单词 | overly |
释义 |
例句释义: 过于,很,十分,过度地,过分,过度的 1. His superiors don't seem to notice, and to tell them would make me seem disloyal and overly ambitious. 他的上司似乎没有注意到这种情况,告诉他们又会显得我不够忠诚,而且野心太大。 www.ftchinese.com 2. His failure was that he overly dependent on the sense of symbols, and neglected the analysis of the "identity" itself. 他的失足之处,就在于过分依赖符号的涵义,而忽视了对“同一”本身的分析。 www.edu-hb.com 3. Sure it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too. 你当然需要睁大眼睛,也不能太傻太天真,但过度的猜忌绝对不利于你们的关系。 www.ebigear.com 4. They've never been close, although Jordan has never been overly generous with the next generation of NBA icons. 他们从来没有亲密的关系,即使乔丹从来没有对NBA的下一代的标杆人物过度慷慨过。 www.bing.com 5. Yet he continued to condemn overly militarised policies for the rest of his life. 而乔治?凯南终其余生都在谴责过度军事化的政策。 www.ecocn.org 6. If this is all beginning to sound like a heavy burden to place on the shoulders of one individual, we should not be overly concerned. 如果这一切开始听起来像是压在某个人肩上的重担,我们不应过分担心。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But when you are overly concerned about what other people may think then you often act in reaction to what you think they might say or do. 但是如果你太在意别人对你的态度,那么别人怎么想怎么做就会影响你的行为。 mickeypengwtp.blog.163.com 8. As for her personal safety, she said she isn't overly worried but does think about what a stray lunatic could do. 至于她个人的安全,她说她并没有过度担心,但是她的确在考虑一个流浪疯子可以做些什么。 www.bing.com 9. Don't be so overly confident and comfortable that you are rude and obnoxious. This makes a bad first (or second) impression as well. 不要过于自信轻松,以至于变得粗鲁和无礼。这也会留下一个不好的第一(或第二)印象。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Catholic school in Santiago. 他的母亲对早熟而叛逆的儿子感到头疼,把他送到了圣地牙哥的一所天主学校去完成他的学业。 www.transfun.net 1. There are telltale signs like the sideways glance to see who's looking, the exaggerated body language, the overly projected tone of voice. 有原型毕露的迹象可以说明,例如:斜视还有谁在看自己、夸张的肢体语言和过于突出的语调。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Monetary policy had been overly tight in the early years of the last decade. 在前十年的早些时候,其货币政策过于谨慎。 www.ecocn.org 3. If someone harasses you, try to move away from the spot, do not get into a fight or overly heated discussion, and simply stay in-character. 如果有人骚扰你,试图摆脱在现场,不要进入战斗或过于激烈的讨论,并简单地停留在字符。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Daily life in Italy does not seem to be overly affected by the crisis. 危机似乎并没有对意大利民众的日常生活造成过多影响。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So our biggest risk is overspending and being overly ambitious when the market is not as hot as you think. 因此,我们最大的风险是,在市场还没有我们想像的那样红火的时候,我们却过度投资,盲目乐观。 c.wsj.com 6. Mr Key said he thought the OECD's conclusions were overly pessimistic and pointed out that government debt levels were very low. 基表示,他认为OECD的结论过于悲观。他还指出,政府债务水平非常低。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Had Vienna realized this, she might have known Jake wasn't going to be overly affectionate. 如果维也纳意识到这一点的话,她就该知道杰克不会深情款款的。 www.bing.com 8. Regardless the reason for her advancement, Ahsoka remained eager, almost overly so, to prove herself worthy of her status as a Padawan. 不管阿索卡晋升的原因是什么,她迫切地——几乎过于迫切地想证明自己无愧于学徒的身份。 www.starwarschina.com 9. You think that an overly serious attitude may seem like the right attitude to help you achieve your goal. 你可能认为一个相当严谨的态度似乎是帮助实现目标的应有的态度。 www.elanso.com 10. This misplaced focus is often the by-product of an overly strong focus on achieving a particular appraisal rating. 这错位的重点往往是由产品的过分强大的重点放在实现特定的评估级别。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Less than confident, she went to see a former teacher who assured her that the examiners would not ask overly complicated questions. 由于缺乏自信,她拜访了一位以前的老师,这位老师向她保证考官不会出过于复杂的考题。 dongxi.net 2. Normally I love to get into the kitchen to cook, but I had left starting dinner too late, and began to feel overly hungry and irritable. 一般我都是喜欢去厨房做饭,但是开饭的时间太晚,而且开始感觉到过分的饥饿和急躁。 www.bing.com 3. However, be careful not to overly optimize your business processes to the point that there is no room for error. 但企业流程不能过度优化,否则可能导致犯错余地为零。 www.fortunechina.com 4. These events and the overly simplistic images of Iran in the media made me even more curious about what was taking place in that nation. 这些事件以及媒体对于伊朗过于简单化的描述,令我对那个国家发生的事情感到更加好奇。 www.america.gov 5. It may knock the interviewer for a loop and appear to be overly aggressive, but some people think of it as closing the sale. 这可能会让有些面试官感到大为惊讶,觉得你过分自信了,但也有人会就此结束面试。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you've got to work with the person again and on a continuing basis, overly "straight" communication can complicate life immensely. 如果你必须再次和那人共事并且要继续共事下去,那么过分“坦率”的对话会使生活大大复杂化。 dict.wenguo.com 7. Americans overindulge their children and do not like them; the children in turn are overly dependent and full of hate for their parents. 美国人过度溺爱他们的孩子并且并不喜欢他们;相应地孩子也是过度的独立和充满了对父母亲的反感。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I wish the tagline supported this idea more, instead of the overly generic your-world thing, which could apply to any other mobile provider. 我想标语支持这个想法,而不是过于通用的世界的东西,它可以适用于任何其他的移动服务提供商,。 gtn9.com 9. Cummings said that she had not been overly concerned about flying, but that her 15-year-old son had worried the plane might explode. Cummings夫人说她并没有因此对飞行感到过度担心,但是她15岁的儿子却担心飞机会发生爆炸。 www.bing.com 10. It was a little unsightly, she said, but it wasn't affecting her vision so she wasn't overly worried about it at the time. 这东西有点难看,她说,但是它没有影响她的视力所以当时她并未过度担心。 www.bing.com 1. I might just be overly excited that I might have captured a spirit but I would really appreciate some professional feedback. 我可能是过于兴奋,我可能已经抓获了精神,但我真的很感激一些专业的意见。 www.01gyw.cn 2. But there are plenty of reasons to suspect that at least some of these predictions will prove overly optimistic. 不过我们依然可以找到许多理由来怀疑至少其中一部分人的预测太过乐观了。 www.bing.com 3. Other school districts are also trying to address problems they say have stemmed in part from overly strict zero-tolerance policies. 一些学区也认为某些问题的产生要部分归因于过分严苛的零容忍制度,他们正试图解决。 www.bing.com 4. It is now apparent that overly centralized, excessively layered, and rigid organizational structures are not always effective or efficient. 过于集中、过度分层、刚性的组织结构现在很明显并不总是有效或高效的。 www.baike.com 5. Their infighting, their passion, their overly close friendship all speak of the sort of bond only found through sexual experimentation. 他们之间的争斗,激情,以及过于亲密的关系都让我们认识到那种在同性恋之间才有的情感纽带。 www.bing.com 6. I argue that this process has been blocked by an overly static conception of society and gender itself. 我认为这个进程是被过分裹足不前的社会和性别的理念所阻挡。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. In the long run, an overly linked system was as debilitating as a mob of uncoordinated loners . 长期来看,过度连接的系统跟一群不合群的人一样势单力薄。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A good husband places the interests of his wife and children ahead of his relatives, and avoids being overly critical. 一个好的丈夫时刻把自己妻子和孩子的利益优于自己的其他亲属,避免吹毛求疵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Beijing is trying to tame housing prices , rein in overly aggressive lending and stop banks from shifting loans off their books . 中国政府正努力降低房价,抑制过度贷款,并阻止银行继续私自消除坏账记录。 www.bing.com 10. Overly bullish analysts and conflicts of interest have been a problem in the securities industry. 对股票过于看好的分析师和利益冲突一直是证券行业存在的一个问题。 chinese.wsj.com 1. On the colors of his overly trap is unnecessary, it would be in CMYK printing plate-like line produced key (or even cross). 差色块过分不天补漏不黑也是不必定的,它会在CMYK印版洋爆发键状线(甚至不一字线)。 www.bing.com 2. A Chinese official once bitterly complained to me that some of my reportage was overly critical of China. 一位中国官员曾经强烈地向我抱怨我的一些报道过分批评中国。 www.stnn.cc 3. They also raise the prospect of having to ask an overly eager reader to turn their book down. 他们还担忧这将使如饥似渴的读者不得不放下手上的书本。 www.kle100.cn 4. Now we don't have to be overly concerned here with what I take to be Chudleigh's generous oversight of Milton's generally sexist bias. 现在我们无须过分考虑我刚刚所引用的查德利夫人忽查了米尔顿的总体性别歧视。 beefy.famousnudelady.com 5. Member states had not wanted to impose overly strict penalties on treaty violators in case they themselves fell into difficulties. 成员国不愿过度严格地惩罚违约者以防他们自己某天也会陷入困境。 www.bing.com 6. It has been overly reported that the name Bill Gates III converted to ASCII codes would add up to 666. 曾经有过分的报道说比尔盖茨三世的名字转为ASCII码(美国信息交换标准码)的和是666。 www.elanso.com 7. Oh, she said with an overly dramatic hit to her forehead. 哦,她极富戏剧性地伸手拍一下额头,说。 www.elanso.com 8. These words are the basic Legos of pop songs, nothing but overly familiar shapes until they're built into something. 这些词句是流行乐里最基本的素材,其本身太过面熟,只有成为构建其他意象的一部分时才会被赋予含义。 www.bing.com 9. During class activities, take risks in trying to express yourself, and don't be overly concerned about errors. 在课堂活动当中,别害怕表现自己,也不要太担心犯错。 www.myoops.org 10. The color is sometimes muted, sometimes overly saturated, like the unnatural tones of a black and white movie that's been colorized. 其色彩时而暗淡,时而过于丰富,宛如一部黑白电影着成彩色一般不自然。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. This method might seem overly cautious, but it has been chosen as a scalable method that will work for a very large cluster. 这个方法看起来可能过分谨慎了,但是它已经被作为一种可扩充的方法,可在规模巨大的集群中使用。 www.ibm.com 2. Many black veterans were turned away from overly crowded black institutions and yet could not attend white southern schools. 许多黑人退伍军人遭到过于拥挤的黑人院校的拒绝,但却无法进入南方的白人院校。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 3. Jim Awad, managing director at Zephyr Management in New York, said the market was becoming overly optimistic. ZephyrManagement驻纽约的董事总经理JimAwad表示,市场正变得过于乐观。 cn.reuters.com 4. Nobody expects me to leave my house or do anything overly productive. 没人要我离开房子或去干一些超负荷的劳动。 www.putclub.com 5. Those with fibromyalgia seem to be overly sensitive to pain signals. 那些伴患有纤维性肌痛的症状似乎对于疼痛信号过于敏感。 www.ecocn.org 6. Nor are Italians overly concerned by the sort of illegality of which their former leader has been repeatedly accused by the judiciary. 意大利人对司法部一再指控他们的前任领导人所谓的违法行为也漠不关心。 www.bing.com 7. She's overly soft-hearted when it comes to Kojirou, but the simplest utters from his mouth can set her off. 她每次遇到幸治郎的时候内心都柔软得如此过分,他说的最简单的话也能令她逃跑。 www.acfun.tv 8. It's easier to get angry with a parent who's perceived as overly controlling than to do battle with an impersonal house rule. 孩子会对一位暴跳如雷的妈妈感到气恼,但不会和一条公道的家庭规则较劲。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Some of the global changes ahead will be the result of the cleansing of regions that have become overly toxic over time. 前方全球的某些变化将是对一些区域净化的结果,随著岁月的流逝,这些区域已积累了过度的毒素。 ssoachinese.spaces.live.com 10. So far, method chaining looks like a simple way to clean up overly verbose syntax, especially method calls that are mostly declarative. 到目前为止,方法链接看起来像一个清理过多繁琐语义的简单方法,特别是最具声明性的那些方法调用。 www.ibm.com 1. Markets like this one tend to be overly affected by various types of late-day electronic trading. 若市场出现这种情况,通常是各式各样的尾盘电子交易的影响被放大。 cn.reuters.com 2. Labor groups have said the suicides also reflect excessive overtime and overly intense work regimens at Hon Hai. 劳工组织说自杀现象也反映出鸿海公司存在过度加班和工作制度压力过大等问题。 www.12edu.cn 3. You know inflation is a growing problem when even your phone numbers are rejected as overly jumbo. 连电话号码都会因为过长而遭到拒绝时,你就会知道通货膨胀日益严峻了。 app.fortunechina.com 4. Wild bonobos (those few that have been watched carefully, at any rate) do not seem overly promiscuous. 至少那些为数不多被认真观察过的野生倭黑猩猩并不会过度混交。 www.ecocn.org 5. But it would be overly confident to say terminating TARP presages a quick return to health. 但如果说归还救助资金就预示着银行的状况会迅速复原,那显然是过于自信了。 www.bing.com 6. The other low side was an overly connected system: a frozen grid-lock of a thousand mutual pulls. 另一边是连接过度的系统:一千个相互牵制的冰冻的网格锁。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. As a result of overly excited, I can ramble in one's statement to ask those questions. 由于过于激动的关系,我只能语无伦次地问那些问题。 www.bing.com 8. No doubt some folks will think I'm overly generous, while others might consider me cheap. 毫无疑问,有些人会认为我过于慷慨,而另一些人会认为我吝啬。 www.bing.com 9. A child-health expert said it would be wrong for parents to be "overly alarmed" by the results. 一位儿童健康专家称,家长们对于调查结果“过于惊慌”是不对的。 www.bing.com 10. In response to questions about past mistakes, Sarah indicated that she was overly sensitive to criticism. 在对“以往的失误”进行描述的时候,Sarah表示原因是当时她对批评过于敏感。 www.bing.com 1. But in attempting to integrate online teaching, it is best not to be overly ambitious in the beginning. 但是在尝试结合网络进行教学的初始阶段最好不要过于有雄心壮志,要求过高。 bbs.translators.com.cn 2. She thought the change of scenery, and some time spent with her side of the family, would be good for my overly inquisitive nature. 我妈妈认为环境的改变,相处的时间多一点,可以有益于我过度好奇的本性。 www.bing.com 3. Many signals that animals make seem to impose on the signalers costs that are overly damaging. 这似乎使动物对成本的讯号过于毁坏了许多信号。 bbs.66xue.com 4. "We thought some of our customers would find it to be overly stimulating, " said a Tokyo Metro official. 东京地铁管理当局表示:“我们认为,部分乘客会觉得这张广告画太过刺激。” big5.cri.cn 5. Overly nice guys are too enamored with trying to get everyone involved. 滥好人都太执着于试图让每个人都参与进来。 www.yuloo.com 6. It looks like a film that knows it's got silly ideas and is a comic book movie, but isn't handled in a cheesy or overly goofy manner. 这部电影取材自漫画,全片充斥着无聊的馊主意,但是在处理却也并未沿用那些庸俗无脑的处理手法。 www.bing.com 7. When you take the photo , please do not wear head dress , and avoid heavy make-up and overly dark or overly light - coloured clothing . 拍照时请勿戴上帽饰,亦请避免浓妆,及不应穿著太深色或太浅色的衣服。 www.bing.com 8. I found the rear of the shoe to be overly bulky, resulting in a clunky feel and an excess of heel slip. 我发现鞋子的后根部位有点过厚,因而造成了笨重的感觉,而且脚跟部位过松。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands . When Adam stayed out very late for a few nights , Eve became upset . 有的时候女人总是过度多疑。当有几个晚上亚当都没有按时回家的时候,夏娃就不高兴了。 www.bing.com 10. As fantastic and exciting as it can be, after you've been safe for a number of years, you tend to become a little overly confident. 经过多年的安然无事之后你就容易变得有一点过于自信,追求尽可能的精彩和刺激。 www.douban.com 1. At first I wasn't overly pleased that she was pregnant but I soon got over from that. Now it's all about being positive. 虽然刚开始我对她怀孕的事有些接受不了,但现在好了,所有事情都变得好起来了。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. However, IMF Research Director Raghu Rajan said the world economy is overly dependent on some major countries. 但国际货币基金组织主席RaghuRajan说,世界经济过度依赖一些主要国家。 www.24en.com 3. While it's okay to be friendly, in general I've found that it's best to stay away from overly personal communications with your client. 表现得友好些当然没问题,但总体来说我发现最好不要和你的客户进行过分亲切的私人交流。 www.bing.com 4. A federal judge in Baltimore dismissed that lawsuit, saying it had made overly broad claims about the damage done by Wells Fargo. 巴尔的摩的联邦法官驳回了这项诉讼,称这会使过多人向富国银行索赔所造成的损失。 www.bing.com 5. The communication rules even after being reformed are outdated and overly restrictive. They are also convoluted and hard to understand. 修订之后通信规则仍然是过时,且过于苛刻、晦涩难懂。 www.bing.com 6. Answer: Most runners have at least one story about a scary or overly-friendly dog they met on a run. 回答:多数跑步者至少有一段关于在跑步时遇到令人害怕、过于友善的故事。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. More often than not, countries are overly concerned about the potential negotiating pressure generated by an extensive request list. 通常情况下,各国都过分担心谈判可能由一个广泛征求表的压力。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Actually there's no bubble in emerging market equities, and probably not in bonds overly at the moment. There're just notpressprice to such. 事实上,新兴市场股票并没有泡沫,而或许当前夜没有在债券骨朵。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. You might be in a painful stage right now, and watching people or the rain falling may seem like unhelpful, overly simplified advice. 也许此刻,你的情绪很低落,观察人群或欣赏雨丝对你而言似乎无济于事。 www.bing.com 10. Republicans accuse the president of taking advantage of the economic crisis to push an overly ambitious and ill-advised domestic agenda. 共和党人谴责总统实际上是从经济危机的局面中获益从而能推广一个过度激进和愚蠢的国内预案。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. You might be in a painful stage right now, and watching people or the rain falling may seem like unhelpful, overly simplified advice. 也许此刻,你的情绪很低落,观察人群或欣赏雨丝对你而言似乎无济于事。 www.bing.com 2. Emma Watson isn't quite of the same caliber, but the filmmakers are mostly able to cover up her self-conscious and overly precocious act. 与之相比,艾玛·沃森并不具备同样的才能,但是电影制作人们通常都能将她过于自我和过分夸张的表演掩盖得很好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Republicans accuse the president of taking advantage of the economic crisis to push an overly ambitious and ill-advised domestic agenda. 共和党人谴责总统实际上是从经济危机的局面中获益从而能推广一个过度激进和愚蠢的国内预案。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. This was the law, one that banned overly curved, extra-knobbly or oddly shaped produce from supermarket shelves. 因为过去法规禁止超市出售外形过弯、疙疙瘩瘩或者外形奇怪的农产品。 www.12edu.cn 5. For those curious, this is not an overly-literal translation; it's instead as close to my own feelings from the original lyrics as possible. 对于那些好奇,这不是一个过于直译,它是接近我,而不是作为尽可能从原来的歌词自己的感受。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 6. Football itself may not overly excite me but FIFA fills me with morbid fascination. 足球本身可能不会太令我兴奋,但国际足联让我充满了病态的魅力。 english126.com 7. China has no such cushion. Its economy is overly dependent on investment and exports. 但中国却没有这样的缓冲带,其经济过度依赖于投资与出口。 www.bing.com 8. Do not assume that you can reach every potential customer. Being overly optimistic will kill you here. 不要自认为你可以抓住每个潜在客户,过分乐观将会害死你自己。 www.bing.com 9. Consistency is much more important than intensity, so don't become overly enthusiastic, do too much, and then suddenly have to stop. 持之以恒的耐力远重要于爆发力,所以不要一开始过度地热情,做太多,最后又戛然而止。 blog.163.com 10. Humans have begun to recognize this truth and understand that all disease may begin with an overly basic or acidic bloodstream. 人类已经开始意识到这一真相,并理解到一切疾病都可能会以一个过碱或过酸的血液开始。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The first worries about the side-effects of these drugs (notably inflation), if administered in overly large doses. 第一类担心这些药物的副作用(特别是通胀),如果过量服用的话。 www.ftchinese.com 2. You do not worry, be overly concerned but also easy to cause other symptoms appear. 您也不要担心,过分的担心还容易引发其他症状的出现。 www.106jsw.com 3. That may be overly optimistic, according to Ashvin Chotai, managing director of Intelligence Automotive Asia Ltd. in London. 位于伦敦的亚洲汽车情报咨询公司的总经理AshvinChota认为估计的太乐观了。 www.bing.com 4. This resulted in an overly optimistic assessment of their exposure to a serious property market correction. 这导致了在银行面临大幅度房地产修正时,对银行整体过于乐观的评估。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. My wife is a fine woman, though given to an overly sharp tongue and scathing wit. 我的妻子是个漂亮女人,但嗓门高尖,言语刻薄。 min-soul.spaces.live.com 6. The British ability to maintain a stiff upper lip during the worse of times has long drive the overly passionate Gauls mad with jealousy. 英国人在最艰难的时刻都没服软深深地刺痛了充满激情的高卢人,让他们为嫉妒而疯狂。 www.bing.com 7. Yet the facts suggest that he sometimes acted like an overly enthusiastic YMCA director. 但是事实指出,他有时候却像个过度狂热的YMCA领导人。 www.tingclass.net 8. This forward-and-backward motion is the usual adjustment of the body; it moves to keep the arms from a stretched or overly bent position. 这个向前和向后的运动通常是身体的调整;它运动的目的是为了避免上臂处于过度伸展或弯曲。 www.pianoweb.cn 9. The result is the prediction of overly conservative and alarmingly large hazard zones, which, needless to say, disturbs the public at large. 其结果是过于保守的又惊人大范围的危险区域,不用说,这让大众十分担忧。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In the same way we put children in "time out" when they show signs of being stressed out or overly tired, we could benefit just as much. 当孩子们紧张或是展露疲态的时候,我们就会让他们休息一下。同理,我们亦能从中获得裨益。 www.bing.com 1. In the same way we put children in "time out" when they show signs of being stressed out or overly tired, we could benefit just as much. 当孩子们紧张或是展露疲态的时候,我们就会让他们休息一下。同理,我们亦能从中获得裨益。 www.bing.com 2. If your animal is untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive to people, excitable, or is a fear - biter, do not breed it . 如果你的犬,在与人相处时不值得信任,过于攻击性,易于被激怒,恐惧性的凶猛,那么不要繁育它。 www.bing.com 3. And those projections might be overly optimistic: retail sales in the euro zone have declined for five consecutive months. 而考虑到欧元区零售业销售额已经连续五个月下降,就算这种预测可能也过于乐观了。 c.wsj.com 4. However, there a vast chasm between helping out in a pinch and being overly accommodating. 不过,必要时的帮助和过分的热心可是有着天壤之别的。 www.tvsou.com 5. Both machines retain the solid feel of a ThinkPad. Neither is the lightest computer in its size class, though they're not overly heavy. 两款机型都算不上同尺寸电脑中最轻薄的,不过也没有过于厚重。 www.voa365.com 6. Raised in a rigid authoritarian household, she was overly strict and often angry at his differences. 他在严厉独裁的家庭长大,母亲过于严苛,经常为他的异常而生气。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Some economists have tried to calculate the potential fallout just in case their forecasts prove to be overly optimistic. 一些经济学家已经开始未雨绸缪地估算,万一他们对于中国经济的预测事后被证明是过分乐观的话,其潜在危害究竟会有多大。 www.bing.com 8. BCEL's implementation of bytecode handling also seems overly complex, with great flexibility but a large number of objects to manipulate. BCEL实现的字节码处理看起来也过于复杂,虽然有很强的灵活性,但是要操纵的对象数量也极为巨大。 www.ibm.com 9. Headquarters can cook up any idea it wants, but if it overly complicates the kitchen, the product won't fly. 总部的想法可以天马行空,但如果厨房的操作因此复杂化,那产品肯定行不通。 www.fortunechina.com 10. If so, don't become overly worried - things look good for you to do well. 假如如此,不要让自己过度担忧,你的情况会看起来很好。 hi.baidu.com 1. An good balance between a too relaxed brain and an overly active brain are both undesirable situations to be in. 过于放松的大脑和大脑过度活跃都是不利的。 www.bing.com 2. I've learned that although the word "love" can have mang different meanings, it loses value when overly used. 生活教会了我:虽然“爱”的含义博大精深,但老挂在嘴边就失去了价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Negative contingencies and punishment can be part of the school environment to enforce rules but should not be overly emphasized or misused. 消极的偶然事件和惩罚可能是执行校规的一部分,但不应该过分强调或滥用。 www.dic123.com 4. Also, make sure you try to keep the same schedule on weekends too, otherwise the next morning, you'd wake later and feel overly tired. 还有,周末也一样要保持同样的作息时间表,要不然第二天早上,你就会醒得晚且感觉极度疲惫。 www.bing.com 5. Andrew drops his wrists - 'applying the brakes' - as he tries to overly lengthen his stroke. This is very common to see. 安德鲁手腕下沉-刹车-因为他总想着过分地伸长他的划臂。这点很常见 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Also, you are a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower-but you don't feel like you are in an overly touristy locale. 此外,酒店与埃菲尔铁塔仅相隔几幢楼,但是你不觉得你处于一个拥挤的旅游观光区域。 weike.taskcn.com 7. He later explains that he spent too many hours editing in front of a computer screen, and now his eyes are overly sensitive to light. 他后来解释说他在电脑前做剪辑工作的时间太长,现在眼睛对光线特别敏感。 www.acsf.cn 8. Other varieties of negative friends include liars, overly dependent friends, and those who do not listen. 消极朋友的类型还有说谎的人,过度依赖他人的人和那些不听劝的人。 www.teacherwong.com 9. However, when you are new, avoid forming overly 6 close relationships until you get a clearer sense of the organization and people. 然而,初到单位时,要避免发展过于亲密的关系,直到你对于自己所在的单位和人事都有了更为清晰的了解。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The snag comes if investors fail to grasp that official national figures can show the American economy in an overly flattering light. 但是问题在于,如果投资者不了解这些,官方数据就能极度的美化美国经济表现。 www.ecocn.org 1. "It would be overly cautious to rule out. . . some early signs of progress, " said Fitch's Andrew Colquhoun, cautiously. 信用评级机构Fitch的AndrewColquhoun谨慎的表示“鉴于发展的早期现象,将投资排除在外这可能过分的谨慎了。” www.ecocn.org 2. While these points must be seriously considered, it is important not to be overly cautious. 尽管这些要点需要认真考虑,重要的是不要过分谨慎。 www.scidev.net 3. Campaigners blame a lack of resources and an overly strict interpretation of the law by the State Department. 一些运动的参与者谴责说缺乏资源,还有对国务院颁发的法律过于严苛的解释。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. "I was shocked, " he says. "Because if there's one product where I would expect people to be overly emotional, it would be child safety. " 他说,“我震惊了,因为如果我期望有一种产品人们会很有感情的话,那该是儿童安全。” www.bing.com 5. Analysts and investors did not appear overly worried. 分析家和投资商对此似乎并不过于担心。 bbs.internet.org.cn 6. I tried to pretend this too was a familiar smell, the overly sweet note combined with something burning on a hotplate thirty years ago. 于是我努力假装同样熟悉这里的味道,那种甜腻的,混合着三十年前热锅上滚烫的饭菜味。 www.bing.com 7. A person who is overly accustomed to safely driving either type will (at first, at least) have a bit of a problem adjusting to the other. 对其中某一种开得太习惯太顺手的人,在适应另一种的时候总会有点麻烦,至少一开始是如此。 www.douban.com 8. Third, Kobe is seen to be overly aggressive on his teammates, snarling at them for an ill-advised shot or a turnover. 科比和队友有太多的争执,他会对队友的一次荒谬的投篮或者一次低级失误而进行批评。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. He sat facing away from the neighboring table, so that all they saw was his back and the back of his overly enlarged, bald skull. 他背对着临桌坐着,这样那几个人所看到的是他的后背和过度放大了的凸脑勺。 www.bing.com 10. As a conception, overly broad and vague of its connotation and extension also mean that there are many blind spots and chaos. 而作为概念,其内涵和外延的过于宽泛和模糊也意味着其中尚存有诸多盲区和混乱。 www.fabiao.net 1. he ' s concerned , " doss said . " his life is at stake . he is not somebody who is an overly emotional person , at least not with me . “他的请求已被考虑。”多斯说,“他的生命危在旦夕。他不是那种容易过度情绪化的人,至少对我是这样。” www.ichacha.net 2. Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated makes them overly focus on their own violated needs and sense of hurt and ignore their partners'. 过度的绝望和沮丧使得他们过分把注意力放在自己不寻常的需要上,从而感到受伤,忽视同伴的感受。 www.yayan123.com 3. Patients have demonstrated passive and overly dependent, psychologically, do not want the crux of responsibility. 患者处处表现被动和过分依赖,心理上的症结在于不愿负责任。 www.106jsw.com 4. Republicans accused Democrats of supporting an overly broad expansion, and failing to identify adequate budgeting to pay for it. 而共和党人也指责民主党支持一项过分庞大的提案,但未意识到没有足够的资金投入。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. As he is overly sensitive, he is always freaking out at everything. 由于他过份敏感,他对什麽事,都会躁动不安。 www.360doc.com 6. She laughed and agreed that Valentine's Day was an overly- commercialized holiday. 丽萨大笑,她也觉得情人节被过分商业化了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In fact, he said, some athletes have died from efforts to overly enrich their blood. 事实上已经有一些运动员因增血过多而死亡。 ngmchina.com.cn 8. The result is an overly complicated and somewhat arbitrary system, but still much better than nothing. 结果就是一个过于繁复而且有些武断的系统,即使如此也仍比什么都不做好得多。 www.bing.com 9. Popular wisdom has it that Japan is overly dependent on exports, but the truth is a little more complicated. 一个普遍的观点是日本过于依赖出口,但是真正原因要比这复杂一些。 www.ecocn.org 10. Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number! 不要太在意你的体重,只是一个数字而已! wenku.baidu.com 1. The only thing negative here is that you may have too much of a good thing or you are overly self-indulgent. 这个相位独一的负面影响是,你可能会过于乐不雅或放荡。 liu.mlbjg.com 2. Since this feasible range may be quite wide, the theory is not overly helpful for providing reasonably precise economic predictions. 因为这个可能的范围会是很大的,这种理论对于提供相当准确的经济预期并不是非常有帮助的。 www.bing.com 3. As such they do not perceive their environment as overly hot but just the right temperature to survive. 这样,它们就并不会觉得周围的环境过热,而只是恰好适合生存。 aspidaie.blog.163.com 4. I admire and usually agree with the columnist Matthew Parris, but a fortnight ago he expressed a view that seems overly optimistic. 我欣赏专栏作家马修?帕里斯(MatthewParris),并通常赞同他的观点,但两周前,他表达了一个似乎过于乐观的观点。 www.ftchinese.com 5. To be sure, the rate of shrinking is not overly dramatic. 可以肯定,缩小的速度并不是过于明显的。 www.suiniyi.com 6. They'll get off a bit easier than the others, usually overly drunk with power and you know how they can get. 他们将会离开的比其他人更容易些,通常是过于沉醉于权力,你知道他们是如何得到(权力)的。 www.nn5566.com 7. Being overly available to her decreases the potency of your presence. 对她过于有空会减少你出现的效力。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. First , ignore his own connotation ability of mould and cultivate, overly depended beauty even judge by appearances. 第一,忽视自身内涵能力的塑造与培养,过度依赖外表美甚至以貌取人。 wenku.baidu.com 9. i. Manuel's policies may have been overly ambitious, but he learned that Byzantium could control much power through influence and diplomacy. 曼努埃尔的对外政策可能是过于雄心勃勃,不过他知道拜占廷能够通过外交和影响力控制更多的权力。 www2.zzu.edu.cn 10. But this overly rosy view, doctors now recognize, was due to the fact that men were better at hiding their feelings. 但医生们现在不得不承认这一美好的想法忽视了男性更善于掩饰情感这一事实。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In the future, policy may become looser as China strives to avoid overly stilting growth, he said. 他说,未来随着中国尽力避免经济过高增长,政策会变得宽松。 chinese.wsj.com 2. In such situations it may be necessary to accept the most pessimistic view, leading to overly-conservative remedial treatments. 在这种情况下,极有可能会因为做出最坏打算而得出过于保守的整改方案。希望有为您提供到一些帮助。 taobaowang.hl.cn 3. There is such a thing as the planning fallacy. Most of us are overly optimistic, especially about what we are going to get done. 有这么一种计划谬论,我们大多数人都过分乐观,特别是对于我们将要做的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Because shy people can be overly concerned with other peoples' reactions, they don't want to rock the boat. 害羞的人往往因为过分在意他人的反应,而拒绝生出事端。 www.bing.com 5. My last illustration over how Internet governance can become overly complex has to do with the relatively recent case of Sony-BMG. 我最后一个阐述是关于互联网监管将变得更为复杂,肯定要提到相关的Sony-BMG案例。 www.bing.com 6. Most of the time the slow periods come at the perfect week, normally when I've just finished some super large, overly stressful project. 大多数时候,空闲期来得正是时候,通常是在我刚完成压力很大的重大项目时。 www.bing.com 7. And, finally, guys don't want to hear overly ambitious instructions in . . . uh . . . the bedroom. 最后,男人们不喜欢在…嗯…在卧室里听到太过雄心勃勃的指示。 www.bing.com 8. Markets do not appear overly concerned that the dollar's decline will either accelerate or have a disruptive impact on other asset markets. 各种市场似乎并没有过度担心如下这个问题,即美元下跌不是推动其他资产市场就是对其他资产市场具有破坏性的影响。 9. The RTK is accompanied by a reasonably complete, though not overly detailed, set of API documentation. RTK附带有一套相当全面,但并不十分详细的API文档。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Even with weather satellites and sophisticated simulation software, Xiao is not overly optimistic about accuracy the initial results. 即使有气象卫星和复杂的仿真软件,肖子牛对初步结果的准确性并不过分乐观。 www.bing.com 1. Unfortunately, the Chinese leadership strikes me as being overly complacent in assessing the risks of just such a possibility. 不幸的是,中国领导层对于判断风险可能性的过分自信使人震惊。 www.bing.com 2. Although these warnings aren't without merit, I see Fenner's belief that all of mankind may not exist in a century to be overly pessimistic. 尽管这些警告并非毫无根据,但我认为芬纳关于所有人类在一个世纪后将不复存在的观点过于悲观。 www.bing.com 3. If an overly long value were provided for a particular search parameter, it would overrun the buffer. 如果为某个特定的搜索参数提供了一个过长的数值,将会导致缓冲区溢出。 www.microsoft.com 4. 'The asset management community was overly conservative, ' Peter Alexander, principal at Z-Ben, said in an interview. 咨奔商务咨询负责人张磊德(PeterAlexander)在一次采访中说,资产管理界过于保守了。 c.wsj.com 5. He looked like the overly helpful, chess club type. 他看上去像是过分热情的象棋俱乐部成员。 www.putclub.com 6. Beware of being seduced by overly "sensible" and "reasonable" sounding ideas or solutions. All angles must be evaluated first. 小心过度感性或理性的思想和结论的引诱,首先应该从所有的角度、方面评估。 www.bing.com 7. Besides, it is found that the latent heat flux overly depends on the air-sea moisture differences in the coupled model. 此外,分析发现耦合模式模拟的潜热通量的变化过分依赖海气湿度差。 www.iapjournals.ac.cn 8. He treasured honesty and directness, which were very good traits to have, but he could be overly direct. 他珍惜诚实和直接因果关系,这是非常好的特点有,但他可能是过于直接。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Several experiences early on taught me not to be overly enthusiastic about sharing my life goals and dreams with too many people. 一些早期的经验教会了我不要过分热情的与太多人分享生命的目标和梦想。 www.elanso.com 10. How many percent of it arise from overly high expectations, unfulfilled dreams or an obsession to be needed by other people? 多少百分比是因为过高的期望、未完成的梦想、还是一股强烈得欲望想被别人需要呢? lookingat.passingsights.com 1. These are small problems, but more worrisome would be if your partner becomes overly controlling, which is possible, too. 有一些小问题存在,但是更多的担忧将是你的伴侣变得更有控制欲,这一点也是可能的。 www.douban.com 2. Last month, one overly enthusiastic tourist slipped past the president's bodyguards to embrace Mr. Ma during a public appearance. 在上月的一次公开场合,一名过分热情的游客躲过总统的保镖,前去拥抱马英九。 www.bing.com 3. Indeed, if the bacteria killed the yeast during the fermentation period, the finished product could be overly sweet. 事实上,如果在发酵过程中细菌杀死了酵母,那么最终得到的产品可能口感过甜。 www.bing.com 4. Some claim judicious code commenting is a good thing, while others claim it only serves as a mechanism to explain overly complex code. 一些人声称公正的代码注释是好事情,而另一些人声称代码注释只是解释过于复杂的代码的一种机制。 www.ibm.com 5. This results in both code bloat and an overly complex data model for your application. 对于应用程序,这导致代码过度膨胀以及数据模型过度复杂。 www.ibm.com 6. Bryant and Jackson know better than to get overly excited by this step. 与其他人对走到这一步过分兴奋不同,科比和杰克逊明白更多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. If you're looking for work locally, then it's entirely possible that your market is already overly saturated, but I doubt it. 如果你只想在当地找工作,而当地市场已经饱和,这也是完全可能的,但是我对此深表怀疑。 www.bing.com 8. When one is out of balance, or overly acidic, weight gain, chronic illness, allergies, cancer, heart disease and even Diabetes can result. 当一个人体液达不到平衡或者过酸,就会出现超重,慢性疾病,过敏,癌症,心脏疾病甚至糖尿病。 www.bing.com 9. Some efforts fail because they are overly ambitious where lot of big upfront design efforts is spent trying to design things future-perfect. 有些重用的尝试以失败而告终,是因为他们太过雄心勃勃了,为了设计完美的内容而花费大量精力去做大规模的先行设计。 www.infoq.com 10. Those overly optimistic assessments of the likely impact of interventions, from fiscal stimulus to QE, also make much more sense now. 对经济刺激和量化宽松这些干预可能产能生的影响过于乐观的估计现在也是可以理解了。 www.ecocn.org 1. They concluded that mycobacterial infection had occurred in these overly fastidious women due to voluntary suppression of cough. 他们的结论是:分枝杆菌感染总是发生在那些过分讲究的女士,是因为她们总是自主的抑制咳嗽。 www.lugmed.com 2. It is quite revealing, so overly bright systems and bad recordings might not be the best match. 另外,过亮的和坏音源都不是860很好的搭配。 www.erji.net 3. People generally should not buy 'clothing, jewelry or anything overly extravagant' for business associates, she says. 她说,通常而言,不能给业务伙伴买衣服、珠宝或任何过于奢侈的东西。 c.wsj.com 4. Some say there are more cases due to improved detection, or, some believe, an overly expanded set of criteria. 有人说许多病例还要做进一部观察,但有人说这只是过度夸张的特征。 www.bing.com 5. Many organizations are overly conservative about alternative languages, but an easy incremental route exists through frameworks like Spring. 许多组织在使用其他语言方面太过保守,但是通过Spring这类框架很容易增加线路。 www.ibm.com 6. WHAT IT MEANS: You may not be dressing professionally, are overly familiar with colleagues, or don't convey a sense of urgency about work. 背后含义是:你可能穿的不职业化、和同事混的太熟、没有传达出对工作的紧张和重视。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Around noon, things got quiet on the New York floor, and I got overly drowsy. 中午时,纽约交易厅那边变得相当安静,我又非常困。 www.mytpo.com 8. Some outside analysts described the Treasury estimates as ' squishy ' and suggested the numbers could be overly optimistic. 一些外部分析师说财政部的估计“有水分”,暗示数字可能过于乐观。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Never mind that China's appetite for Treasuries helps prevent an interest-rate accident in an overly-levered US economy. 更不必顾虑中国对美国国库债券的胃口有助于防止受到过度操纵的美国经济出现意外的利率事故。 10. Heart disease and strokes are other diseases that is the result of an overly acidic system due to toxins in the environment. 心脏病和中风是因环境毒素产生了身体过酸性系统从而导致的其它疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But while parts of the document seem overly alarmist, there are a couple of legitimate points. 不过,虽然文件的某些部分似乎过于危言耸听,有两个合法的地方。 www.bing.com 2. As Pan had said, none of this was oily or overly sweet. 就像潘所说的,这些菜既不油腻也不过甜。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Commission rates were jacked up and , just like banks, operators were overly keen to extend credit to players . Profit margins shrank . 佣金率大幅上升,而且,正如银行一样,赌场经营者过度热衷于向赌徒提供信贷。利润率萎缩。 www.bing.com 4. That sentence sounds just as overly dramatic as is the action it describes. 这句话听起来与它描绘的动作一样很有戏剧性。 www.ibm.com 5. Du Lala's team leader quit in an irresponsible way; her boss is inept; and the staff around her is either stupid or overly-sophisticated. 杜拉拉的组长毫不负责地拍屁股走人,老板基本就指望不上,而身边的同事要么笨拙之极,要么过于圆滑。 www.hzcjcy.com 6. These elements must be carefully managed to avoid overly tangled models. 这些元素必须被小心地管理以避免模型的过度紊乱。 www.ibm.com 7. This step is about gradually working towards your goals, rather than expecting yourself to do something overly difficult right away. 这一步是为了让你能够逐渐接近自己的目标,而不是一下子做一些远超自己能力的事情。 www.bing.com 8. The biggest worry for many investors is whether the rise in stocks reflects an overly optimistic view of what lies ahead for the economy. 很多投资者最担心的是,股市的涨势体现的是否是对经济前景过于乐观的看法。 chinese.wsj.com 9. "What was previously regarded as overly prudent is now regarded as a sign of strength, " says Richard Yorke, CEO of HSBC in China. “在过去被视为过度谨慎的做法现在成了优点的体现,”汇丰(HSBC)中国区行政总裁翁富泽(RichardYorke)表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I remember when one of my managers perceived that I was overly stressed. 我记得我的一个经理意识到我压力过大。 www.bing.com 1. The tarsiers , which some scientists believed were extinct, may not have been overly thrilled to be found. 曾有科学家认为已经灭绝的眼镜猴,被发现时并没表现得过度惊恐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Slavasay was also among those who criticized the summit's excessively obtrusive and overly exalted coverage of the summit in Kazakh media. Slavasay也是批评这次高峰会受到哈萨克媒体过度吹捧报导的其中一员。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. However, drivers should avoid overly rousing tunes or complex rhythms which can divert attention away from the road. 不过,驾驶人应该避免会转移对道路注意力的过度亢奋曲子或复杂旋律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. If your test score indicates that you're overly tired or stressed, then you might decide to postpone the task and get more rest first. 如果测试表明你现在过于疲惫或紧张,那你可能就要推迟作业,先好好休息一段时间了。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Frequent or overly vigorous masturbation can irritate the skin of the penis, as the average guy knows all too well. 频繁或过度自慰会造成阴茎皮肤紧张,这连普通人都知道。 www.bing.com 6. The key is to respond forthrightly to the question without being overly specific. Follow these tips. 关键是不要太过具体的直接回答这个问题。 www.fwsou.com 7. This revolutionary drive system utilizes an overly efficient electromagnetic motor, and combines it with our patent pending toroidal dynamo. 这种创新性的驱动系统应用了一种高效电磁电动机,并将其与公司正在审定中的专利环形发电机结合起来。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 8. "But being overly nice to kids is not the best way to fill in for the father's absence, " she points out. 她指出:“但是对孩子过于温和并不是弥补父亲空缺的最佳方式。” www.bing.com 9. Since Hollywood isn't overly concerned about loudness, then certainly it's not going to obsess over small details like decimal points. 既然好莱坞不过度被关心有关高声的事,然后确定地资讯科技不将迷住结束小的像小数点的细节。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. The board nonetheless continues to come under fire in Europe for propagating rules regarded as overly prescriptive and theoretical. 但是,这个理事会在欧洲仍然受到抨击,因为人们认为它制定的规则过于死板和教条。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This stops my overly paranoid side from thinking: but what if I NEED this when I get there? 这可以让我停止我那偏执想法:如果我到那里之后需要用到这个东西怎么办? www.bing.com 2. Being overly optimistic will raise eyebrows with your investors or banker. 过度的乐观会让你的投资者和银行家皱其眉头。 www.bing.com 3. Was the American audience overly sensitive about the movie? 美国观众对这部电影是否过份敏感? blog.sina.com.cn 4. But overly prescriptive rules that fossilise the internet in its current form could indeed hamper innovation. 但是用过度指令性的规则将互联网固化在当前的状态必将打击创新。 www.ecocn.org 5. as a trademark, the mark must not BE overly descriptive or generic. 为了符合商标的标准,标记不能过度描述或不经注册。 dict.ebigear.com 6. Heartburn and indigestion are one symptom of an overly acidic system; as is flatulence and excessive burping. 胃灼热、消化不良是过酸系统的症状,还有就是胃气胀和过度打嗝。 dict.kekenet.com 7. It was too late for that. Yes, I was perhaps overly excited by two deceased singers scatting together in 1980, but hey, I was past that now. 是的,也许我的确是对两位已故歌手在1980年的拟声演唱感到过于激动了,但是,嘿,这激动劲儿已经过去了。 group.m.mtime.com 8. Most of such humans are probably suffering from constipation and an overly basic system that will lead to autoimmune diseases over time. 这样的人们大多在遭受着便秘及过碱性系统的折磨,并将随时间带来自体免疫类疾病。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Looking at past iTunes press releases and this one, Apple seems overly optimistic with these announcements? 反观过往iTunes和这次3G版iPhone的新闻发布会,苹果对这些声明似乎总是过于乐观。 www.elanso.com 10. Exaggerated and overly specific description of his pain. 他对自己疼痛作了夸大和过度细节的描述 www.tingclass.net 1. Back in 1997, conservatives rejoiced when Congress held a series of hearings detailing outrages by overly zealous IRS agents. 回顾1997年,国会举行了一系列听证会,一一列举了税务局过激分子们肆无忌惮的不法行为,保守党因此而欢欣鼓舞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Don't over compensate. This may cause the child to become overly dependent. 7不要过度补偿。可能会造成儿童过分依赖。 laiba.tianya.cn 3. In order to qualify as a trademark, the mark must not be overly descriptive or generic. Trademarks are protected through registration. 为了符合商标的标准,标记不能是过度描述的或太普通的。 www.zuowenw.com 4. However, there are two defects in the German model: overly rely on foreign demand and low productivity in the service industry. 但是,德国模式存在两个缺陷:过于依赖出口;服务部门生产力低下。 www.ecocn.org 5. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not seem overly concerned by that prospect. 以色列总理尼坦雅胡似乎并不太担心巴勒斯坦的这项计画。 www.lihpao.com 6. Or they may urge you to visit your doctor when you feel overly anxious, sad or hopeless. 当你过度焦虑、忧伤、绝望时,朋友会陪你看医生; www.hjenglish.com 7. By being overly available, you signal to her that you are common and don't have much else going on in your life. 如果过于有空,你给她的信号就是你很普通,在你的生活中没有其他太多别的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Lose the overly methodical approach, don't expect folks to come in early or stay late for meetings, and focus on process and outcome. 丢掉有条不紊的态度,也不要期望人们开会的时候早到、晚退,将重点放在过程和结果上。 www.hxen.com 9. This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. 这道题是检测你会不会拿复杂的方法做简单的事… www.bing.com 10. UNEP now says that date was overly optimistic, and gorillas could lose their habitat entirely in as little as a decade. 环境署现在改称,原先的那份评估过分乐观,在短短十年间,大猩猩就可能完全丧失它们的栖身之所。 www.bing.com 1. I recommend you to use MRD templates, but make sure they're not overly long. 我推荐你使用MRD模板,但确保他们不要过分的长。 www.bing.com 2. Taken together, these processes predict that very few people will become overly dissatisfied with the high levels of income inequality. 综合起来,这些进步显示了很少有人多收入差距过大过度不满。 www.bing.com 3. There are many ways to succeed in this course, so please do not become overly focused on the grade. 在这堂课,有很多方法可以达到此目标,所以请不要过于重视成绩。 www.myoops.org 4. They are sensible enough, though some, like a moratorium on bilateral trade deals, seem overly idealistic. 这些想法很合理,但是像暂停双边贸易这些想法似乎太过理想主义了。 www.ecocn.org 5. As you can see, online dating is quick and overly convenient. 正如你所知,网上约会非常的快速而且过度的方便。 www.elanso.com 6. This might be overly simplistic but it's a basic truth. 这看起来再简单不过了,但其中的道理绝非浅显。 www.bing.com 7. Some will occur on the land, cleansing what has become overly polluted due to human activity. 有些则将发生在陆地上,净化因人类活动而过度污染的区域。 www.jxt-9.com 8. In common with other French banks, SocGen was also thought by many to take an overly mathematical approach to risk. 与其它法国银行一样,许多人认为兴业的风险管理过于依靠数学方法。 www.ecocn.org 9. Although a little wistful, Grandpa didn't seem overly upset by this state of affairs. 虽然多少有点忧愁,爷爷看上去也并未因这些事而过度忧伤。 www.bing.com 10. Next, you need to be overly specific with your analysis. 其次,你需要你过于具体分析。 actuafreearticles.com |
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