单词 | off-peak |
释义 |
例句释义: 非高峰的,淡季的,非最大的,非峰荷的,离峰时间,非高峰期,非繁忙时段 1. One of the other factors over the winter was the rise in "off-peak season city-hopping" , said Patrik Oqvist of Hotels. com. Hotels.com的帕特里克-奥基维斯特(PatrikOqvist)表示,冬季酒店价格上涨的另外一个原因,是“淡季城市旅游”的增多。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Mike: Well, I'm trying to conserve energy, Carol, by running our appliances at off-peak hours. 迈克:我这样做是节约能源,所以我避开高峰时间使用家电。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. You may be able to take advantage of sales or clearance items at off-peak times. 在某些特定的时间你有可能可以提前买到一些降价或者清仓的物品。 www.elanso.com 4. If there is a predictable off-peak period, we recommend that you schedule full database backups for that period. 如果存在一个可预测的非高峰时段,则建议您将完整数据库备份安排在此时段。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. We recommend that you configure database mirroring during off - peak hours because configuring mirroring can impact performance . 我们建议您在非高峰时段配置数据库镜像,因为配置镜像会影响性能。 www.bing.com 6. We recommend that you configure database mirroring during off - peak hours because configuration can affect performance . 我们建议您在非高峰时段配置数据库镜像,因为配置会影响性能。 www.bing.com 7. Air - conditioning systems are the major energy consumer and the main cause of the difference of on -peak load and off-peak load. 空调系统是重要的用电大户,也是造成电网峰谷负荷差的主要原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Thirdly, elderly passengers with special cards will be able to travel at off-peak hours for free. 最后,高龄的乘客可以凭特殊证件(社保卡?)可在非高峰时间免费乘坐列车。 club.metrofans.sh.cn 9. By scheduling large reports to run during off-peak hours, you can reduce processing impact on the report server during core business hours. 通过计划在非高峰期运行大型报表,可以在业务峰值时段降低对报表服务器的处理影响。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In Western and Eastern regions, peaking power is being provided by thermal plants, some of which have to back down during off peak hours. 在东部和西部一些地区,峰期电力是由火电厂提供的,因此有些电厂只好在峰期停机。 www.tianya.cn 1. Choose this option when you want a report to run during off-peak hours. 若要在非高峰时段运行报表,请选择此选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The general consensus is that people who sign for an off peak are lowly paid or struggling financially. 一般认为,人是不签峰值低酬金或挣扎的赞助。 www.bing.com 3. At the same time, the utilities charge residential consumers a flat rate, giving them no incentive to run appliances during off-peak hours. 同时电力公司按时计价收取家庭用户电费,因此,即使是非高峰时段,用户也没理由狂用家电。 bbs.ecocn.org 4. During off-peak times, electricity runs a compressor which pumps the air down into the cavern. 在非高峰期,电力驱动一台压缩机,将空气泵入到洞穴中。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Lim has thus saved money by using cheaper, off-peak power, and the utility has sold some power that otherwise would have been lost. 这样,廉先生通过使用便宜的峰谷电力可以节约开支,而电力公司销售了否则就要丢弃的电力。 woshao.com 6. The apparatus is suitable a for the storage of renewable energy and electric energy obtainable from off peak periods of supply. 该设备适于储存可再生能源和从非高峰期间的供应中获得的电能。 ip.com 7. You could trigger multiple updates using XmlAccess during off-peak hours. 您可以在非高峰期使用XmlAccess触发多个更新。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Keep eyes on the system behavior during the off peak hours. 密切观察系统在非业务高峰时的性能。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Therefore, a scavenging application runs best in off-peak hours and interferes as little as possible with local control. 因此,拾遗网格上的应用程序最好是在非高峰时段运行,并且最好尽量少受本地控制的干扰。 www-128.ibm.com 10. You can set these options to run a report during off - peak hours . 您可以设置这些选项,在非高峰时段运行报表。 www.bing.com 1. Responding to use voltage range, overcome in unstable conditions peak power with off-peak operation. 可使用电压范围广,克服于不稳定供电环境下尖峰与离峰操作。 www.366c.com.cn 2. That meter will charge different prices for electricity depending on whether it's drawn during peak or off-peak hours. 该电表可以区别高峰时段和空闲时段来提供不同的充电电价。 www.bing.com 3. The Peak and Off-Peak hours are subject to determination by different network operators. For details please call Customer Care Hotline 1000. 繁忙及非繁忙时段会因应不同网络商而制定。如需查询繁忙及非繁忙时间详情请致电客户服务热线1000。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. EEStor also envisages employing its devices to build an "energy bank" to store off-peak power and release it when demand is high. EEStor公司同样还设想在他们的装置中建造一个“能量银行”,其能够在非用电高峰期储存电能而当在用电高峰是释放这些电能。 www.ecocn.org 5. Golfers may play this course for a nominal fee in the off-peak season. 打高尔夫球者在淡季只需要付象征性的一点费用就可以在这块球场上打球了。 yingyu.eduu.com 6. Others suggest making hydrogen using off-peak electricity or nuclear power. 其他人则建议用非高峰的电或核能来制造氢。 www.bing.com 7. But there is always the alternative scheme to owning a car: The Off-Peak Car scheme. 但是总有替代方案,拥有自己的车:离峰汽车方案。 www.bing.com 8. They say the decline in customer flows proves they're heeding advice to visit in off -peak times. 他们说顾客人流量的减少证明他们注意到错过高峰期去海南的建议。 www.hxen.com 9. It is a good idea to schedule maintenance of this type at off-peak times. 建议您将此类维护安排在非高峰时间进行。 technet.microsoft.com 10. cost between on-peak and off-peak, heating system economy of running is enhanced. 充分利用峰谷电时段的电价结构,提高了供热系统的运行经济性。 www.jukuu.com 1. Electric cars charge up overnight, using off-peak electric power. 电动车在夜间充电,用离峰电力。 english.31931.cn 2. Collect this periodically during peak and off-peak hours. 在高峰和非高峰期定期收集这些信息。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Quantitively analyses the effect of the ratio of peak to off-peak electricity rates on the operating cost. 定量分析了谷峰电价比对系统运行电费的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Where the " Off-peak " tariff is cheaper, it is much cheaper to run your water heater during that time. 未实行“峰谷电价”地区的用户,可依用户需要自行设定加热时段与水温。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A worker at the Chinese Red Cross Foundation called on enthusiastic people to choose other ways to donate or get online in off-peak periods. 中国红十字基金会工作人员呼吁热心人士选择其他捐款方式或错峰上网。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If possible, you should restart failed servers during off-peak hours. 如果可能的话,您应该在非高峰期重新启动失败的服务器。 www.ibm.com 7. You might want to schedule data backups to occur during off-peak hours. 您可能需要计划在非高峰期进行数据备份。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The plant would store cheap "off peak" electricity in 2, 500-pound flywheels that turn faster than the speed of sound. 这座储能厂会把“闲时”的电力储存在2500磅的飞轮电池中。飞轮的轮缘线速度之高,超过声速。 www.bing.com 9. Users can also assign a high priority to batch jobs during off-peak hours so they can be completed within designated windows. 用户还可以在非高峰时间段给批作业分配高优先级,让它们能够在指定的时间窗内完成。 www.ibm.com 10. the off-peak season for Asian . 亚洲的旅游业淡季 www.ebigear.com 1. Because they can connect to the grid, they can take advantage of off-peak power rates that are far lower than typical residential ones. 由于这种汽车可以连接电力网络,因此得以利用价格比一般家用电价更便宜的离峰电价。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. For example, running a pool pump fewer hours a day or at off-peak times can cut bills significantly. 例如,运行时间减少了水池水泵一天或在非高峰时间可以大大削减法案。 www.bugutang.com 3. I often go to the gym at off-peak hours. 我时常在时间去体育馆。我时常在时间去体育馆。 www.8875.org 4. I often go to the gym at off-peak hours. 33. 我经常在人少的时候去健身中心。 51jiangya.cn 5. Study on the policy of the peak and off-peak electricity price and its effects in Guangdong 广东实施峰谷电价及其效果探讨 ilib.cn 6. Scheme research on the linkage of the peak and off-peak TOU price between generation and sale side 发电侧与销售侧峰谷分时电价联动方案研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Increasing business volume during off-peak periods 淡季期间增加业务量 cnc.tourjob.net 8. Application of Off-Peak Electrical Power in Water Supply Service 低谷电能在供水工程上的运用 www.ilib.cn 9. Electric floorwarming systems for use with off-peak and similar supplies of electricity 使用非高峰用电和类似电源的电热地板系统 www.mapeng.net 10. No service in weekdays off-peak hours 平日非繁忙时间停止服务 hk.geocities.com 1. 2016, 74% of off-peak traffic on urban motorways will 2016年,74%的城市高速公路交通离峰会 zhidao.baidu.com |
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