单词 | new-front |
释义 | 例句释义: 新战线 1. Dipping into the Alfa Romeo stable would also give VW access to a wealth of new front-engine, front-wheel-drive chassis options as well. 将阿尔法罗密欧融入大众使大众可以获得大量的新的前置引擎,前轮驱动底盘等。 www.bing.com 2. Along with the films came the posters and with their arrival a new front was opened up in the ideological war with the West: poster design. 伴随着电影而来的是电影海报,而随着这两者的抵达,对抗西方腐朽思想的意识形态斗争的新前线也被开辟出来了:海报设计。 www.bing.com 3. There's good reason for the two technology giants to see games as a new front in their tussle for social users. 两家科技巨头都把游戏视为争夺社交用户的新战场,这并非没有道理。 www.fortunechina.com 4. A simplified center console, improved materials and new front seats add a bit more of a custom-tailored feel to the overall package. 一种简化的中心控制台,改进材料和新的前排座椅添加更多的客户定制的感觉总包。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Starting at the front, a new front spoiler is accompanied by some integrated daytime running lights. 开始在前面,一个新的前扰流板是伴随着一些综合日间运行灯。 usa.315che.com 6. TIP: Before you order a new front panel for a dishwasher door, check if yours is reversible, with a different color on the opposite side. 小提示:在你打算订购新的洗碗机前门面板时,先检查一下你的面板是否可以反面使用,通常反面会有另外一种颜色哦。 www.bing.com 7. Everyone "claims to like the new front yard, yet everyone expects others not to like it, " Cox writes. 所有人“宣称他们喜欢这种新的前院园景,但都觉得别人会不喜欢”,考克斯写到。 www.elanso.com 8. Everywhere else, the company used carbon fiber to achieve weight reduction, including the new front bumper and diffuser. 世界上其他地方,该公司使用碳纤维来实现减轻体重,包括新的前保险杠和扩散。 usa.315che.com 9. One of the most important things I tell new front end engineers is not to simply agree to do tasks without first reviewing them. 我告诫新来的前端工程师最多的一句话,就是不要在没有作出评估之前就随便接受某项任务。 www.nowamagic.net 10. The market's new front might well have been Spain, whose underlying problems are by no means less serious. 市场的新战场本来很有可能是西班牙,该国的根本问题好不了多少。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Finally, lest Liu flee into the capital of Nanking itself, Chiang was forced to organize a Central China Command and open up a new front. 最后,为了防备刘“逃窜”到首都南京,蒋介石被迫设立华中剿总,开辟了一条新战线。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 2. With rising complaints from its companies against China, the US has opened a new front that the EU may follow. 随着美国公司对中国的投诉越来越多,美国开辟了一个欧盟可能会效仿的新战线。 www.ftchinese.com 3. On NBC's Meet the Press, he was asked if that means Yemen is a major new front in the war on terrorism. 在全国广播公司的“面对媒体”节目上,布伦南被问及:这是否意味也门是反恐战争的主要新战线。 www.voanews.cn 4. As well as testing a new front wing on Friday in Shanghai, Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso evaluated a new front brake duct design. 比如说星期五在上海测试一个新的前翼,法拉利车手费尔南多-阿隆索评价了新的前制动风道设计。 www.qichebaba.com 5. The F1. 09 will feature a new front wing, more deeply undercut side pods, another iteration of the double diffuser and a modified rear wing. 09将使用新的前翼,更加深陷的侧舱,新的双层扩赛器和修改过的尾翼。 ferrari-china.com 6. America too is showing growing interest in Africa as a new front in its "war on terror" . 此外,美国也正对非洲显现出了与日俱增的兴趣,企图把其作为一个“反恐战争”的新阵线。 www.ecocn.org 7. All the parts, including the new front bumper, diffuser, side skirts, and hood, are made from carbon-fiber. 所有部件,包括新的前保险杠,扰流,侧裙,和遮光罩,是由碳纤维。 usa.315che.com 8. There is also a new front bumper with a light-catching contour, while at the rear the exhaust pipes are integrated in the rear bumper. 还有一个新的前保险杠与轻醒目轮廓,而在车尾的排气管整合在后保险杠。 usa.315che.com 9. Setting apart the Speed from previous Apollo models are bigger wheel arches, a new front splitter and revised air intakes. 除了设置的速度从以往的阿波罗模式更大的轮拱,新的战线和修订空气分配器摄入量。 usa.315che.com 10. There was little reaction to the opening of a new front by 1, 000 American troops parachutingsintosnorthern Iraq. 美军1000伞兵空降伊拉克北部几乎没有给市场带来任何反应。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. New front and rear independent suspension systems deliver premium on-road handling and comfort. 新前后独立悬挂系统,提供优质的道路处理和舒适。 www.jeepcorps.net 2. A sorry example of this is the new front page of the Goldman Sachs website, which has been redesigned to show a picture of an icy fjord. 一个不幸的例证是高盛(GoldmanSachs)网站的新主页:经过重新设计后,展示的是一张冰雪覆盖的峡湾的图片。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Users that have the later version can use the new front-end database to link to the same data. 使用较新版本的用户可以使用前端数据库链接到同一数据。 office.microsoft.com 4. Major appearance changes are in the new front spoiler with integrated LED daytime running lights. 主要外观变化是在新的前扰流板集成了LED日间运行灯。 usa.315che.com 5. This includes a new front splitter, front fascia with rocker extension, and hood with built-in air extractors . 这包括了一条新战线器,摇臂前筋膜与推广,和遮光罩内置空调机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The fresh exterior design includes smoother new front end and revised lights, including LEDs. 新鲜流畅的外观设计,包括新的前端和修订灯,包括发光二极管。 usa.315che.com 7. It will not bring peace to the Middle East but it might silence a dangerous new front. 这样做并不会给中东地区带来和平,但是却可以平息一个新的危险的开端。 www.ecocn.org 8. Immediately noticeable are the new front and rear fascias and the rear spoiler. 立即明显的是新的前部和后部fascias和后扰流板。 usa.315che.com 9. The discovery could open a new front in the battle against the bulge if the molecule has the same effect in humans. 如果这种分子对人类有同样的作用,那此项发现很可能为人类对抗肥胖开辟一片新的战场。 www.bing.com 10. That necessitated a pit stop for a new front wing, so his race was ruined. 为新的前翼不得不进站,这搞砸了他的比赛。 f1.sports.sohu.com 1. The new front page is focused on political and tech news instead of the most popular topic on Delicious, web design. 新版主页强调政治和科技新闻,而不是美味书摘上最流行的话题——网站设计。 www.bing.com 2. Your teams signed a document asking the FIA to check the Ferrari front wing and Ferrari has a new front wing here. 你们的车队都签署了要求国际汽联检查法拉利前翼的文件,现在法拉利在这里有了新的前翼。 f1.sports.sohu.com 3. Mr Levin's attack opens a potential new front in the controversy over Goldman's trading practices. 莱文的指责,给围绕高盛交易行为的争议开辟了另一条潜在的新战线。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He gives more prominence to Europe, where, after the London and Madrid bombings and other thwarted attempts, a new front-line has opened up. 他的重点也移向了欧洲,在伦敦、马德里爆炸以及其它一些被挫败的企图发生后,一条新的战线已然开辟。 www.ecocn.org 5. Did you see they're putting up a new front on the crumb shop? 看到没?面包屑店换了个新门窗 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The same trucks are designed so that a new front end can be installed without replacing the entire frame of the truck, he says. 同样,这种货车的前后部均为独立安装,修复时不必更换整个车身,他说道。 laoguoweixiu.blog.163.com 7. The guerrillas opened up a new front in that province. 游击队在那个省开辟了一条新战线。 www.websaru.com 8. There are all-new front and rear fenders, front apron, side skirts, a reshaped bonnet, a rear diffuser and wing. 有全新的前部和后部挡泥板,前围裙,侧裙,一个改变的帽子,后方扩散和机翼。 usa.315che.com 9. Some see the approach as a promising new front against the day's most urgent health problems, such as obesity, smoking and suicide. 其中有些人还把它视为对抗当今最为迫切的健康问题,如肥胖、抽烟和自杀的一个前景光明的新阵线。 www.bing.com 10. Entrepreneur Amarashanthini and her three children before their new front door. 阿玛拉珊妮和她的三个孩子站在新换的家门前。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. If you want, you can also convert the new front-end database to yet another version. 如果需要,您还可以将新的前端数据库转换为另一个版本。 office.microsoft.com 2. BankSimple is creating a new front-end experience for bank customers both online and through mobile apps. BankSimple在为网络客户或者移动应用客户创造一个从前至尾的服务。 www.36kr.com 3. The new front wing has notably different endplates. 新的前定风翼有一个显著不同的尾盘端板。 www.bing.com 4. IN THE war on savers a new front has been opened. 储蓄人保卫战开辟了又一新战线。 www.ecocn.org 5. With the development of information technology, cartoon websites and fora of various kinds have become the new front line for cartoon fans. 随着网络科技的发展,各种动漫门户网站和论坛成为动漫迷的新阵地。 www.fabiao.net 6. A new front bumper with redesigned wings is fitted. 一种新的前保险杠的重新设计机翼安装。 usa.315che.com 7. Inthe increasingly restive provinces of Kunduz and Baghlan, the 1-87 will beopening a new front and waging a different kind of war. 在愈加动荡不安的阿富汗昆都士省和吧哈兰省,87步兵团第一营将会打开一个新局面,并且展现战争的另外一面。 www.bing.com 8. Microlog will be new front of the On-line Marketing and Electronic Commerce. 微博客将成为企业开展网络营销和电子商务的新阵地。 www.qikan.com.cn 9. Each db2 invocation starts a new front-end process; the first db2 invocation starts the back-end process. 每次db2调用都启动新的前端进程;第一次db2调用要启动后端进程。 www.ibm.com 10. There is also a new front grille, as well as color-coded side vents. 还有一个新的前格栅,以及颜色编码的侧通风口。 usa.315che.com 1. A new front bumper also appears. 一种新的前保险杠也出现。 usa.315che.com 2. However, just three days later, a new front opened 2, 000 miles away in Uganda. 然而仅三天后,2,000英里之外的乌干达又出现了新的病例。 c.wsj.com 3. We have a new front wing here and more new parts coming for the next race in China. 在这我们有个全新的前翼,下站中国站还有更多新部件。 www.barrichello.com.cn 4. 21 years old, still grew a new front tooth, is that what call the tooth coming? Chairman a few? Must go unplugging tooth? 21岁了,还长了颗新的大牙,那是叫什么牙的来着?会长几颗?一定要去拔牙么? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. New Front in Industrial Design: Interactive Design 工业设计新前沿:互动设计 www.ilib.cn 6. Forests urged as new front in global warming fight 让森林成为抵御全球气候变暖的新屏障 diversity.blog.hexun.com 7. Gene genie: New front in search for cures 基因精灵:寻求治疗方法的新前沿 www.bing.com |
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