单词 | nfs |
释义 |
例句释义: 网络文件系统 1. To applications running on an NFS client, the shared file system appears as if it's local, native storage. 对于在NFS客户机上运行的应用程序,共享的文件系统看起来和本地存储一样。 www.ibm.com 2. Like NFS, each node treats the file system as if it were local and physically attached. 类似于NFS,每个节点都将文件系统看作本地的物理附加文件系统。 www.ibm.com 3. When you share a directory with NFS, you can then mount the directory from another machine just as if it was a local disk. 当使用NFS共享目录时,可以像本地磁盘一样从另一个计算机加载目录。 www.ibm.com 4. Introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1984, NFS allows clients to access files over a network as if the files were locally attached as disks. SunMicrosystems在1984年发布了NFS,它允许客户端通过网络访问各种文件,就好像这些文件与磁盘一样是在本地进行连接的。 www.ibm.com 5. In addition, syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery, filesystem issues, and even DHCP leases, DNS issues, and NFS problems. 另外,syslog通常还用于记录电子邮件消息传递、文件系统问题,甚至DHCP租期、DNS问题和NFS问题。 www.ibm.com 6. By using NFS, users and programs can access files on remote systems almost as if they were local files. 通过NFS,用户和应用程序可以访问远程系统上的文件,就象它们是本地文件一样。 translations.launchpad.net 7. You can learn how the client and server relate to one another and the various factors that influence NFS performance. 您可以了解客户端与服务器如何相互关联,以及影响NFS性能的各种因素。 www.ibm.com 8. As network speeds increase and latencies decrease, NFS continues to be an attractive option for serving a file system over a network. 由于网络速度的增加和延迟的降低,NFS一直是通过网络提供文件系统服务具有吸引力的选择。 www.ibm.com 9. This can be a problem on slower networks because NFS writes can be very expensive. 这在低速网络上将会出现问题,因为NFS写入成本可能会非常昂贵。 www.ibm.com 10. Bottlenecks often contribute to what appears to be an NFS-specific problem. 瓶颈通常会导致一些看似NFS特定的问题。 www.ibm.com 1. Next, use NFS to set up a shared directory that you'll use to distribute the necessary files to the other computers in the network. 然后,使用NFS设置共享目录,使用这个目录将必需的文件分布到网络中的其他计算机中。 www.ibm.com 2. Although NFS is the most popular network file system on UNIX and Linux systems, it's certainly not the only choice. 虽然NFS是在UNIX和Linux系统中最流行的网络文件系统,但它当然不是唯一的选择。 www.ibm.com 3. NFS is now a stateful protocol and includes optimizations for data and metadata separation as well as data access parallelism. NFS现在是一个状态协议并包括对数据和元数据分离的优化以及数据访问并行。 www.ibm.com 4. The client specified has no locks on this NFS server. 指定的客户在此NFS服务器上没有锁。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. From this point onwards, the administrator will follow the steps needed for NFS server and NFS client setup. 从现在开始,管理员可以执行NFS服务器和NFS客户端设置所需的步骤。 www.ibm.com 6. I wasn't too looking forward to implementing such a thing, because NFS means UDP, means a lot of bandwidth, means a VPN, means expenses. 我过去并不想安装这个东西,因为NFS意味着UDP,意味着许多带宽和一个VPN及许多开支。 www.zzbaike.com 7. Such a distributed environment normally consists of multiple NFS domains. 这种分布式环境通常由多个NFS域组成。 www.ibm.com 8. The objective is to ensure that all the user files that are created on the NFS-mounted system shared over the SLES machine will be secured. 我们的目标是,确保在挂载的系统上创建并通过NFS在SLES上共享的所有用户文件是安全的。 www.ibm.com 9. Once a request is found to be destined for NFS, VFS passes it to the NFS instance within the kernel. 一旦发现了为NFS指定的需求,VFS会将其传递给内核中的NFS实例。 www.ibm.com 10. Horror scenarios surrounding pre-V3 NFS put off many administrators managing networks with less than a few dozen users. 围绕NFSV3之前版本的恐怖场景使许多管理人员不愿管理哪怕只有几十个用户的网络。 www.ibm.com 1. This method is called Identity Mapping and is handled by the nfsrgyd NFS daemon. 这种方法称为身份映射,由nfsrgydNFS守护进程处理。 www.ibm.com 2. An association between a local file system and its directories indicating that the specified directories are available for NFS mount. 本地文件系统和说明可以进行NFS装入的特定目录的目录之间的关联。 www.fan6.net 3. Like the local file system, setting up disk quotas for the Network File System (NFS) is important. 与本地文件系统一样,为NetworkFileSystem(NFS)设置磁盘配额也很重要。 www.ibm.com 4. With IBM is declaring its end of support for IBM DFS, NFS Version 4 is becoming the next-generation distributed file system. 随着IBM声明将结束对IBMDFS的支持,NFSVersion4正在逐渐成为下一代的分布式文件系统。 www.ibm.com 5. NFS operations can be interrupted in case of a hang. 在挂起时NFS操作可以被中断。 www.ibm.com 6. Often performance tuning is the last thing on your mind when you consider Network File Systems (NFS). 在考虑使用网络文件系统(NFS)时,性能优化往往被人忽视。 www.ibm.com 7. The backup files are created on a Network File System (NFS) share to a remote system that holds a copy of the backup. 这些备份文件创建于与远程系统共享的网络文件系统(NFS),而该远程系统保留了相应的备份副本。 www.ibm.com 8. A Network File System (NFS) server is already available on the Storage Mount VM RHEL image and just needs to be configured and started. StorageMountVMRHEL映像中已经有一个网络文件系统(NFS)服务器可用,只需要配置并启动即可。 www.ibm.com 9. Protocol determines how the server is providing the packages over the network: HTTP, FTP or NFS. Protocol确定服务器通过网络提供包的方式:HTTP、FTP或NFS。 www.ibm.com 10. The Network File System (NFS) was also developed by Sun Microsystems as a method for sharing files among machines. 网络文件系统(NFS)也是由SunMicrosystems开发的,作为在计算机间共享文件的一种方法使用。 www.ibm.com 1. You can use any of the public IP address configured for the IBM SONAS system to mount the NFS export. 可以使用为IBMSONAS系统配置的任何公共IP地址挂载NFS导出。 www.ibm.com 2. Network File System (NFS) is one of the most widely used distributed file systems. NetworkFileSystem(NFS)是使用最广泛的分布式文件系统之一。 www.ibm.com 3. Nationwide Financial Services filed similar counterclaims in a lawsuit over mutual fund revenue-sharing payments. 美国全球保险公司(NFS)曾在一起关于共同基金收入共享支付的官司中提起类似反诉。 www.ftchinese.com 4. To use FAI for deployment you need DHCP, NFS, HTTP and TFTP servers and of course the FAI software itself. 为了使用FAI进行部署,你需要DHCP,NFS,HTTP和TFTP服务器,当然还需要FAI软件。 www.infoq.com 5. For all of these servers, we created a mksysb image on an NFS-mounted file system that resides on our primary NIM server. 对于所有的服务器,我们在NFS装入的文件系统中创建mksysb镜像,该文件系统位于我们的主NIM服务器。 www.ibm.com 6. In practical situations, the NFS domains may be configured with different Kerberos realms (administrative domains). 在实际环境中,可能用不同的Kerberos领域(管理域)配置NFS域。 www.ibm.com 7. NFS filesystems can be automatically mounted or unmounted, with the corresponding fstab changes. 根据相应fstab变化,可自动安装和卸载NFS文件。 www.ibm.com 8. A similar mechanism can be employed for the NFS version of the corresponding exported entry. 相应的导出项的NFS版本也可以使用类似的机制。 www.ibm.com 9. In this article, we are going to use an AIX system, motu. in. ibm. com, configured as a NFS client to the IBM SONAS system. 在本文中,我们将会使用一个AIX系统(playstation.in.ibm.com),该系统配置为IBMSONAS系统中的NFS客户端。 www.ibm.com 10. From the client's perspective, the first operation to occur within NFS is called a mount. 从客户端的角度来说,NFS中的第一个操作称为mount。 www.ibm.com 1. "Looks like NFS and some Novell, " Jake mumbled as he crawled through the directory services trees. “就像NFS和Novell公司那样。”Jake一边喃喃自语,一边缓缓地浏览着目录服务树。 www.bing.com 2. Verify that NFS-related RPMs are installed on your system, as shown in Listing 1. 验证您的系统上已经安装好了与NFS有关的RPM包,如清单1所示。 www.ibm.com 3. As you can see, Figure 6 shows multiple internal mounts performed by the generic NFS mounter. 如您所见,图6显示了由通用NFS装载工具执行的多个内部装载。 www.ibm.com 4. With a soft mount, if there is an error, it is reported immediately to the requested program, while with a hard mount, NFS keeps retrying. 使用软装入,如果出现了错误,那么将立即对请求的程序进行报告;而对于硬装入,NFS将不断地进行重试。 www.ibm.com 5. You can set NFS up to negotiate for security flavors if RPCSEC_GSS is not required. 如果不要求RPCSEC_GSS,可以设置NFS来对安全性问题进行协商。 www.ibm.com 6. Using pNFS, file systems are shared from server to clients as before, but data does not pass through the NFS server. 使用pNFS时,客户机也像以前一样可以从服务器共享文件系统,但数据不经过NFS服务器。 www.ibm.com 7. This can be useful if the nimadm operation is not performing well due to an NFS write bottleneck. 如果nimadm操作由于一个NFS写入瓶颈而性能不佳,那么这个选项可能有用。 www.ibm.com 8. If the NFS service is not running, start or restart it, as shown in Listing 7. 如果NFS服务没有运行,请启动或重新启动它,如清单7所示。 www.ibm.com 9. Still, NFS directories have to be mounted individually. 还有,NFS目录必须单独安装。 www-128.ibm.com 10. By using NFS, users and programs can be the same as access to local files on a remote system to access files (usually UNIX-use). 通过使用NFS,用户和程序可以象访问本地文件一样访问远端系统上的文件(一般在类UNIX上使用)。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Here you can see a list of hosts which are allowed to access this directory via NFS. 您可在此看到允许通过NFS访问此目录的主机列表。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Unlike when you tune database servers, with NFS you want to allow the VMM to use as much RAM as possible for NFS data caching. 与调优数据库服务器有所不同,对于NFS来说,您希望允许VMM使用尽可能多的RAM来进行NFS数据缓存。 www.ibm.com 3. Remember that NFS performance problems might not be related to your NFS subsystem at all. 请记住,NFS性能问题可能与您的NFS子系统根本没有任何关系。 www.ibm.com 4. The root_squash setting means that the root user on the client is not treated as root when accessing files on the NFS server. 设为root_squash意味着在访问NFS服务器上的文件时,客户机上的root用户不会被当作root用户来对待。 www.ibm.com 5. The article discussed best practices for disk configuration and VMM tuning in an NFS environment. 本文还介绍了在NFS环境中进行磁盘配置和VMM优化的最佳实践。 www.ibm.com 6. One of the important feature of NFS V4 is to meet higher standards of security. NFSV4的一个重要特性是满足更高的安全标准。 www.ibm.com 7. However, the installation directory should be network available (e. g. NFS) if parallel calculations are planned. 如果想进行并行运算,则安装目录应能连接到网络(如NFS)。 www.lunwenbang.cn 8. This article begins with a short history of NFS, its origins, and how it has evolved. 本文以NFS的简短历史开始,到它的起源,再到它如何演化。 www.ibm.com 9. As such, NFS is not a file system in the traditional sense but instead a protocol for accessing file systems remotely. 因此,NFS不是传统意义上的文件系统,而是访问远程文件系统的协议。 www.ibm.com 10. The TL files can be placed locally, as covered in this article, in a remote NFS share or in a CD-ROM. 正如本文所介绍的,TL文件可以存储在本地、远程NFS或CD-ROM中。 www.ibm.com 1. For this reason, NFS is a pluggable file system just like any other. 由于这一原因,NFS是与其他文件系统类似的可插拔文件系统。 www.ibm.com 2. On Network File System (NFS) based systems, some source areas may not be mounted, which will result in compilation fails. 在基于网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)的系统中,一些源区域不能被挂载,这将导致编译失败。 www.ibm.com 3. Older NFS versions use a fixed set of attributes primarily focused on UNIX files and filesystems. 旧的NFS版本使用的是固定的一组属性,只是主要考虑了UNIX文件和文件系统。 www.ibm.com 4. When prompting the installation method, choose to install from NFS, as shown in Figure 7 below. 在提示选择安装方法时,选择从NFS进行安装,如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 5. The timeline of NFS, including the specific RFCs that document its behavior, is shown in Figure 1. NFS的时间表,包括记录其特性的特定RFC,都在图1中有展示。 www.ibm.com 6. IBM NAS is used for authentication and optionally for per-message encryption between NFS client and server. IBMNAS用于身份验证,也可以用于NFS客户端和服务器之间的消息加密。 www.ibm.com 7. This new NFS version also includes support for server migration and replication to enable clients to seamlessly change servers when needed. 这个新的NFS版本还增加了对服务器迁移和复制的支持,让用户在需要的时候可以无缝地改变服务器。 www.ibm.com 8. This utility mounts a remote SMB file system onto the local UNIX file system, much like a local disk or NFS share. 这个工具将一个远程SMB文件系统装载到本地UNIX文件系统上,很像一个本地磁盘或NFS共享。 www.ibm.com 9. However, if it is not started, the following step starts the NFS server. 但是,如果它没有启动,可以按以下步骤启动NFS服务。 www.ibm.com 10. The SLES system is configured as a NFS client to the AIX system from where the end users access their files. SLES系统配置为AIX系统的NFS客户机,最终用户从这里访问他们的文件。 www.ibm.com 1. NIS is a part of the Network File System (NFS) software package that includes commands and daemons for NFS, NIS, and other services. NIS是网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)软件包的一部分,该软件包包括用于NFS、NIS和其他服务的命令和守护进程。 www.ibm.com 2. File and file system attribute classification is another addition to NFS that allows for easier server implementations. 文件和文件系统属性分类是对NFS的另一个补充,使服务器实现更方便。 www.ibm.com 3. NFSv4. 1 introduces the concept of parallel NFS (pNFS) for higher scaling and higher performance. 介绍针对更高扩展性和更高性能的并行NFS(pNFS)的概念。 www.ibm.com 4. This file system is shared out to the other nodes, through GPFS or NFS. 该文件系统通过GPFS或者NFS,供其他节点共享。 www.ibm.com 5. Today, pNFS supports the use of block-based protocols (Fibre Channel), object-based protocols, and NFS itself (even in a non-pNFS form). 当前,pNFS支持采用基于块的协议(光纤通道),基于对象的协议,和NFS本身(甚至以非pNFS形式)。 www.ibm.com 6. NFS does not reside on the transport stack, because NFS uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). 因为NFS使用了远程过程调用(RPC),所以NFS并不位于传输堆栈中。 www.ibm.com 7. A remote file system can be accessed through the Network File System (NFS). 可以通过网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)访问远程文件系统。 www.ibm.com 8. Sun Microsystems introduced the Network File System (NFS) in 1984, which let UNIX computers mount file systems over the network. SunMicrosystems于1984年引入了NetworkFileSystem(NFS),NFS允许UNIX计算机通过网络装载文件系统。 www.ibm.com 9. Sun introduced NFSv4 with strong security along with a stateful protocol (prior versions of NFS were stateless). Sun引入了具有较高安全性,带有状态协议的NFSv4(NFS之前的版本都是无状态的)。 www.ibm.com 10. We also need an additional NFS server to support WPAR mobility and the customer base for NFS-based WPARs has shown to be limited. 我们还需要一个附加NFS服务器来支持WPAR迁移,而且基于NFS的WPAR的客户群已经显示出是有限的。 www.ibm.com 1. The elimination of these two protocols, mountd and lockd, reduces the processing overhead for operating an NFS server. mountd和lockd这两个协议的弃用,减少了运行NFS服务器的处理开销。 www.ibm.com 2. A daemon that permits personal computers to access file systems accessed through the NFS protocol. 一个支持个人电脑通过NFS协议访问文件系统的守护程序。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Once the software is installed, t%he current NFS patches can be reapplied and will detect the PV3 code and patch appropriately. 一旦安装了该软件之后,当前的NFS补丁便可以被重新使用了,而且将会正确的删除PV3代码和补丁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. So as seen here, the ls -l output shows nobody: nobody for user: group of the file created in the NFS-mounted directory. 可以看到,对于在NFS挂装的目录中创建的文件,ls-l输出显示的用户名和组名是nobody:nobody。 www.ibm.com 5. In this study, a nearest feature space embedding (called NFS embedding) algorithm is proposed for face recognition. 在本研究中,我们提出了一种基于最近特徵空间转换法的人脸辨识演算法。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 6. You also cannot serve NFS filesystems from within the WPAR; only NFS clients are supported. 另外,还不能从WPAR中提供NFS文件系统,仅支持NFS客户机。 www.ibm.com 7. Program will work with old NFS versions, many other programs you use will not include this workaround. 程序可以与旧版的NFS一起使用,您所使用的很多其他程序也不会使用该解决方法。 www-128.ibm.com 8. CFS operates at the user level, communicating with the kernel through Network File System (NFS). CFS工作于用户级,通过网络文件系统(NFS)与内核进行通信。 www.ibm.com 9. Diskless installation, using network booting from a local area network and NFS-mounting of all local filesystems, is another option. 无盘安装,使用网络从局域网启动,并用NFS挂载所有的本地文件系统,是另一种选择。 debian.fr 10. This article explains how you can use netpmon to monitor read subroutines and write subroutines for NFS clients, as well as NFS servers. 本文解释如何使用netpmon为NFS客户端和NFS服务器监控读写子例程。 www.ibm.com 1. The generic NFS mounter internally sends a request to the server asking for all the exported entries. 通用NFS装载工具从内部向服务器发送一个请求,要求访问所有导出项。 www.ibm.com 2. replacing all the closed code with open source one: libc_i18n, NFS lock manager, portions of crypto framework, many critical drivers. 使用开源代码替换所有非开源代码包括libc_i18n、NFS锁管理器、加密框架部分以及大量关键的驱动程序。 www.infoq.com 3. The ability to use cryptographic authentication for NFS RPC requests provides support for end-to-end NFS security. NFSRPC请求可以使用密码认证的能力提供了端到端的NFS安全支持。 www.ibm.com 4. This change sets the number of read-ahead blocks that are read for file systems mounted using NFS version 2 software. 这个修改为使用NFSversion2软件挂载的文件系统设置预读取块的数量。 www.ibm.com 5. Verify that the exported folder is available using the NFS service, as shown in Listing 8. 验证所导出的文件夹可以使用NFS服务进行访问,如清单8所示。 www.ibm.com 6. Figure 1 indicates the example setup, which has an AIX system serving as a file server exporting with the NFS protocol. 图1说明示例设置,其中有一个AIX系统作为文件服务器,它使用NFS协议导出文件。 www.ibm.com 7. The Network File System (NFS) version 4 is the latest version of the NFS protocol, defining the new generation of network filesystems. NetworkFileSystem(NFS)version4是NFS协议的最新版本,它定义新一代网络文件系统。 www.ibm.com 8. Let's consider a scenario where the server has exported directory entries for all three versions of NFS. 让我们考虑这样一个场景:服务器为3个版本的NFS导出目录项。 www.ibm.com 9. Again, this should go in your startup scripts, preferably in the script that starts NFS on your system. 同样,这个设置应该放在启动脚本中,尤其是在系统上启用NFS的脚本。 www.ibm.com 10. Remember, you need NFS on both server and client computers on your network. 记得,你在你的网络上的服务器和用户端计算机上需要NFS。 blog.chinaunix.net 1. Most systems even let you use swap files on NFS mounted filesystems, which can be used when you have no local disk space available. 大多数系统甚至允许您在NFS安装的文件系统上使用交换文件,当您没有本地磁盘空间可用时,就可以使用这样的文件系统。 www.ibm.com 2. It also supports multiple signature files for different newsgroups, and NFS-mounted $HOME shares. 它还支持用于不同新闻团体的多个符号差文件,和安装NFS的$HOME共享。 osl.bsw.net.cn 3. Unfortunately, if you don't pay attention to NFS tuning, you might have a poorly performing Network File System. 不幸的是,如果您没有认真地进行NFS优化,那么您的网络文件系统就可能无法高效地工作。 www.ibm.com 4. Export the directory from NFS server that can be accessed by Kerberos authenticated users or applications only. 从NFS服务器(只有经过Kerberos身份验证的用户或者应用程序才能够访问)中导出目录。 www.ibm.com 5. The new version of NFS also contains improvements that provide for easier NFS server implementations. 新版本的NFS还包括简化NFS服务器实现的改进。 www.ibm.com 6. Maximum number of NFS retransmissions allowed. 允许的NFS重新传送的最多次数。 www.drados.com 7. An NFS-mounted directory became unavailable when a remote host was turned off. 当一个远程主机关闭时,一个NFS加载的目录将变得不可用。 www.ibm.com 8. This combination of calls means that file system operations need fewer RPCs, leading to faster NFS response. 调用的组合意味着文件系统操作需要更少的RPC,从而使NFS响应速度更快。 www.ibm.com 9. The most popular protocols for accessing remote files are CIFS, used by Windows clients, and NFS, used by most UNIX clients. 访问远程文件最通用的协议是Windows客户端使用的CIFS协议以及大多数UNIX客户端使用的NFS协议。 www.ibm.com 10. This command shows the list of file systems defined in an NFS server. 该命令显示在一个NFS服务器中定义的文件系统的一个列表。 www-128.ibm.com 1. NFS is location-dependent, mapping local directories to remote file system locations. NFS是位置无关的,它把本地目录映射到远程文件系统位置。 www.ibm.com 2. From a client perspective, NFS file systems use disks that are remotely attached. 从客户端角度来看,NFS文件系统使用远程连接的磁盘。 www.ibm.com 3. Of course, you could mount a remote disk over NFS! 当然,您可以通过NFS挂装一个远程磁盘! www.ibm.com 4. Get the TGT for the user in Microsoft realm and use it to access the NFS exported data with krb5 security residing on IBM NAS realm. 在Microsoft领域中获得用户的TGT,并使用它通过IBMNAS领域中的krb5安全来访问NFS导出的数据。 www.ibm.com 5. The network file system (NFS) is a way to share disk volumes across the network. 网络文件系统(NFS)是一种通过网络共享磁盘的方法。 www.ibm.com 6. The same security, file permissions, and other data is replicated between the NFS client and the NFS server. 将会在NFS客户端和NFS服务器之间复制相同的安全设置、文件权限和其他数据。 www.ibm.com 7. If you are using ccache across a network of machines, make sure the directory you share is exported over NFS and mounted on each client. 如果您是在网络中多台机器上使用ccache,那么要确保您共享的目录要通过NFS导出(export)并挂载到每一个客户机上。 www.ibm.com 8. Check that the directory that you are importing to the NFS client machine is either empty or doesn't exist. 检查NFS客户机上您要输入的目录是否为空或不存在。 www.ibm.com 9. In comparison, traditional NFS typically peaks at hundreds of megabytes per second. 相比之下,传统的NFS的峰值一般是几百兆字节每秒。 www.ibm.com 10. With the exception of NFS kernel threads, you can set and then ignore the parameters discussed in this article. 除了NFS内核线程之外,可以设置本文中讨论的参数,然后就不用理会它们了。 www.ibm.com 1. Check that on icb-nfs, the HTTP server, the mail server, the network file system server, and the Samba server are running. 检查icb-nfs上的HTTP服务器、邮件服务器、网络文件系统服务器和Samba服务器是否都在运行。 www.ibm.com 2. Once you've shared an NFS directory, you can then activate the NFS daemon with the service nfs start command. 一经你已经共享一个NFS目录,然后你能用服务nfs开始指令启动NFS精灵。 www.phpfans.net 3. An individual workstation acquires read-only NFS-mounted working disk space during boot-up. 每个工作站在引导过程中将获取只读的使用NFS加载的工作磁盘空间。 www.ibm.com 4. As a standard, NFS grew quickly because of its ability to interoperate with other clients and servers. 作为一个标准,由于NFS与其他客户端和服务器的互操作能力而发展快速。 www.ibm.com 5. If Server Z is performing poorly, that obviously affects all of its NFS clients. 如果服务器Z性能低下,那么这显然会影响其所有的NFS客户端。 www.ibm.com 6. Use mount to tune NFS server-based resources, which take effect only after mounting the NFS file system. 使用mount优化基于NFS服务器的资源,而这只有在挂载了NFS文件系统之后才能生效。 www.ibm.com 7. AIX V6. 1 provides Encrypted File System for securing data at rest, but it currently limits its usage over the NFS protocol. AIXV6.1提供EncryptedFileSystem来保护静止数据,但是当前限制了通过NFS协议使用它。 www.ibm.com 8. At the client side though, only one mount is performed: the generic NFS mount. 不过在客户机上仅执行一个装载:通用NFS装载。 www.ibm.com 9. Network file system: Learn more about NFS and its long history. 网络文件系统:进一步了解NFS及其漫长的历史。 www.ibm.com 10. Using commands like svcs and svcadm, this concept was brought in to handle things like inetd and NFS with simple start-and-stop directives. 使用svcs和svcadm命令,可以引入此概念,通过简单的启动、停止指令来处理inetd和NFS这样的内容。 www.ibm.com 1. The NFS server is now configured on netra. ibm. com. 现在已经在netra.ibm.com上配置好了NFS服务器。 www.ibm.com 2. Next, let's look at some of the design decisions when implementing a generic NFS mounter. 接下来,我们看看在实现通用NFS装载工具的过程中的一些设计决策。 www.ibm.com 3. Listing 4 shows a small script that reads the NFS server config file of Solaris and prints it to standard output. 清单4显示了一个小脚本,阅读Solaris的NFS服务器配置文件并以标准输出打印。 www.ibm.com 4. Note that the icb-tivamha and icb-nfs-ha virtual images exist only in case dual-node high availability is exploited. 注意:只有在使用双节点高可用性时,才存在icb-tivamha和icb-nfs-ha虚拟映象。 www.ibm.com 5. Setting the rfc1323 with nfso sets the TCP window to affect only NFS (as opposed to no, which sets this across the board). 使用nfso设置rfc1323,将TCP窗口设置为只影响NFS(与no相反,no将其设置为整个范围)。 www.ibm.com 6. As for icb-nfs, even if not exploiting dual-node high availability, all services are managed by TSA. 对于icb-nfs方面,即使不使用双节点高可用性,所有的服务都是由TSA管理。 www.ibm.com 7. Overall, the generic NFS mount mechanism is convenience for the user. 总体而言,通用NFS装载机制是最方便的。 www.ibm.com 8. In Figure 1, the Linux machine is the NFS server; it shares or exports (in NFS parlance) one or more of its physical, attached file systems. 在图1中,Linux机器是NFS服务器;它共享或导出(用NFS的话讲)一个或多个物理附带文件系统。 www.ibm.com 9. Note that the rpc. rquotad protocol does not support group quotas for NFS. 注意,rpc.rquotad协议不支持NFS的组配额。 www.ibm.com 10. User logs into the machine where the NFS client has mounted the exported DFS filespace. 用户登录到NFS客户端已装入所导出的DFS文件空间的计算机。 www.ibm.com 1. It can be useful to set this option if you are using NFS as temporary or transient storage for development servers. 如果您将NFS用作开发服务器的临时或短暂存储,设置该选项会很有用。 www.ibm.com 2. There are three options for the location of the backup image: DVD, NFS mounted directory, or FTP. 备份镜像的位置可以有三种选择:DVD、NFS装入的目录、或FTP。 www.ibm.com 3. Share the storage by setting up the NFS server. 通过设立NFS服务器共享此存储。 www.ibm.com 4. Start by configuring disk quota on an NFS server. 首先,在NFS服务器上配置磁盘配额。 www.ibm.com 5. Let's look at the basic architecture of a generic NFS mount system. 我们先看一下通用NFS装载系统的基础架构。 www.ibm.com 6. This thesis is about the network management of UNIX operating system workstations with NIS and NFS. 本文主要讨论用NIS技术和NFS技术,对UNIX操作系统工作站进行管理的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. scp uses ssh for encrypted file transfer and lets you move files without setting up NFS or Samba. scp使用ssh来传输加密的文件,让您可以不用设置NFS或Samba就可以移动文件。 www.ibm.com 8. The most recent version of the NFS protocol, NFSv4, provides lease-based exclusive locks on files as does CIFS. NFS最近的版本,NFSv4,和CIFS一样,提供对文件的基于租约的排它锁定。 www.ibm.com 9. Improved performance for nimadm operations that are bottlenecked in NFS writes. 改善存在NFS写入瓶颈的nimadm操作的性能。 www.ibm.com 10. It further explains the use of AIX NFS Version 4 as the kerberized application to test the working of inter-realm configuration. 并进一步说明如何使用AIXNFSVersion4作为Kerberos化的应用程序,以测试跨领域配置的工作情况。 www.ibm.com 1. This article also examines utilities such as nfs4cl that can be used for a specific version of NFS. 本文还研究了一些可用于NFS特定版本的实用工具,如nfs4cl。 www.ibm.com 2. Now you are ready with all NFS server-side settings and can proceed with NFS client-side steps. 现在,已经完成了所有NFS服务器端设置,该执行NFS客户端步骤了。 www.ibm.com 3. The last two versions of NFS (4 and 4. 1) are among the most interesting and important for NFS. NFS的两个最新版本(4和4.1)对于NFS来说是最有趣和最重要的。 www.ibm.com 4. An MI queue manager uses a networked file system to manage queue manager instances. MI队列管理器使用网络文件系统(NetworkedFileSystem,NFS)来管理队列管理器实例。 www.ibm.com 5. By default, though, NFS is not configured for high-volume use. 但是,在默认情况下,NFS的配置不适合大容量磁盘。 www.ibm.com 6. At the server, NFS operates in a similar fashion. 在服务器端,NFS以相似的风格运行。 www.ibm.com 7. In the previous command, -t nfs specifies the protocol to be used or the file system type to be mounted. 在前面的命令中,-tnfs指定使用的协议或要挂载的文件系统类型。 www.ibm.com 8. The nfs4cl command can also be used to set tunable parameters for NFS v4 filesystems, only NFS Version 3. nfs4cl命令还可用于为NFSv4文件系统设置可调整参数,仅限NFS版本3。 www.ibm.com 9. This is used for automatic mounting of any shared network file space such as NFS, Samba, etc on bootup. 该服务用于在系统启动时自动挂载网络中的共享文件空间,比如:NFS,Samba等等。 blog.163.com 10. If you use O_EXCL yourself, your program will be insecure if the shared directory is implemented using these old NFS versions. 如果您自己使用了O_EXCL,而且共享目录是使用这些旧版NFS实现的,那么您的程序将是不安全的。 www.ibm.com 1. In all cases, once the files and configuration have been created, you should start the NFS server process. 在所有情况下,只要创建了文件和配置,就应该启动NFS服务器进程。 www.ibm.com 2. Make the hostname declaration as specific as possible so unwanted systems cannot access the NFS mount. 尽量指定主机名以便使那些不想其访问的系统访问NFS挂载的资源。 translations.launchpad.net 3. With version 4, the NFS code is able to map filehandles to path names, which the mountd protocol does in older versions. 用版本4,NFS代码可以将文件句柄映射到路径名,在旧版本中这是由mountd协议来做的。 www.ibm.com 4. And Node_C is a NFS server required to support workload partition mobility. Node_C是一个支持工作负载分区迁移的NFS服务器。 www.ibm.com 5. As mentioned, I used NFS for shared data between nodes for the test setup. 如前所述,在测试设置中,我使用NFS在节点间共享数据。 www.ibm.com 6. Current users of NFS looking for improved performance or security will gain in both areas by migrating to version 4. NFS用户迁移至版本4就可以得到期待中的提高的性能与安全。 www.ibm.com 7. You do this by making sure that the filesystems used are NFS and you also check the option that says "checkpointable. " 您可以通过确保所使用的文件系统是NFS来进行这项操作,并且您需要选中名为“checkpointable”的选项。 www.ibm.com 8. If you're running NFS Version 4, you might be using nfs4cl more often. 如果您正在运行NFS版本4,那么您可能会更多地使用nfs4cl。 www.ibm.com 9. You can share storage among instances via NFS or similar applications. 可以通过NFS或类似的应用程序在实例间共享存储。 www.ibm.com 10. Now let's configure an AIX system to access this share so that it allows the AIX users to use the NAS space. 现在,我们来配置AIX系统,让它能够访问这个共享,让AIX用户能够使用NFS空间。 www.ibm.com 1. This version of NFS is recommended for use with automated peer recovery. 推荐在进行自动对等恢复时,使用该NFS版本。 www.ibm.com 2. This year's NFS puts the focus on head-to-head showdowns as street racing is showcased. 这次NFS将专注于表达只有街车互相比拚的赛事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Imagine this: Company A has a storage server named ginger and it is being NFS-mounted by a client node named beckham. 设想:公司A有一个名为ginger的存储服务器,并通过名为beckham的客户端节点装载NFS。 www.ibm.com 4. Before addressing those questions, let's briefly discuss NFS Version 4 and DFS security modules. 在解决这些问题之前,我们先简要地讨论一下NFSVersion4和DFS的安全模块。 www.ibm.com 5. You'll see that services, such as httpd and nfs, are turned off by default -- even PF is off. 您将看到在缺省情况下关闭了一些服务,如httpd和nfs,甚至关闭了PF。 www.ibm.com 6. This article describes the NFS method and how to use it to configure and install your server software. 本文对这种NFS方法进行了介绍,并详细讨论了如何使用它来配置和安装服务器软件。 www.ibm.com 7. Using that technique, a single port group is enough for all management virtual images (icb-tivsam, icb-itm, icb-nfs, icb-tuam). 使用这种方法,一个端口组已经足够支持所有的管理虚拟镜像(icb-tivsam、icb-itm、icb-nfs、icb-tuam)。 www.ibm.com 8. You can view quota information from the NFS client for mounted filesystems using the quota command. 可以在NFS客户机上使用quota命令查看装载的文件系统的配额信息。 www.ibm.com 9. All performance issues are also usually relevant to a specific protocol or system, such as NFS or Web access. 所有性能问题还常常与某种协议或系统相关,比如NFS或Web访问。 www.ibm.com 10. Sun-RPC services need to be active for NFS and other RPC-based programs. 涉及到NFS和其它基于RPC的程序时需要激活Sun-RPC服务。 qref.sourceforge.net 1. Most NFS clients have little need for working segment pages. 大多数NFS客户端对于工作段页面的需求很少。 www.ibm.com 2. Local disk caching allows the NIM master to avoid having to use NFS to write to the client. 本地磁盘缓存允许NIM主机不必使用NFS来写入客户机。 www.ibm.com 3. The less felting liquid can be used than other sand when using NFS . 粘结剂使用量较其他粒形铸模砂少。 www.dictall.com 4. Compound procedures are another improvement to NFS included in the version 4 design. 复合过程是NFS在版本4设计中的另一个改进。 www.ibm.com 5. As you can see, there are no file systems mounted using NFS Version 4, only NFS Version 3. 正如您可以看到的,其中并没有使用NFS版本4装入的文件系统,仅使用了NFS版本3。 www.ibm.com 6. Let user01 logon to the client and run quota -u to check if user quota is available to the NFS client. 让user01登录客户机并运行quota-u,从而检查NFS客户机是否可以使用用户配额。 www.ibm.com 7. is the directory of the storage on the NFS server. 是NFS服务器上的这个存储的目录。 www.ibm.com 8. If you created the cluster using OSCAR and have NFS shares configured, skip this step. 如果使用OSCAR创建的集群并配置了NFS共享,就可以忽略这个步骤。 www.ibm.com 9. This article explains a step-by-step method of setting disk quotas in NFS. 本文详细介绍在NFS中设置磁盘配额的方法。 www.ibm.com 10. Depending on the flags you use, you can use nfsstat to display NFS client or server information. 根据您使用的标志,您可以使用nfsstat显示NFS客户端或服务器信息。 www.ibm.com 1. The user can now access both the migrated data residing on NFS Version 4 space and the data that is still residing on IBM DFS space. 现在,用户既可以访问驻留于NFSVersion4空间的迁移数据,又可以访问仍驻留于IBMDFS空间的数据。 www.ibm.com 2. We then create a file named test. txt in the NFS mounted directory. 然后,在NFS挂载的目录中创建文件test. www.ibm.com 3. where group1 and group2 are two identities of the same group (nfs_group) in different NFS domains. 这里的group1和group2是同一个组(nfs_group)在不同NFS域中的两个身份。 www.ibm.com 4. Some changes in NFS client code use this new process state. NFS客户机代码也使用了这种新进程状态。 www.ibm.com 5. Check the user: group information on the NFS server for this file. 在服务器上检查这个文件的用户和组信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Create the NFS server principal on AIX KDC and then create the NFS server keytab file entry. 在AIXKDC中创建NFS服务器主体,然后创建NFS服务器keytab文件条目。 www.ibm.com 7. To exploit the NFS Version 4 security features, you must install and configure Kerberos on the NFS server and client machines. 为了利用NFSVersion4安全特性,必须在NFS服务器和客户端计算机上安装并配置Kerberos。 www.ibm.com 8. If this number is climbing, then you should consider adding more NFS kernel threads. 如果这个数字比较大,就应该考虑增加NFS内核线程。 www.ibm.com 9. Now look at the NFS-specific information provided for in the output file. 现在来研究一下这个输出文件中所提供的NFS特定的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. where user1 and user2 are two identities of the same user (nfs_user) in different NFS domains. 这里的user1和user2是同一用户(nfs_user)在不同NFS域中的两个身份。 www.ibm.com 1. A benefit of NFS is that it acts independently of machines types and operating systems. NFS有一个优点,它的行为与具体的计算机类型和操作系统无关。 www.ibm.com 2. File storage is commonly implemented with traditional NFS servers, such as those produced by Network Appliance. 文件存储通常是由传统的NFS服务器实现的,比如由NetworkAppliance生成的服务器。 www.ibm.com 3. The third network adapter (for icb-nfs only) is connected to the Customer Network. 每三个网络适配器(仅用于icb-nfs)连接到客户网络(CustomerNetwork)。 www.ibm.com 4. Now try mounting and creating a file from the NFS client after krb5 authentication. 在启用krb5身份验证之后,尝试从NFS客户机挂装和创建文件。 www.ibm.com 5. A benefit of NFS is that it acts independently of machine types and operating systems. NFS的优势在于,它独立于机器类型和操作系统。 www.ibm.com 6. As an extension to NFS, you should consider using the automount system. 作为对NFS的扩展,应当考虑使用自动加载系统。 www.ibm.com 7. I illustrate an example where you can share the Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation files through NFS in Chapter 2. 我举例说明你能经过第2章的NFS共享红帽企业Linux安装文件的一个例子。 blog.chinaunix.net 8. If you have more than one AIX machine acting as NFS Version 4 server, make sure to add their hostname entry in the [domain_realm] section. 如果您使用多台AIX计算机作为NFSVersion4服务器,那么确保将它们的主机名条目都添加到[domain_realm]部分中。 www.ibm.com 9. NFS follows the client-server model of computing (see Figure 2). NFS允许计算的客户—服务器模型(见图2)。 www.ibm.com 10. We used an automated script that mounts the NFS drive, creates the mksysb, and then unmounts the NFS drive. 我们使用一个自动化的脚本来装入NFS驱动器,创建mksysb,然后卸载该NFS驱动器。 www.ibm.com 1. Create user user01 with the same user and group IDs as on the NFS server. 创建用户user01,他的用户ID和组ID应该与NFS服务器上相同。 www.ibm.com 2. On the server side, it is important to make sure there are enough NFS kernel threads available to handle all your clients. 在服务器端,一定要确保有足够的NFS内核线程来处理所有客户机。 www.ibm.com 3. Here janet01 is the NFS server holding file systems required for remote system WPARs. 这里,janet01是提供远程系统WPAR所需文件系统的NFS服务器。 www.ibm.com 4. Have a test file created by user01 and verify the quota values with the quota command as follows on the local node (the NFS server). 在本地节点(NFS服务器)上以user01用户的身份创建一个测试文件,然后用quota命令检查配额值。 www.ibm.com 5. Now look at the NFS-specific information provided for in the output file (see Listing 8). 现在来看一下这个输出文件中所提供的NFS特定的信息(参见清单8)。 www.ibm.com 6. NFS infrastructure is also inexpensive, because it typically runs well on common Ethernet hardware. NFS的基础设施也不昂贵,因为它通常能在普通的Ethernet硬件上很好地运行。 www.ibm.com 7. Also, ReiserFS doesn't have a good track record of NFS compatibility and has poor sparse file performance. 还有,ReiserFS没有好的NFS兼容性跟踪记录,同时稀疏文件性能也较差。 www.ibm.com 8. On clients, you need to start the NFS client process only. 在客户端上,只需要启动NFS客户端进程。 www.ibm.com 9. Less obvious is why an additional vNIC is needed on icb-nfs and icb-itm. 而为什么icb-nfs和icb-itm也需要一个额外的vNIC则不太明显。 www.ibm.com 10. Amazingly, NFS has been under development for almost 30 years. 令人惊讶的是,NFS已经历了几乎30年的开发。 www.ibm.com 1. A final note on NFS: Avoid NFSv2 if you can because performance is much less than in v3 and v4. 关于NFS,最后要注意一点:如果可能的话,应该避免使用NFSv2,因为NFSv2的性能比v3和v4差得多。 www.ibm.com 2. Further, the default number of biod daemons has now increased to 32 for each NFS V3 mount point. 而且,对于每个NFSV3挂载点来说,biod守护进程的缺省数目现在已经增加到了32。 www.ibm.com 3. In this case, tank is the share and it is instantly shared over NFS in the local network. 在本例中,tank是共享,并且可以通过NFS在本地网络中共享它。 www.ibm.com 4. Get the TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) for user2 in REALM_2 and use it to access the NFS-exported data with krb5 security. 获得REALM_2中的user2的TGT(TicketGrantingTicket),使用它访问由krb5保护的NFS导出的数据。 www.ibm.com 5. These applications cannot be hosted on NFS-based WPARs and can not be relocated. 这些应用程序不能被托管在基于NFS的WPAR上,也不能被重新定位。 www.ibm.com 6. Figure 1 shows how NFS clients A and B access the data off NFS server Z. 图1显示了NFS客户端A和B如何访问位于NFS服务器Z的数据。 www.ibm.com 7. You may also mount files from other systems using a networked filesystem such as NFS. 您还可以使用NFS等联网文件系统挂载来自其他系统中的文件。 www.ibm.com 8. You can then mount an NFS file system using the mount command. 然后可以使用mount命令加载NFS文件系统。 www.ibm.com 9. You can read more about the evolution of NFS using the links in Resources. 通过参考资料中的链接可以阅读有关NFS发展的更多信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap file is created on a folder that is mounted over NFS. 另外,如果交换文件所在目录是通过NFS加载的话,程序变得极为缓慢。 translations.launchpad.net 1. Figure 3 shows nmon output from an NFS perspective. 图3从NFS角度显示了nmon的输出。 www.ibm.com 2. Go to "My Computer" and find the CD drive where NFS PU is currently inserted. 进入「我的电脑(我的计算机)」,找到你刚刚用来放置那份光碟的光碟机(光驱)。 ftp.srfc.com.cn 3. RHEL 3 and 4 installers support this kind of installation repository using NFS. RHEL3和4安装程序使用NFS支持这种安装存储库。 www.ibm.com 4. Can I use a named pipe across NFS? 我能基于网络文件系统使用有名管道吗? www.showxiu.com 5. NFS Version 4 has no interaction with portmapper or other daemons, such as lockd and statd, because they are rolled into the kernel. NFS版本4与端口映射程序或其他守护进程,比如lockd和statd,之间无交互,因为它们大批进入内核。 www.ibm.com 6. Of the 24 NFS tunables, 21 have been classified as restricted (see Listing 16). 在24种NFS可调参数中,已经有21种被分类为受限制的(请参见清单16)。 www.ibm.com 7. IBM NFS V4 supports small subset of encryption types from Table 1. IBMNFSV4支持表1中的一小部分加密类型。 www.ibm.com 8. In 2000, RFC 3010 (revised by RFC 3530) brought NFS into the enterprise setting. 在2000年,RFC3010(由RFC3530修订)将NFS带入企业设置。 www.ibm.com 9. When using both NIS or NIS and NFS, it can be a good idea to ensure that your time is correctly synchronized across servers. 当将NIS或NIS 与NFS一起使用时,最好确定服务器之间的时间得到了正确的同步。 www.ibm.com 10. Note: NFS service is set to start automatically in init levels 3 and 5. 注意:NFS服务被设置为在初始级别3和5中自动启动。 www.ibm.com 1. First, mount a shared file system (such as NFS) or a SAN file system to both the primary and backup server machines. 首先,将一个共享文件系统(比如NFS)或一个SAN文件系统挂载到主服务器机器和备份服务器机器。 www.ibm.com 2. As ZFS has native NFS support, you only need to know the file system, type of sharing and the location. 因为ZFS提供了NFS本机支持,所以您只需了解文件系统、分享类型和位置即可。 www.ibm.com 3. You can access it using various network protocols, such as NFS, FTP, and HTTP. 可以使用各种网络协议访问它,比如NFS、FTP和HTTP。 www.ibm.com 4. Now look at the nfs information (the n flag) in Listing 2. 现在来研究清单2中的nfs信息(n标志)。 www.ibm.com 5. The 2. 6 kernel improves the Networking File System (NFS) by including version 4. 内核通过引入NFS版本4而改进了网络文件系统(NFS)。 www.ibm.com 6. If you have an NFS-mounted home directory, either the client or the server may be set up incorrectly. 如果您的主目录安装了NFS文件系统,那么客户端或者服务器可能设置不正确。 translations.launchpad.net 7. All layers' biomass and all organs' biomasses of the shrub communities on NFS are larger than that on SFS. 阴、阳坡相对应的海拔梯度上,阴坡灌丛各层生物量及各器官生物量均大于阳坡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. With NFS Versions 3 and 4, if your NFS volumes are mounted on high-speed networks, you should increase this value to 65536. 对于NFS版本3和4,如果在高速网络中挂载您的NFS卷,那么您应该将这个值增大到65536。 www.ibm.com 9. The remaining are versions 2 and 3 NFS exports. 其余的是版本2和3的NFS导出项。 www.ibm.com 10. Using netpmon, you can see the NFS Version 3 Client statistics by Server. 使用netpmon,您可以看到每台服务器的NFS版本3客户端统计信息。 www.ibm.com |
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