ||||||||||||||
释义 | on me
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在我身上,我请,你可以随时依靠我 1. These affirmed that it was pleasure enough to have the privilege of again looking on Mr. Rochester, whether he looked on me or not. 这两者都认定不管罗切斯特先生是不是看你,你能有幸见到他,这就是够快乐的了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I knew she was going to put pressure on me to give up the idea, and I wondered if I could stand up to it. 我知道她是想对我施加压力好让我放弃这个念头,而我怀疑自己是否有勇气面对这一切。 www.bing.com 3. "And O, how stupid and tiresoMe. ! " said the Rain. "Blow on Me. please, that I may revive a little. " “而且很枯燥无味!”雨天说道。“吹吹我,好让我恢复清醒。” dict.ebigear.com 4. When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law, the only effect it produces on me is to convince me that he is an unalterable fool. 当我听人谈论不可变更的法时,唯一的印象是使我确信他是一个不折不扣的白痴。 www.hao360.com 5. Well, he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them, my manager blamed them on me! 哦,他在月报表中弄错了几个地方,他的主管发现错误后,我的经理把责任推给我了。 www.ebigear.com 6. But let us ask ourselves: what sort of self-serving doctrine says, "Please, put all the taxes on me" ? 但是让我们问自己这个问题:有哪类为本阶级服务的学说会宣布‘请求君主让吾来承担所有的税收吧’? www.bing.com 7. The next sensation was as though someone had dumped a large bucket of scalding hot water on me. 接下来的感觉就是仿佛被人用一桶滚烫的开水浇遍了全身。 www.bing.com 8. Sorry, I'm late again. I'll make it up to you. Dinner is on me. How about that? 抱歉我又迟到了。我会补偿你的。晚饭我请,怎麽样? dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Don't get all holy on me, James. This town called you, too. You and me are the same. We're not like other people. Don't you know that? 不要跟我讲大道理,詹姆斯。这个小镇也在召唤你。我们都是一样的。我们不象其他的人。你难道不明白吗? www.memoryofalessa.com 10. And his mother said, Let the curse be on me, my son: only do as I say, and go and get them for me. 他母亲对他说:我儿,你招的咒诅归到我身上;你只管听我的话,去把羊羔给我拿来。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But slowly it began to dawn on me, that something rather special was happening. 但是慢慢地我突然意识到,有一件很特别的事情在发生。 www.ted.com 2. Sometimes, when Wendell was busy, he would try the insight out on me instead, or discuss a fine point of the Apple II firmware. 有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果II方面的固件细节。 www.bing.com 3. It dawned on me that we were heading into a war zone. 我突然想起我们是在向战区前进。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Wait on me, girl, cry in the night if it helps. But more than ever, I simply love you more than I love life itself. 请为我等候,我的女孩,如果有用的话请你在夜晚哭泣吧。但是比此更重要的是,我爱你胜过爱生命。 www.yappr.cn 5. I stared - she stared also: at any rate, she kept her eyes on me in a cool, regardless manner, exceedingly embarrassing and disagreeable. 我瞪眼,她也瞪眼:但是无论什么情况下,她看我的目光都是冷冷的,漠不关心的样子,让我觉得非常的尴尬和不舒服。 www.examw.com 6. In the light of day, in a street full of passengers, she was like playing a lucky-draw and had her eye on me at first sight. 光天化日,在人们熙来攘往的大街上,她像是在玩送奖游戏,一眼看中了走在法国梧桐树下的我。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 7. The doctor could smell the drink on me. He said, "It's got to stop. " 医生闻到了我身上的酒味,劝诫我说,“你该戒酒了。” www.bing.com 8. The father of the baby is now engaged to my best friend, whom he was cheating on me with when I became pregnant. 孩子他爸当初已经和我最佳的友人定亲,在我怀孕的时候他始终和她有一腿。 www.csol666.com 9. The stewardess came to check on me again. This time the she sat next to me and asked if I was all right. 那个空姐又一次过来。这次她在我旁边坐下问我是不是还好。 bbs.sdust.edu.cn 10. While I was sitting there, munching a delicious potato and trying to get used to the smoke, I felt a pair of eyes resting on me. 我坐在那儿大口吃着香喷喷的土豆,一边竭力适应屋里的浓烟,这时感到有双眼睛在注视我。 www.zftrans.com 1. Mark 10: 47 When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out and say, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! ' 他听见是拿撒勒的耶稣,就喊着说:“大卫的子孙耶稣啊,可怜我吧!” dickleesolucky.spaces.live.com 2. FOR years I have been trying to lend him of my plenty, but he has always steadfastly refused to put the bite on me. 多年来,我一直想把我花不完的钱借给他,可是他坚决不肯向我借。 dict.ebigear.com 3. I often dream of the scene that she leans on me and I squeeze her hand softly, whispering some sweet words. 我时常幻想着她靠在我的身上,我轻轻握着她的手,在她的耳边轻声低语说着情话的场景。 wenwen.soso.com 4. When I was in hospital, she called on me with a bouquet of roses in her hand. 当我住院时,她手上捧着一束玫瑰花来探望我。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. As long as you do not impose your values and believes on me, as long as you do not interfere with me, I will not interfere with you. 只要你不把你的价值观,相信对我来说,只要你不干扰我,我不会干涉你。 blog.cersp.com 6. In fact, the idea of a friend in to see me " Lijiang impression that " there are, and a strong influence on me. 事实上,想法的朋友看到我在“丽江印象,”有,和强大的对我的影响。 www.360doc.com 7. It's no good taking it out on me, I can't help it if we had a puncture. 拿我出气也没用,即使轮胎戳破了我也没有办法。 www.1stenglish.com 8. Then his red eyes focus on me again, still that creepy insane sort of smile on his lips. 然后,他的红眼睛专注于我了,仍是爬行类疯狂的微笑他的嘴唇。 wenwen.soso.com 9. It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely chugging along at thirty. 后来,我才突然明白,这次快车并非以90英里的时速疾弛而下,而只不过是以30英里的时速慢慢向前行驶。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. As I was growing up, one day it suddenly dawned on me somehow that it was shameful to be afraid of a dog. 怕狗成了我的一种病。我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 1. It's not my fault that you've had a bad day; don't take it out on me. 你这一天过得不愉快不是我的错,别拿我出气。 tieba.baidu.com 2. He does not look down on me. What's more, he takes a more elegant way to talk to me than that of to others. 他还算瞧得上我,甚至他现在跟我说话的方式都比他跟其他人说话高了一个层次。 www.bing.com 3. Our friendship had crept up on me gradually, until Don had a place in my heart equal to other people I loved. 我们的友情逐渐渗入到我的心灵,直到唐像其他我所爱的人一样,在心中占据了一席之地。 www.joyen.net 4. I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my cheque book at home. 我刚要为所购之物付钱时突然想起我把支票簿忘在家中了。 ofd.shisu.edu.cn 5. If I can be of service, do not hesitate to call on me. 有用得着我的地方,尽管来找我。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Slowly, I started to see that capturing other people's attention and having all those eyes on me was a rush. 渐渐地,我发现吸引别人的目光和注意力让我获得了巨大的满足。 www.bing.com 7. Over their laughter, I told them, "I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead. " 他们笑的时候我告诉他们:“我选择活着,当我是个活人一样给我做手术,别当我是死人。” blog.sina.com.cn 8. Look, my wife cheated on me, too. I know how much it hurts. And so will a judge. 听着,我太太也欺骗了我。我知道那有多受伤。也知道一个判断有多伤人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It suddenly dawned on me one sunny Saturday morning that life is nothing but an accident! 在一个阳光充足的星期六早晨我恍然大悟:其实这只是件意外的事! ido.3mt.com.cn 10. I just. . . you. . . take this out on me, be mad at me, but please, just don't hurt Toothless! 我只是……你拿我来出气吧,冲我发火,但是求求你别伤害无牙! www.joyen.net 1. Now I'm up to a hundred and fourteen numbers that somebody uses to put their finger on me. 瑞在别人要辨认我的时候,我就有一百一十四个数字了。 www.hxen.com 2. If it had depended on me, I would not have left. 如果转会的决定权在我,我不会选择离开。 www.itaol.com 3. And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you and not bestowed on me, a happy home with his wife and children. 此外,我弟弟幸福无比,像你们之中的很多人一样,拥有一个有妻子与儿女的快乐家庭,这是我所不及的。 wordnet.sparke.cn 4. what makes me feel strange: When we are window-shop. the avenue people kept their eyes on me. I did not know why do they look at me. 让我奇怪的是:当我们逛街的时候。大街上的人都看我。不知道他们为什么看我。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook. " 你知道自己的幸福只取决于自己,便摆脱了困境。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. As much as she was a force in the classroom, she had even more effect on me through what she demanded of our writing. 由于她在课堂上的绝对权威,她通过要求我们进行写作训练而对我产生了很大的影响。 www.bing.com 7. The course made a tremendous impact on me, encouraging me to look at my own personal code and the need to develop a moral compass. 这个过程给了我巨大的影响,鼓励我去正视自身的特点和拟订一个道德上的指南的必要性 zhidao.baidu.com 8. (Laughter) Until I got to the true young global leader, Shimon Peres, President of Israel. And he ran a beautiful manipulation on me. (笑声)直到我联络到ShimonPeres,一个年轻的领袖,以色列总统,他让我好好的操作了这个理念。 www.ted.com 9. He's a really pushy guy who's always hitting on me, and he wanna go out with me, but I don't find him attractive at all. 他实在是个粗鲁的家伙,总是跟我搭讪。他想和我约会,但我一点都不喜欢他。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 10. I wonder why he took it out on me. 我想知道他为什么朝我发火, blog.sina.com.cn 1. a: i know you're upset about not getting the promotion, but don't take it out on me. 我知道你对没有升职感到很难过,但是别把这件事发泄在我身上。 www.kaoshi365.com 2. was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. 这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我的身上。 get198.blog.163.com 3. How strange was the night that followed! The whole of Marguerite's life seemed to be concentrated in the kisses she lavished on me. 这真是一个奇妙的夜晚,玛格丽特的生命几乎全部倾注在她给我的狂吻里面。 www.bing.com 4. as i look up to the sky today, i can feel you looking down on me. 这样,当我抬起头时,我就能够感受到你的目光。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. Because I knew what a great husband he was, and now he was once again beginning to put pressure on me, like he did when I was a little kid. 因为我知道了他是多么伟大的一个丈夫,现在他有一次开始给我压力,就像我是个小孩子的时候做的。 www.ted.com 6. One of my guys had a particularly bad day, and at the end of the day, a tense situation arose and he took it out on me. 我的一个手下经历了糟糕的一天,临近结束时,紧张的局势终于爆发,他向我摊牌了。 www.bing.com 7. My aunt went in and the old woman, seeing that I hesitated to enter, began to reckon on me again repeatedly with her hand. 姑妈进去了,我却踟蹰着,不敢向前;老太太见我害怕,便连连招手。 8. Can't you put one of your spells on me, to make me more attractive for her? 你不能给我念个咒语,让我对她更有吸引力吗? www.chinaedu.com 9. Being an SEO, it quickly dawned on me that this was a great way for a business to build links and also help a charity at the same time. 作为一个搜索引擎工作者,我们想到这对于公司而言,是一个很好的方法,既能建设链接又能帮助慈善机构。 www.bing.com 10. Some members of my staff felt that I should observe the custom of bygone days and allow him to call on me. 我的几个参谋人员觉得我应遵守已往惯例,允许他来见我。 www.jukuu.com 1. Identification on me. I don't know why I sort of carry that from that memory of his, the way he died. 我不知道为什么老记着这个,他死亡的方式。但他确实从心底里是个游牧者。 easonliu.blog.com.cn 2. For Christ did not give pleasure to himself, but, as it is said, The bitter words of those who were angry with you came on me . 因为基督也不求自己的喜悦,如经上所记,辱骂你人的辱骂,都落在我身上。 www.jukuu.com 3. What's dawned on me is just how much a good life requires embracing paradox. 我渐渐明白,美好的生活是多么需要“悖论”。 www.bing.com 4. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me. 他听见是拿撒勒的耶稣,就喊着说,大卫的子孙耶稣阿,可怜我吧。 www.ebigear.com 5. It was as though I had lived under a rock for a long time and suddenly someone had lifted it off and was shining a torch on me. 就像很长时间以来我都在一块大石头下生活,突然什么人把它拿走了,而为我点燃了一把火炬。 www.daliandaily.com.cn 6. You were depending on me to bring you out of it. 还不是亏了我,才救了你。 7. No, no, I'm just looking for a man to draw on me with chalk. 不,我只是要找一个人用粉笔在我身上划线。 www.kekenet.com 8. It dawned on me that I had not turned off the radio. 我意识到我没把收音机关掉。 class.ebigear.com 9. Now if this is not familiar to you, let me explain that this is not the point where you get all holier than thou on me. 现在如果你对此不熟悉,让我给你解释一下这种神圣的能量。 www.bing.com 10. He took great notice of me, called on me often to converse on those subjects. 他很看重我,经常前来拜访,同我谈论那些题目。 dict.veduchina.com 1. It dawned on me that she had been right all along. 我突然意识到她一直是对的。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Others just love to comment on me, or whatever they look down on me to go, and I? 别人爱怎的去评论我、或是看不起我都随他们高兴去吧,与我何干? www.tiantianbt.com 3. And Saul said, The Lord's blessing will be yours, for you have had pity on me. 扫罗说、愿耶和华赐福与你们.因你们顾恤我。 www.o-bible.com 4. "Christ did not indulge his own feelings . . . as scripture says: The insults of those who insult you fall on me" (Rom. 15: 3 NJB). “基督徒不放纵自己的感情….正如圣经所说:那些来自侮辱你的人的而言都将由我承受”(罗马书15:3)。 www.bing.com 5. It wasn`t summer`s humidity that had settled on me like a heavy net when I came into the kitchen. 当我走进厨房时,像有张沉重的渔网罩在我身上的不是夏日里空气中的潮湿。 www.bing.com 6. Jay: Honey, you know there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage, if I ever say no, I want you to use it on me. 亲爱的,你知道车库里有一把枪的,要是我敢说一个不字,我希望你用它崩了我。 epaper.tianjinwe.com 7. He fobbed this painting off on me as a genuine Van Gogh, but I later found out that it was a fake. 他诓骗我买下这幅梵谷的真画,但我后来发现它是一件赝品。 dict.kekenet.com 8. People who used to be amicable so gaze on me as if I'm a abashed daredevil, thinking I'm bugging. 过去经常对我很友好的人如今盯着我看,好像我是一个窘迫的冒失鬼,认为我在打探他们的隐私。 www.kb120.com 9. As I watched him eat and listened to him ramble on, it dawned on me that maybe some of the ridicule heaped on John was unwarranted . 看着他吃饭,听着他漫谈,我逐渐地明白:对他的大肆嘲笑或许是毫无根据的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The revenue authorities have come down on me for the payment of twenty pounds income tax. 税务局要我交付20英镑的所得税。 1. "That is when it dawned on me that it could have been Reeva who was in the toilet, " he said. 他说,“我那时候才意识到,在厕所的那个人可能就是里瓦。” cn.nytimes.com 2. He went into the bathroom and I waited beside the door, when he was finished he leaned on me and we went back to the bed. 他走进洗手间我在门口等着他当他出来后,他靠在我身上,我们走回病房,上到床上。 www.bing.com 3. His thought has had more influence on me than the thought of any other single person in the last 25 years. 在过去25年中,他的思想比任何其他个人对我的影响都大。 www.bing.com 4. 'Cos I can tell you right now that you will never find the evidence on me, that's the truth. 因为我可以告诉你,现在你永远都找不到证据,对我来说,那是事实。 www.gnscl.com 5. One then started smashing me with a plastic sword, and as I lay helpless on the floor the other one peed on me. 一个用塑料剑打我,一个在我身上撒尿,我束手无策地躺在地板上。 www.bucter.com 6. A few years ago, one of my very good friends who is an office manager at the company I used to work for unleashed a college tale on me. 几年前,一位很要好的朋友向我透露了她大学时的故事。她在我以前工作过的那家公司做经理。 www.elanso.com 7. I've been looking for a reason to leave him and now that he cheated on me, that's was the clincher. 我一直在找个理由想和他分手,现在我发现他欺骗我,这正好做个了结。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Be angry all you want. Don't take it out on me. 你尽量生气,别把气出在我头上就是了。 www.xdf.cn 9. If I tried drawing a draft, the Yankees would be on me like a duck on a June bug. 我如动那笔钱,北方佬就会像鸭子扑向6月的虫子一样向我扑来。 bbs.wwenglish.org 10. Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy, " he said, "Honest, I ain't. " He was stiffening and steadying. 波特看着对手。“我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的,我没有带。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。 1. "That is when it dawned on me that it could have been Reeva who was in the toilet, " he said. 他说,“我那时候才意识到,在厕所的那个人可能就是里瓦。” cn.nytimes.com 2. He went into the bathroom and I waited beside the door, when he was finished he leaned on me and we went back to the bed. 他走进洗手间我在门口等着他当他出来后,他靠在我身上,我们走回病房,上到床上。 www.bing.com 3. His thought has had more influence on me than the thought of any other single person in the last 25 years. 在过去25年中,他的思想比任何其他个人对我的影响都大。 www.bing.com 4. 'Cos I can tell you right now that you will never find the evidence on me, that's the truth. 因为我可以告诉你,现在你永远都找不到证据,对我来说,那是事实。 www.gnscl.com 5. One then started smashing me with a plastic sword, and as I lay helpless on the floor the other one peed on me. 一个用塑料剑打我,一个在我身上撒尿,我束手无策地躺在地板上。 www.bucter.com 6. A few years ago, one of my very good friends who is an office manager at the company I used to work for unleashed a college tale on me. 几年前,一位很要好的朋友向我透露了她大学时的故事。她在我以前工作过的那家公司做经理。 www.elanso.com 7. I've been looking for a reason to leave him and now that he cheated on me, that's was the clincher. 我一直在找个理由想和他分手,现在我发现他欺骗我,这正好做个了结。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Be angry all you want. Don't take it out on me. 你尽量生气,别把气出在我头上就是了。 www.xdf.cn 9. (dawn on) It suddenly dawned on me that money couldn't make up for all that he had suffered in the past five years. 我突然意识到,金钱无法弥补过去五年里他所遭受的苦难。 www.8875.org 10. I have to confess that Whitewater, especially the attacks on Hillary, took a bigger toll on me than I thought it would. 我必须承认,白水事件,尤其是对希拉里的抨击,对我造成的负面影响比我原先想像的要大。 www.bing.com 1. Be angry all you want. Don't take it out on me. 你尽量生气,别把气出在我头上就是了。 www.xdf.cn 2. (dawn on) It suddenly dawned on me that money couldn't make up for all that he had suffered in the past five years. 我突然意识到,金钱无法弥补过去五年里他所遭受的苦难。 www.8875.org 3. I have to confess that Whitewater, especially the attacks on Hillary, took a bigger toll on me than I thought it would. 我必须承认,白水事件,尤其是对希拉里的抨击,对我造成的负面影响比我原先想像的要大。 www.bing.com 4. their laughter, I told them, 'I'mchoosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead'. 他们的笑声未了,我告诉他们:‘我选择活着。把我当活人而不是死人来做手术。’ edu.sina.com.cn 5. If I tried drawing a draft, the Yankees would be on me like a duck on a June bug. 我如动那笔钱,北方佬就会像鸭子扑向6月的虫子一样向我扑来。 bbs.wwenglish.org 6. Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy, " he said, "Honest, I ain't. " He was stiffening and steadying. 波特看着对手。“我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的,我没有带。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。 7. 30I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me. 以后我不再和你们多说话,因为这世界的王将到,他在我里面是毫无所有; www.ebigear.com 8. a: be angry all you want. don't take it out on me. i didn't do anything. 你尽量生气,别把气出在我头上就是了。我又没怎样。 www.kaoshi365.com 9. "Don't be too hard on me, " said the Officer, smiling; "I was beating him with a stuffed club. " “不要苛责我”,警察笑着说,“我打他是用的充气棒。” www.bing.com 10. If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business. 哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. 30I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold on me. 以后我不再和你们多说话,因为这世界的王将到,他在我里面是毫无所有; www.ebigear.com 2. a: be angry all you want. don't take it out on me. i didn't do anything. 你尽量生气,别把气出在我头上就是了。我又没怎样。 www.kaoshi365.com 3. "Don't be too hard on me, " said the Officer, smiling; "I was beating him with a stuffed club. " “不要苛责我”,警察笑着说,“我打他是用的充气棒。” www.bing.com 4. If I were to try to read, much less to answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well as be closed for any other business. 哪怕我曾经想过要看这些对我的攻击言论,这个店可能就已经关门改做其它的业务了,更不能说去回复它们了。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. All that world is weighing down on me; you don't even know where it comes to an end. 那个世界好重,压在我身上,你甚至不知道什么时候才是尽头。 bbs.kekenet.com 6. He was waiting round the corner and jumped on me in the dark. 他在拐角处等着,从暗处袭击我。 www.jukuu.com 7. I don't know what effect it had on me, except that later, when he got ill, I was very glad to be able to share his last months. 我不确实这件事对我有什么影响,但当我在后来知道他生病时,我很高兴能够和他一起度过他最后的那几个月。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The sense of guilty , which has pressed on me so many years, is gradually going with the wind. 多年来压在我心头的负罪感也随之烟消云散 bbs.ebigear.com 9. I caught them trying to pull something on me in the meeting . 他们打算在会上耍我,被我逮住了。 www.bing.com 10. It suddenly dawned on me that he has been cheating on his wife. 我恍然大悟,原来他一直对妻子不忠。 m.china.org.cn 1. The sense of guilty , which has pressed on me so many years, is gradually going with the wind. 多年来压在我心头的负罪感也随之烟消云散 bbs.ebigear.com 2. I caught them trying to pull something on me in the meeting . 他们打算在会上耍我,被我逮住了。 www.bing.com 3. It suddenly dawned on me that he has been cheating on his wife. 我恍然大悟,原来他一直对妻子不忠。 m.china.org.cn 4. Just because you're unhappy doesn't mean you can take it out on me. 你心里不舒服,并不表示你可以拿我出气。你只有一张嘴。 blog.163.com 5. I know you have had a bad time, but don't take it out on me. 我知道你一天都不高兴,但不要在我身上生气。 www.xzedu.net.cn 6. This thing made me a strong impression on me. It taught me a lesson that helping others is good thing, but how to help others needs wisdom . 这件事给我留下了深刻的印象。它使我懂得了一个道理,的确,帮助他人是一件好事,但是如何帮助他人却需要智慧。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Unfortunately, it has not all been helpful, and I believe that some of it has had a very negative impact on me. 不幸的是,药物并不是指带来好处的,其中的一些药物就给我带来了非常不好的影响。 www.bing.com 8. That deposit may be at any moMe. t withdrawn, and if I had employed it for another purpose, I should bring on Me. a disgraceful bankruptcy. 那笔存款随时都有可能来提取,假如我拿它来充另外的用途,我就会给自己带来一次可耻的倒闭。 dict.ebigear.com 9. Recently, there were mother and child who walked head-on me with sweaty smile as I took a stroll along the street. 前阵子在街上散步,迎面一对紧握着手的母子俩带着笑颜走来。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 10. He kissed my forehead again before he shut the door on me. Then he turned his back and loped gracefully toward his car. 他亲吻我的前额并替我关上车门。接着,他转身优雅地向自己车跑去。 bookapp.book.qq.com 1. Recently, there were mother and child who walked head-on me with sweaty smile as I took a stroll along the street. 前阵子在街上散步,迎面一对紧握着手的母子俩带着笑颜走来。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. He kissed my forehead again before he shut the door on me. Then he turned his back and loped gracefully toward his car. 他亲吻我的前额并替我关上车门。接着,他转身优雅地向自己车跑去。 bookapp.book.qq.com 3. I really blew it last night. I finally asked my neighbor, Fatima, out on a date and she walked out on me in the middle of it. 昨晚我真的是搞砸了,我终于能邀请到我的邻居Fatima和我一起约会,但是中途她就离开了我。 www.kekenet.com 4. But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on. 但是现在该是他嘲笑我的时候了,他成了著名的脑外科医生,而我只能靠卖二手车勉强维持生活。 bbs.24en.com 5. John has left a deep impression on me because he'd gone out his way to find a solution for us. 约翰给我留下了深刻的印象,他想尽办法帮我们找到了一个解决办法。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. "He's got no hold on me, " she said, a flash of anger in her eyes. “他是没有了在我上的把握”,她说,她的眼睛忿怒的闪光。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. I'm a high school student, because my results are not very good, so someone laugh at me, look down on me. 是一名高中生,成绩不是很好,所以会有人嘲笑我,看不起我 zhidao.baidu.com 8. But that puts some kind of burden on me. I have to tell a story in a much more elaborate way, but I have the potential. it's called subtext. 但这个成为了我的某种负担。我必须以一种更加明确的方式来讲述这个故事。但我看到了那种可能性。那就是“言外之意”。 www.ted.com 9. And how much they depended on me. 忘记了他们对我依赖 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It was more than I could bear when she blamed all the failure on me. 当她把失败完全归咎于我的时候我再也忍无可忍了。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Thursday was not so lucky--halfway through the long walk to town the sky poured on me. 周四就没有那么幸运-中途经过漫长的步行到镇上的天空泼在我身上。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 2. It was one of those moments which I live to regret now. There was no tackle on me beforehand, so it wasn't retaliation. 总有些时候让我后悔,之前我也没挨踢,所以也不能说是报复。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. One guy was a writer, and he wrote a story on me. And I'm actually going out with him this weekend. 有个作家,他写了个关于我的故事,于是我决定这周末和他约会。 www.bing.com 4. It made a good deal of impression on me that we were in trade. 我们家在做生意这件事给我很深的印象。 www.bing.com 5. After getting less-than-adequate sleep for 5 consecutive nights, I noticed it had started to take a toll on me. 在连续五个晚上获得的睡眠少于足够数目后,我发现,它开始对我产生出影响。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. To watch over me and guide me, to look down on me with pride. 看护我,引导我,自豪地俯视我。 www.chxin.com 7. 'The world has had a tendency to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on me, ' Mr. Gates said at the time of the announcement. 盖茨在宣布这一决定时说,“世界将太多的注意力集中到了我的身上。” www.bing.com 8. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. 我要与你相拥在山的巅峰我要和你徜徉在海的怀抱我要你就这样永远依偎在我的身旁直到海枯石烂直到地老天荒。 www.bing.com 9. A man beckoned on me after the wind, he said his name was Mohammed. 在风浪平静下来后,一个人朝我招手,他说他的名字叫穆罕默德。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Eg. It is disgraceful that she should own him for a friend, and force his hands to company on me! 她把他当个朋友,而且强迫我和他来往,真是有失体统。 www.hxen.com 1. To my amazement, these sensations abated as rapidly as they had begun, but they made a very lasting impression on me. 令我惊讶的是,这些幻觉很快就缓和下去,就如同它们很快开始一样。不过它们留给我的感受持续很长时间。 www.bing.com 2. We had a whole 12-hour day of filming, two scenes, on me, with a lot of speeches to do. 我们一天拍摄12个小时,两个场景,有我的戏份,还有大量台词要说。 starwarsfans.cn 3. You will understand, dear Prince, that I have been much perplexed by all this, for do what I will a great responsibility rests on me. 你们会理解,亲爱的王子,我一直很困惑,这一切,对于这样一个伟大的责任,我将在我。 www.cqwx.net 4. It left such a deep impression on me that I can almost smell it right now. 它给我留下的印象是如此深刻以至于我现在几乎还能闻到它的味道 wenku.baidu.com 5. I remember that the first time, every time I tried to get in front of him, they called a foul and blew the whistle on me. 我记得第一次防守他时,每次当我接近他时,我总是会被吹犯规。 www.kobechina.com.cn 6. She was one teacher who left a very deep impression on me. 她是我中学时期记忆最深刻的启蒙老师。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Christmas visit we made to the hospital had a huge impact on me, that's where the idea came from and a lot of people have got involved. 圣诞节时去医院的访问对我的影响很大,就是那个时候我有了这个想法,很多人都参与了其中。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me! " 在前头走的人就责备他,不许他做声;他却越发喊叫说:“大卫的子孙,可怜我吧!” www.ebigear.com 9. What? She was cheating on me with that ugly guy? Oh no, I feel like such a loser. 什么?她居然骗我。还跟那个家伙。我觉得自己好失败。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Finally my relative took me to the communal hospital and the nurse put a few bottles of glucose drips on me, then I recovered. 最后我的亲戚带我去共同医院和护理放几瓶葡萄糖滴在我的话,我就痊愈了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Though we are in different world , different friends we have , i know its hard to let you loves on me even not know who i am at all. 虽然我们生活在不同的地方,有着不同的朋友,我也知道我很难让你爱上我,因为你甚至不知道我是谁。 dzh.mop.com 2. 5th, if you cannot help on me, I hope you to be able Qian Da in mine wages, if perhaps the wages were too low I not to be able to help you. 如果你不能帮我上,我希望你能把钱打在我的工资里,如果工资太低我恐怕帮不了你了。口语点,谢谢啦。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. But mom warned me not to mention all her maltreatment on me to Grandma. Or else she would never let me see Grandma. 妈妈却说你不要跟姥姥说我们对你不好的话,否则就永远也不让你见姥姥。 www.bjpiano.com 4. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner. 连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说:‘神啊,开恩可怜我这个罪人!’ gbicp.org 5. When I was young , they taught me to be knd to others and do things kindly, which had a great effect on me. 在我很小的时候他们就告诉我要诚恳地做人和做事,这些都深深地影响着我。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 6. And I was struck with an overwhelming desire, flooding in on me, to understand them all, every single one of them. 一种渴望汹涌而至:我想了解它们全体,了解它们中的每一个。 www.bing.com 7. Also, how much I cost doesn't depend on me, it's the clubs who decide what they are willing to pay and it is they who come to an agreement. 同样的,花了多少钱在我身上也不取决于我,俱乐部决定他们愿意花多少钱,这是他们达成的协议。 news.goalhi.com 8. I looked up. There, next to Miss Temple, stood the same black column which had frowned on me in the breakfast-room at Gateshead. 我抬头一看,站在丹伯尔小姐身边的不就是在盖茨赫德的早餐室里对我皱眉头的大黑柱子嘛! www.chinaedu.com 9. Then it dawned on me, why go out for a walk when you can go out with a bang. 然后我想通了,所以当你外出散步,出去了榜。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I cannot stand him any longer. Don't take it out on me! 不要把气出在我身上。 wenku.baidu.com 1. For it did not shut the doors of the womb on me to hide trouble from my eyes. 因没有把怀我胎的门关闭,也没有将患难对我的眼隐藏。 new.fuyinchina.com 2. I know Liza would never cheat on me, but how do I tell her something she did in her past is affecting me every time we make love? 我知道丽莎从没有欺骗过我,但是我怎么样才可以告诉她,每当我们做爱的时候,她的过去都会影响到我。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. 说,主在眷顾我的日子,这样看待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。 www.ebigear.com 4. One of my classmates saw me handing in the draft, got a crush on me and I fell hard for her. 我的一位同学看到我交出在草案中,得到迷恋我,我就下跌她难以。 tieba.baidu.com 5. I mean, I'm trying to do you a favor here by finding a use for your brain and out of nowhere you turn on me like a wild dog. 我在这里是帮你的忙想出一个方法使用你的大脑不知道为什么,你像条疯狗一样蹿过来。 iloveblog.cn 6. Through your nets, I seem to see your eyes on me the long and remainder a smile. 穿过你的网,我仿佛看到你的目光悠悠,对我浅浅一笑。 www.94493.com 7. However, maybe 2 months later I started to get angry that he had ever put his hands on me and thought about getting back at him. 但是,大概两个月以后,我开始对于他把手放在我身上感到恼火并且开始想着要报复他。 www.bing.com 8. Concerning self-English learning experience, I've got lots of fantastic stories occurred on me to share with you all. 谈到个人的英语学习经历,有好多发生在我身上的有趣故事可以和大家分享。 www.edeng.cn 9. I watched, amazed, as she greeted everyone in the market area, and I realized that she must have come to check on me. 我看着,惊愕了,当她在商场和大家打招呼的时候,我已意识到,她可能是来追寻我的。 gz.focus.cn 10. That magic wine was just a joke she played on me. The harder you try to forget something , the more it'll stick in your memory. 其实“醉生梦死”只不过是她跟我开的一个玩笑,你越想知道自己是不是忘记的时候,你反而记得清楚。 blog.tianya.cn 1. 'Cos I can tell you right now that you'll never find the evidence on me, that's the truth. 因为我可以告诉你,现在你将永远也找不到我的证据,那是事实。 www.gnscl.com 2. I don't know whether he was trying to get referees to pick up on me, but I have always seen myself as a fair player. 我不知道是否他正打算让裁判留意上我,但是我一直将自己视为一个公平球员。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. Just as I arrived there he sprang on me that I had to come back immediately. 我刚一到达那里,他就(突然)告诉我,让我立即返回。 4. Grey! Grey: You've been trying to tell me that death isn't the end. Don't back out on me now that I finally believe. 你一直对我说死亡并不是生命的终结。现在我好不容易相信了,你可不要反悔。 bbs.wwenglish.org 5. But it was the first that seemed to be talking to me directly as a child. It had a profound effect on me. 但是它是第一个作为一个小孩直接跟我说话的电影,它对我产生了深远的影响。 www.bing.com 6. PEDR He never spoke to me again. About a year ago I tried to call him, but he hung up on me. 他跟我断绝来往了.大概一年前我给他打电话,可是被他挂断了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. after i grew up , there was a time when i drifted . but i wouldn t steal even if i had no money on me. 当我长大的时候,有一阵子我流浪在外面,那时候即使我身上都没钱,也不会去偷人家的东西。 www.ichacha.net 8. Don't get cocky on me, old man. You can get as big as you want. I don't want to deal with your wrinkled hide! 别太得意,老头子。要吹牛就尽量吹个够,我可不想碰你那满是皱纹的皮。 37man.wordpress.com 9. The attention he bestowed on me was beginning to annoy his wife. And it's part of my policy never to annoy wives. 他向我献殷勤使他老婆不高兴了。我的处世哲学中有一条,就是永远也不要得罪别人的老婆。 10. Often we would make a fire in the bushes. Maheegun would lay his head between his front paws, with his eyes on me as I told him stories. 我们常常在灌木丛里点上一堆火。我给美尔根讲着故事,他把头放在两只前爪中间,眼睛盯着我。 shantiangang163.blog.163.com 1. "It had a devastating impact on me and pushed me to start Band Aid, " Geldof said of the time. “它产生了破坏性影响,我推我开始带援助,”格尔多夫说的时候。 wenwen.soso.com 2. The koala opened both its red-rimmed eyes and looked down on me malevolently. 树熊睁开两眼,眼圈红红的,恶狠狠地朝下看了看我。 www.bing.com 3. I looked on-line about mine news, a little lets the human think funnily , quickly has passed on me to be critically ill? 我看了网上关于我的新闻,有点让人觉得好笑,就快传我病危了吧? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She said the dress was too tight on me. 她说,那件衣服我穿太小了。 www.24en.com 5. What makes you think he might have a crush on me? 什么使你认为他可能迷恋于我呢?。 www.wwenglish.com 6. John missed the flight today and he was very angry . Back home , he took it out on me . 约翰今天误了航班,很生气。回到家,他拿我撒气。 www.bing.com 7. Ex. : Don't take it out on me. I'm not here for you to vent your anger on. 例:别有火就往我身上发,我不是你们的出气筒。 forum.globaltimes.cn 8. So if you increase the pressure, the chemical system says, hey, you know I'm not so happy that you're increasing the pressure on me. 所以如果提高压强,化学系统说,嘿你知道我不喜欢,你提高我的压强。 open.163.com 9. Mary brought her boyfriend to my house, and sprang on me that they were going to get married soon. 玛丽把她的男朋友带到了我家,突然向我宣布他们很快就要结婚了。 cet.hjenglish.com 10. You're all that's left me to. And when my love for life is running dry, you come and pour yourself on me. 你就是我的一切当我对生活的热爱日渐干枯你却将自己倾注于我 blog.hjenglish.com 1. He's always trying to impress on me how much easier life is if you're well-organized. 他总是想让我明白只要合理安排,生活会轻松很多。 www.qhmc.edu.cn 2. After 14 years of matrimony it is beginning to dawn on me that I'm a bad wife. 结婚14年以后,我开始觉得我并不是一个好妻子。 www.suiniyi.com 3. The moonlight shone into my bedroom, as it did then, and I saw a vision on the ceiling, a white figure looking down on me. 月光照进我的卧室——当时也确实有月光,我看到天花板上有一个白色影子正向下看着我。 www.chinaedu.com 4. Just as I had feared, Perot's advertising, coupled with President Bush's attacks on me, were moving votes to Perot at my expense. 正如我所担心的,佩罗的广告宣传加上老布什总统对我的抨击,使得一些原本支持我的选民转而支持佩罗。 www.bing.com 5. My dearest Dad: Your characteristics have such a strong influence on me. 我亲爱的爸爸:你的性格对我有深刻的影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Light! Give me light! " was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shine on me that very hour. " “光明!给我光明!”这就是发自我内心深处的无言的呼唤,也就在这时候,爱心的光芒照到了我身上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. And at once - I do not know why - a strange feeling of deep gloom came down on me and covered me like a blanket. 一看见它——不知何故——一种阴悒至极的怪异感觉便降临在我身上,像一张毯子一样罩住了我。 www.chinaedu.com 8. Let me get out of here before Jack has a chance to put the touch on me for another10 bucks. 趁杰克来不及开口向我再借10元钱之前,我快点离开这儿吧。 dict.netat.net 9. Very shortly after we arrived at Mr Chen's place, unexpectedly he said to us, "you were supposed to congratulate on me today. " 到了陈先生家,甫一坐定,陈先生就颇有些出其不意地说,你们今天应该向我道喜。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Shit! MY wife just walked out on me for a filthy rich fella. 妈的!我老婆跟一个有钱佬跑了。 www.kekenet.com 1. I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family. 我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。 www.bing.com 2. OK, so you had a bad day. Don't take it out on me. 好吧,你今日过得糟透了,但不要拿我出气。 www.2nana.net 3. If you're mad at him, don't take it out on me. 你气他,也别拿我出气啊。 bbs.py168.com 4. A pair of sunglasses immediately tempted me. It was chic, stylish, and looked perfect on me. It was not too expensive either: $150. 一副墨镜立即吸引了我,别致、时尚,而且看起来和我的风格很搭,而且也不太贵:150美元。 www.bing.com 5. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. 永活的父怎样差我来,我又因父活着;照样,吃我肉的人也要因我活着。 www.ebigear.com 6. The Holy Father conferred a red vestment on me to remind me to defend the Church even to the point of shedding blood. 教宗给了我红袍,提醒我为了维护教会该不惜流血。 catholic.org.hk 7. Just because you had a bad day doesn't give you permission to take it out on me! 你不能因为今天过的不顺,就把气发在我身上! www.360abc.com 8. And yet, I know that on this night they look down on me with great pride. 不过我知道,在这个夜晚,他们正满怀骄傲自天堂注视着我。 hi.baidu.com 9. I had been ill for a week when he called on me. 当他来访时我已经病了一星期 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Look, I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am living man, not a dead man. ‘瞧,我选择要活下来。给我去手术,把我当成个活人而不是死人。’ www.rrting.com 1. I can't go to see the film with you. For one thing I have seen the film; also one of my friends will call on me this evening. 我不能跟你去看电影。一则我看过这部电影,再则晚上有个朋友要来我家。 www.englishcat.cn 2. As the fire was always going out on me I soon used up my allotment of wood. 炉子总灭,所以我很快便用完了配给的木柴。 www.bing.com 3. So, these gloves are a little bit small on me, but here it is. You can actually see that kidney as it was printed earlier today. 到后面来一点这些手套有点小,好了你现在能看到这个肾脏我们今天早些时候打印的。 www.ted.com 4. The moon shining water, shining on me, the stars are in the water quietly wink, as if to tell me the moon is so beauty. 月亮照着水,照着我,星星也在水中悄悄地眨眼睛,仿佛在向我诉说月亮是那么的爱美。 www.gotofob.cn 5. every word, let it hurt, even more than I deserve, just let it come down on me. 每一字句,说的伤人点吧,那都是我活该,就让它敲打在我身。 www.eoezone.com 6. Personally, as an owner, does [Buss] really want to spend the kind of money he's spending on me to have a . 500 team? 作为一个老板,巴斯真想花这么多的钱却只看到一半水平的球队吗? www.24kobe.cn 7. I look upon you and I feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with all the others. 我看着你的脸庞,却没有任何感觉。我不记得其他的事情,只记得你背叛了我,和其他所有人一样。 spaces.msn.com 8. I didn't seen many of these symbols of Chongqing, but seeing one, only one, with a heavy load was enough to leave a deep impression on me. 棒棒军是重庆的城市象征物,我没有看到很多,只看到了一个,挑着很重的货物,但光这一个,就让我留下了深刻的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn. 我的记忆可能会捣鬼,但是我记得读到过匈牙利语是欧洲最难学的语言。 www.bing.com 10. Thassarian. . . I feel as if I just regained you. If you die on me again, I don't know that I could stand it. 萨沙理安,我才刚感觉到你回到我身边,因此如果你又死去一次,我不知道我是否能够承受的了。 www05.eyny.com 1. You had not said that you will be also weak, needs to rely on me, I installs did not know, free migration, self-. 你没说,你也会软弱,需要依赖我,我就装不晓得,自由移动,自我地过。 www.dota123.com 2. Before the game when I read an article said Yao said he found the weakness of the GS I thought it was the usual "it's on me" kind of talk. 在比赛之前我读到一篇文章提到姚明说他找到了勇士的弱点,我还以为这是老套的“一切在于我”的那种话。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The main attraction on the Republicans opening night was Pat Buchanan, who sent the delegates into a frenzy with his attacks on me. 共和党全国代表大会开幕之夜,主要的亮点是帕特.布坎南,他对我的抨击使得代表们义愤填膺。 www.bing.com 4. Check it out, I had a Mosquito War last night. Mosquito lands on me, I squish it. Done. Two seconds. 你看,我昨晚打了场蚊子战争,蚊子飞到我身上,我打烂牠,搞定,两秒。 forum.gamer.com.tw 5. It dawned on me that jumping out of a plane couldn't hurt you, but hitting the ground might. 我突然明白,跳伞也许不会使人受伤伤害,而着陆却有可能。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Every time you worry, you're saying, "It all depends on me. " That's just not in the Bible. 每一次你担心了,你就是在说“这全部取决于我”,这些并不在圣经上出现。 www.bing.com 7. No one among you had mercy on me and told me that my own son had stirred up my servant to conspire against me as is the case today. 我的儿子煽动我的臣仆来反对我,仇视我,像今日一样,你们中没有一个人怜恤我,来通知我! www.ccreadbible.org 8. She did not call on me again. 从此,她再也没有给我来过电话。 www.bing.com 9. I worried that they would realize I was just a student in a dorm and hang up on me. 我很担心,他们会发觉我是一个住校的学生,从而挂断电话。 blog.163.com 10. It dawned on me that maps had not yet entered the category of "need to know" items for average Chinese folks. 我这才明白,当时地图还没有进入普通中国人“需要知道”的物品之列。 app.fortunechina.com 1. Until one day, it dawned on me that God has told me countless times the reason "why, " but I had missed it. 直到有一天,我才醒觉祂无数次告诉我「为什麽」,却因自己没有问而疏忽了。 www.tumblr.com 2. I believed that it was for me to forgive her, and today I find myself unworthy of the pardon she bestows on me. 我原来以为是我在饶恕她;而今天,我觉得是我根本不配接受她赐给我的宽恕。 www.bing.com 3. I mean I often think I'm going to die in a plane , or I'm going to die in an airport , or die jogging without an identification on me . 我经常想像自已死在飞机上,或者是机场,或者在慢跑的时候死去,连确认身份的方法都没有。 www.bing.com 4. If I pass by the hill of Dunboy old Captain Burney may look out on me. 假如走邓博伊山,也许会被伯尼老船长看见。 www.bing.com 5. On the day of the performance, the entire audience focussed their whole attention on me, and instantly I felt a great sense of pride. 在表演那天,所有观众的目光都集中都在我身上,顿时,一种自豪归纳油然而生。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. It's Been A WeekI was working for a week and not every actor had begun working yet, and every day the focus was on me. 我已开工一个星期,所有的演员还没有开始工作,几乎每天都是拍我为主。 www.jackiechan.com 7. When the doctors mentioned I should look at my options, including termination, it dawned on me how lucky I was to be alive. 当医生提及我应该再考虑下我的选择,包括终止合同,我明白能够生活在这个世界是多么幸运。 www.bing.com 8. I told the counsellors that it was such a disgrace for this thing to happen on me. 我向官方辅导员陈诉这件事情的发生真的是无地自容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. What's the matter, Hearn asks, you going political on me? 怎么-赫思说-你来跟我讲政治了? 10. Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. 耶稣大声说,信我的,不是信我,乃是信那差我来的。 www.bing.com |
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