单词 | non life | ||||||||||||||
释义 | non life
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 非寿险,财产保险,财产保险业 1. Catch up to now, presenting in front of your little girl is no longer non-life, today I have a new attitude are waiting for you on my test. 到现在的奋起直追,呈现在您面前的已经不再是不谙世事的小女孩,今天我已经以一个崭新的姿态等待着你们对我考验。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 2. The term " unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities. 未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In this way, these disintegrated cultural segments turn into a materialized "Non-Life They" out of life noumenon. 这样,这种断裂的文明碎片就成为了一种外在于生命主体的物化的“它们”。 news.99ys.com 4. Europe's leading insurance companies rival it in terms of non-life premiums written and balance-sheet oomph. 欧洲首席保险公司就非人身保险金的文书和负债资产表魅力可以与之匹敌。 bbs.kaoshibaike.com 5. They were in stable condition after being transported to Highland Hospital with non life-threatening injuries. 他们在病情稳定后,被运往高地医院与非危及生命的伤害。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 6. Specialized operation can be a choice for mid-and-small non-life insurers to avoid over competitions. 为了避免恶性竞争,应鼓励非寿险公司更多开展再保险业务。 www.fabiao.net 7. Chapter III focuses on the qualitative analysis of the relationship between respectively factors and non-life insurance market demand. 第三章着重对定性分析了多因素与非寿险市场保险需求之间的关系。 www.boshuo.net 8. Gently, we shall learn to communicate with non-life things rather human beings, to whom, perhaps, we would eventually become indifferent. 人慢慢会学会对物沟通,而不是对人。那或许,对人,我们终究是会慢慢淡漠下去。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Design is a visual cultural phenomenon, in an era filled with the design, "non-designed, non-life" has become an era of slogans. 设计是一种视觉文化现象,这个时代充斥着设计,“非设计,不生活”已俨然成为时代的口号。 www.fabiao.net 10. Chapter V sums up the results of thesis research, and Made recommendations and proposals for non-life insurance market in China. 第五章,总结论文研究成果,并对我国非寿险市场发展提出了建议。 www.boshuo.net 1. In non-life insurance, the hypothesis of general linear model is hard to be satisfied. 在非寿险精算中,古典线性回归模型的假设很难得到满足。 lib.cqvip.com 2. On the tip of this revolution, there is non-life insurance company that treats pure risk management as a core business. 而处于这场革命风口浪尖的正是以处理社会纯粹风险为核心业务的非寿险公司。 www.dictall.com 3. For the insurance companies which conduct the non-life products, the loss reserves are their biggest liabilities. 对于经营非寿险业务的保险公司来说,准备金是负债表上金额最大的负债项目。 www.13191.com 4. The non-life methods of education in values have absolutely led to the predicament at present. 非生活的价值观教育方法必然导致价值观教育目前的困境。 5. For the non-life market entry, a second Representative Office in Jinan was also established in 2009. 为进入中国的非寿险市场,在中国济南的第二家代表处也在2009年设立。 company.zhaopin.com 6. A wilderness, remote non-life, in the eyes of photographers is beautiful. 一片荒野,渺无生机,在摄影家的眼里是美的。 enwaimao.cn 7. Chapter II makes a brief non-life insurance market literature review from domestic and abroad research. 第二章对有关非寿险保险市场的国内外文献做了简要的介绍。 www.boshuo.net 8. As an important part of insurance industry, the non-life insurance has gone on as we. 与全国其它地区一样,作为保险业重要组成部分的非寿险业在西部地区也得到了长足发展。 www.dictall.com 9. At present, the injured miners were sent to local hospitals for treatment, non-life-threatening. 目前,受伤的矿工已经被送到当地医院进行救治,无生命危险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The relationship between advertising and non-life is not close. 广告与生活地关系不可谓不密切。 www.0772zd.cn 1. China non-life insurance industry is the research object in this dissertation. 本文的研究对象是中国非寿险产业组织。 www.fabiao.net 2. But the economic headwinds are gusty, particularly for non-life activity. 但在非寿险领域,经济逆风刮得起劲。 www.cstiit.com 3. He was then hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries. 随后,他被送往医院。他的伤势没有生命危险。 blog.cntv.cn 4. ZFS is a relative newcomer to China's general, or non-life, insurance sector. 相对而言,在中国的一般(即非人寿)保险领域,苏黎世金融服务集团还是个新来者。 www.ftchinese.com 5. For these people, however, there are gentle, non-life-threatening alternatives. 然而对这些人来说,他们还有其它一些柔和而不威胁生命的选择。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Union was Taiwan's fourth-largest non-life insurer in the fourth quarter of 2006. 在2006年第四季度时,友联还是台湾第四大非寿险保险公司。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Many European and US financial services groups are eager to expand life and non-life investments in China. 许多欧美金融服务集团正急于在中国拓展寿险和非寿险投资。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In fact, it Xuanqi the penny novels of magic in the world, but also bears all the non-life. 事实上,它Xuanqi便士小说的魔法的世界,但是也有所有非寿险业务。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. Application of Non-life Insurance Actuarial Theory in the Management of Price Difference Risk Between the Retail and Wholesale Prices 非寿险精算在零售价差风险管理中的运用 service.ilib.cn 10. International Financial Report Criterion to Non-Life Insurance Service Reserve Fund Correlation Stipulation and Enlightenment 国际财务报告准则对非寿险业务准备金的相关规定及启示 www.ilib.cn 1. Application of the Principal Component Analysis for the Influence Factors of Solvency in Non-life Insurance Companies 主成分分析法在非寿险保险公司偿付能力影响因素中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. Game Analysis on Marketing Form of Professional Agent for Non-Life Insurance 非寿险专业代理展业博弈分析 ilib.cn 3. SORM; Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA); Negative Data; Operational Efficiency; Non-life insurance companies; SORM;数据包络浅析浅析(DEA);负值;经营效率;财产保险公司; www.zidir.com 4. The Empirical Analysis of the Performance Effectiveness of Chinese Non-Life Insurance Companies 我国保险公司经营效率的非寿险实证分析 5. The Extent of Population Exposure to Assess Clinical Safety for Drugs Intended for Long-Term Treatment of Non-Life-Threatening Conditions 对用于无生命危险情况下长期治疗的药物进行临床安全评估的族群暴露量范围 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A Study of Minimum Sustain Capital Requirement for China's Non- life Insurers 我国非寿险公司最低持续资本要求的比较 www.ilib.cn 7. Grey Incidence Analysis of the Influence Factors of Solvency in Non-life Insurance Companies 非寿险保险公司偿付能力影响因素的灰色关联分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Non-Life Classification Ratemaking Models and Estimation of Their Parameters 非寿险分类费率模型及其参数估计 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Comparison of Tax Systems in Relation to Underwriting Income from Non-life Insurance Companies 非寿险公司承保所得课税制度的比较研究 scholar.ilib.cn 10. The Administrative Rules for Non-life Insurance Reserve Fund of Insurance Company (trial) 保险公司非寿险业务准备金管理办法(试行) bbs.translators.com.cn 1. On the Supervision and Regulation of the Non - Life Insurance Company's Solvency 论非寿险公司的偿付能力监管 www.ilib.cn 2. The Empirical Analysis of the Solvency Margin of Non-life Insurance Company 非寿险保险公司偿付能力的实证分析 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Robust Bayesian Estimate of Outstanding Claims Reserve In Non - Life Insurance 保险公司未决赔款准备金的稳健贝叶斯估计 www.ilib.cn 4. Status and Foreground Analysis of Non-Life Insurance Invested Market 非寿险投资型保险市场现状及前景分析 scholar.ilib.cn 5. The Model of Dynamic Financial Analysis and the Reference in the Non-life Insurance Company 非寿险公司动态财务分析模型及其借鉴 www.ilib.cn 6. Bayesian Analysis of Credibility Models in Non-life Insurance 非寿险精算中的贝叶斯信用模型分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Risk Theories and Actuarial Mathematics of Non-life Insurance 风险理论与非寿险精算 bbs.gter.net 8. The Accountant Reproduction in the Payment of Non - Life Insurance 非寿险中理赔费用会计处理的重新思考 9. Review Non-life Solvency Margin Requirement from the View of Reasons of Insolvency Companies in Occident 从欧美财险公司破产看我国非寿险偿付能力监管 www.ilib.cn 10. Monitoring and Controlling Method on Solvency of Non-life Insurance Companies Based on Grey Incidence Degree 基于灰色关联度的非寿险保险公司偿付能力的监控方法 service.ilib.cn 1. Non-life insurance liability reserve; 非寿险责任准备金; goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The Way to Pick-up the Undue Responsibility Reserve of non-life Insurance 非寿险未到期责任准备金提取方法探析 www.ilib.cn 3. Present situation of China's non life insurance company's paying ability 浅析我国非寿险保险公司偿付能力现状 www.ilib.cn 4. Process of non-life materials participating in life tissue 无生命材料参与有生命组织的过程 www.ilib.cn 5. What Is the "Information" ? --Discussion within the Field of Non-life, Matter and Science “信息”到底是什么?--限于无生命、物质和科学领域的讨论 6. New Tendency of Evolvement about the Chinese non-Life Insurance Market Competition Pattern 中国非寿险市场竞争格局演变的新趋势 www.ilib.cn 7. Studying Drawing of Unexpire's Non-Life Insurance Reserve 非寿险未满期保费准备金的计提研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Probing into the Multi-polarized Setup Development of Non-life Insurance Market in China 中国非寿险市场多极化格局演变趋势 www.ilib.cn |
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