单词 | news sources | ||||||
释义 | news sources
例句释义: 新闻来源,来源与出处,消息来源 1. Users can finger-swipe back and forth across various articles from a single news source, or up and down through up to 20 news sources. 用户可以手指轻扫在各种物品来回从一个单一的新闻来源,或向上和向下通过多达20个新闻来源。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Explore module adds consistent recommendations of interesting, latest news sources that you might be interested in. 探索模块增加了一致的建议,有趣的,最新的新闻来源,您可能会感兴趣。 class.sexytightass.com 3. The degree, to which a city television station exploits news sources, determines the place it occupies in the media circle there. 城市电视台对城市新闻资源的开发深度,决定着城市电视台在媒介生态中所处的位置。 www.dictall.com 4. A more participatory and social news environment, with a remarkable diversity and range of news sources, is a good thing. 一个更加富于参与性,社交性的新闻环境,辅之以多样性和范围很广的消息来源,也是一件好事。 www.bing.com 5. Beijing's report, gathered from a variety of international news sources, lambastes an increase in violent crime in the U. S. 北京的报告主要搜集了许多从网络得到的新闻素材,痛斥美国不断增长的暴力犯罪。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. RSS feed readers allow you to read news sources or blogs in a single application or Web site. RSS阅读器允许在单一应用程序或Web站点中阅读新闻源或blog。 www.ibm.com 7. Even Google News is in on the act, displaying satirical publications with a "(satire)" tag among its news sources. 甚至Google新闻事实上也很潮流,在新闻来源中有一个“(讽刺)”标签来展示讽刺文章。 www.bing.com 8. Most viewers of conservative or liberal news sources know when they're going to a station curated to serve a particular political viewpoint. 大部分保守或自由的新闻观众知道,什么时候他们将去满足自己的政治观点投票站。 www.bing.com 9. Journalists should avoid accepting gifts, fees, tickets, travel, or other goods or services from news sources. 新闻工作者应避免接受新闻来源提供的礼物、钱财、票券、免费旅游或其他物品或服务。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. Needless to say, access to news sources must be ensured. 毫无疑问,确保采访渠道畅通是必不可少的。 www.putclub.com 1. The news sources said long-range bombers constitute the biggest technical obstacle China will face in building a strategic air force. 远程轰炸机的成军是中国在建造战略性空军过程中面临的最大的技术障碍。 club.xilu.com 2. Manchester City are in talks with Chelsea over a deal for Wayne Bridge, Sky Sports News sources understand. 天空体育获悉,曼城正在跟切尔西谈判关于交易韦恩·布里奇一事。 www.jczqw.com 3. MappedUp is an application that tracks a large number of RSS news sources and displays their latest items on a world map. Mappedup是一个可以追踪大量RSS新闻源的应用程序,并且将这些最近的RSS条目在世界地图上展示出来。 www.bing.com 4. It learns from the news articles you've previously selected to anticipate the articles and news sources you probably want. 它可以从你之前的搜索信息中甄选出一些信息,以此来预测你想要的信息源。 www.bing.com 5. Users select which news sources to follow and the latest articles are presented in a grid of texts and photos. 用户选择的新闻来源,以跟踪和最新的文章是在一格的文字和图片介绍。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Readers do not need aggregators to point them to news sources, and they graze so widely that few would reach the five-article limit. 读者并不需要聚合器指引他们找到新闻来源,而且他们涉猎如此之广也只有极少人会达到5篇文章的限制。 www.ecocn.org 7. Many of these blogs are becoming influential news sources, even hiring reporting staff. 许多博客已经成为有影响力的新闻来源,甚至还雇佣报道人手。 www.ftchinese.com 8. feed readers, you can aggregate all of your news sources and other content into one program, creating a single view for this information. 提要阅读器,可以将所有的新闻源和其他内容聚合进一个程序,从而创建此信息的单一视图。 www.ibm.com 9. US journalists try to make concerning rules to correctly use anonymous news sources. 媒体从业者做出的选择是试图通过制定相关的行为规范以正确运用匿名消息源。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. That change may not come in 2010, but streaming news elements will become a an integral part of traditional news sources. 这一变化可能不会在2010年来临,但流媒体元素将成为传统新闻媒体的一个组成部分。 www.bing.com 1. Number of different news sources on the escape inconsistency argument. 不同消息源对越狱人数存在不一致的说法。 www.englishtang.com 2. I see more interesting articles throughout the day without having to subscribe to even more blogs and news sources. 每天,我可以不必订阅很多博客和新闻来源,就能读到许多有趣的文章。 www.bing.com 3. one of the joys of the web is that it grants you access to an array of foreign news sources. 使用互联网的乐趣在于它帮你获得大量国外新闻资料。 www.jukuu.com 4. Faced with having to spend rather a lot to keep snacking from a wide variety of news sources, they protested. 他们坚决抗议,当不得不有所花费时还不如从种类繁多的新闻源中来份快餐。 www.ecocn.org 5. Promotes emissions trading schemes and provides a daily review of environmental news sources . 提供每日的环境新闻总汇,并促进排放贸易计划。 www.bing.com 6. The fourth media appear before, news sources rely mainly on the television and newspapers. 第四媒体出现前,新闻来源主要依靠电视和报纸。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. However, Sky Sports News sources have been informed that a move to Anfield is not an option for Tevez. 然而,据天空体育记者了解安菲尔德并不是特维斯的唯一选择。 bbs.zhibo8.com 8. Other western news sources reprinted these details with only minor changes in syntax. 其他西方新闻媒体重复了这些细节,仅对句子结构做了些微调。 www.bing.com 9. Dashboard tab shows at-a-glance view to manage all your favorite news sources. 仪表板选项卡显示在一个快速查看管理所有您最喜爱的新闻来源。 class.sexytightass.com 10. Several news sources report that the 2. 1 update may be less than a month away. 一些新的报告称,在将来的一个月内,苹果将开始2.1升级。 www.cnbeta.com 1. I think this indicates that access to news sources expands information exchange on matters of common concern. 由此可见,获得可靠的采访源有助于促进在共同关心的事物上的相互信息往来。 www.putclub.com 2. Neither have confirmed it, but multiple news sources are claiming the deal is nearly done. 虽然没有确定的消息,但是各种各样的新闻都说好是将至了。 club.52harrypotter.com 3. But that could easily change as traditional news sources lose market share to the Web. 但是,可以很容易地改变传统的新闻来源,失去市场份额的网站。 www.bing.com 4. Free, abundant content and more nimble, agile news sources from the blogosphere and Twitter are striking a deadly blow to old media. 博客和Twitter上更为灵敏迅捷的新闻源提供了免费而丰富的信息,这将是给予旧媒体的致命一击。 www.bing.com 5. Choose your news sources carefully, and be prepared for surprises. 仔细地挑选您的新闻来源,为出现意外做好准备。 www.ibm.com 6. According to local news sources, Ladd and his brother Tim own twenty thousand acres combined. 根据当地的消息来源透露,拉德与弟弟蒂姆合计拥有土地达2万英亩。 www.bing.com 7. It turns out that it is much more critical than they had imagined because the other international news sources are being dismantled. 但它起的作用超过了预期,因为其他的国际新闻来源遭到限制。 www.bing.com 8. We collect many news sources, list them and point the user to other websites. 我们搜集无数的新闻资源,列出来然后把用户带到别的网站上。 hi.baidu.com 9. Tsang Kuo-Jen (1999). News media and news sources: discussion on news frames and the construction of reality. 臧国仁(1999)。新闻媒体与消息来源:媒介框架与真实建构之论述。台北:三民书局。 academic.mediachina.net 10. We automatically detect new buzz by crawling 50, 000 of the very best web sites, blogs, and news sources. 我们通过个最好的网站、博客和新的资源,来自动查找新的内容。 www.elanso.com 1. The tabloids may be sneakier and more persistent than more respected news sources, but this is a matter of degree, not kind. 小报可能比主流报刊更鬼鬼祟祟和坚持不懈,但这是一个程度的问题,不是异类问题。 dongxi.net 2. The current outbreak in Haiti has infected more than 1, 500 people, Haitian medical officials told news sources. 目前爆发在海地已经感染了1500多人,海天医疗官员告诉新闻来源。 www.bing.com 3. The Russian cabinet approved the new doctrine after Trutnev's presentation, according to Korppoo and Russian news sources. 根据Korppoo和俄罗斯新闻消息,在Trutnev的陈述之后,俄内阁通过了新的气候政策原则。 www.bing.com 4. Friends, colleagues and news sources express amazement when I tell them I took this challenge. 当我把自己即将迎接的挑战告诉朋友、同事和联络人的时候,他们都大为惊讶。 bbs.51ielts.com 5. follows many of the same news sources as the New York Times, but also features updates from local bloggers and Twitter users. 除了和《纽约时报》来源一致的消息外,还包括当地博客和Twitter用户的更新。 www.bing.com 6. I read hundreds of news sources a day. 我每天阅读上百条新闻线索。 www.bing.com 7. The severely unbalanced channels of news sources reflect the reality of news reports in China's real estate industry. 这一严重失衡的消息来源偏向就是我国当前房地产新闻报道的现状。 www.boshuo.net 8. Journalists who take money or gifts from their news sources usually find it difficult to write or broadcast anything against them. 从消息来源收受金钱或礼物的记者通常感到难以撰写或发表对这些来源不利的文章。 www.america.gov 9. To learn more about receiving training on monitoring foreign information and news sources, please contact us. 我们特提供如何对国外信息和新闻资源兼收并蓄的培训,若有所需,敬请联系我们。 www.readywin.com 10. It is also wise to obtain news from more balanced news sources. 在更多均衡的资源上获取新闻也是种明智之举。 www.bing.com 1. Do you read tech news sources, and can you talk about the latest developments and trends? 你平时看各种技术新闻吗,你能谈谈最新的技术进展和趋势吗? www.fortunechina.com 2. Don't pay attention to bad news sources for 1 week. 1周内不要去找坏消息的来源。 www.bing.com 3. It's time to embrace the fact that certain news sources have a point of view, and that's why they have the following they do, 我们现在应该认识到,不同的新闻来源有着各自的观点,这也是他们接下来行为的原因 www.ecocn.org 4. For instance, a story about new legislation on divorce that includes only male news sources; 例如一个有关新离婚法的故事,其新闻信息提供者只有男性; www.feminist.cn 5. News Reporters And News Sources 新闻记者与新闻来源 www.dushu.com 6. News from multiple news sources 从多个新闻来源中获取新闻 blog.sina.com.cn 7. b. 2 online news sources (from established news sources) 2个网上新闻来源(已经报导的新闻来源) zhidao.baidu.com |
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