单词 | new game | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | new game
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 新游戏,开始新游戏,开始游戏 1. With Japanese interest rates now heading up as well, such investors may have to think of a new game. 由于日本利率现在也要上升了,这些投资者们也许要考虑开始一个新游戏了吧。 www.ecocn.org 2. When he was at college, his class was asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters. 当他在大学时,他的班级被要求发明一种在漫长冬季可以在市内玩的游戏。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I stood in restless anticipation, wondering what sort of new game he was about to teach us. 我焦虑不安地站在那儿,满怀期待,想知道他将要教我们什么样的新游戏。 www.bing.com 4. The generator needs just a few seconds to construct a new game by randomizing digits and positions. 生成器仅仅需要几秒钟时间就可以按照随机数字和位置构造一个新的游戏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Stagg is so closely associated with football that many forget he was one of the first to play the new game of basketball. 史塔哥和足球的关系是如此的密切,以致于许多人都忘记他是最先参与篮球运动的选手之一。 www.24en.com 6. The first footage of the new game perfectly showcases the new animation and freedom elements that beat at the heart of the new game. 新游戏的第一画面完美展示了新的动画和自由的元素,在新的游戏心跳。 www.ept-team.com 7. He had been working for a long time on a new game that would have the excitement of the American football. 他很长时间以来一直在研究一项新游戏,这个新游戏与美式足球一样另人兴奋。 www.hjenglish.com 8. A totally new game experience, original urban soundtrack and graffiti-decal graphics add up to great fun in this fast-paced mini-puzzler. 一个全新的游戏体验,原创配乐和城市涂鸦贴花图形加起来很大的乐趣在这个快节奏的小益智游戏。 zone.it.sohu.com 9. Whenever we make a new game we aim to make it genre defining and to take it to the next level and differentiate it from the past. 每当我们制作一个新游戏,目标就是去定义一个类型,让它与过去不同达到一个新的水平。 www.blizzardcn.com 10. Instead, what Jack found the most fun was a new game I made up to keep him entertained. 相反,杰克感到最有趣的是一个我自编出给让他解闷的一个新游戏。 blog.163.com 1. The knowledge I have kept for you hidden within this illusion is now yours. The old game is ended. A new game is about to begin. 我特地留给你的知识就藏在这个幻象中,而现在这是属于你的了。旧的棋局曾经结束了,一个新的棋局则将要开始。 www.wushucn.com 2. Now onto the new game options, we have added 4 new game options, again for those of you who fancy doing something a bit different. 现在新游戏选择,我们增加了4个新游戏选择,再为那些您想象做某事位不同。 bbs.52pcgame.com 3. You're playing a new game with the old rules. As games change, you've got to learn the new rules; otherwise, you are bound to lose. 你在用一个旧的规则来玩一个新的游戏。游戏变了,你必须学习新的规则,否则,你注定是要失败的。 blog.163.com 4. The project is not to build a new game, but to build a piece of software to run alongside an existing game. 该项目是不是建立一个新的游戏,而是要建立一个软件来同时运行一个现有的游戏。 www.bing.com 5. A new game, known as "Russian road roulette" , is played every night at intersections throughout the Bulgarian capital. 最近,在保加利亚首都,一种被称为“俄罗斯公路轮盘赌”的游戏正在街头风靡。 www.bing.com 6. "In November a new game came out. " Gears of War " was the name, I went totally crazy. I locked myself in" . 在十一月,一个新游戏上市了。它的名字叫“战争机器”,我疯狂的爱上了它,陷入其中不能自拔。 milan.tiao.com 7. I had a sense of accomplishment, because I had worked hard to deserve the new game as a reward for my efforts. 我有一种成就感,因为我努力了,应该得到那个电脑游戏盘,这是对我付出的一种奖励。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Does not require you to start a new game, however for the best results it is suggested. 不需要重开游戏,然而要得到最好的结果,我们还是建议重开。 bbs.cmfans.cn 9. If we use the word "rules" , we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. 如果我们使用这个词“规则”,我们认为某人创造了规则,然后才有说的语言,就像一场新的游戏。 wenwen.soso.com 10. his class was once asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winter. 他所在的班级被要求发明一项新的游戏。可以在漫长的冬季在室内玩的那种。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Jiro and his friend "Omi" (left, dressed as a Metal Gear Cyborg Ninja) both played the new game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker at the show. Jiro和他的朋友“Omi”(左边,饰《合金装备》角色机械忍者),两人都在为游戏《合金装备:和平行者》演出。 www.bing.com 2. February 2008, Xian'an opened a new game room, Liu Changjiang sent home to ask the boss the transfer failed. 2008年2月,咸安区新开了一家电玩室,刘昌强派人上门要求老板转让未果。 www.dw188.com 3. 'No, spirit, please, let me stay a little longer. Look, they're playing a new game! ' 不,幽灵,请让我再多呆一小会儿。看,他们又要做一个新游戏! www.iamlk.cn 4. Altering photos is not a new game, nor even particularly remarkable; it dates back to the birth of the medium. 改变照片是不是一个新游戏,甚至也没有特别出色,它可以追溯到介质的诞生。 www.bing.com 5. Nomura once again promised an announcement of the new game, whatever it may be, some time this year. 野村又一次的承诺将在今年里会有一个对着新游戏的公告! bbs.pspchina.net 6. A: One is for the new game medium, the other is for storage media to be utilized for personal content and download content. 答:有一个插槽位是用来插入新的游戏媒体(游戏卡带),另一个是用来插入保存个人数据和下载数据的存储介质。 forum.tgbus.com 7. After it has received two responses, the Coordinator prints the outcome of the match and sends a message to itself to start a new game. 在它接收到两条响应之后,Coordinator打印出比赛结果并自我发送一条消息,以开始新游戏。 www.ibm.com 8. The problem with the new game, which was soon called "basketball" , was getting the ball out of the basket. 这个新游戏很快就被称为“篮球”。篮球面临的问题就是如何把球从篮子里取出来。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Money attracts us to the markets, but in the excitement of the new game we often lose sight of that goal. 金钱把我们吸引到市场,但是在游戏的刺激中,我们失去了金钱的目标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Developing a new game takes only a few months and costs a few hundred thousand dollars. 开发一款新的线上游戏只需花几个月时间和几十万美元。 www.ecocn.org 1. I feel better now and I hope that I can feel better and better with every new game. 现在的我感觉好多了,我希望随着比赛的深入自己能变得越来越棒。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. When a new game is started, everything is restored to its original position. 当启动新游戏时,一切都会恢复为它的原始状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In a week's time, it's a new game, a new story. 在一星期的时间内,这是一场新的比赛,新的故事。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. We wanted to live up to what we had done in the past, and carry it forward into our new game. 我们不想辜负我们过去过去所做的一切,并将它们带进我们的新游戏。 www.bing.com 5. As you can see from the screenshot above, the new game screen has been amended. 你可以从以上截图看到,新游戏开始界面有些改变。 game.ali213.net 6. The reason that we made the races similar to the FFXI races is so FFXI players could choose a similar type of race in the new game. 我们把种族做得差不多的原因是让有FFXI经验的玩家比较容易作出选择。 bbs.ffsky.com 7. Leaving TA behind forced me to create a new game from scratch, and to move ahead unencumbered. 把TA扔到背后可以迫使我从零开始创造一个新游戏,而且是不受约束的。 dict.bioon.com 8. It might be galling at first, but this year's Pro Evolution Soccer bold new game on the pitch looks like it'll work. 这可能是磨损在第一,但今年的职业进化足球在球场上大胆的新的游戏看起来像是会工作。 www.winning11cn.com 9. Users expect to be entering a 'new world' as a new game is launched. 当用户启动一个游戏的时候他们也期待将会进入一个“新的世界”。 www.cnblogs.com 10. Our goal is to develop a brand new game changing application suite, which will be promoted and installed worldwide. 我们的目标是开发一个全新划时代的应用套件,这将会在全世界推广和安装。 www.lietou.com 1. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. 新的游戏经历了惊人的图形更新,以确保其播放器的外观和动议,更喜欢他们的现实生活中的对应。 wenwen.soso.com 2. A particularly fun new game is to march off unannounced for a walk. 最有趣的新游戏是没有经过报告就擅自外出散步。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Victory in war resulted in new temples, new game facilities, theater-type structures to host productions, and museums. 还修建大水渠以满足城市用水。打胜仗便建新的神庙、新的竞技场所、演出用剧场建筑和博物馆。 gz2010.qlteacher.com 4. Rail Simulator, the new game now available from Electronic Arts, provides the most immersive train experience possible on the PC. 铁模拟器,新游戏,现已由电子艺术,提供了最沉浸式训练经验,可能对个人电脑。 bbs.hasea.com 5. Past the fact that the new game looks a lot better, what's the first thing current EverQuest players will probably notice about the world? 除开新的游戏看起来会更好以外,目前的EverQuest玩家对于这个新世界最先注意到的事情会是什么呢? news.play119.com 6. The child learned to play this new game, not with his father's help, but from other players in the game. 所以这个孩子无需靠他父亲的帮助,只需在网上同其他人一起玩就学会了。 web.worldbank.org 7. Then, you restart AUTOMATICALLY a new game keeping your downline for a NEW tour. 到此为止,你自动从新开始新的一轮游戏,并且保持你得下线, www.gczjs.net 8. If you try to play Wall Street's new game on Wall Street's terms, you will probably come off the field on a gurney. 如果你遵照华尔街的条件去玩华尔街的新游戏,很可能会下场惨淡。 chinese.wsj.com 9. When u start a new game you will able to use the lich king's armor and sword . 当你开始一个新游戏中你将能够使用巫妖王的盔甲和剑。 bbs.mountblade.com.cn 10. Just for the record though. Banks WILL make it into the new game. . . but they won't be used in the same way. 尽管仅仅是为了起到记录的作用,银行在新版游戏中还会被保留,但是他们不会再以旧的方式运行了。 bbs.cwebgame.com 1. "What kind of new game? Tell us quickly how to do it. " Pangpang says hastily with his both hands rubbing. “什么新游戏啊?快教我们怎么做!”胖胖摩拳擦掌地催促。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. FIFA World Cup introduces a new game mode called Global Challenge that will test even the most hardcore gamer . 2006年世界杯推出新的游戏模式,所谓全球性挑战,考验即使最铁杆玩家。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. A new game of bingo, the shareware version comes with three games types, the registered version comes with lots more. 一个新的游戏,宾果,Shareware版本附带的三场比赛类型,注册版本附带的地段。 xtdownload.com 4. After two hours of trying to learn the new game, he caught on. 这种游戏,他学了两小时才明白是怎么回事。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. Introduced a new game : the role of red beard, yellow Pearl clearance to arrive, it is not easy ~ refueling. 游戏介绍:一个全新的角色,大红胡子,要抵达黄色宝珠才能过关,不容易哦~加油。 www.showxiu.com 6. The new trailer serves to detail the huge advances the new game enjoys, and major advancements in how it plays. 新的拖车服务详述新的比赛享用的巨大的前进的和主要推进在怎样它使用。 club.tgfc.com 7. The company hasn't announced a price for its new game system. 任天堂尚未宣3DS游戏机的价格。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Includes a new Boggle playing AI and a brand new game mode! 包括一个新的令人困惑公平的爱和一个全新的游戏模式! word.hcbus.com 9. It has been promoting its new game, "Rock Band" , using its MTV music channel. 它一直在推动其新游戏“摇滚乐队”,利用其MTV音乐频道。 bbs.ngacn.cc 10. Second, online app stores have created a new sales channel, opening the market to new game developers. 其二,网络应用商店创建了一种新销售渠道,市场大门向新游戏开发者敞开了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Sometimes, you need to know where to find the config files for your new game. 有时,你需要知道到哪里能找到你的新游戏的配置文件。 www.bing.com 2. Since she developed this new game she often performs it for visitors. 自从发展了这一新游戏后,她就一直为游客表演。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Under the new game plan, Google is targeting Chinese firms to advertise on its overseas search market. 根据新的崛起计划,谷歌的主要手段是帮助中国企业在其海外搜索市场进行广告投放。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 4. How was the problem with the new game solved? 新游戏的问题是如何解决的? www.hjenglish.com 5. my parents never wanted to dictate where i spent my wages , and never said anything when they saw me playing my new game. 父母从不想强制规定我把钱花在什么地方,他们看到我玩新游戏什么也不说。 www.ichacha.net 6. A new game is about to begin, i hope I can win in this game, and I will try. 这句可以翻译成,一个新的游戏开始了,我希望我可以胜利,当然,我也会尽我最大的努力。 wenwen.soso.com 7. This paper presents a new game model for all countries to deal with climate change . 本文提出一种世界各国应对气候变化博弈过程的模拟模型。 stae.com.cn 8. In general the new game presentation is really excellent. Menus are really quick to get through, well laid out and dare I say cool? 大体上这个新游戏真的非常优秀。菜单真的可以快速通过而且布置得很好,我说的够酷吗? www.verycd.com 9. Is it a new game or an expansion? 这是一款新游戏还是资料片? www.bing.com 10. Organize the new game technology training for the project team. 组织项目团队进行游戏新技术的培训。 www.yingjiesheng.com 1. Get out your measuring cups, and we'll play a new game. 拿出你们的量杯,我们来做个新游戏。 music.douban.com 2. Interest from game developers was apparent last week at New Game 2011, a technical conference in San Francisco. 不久前在旧金山召开的技术会议NewGame2011上,游戏开发商对HTML5的兴趣十分明显。 chinese.wsj.com 3. For Empire: Total War we've started again with new game and graphics engines. 而《帝国》中我们再次引入了新的游戏和图形引擎。 www.clanlong.net 4. With these, the new game will more than meet your expectations. 有了这些,新游戏将会更满足你们的期待。 www.19lou.com 5. In fact the pre-game, new game, and in-game cut scenes also are heavy on the background and depth of the story. 事实上,在进入游戏之前,开始新游戏后,以及游戏过程中,甚至每一幕小场景中,都有大量关于背景资料和故事情节的介绍。 game.ali213.net 6. Every time you can choose any one of the 3 modes for the new game - 1. 每一次,你可以选择任何一个新游戏的3种模式-1。 www.gao7.com 7. He can always invent a new game to divert the children . 他总能搬出新玩意去娱悦小孩。 www.bing.com 8. Through bombing and advanced mode, you can find more new game changes. 通过轰炸和高级模式,你可发现游戏里更多新的变化。 game.sjjia.com 9. Zendar chest and secret chests have random items placed in them, different every time you start a new game. 禅达的箱子和秘密箱子随机装有不同的物品,每次开新人物后都会转变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Does the TA team plan to use destructible environments in the future? If so could this possibly lead to a new game type? 请问TA团队,计划在未来使用破坏环境(类似于百战天虫中你可以破坏建筑物)呢? tieba.baidu.com 1. Blizzard has told MCV that the development of a new game for consoles remains a possibility. 暴雪曾向MCV表示为家用游戏机开发新游戏可能性依然存在。 www.bing.com 2. "Innovation is your only hope, " Bill Gates said. "And the only new game in town is technology. " “唯一的希望就是创新”,比尔盖茨说,“目前只能依靠技术。” www.bing.com 3. I work in the responsibility a part am, sometimes needs to travel on official business to the outside areas propagandizes our new game. 翻译我工作职责中一个部分是,有时候需要出差到外地宣传我们的新游戏。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Game gem : a new game on the Greek mythology, the Jade Temple, built by you. 游戏介绍:新的宝石游戏,希腊神话里的翡翠神殿,由你来建造。 dict.kekenet.com 5. The work in progress image shows cover star Lionel Messi in action in the new game, and showcase a massive advance in aesthetic detail. 正在进行的工作图像显示封面球星梅西在行动中的新游戏,并展示了一个巨大的进步审美细节。 bbs.xwsi.net 6. Play to reach the highest score possible in this twist on the classic game of memory with new game types and power-ups. 打到最高得分可能在这个越来越多的经典游戏的记忆与新游戏的类型和超能盔甲。 s60.s80.cn 7. The students learned more about team work, and a new game called kick ball. 于此,同学们锻炼了团队合作,我们还学习了一种新的游戏叫“踢球”。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 8. Can we test a new game for you, Susan? 我们可以帮你试验新游戏吗,Susan? www.kekenet.com 9. Game Boy - New Game Boy Advance SP with luminous screen. 掌上游戏机广告——显示明亮的新款 wenku.baidu.com 10. Make up a new game with your kids or take them to the park. 和孩子一起设计一项新的游戏,或带他们去公园玩。 www.bing.com 1. He invented a new game, but it never really caught on. 他发明了一种新的游戏,但从未真正流行起来。 2. These industries need to evaluate whether they have the right leaders in this new game. 这些行业需要评估它们在这场新的游戏中是否拥有合适的领导者。 c.wsj.com 3. Otherwise, the button is being pressed to start a new game. 否则,按下该按钮来启动一个新游戏。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Jennik: A medium ranged price, not a full price for regular new game. 中等价位,不是一个完整新游戏的价格。 tieba.baidu.com 5. Dr Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them how to play his new game. 这个男人在分裂奈史密斯博士班分成两组,他人教他们如何发挥他的新游戏。 www.gxtznn.com 6. I am able to explain the rules and mechanisms of the new game in 10 minutes and they're off and running. 我只需花10分钟时间解释新游戏的规则与机制,他们就能自己动手开始运行了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. No spectacular innovations: In the past few years, we have seen no new game ideas. 在过去的几年里,我们没看到新的游戏创意。 www.bing.com 8. Does exists any new game rule to stimulate a new grown point? 能否创新?能否突破?能否用新的游戏规则来创造新的增长模式? www.firstdev.net 9. However, if you want to guarantee your changes work then you need to start a new game. 不过如果想要保证修改效果,还是需要开新档。 bbs.st-jdw.com 10. You can try to start a new game with the engine, or try to play against another one. 你可以尝试仍然使用此引擎开始一个新游戏,或者使用另外一个引擎比赛。 translations.launchpad.net 1. They were excited the new game. 他们为新游戏而激动。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. When you start a new game, type -load followed by your code. 当你开始新一局游戏的时候,输入“-loadxxxxxx-xxxxxx”来输入你的12位密码。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Start a new game or join a network game with the menu or the toolbar. . . 使用菜单或工具栏开始新游戏,或加入一个网络游戏… translations.launchpad.net 4. Now what they want: a new game software residence: We now live in Sakura's room drawer, Sakura made room for him. 现在想要的东西:新的游戏软件住处:现住在小樱的房间的抽屉里,小樱给他造的房间。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If you find yourself playing the new game with the old rules , that's one sure sign that you are resisting change in your organization . 如果你觉得自己在用老规矩玩新游戏的话,那就是一项你在抵制改变的确凿证据。 www.bing.com 6. It's a whole new game for Fed-watchers. 记者招待会对财经观察家来说是一个新的游戏。 www.ecocn.org 7. Warning sign 1: You're playing a new game with the old rules. Ø警告一:你用老规矩玩新游戏。 www.bing.com 8. Question: When i start a new game, my experience, rank and medals don't carry over. Did i do something wrong ? 问题:当新一局游戏开始的时候,我的经验勋章军衔又重新开始计算了,这是怎么搞的? zhidao.baidu.com 9. Last but not least, there are many new game modes other small changes and bugfixes. Check the full feature list! 最后但并非最不重要,有许多新的游戏模式和其他小的变化和错误修正。请看下面的完整的更新列表! pc.duowan.com 10. Enter a tag and you'll get a new game of Sudoku with images themed based on that tag. 输入一个标签,你会发现一个包含了基于关键字照片的数独游戏出现在眼前。 www.bing.com 1. In 1998, a new game show came onto British television. 998年,一个崭新的游戏节目来到英国的电视。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. One of the first things that I do when I start a new game is go to my team settings. 我在开始游戏的时候做的几件事里包括去处理球队设置。 fmfans.cpgl.net 3. We have created a fun new game. 我们新创了一个很好玩的新游戏。 4. Will "Hotshot" condoms create a new game for kids to play? “Hotshot”安全套是否要为孩子们创造一种新的游戏呢? www.bing.com 5. If you don't have a saved game, Mahjong Titans starts a new game. 如果没有保存的游戏,MahjongTitans会开始一个新游戏。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. Oh, hi, I've invented a great new game, it's called umpa jumps. Will you enjoy in? 哦,是你们啊,我刚发明了一个伟大的新游戏,她叫“蹦啊跳啊”,你们要参加吗? bbs.iyaya.com 7. If you don't have a saved game, Solitaire starts a new game. 如果没有已保存的游戏,则纸牌将开始一个新游戏。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. Once you have placed your wager, click "DEAL" to deal a new game. 一旦您下注完毕,点击“发牌”来开始游戏。 www.pinkladycasino.com 9. If you don't have a saved game, FreeCell starts a new game. 如果没有已保存的游戏,则空当接龙将开始一个新游戏。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. So why is he now talking about computers giving chess a new lease of life, or even turning it into a new game? 为什么卡什帕罗夫认为计算机使国际象棋重新焕发出青春,甚至将国际象棋变成一种全新的运动呢? www.hkc.edu.cn 1. New game adds more games to the collection, giving you more and more pleasure. 新游戏增加了更多游戏的收集,给你更多乐趣。 xtdownload.com 2. This kind of new game is very pleasant to play. 这种新游戏玩起来让人感到愉快。 www.jxenglish.com 3. But it will be a new game, and if we get the same chances I am sure we will put them in this time. 不过这将是一场全新的比赛。如果我们得到相同的机会,我确信我们能将球送入网窝。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. If you don't have a saved game, you'll start a new game. 如果没有保存的游戏,则会开始一个新游戏。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. If not, then take some time to get back on track and make a new game plan. 如果没有,那么需要一点时间步入正轨,定一个新的计划。 www.putclub.com 6. June 3, 2009 - Perfect World has debuted a new game at E3, but only via trailer. 2009年6月3日,完美时空新作初次露面E3展,但只有一个宣传视频。 bbs.duowan.com 7. "The new game is to find a way to do the domestic market, " says Goodwin. “新的策略是要打开国内市场”,古德温说道。 www.bing.com 8. Click NEW GAME to play again. 要开始下一局,点击【新游戏】即可。 www.commodorecasino.com 9. Do I have to start a new game? 我必须重新开始新游戏吗? bbs.deeptimes.org 10. They can then use the game totem to initiate a new game. 他们可以使用该游戏图腾启动新的游戏。 www.ibm.com 1. They can jump around as much as they want but this is a new game and hopefully we will be the ones who are celebrating this time. 他们可以欢呼雀跃,做他们想做的。但这是一场新的比赛,希望这次轮到我们欢呼胜利了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. Maybe we'll make enough money to buy a new game. 也许我们将赚到足够的钱买一个新游戏。 www.24en.com 3. Mr. SILVER: You can buy a great board game for under $20, and every time you play it, it's a new game. 席尔瓦:你可以用不到20美元的价格买到一款不错的桌游,并且每次玩它都会带给你新的体验。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The game is easy: when you start a new game is generated a new code. 游戏很简单:当你开始一个新游戏产生了新的代码。 bbs.dospy.com 5. An experimental new game controller adds the sensation of hot and cold to users' experience of a simulated environment 一种试验性新型游戏手柄能够为使用者增加热觉和冷觉感受,让他们更好地体验模拟环境。 www.bing.com 6. Construction Management Industry should Set up a New "Game Rule" for Bidding Proposal 建设监理行业应确立新的投标“游戏规则” www.ilib.cn 7. On Rent-seeking Behavior--An Analysis of Rent-seeking Under Information New Game Theory Model 寻租行为探究--信息博弈模型下寻租分析 www.ilib.cn 8. The Influence of New Game System on Badminton Doubles of Lady Competitors 新赛制对羽毛球女双技术风格的影响 www.ilib.cn 9. that new game made a hit with all my friends 那新的游戏很受我所有的朋友欢迎。 www.ichacha.net 10. Pricey Parts Threaten Profits of New Game Machines 配件价格高昂影响新游戏机利润 big5.pconline.com.cn 1. New 'Game of Thrones' trailer debuts : The storm is coming (YES! ) 新一季《权力的游戏》预告片亮相:风暴来临(没错!) www.hjenglish.com 2. New Game Chromatic and Game Chromatic Number 一种新的色对策和对策染色数 service.ilib.cn 3. Nintendo Plans New Game Product, Coy on Details 路透财经:任天堂计划新款游戏产品但对细节保守秘密 www.dzwww.com 4. Build new rules for a new game 为新游戏制定新规则 book.hr.com.cn 5. inventing a new game for the Olympics 为奥林匹克发明一项新的运动项目 www.bing.com 6. It's a classic take on a brand new game 这个全新的游戏是一个新的经典 wenwen.soso.com 7. do i get to try this new game 我能玩这个新游戏吗 zhidao.baidu.com 8. You want to play a new game 你想开始一场新的游戏 nnsuper.iblog.com 9. I want a new game to play 我想玩个新游戏 7bu.blogcn.com 10. We need to learn how to adapt to the new game rules 需要学会适应新的游戏规则 www.ilib.cn |
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