单词 | one-time |
释义 | 例句释义: 过去的,只发生一次的,一生一次,只说一次,一个时间 1. Microsoft Office Word 2003 does not start until the variable is called at least one time. 在至少调用变量一次之前,MicrosoftOfficeWord2003不会启动。 support.microsoft.com 2. It was at one time proposed to unite this order with that of Calatrava, but the scheme failed of execution. 这是一次团结提出这项命令与卡拉特拉瓦,但该计划未能执行。 word.hcbus.com 3. I also like beautiful girls. There was one time, I saw a crowd of beautiful girls. They were very young, attractive and smelled sooo good. 俺也喜欢美女,又一次,看到一群美女,个个年轻,身材魔鬼,常常的头发散发着阵阵香气,俺看得入了神。 lavenderziyispace.wordpress.com 4. According to the Daily Mail account, Assange did not use a condom at least one time during their sexual activity. 《每日邮报》的说法是,在他们的性活动期间阿桑奇至少有一次没有使用安全套。 www.bing.com 5. The same Employer can only be allowed to have probation period with the same Employee for one time. 同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old. 我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。 gb.cri.cn 7. One time, I was on a business trip across on the West Coast, he was home and they called me to ask me what they were going to eat. 有一次,我在出差,孩子们都在家,并打电话给我问晚上要吃什么。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. One time, boys with the girls that broke up, and said it was because he was not fit with her. 有一次,男生跟女生说分手了,说因为他跟她不适合。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Hey. That's right. I remember one time when he gave up two days of vacation just to help me out with a problem I had. 嘿,你说得对。我记得,有一次他为了帮我解决一个我碰到的难题,放弃了自己两个休假日。 wenwen.soso.com 10. One time, he rear-ended a guy on the 101 freeway, and just left the scene because the guy got out of his car and started screaming at him. 一次,他开车在101高速上和一个人的车追尾了,因为那家伙从车里出来就冲他大嚷大叫,于是他就“肇事逃逸”了。 www.mjjcn.com 1. She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers. 她自己因为儿时发高烧而几乎双目失明,且一度被看护者们诊断为精神失常,无法医治。 www.kekenet.com 2. He tried the spin move at least one time in this game against the Clippers but I think Kaman stopped it by stripping him of the ball. 这场对快船的比赛他最少试过一次转身移动,但是我认为卡曼阻止了他还偷了他的球。 club.sohu.com 3. I felt very anxious, too, that he would be taken again, and was beside myself one time when he went running off in the supermarket. 我也处于极度忧虑之中,担心儿子会再次失踪。有一次儿子在超市走丢了,我差点疯掉。 www.bing.com 4. At one time it was doubtful whether the company could recover from its financial difficulties, but the government loan seems to have helped. 曾经有一段时间,公司能否从困境中恢复元气令人生疑,不过政府的贷款似乎起了作用。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. I've actually had a chance one time to fight with him in a charity event in Paris and I would like to have another go! 在巴黎的慈善活动中,我实际上有一次和他一起比赛的机会,但我希望还能有另外的机会。 f1.sports.sohu.com 6. Do not fear the setback, one time tumbles did not mean on the forever defeat, unable to recover after a setback is the true defeat. 不要怕挫折,一次跌倒并不意味就永远的失败,一蹶不振才是真正的失败。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. There was one time I tried to link Alice's mind to an avatar in Second Life to fix her mobility problem, but I found it could not be done. 有一次,我曾尝试连结Alice的心目中精灵在第二生命,以修复她的流动性问题,但我发现它不能这样做。 gaosheji.5d6d.com 8. One of the greatest mistakes people make in setting goals is trying to work on too many things at one time. 人们在设定目标的时候,犯的最大的一个错误就是企图在同一时间内做过多的事情。 www.bing.com 9. One time she called home asking her mother why her aunt to let the parents, why her and not me or other people? 有一次她打电话回家质问妈妈为什么要让她在姑妈家长大,为什么是她而不是我或者其他人? www.dota123.com 10. Renesco now gives you a one time discount (like he said he would) after "bullying" your way through the second quest. Renesco现在给你一个时间折扣(如他说他会)在“欺负”通过自己的方式寻求第二。 www.bn13.com 1. One time he was sleeping and he said he felt something on top on him and then it started to strangle him! 一次,他正在睡觉,他说他觉得他的顶端,然后开始扼杀他! fm90.5d6d.com 2. The frequency of one-on-one time is up to you, but the children I interviewed said at least once a month is the minimum. 单独相处的次数由你决定,但是我研究过的孩子说至少每个月一次。 dongxi.net 3. One time my sister left us to go live with him in Austin. 有一次,我妹妹离开我们去奥斯汀(Austin)跟他住。 www.bing.com 4. May say that this kind of approximate on-the-spot report mirror language is to one time summary and the contrast. 可以说这种近似纪实性的镜语是对一个时代的总结和对比。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. He had all his hopes on the fact that she hadn't given up on him, and that for one time in his life he would do things right. 他满怀希望地认为丽莎不会放弃他,而这也是他有生以来做的最正确的事情。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 6. Craigslist and your local papers run ads for people seeking workers for a few hours of work a week or to do one-time projects. 克雷格列表(网站名)和当地的报纸上都有很多找钟点工或者工作一周或一次性的项目的广告。 www.bing.com 7. There was one time where this relative newbie to the scene came up to me and she called me "Yan Zi jie" (big sister). 有一次在这个相对新手现场走到我面前,她叫我“燕资杰”(姐姐)。 zifans.net 8. But please remember that sometimes it's just a little much for me to process, all those presents and all that joy at one time. 但是请记住,一次那么多的礼物那么多的快乐,有时候,这有那么一点点超出我承受的能力。 www.bing.com 9. One time listens to her to mention a time complete intimate process, understands the general idea finally. 某一次听她说起一次完整的相亲过程,总算明白大概。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Just as the sunset , their love wa so strong and beautiful for one time , but only destined to be a memory forever! 就像西沉落日一样,他们一度如此强烈而美丽的爱,注定只会成为永远的记忆 wenwen.soso.com 1. At least this one time every year, many city and suburban folk get a chance to experience a bit of that cowhand life of old. 至少每年的这个时候,很多城市和郊区人能有机会体验古老的牛仔生活。 www.bing.com 2. And you still got to pick ahead of me. I just wish one time some miracle would happen. And I wouldn't get picked last. 而且你仍然比我先被挑中。我就希望奇迹能出现一次,这样我就不会最后一个被挑。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You should listen more than one time for it. After this, listen fully once more, see how much percent can you reach this time. 这样过完之后再完整听一遍,看看这回能提高到百分之多少? goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Being only one, having only one pair of eyes, having only one time, having only one life, I cannot read your M. S. three or four times. 作为唯一的一个人,只有一双眼睛,只有一次,只有一个生命,您的手稿我不可能看三遍或四遍。 dongxi.net 5. It was more than I had had in my hands at one time for several years. I felt elated, as though perhaps a new life was opening before me. 我已有好几年没有一次拿到过这么多钱了,我兴高采烈,也许一种新生活就要在我面前展开了。 www.bing.com 6. I told him I wanted discretion, that I didn't want to do anything risky, and that it would be a one-time thing. 我告诉他我想要谨慎行事,不愿意冒险,而且这只能是一次性的行为。 www.bing.com 7. With good toughness, wear resistance, characterized by soft, easy to use, can be a one-time use and reusable. 具有韧性好,耐磨、柔软等特点,使用方便,可一次性使用,也可重复使用。 www.366c.com.cn 8. At one time, your body is a party under the barren loess, wantonly trample down the moment in the sun, the long darkness covered everything. 曾经,你的身下是一方贫瘠的黄土,任人踩踏,在太阳下山的那一刻,漫漫的黑暗遮盖了一切。 www.bing.com 9. One time she said, "Richard's a great actor; I'm just a broad. " 她有一次说过:“理查德是一个很优秀的演员,而我只是一个妇道人家。” dongxi.net 10. The average shoplifter steals at least twice a week, gets caught one time in 48 and is then handed over to the police in 50% of cases. 普通的商店偷窃者每周起码盗窃2次,每48次偷窃被抓住一次,并有50%的几率因此被送进警察局。 www.bing.com 1. "At one time, in the bad times, it was up to 35 faults a day, " Mr Thomson says of the doors. "Now you would be lucky to get one a week. " 汤姆森谈及那些车门时称,“在糟糕的时期,曾经一天发生多达35起故障,现在一周能遇到一起故障都不容易”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. My first single is called "ONE TIME" and is on ITUNES NOW so make sure you check it out and spread the word for me. 我的第一首单曲是“有时间”,是ITUNES现在所以确保你看看转告这个消息给我。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. The next stop was the Good Shepherd statue where I told him that one time we found a note of confession placed at the feet of Jesus. 在好牧人雕像前我告诉他,有一次我们找到一张认罪的纸条,就在耶稣的脚边。 hourofpower.org.hk 4. " A one-time upfront payment, what am I going to with it? Collect interest on it every year? That doesn't help me with" Yahoo's finances. 一次性预付款,我用它干什么?每年收利息?这样做对雅虎的财务状况没有帮助。 www.tianya.cn 5. Grandmother, you must be a bit faster good, if I would come one time to live again with you, I were obedient certainly very much. 外婆,你要快点好起来,要是再来一次与你生活,我一定很听话。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. One time we were at the mall and he charged a very expensive pair of designer sunglasses to his credit card. 有一次我们在商场里,他用信用卡买了一副非常贵的太阳眼镜。 www.51junshi.com 7. Use this sort of syntax for a quick-and-dirty one-time change to the default plotting options. 对默认绘图选项的快速而随意的一次性更改则使用此类语法。 www.ibm.com 8. Performance wouldn't pose a significant challenge because only a few users would be interacting with the system at any one time. 性能不会是重要的挑战,因为在同一时刻仅有少数的用户与系统进行交互。 www.ibm.com 9. One time I put my paycheck in a boat and pushed it out tinto the ocean. HAHA, take that government, not getting into MY offshore account. 一次我把我的钱通过渠道投资到了国外,哈哈,政府采取措施,不允许我进入我的离岸账户。 labs.chinamobile.com 10. One time the boss told me that I might be too confident for my good! 但有一次老板对我说我有点自信过头了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. You only have to run the scripts one time for your local Load Test Results Store to be the global setting for all load tests. 对于本地的负载测试结果存储区,您只需运行一次脚本即可将其用作所有负载测试的全局设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The next step is to think about what it means to begin living into at least two of these values one time per day. 下一步是一天一次从这里找至少两个价值想想它们意味着什么。 www.bing.com 3. He told Bloomberg News Friday that he thinks Beijing may be ready to allow the yuan to rise by as much as 5% in a one-time revaluation. 他上周五对彭博资讯(BloombergNews)说,自己认为北京可能准备让人民币一次性最多升值5%。 c.wsj.com 4. Note that this setting can only be applied one time in the file, and applies to all the search patterns in the file. 请注意,此设置在该文件中只能应用一次,并应用于该文件中的所有搜索模式。 www.kuenglish.info 5. Whether wear or not. The evening dress needs to be maintain, Best then dry cleans one time once in a while. 不论穿与不穿,礼服都需要保养,最好每隔一段时间便干洗一次。 beriney.com 6. Sadr had good reason to be happy: He now holds the fate of his one-time enemy in his hands. 萨德尔有充分的理由高兴:因为他现在扼住了以前仇敌的命运之喉。 www.bing.com 7. Joe Bryant, one-time head coach of the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks, said he intends to turn in his application Friday. 乔-布莱恩特,曾经是WNBA球队洛杉矶火花队主教练,他可能会在周五递交自己的应聘材料。 kobechina.com.cn 8. If I had money, I would take a trip around the world for at least one time. 如果我有钱,我至少要环游世界一次。 www.englishcat.cn 9. so far , all we have done is estimated the one - time execution cost of each of the two proposed coding styles. 到目前为止,我们所做的只是评估了所提到的两种编码风格中每一种一次性执行的开销。 www.ichacha.net 10. An SMS-based one- time password generated by the bank and sent to your mobile phone for additional identity authentication . 银行向你的手提电话发出只用一次的密码短讯,作为额外核证之用。 www.bing.com 1. GUSTAV: For sure we hope, that this was an one-time thing. 当然我希望这种事只有一次就好。 www.tokiohotelchina.com 2. But if you do not train, your victory may be like a one-time lottery win, which you cannot capitalize on over the long run. 但是如果你不训练,你的胜利可能就像赢得了一次乐透彩,而这种运气并不能供你长久利用。 www.bing.com 3. One time I helped him do a drawing. The next day he told me that drawing won an award. 有一次我帮他画画,第二天儿子告诉我画画得奖了,唉! toastmasters.org.tw 4. Every one of the guys on the team came to me and said, "You've got to play. Can't you break the rule just this one time? " 球队里的每个人都来找我并对我说,“你必须去比赛。你就不能这次破一回规矩吗?” www.bing.com 5. If you can only reduce your car use by one time a week, well that's better than no change at all! 如果你能一周少开一次车,总比什么都不做好得多! www.bing.com 6. This method requires slightly less blood volume to be out of the body at any one time as it is able to continuously spin out plasma. 这个方法需要任何时候少量的血液轻微地流出体外,这样可以连续地旋出血浆。 cbs.ausbio.com 7. If there was one time for the benefits of Citi's vaunted diversification to show through, this would have been it. 如果花旗自诩的多元化能在什么时候展现出效益,那么现在就正是时候。 www.ftchinese.com 8. So, one time, I was at home watching television, while my wife was putting our child to bed, and I was watching a television show. 有一次,我在家里看电视,我的妻子正哄孩子睡觉,我是在看一个电视节目。 www.ted.com 9. What he liked most, though, was just hanging out, because it was the one time in his life he was allowed to be just another teenager. 但他最喜欢的是控制球,等待时机,因为这是他跟少年球员一起上场的一次宝贵的机会。 www.ebigear.com 10. One time I saw an old man was waiting to visit the next camp and this military officer hit the old man. 有次我看到一个等待去下个营房的老人被军官打了。 www.elanso.com 1. She said, the current drama is the way one-time acquisition buyout, the acquisition price is based on the Zhuchuang lineup. 她分析说,目前电视剧的收购方式是一次性买断,收购时的价格依据的是主创阵容。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Europeans did not encounter these tribes all at one time. Explorers from different nations came into contact with them at different times. 欧洲人并没有在同一时间遇到这些部落,各国探险家在不同的时期与他们建立了联系。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At one time she must have been a handsome woman, but she had run slightly to seed. 她从前一定是一个漂亮的女人,但现在她有些衰老了。 www.hotdic.com 4. It was one time I was proud to be a newspaperman . 这是我作为一名报人感到骄傲的时刻。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Storage: Please store in refrigerator if it is not used for one time after fermenting. 贮存:如果发酵后未能一次性使用完毕,请放入冰箱贮存。 www.qjy168.com 6. One time he took me to a game and our seats were so high up. 他是尼克的忠实球迷我们去看球赛结果座位太高 www.tingclass.net 7. The Plot: A burnt out professor and one time successful novelist struggles to complete the follow-up to his award winning debut. 这名过气教授曾是名噪一时的小说家,他即将面对获奖后的首次亮相。 www.lifenglish.com 8. Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere "Thank you. " 我一次也没想过要对他们中的任何一位真心诚意地说一句简单的谢谢。 www.ebigear.com 9. It would be nice if I could apply container services one time across many EJB definitions. 如果一次能在许多EJB的定义中应用容器服务,这样情况会好些。 www.ibm.com 10. One time when he was out, we searched for the tape under his pillow, put into a recorder, but couldn't hear a voice at all. 有次趁他不在,我们从他枕头下翻出了那盘磁带,放在录音机里听,好久也没听出声音。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "There was a lot of fighting, " he says, "and one time, the police had to physically take a student away. " 查维斯说:“以前这里经常发生校园斗殴事件,有一回不得不出动警力才把一个学生强行带走。” www.ecocn.org 2. However, there may in one time period, she would shy to say that I sometimes want to be the city a beautiful landscape, if possible. 然而,可能在某一个时间段,她也会羞涩地说,我有时也想成为这座城市里一道亮丽的风景,假如可能。 www.360doc.com 3. Therefore, this mechanism requires the client to be online at least one time before switching to offline mode. 因此,这种机制要求客户端在切换到脱机模式前至少联机一次。 www.ibm.com 4. One time I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of a different class. 有一次我上课睡着了,醒来时发现竟然已经在上另一节课了! www.bing.com 5. The one time we were nearly caught, Papa punched Uncle Sev and I didn't see him for six months. 一次,我们几乎陷入,爸爸打了个叔叔严重性,我没有看到他六个月。 08translation.cn 6. One time, the fly knew the weakness of mosquito "love to be cared, praised and flattered easily" . Then the intelligent fly had a good idea. 一次,苍蝇知道了蚊子的弱点---特别喜欢被人关注、喜欢听好话、喜欢被人奉承,于是,聪明的苍蝇想出了一个好主意! q.sohu.com 7. While levels of CMV-specific immunity varied between LTR, measurements at any one time point did not predict episodes of CMV reactivation. 而CMV特异性免疫水平在LTR患者中有明显的变异,任何一个时间点检测其活性均不能对CMV的复发有预测性作用。 www.otxchina.com 8. The system into a one-time low cost, high efficiency, system reliability, stable performance, easy maintenance. 本系统一次性投入成本低、效率高、系统可靠、性能稳定、维修方便。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Conservative television pastor and one-time presidential candidate Pat Robertson said the policy invites the revenge of God. 帕特.罗伯逊是一名保守派电视布道家,也一度为总统参选人。他说,这个政策将招致上帝报复。 www.bing.com 10. The decision was a sign of how estranged the British peer and his one- time ally had become since their entrepreneurial days in 1969 . 这一决定表明,从1969年共同创业时的亲密盟友,到今天的对簿公堂,布莱克与拉德勒的关系已经变得何其疏远。 www.bing.com 1. As a courier for an express delivery service, I tried to deliver a package that required refrigeration one time, but found no one at home. 我是一名快件邮递员。有一次我送一个需要冷冻的包裹,可主人不在家,我便来到了他的邻居家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In this case, the class can only implement the interface one time, if it is declared as part of the new class. 在这种情况下,如果将该接口声明为新类的一部分,则该类只能实现该接口一次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. One time he said to her, "You are engaged to marry me, but you have never once paid me a visit. " 有一次,他对这个女孩说,“你将会嫁给我,但是你从来没有来找过我。” bbs.24en.com 4. In ur life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己本人,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱俺句号。 www.hk02.cn 5. The bank then gave each client a new loan and a one-time cash payment of $125, at a total cost of $8. 5 million. 然后,它又给每个客户发放了一笔全新的,一次性现金支付125美元的贷款,放贷总计达到850万美元。 www.bing.com 6. Well water may be so hard that it cannot run through the system even one time without scaling. 井水可能是如此的难以致于它整系统平坦的时间不计数而不能够跑。 www.xici.net 7. Results from more than one time point for each trial cannot be combined in a standard meta-analysis without a unit of analysis error. 在一个没有分析误差单位的标准meta-分析中,每个试验中多个时点的结果将不能组合在一起。 ebm.dxy.cn 8. Bridegroom bride began nimbus one time again then after that bridegroom is tired arrive to go up in the bed. 新郎新娘于是又开始了一番雨云而后新郎累到在床上。 www.google-web.org 9. We used to see each other at tournaments when we were juniors, and one time we practised together, but it went badly for me! 小的时候我们在巡回赛中经常见面,有一次我们一起训练来着,但是那次我真是太差了! www.tennisace.cn 10. Some allow you to install and uninstall only one time; they want you to pay an additional price for a new installation. 有些人则会允许用户只能安装和卸载一次;他们希望用户为新的安装支付额外的费用。 www.ibm.com 1. Instead, we find it very easy to think in very relative terms as options change from one time to another. 相反因为可选方案是不停在改变的,用相对价值来思考则豁然开朗。 www.yyets.com 2. Replication recognizes when a change has been applied to a given node, preventing changes from cycling through the nodes more than one time. 复制可以识别何时将更改应用到给定节点,从而避免所做的更改在节点间循环多次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Dismissed one-time alarms do not disappear from the list and it is possible to review alarm text message later. 修正了一次性闹钟在响铃后不消失,并可能看到闹钟信息的错误。 dict.bioon.com 4. One time his wife had to go to the market in a hurry. Her child wanted to go along and clung fast to her . 有一次他的妻子急急忙忙要去市场,她的孩子想跟着她一起去,紧紧地缠着她。 www.bing.com 5. To say thank you for taking the time to sign up here is a free download of the only dance version of One Time, "One Time (J Stax remix)" . 如果说感谢您抽出时间签署了在这里你是唯一的舞蹈一时间版本免费下载,“一次性(十斯代斯混音)”。 wenwen.soso.com 6. And, as you point out in the example of California, we were able to do that at one time in the US. 而且,正如你举例的加里福尼亚一样,美国也曾一度能够这么做。 www.bing.com 7. One time I saw a young man rushing around, his mind obviously occupied by a mass of projects and ideas. 有一次我看到一位年轻人忙得团团转,显然心中有一大堆计划和点子。 www.ebigear.com 8. God gives us evidence of the truth of his love for us. And though the proof is a one-time event, the love it demonstrates is for all times. 神向我们证明祂爱我们的事实,尽管这个证据是一次过发生的事件,但它所显明的爱,却是永久长存的。 www.chinesetodays.org 9. Different specifications of the keyway is made up of different cemented carbide milling tool specifications out of a one-time processing. 不同规格的键槽是由不同规格的硬质合金铣刀具一次性加工出来的。 cyggao.com 10. Let me see one time more all your datas what you have send me for your account. 让我再看一看你给我关于你帐户的数据资料。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. I endured the tear to look at your back, very wanted finally to hug you one time again, very wanted you to say "I love you" one time again. 我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后再抱你一次,好想再对你说一次“我爱你”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. I roll in all memories, pressing in the heart bottom, to that vicissitudes of life my material life make the last one time to return to . 我把所有的记忆叠起,压在心底,向那个沧桑了我的尘世作最后一次回眸。 bbs.scol.com.cn 3. He stated how hurricanes at one time were given feminine names and how ships and planes were usually referred to as "she" . 他举出女性英文名如何用来替飓风命名,以及为何船舰和飞机常称为「她」。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 4. But the reporter visited the Jinan large supermarkets and wholesale markets, have not found a one-time toilet sets. 但是,记者走访济南大型超市和批发市场,没有发现一次性马桶套。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Since the earth is like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at one time. 地球就像一个球,在某一时刻太阳只能照亮它的一半。 wenwen.soso.com 6. No I would not want to live there but it is a shame that we are not proud of America enough to be ahead of the pac like we were at one time. 不,我不想要住在那里,但真遗憾我们对美国,不再像以前那样为我们的辉煌而自豪。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I've had some memorable touching moments too. One time I was on a bus and I only had a 10 yuan note on me. 我也曾经有过感动的事情,有一次我上了一辆公交车,手里只有一张十元钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It's what makes it possible for you to hold two different things in your mind at one time and switch between them. 这可以使您一心二用,并能在两种事务之间进行转换。 www.webi.com.cn 9. and its import into the United States in the form of cultivated roots at one time ran to hundreds of thousands of dollars. 此种花头曾大量输入美国,有一时期竟达数十万元之巨。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 10. for a one-time checkout of the guests invited to the General Desk and to complete the formalities and pay a deposit. 办理一次性结帐的宾客请到总务台办理手续,并交纳按金。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The one time that there was significant deflation and economic decline was the Great Depression. 唯一一次显著的通货紧缩伴随着经济衰退便是大萧条时期。 www.bing.com 2. While working with a client one time, I saw an extreme example of the disconnect between formal and informal leadership. 曾经在同一位客户合作时,我见到了一个极好的说明正式与非正式的领导方式脱节的例子。 www.hroot.com 3. Much of the increase, 13 cents a share, was a result of a one-time gain from the sale of its HotJobs business. 而每股13美分的增长,则是来自于出售热门业务工作的一次性收入。 www.bing.com 4. In addition, this sickness easy to recur, after the surgery, should the regular reexamination, every three months reexamine one time. 此外,本病容易复发,手术后应定期复查,每三个月复查一次。 www.010fk.com 5. He still rates the company's shares a 'buy, ' because he expects any losses to be small and on a one-time basis. 他对该股的评级仍为买进,原因是他预计亏损额不会很大,而且属于一次性亏损。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 6. A one time health plan fee per policy year is already included with your institutional fees, which form part of your total tuition. 一时间保健计划的费用每个保单年度已列入您的体制费,其中的一部分,您的总学费。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. One time I used warm water to make a guy pee. Of course I didn't make a career out of it. 有一次我用热水来刺激一个家伙尿尿。当然,我并不在行。 www.eoezone.com 8. If it has a vagina and it's over the age of 25 (this is one time we'll be conservative) then it's getting a Mother's Day card. 只要有女性特质,并且年龄在25岁以上(这是我们唯一保守的一次),那么,就该送张母亲节卡片了。 www.bing.com 9. Small bulb tangles to go up in ornamental bamboo, there is not amorous feelings one time when bright light. 小灯泡缠在装饰用的竹子上,亮灯时别有一番风情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. At one time Wisconsin was known as the "Mother of Circuses, " and was the home or winter quarters for more than 100 traveling tent shows. 曾经,威斯康星州被叫做「马戏团之母」,它是100多顶帐蓬秀的故乡或冬季驻扎处。 www.24en.com 1. Thanksgiving is the one time of the year that we identify with a family meal, and typically it's a multi-generational meal. 我们把感恩节等同于一年一度的家庭聚餐时间,它一般是多代人的聚餐。 www.bing.com 2. The doctor criticized him in that very year only when one time for 2 years is not bad survival. 当年医生说他只有一两年时间可以存活。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The one time I see grown ups with that same sort of look on their faces is when they're just at first falling in love. 唯一一次我看见大人脸上有这种表情是在他们刚刚坠入爱河的时候。 huo360.com 4. A heating portion of a heater is disposed inside the sump housing and bent at least one time. 加热器的一个加热部分设置在水箱外壳的内部,并至少弯曲一次。 ip.com 5. But you really should let me treat one time, I'd feel like I owe you if I didn't. 但是你这次真应该让我请客,否则我总会觉得欠你一个人情。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. No, not really, because the one time I called him, I asked him if he saw the match, he said he didn't see the match so (laughter). 不是很多。因为有一次我和他打电话,我问他是否看了比赛,他说他没看……(笑) www.roger-federer.cn 7. The procedures described here are one-time, with a few exceptions to be described. 这里所描述的过程是一次性的,并且描述了几个异常。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. It was meant to be just a one-time show, but it was so popular they continued it. 本来只想做个一时的表演,但它太受欢迎了,他们就把它继续了下去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Such a program had perhaps served a useful purpose at one time, but it was now the chief intellectual stumbling block. 这样一个纲领,也许一度起过积极作用,但现在它是使知识界踌躇不前的主要障碍。 10. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, for no result, no together, no ownership nor love. 一生该有一次为了某个人忘了自己。不求结果,不求同行,不求拥有,不求你爱我。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. M: No, darling. This is one time it would not help. You must be very quiet. Hold tight to me. 玛:不,亲爱的,这一次它可帮不了忙,你一定要安静。抱紧我。 q.sohu.com 2. Every time of education on the concept of life and death, should one time of edification, spiritualization and sublimation in mind. 每一次的生死观的教育,应该是一次心灵的启迪、心灵的净化、心灵的升华。 my.24en.com 3. One time a Chinese man went into a Western-style restaurant and ordered some dishes. 一次,一位中国汉子进了一家西餐厅,点了几味菜。 blog.163.com 4. The teacher told the children to talk one at a time; if they all talked at one time. she could not understand them. 老师叫孩子们一个接一个讲;假如他们一起讲,她无法听清楚。 www.hotdic.com 5. The birth of your child presents a one-time opportunity to help your family by collecting and storing your child's cord blood. 宝宝的出生给了你一次为家庭收集宝宝脐血的机会。 www.bing.com 6. The sort of seeing I mean is an observation that utilizes as many of the five senses as can reach through the eye at one time. 我所说的见识是一种尽量利用五种感官感觉的观察。这些感觉就如用眼所获得的那样 wenku.baidu.com 7. However, at one time the most memorable aspect of the train had been its punctuality . Clocks in the towns were set by its whistle . 有时候火车最令人难以忘怀的是它的准时。镇上钟表的指针都是按它的汽笛设定的。 www.bing.com 8. One time, I stole a glance at my written text and was caught. 有一次我偷看了一眼事先写好的稿子,被老师发现了。 www.twis.cn 9. Nor can one be sure that the rise in food prices is a one-time event, given that global prices for many food items have been rising as well. 鉴于许多食品的全球价格也一直上涨,人们也不能肯定食品价格的上涨是一次性的事件。 www.stnn.cc 10. Suitable for external and internal broaching . You can produce all kind of size that you need in one time to save the time of transport. 适合各种零件之外径(齿),内径(齿)拉削,一次完成所需尺寸,减少搬运时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is the one time of the year when I tend to put aside all the important things which are really not so important. 一年中惟有在这个节日里,我会把所有看似重要其实并不那么重要的事情放置一边。 www.tingroom.com 2. It was my freshman year of college! --a one time thing, I never talked her again, so it was kind of the best and worst. 这事发生在我大学一年级的时候--那次以后,我就没有和她说过一句话,所以这件事即让人难忘又让人遗憾! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You may install the software on more than one of your computers but you may run only one copy at any one time. 你可以安装该软件在多台计算机上,但在一次你只能运行一个复制进程。 wenku.baidu.com 4. One time, Miss Sullivan suggested leaving a problem to solve until the next day. 一时间,沙利文小姐建议,留下一个需要解决的问题,直到第二天。 maynet.cn 5. "You don't have tobuy me a birthday present, " she said one time. 你们不要为我买什么生日礼物,“她有一次说。” www.bing.com 6. At some point, and I had one time a surgeon say this to me because I was training, and I was standing there, hesitating for a while. 有一次,一个外科医生,对我说过一句话,因为我在培训时,就站在那里,犹豫了一会儿。 open.163.com 7. Your one-time payment to join TVI Express entitles you to have lifetime access to our upcoming promotional deals, programs and campaigns. 您一次性付款加入积分快速,您将拥有终身获得我们即将推出的促销配套,程序和活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Depending on the era that you were here, it had prostitution, certainly saloons, and at one time, even opium. 要看你在哪个时代到这里来,这里有卖淫的,当然也有酒吧。有一个时期,甚至还有鸦片。 www.showxiu.com 10. The critical rotational speed of multiple plate structure is up to one time higher than that of general structure. 与普通结构比较,多层结构的允许转速提高一倍多。 www.chemyq.com 1. This one-time code delivery to the browser is done when the bank teller visits the URL for this application. 这个一次性的代码传递过程发生在银行出纳员访问这个应用程序的URL时。 www.ibm.com 2. A report Tuesday by state safety regulators said the mine was crammed with too many work crews at one time, preventing a rapid evacuation. 国家安监部门周二的一份报告称,煤矿一次下井人员过多,导致不能迅速疏散。 gb.cri.cn 3. How is dermatosis treated? Want simple method, one-time solve the sort of. 皮肤病怎么治疗?要简单的方法,一次性解决的那种。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Note that, due to long-acting drugs into the body of a one-time, high volume, the withdrawal may have some accumulation. 需要注意的是,由于长效药物需要一次性放入体内,量比较大,停药后可能有一定的蓄积。 www.xiami360.com 5. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for meeting you in my most beautiful years. 一生至少有该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。我求我最美的年华里,遇到你。 blog.163.com 6. As the largest ethnic minority in the Middle East without a state, Kurds at one time depended on an armed insurgency to press their cause. 作为中东最大的少数民族而没有一个国家,库尔德人曾经一时间寄希望于武装叛乱。 www.kekenet.com 7. At one time Einstein traveled all over the United States giving lectures. He traveled by car and soon became quite friendly with the driver. 一次,爱因斯坦在美国各地巡回做报告。他是坐汽车巡回旅行的,并很快就与司机非常友好了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Bulletin One of a sequence of reports issued at intervals , or a one-time- only notice printed as a single leaf, folder, or booklet . 定期出版的连续性报告或一次过的公报。它可以是单张,折页或小册子。 www.bing.com 9. Mui, if Simond already had the honour to meet you two times, then at least I should have the honour to meet you one time! ! 梅姨,如果阳光先生有此荣幸见过你二次脸,那么我最小有荣幸见你一次吧。 www.ceci.hk 10. At one time, this fortress in the center of the city had been a Confederate post. 从前,这个堡垒是位于城市中心联盟的哨岗。 www.bing.com 1. Or, to specify a one-time (non-recurring) schedule, select Once, and then specify a Start time. 或者,若要指定一次性(不重复执行)计划,请选择“一次”,然后指定“开始时间”。 technet.microsoft.com 2. doesn't remember any information about modified rows in memory, so it has no limit to the number of rows locked at one time. 不会在内存里保存任何关于已修改行的信息,因此对一次锁定的行数没有限制。 pgsqldb.org 3. At one time, people punished bed-letters for acting badly, but today scientists believe that this conditional several physical causes. 以前,经常尿床的儿童会被罚。但是,如今科学家相信尿床是基于生理因素。 www.hxen.com 4. At one time I would have been prepared to do that, but my business has grown too big now, and it's a full-time job. 我曾经准备要这样做的,但我的生意现在做的太大了,我现在是全职工作。 www.bing.com 5. If the attendees have a camera and microphone then you will be able to see and hear up to 15 of them at one time. 如果参与者有摄像头和话筒,那么您将能够在同一时间看到并听到最多15个参与者。 www.mytino.com 6. Any stress or sudden change in her life at one time would send Saks into a tailspin psychologically. 她生活中的任何压力和突变过去会将它送入心理上的混乱。 www.bing.com 7. Conclusion One-time saturated deployment of a rodenticide in a sufficiently large area may yield satisfying killing effect. 结论在投放毒饵面积足够大的情况下,一次性饱和投放溴敌隆毒饵可取得满意灭鼠效果。 www.bmsw.net.cn 8. Customer-intimate companies do not pursue one-time transactions ; they cultivate relationships . 与顾客关系密切的公司追求的不是一次性的交易,他们培养与顾客之间的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The company benefited from the reversal of an antitrust fine that resulted in a 79 million euros one-time gain. 该公司得益于推翻了一项法庭对它的反垄断罚款处罚,此事使它获得一次性所得7,900万欧元。 c.wsj.com 10. The size of that quarter is what you can focus clearly at any one time . 那四分之一大小的区域是你什么时候都能很清晰的看到的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. A Swan will sing only one time during its whole life right at the moment the death is approaching, sad, elegant, noble. 天鹅在它的一生中会歌唱一次,是在它临死的时候,歌声凄婉,优美,高贵。 spaces.msn.com 2. Since the one-time pad is theoretically proven to be undecipherable , quantum cryptography is the key to perfect secrecy. 因为一次插入被理论上证明是不被破译的,量密码术是完全保密的答案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. There was one time that my sprites turned down felt helpless and upset, when I saw the marks I got were poor. 而且有一阶段,当我看到作完模拟题后所得的可怜分数,就会情绪低落,感觉无助,烦躁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The sun does not deliver that much energy to any one place at any one time. How much solar energy a place receives depends 太阳不会向任一地点,任意时刻都输送那么多的能量,一地能获得多少的太阳能基于多种因素,包括时间、季节、纬度以及天气条件。 www.bing.com 5. Office Publisher 2007 makes it really easy to create content one time and then reuse it in many different publications. OfficePublisher2007确实可以方便地一次性创建内容,然后在许多不同的出版物中重复使用这些内容。 office.microsoft.com 6. However, this sale would only deliver a one-time profit, and the province would lose out on a source of steady yearly income. 然而,这些销售额只会实现一次性收益,还有政府会失去一笔稳定的年收益。 www.bing.com 7. When Bent Tree held what was intended to be a one-time lecture about jobs and the economy in April, nearly 90 people showed up. 4月份,当BentTree举办有关就业和经济的讲座时,有近90人参加。这个活动本来只打算举办一次。 www.bing.com 8. The default value for this property is 10, which means there can be up to 10 connections created from a factory at any one time. 此属性的缺省值为10,这意味着从连接工厂一次最多只能创建10个连接。 www.ibm.com 9. Des's conscious was information being interpreted by his brain from one time frame to the next. Des的意识是他大脑解释的从一个时间框架到另一个时间框的信息。 www.bing.com 10. One time, I spotted an employee doing some-thing right and wanted to recognize her, but I didn't have a penny, so I gave her a quarter. 一次,我发现一名雇员有件事做得很不错,想认可其工作,但是我没有一美分硬币,所以我给了她一个25美分的硬币。 hi.baidu.com 1. Traditionally, Wall Street employees get most of their annual pay in the form of a one-time year-end bonus. 传统来讲,华尔街员工们以一年期末红利的方式获得全年薪水的大部分。 dongxi.net 2. Each course is not a one-time solution for all problems, only a comprehensive solution to a problem. 每个课程不求一次性解决全部问题,只求全面解决一个问题。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. One time I went to see him in NeXT's swank new offices in Redwood City. 有一次我去红木城NeXT公司新近搬过去的豪华办公室见他。 dongxi.net 4. "We have to see if we can put ourselves back together to be a little bit more competitive like we were at one time, " Sloan asserted. “我们必须尝试做回我们自己,这样才能使我们在季后赛更有竞争力,我们曾经是那样的。”史隆说。 ttnba.com 5. PLEASE just let me win the lotto this one time so I can get my life back in order. 请您让我这次中个奖吧,我的生活才可以恢复正常。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Perhaps she was never conscious of her one-time influence on a young, 'not yet wet behind the ears' girl. 也许她并不曾意识到自己曾经影响过那样一个乳臭未干的女孩。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Su: That was one time, in the past, but she do not now think so. 苏:那是曾经,是过去,可她现在并不这么认为。 www.bing.com 8. Or, to be more exact, Alaska was at one time connected with the tip of Siberia. 或者更确切地说,阿拉斯加曾经和西伯利亚的东端连在一起。 www.hxen.com 9. There was one time when I was really thought they were crossed the line. 有一两次,又一次我真的觉得他们太过分了。 bbs.sparke.cn 10. Italian hooter listens, the sense is very new, want ask to see to be known one time at once. 意大利一听,感觉十分新鲜,当即要求见识一番。 qyweb.org 1. One time my coworker went through rehab for six months after a car accident, and I picked up a lot of additional work to help him out. 曾经有一位同事因交通事故需要接受六个月的康复治疗,在此期间我为了帮助这位同事,额外承担了很多业务。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. At this point, new old distant was undertaking the network is contended for one time together afterwar , exited war situation. 就此,新老辽同在进行了一番网络争夺战后,退出了战局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. He says the scariest moment in his career was the one time he tried to pitch sober. 他说他球员生涯中最恐怖的时刻,是有一回他尝试在清醒的情况下投球。 www.minxue.net 4. In fact, it has to be an everyday task; securing a network is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort. 实际上,它必须是每天都要完成的任务,确保网络安全是一个进行中的过程,而不是一时的努力。 www.jukuu.com 5. Involves a system administrator performing a one-time installation of a publisher's Authenticode certificate on a client computer. 需要系统管理员在客户端计算机上对发行者的Authenticode证书执行一次性安装。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Other profit sharing possibilities (even on top of one time work payment) as long as you deliver immense quality product. 其他利润分享的可能性(即使在同一时间支付工程款上)只要你提供巨大的优质产品。 www.bing.com 7. Different types of solution, suspension, emulsion and cream paste material can be dry for a one-time production. 不同种类的溶液、悬浊液、乳浊液和膏糊状物料可实现一次性连续干燥生产。 cn.mychemy.com 8. A dog can eat regular meals, yet what if you give it a bowl of regular feed and meat at one time? 狗,显然是可以吃饭的,你给你家小狗一碗饭一碗肉,你看看它选什么? www.bing.com 9. A former Kopassus chief and a one-time Suharto son-in-law, Prabowo seems confident that he is again a force to be reckoned with. 作为前特种部队Kopassus的头头和苏哈托的前女婿,Prabowo似乎确信自己已经再一次获得直面民众的力量。 www.bing.com 10. The one-time beauty queen, basketball player, and coach loves to hunt and fish in her off time, typical activities of many Alaskans. 她也当过选美王后,打过篮球,做过教练,业余时间喜爱狩猎和钓鱼。这些是阿拉斯加许多人的典型生活内容。 www.america.gov 1. He was the chairman of the board and at one time he was also the president of the company. 他同时担任董事会主席和公司总裁。 english.cersp.com 2. Just like the title of this post claims, at one time the Premier of China was a Catholic. 正如文章的标题所言,曾经中国的内阁总理是天主教徒。 www.tianzhujiao.org 3. One-time investment cold storage, service life can be built up to 30 years, and the economic benefit is remarkable. 一次性投入建成冷库,使用寿命可达30年,经济效益十分显著。 www.bing.com 4. of your payment are likely to vary each time, set the limit for each payment at the maximum amount you would expect to pay at any one time. 如台端付款之数额每次可能不相同,则请将最高者定为每次付款之最高限额。 www.jukuu.com 5. A small metallic representation of a palm leaf added to a military decoration that has been awarded more than one time. 棕榈叶徽章:棕榈叶型小勋章,军事荣誉勋章的附加装饰,已不止一次地授予过此勋章语源。 www.fane.cn 6. This convention, alone, might be sufficient if your product or project is a one-time custom development effort. 这一约定,在您的产品或者项目属于一次性定制开发努力的情况下,可能已经足够了。 www.ibm.com 7. One time. she knew you didn't do your homework, she was really angry, and she forced you to to do. 有一次你没有写作业,你的朋友很生气,她强迫你写。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Performance evaluation assessment of the annual salary at the end of a one-time payment of accounts. 绩效年薪在年底考核评估核算一次性支付。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. These factors can be present at any one time and yet the person may not develop the illness. 这些因素也许会同时出现,但有的人并不会因此而得病。 www.bijifenxi.com 10. At one time, it was assumed that security tools would be developed to help users see where a link was directing them, Haley said. 人们曾经以为,会有各种安全工具被开发出来,用以帮助用户明了连接的指向地址,哈里说。 www.bing.com 1. The dispose method of a client class might be called more than one time. 可能会多次调用客户端类的dispose方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. MiniSCAPE is a one-time use escape device fitting into the pocket of any work clothing or carried at the belt. MiniSCAPE是一次性使用途逃生设备配件适合任何工作衣物的口袋里或运载在腰带上。 www.rescue.com.hk 3. 'In about 10% of the cases I handled at any one time, financial considerations came into play, ' he says. “在每次我接诊的病例中,都有约10%的人会考虑金钱因素”,他说。 c.wsj.com 4. That was one time. it was chilly. enough about the past. Before you landed in my bed, we actually landed on a good idea. 就那么一次,天气冷,-不要再提过去了。在你上床之前,我们商量好了一个计划。 www.bing.com 5. There was one time when I thought she came close. 只有一次我觉得她几乎做到了。 www.bing.com 6. One time when Allen's girlfriend Rita cooked him a roast chicken, he ate the entire thing with a spoon. 一次艾伦的女朋友做了一只烤鸡,他用勺子把整只鸡吃完了。 www.bing.com 7. True love, and meteors, lifetime as possible can only see one time, miss is for a lifetime. 真爱,和流星一样,一辈子可能只能看见一次,错过了就是一辈子。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. Inspiration isn't just a one-time thing. You'll need it on a regular basis. 灵感不是一时的,你会时时需要它。 www.bing.com 9. Phoebe: I don't know, he might surprise you. One time, he helped me put on my coat and he was really tender. 我也说不清,他也许会给你惊喜。又一次,他帮我把外衣穿上,他很体贴。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. At one time, however, the tribe was one of the three largest in the world, roaming across vast stretches of primal wilderness. 不管怎么说,很久以前这个拥有幅员辽阔的原初荒野的部族是世界上最大的三个部族之一。 blog.donews.com 1. Earlier in his career Allen got some great work casting one-time squeeze Diane Keaton in several of his movies. 在他事业早期伍迪艾伦曾有一些与戴安·基顿合作的获得了辉煌成就的作品。 www.bing.com 2. The stars were at one time part of the Earth, until the hand of God peeled them away, leaving us in the dark. 星星原本是地球的一部分,直到上帝之手将他们剥离,把我们留在黑暗之中。 www.bing.com 3. The most valuable thing of human is life which belongs to everyone, and yet just for one time. 人最宝贵的是生命。生命属于每个人,只有一次。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Complete search and download access to thousands of technical books for a one-time subscription fee. 一次性付清订费,全面搜索和下载数千本技术书籍。 www-128.ibm.com 5. But afterwards she seemed to improve on you, and I believe you thought her rather pretty at one time. 可是你以后就对她印象她起来了,你也有一个时期觉得她很好看。 www.ebigear.com 6. The annual lump-sum payment for a vehicle of a tonnage of 2 tons or below may be one-time annually or twice annually. 2吨及2吨以下的机动车实行年度包缴,可以一次或者分两次缴清。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 7. A motor is started up for more than one time for stirring during intermittent heating of the continuous boiling step. 所述延煮步骤的间歇加热过程中,电机启动一次以上进行搅拌。 ip.com 8. One time, I'd told her that she should shut up about it, that large black women wore their fat like mink coats. 有一次我让她闭嘴,大个子的女黑人把胖当成一件貂皮大衣。 www.bing.com 9. "You have to come in one time a year for an annual exam, " Stark said. 他不对邮件收费,“你必须一年来一次,做年度检查。”他说。 cn.reuters.com 10. One time I took some performers to a rehearsal that was in a remote building. Surprisingly, no one else showed up. 有一次我带一些表演者去一栋偏远的建筑物预演,其他人还没到。 sm2000.org 1. At one time, Douglas Aircraft, McDonnell Aircraft, North American Aviation and Rockwell International were all players in the space program. 曾几何时,道格拉斯航空公司、麦克唐纳航空公司、北美航空公司和洛克维尔国际公司都是太空计划的参与者。 www.bing.com 2. In your life , there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone. 在您的一生中,您至少有一次会为了某人迷失个人。 gogobig.com 3. One time he was taken into the Swedish army to do his duty for a few weeks. 有一天他被带到瑞典军队,需要执行几周的任务。 www.bing.com 4. It seems like "One time, someone at the zoo flagged me for a quickie. " 有一次,在动物园一个人叫我,做推油。 www.englishpub.cn 5. The number of. Dat files that you find in the message queue directory reflects the maximum number of messages in the queue at any one time. 在邮件队列目录中找到的.dat文件数反映了在任何时间队列中的最大邮件数。 technet.microsoft.com 6. We're kind of using all the money we have to do it this one time. 我们为了这一次已经花光所有的积蓄 www.bing.com 7. They are attacked again and Anton learns that his one-time friend, the Inquisitor Edgar, is one of the mysterious trio of Others. 他们再次被袭击,安东发现他曾经的朋友,宗教裁判埃德加是那个神秘的他者三人组中的一个。 www.douban.com 8. Median survival reflects one time point along the survival curve and does not measure the overall survival benefit. 生存中值反映了生存曲线上的一个时间点,并不能测量总的生存期。 www.haodf.com 9. In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself . . . 在你的一生中,总会有至少一次,你会为了某些人而忘记你自己。为了没有结果… www.51xmzp.com 10. Certainly never before had I had so much in my fist at one time. It was a treat to break a thousand franc note. 以前我当然从来没有一次装过这么多钱,破开一张一千法郎的大钞真是一种享受,我先把它举到亮处观察它漂亮的透明花纹。 www.bing.com |
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