单词 | offer | ||||
释义 | offers是offer的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:offers 现在分词:offering 过去式:offered v. n. accept offer,make offer,offer service,offer help,offer advice adj. n. good offer,original offer,takeover offer,generous offer,offer kind adv. v. kindly offer
例句释义: 提供,报价,提议,出价,提出,出售,报盘,提供帮助,凸轮电影公司希望 1. One person close to the deal said the final deadline for offers had not passed, but no bid was expected from Walmart. 接近该交易的一名人士表示,虽然提交竞价的截止期限尚未过,但预计沃尔玛不会参与竞标。 www.ftchinese.com 2. And among healthy individuals, ginkgo offers no brain benefits beyond that of a placebo. 在健康的人群中,银杏对大脑不能提供比安慰剂有更多的好处。 www.bing.com 3. on you offers send me the link for the script and tell me how much per hour of work. 对你提供寄给我的脚本链接,多少钱一小时的工作时间告诉我。 www.bing.com 4. Thousands of new devices and products have been made possible by the existence of the microchip and by the embedded intelligence it offers. 由于有了微芯片提供的智能,我们又发明了成百上千的新设备和新产品。 rrting.com 5. And trying to buy Kosovo's support might be too expensive for China, since Taiwan will undoubtedly make generous aid offers. 而且收买科索沃的支持对北京而言代价过于昂贵,因为台北无疑会给出慷慨的援助建议。 www.stnn.cc 6. If someone you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out. The gift may be a method of getting something from you. 如果陌生人提供你免费的午餐或别的礼物,当心。这也许正是人家要从你这儿得到某种好处的手段。 lssydudu.blog.163.com 7. Series triggering offers high timing accuracy and is often used in combination with liquid cooled lamps in lasers. 串联触发能提供更高的时间准确性,因此常常与液冷灯一起用于激光发射器! www.seraphim.com.tw 8. Turning the yuan into a reserve currency offers China a way out of its mercantilist growth model, which has run its course. 将人民币变成储备货币给中国提供了一条道路使中国可以走出已经物尽其用的重商主义增长模式。 www.ecocn.org 9. The company offers the good work living environment and competitive welfare, a fine opportunity to be promoted. 公司为员工提供了良好的工作和生活环境,具有竞争力的薪酬福利﹐并有良好的晋升机会。 ac.51job.com 10. I get the idea that you do not like your star much, so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along. 你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The company also offers case sealers , pressure-sensitive tape dispensers, water-activated tape and a full line of dispenser accessories. 该公司还提供案件封口,压力敏感的磁带机,水活化带和全系列的机配件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The same goes for a country like the UK that offers its stock market as a platform for companies from all over the world. 将本国股市打造为全球企业上市平台的英国,证券化比率也会较高。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading. 经典是每次重读都会带来初读时满满的发现的快意的书。 www.bing.com 4. Japan offers a good example of how much debt a developed country can handle without succumbing to inflation. 日本为发达国家如何处理债务而又不造成通胀做出了榜样。 www.bing.com 5. On Saturday, North Korea said offers like Mr. Donilon's "may work for other nations, but to us, they are nothing but the barking of a dog. " 上周六,朝鲜说,多尼隆的建议“对其他国家也许有效,对我们来说则完全是一派胡言”。 cn.nytimes.com 6. But if it offers the kind of performance upgrade Crucial is boasting, it could be worth it for power users. 但是,如果它提供了一种性能提升的关键是吹嘘,它可能是值得它的电力用户。 mac.pcbeta.com 7. She always offers a willing ear to those who need a chance to vent, although it may be uncomfortable for her to hear. 她常常愿意倾听那些想要发泄怒气的人,即使她听得不舒服。 pandagon.blog.163.com 8. If the boss offers to help change the other things that are making you unhappy , that might be worth at least discussing. 如果你的上司表示可以改变其他那些让你不开心的因素,那么就至少还值得再商量一下。 www.qeto.com 9. The handsome robber, El Gallo, offers to take her with him to see the world. 帅哥强盗艾尔·葛鸥提出带她去看世界。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Grey offers you a dignified and conservative authority. If it's too light, you could end up looking a bit boring. 灰色让你显得威严,庄重和有权威。如果颜色过淡,则让你看起来有点无趣。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. So Dumbledore offers to put Draco and his mother into hiding during the confrontation on the tower. 所以邓不利多才会在塔楼对决时提议把马尔福和他母亲藏到绝对安全的地方。 dict.bioon.com 2. An easy to use online image editing site. It offers several tools allowing you to add shapes, fonts, and special effects to your photos. 简单易用的在线图片编辑网站,可以为图片添加裁剪、字体等特殊效果。 blog.163.com 3. Insteon offers a way for your home network to communicate over both electrical wires and radio waves, making it a dual mesh network. Insteon(注:双向混合通信技术)提供的一种方法可以使你数字家庭网络的通信可以涵盖电线和无线电波,使之成为一个双重网格网络。 www.bing.com 4. Scotland Yard has so far been unable to identify him. But Angolan currency found with his remains offers a clue as to his origins. 伦敦警察厅至今为止尚未能够验明其身份。但从他遗体上发现的安哥拉货币为他的来源提供了线索。 www.bing.com 5. This type of eating evaporates when the sun comes out; suddenly everyone offers salads and ice water and expects it to be satisfying. 等太阳出来了就不使用这种吃法了,猛然间每个人都吃沙拉以及冰水,认为这就能使人满意了。 putclub.com 6. This year she adds there has been a strong presence and offers from London and New York finance sectors. 她补充称,今年来自伦敦和纽约金融行业的工作机会非常多。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The Layout task pane offers a collection of predesigned layout tables that you can use in your form template to give it a visual structure. “版式”任务窗格提供一系列预设计的版式表格,可用来为表单模板提供可视结构。 office.microsoft.com 8. One-Minute Organizer offers a simple plan to help you unclutter and organize your life. . . one minute at a time. 本书提供了一个简明的方法帮助你去除杂乱,整洁生活——每次仅一分钟足矣。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. NASDAQ confirmed that it had found malware files on a web-based service it offers to companies to store and distribute financial data. 纳斯达克确认发现了一个基于网络服务的恶意文件,它向公司提出存储存储财务数据,然后进行散布。 www.ecocn.org 10. He could have tried to quell demonstrations early on with sincere offers of reform, but he did not want to be seen as weak. 他也许曾经尝试过用诚意平息这次示威游行,但因怕视为软弱,又转而选择采取温和的改革方案,却没有说服力。 www.ecocn.org 1. Zhang Boxi leans solicitously toward the old woman weeping softly as she speaks. From time to time, he offers her a few encouraging words. 张伯希(音)把身子侧向这位柔声哭泣的老年妇女,不时插上几句鼓励的话语。 www.bing.com 2. we shall be glad to make you special offers for orders of not less than a truck load at a time. 如果贵方一次订购不少于一卡车负载,我们将会很高兴地向您提供特殊优惠。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Shoppers who see special offers on their favourite products in the supermarket react as if they were watching pornography or erotic images. 最新研究表明,顾客在超市看见喜爱的商品大减价的反应就如同看到色情表演或性感图片一样。 www.bing.com 4. This website needs to be very secure and flexible for admin to be able to add, remove any offers for the users, add or remove any adverts. 本网站需要非常安全和管理的灵活性,可以添加,删除用户的任何建议,增加或删除任何广告。 www.bing.com 5. Orange offers a life to be lived to the full, too often not the safe and reliable pair of hands the hard pressed coach yearns for. 黄色给生命带来活力,但常常不是重压下教练们所希望得到的那双安全可靠的手。 0756.5d6d.com 6. It has an excellent reputation for the service it offers and i would like to be a part of an outstanding team. 它有极好的声誉,它提供的服务,我想成为其中的一部分优秀团队。 wenwen.soso.com 7. It also offers to edit the code for you at the cost of a click or two. 它还提供您编辑代码,单击一次或两个的代价。 msdn.microsoft.com 8. "We are seeing the beginning of realisations through strategic sales and public equity offers, " he said. 他称:“通过战略出售和公开股份上市变现的趋势即将开始。” www.ftchinese.com 9. More than any other underwater site so far, the find offers potential insights into the workings of Mycenaean society. 到目前为止与任何其他水下遗址相比,该发现能使人们对迈锡尼社会的运行方式有更多的理解。 www.bing.com 10. 'My phone number was on one of the boards and I've had a few funny texts about that but I think they're jokes, not proper offers. ' 我把电话号码写在了其中一个牌子上,然后收到了几条很滑稽的短信,但我觉得那是他们在开玩笑,不是正八景儿的招工。 dongxi.net 1. Although the bid has been accepted, at least one of the three wants to see if other offers materialise. 虽然报价已经被曼联接受,但至少1个球员还不太想去,打算看看还有没有其他邀请。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. His advisers, meanwhile, continue to turn down offers and proposed sponsorship deals worth several million pounds a year. 与此同时,他的广告代理人继续拒绝着每年价值数百万英镑的跳槽和赞助合同意向。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. But for analysts and policymakers trying to gauge the chance of a catastrophic war, game theory offers a crucial insight. 但对于那些想了解爆发灾难性战争的可能性究竟有几成的分析人士来说,博弈理论可能提供了最为重要的视角。 cn.reuters.com 4. I'm getting many offers from Asian countries to release an album. But now is not the time. I have to make a strong presence in Korea first. 我得到了许多来自亚洲国家的邀约去出专辑,但现在还不是时候,我必须先在韩国成为强大的存在(韩国巩固好自己的地位) tieba.baidu.com 5. My wife was still receiving credit card offers at her mom's house, so they took advantage of the offers and of my wife's excellent credit. 由于仍有邀请寄到我岳母家邀请妻子开信用卡,她们便利用这些邀请和妻子良好的资信开启了信用卡。 www.elanso.com 6. The chain's website offers an easy-to-use live chat online with a customer service representative, as well as help via phone and e-mail. 其连锁店网站提供了一个简单易用的与客户代表直接对话的程序,同时也通过电话和电子邮件提供服务。 www.bing.com 7. When we were waiting to transfer planes in Inchon, we found a little shop where offers free traditional Korean costumes to try on. 在韩国机场等待转机时,我们发现一个可以免费试穿韩国传统服饰的小店面。 www.italki.com 8. You need to know how much pure gold content you have to estimate its value or compare offers. 你要了解所卖首饰含多少纯金,这样才能预估该首饰价位或比较收购商给出的报价。 chinese.wsj.com 9. And lastly, public services have to be as easy to use as anything the private sector offers. 最终,公共服务必须像其他私人部门所能提供的那样易用。 www.ecocn.org 10. Ashley Judd offers a sad, sobering look into the home life of her famous family in her new memoir, "All That Is Bitter & Sweet. " 艾什莉·贾德在她的新书——自传《痛苦与甜蜜》中,讲述了她用悲伤却清醒的眼光审视她的明星家庭的家庭生活。 www.bing.com 1. Luisa also wants to visit different places. The handsome robber, El Gallo, offers to take her with him to see the world. 路易莎也想去不同的地方,英俊的强盗埃尔加尔同意带她一起去放眼世界。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. The boss knows how much he plans to use me, and if he is willing to listen to offers for me. 主教练在他的计划中对我有着清晰的定位,但是如果他愿意听取出价的话就更好了。 www.soccerbar.cn 3. There is much to do and much to see that your Earth Mother offers to you. 有你们的地球母亲提供给你们很多地方是值得多做多看看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "Part of what I had to grapple with as a child was the limitations of logic, " is all he offers as an explanation. 对此他唯一能说的是:‘我小的时候感到非常不解的问题之一,就是逻辑推理的局限性。’ www.bing.com 5. But such a severe drop in income, at a time of reduced job opportunities elsewhere, limited the appeal of such offers. 但当别处的工作机会减少时,如此大幅的收入缩减会限制这类建议的吸引力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Jones also offers a revelatory new account of the Sydney Opera house and the character of those involved in its complex construction. 约翰士同样也为人们理解悉尼歌剧院以及其复杂的建设工程中有关人士及其角色提供了一个启示性的视角。 www.smth.edu.cn 7. Although he publicly considered other alternatives, including offers from Inter and overseas, the Czech opted to call it a day. 尽管他公开表示自己会考虑其他球队的邀请,包括国米和海外淘金,但捷克火爆男最终决定挂靴。 www.juvechina.com 8. The website might ask you to shell out a bit of money but what the heck, it offers you a complete package for improving your brain fitness. 网站会让你支付一些钱,但是物超所值,它会提供你一整套完整的东西提高你大脑的适应。 www.elanso.com 9. Just as Tiny Core offers persistence options for downloaded application extensions, so does it for your home directory. 正如微内核提供的下载的应用程序扩展持久性选项,为您的家庭也是如此目录中。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Yet Mr Romney's plan at least offers specifics with which to argue, even if it is short on vision. 然而,罗姆尼的计划虽然缺乏远见,却至少提供了可供辩论的具体细节。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Harvard already offers a free education to students from families that earn up to sixty thousand dollars a year. 哈佛大学已经为那些来自于家庭收入低于60,000美元的学生提供免费教育。 online.cumt.edu.cn 2. Perl offers a rich set of modules and libraries for the XML developer, rivaling that of any other language. Perl为XML开发人员提供了一套非常丰富的模块和库,足以与其它语言相媲美。 www-128.ibm.com 3. But that image is always there, a reminder to me that the Beijing subway offers more than reliable and quick ride. 但那个画面我一直没有忘记,它让我记住北京地铁不仅有快捷可靠的服务。 dongxi.net 4. I feel that I am dying of solitude, of love, of despair, of hatred, of all that this world offers me. 我感到我会因为孤独、为爱情、为绝望、为憎恨,因这世界给我的一切而死去。 www.yhlbbs.com 5. The general revelation is in the common grace. Only the special revelation offers the saving grace who should be in. 只有特殊启示才把人带到救赎的恩惠里面。 godwithrita.yculblog.com 6. As the man did not wear his glasses, the nurse takes out of her bra her beautiful breast and offers it to the man. 由于那个男人没戴眼镜,护士就摘掉了胸罩,露出漂亮的乳房,送到男人跟前。 3478.x5dj.com 7. After treling, she finds a witch that offers her a deal. She accepts the offer to trade a pair of legs for her voice. 她后来找到一个巫婆,巫婆跟她进行了一笔交易,要她用嗓子交换一双脚,她接受了。 bbs.yahoo.cn 8. There is contact with several teams, but I cannot say how much or when until any formal offers have been made. 我已经接触了很多球队,但是我不会透露一些俱乐部的正式报价。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. It demonstrates how much information the site offers users about the products they're customizing. 它演示了站点能够向用户提供的与他们定制的产品有关的信息。 www.ibm.com 10. Rafael Benitez's agent claims the Liverpool boss has not received any offers from Juventus or any other club - and wants to stay at Anfield. 拉法。贝尼特斯的经纪人声称这位利物浦的主教练从未收到来自尤文图斯亦或是其他俱乐部的合约,并且他想留在安菲尔德。 www.lfc.org.cn 1. Now Hodge offers his own, quite different, account of the liberal disillusionment occasioned by the Obama administration. 现在霍奇提出了他自己的、完全不同的、对奥巴马政府造成的自由主义幻灭感的看法。 www.bing.com 2. The policeman releases Kimberly and offers to drive her to CTU to meet her mother. 逮捕金伯利的那名警官释放了金伯利,并提出亲自送她去反恐组去她母亲会面。 www.bing.com 3. For one need or many, local or around the globe - Oakwood offers flexible, easy-to-use, custom solutions to meet any temporary housing need. 无论是单独出游的度假或是商旅人士;来自当地还是世界各地,奥克伍德都能提供多种、便利的客户方案以满足任何临时居住的需求。 info.meadin.com 4. David McCracken of P&G's US business said the offers were the first of their type by the company. 宝洁美国业务部的戴维?麦克莱肯(DavidMcCracken)表示,这是公司首次推出这种优惠活动。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Unfortunately, he did not stop there: "It offers a necessity of life that must be rationed among those who have power over it. " 遗憾的是,他没有:“它提供了生活的必需品,因此,必须在那些对它拥有支配权力的人之间配给。” blog.sina.com.cn 6. In each case, the company is trying to convey the idea that it offers a creative, fun working environment. 在这两个例子之中,公司都在尝试传达提供一个具有创造性、趣味性工作环境的这样一个理念。 www.ecocn.org 7. That's the danger for a TV network that offers so much online content: that people will turn off the TV in favor of the computer. 对一家电视网来说,提供这么多在线内容是危险的:人们将会关上电视,打开电脑。 club.learning.sohu.com 8. The six-month internship presents one of the sector's better opportunities; the company offers summer internships, too. 六个月的实习期进入这个行业的较好机会之一;该公司还提供暑期实习。 www.bing.com 9. In New York, I dined with him, we did not gon into detail about the Real Madrid offers, but he told me that he will be loyal to Milan. 在纽约,我和他吃了顿饭,我们没有谈到关于皇马提供的合同的细节。 bbs.mcfc2006.com 10. The hotel offers peace and quiet and yet Vienna's largest shopping street, the Mariahilfer Strasse, is only about 350 metres away. 酒店距离维也纳最大的购物街-玛丽亚希法大街(MariahilferStrasse)仅350米,却能享有宁静与舒适的环境。 www.orangeway.cn 1. No hands So I what I am working on is trying to show how can one discover all that life offers? 没人举手,所以我正在努力展示,一个人怎样能发现生活给予他的全部? open.163.com 2. Im not sure how much these things normally cost but I AM SHOPPING ROUND. I am looking around the net for good offers on getting this done. 林不知道这些东西通常多少成本,但我是购物回合。我环顾就得到这个做得不好,提供网。 www.bing.com 3. In the Mount Hill area, the administrator of a special offers aunt, visitors take a free ride him all that he moved. 在芒山景区,管理员大妈的一个特殊优惠,游客免费让他搭乘的一次顺风车都使他感动不已。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The nanny test offers conclusive proof that I am not a manager, and should be turned away if I applied to be one. 这个保姆测试确切地证明,我并非一位管理者,如果申请此类工作,应该立刻被拒绝。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I knew I had a few offers and when Arsenal came it was an easy choice. 我知道我有几个选择,而当阿森纳提出邀请时,这就很容易做决定了。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. He said the research offers the first direct proof that the virus causes persistent infection in blood vessels. Crumpacker医生说这项研究证实了病毒对血管引起了持续的影响。 www.bing.com 7. Yet this God is not accepted by men, so they have to be shocked into a recognition of their need for Him and the salvation He offers. 但人类并没有接纳这个神,因此,他们必须经历精神上的打击来认识到他们需要他,重视他所给予的灵魂拯救。 dongxi.net 8. Smith said he is continually receiving unsolicited investment offers from around the globe. 史密斯说,他不停地接到全球各地不请自来的投资要求。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The company offers the good work environment and welfare, a fine opportunity to be promoted. . . 为员工提供了良好的工作环境和良好的福利,并有良好的晋升机会。 www.xyzp.net 10. It included special offers of $1. 99-a-gallon gasoline for a year to any customer who purchased a gas guzzler. 这样的猫腻就包括提供给这些大型车为期一年1.99美元的特价油供应。 www.bing.com 1. The company offers the good work environment and welfare, a fine opportunity to be promoted. . . 为员工提供了良好的工作环境和良好的福利,并有良好的晋升机会。 www.xyzp.net 2. It included special offers of $1. 99-a-gallon gasoline for a year to any customer who purchased a gas guzzler. 这样的猫腻就包括提供给这些大型车为期一年1.99美元的特价油供应。 www.bing.com 3. To the best of my knowledge, every XSLT processor offers at least one extension to support multiple output documents. 就我所知,每一个XSLT处理器至少提供一个扩展来支持多个输出文档。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Still, depending on how the offers were pitched, it is possible that there were technical breaches of the law. 尽管如此,白宫仍有可能在技术层面上存在违法行为,而这要取决于它开出的条件。 www.ftchinese.com 5. China's Foreign Ministry thanked foreign governments for offers of help, but said the country was able to cope. 一些国家政府提出愿意提供援助,中国外交部对此表示感谢,但说中国能够应付。 www.putclub.com 6. The tentative and modest offers it has made so far look like an effort to find that middle ground. 到目前为止,中国所做援助承诺金额不大,且带有试探性,这似乎是在努力寻找一种平衡。 www.ftchinese.com 7. In a sense, it is possible to say that a clean and attractive room is the product that the accommodations industry offers. 在某种意义上,整洁、招人喜欢的客房可以说就是膳宿供应业所提供的产品。 8. And when the children behave in their averagely foul, unruly ways, the peace and civilisation of the office offers the most blissful refuge. 当孩子举止讨厌,不受管束(他们常常如此)时,安宁、文明的办公室就是安乐窝。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It also presents the effects, advantages and disadvantages of every method, and offers a prospect for the technique application. 并指出了每种方法的优点与不足,最后展望了该技术的应用前景。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. It offers a predictaive text box that invites options as you type your inquiry and throws maps and pictures at you to inspire along the way. 其推出了一个预测文本框,只要输入搜索词,就会显示地图和图片,为用户激发灵感。 www.bing.com 1. Although competing on price is as old as mankind, the consumer is often still sensitive for price discounts and special offers. 尽管价格竞争的历史几乎与人类的历史同样久远,但是,消费者至今仍然对价格折扣、特价优惠非常敏感。 hi.baidu.com 2. And that system always offers at least a theoretical path for a candidate with Huntsman's background and qualifications. 而这样一种提名系统也对具洪培博类似背景和资历的候选人来说至少提供一条理论上的出路。 dongxi.net 3. As in most cases, the ease of use that TrAX offers for common tasks is paired with less flexibility, at least right out of the box. 在大多数情况下,TrAX为普通任务所提供的易用性常常伴随着较低的灵活性,至少不能开箱即用。 www.ibm.com 4. And the project's appeal is clear: Nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration. 那烂陀项目诱人前景也十分明晰:能让人看到过去的辉煌,同时为邻近国家间的区域合作提供了机会。 www.ecocn.org 5. "We have been through the summer doldrums, and sentiment is such that producers will raise their offers, " he said. “我们已经渡过夏天的不景气,感情是这样养殖者饲养了他们的报价,”他说。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Wary of widespread fraud, Mr. Kwong said he had turned down numerous offers from immigration lawyers to be a witness in asylum cases. 邝治中对猖獗的欺诈行为感到担忧,他称自己拒绝了移民律师让他为避难案件作证的大量请求。 cn.nytimes.com 7. He offers this as a special case of the idea that geeks seem to be able to find each other across national, language and cultural barriers. 他提出了这个特例是想说黑客似乎能够彼此跨越国家、语言和文化障碍。 www.bing.com 8. He always claims himself to be the salt of the earth, but he never offers his hand when his neighbors are in trouble. 他总标榜自己心肠好,但当他的邻居有难时,他从没有伸出援助之手。 wenku.baidu.com 9. PC Tools Performance Toolkit offers easy-to-use tools for speeding up your PC, optimizing performance, and protecting your privacy. 电脑工具的性能工具包提供了易于使用的加快你的电脑,优化性能,并保护您的隐私保护工具。 www.jisuxz.com 10. The hotel offers a number of special services, including a choice of pillows and a late breakfast and late check-out on Sundays. 酒店提供许多特别服务,包括多个枕头供您选择,较晚的早餐和周日延迟退房服务。 www.orangeway.cn 1. Now is the time that such a healing can come forth , and for many it offers a turning point of direction within the current life dance. 现在是时候让这样一种疗愈继续向前了,对很多人而言,它在当前生命舞蹈里提供了方向的转折; dictsearch.appspot.com 2. And it's one that offers really interesting possibilities for organizing a whole host of activities sort of down the road. 并且它是一个能够创造很多有趣的可能性的方法在未来来组织很多活动。 www.ted.com 3. Luckily, the open source community offers some commands that make it easy to identify and terminate such processes. 幸运的是,开放源码社区提供了一些命令,可以轻松地识别并终止这些进程。 www.ibm.com 4. However, people close to the situation said that the indicative offers tabled by potential bidders had not matched BofA's expectations. 但知情人士表示,潜在竞购方提出的指示性报价与美国银行的期望不符。 www.ftchinese.com 5. He then offers his theory about why they may have been used in the most famous crucifixion in history. 他也阐明了这两颗铁钉可能用于历史上最著名耶稣受刑的原因。 www.bing.com 6. Its uniqueness in the abundance of wildlife and the true African nature of the region, offers a safari experience of a lifetime. 它的独特之处就在于种类繁多的野生动物和真实自然的非洲自然风光,更为游客提供了探险远征的机会。 www.bing.com 7. Fortunately she's helped by a little gnome who shows up and offers to help in exchange for a small trinket. 幸运的是,一个小侏儒出现并提供了帮助,不过要答应他一件小事。 www.bing.com 8. In his final work Norman Mailer offers his concept of the nature of God, showing that even at 84, the author's blade had not been dulled. 在他最后的工作中,诺曼.梅勒提出了他对上帝本性的观点,显示了他即使84岁,仍然宝刀未老。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. You know, I was on the verge of quitting my job when my boss comes in and offers me a raise. 你知道,老板今天给我加薪时我正打算要辞职呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In fact, there has not been a nominee in several generations who has brought the depth of judicial experience to this job that she offers. 事实上,几代人以来没有哪个被提名的人能够象她这样给这个工作带来具有如此深度的司法经验。 bulo.hjenglish.com 1. She offers hugs willingly to those who want to receive them and remains positive and cheerful, always trying to see the good in people. 她愿意拥抱那些希望她给予拥抱的人,并且依然保持积极和乐观的态度,总想看到人性善的一面。 www.who.int 2. Four centuries, two centuries, and one-and-a-half centuries: 2009 offers a fine excuse to celebrate two of the great iconoclasts of history. 四百年,二百年,一百五十年:2009年,我们有足够的理由去纪念历史上这两座伟大的里程碑。 www.ecocn.org 3. "The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me, " he said. 他说:“科大的计算机工程学课程灵活,而且前景很好。我相信这是最好的选择。” publish.ust.hk 4. The Google Web API offers an easy-to-use interface to a very powerful Web service. GoogleWebAPI为强大的Web服务提供了易于使用的接口。 www.ibm.com 5. Sign Up for Prescription Savings Programs: Just about every store out there right now offers some sort of prescription program. 注册处方储蓄计划:几乎所有的商店那里现在提供了一些处方程序排序。 www.jin14.com 6. The company offers tailored high barrier solutions for a wide range of technically demanding food packaging applications. 该公司提供量身订制的要求的食品包装技术广泛应用的高壁垒的解决方案。 zxdj.a1pak.com 7. The finding offers a clue about just how much language affects our understanding of numbers, researchers say. 研究者称,这个发现只能说明语言对理解数字到底有多大影响。 www.bing.com 8. Yet, the news offers a big reminder of how much Beijing depends on the confidence of foreign investors to drive its economy. 但新增投资的消息提醒人们,北京为推动经济增长,对外商投资者的信心存在着多么大的依赖。 c.wsj.com 9. She offers Briggs homemade rum balls and confides that they're made with an old family recipe and were favorites of her late husband. 利昂娜送给布里格斯一些自制的小点心,说这是她照着家里一个古老的食谱做的,是她已故丈夫的最爱。 www.24en.com 10. When it comes to commodities, Beijing has discovered that Brazil offers something of a one-stop shop. 谈到大宗商品,中国政府发现巴西就像一家一站式商店。 www.ftchinese.com 1. NASB: "He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God. " 和合本:凡以感谢献上为祭的、便是荣耀我.那按正路而行的、我必使他得着我的救恩。 bible.holybook.cn 2. non-hotel complex area, In particular the low-star hotel is to carry out a number of price promotions, and offers to attract customers. 非场馆地区的酒店,尤其是中低星级酒店则开展了一些价格促销、优惠活动来招揽顾客。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. In a January 2 statement, Leahy said the law offers a "ray of sunshine and a turning point toward greater accountability" in government. 莱希在1月2日的声明中指出,这一法律为加强向政府问责增添了“一束光芒和一个转折点”。 www.america.gov 4. With a fine image, outstanding staffs and top-notch quality, BOCP offers wholehearted service to clients at home and abroad. 北京有机化工厂以良好的企业形象、秀的职工队伍、流的产品质量,竭诚为国内外用户服务。 www.jukuu.com 5. New York offers some prizes I shall miss , and I can only hope to find them elsewhere . 当然,纽约也有一些值得我怀念的东西,我只能期望在别处也能找到同样的安慰。 www.bing.com 6. It offers no evidence of the alleged wrongdoing for which many people want to see him in court. 但结果并不是许多人想看到的,法庭上没有提供任何证据来证明对他的指控。 www.bing.com 7. The Russian has scored 15 league goals in 36 starts for Redknapp's men and he has turned down offers back in his homeland to stay in London. 俄罗斯人在36次为哈里的球队首发中有15个联赛进球,并且他拒绝了家乡球队的邀请决定留在伦敦。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He could not make any offers, for that might be pleaded in abatement of what damages a jury might be inclined to give. 他不能出什么主意,因为他们也许会利用他所出的主意来减轻陪审官所定的罚金。 www.jukuu.com 9. When things quieted down in training camp, Buss stirred them up again by saying he would listen to trade offers for Bryant. 事情在训练营中平息下来了。当巴斯说他要交易科比这话时,再一次地激怒了他们。 www.bing.com 10. An examination of the collapse of Xinjian Primary School offers a disturbing picture of a calamity that might have been avoided. 对新建小学倒塌事件的调查显示,这场灾难本是可以避免的。这个结论可能会让部分人感到头疼不已。 www.ecocn.org 1. It is possible that such offers were made by confidence tricksters who had no means of rigging the counting. 可能一些无法操纵计票的大胆票贩子曾经提出过可以出售假选票, www.ecocn.org 2. A degree in one of these specialties will give you attractive qualifications for a school system that offers such niche programs. 在这些领域获得的证书将会为你进入那些提供这些稀有课程的学校铺平道路。 college.strong-study.com 3. The Dutch plastics manufacturer claims the container's closure system offers complete protection while remaining easy to use. 荷兰的塑料容器制造商索赔的封闭系统提供完整的保护,而其余的易于使用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 4. If China and the United States produced the sort of new offers described below, the momentum for a speedy agreement would be unstoppable. 如果中国和美国主动提出如下条件,那么协议很快就能达成。 www.bing.com 5. She offers a cold coke for the ride and she would like to tell you what your kids did the last weekend when you were not at home. 她为你提供一个冰点作为回报,并将告诉你一些关于上周你不在家时你的孩子的所作所为。 wiki.redsaga.com 6. To help make up for this, there is a band of smaller icons along the bottom of the screen, which offers limited customization. 为了弥补这一不足,HD2的屏幕底部有一行小图标,这提供了有限的定制选择。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Yet for a wheel to turn, there needs to be a surface like the ground which resists, which offers friction. 而车轮若要滚动,则必须要有一个平面,像土地一样提供支撑和摩擦。 www.douban.com 8. Please do not bother me with teaching offers. Agency contracts also welcome. 英文教学免谈。也欢迎翻译公司来电。 www.thebeijinger.com 9. inherited from Canon's professional models, the EOS 1000D offers EOS imaging power in an affordable, easy-to-use package. 机型继承了佳能的专业,在EOS1000D提供了状态方程中的成像能力,价格适中,易于使用的软件包。 item.eachnet.com 10. Few organisations could afford to put all of their veteran managers through the sort of prestigious programmes that IMD offers. 然而,只有很少一部分的组织和机构能够负担得起其所有高龄管理人员参加IMD的高级课程的费用。 www.bing.com 1. And a Chinese buyer might see the value of such a deal if it offers access to the know-how of a first-rate multinational insurance company. 而如果能通过这样一桩交易获得一家一流的跨国保险公司的运营诀窍,中国买家也会看到其中的价值所在。 www.voa365.com 2. At Starbucks, Schultz offers full health benefits to all employees who work at least 20 hours a week. 在星巴克,舒尔兹为所有每周工作至少20小时的员工提供完整的保障福利。 www.bing.com 3. It was the last of 11 bidders to drop out and its withdrawal followed two extensions of a deadline of submissions for binding offers. 在11家竞标者中,该财团是最后一家放弃竞购计划的,而在它决定撤出之前,有关方面曾两度延长提交有约束力报价的最后期限。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Meanwhile, the policeman at the jail offers Mahone a deal if he trades the name of his accomplice at the racetrack. 与此同时,拘留所的警察想与马宏做个交易,要他交待出在马场的其它同伙。 www.bing.com 5. She said the show seems customized for her and offers her opportunities to meet some interesting people in the movie and art circles. 她说,这个节目好像专为她量身定作,并让她有机会接触到影艺界一些有趣的人。 www.jukuu.com 6. If a customer loses more than five percent of their weight within a year, or holds a gym membership, the bank offers special rates. 如果客户在一年内减轻体重的百分之五,或持有健身房会员资格,该行提供特惠利率。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Weekes hopes to make "a few hundred pounds" from his initiative, and says it offers visitors a true local perspective on London. Weekes希望能够从他的这个计划中赚个“几百英镑”,还说它能够给游客们提供一个真实的当地视角来看伦敦。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. Last, talk to someone in your personnel department to see if your employer offers any onsite meetings to help employees stop smoking. 最后还可与公司人事部门谈谈,能否让老板召开内部会议帮助员工集体戒烟。 www.bing.com 9. A bit older, and much wiser, he offers an intriguing account of what managing in the future is going to look like. 现在他年龄比那时大了一些,人也聪明多了。他向人们阐述了未来的管理会是什么样子。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Thirds, if anyone offers to shake hands with you, you should of course shake hands it would be very bad manners to refuse. 第三,如果有人主动和你握手,你当然要握手,拒绝是很不礼貌的; www.englishtang.com 1. "Real estate in London is providing investors with an asset class that offers long-term stability, " Teoh says. 长远而言,伦敦的房地产为投资者提供一项稳定而可靠的资产类别。 luxehomes.scmp.com 2. GOP lawmakers met at the Capitol over the weekend to work on offers that Mr. Dayton might accept, he said. 他说,共和党议员上周末在议会大厦召开会议,准备拟定戴顿可能接受的提议。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Strong economic growth, for a decade or so, offers the only comfortable way out of the hole. 十年左右的强势经济增长,是走出深坑的唯一坦途。 www.bing.com 4. As recently as late winter, he was asked by a reporter why he had not taken Democrats up on past offers to switch parties. 去年冬天,就有记者问及他为何没有接受民主党更换党派的提议。 www.bing.com 5. If your e-news provider offers it, use the social media sharing links at the bottom of your e-newsletters (otherwise add your own). 如果你的电子新闻供应商提供了,就将其链接在你的电子订阅的底部,否则,使用你自己的媒体信息图片。 www.bing.com 6. Merge replication offers a large number of features that allow you to tailor replication behavior to the needs of your application . 有大量合并表项目的选项允许您根据应用需要定制复制行为。 www.bing.com 7. RARE is the governor so passionate about a piece of legislation that she offers to turn chauffeur. 很少有州长对一条法律热心到主动提出去当司机的地步。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. It grew out of The Point, a Chicago-based website that offers tools to organise collective action. 它发展于总部设在芝加哥的网站ThePoint,该网站提供组织集体活动的工具。 www.ecocn.org 9. While it is easy to get caught up in the fascinating history of Egypt, modern Egypt offers just as many interesting tidbits of information. 尽管现代化的埃及只是为您提供各种各样的趣闻,但是,您却很容易被埃及那不可思议的历史所吸引住。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Experimental results show that this method offers more effective retrieval performances, compared with LCA based expansion method. 实验结果表明,与单纯采用局部上下文分析方法(LCA)相比,该方法有更优的检索性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Migrating without failover offers a simpler procedure that does not require you to fail over to your secondary server . 执行不带故障转移的迁移是一个比较简单的过程,在此过程中无需故障转移到辅助服务器。 www.bing.com 2. Though the financial crisis offers opportunities for snapping up companies cheaply, "price is not the only consideration" . 尽管金融危机为海尔廉价收购企业提供了机遇,但“价格不是唯一的考虑因素”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The site offers an encyclopedic index of diseases and a symptom checker to see what that forehead pain could mean. 网站提供了像百科全书一样丰富的疾病目录和症状指标,可以让你了解造成额头疼痛可能的原因。 www.bing.com 4. He said that during a recent on-campus job fair he talked with a company in Handan, Hebei, which offers employees free housing. 校园招聘会他说,在最近的一次校园招聘会上,他和河北邯郸一家进行了接洽,这家公司为员工提供免费住房。 wenku.baidu.com 5. By now, the little girl worry had not stood, offers one's seat to somebody for the father's mother. 这时,小女孩没有顾虑的站了起来,为老奶奶让座。啊,这真是一个小活雷锋呀! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Newspaper headlines did not affect him as offers of fame and large sums of money came. 当声誉和金钱向他袭来,报纸的标题并没有对他产生影响。 www.xxxlcz.com 7. But it is harsh, to put it mildly, for Prof Easterly to condemn the report when he offers what appears to be even emptier advice. 他在对这份报告横加指责的同时,提供的却是似乎更加空泛的建议。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The design of offshore structure used for oil and gas productions offers some indication of these problems. 生产油气的离岸结构的设计说明了这些问题的一些特征。 bbs1.81tech.com 9. The present paralysis in Washington offers little hope that the United States will deal with its budgetary problems swiftly or efficiently. 目前,寄希望于美国快速有效处理预算问题,非常渺茫。 www.bing.com 10. Or you could simply park some of your money in a U. S. bank account that offers foreign currency investments. 或者,干脆就把一部分钱存入提供外汇投资的一家美国银行账户。 www.fortunechina.com 1. But when it comes to those at the bottom of the system who enrage the middle classes, he offers coy platitudes or ideas that cost money. 但当谈到那些让中级阶级愤怒的社会边缘群体时,他的陈词滥调与花钱理论令人脸红。 www.ecocn.org 2. North Korea and Russia are said to be among the countries that have taken advantage of such offers. 据称朝鲜和俄罗斯都是利用这些网站的国家之一。 www.ecocn.org 3. The German star is in the final weeks of his contract at Bayern Munich and has snubbed numerous new offers from the German champions. 这是德国球星在拜仁的最后几周了,德国冠军球队的新合同被他数次冷落。 bbs.qieerxi.com 4. The company offers X-ray analytical equipment for industrial and scientific applications as well as the semiconductor market. 分析仪器主要应用于科学的研究和发展、工业过程控制以及半导体材料的物性测量领域。 www.yingjiesheng.com 5. "Wal-Mart is very excited as it offers them the opportunity to go back to their suppliers and ask them to tag shipments, " he said. “沃尔玛非常兴奋,因为它为他们提供机会回到自己的供应商,请他们来标记出货量,”他说。 shjyzys.512121.com 6. But up to now none of the available devices offers enough precision to clinical application. 但到目前为止还没有一种无创检测仪器有足够的精度能够应用于临床。 www.caesv.cn 7. Generic class is a pure dictionary that offers different performance characteristics , and which has no non generic counterpart . 泛型类是提供不同性能特点的纯字典,它没有对应的非泛型类。 www.bing.com 8. The book is clear, concise, and offers information in such a way that readers can easily takesolutions to the next level. 它分析透彻、简明扼要,提供的知识轻而易举的将读者解决问题能力引领到一个新的高度。 www.bing.com 9. The hotel offers a convenient situation close to the many attractions of Nice and is only 7 kilometres from the airport. 酒店为您提供优越的位置,邻近众多尼斯的景点,并且距离机场只有7公里。 www.orangeway.cn 10. Planning: In the heart of downtown Vancouver, the hotel offers two chocolate-buffet seatings every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening. 计划:在渥太华的市中心,该酒店每周四、周五、周六的晚上提供二位巧克力自助餐席位。 www.bing.com 1. In a very real sense, the manager is the host who offers the hospitality of his establishment to his guests. 在真正意义上,经理是饭店向客人提供热情服务的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He offers many good analogies like this, which can be used to better explain our test plans and coverage to other project members. 书中给出了许多类似这样的类比,它们很好的向其他项目成员解释和说明了我们的测试方案和测试范围。 www.ibm.com 3. Consider visiting or revisiting price-point- and shipping-cost-related offers. They are at least worth a test or two. 考虑一下多次购买折扣或者运费相关定价,二者中至少有一个值得尝试。 www.bing.com 4. Iran says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful and yet will not accept offers of low-enriched uranium processed by Russia and France. 伊朗称其核计划是和平的,而且不会接受由俄罗斯和法国提供的加工的低浓缩铀。 forum.globaltimes.cn 5. The quality of your communication is always important, and increased skillfulness offers many benefits. 谈话的质量是很重要的,增强沟通的技巧将会使你受益匪浅。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. Sara offers him a grim warning. "Michael, this charm act could be exactly what's getting you into trouble out in the yard. " Sara严厉地提醒他,“Michael,这种魅力施展可能就是你在这里陷入麻烦的原因。” www.bing.com 7. After being rejected by one co-op board and having two other offers on co-ops fall through, they decided to look for a condo. 在被一家合作公寓拒绝后有因为其他两家合作公寓合同的落空,他们决定去寻找一下分户销售的公寓。 www.bing.com 8. She is clearly uncomfortable. She turns , about to leave, when Robert clear his camera off of a stool next to him and offers . 露西面露难过神情,转身欲走;罗伯特忙把身旁边凳子上的照相机拿起来,腾出一个地方让她坐。 www.bing.com 9. For your comfort, the hotel offers a bar and a lounge, to rest after an exciting day spent exploring Nice or visiting partners. 您在游览尼斯或洽商,渡过了精彩的一天之后,酒店还设有酒吧和酒廊让您享受。 www.orangeway.cn 10. Nowadays, the company offers one of the largest ranges of rotary and oscillating instruments on the market. 如今,公司针对市场提供最大范围的高速旋转及动力设备辅助器械。 www.haoqiantu.cn 1. Removable, full length anti-microbial footbed offers all day, under foot comfort and fights odor as well. 可拆卸,全长抗微生物鞋垫提供了一整天,脚下的舒适度和战斗的气味以及。 www.freemerce.com 2. Your individual pay rate depends on the number of Special Offers you sign up for in a given month and the payment method you choose. 您的特定付费标准由您在当月注册的特殊需求量和您所选择的付费方式决定。 www.chinavalue.net 3. Is a very amazing and I still don't know its name sugar, like the mouth offers offers sound put firecracker. 是一种很神奇且我至今还不知其名的糖,很喜欢当时嘴里卟卟声放炮仗的感觉。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The company today offers investment banking, commercial and asset management to its customers. 这家公司现在为客户提供的服务有:投资银行业务,商业和管理辅助业务。 www.bing.com 5. Offers fruit-forward apple and pear aromas with a hint of lemon citrus leading into a balanced crispness and creaminess on the palate. 此酒果香丰饶,散发苹果和梨子的芳香,伴有隐隐的柠檬柑橘味道,使得口感均衡爽利,乳脂般柔滑。 busi.tjkx.com 6. For a start, the movement of the share price offers a minute-by-minute critical commentary on corporate performance and prospects. 首先,股价的变动每分钟都在对企业业绩和前景做出挑剔的评论; www.ftchinese.com 7. A few months later, they founded the Phoenix Dance Company, which now offers six classes a week. 几个月后,他们成立了凤凰舞蹈团,现在他们的舞蹈班开设一个星期6节课的课程。 www.bing.com 8. Devon Menendez, the film's director, said his film career is over. "I'm not accepting any more offers to direct a movie, " he said. 而身为该片导演的德文·梅南德斯则认为自己的电影生涯已经告一段落,“我再也不会接受邀请去执导其它影片了”。 ens.alai.net 9. People familiar with the matter said Vodafone's bid, which gave Hutchison Essar an enterprise value of $18. 8bn, topped rival offers. 知情人士称,沃达丰的出价超过了竞争对手,对HutchisonEssar企业价值的估价高达188亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In the Apology, Socrates offers in evidence of his bravery two instances in which he defied unjust decisions by those in authority. 在《苏格拉底之死》中,苏格拉底提供了他在两个事件中表现勇敢的证据,其中他反抗当权者不公正的决定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I had planned to spend the rest of my life in New York City working at different jobs, but to my surprise these offers kept coming. 我原打算靠打几份工在纽约城度过余生,但这些邀请信却源源不断。 www.america.gov 2. With a bit of luck, we might get some offers. 再有点运气,我们就能收到订单了。 wenku.baidu.com 3. On Wednesday Nights And Sundays The Hotel Offers Its Guests A Free Guided Walk Around The Sights Of This Historic Area Of Central Barcelona. 酒店在星期三晚上和星期天为客人提供免费的步行导游服务,让客人尽情欣赏位于巴塞罗纳市中心的这块历史城区的景色。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 4. This reduces the cost of remote access and offers greater security than is possible over dial-up lines. 这就降低了远地访问的成本,提供了比在拨号线上更大的安全性。 www.bing.com 5. The Burmese military rulers, which had rejected most offers of foreign aid, finally relented under intense international pressure. 缅甸军政府起初拒绝大部分的外国援助,但在国际上巨大压力下,最终态度软化。 www.ebigear.com 6. This enables any user on the system to exchange files in a secure manner, as long as their counterpart offers this extension as well. 这使系统上的任何用户都可以安全地交换文件,只要通信的对方也提供这个扩展即可。 www.ibm.com 7. PP or synthetic paper on the surface, the offers topped with special hot melts special adhesive processing as a label. 用pp或合成纸在表面进行处理,背面涂有特别的热熔胶黏剂加工成为的特殊标签纸。 www.bing.com 8. In the face of the absurd and of death only the connection with the Divine offers the perspective of eternity through love and bright. 在荒谬与死亡面前,只有与神圣的联系,才能在与上帝的交流中,通过爱与光明来抵达永恒。 www.bjbiennale.com.cn 9. Outside Japan, where it offers a broad cosmetics line-up, the company has focused on burnishing its reputation for luxury products. 在资生堂提供广泛化妆品系列的日本以外地区,该公司一直注重于塑造自身作为奢侈品品牌的声誉。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Existing online offers were working well, he said, although it was "premature" to strip out exact sales figures. 他表示,已开设的网上商店销售状况良好,不过要单独公布确切的销售额“还不到时候”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The personal challenge bicycle touring puts to us, and that little bit of misery it offers, it makes us stronger and more confident. 单车旅行带来的个人挑战,以及它所造成的那点痛苦,反而使我们变得更加坚强和自信。 www.joyen.net 2. Mr McLeod said the Auction Spectacular offers many advantages over a private treaty sale. 他说,拍卖麦克里奥德壮观提供了许多优势私人协约出售。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Known as integral Yoga, Purna Yoga offers wisdom and techniques for the unison of the body, mind and soul. 整体瑜伽提供智慧和技巧使身体、心理和灵魂达到协调的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The company wants to add to most of its pages a HotDeals portlet, which lists current special offers by the company and its partners. 公司想要把它大部分页面加入到一个HotDealsportlet中,上面列出了这个公司和其合作伙伴当前的特殊报价。 www.ibm.com 5. Without such appendages, no brand will ever be able to break through the online clutter such unlimited choice offers. 如果没有网络服务做附带品,没有品牌能够穿越这片无边无际错综复杂的网络信息丛。 www.elanso.com 6. Each moment offers the same divine opportunity to be present. Dividing attention is objectively the only satisfaction possible for man. 每一刻都提供了处在当下的同样神圣机会,分开注意力是客观上人唯一有可能的满足。 1234567890-007.spaces.live.com 7. If anyone offers a peace sacrifice, offering from his cattle, male or female, whatever he offers before Yahweh must be without any defect. 若有人奉献和平祭,如所献的是牛,应在上主面前献一头无瑕的公牛或母牛。 www.ccreadbible.org 8. The Jesuits have received a number of private offers for it, and fears had been growing that it might be sold abroad. 天主耶稣会信徒们已经收到了许多对它的私人开价,他们越来越怕这本书可能会被卖出国门。 www.ecocn.org 9. Jacques Lemans offers an outstanding design collection and one of the most extensive technical solutions among the industry. 雅克。利曼优秀的设计收集和在业界最广泛的技术解决方案之一。 baike.baidu.com 10. The Lisbon treaty offers a few other sanctions, notably the suspension of a country's membership rights by a majority vote of other members. 里斯本条约还有其他一些附加条款,其中引人注目的一条就是其他成员国可以采用简单多数的表决方式中止某一成员国所享有的权利。 www.ecocn.org 1. Many people turn to tofu as it's such a healthy meat substitute that offers high levels of protein with a lower fat and cholesterol content. 很多人开始吃豆腐,因为它是低脂、低胆固醇并且含有丰富的蛋白的健康代肉品。 www.01ielts.com 2. Tracking hedge fund managers and shifting funds between them offers an alternative to tracking the markets for wealthy investors. 跟踪对冲基金经理和基金的变化是另外一种跟踪市场里面有钱投资者的方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Yahoo added that it had also offered to negotiate an improved search-only sale but Microsoft had rejected both offers. 雅虎表示,它还提议就单独出售搜索业务进行谈判,但两项提案都遭到了微软的拒绝。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But environmentalism offers no economic theory, only a visceral dislike of any economic calculus. 但环保论没有提供经济理论,只有对所有经济理论的本能厌恶。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Advertisers should be taking advantage of a medium that offers proven effectiveness, increasing value, and is growing. 电视广告可提供得到验证的有效性、增长的价值,而且在不断成长,广告商们应该是正在利用这一传播媒介。 www.ftchinese.com 6. With three job offers from three of the most prestigious firms in the country , he did not need the interview , this firm . 已经有全国最有声望的三家公司提供的三份工作,他不需要这次面试,不需要这家公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. However after years of being "undervalued" in the job market, some students get a bit confused when they receive offers early in December. 尽管多年以来,毕业生在就业市场上遭遇“被贬值”的局面,然而,一些学生在十仲春初收到用人单位的录取通知时还是感到了些许困惑。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Russia's own history offers powerful testimony of the harmful effects that state intervention tends to wreak. 俄罗斯自身的历史强有力的表明,国家干预造成的破坏会带来有害的影响。 www.ecocn.org 9. Consumers also hit the virtual stores earlier than ever, lured by an increase in free-shipping offers and a plethora of online deals. 消费者光顾虚拟商店的时间也比以往要早,因为受到免运费优惠的增加和众多在线优惠的吸引。 chinese.wsj.com 10. But, perhaps recognizing China's impact, a market price offers a way of at least monetizing the extra value in alumina. 不过,或许是意识到了中国对世界铝业的冲击,市场价格提供了一种至少可使氧化铝剩余价值货币化的方法。 c.wsj.com 1. But since, the company has shifted gears and now offers Blastfeed as an enterprise filtering solution. 但如今公司已改变市场把Blastfeed定位在企业过滤解决方案里。 www.bing.com 2. The fascinating physics of foams offers much to contemplate as you shower before heading off to the bar. 在你去就酒吧前冲凉时,泡沫的美妙物理足够你好好冥思苦想一阵了。 www.bing.com 3. This environment is a good starting point to get a feel for what version 1 . 1 Offers. The installation can be used for a proof of concept . 该环境是感受1。1版本所带来的新特性的良好起点;本安装可用于基本概念的验证。 www.bing.com 4. An easy-to-use program offers a compelling, intuitive experience for the user. 任何易用的系统都会给用户提供非常明确、直观的体验。 www.findesign.cn 5. EXAMPLE: My nervous brother is always afraid of contracting germs from other people so he offers friends a fist bump when he meets them. 我紧张的兄弟总是担心从别人那里感染细菌,所以在见到朋友的时候,只是和他们碰了一下拳。 news.cb.com.cn 6. If the location at a B&B is suitable , and it offers a great breakfast and all the business amenities of a hotel , heck yes, count me in . 如果定位在二&二是合适的,它提供了一个伟大的早餐和所有业务市容酒店,打下去的话,算我进去。 www.bing.com 7. Noah shunned the Bucks by declining offers to work out for the team before the draft, and was selected by the Bulls at No. 选秀前,诺阿故意避开雄鹿,不让他们看训练,结果在第九顺位被公牛选中。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Another library, Profligacy, offers a Ruby wrapper around the raw Swing calls to help you write more Swing code with less raw Java code. 另一个库Profligacy则围绕原始的Swing调用提供了一个Ruby包装器,它可以帮助您用更少的原始Java代码编写更多的Swing代码。 www.ibm.com 9. The company also offers an exercise physiologist to help employees suffering from stress. 公司还有运动生理学家专门为深受压力困扰的员工提供帮助。 club.topsage.com 10. The Bible tells us that God offers us his hands and is with us by our side all the time. 圣经告诉我们,神向我们伸出双手,祂每一刻都在我们身旁。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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