单词 | Newtonian |
释义 |
例句释义: 牛顿式望远镜,信奉牛顿学说的人,牛顿的,牛顿物理仿真,牛顿望远镜 1. In Newtonian physics, however, no such acceleration can occur unless at least one of the objects is being operated on by a force. 在牛顿物理学,然而,没有这样的加速,就可能发生,除非至少有一个物体正在运作的一支部队。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But how much do its mechanical constructions, with their roots in Newtonian physics, tell us about the springs of human behaviour? 但建立在牛顿物理学基础之上的机械构造,能够告诉我们多少有关人类行为动机的事情? www.ftchinese.com 3. The structure of a stellar system and its destruction during an encounter with a larger object should be different from Newtonian case. 恒星系统之结构及其被大物体破坏的情况应有異于牛顿力学。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 4. Then the theoretical foundation of time measurement changes from Newtonian theory to the General Relativity Theory (GRT). 时间计量的理论基础也由经典的牛顿理论发展为广义相对论。 www.fabiao.net 5. The two key points about the flow of thermoplastics are that the behavior is non-Newtonian and that viscosities are very high. 热塑性塑料流动性主要有两点:非牛顿流体以及很高的粘度。 blog.163.com 6. General relativity changed the opinion of space and time of Newtonian mechanics, but failed to complete the physical revolution. 广义相对论变更了牛顿力学的空间、时间观念,但相对论没有完成物理学的革命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The formulas used to calculate the pressure fall and flow rate of Newtonian and Bingham fluids flowing in actual well hole are also derived. 文中还导出了计算牛顿流体与宾汉流体在实际井眼内流动的压降与流量计算公式。 www.chemyq.com 8. Consider physics: Newtonian models were crude approximations of the truth (wrong at the atomic level, but still useful). 以物理为例:牛顿模型是近似真相的模型(牛顿模型在原子层面上是错误的,但是依旧有用)。 www.bing.com 9. Mirror 4 is just a flat mirror like Newtonian telescope's secondary mirror , to give convenience for eyes . 镜4只是一块平面镜,就象牛顿式望远镜的副镜一样,方便观测。 www.bing.com 10. And what about Newtonian mechanics, for example the law of conservation of momentum, that has such a natural elegant simplicity to it. 那么牛顿的机械学呢,比如动量守恒定律,它可以给出一个自然、朴素、,简单的解释。 open.163.com 1. Simple Newtonian physics predicted that stars on the outskirts of a galaxy would orbit more slowly than stars at the center. 单纯用牛顿经典物理预测,星系边缘的星体将以慢于中心星体的速度沿轨道运动。 www.bing.com 2. Economics arose in the 18th century in a climate of Newtonian mechanistic science, with its belief in forces in balance. 经济学兴起于18世纪牛顿机械论的科学氛围中,相信力的平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I knew the name Isaac Newton, but nothing about Newtonian Mechanics. 我听说过牛顿,可一点儿也不懂牛顿力学。 www.bing.com 4. The theory called MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics), suggests that gravity does not fade away as quickly as current theories predict. 被称作为MOND(修正的牛顿动力学MOND)的理论认为,引力理论并不像近代物理学理论所预计的那样会很快地消逝。 www.bing.com 5. Economics is not a straightforward discipline like Newtonian mechanics or Euclidean geometry. 经济学不像牛顿力学或者欧几里德几何,它不是门直观的学科。 xuefengslife.spaces.live.com 6. The regression method of rheology parameter for non-Newtonian fluid is obtained by the least square method. 同时根据最小二乘法原理得出确定非牛顿流体流变参数的回归分析方法。 www.chemyq.com 7. Color appearance can be studied using either Maxwellian-view optical systems or natural viewing (Newtonian-view). 颜色外观可以研究使用麦克斯韦,鉴于光学系统或自然查看(牛顿视图)。 www.syyxw.com 8. without doubt , the newtonian law very appropriately reads the moving law of the solar system. 毫无疑问,牛顿定律非常近似地描述了太阳系行星的运动规律。 www.ichacha.net 9. Researchers in Brazil have devised an experiment that could put the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) to the test, New Scientist reports. 据《新科学家》报道,巴西的研究人员已经设计出一项可以对修正的牛顿引力理论(MOND)进行验证的实验。 www.bing.com 10. A physics engine simulates Newtonian physics in a simulated environment and manages those forces and interactions. 物理引擎可在仿真环境内模拟牛顿物理学并处理这些力和相互作用。 www.ibm.com 1. For instance, "Newtonian physics" distinguishes the mechanical physics Newton explored from subatomic quantum physics. 比如,“牛顿学说物理学”标注的就是机械力学,这是牛顿从次原子量子物理学中探索出来的。 www.bing.com 2. Once your speed approaches the speed of light then Newtonian mechanics no longer works. 速度接近光速时,牛顿力学就超出适用范围了。 open.163.com 3. An inverse problem of a free boundary problem which arised from the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is studied. 讨论了由非牛顿流体流动引起的一类自由边值问题的一个反问题。 dict.kekenet.com 4. The contradiction could be resolved by recognizing that economic theory cannot meet the standards of Newtonian physics. 要解决这一矛盾,就需要认识到:经济学无法达到牛顿物理学的标准。 kk.dongxi.net 5. with the temperature increasing, the non-Newtonian index rose, that as to say, the non-Newtonian weakened. 随温度升高,非牛顿指数变大,即非牛顿性减弱。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The amount of time between sample mixing and viscosity assessment is critical, especially for non-Newtonian liquids. 在试样搅拌时和粘度测定之间的时间数量是很严格的,特别是对于非牛顿体的液体。 www.asiacoat.com 7. This proposal is a study on the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) as an alternative to dark matter. 这计画是研究代替暗物质的理論:「修正牛顿力学」。 ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw 8. Combat in Infinity functions in real-time, utilizing Newtonian physics to control the fluid realistic movements of player ships and objects. 在Infinity中的战斗是实时的,游戏遵循牛顿物理学来模拟玩家的舰船或其他物体的真实移动。 www.infinity-game.com 9. The solutions for Newtonian fluid between two infinite parallel plates appear as limiting cases of our solutions. 两无穷长平板之间的牛顿流的解可以作为该文所研究问题解的极限情况而得到。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The existed problems in well test study for a reservoir with non-Newtonian fluid flow ar. . . 提出了非牛顿流体渗流过程中亟待解决的问题,并对今后试井分析的发展进行了展望。 www.chemyq.com 1. On the Newtonian theory, for instance, acceleration varies with distance, but distance also varies with acceleration. 例如根据牛顿的理论,加速度随着距离的不同而变化,但距离也随着加速度之不同而变化。 www.juyy.net 2. Therefore, the basis of theoretical analysis is presented for the application of non-newtonian fluid in tribology. 从而为这种非牛顿流体在摩擦学中的应用提供了理论分析基础。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. Non- Newtonian fluid is common in the world, but the study of diffusion theory is only limited to Newtonian fluid. 非牛顿流体是普遍存在的,而目前扩散理论的研究仅限于牛顿流体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The paper proves the randomicity of Newtonian mechanics in nonlinear system by applying the theory of chaos. 利用混沌理论论证了牛顿力学在非线性系统中存在内在随机性。 www.dictall.com 5. It is emphasized that the inertial force is unevadable and not to be ignored in Newtonian mechanics. 论述了在牛顿力学中,惯性力无法避免,也不可忽视。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Examples of application of rheological properties of non-Newtonian crude oil percolation in oilfield de. . . 并介绍了非牛顿原油渗流流变特性在油田开发中的应用实例。 www.chemyq.com 7. It is completely proved that the rheological properties of the non-newtonian fluid conform to Power-Law model. 充分证明幂指式流变模型完全符合这种流体的本构方程。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Through numerical simulation, general recovery principle of water flooding in reservoir with non - Newtonian fluid has been demonstrated. 通过数值模拟研究,论证非牛顿流体油藏注水开发的一般性开采原则。 www.chemyq.com 9. Sociology should be social physics, shaped according to the epistemological pattern of Newtonian mechanics. 社会学应该是社会的物理学,要采用牛顿力学的认识论模式来进行构造。 www.bing.com 10. Friends, I repeat: true democracy should ever be contempered with due regard for the Newtonian hypothesis of nebular ratiocination. 朋友们,我再次重申:真正的民主并不逊色于牛顿的宇宙假说。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The relativistic kinetic energy diverges completely from the Newtonian formula. 相对论动能完全偏离了牛顿力学的公式。 www.kuenglish.info 2. On this ground the Newtonian physics was called Natural Philosophy. 因此,牛顿的物理学也被称为是自然哲学。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Naturally, the Mak-Newtonian is an excellent visual performer, too. 自然而然地,这个马卡-牛反也是一个优异的目视观测产品。 www.astronomy.com.cn 4. The mean streamwise velocity profile falls between those of laminar and turbulent velocity profiles in Newtonian fluid flow. 主流时均速度分布有被层流化的趋势,对数分布域上移; lxxb.cstam.org.cn 5. The Newtonian hypothesis consisted in positing that the astral turning is the same as falling. 牛顿的假设在于提出:星球的旋转跟墬落是同一回事。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. A circular rigid glass tube was used as the airway, and Newtonian motor oil the lining liquid. 呼吸道模型是玻璃直圆管,以具有生物流体性质的机油作为阻塞液。 www.ilib.cn 7. Physicists Newtonian found, all matter is a mutual attraction, called gravity or gravity. 物理学家牛顿发现,所有物质都有相互的吸引力,叫作万有引力或重力。 www.donghairen.com 8. At low shear rate, the blood of human body perform as Casson fluid, but at high shear rate incline toward Newtonian fluid. 在低剪变率条件下人体血液表现为卡森流体,在高剪变率条件下则趋向于牛顿流体。 www.dictall.com 9. This research can be used to predict well test data with non-Newtonian such as polymer fluid flow and locate the polymer flooding frontier. 本文的研究可用于聚合物驱等非牛顿幂律流体条件下的试井解释、预测油层参数和聚合物驱替前缘的位置。 www.chemyq.com 10. The new versions were not so rigid and deterministic as the Newtonian world. 新的宇宙和上帝不再那么刻板、僵硬,象牛顿的世界那样。 www.ebigear.com 1. They are designed to force students to choose between Newtonian concepts and "common-sense" alternatives. FCI的设计是为了让学生不得不从牛顿定律的概念和普通观念之间做出选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Economics tried to model itself on Newtonian physics. 经济学试图以牛顿物理为榜样。 www.bing.com 3. The influence of CPE on non -Newtonian index of blend was also discussed. 并讨论了CPE对共混物非牛顿指数的影响。 www.chemyq.com 4. Even Newtonian gravity works quite well within its domain (eg small velocities). 即使是牛顿引力工程领域内的比较好(如小速度)。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Max Planck founded quantum theory, and thus wrecked the Newtonian universe. 马克斯普朗克创立量子理论,从而破坏了牛顿的宇宙。 www.ecocn.org 6. Some equations of shear rate estimation for Newtonian fluid and the power law fluid were derived. 该模型预测的结果与直接由实测扭矩计算的平均剪切率相当接近。 www.syxb-cps.com.cn 7. He even stops at one moment to expound on a business book that looks at the roles of Newtonian physics and chaos theory in corporations. 他有时候甚至会停下来,对一本探讨牛顿物理学和混沌理论在企业中作用的商业书籍详加解释。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Fluids whose behavior obeys this law are called Newtonian fluids. 性状服从该定律的流体称为牛顿流体。 www.jukuu.com 9. We're talking about something much, much more basic, even pre-Newtonian. 我们在谈论很基本的问题,甚至在牛顿之前。 www.bing.com 10. Water and diesel oil are examples of Newtonian fluids. 水和柴油都是牛顿流体的例子。 www.infopetro.com.cn 1. Friction heat of crude oil is obvious in non- Newtonian laminar flow, which can't be ignored. 结果表明:当原油处于非牛顿层流状态时,摩擦热的影响不可忽略。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A non- Newtonian power-law fluid testing model through dual porosity reservoirs is presented, based on the studies of forerunners. 在前人工作的基础上,建立了非牛顿幂律流体有界双重介质试井模型。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. These " forces " have nothing in common with forces in the Newtonian sense . 这些“力”和牛顿意义下的力毫无共同之处。 www.bing.com 4. These equations are widely used in fluid mechanics, Newtonian fluids, biological models and so on. 这类方程被广泛应用于流体力学,牛顿力学及生物模型等方面。 5. This procedure is suitable for liquids with non-Newtonian behavior, i. e. 此过程是合适于非牛顿体的液体。 www.asiacoat.com 6. According to Newtonian physics and traditional quantum physics, the three-dimensional space where everything happens is fixed and immutable. 根据牛顿力学和传统量子物理学,所有事情皆发生于三维空间,而这个空间是固定不可改变的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The rheological properties of grafted products and PP was still a kind of non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid. 并且接枝产物的流变性能与PP一样为假塑性流体。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. the emulsion changes into non-Newtonian fluid when the emulsifier concentration reaches 5%. 增大乳化剂质量分数到5%导致乳液转变为具有一定结构特性的非牛顿流体。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Preparation and applications of non-Newtonian fluids distribute widely in the chemical, food, petroleum, pharmaceutics and so on. 非牛顿流体的制备和应用广泛存在于化工、食品、石油、医药等工业部门。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. Acceptance of newtonian mechanics was unquestioned for 200 years. 对牛顿力学的认同在200年间没有被质疑过。 www.nciku.cn 1. They are often hard to filter because of high non-Newtonian viscosity or highly compressible cakes. 因为料液通常都是高的非牛顿黏度流体或者是高度可压缩滤饼。 www.suiniyi.com 2. Compared with the non-Newtonian fluid, the effect of rolling motion on Newtonian fluid is more averaged. 与非牛顿流体相比,牛顿流体受摇摆运动的影响更加平均。 www.caesv.cn 3. Therefore, the study of non-Newtonian power law fluid flow law is important. 因此,研究非牛顿幂律流体的渗流规律具有重要意义。 www.fabiao.net 4. When we look at the world around us, Newtonian physics is perfectly sufficient. It explains most things that we deal with. 假如我们仅仅环顾周围的世界,牛顿物理学确实足够了,它对我们接触到的大部份事物都给出了解答。 www.bing.com 5. Like pre-Newtonian writers in the West, the Chinese did not have a term for gravity. 与牛顿学说之前的一些西方作者相同,汉语中也没有表示重力的术语。 www.bing.com 6. For example, if Newtonian mechanics governed the workings of an atom, electrons would rapidly travel towards and collide with the nucleus. 假如牛顿力学支配原子的运行,电子就会快速往前传播而与原子碰撞。 dict.veduchina.com 7. This postulate is absurd but it is needed in order to allow economic theory to model itself on Newtonian physics. 这个假设是荒谬的,但在使经济理论在牛顿物理学基础上进行模型化方面却是必要的。 www.bing.com 8. I have questions with the values of Newtonian science. 我质疑牛顿科学的价值体系。 www.ted.com 9. The main object of rheology is to study non-Newtonian fluid. 流变学的主要研究对象是非牛顿流体。 lib.cqvip.com 10. Numerical Analysis of A Three-Fields Model for A Quasi-Newtonian Flow Obeying the Power Law 服从幂律的三场拟牛顿流的数值分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Numerical simulation of annulus flow of non-Newtonian fluid in injection allocation regulator corrugated pole 非牛顿流体在配注器波纹杆环空中流动的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 2. Study of Unsteady Flow of Non-Newtonian Power Law Liquid in Horizontal Wells of Low Permeability Reerrvoir 低渗透油藏中水平井的非牛顿幂律流体不稳定渗流的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The Analytical Solutions of Mathematical Model for a Fractal Composite Reservoir with Non-Newtonian Power Law Fluids Flow 分形复合油藏非牛顿幂律流体不稳定渗流的数学模型 www.ilib.cn 4. Existence of Solutions for the Non-Newtonian Flow Equations in an Exterior Domain 外区域上非牛顿流体方程解的存在性 service.ilib.cn 5. Analysis of Isothermal Non-Newtonian Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Elliptical Contacts with Two Arbitrary Surface Velocities 两表面速度均为任意方向的非牛顿椭圆接触等温弹流润滑分析 ilib.cn 6. Rheological Properties of Non-Newtonian Crude Oil Percolation and Its Application in Oilfield Development 非牛顿原油渗流流变特性及其在油田开发中的应用 www.ilib.cn 7. Non-Newtonian Transient Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of an Involute Spur Gear 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮非牛顿瞬态弹流润滑分析 www.ilib.cn 8. A Similarity Solution to the Momentum and Heat Transfer of the Developing Section of the Non-Newtonian Environmental Falling Liquid Film 非牛顿环境流体降膜发展段流动和换热问题相似解 www.ilib.cn 9. Numerical analysis for the elastohydrodynamic lubrication of involutes gear by a non-Newtonian medium 渐开线齿轮传动非牛顿润滑介质的线弹流数值分析研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Comparing general relativistic effective potential with pseudo-newtonian effective potential 广义相对论有效势与伪牛顿有效势的比较 service.ilib.cn 1. Spectral Method for Solving Time Dependent Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid in Tube under Constant Pressure 常压力梯度下管内非牛顿流体依时性流动的谱方法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Measurement of the Dynamic Viscosity of Newtonian Fluids with Rotational Viscometers; Principles 粘度测量.用旋转粘度计测量牛顿流体的动力粘度.原理 www.mapeng.net 3. Numerical EHL Solution for Line Contacts under Heavy Load with a Non-Newtonian Rheological Model 重载下非牛顿流体线接触弹性流体动力润滑的数值解 www.ilib.cn 4. New Equation Calculates Friction Factor for Turbulent Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids 计算非牛顿流体紊流摩擦系数的新公式 service.ilib.cn 5. Development in Research Rheological Characteristics of Non-newtonian Metallurgical Molten Slags 非牛顿冶金熔渣流变特性的研究进展 service.ilib.cn 6. Standard Test Methods for Rheological Properties of Non-Newtonian Materials by Rotational (Brookfield type) Viscometer 旋转(布鲁克菲尔德)粘度计测定非牛顿材料流变特性的测试方法 www.wwlww.com 7. Viscosimetry - Capillary viscosimetry of newtonian liquids - Sources of errors and corrections 粘度测量.牛顿流体用毛细粘度计.误差源及校正 www.mapeng.net 8. A Study of the Flow Pattern Discriminant Method for Non-Newtonian Fluid 非牛顿流体流态判别方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. HPM treatment made the characteristics of starch paste tend to be Newtonian fluid, with good fluidity; 淀粉糊的表观粘度减小,流变特性近似于牛顿流体,并具有很好的流动性; paper.pet2008.cn 10. Analysis on the Non-Newtonian Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Subjected to Normal Vibration 法向振动下的非牛顿热弹流润滑分析 ilib.cn 1. Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Newtonian Fluid Flow in a Modified Ross Static Mixer 改进型Ross静态混合器牛顿流体流动的实验与数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 2. Structural flow characteristic of Newtonian fluid flowing in a pipe filling with porous medium 牛顿流体在充满多孔介质圆管内的结构流特征 www.ilib.cn 3. Research on turbulent flow characteristic of urban wastewater as non-Newtonian exponential homogeneous fluid 城市污水类非牛顿幂律湍流流动特性研究 www.ilib.cn 4. The Local Solvability of Non-Newtonian Polytropic Filtration Equations with Strongly Nonlinear Sources 具有强非线性源的非牛顿多方渗流方程的局部可解性 ilib.com.cn 5. Mixing performance of agitators in a polymerization reactor with non-Newtonian fluid 组合桨聚合釜内非牛顿流体的混合特性 www.ilib.cn 6. Non-Newtonian fluid mathematical model and numerical simulation of productivity of multilateral wells 非牛顿流体多分支水平井产能模型及数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 7. A Quasi-Newtonian Method for Solving Equality Constrained Convex Quadratic Programming Problems 一个等式约束下凸二次规划问题的拟牛顿算法 service.ilib.cn 8. Simulation for non-Newtonian flow of rubber compound in pin barrel extruder 橡胶在销钉机筒挤出机中的流动分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Indeterminate dynamic atmospheric pressure of spherical percolation of non-Newtonian flow 非牛顿流体球形渗流的不定常压力动态 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of the Line Contact Thermal EHL of the Power Law Non-Newtonian Fluid under Transient Conditions 指数率非牛顿流体线接触时变热弹流润滑分析 ilib.cn 1. Local liquid side mass transfer model in gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow airlift loop reactor for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids 气-液-固三相气升式环流反应器中牛顿型及非牛顿型流体局部液相传质模型 www.ilib.cn 2. Experimental Investigation on Rotameter for Measuring Non-Newtonian Viscous Fluid 非牛顿粘性流体对浮子流量传感器测量影响的试验研究 www.ilib.cn 3. The First Boundary Value Problem of Radical Flow of the Plane Non-Newtonian Fluids 平面非牛顿流体径向流动的第一边值问题 www.ilib.cn 4. The Newtonian scheme of the universe does not banish God from the universe 关于宇宙的牛顿式的设想并没有将上帝从宇宙中排除出去。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Fluid dynamics models for non-Newtonian fluid transferring mechanism in contact dispensing dot process 点状胶液接触式转移机理的流体动力学模型 6. The steady state flow of Newtonian liquids between infinite 之间的牛顿液体稳态流无限 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Stability of Non-Newtonian Fluid and Its Flow Pattern Discrimination 非牛顿流体的稳定性及其流态判别 service.ilib.cn 8. Numerical calculation of the Non-Newtonian fluid action force on the inner pipe in eccentric annuli 偏心环空中内管壁受非牛顿流体作用力的数值计算 www.ilib.cn 9. Organizer of the Multiphase and Non-Newtonian Flow Mechanics Specialized Group 全国多相流与非牛顿流专业组组长 www.cjlu.com 10. Advance of Well Test Analysis for a Reservoir With Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow 非牛顿流体试井分析现状及展望 www.ilib.cn 1. Model of Hydrodynamic Lubrication under Non-Newtonian Feature of Lubricant During the Process of Cold Extrusion 非牛顿特性下冷挤压流体动力润滑模型的建立 ilib.cn 2. Correspondence between linear elastic problem and Newtonian fluid problem 线弹性问题与牛顿流体问题的对应关系 geophy.pku.edu.cn 3. The test result showed that silica-reinforced ENR was a non-Newtonian fluid; 试验结果表明:白炭黑填充的ENR属非牛顿型流体; www.chemyq.com 4. N Needle valve Newtonian fluid Non-Newtonian fluid Nozzle exit Nozzle geometry Nozzle shape Nozzle structure 针型阀牛顿液体非牛顿液体喷嘴出口喷嘴形状喷嘴形状喷嘴结构 wenku.baidu.com 5. Analysis of Crankshaft Bearings in Mixed Lubrication Including Non-Newtonian Effects 计入非牛顿效应的曲轴轴承的混合润滑分析 ilib.cn 6. Micromixing characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid in a stirred tank 搅拌槽内非牛顿流体的微观混合特性 www.ilib.cn 7. The viscosity value of 0. 5 % pectin solution decreased with increasing shear rate, so it was a typical non-Newtonian fluid; 果胶溶液的粘度随剪切速率的增加而降低,为典型的非牛顿流体; paper.pet2008.cn 8. Numerical modeling of non-isothermal non- Newtonian viscoelastic flow in mould filling process 成型充填过程中非等温非牛顿粘弹性流动数值模拟 lx.dlut.edu.cn 9. Generalized Flow Analysis of Non-Newtonian Visco-Elastic Fluids Flow Through Fractal Reservoir 分形油藏中非牛顿松弛粘弹性液体广义流动分析 scholar.ilib.cn 10. Approach to estimation of shear rate of Newtonian fluids flowing in turbulent pipe 牛顿流体在圆管内湍流流动剪切率的近似计算 www.ilib.cn 1. The secondary flow in Newtonian fluid flow in annulus with the inner cylinder executing a planetary motion 流体在内管做行星运动的环空中流动的二次流 www.ilib.cn 2. Blow-up Estimates for a Non-Newtonian Filtration Equation 一类非牛顿渗流方程爆破界的估计 service.ilib.cn 3. Unsteady Flow of Non- Newtonian Fluid in Pipe by Spectral Method 基于谱方法的管内非牛顿流体非定常流动 www.ilib.cn 4. Interpretation method and the software development for well testing used in non-Newtonian pewer-law fluid 非牛顿幂律流体试井解释方法及软件研制 www.ilib.cn 5. Computer Intelligent Analytical Approach on Non-Newtonian Power Law Fluid of Drilling Liquid 非牛顿钻井流体流动计算机智能解析方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Relativistic Celestial Mechanics and Post-Newtonian Equations of Motion 相对论天体力学和后牛顿运动方程 www.ilib.cn 7. The Initial Boundary Value Problem of Nonsteady Flow of Incompressible Non-Newtonian Fluid 不可压缩非牛顿流体非定常流动的初边值问题 www.ilib.cn 8. On the Squeeze Flow of Newtonian Fluid Between Two Rigid Spheres With Wall Slip 有壁面滑移时刚性球颗粒间流体的挤压流动 www.ilib.cn 9. The non-Newtonian fluid mathematical model for strata static temperature forecast 地层静温预测的非牛顿流体数学模型 www.ilib.cn 10. Numerical analysis of laminar viscous non-Newtonian liquid axial flows in eccentric annuli 偏心环空中非牛顿流体轴向层流的数值分析 1. Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Equations Modelling Non-Newtonian Flows 一类非牛顿流体模型解的渐近性态 www.ilib.cn 2. Blow-up Estimates for a Non-Newtonian Filtration System 一类非牛顿渗流系统爆破界的估计 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis of the Isothermal Transient Non-Newtonian EHL of the Involute Spur Gear 渐开线直齿圆柱齿轮等温时变非牛顿弹流润滑分析 ilib.cn 4. The Similarity and Difference Between Shadow-Moire Fringe and Newtonian Circlet 论面外云纹与牛顿环的联系与区别 www.ilib.cn 5. The phenomenon of Newtonian rings and its application 牛顿环现象及其应用 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Asphalt Emulsion Residues and Non-Newtonian Bitumens by Vacuum Capillary Viscometer 用真空毛细管粘度计测试沥青乳剂残余物和非牛顿沥青的外观粘度 www.mapeng.net 7. Temperature determination of laminar of non-Newtonian crude oil in buried pipelines 非牛顿原油层流埋地热油管道沿线温度的确定 www.ilib.cn 8. Verification of power-law model of the non-newtonian fluid with experiments 非牛顿流体幂指式流变模型的实验验证 www.ilib.cn 9. Rheological Behaviour of Non-Newtonian Plastic Melt in Injection Moulding 注射成型过程中非牛顿塑料熔体的流变特性 ilib.cn 10. Laws of the Laminar-turbulent Stratified Flow for Non-Newtonian Fluids in Pipe 非牛顿流体在圆管中层流-紊流分层流动规律 www.ilib.cn 1. Numerical simulation of non-Newtonian fluid flow in a stirred tank 搅拌槽内非牛顿流体流动场的数值模拟 www.ilib.cn 2. Formation pressure computing method under non-newtonian fluids flow 非牛顿流体渗流条件下油层压力的计算方法 www.ilib.cn 3. The post-post-Newtonian equations of light ray in the solar gravity field 太阳引力场中的二阶后牛顿光线方程 service.ilib.cn 4. A Measuring System for the Rheological Behavior of Non-Newtonian Fluids 非牛顿流体流变学特性测试系统 www.ilib.cn 5. Sensitivity of thermal tides in the Venus atmosphere to basic zonal flow and Newtonian cooling 在Venus大气对基本纬向气流和牛顿冷却里热潮汐的灵敏度 edu.cma.gov.cn 6. Newtonian Formula's Application in Lens transformation of Gaussian Beam 牛顿公式在高斯光束透镜变换中的应用 service.ilib.cn 7. A Singular Perturbation Theory for the Study of Newtonian Dynamical Behaviour of Kink 扭结孤子牛顿动力学行为的奇异摄动理论 service.ilib.cn 8. Large Time Behavior of Solutions for the Non-Newtonian Flow Equations in the Whole Space 外区域上非牛顿流体方程解的大时间行为 service.ilib.cn 9. Study on oxygen transfer capability of combined impellers in non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体中组合桨氧传递性能的研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of non-Newtonian Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Based on Surface Dimple Phenomenon 基于表面凹陷现象的非牛顿热弹流润滑分析 service.ilib.cn 1. 01 is a first - semester freshman physics class in newtonian mechanics , fluid mechanics , and kinetic gas theory 01是大学新生第一学期的物理课,它包括牛顿力学、流体力学和气体动力论。 www.ichacha.net 2. Transient Non-Newtonian Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication of Spur Gear Transmission 直齿轮传动非牛顿流体瞬态弹流润滑研究 ilib.cn 3. The generalized flow analysis of non-Newtonian visco-elastic fluid flows in porous media 多孔介质中粘弹性液体广义流动分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Effects of Wall on the Sedimentation of Cylindrical Particles in the Newtonian Fluid 壁面约束对柱状粒子在牛顿流体中沉降影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Numerical Analysis for Line Contact EHL Using A General Non-Newtonian Fluid Model 非牛顿体通用模型线接触弹流润滑的数值分析 ilib.cn 6. Analysis of Power Law Non-Newtonian Fluid Lubrication in the Isothermal EHL Line Contact 指数率非牛顿流体的等温线接触弹流润滑分析 ilib.cn 7. From traditional Newtonian mechanics to the jerky dynamics of today 从传统牛顿力学到当今猝变动力学 service.ilib.cn 8. A numerical simulation research on reservoir with non-Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体油藏数值模拟理论研究 www.ilib.cn 9. "As soon as a third body is introduced to the Newtonian system, all lawful ordering of processes goes out the window" (Fusion) “第三体一被引入牛顿学说系统,所有合法的程序都失常”(融合) zhidao.baidu.com 10. On Drag Reduction from Apparent Wall Slip in Highly Viscous Newtonian Fluid Pipe Flow 高粘牛顿流体输送的表观滑移流动研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Non-Newtonian Effects on Ferrofluid Lubrication 铁磁流体润滑中的非牛顿流影响 www.ilib.cn 2. New Method Predicts Turbulence for Non-Newtonian Fluids in Pipelines 预测管线中非牛顿流体紊流的新方法 www.ilib.cn 3. Testing Rheology Behaviors of Non- newtonian Fluid by Using Rotary Viscometer 利用旋转粘度计测量非牛顿流体的流变特性 service.ilib.cn 4. New Conserved Quantities in Newtonian Jerky Dynamics 牛顿猝变动力学中的新守恒量 service.ilib.cn 5. The Non-newtonian Gravity of Spherically Symmetric Bodies 球对称物体的非牛顿引力 www.ilib.cn 6. Method to Realizing On-Line Measuring the Viscosity of Non-Newtonian Fluids 非牛顿液体粘度的在线测量方法 www.ilib.cn 7. On the Existence Theorem of the Newtonian Equation 一个关于牛顿运动方程解的存在定理 www.ilib.cn 8. Numerical simulation of non - Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体油藏数值模拟研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Studies on the Loop Test and Fluid Rheology Property of Non-Newtonian Fluids 非牛顿流体环道测试及流变学特性研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The experiment design for non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 非牛顿流体力学实验的开发 www.ilib.cn 1. Numerical calculation of power law non-Newtonian fluid flow in plane 幂律非牛顿流体平面流动的数值计算 www.ilib.cn 2. Research on the Oil-Film Drive Technology with Non-Newtonian Fluids 基于非牛顿流体油膜剪切传动理论及应用的研究 sklofp.zju.edu.cn 3. A Method Based on Newtonian Interpolation Algorithm for Simple Laser Direction Measurement 一种基于牛顿插值算法的激光方位简易测量方法 ilib.cn 4. Study on Boundary Layer Drag Reduction of Non-newtonian Fluids 非牛顿流体边界层减阻流动研究 service.ilib.cn 5. Newtonian flow equation for tackmeter 粘性计的牛顿流动方程 www.powerdict.com 6. Effect of Surface Patterns on Drag Reduction in Non-Newtonian Fluid 非牛顿介质中图形化表面对减阻效果的影响 ilib.cn 7. Detecting system about the mass fraction of water in solid-liquid two phase non-Newtonian fluid 固液两相非牛顿流体中水的质量分数检测系统 service.ilib.cn 8. Well test model of non-newtonian power-law flow in the three-layer reservoir with interzonal crossflow 具有层间窜流的三层油藏非牛顿幂率流试井模型 www.ilib.cn 9. Non-Newtonian viscosity of basaltic magma 玄武岩岩浆的非-牛顿学说粘质 edu.cma.gov.cn 10. Diffusion of Amino Acids in non-Newtonian Fluids 氨基酸在非牛顿流体中的扩散 cjce.nextage.cn 1. Behavior of Bubbles in Non-Newtonian Fluids 非牛顿流体中的气泡行为 hxgyygc.nextage.cn 2. The Second Newtonian Law under the Circumstance of Transformed Quality 变质量情况下牛顿第二定律的实验研究 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Non-Newtonian Medium Lubrication in Journal Bearings under the Effect of Dynamic Load 动载荷下径向轴承的非牛顿介质润滑 ilib.cn 4. The Study on Influence of Polymer Drag Reduction Agent on Flowing Properties of Non-Newtonian Fluids 高分子减阻剂对非牛顿型流体流动特性的影响 www.ilib.cn 5. On the Extension of Field of the Newtonian Mechanics 关于牛顿力学的拓展 www.ilib.cn 6. Institute of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 非牛顿流提机械协会 www.tongjihvac.com |
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