单词 | one-spot |
释义 | 例句释义: 污点 1. Until 1998, Motorola was the world's biggest seller of mobile phones, when Nokia knocked the company out of its number one spot. 直到1998年,摩托罗拉都是世界上第一大手机商,而这个时候,诺基亚开始撼动摩托罗拉第一的地位。 dongxi.net 2. Bringing it out of its slump, the Droid earned Motorola the number one spot on TIME's Top 10 Gadgets of the Year. 安卓不仅将该公司带出了困境,还将其带上了时代周刊小设备年度前十位。 dongxi.net 3. In my mind, that's better than fishing one spot for three hours trying to catch every fish on it. 在我看来,这比花三个小时在一个标点想把那里的每条鱼都钓上来更好。 www.freelure.cn 4. You are ahead of your time, and trying to stay in one spot could be asking too much. 你提前完成计划的事情,并试图停留在原地,但是这样要求的会更多。 www.enread.com 5. The International Atomic Energy Agency said the level in one spot tested in Iitate was twice its suggested threshold for evacuation. 国际原子能署说,在一个地方一级Iitate测试两次被其撤离建议的门槛。 www.englishtang.com 6. So many individuals from all over the world with a common interest meeting in one spot - precisely like here in Beijing for the Olympics! 来自世界各国的人们因为一个共同爱好来到这里——正像大家因为奥运会聚在北京。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So you better hold on to that number one spot and move up to the first division at the season's end. 所以你们想要保持榜首的位子直到本赛季末,并且期待下个赛季能升至一级联盟。 bbs.hoopchina.com 8. The World Bank and Goldman Sachs have said China could move ahead of the United States into the number one spot within the next 20 years. 世界银行和高盛说,中国可能在未来20年内取代美国,成为第一大经济体。 www.360abc.com 9. In the boat she felt helpless, unable to move around, sitting in one spot. 她在船上感到很无助,只能坐在一个地方,没法四处活动。 www.ebigear.com 10. In fact, it has claimed the number one spot for two years running on the Economist Intelligence Unit's ranking of the most liveable cities. 事实上,它已经连续两年在经济学人智库的世界最宜居城市排行榜上高居榜首。 www.i21st.cn 1. It had hit the daily number one spot on Christmas eve , Christmas day and New Year's day previously . 此前该网站曾在圣诞前夜、圣诞日和元旦当天的日访问量上拔得头筹。 www.bing.com 2. Thus, in practical terms, if the going got tough in one spot, the hominids would not have had to move far to get to a better situation. 于是,住在这里的人,要是在一个地点不容易过活,不必迁到远方就能找到容易过活的环境。 www.showxiu.com 3. "Yilan wuyi" refers to being able to see all of the scenery from one spot. “一览无遗”就是说一眼看过去,所有的景物都能看见。 www.chinese.cn 4. We'd get to see all the Australian native animals in one spot, like kangaroos, koalas , possums and wombats. 那个地方可以参观到澳大利亚所有本土动物,像袋鼠、无尾熊、负鼠、袋熊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The introduction of this technology encourages business process logic to be located in one spot. 这种技术的引入可促进业务流程逻辑被分配到一个点上。 www.ibm.com 6. You know, I say if something happens in one spot, you don't know. 你知道,我是说,如果某件事情发生在一个地方,你不知道。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is the case in shipping economics too, every pair of curves determine one spot freight rate. 航运经济学中也有类似的二维供给与需求曲线,每对曲线决定一个运价。 www.13191.com 8. There is only one spot available on each of the men's and women's synchronized dive. 而对男子和女子双人跳则分别只有一对名额。 club.women.sohu.com 9. And you haven't been able to do that with a regular hologram because the hologram would only be fixed in one spot. 通过普通全息图(静态全息图)无法实现这个效果,因为普通全息图仅固定在一个特定场景。 www.51voa.com 10. It was such a good job that Samantha's mother had noticed that one spot that looked different, otherwise it may have been too late. 幸好Samantha的妈妈发现了其中一个和其他看起来不同,否则的话,那就太晚了。 dongxi.net 1. I find that taking off their shoes and putting them in one spot helps to put them back on when it is time too move. 我发现脱下孩子们的鞋子放在一个地方可以让孩子们在活动时候时找回鞋子。 www.bing.com 2. As they are approaching the gates of heaven, God tells them that there is only ONE spot left. 当他们来到天堂的门口,上帝拦住她们,说是这里只剩下一个空位。 www.tianya.cn 3. You do not learn to balance yourself on a bicycle by staying balanced in one spot. 您不用先学会自己在自行车上保持平衡在一个点上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We got hundreds of texts an hour which collectively propelled Ghanian footballer Michael Essien in to the number one spot for the Award. 我们每小时就收到上千条短信,这些短信把加纳足球球星迈克尔·埃森推到取得殊荣的榜首位置。 www.putclub.com 5. Laughing is the sensation of feeling good all over, and showing it principally in one spot. 笑,是全身舒畅的感觉,而却主要表现于一个部分。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The U. S. slipped one spot to sixth place this year because of increases in both tax revenue and government spending as a percentage of GDP. 今年美国下滑一个名次,降至第六位,原因是税收和政府支出占GDP的比重双双上升。 www.bing.com 7. more than one-spot, high efficiency, consistency, and high strength welding, solder joint appearance, simple operation. 多个焊点一次完成,效率高、一致性好、焊接强度高、焊点美观、操作简单。 www.cnledw.com 8. A swap transaction may not be split into one spot transaction and one forward transaction for statistical purposes. 掉期交易不得分拆为一笔即期和一笔远期交易统计。 www.lawinfochina.com 9. Over the next five years, Boyzone produced an incredible 16 top five singles, six of which hit the number one spot. 随后五年里,“男孩地带”令人难以置信地推出了16首进入前五的单曲,其中有六首荣登榜首。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. If you are bidding into the number one spot purely to beat out your competitors, you're doing it for the wrong reason. 如果你这么做只是纯粹为了击败竞争对手,那么这么做就是不对的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. On arrival in Gethsemane , Jesus left eight of the apostles together in one spot and withdrew further with Peter, James and John. 在革择玛尼,耶稣带著伯多禄、雅各伯与若望离开和其馀八位宗徒聚集处,到另一个地方去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The inside of Magma Keep has several tight passageways that are perfect for such tactics, but one spot in particular stands out. 岩浆的肚子保持有是适合这样战术,但是一斑点在特别立场内在外完美的几紧通道。 3. SIAL predicts that China's F&B market consumption will easily take over the number one spot in the coming years. 相对于国内生产总值,SIAL预计中国将在不久的将来轻而易举地坐上食品和饮料消费市场的第一把交椅。 www.internationallinkmagazine.com.hk 4. Having the BP logic in one spot makes BP monitoring possible without the need to have the BP logic in the application logic. 在一个点上拥有BP使BP监控成为可能,而无需在应用逻辑中使用BP逻辑。 www.ibm.com 5. Number one spot and now she found her a replacement. 曾在第一位,而现在她找到一个代替者。 www.eoezone.com 6. If No. 43 remains in one spot before the ball is snapped, voice your concern for Pittsburgh's chances. 如果43号之前仍然在一个地方球扯断,表达您对匹兹堡的可能性表示关注。 www.englishtang.com 7. One spot they chose was about as far from industrial activity and vegetation as anyone could get: the South Pole. 他们选择的观测点之一是南极,这是地球上离工业活动、植物生长最远的地点。 www.bing.com 8. We'll finish: Certainly in the top four, but hopefully closer to the number -one spot than last time. 预测成绩:当然是在前四以内,但希望比去年更接近冠军。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. You need to not just look in one spot as well; but instead look around the room at your entire audience. 你也不需要盯着一个地方,而是环视你整个观众。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. If the bill is genuine, the product will show the presence of particles in one spot and the absence of them in the other. 如果纸币是真的,该产品就会显示有的部位有磁粉,有的部位无磁粉。 www.putclub.com 1. Some overlay entire pages over a page, some use frames to get you to click on one spot. 有些把整个网页覆盖在一个网页上,有些使用内置页框让你点击一个位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Nature is very good at cleaning up when things are not too concentrated, but it takes a lot longer when all the garbage is in one spot. 大自然是非常好的在清理时,事情是不能过于集中,但要花很多不再当所有的垃圾放在同一个位置。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The code has the integrity of a water balloon, yielding in one spot as another bulges . 代码的完整性如同一个水球,按下这一处,另一处就会凸起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But then Mr Chowdhury's mother noticed one spot amongst the rest that looked different. 但是当Chowdhury先生的妈妈注意到其中有一个痘看上去和其他的不一样的时候。 dongxi.net 5. With production in August hitting record levels, Russia toppled Saudi Arabia from the number one spot. 在8月份创纪录产量的支持下,俄罗斯把沙特阿拉伯从第一的位置上推了下来。 www.bing.com 6. PROBLEM Mouse lights up, buttons respond but the cursor is not responding. It stays in one spot. 鼠标灯亮,但是按键有反映但是光标没有反映,只呆在一点。 eatdiy.com 7. Soon yellow flags sprouted like a field of flowers, concentrated in one spot in particular. 很快,一面面小黄旗被插了下去,在这一小块特别的区域像一朵花般的散开。 www.bing.com 8. The mission itself boils down to fight to one spot, escort a guy, or blow up something. 任务本身煮沸下来对一个地点对抗,护卫一个家伙,或炸毁某事。 www.hydaily.com 9. He won't stay in one spot for any length of time. 他是绝不会待在一个地方很长时间的。 www.bing.com 10. The U. S. ranked 16th, one spot ahead of France but four behind Germany. 美国排在第16位,比法国领先一位,但比德国落后4位。 www.bing.com 1. Gregory . You got dent sole in my sofa. Gregory . You sit in one spot. And can you drink out of one glass? 你在沙发上坐凹一块就好了,紧著一个地坐,你就不能用一个杯子喝水吗?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Your legs are the number one spot where melanoma strikes. 你的双腿是最容易受黑色素瘤袭击的地方。 www.bing.com 3. But with one spot left, I thought I'd get some better stuff. 可是由于只剩一个位子了我想我得到一些更好的东西 www.kekenet.com 4. This transforms, swim from the net the first portal also sees one spot on the celebration of 17173 game wind and cloud that held recently. 这一转变,从网游第一门户17173近日举办的游戏风云庆典上也可见一斑。 itzhe.cn 5. So something like a prostatectomy, the prostate is small, and it's in one spot. 例如前列腺切除术,前列腺很小,在一个位置。 www.ted.com 6. Despite top marks in dependability and satisfaction surveys, Lexus has conceded its number one spot to BMW based on year-to-date sales. 尽管最高的可靠性和满意度调查,雷克萨斯已经承认其排名第一的基础上向宝马今年迄今为止的销售。 usa.315che.com 7. You might keep the entire design relatively light and then make the one spot you want your audience to focus on dark. 你可以让整个设计保持淡色,然后把你想让观众注意的地方设为深色。 www.bing.com 8. They aren't typically sitting in one spot for very long or camping a specific location. 他们一般不会在一个地点呆太长时间,也不会在固定的地方扎营。 nga.178.com 9. "Did you know that over half of trficked women are mothers too? " asks one spot. “你知道被贩卖妇女中有过半数身为人母吗?”其中的一个广告如是质问道。 www.ecocn.org 10. Once you arrive, you will notice the hotel is beautiful and has everything you need and more right in one spot. 到达的时候,您会发现这家宾馆外观美丽,并且您所需要的一切东西就在那里。 www.realsoftware.com 1. The talent sees one spot to changing the value that overflows an industry. 人才对于动漫产业的重要性可见一斑。 www.nwpu.net 2. Gazingatthis spherical graph, it is hard to imagine how one spot, the humans, could somehow be the apexof the entire globe. 让我们仔细看看这个球面图,很难想象,人类,不过是其中毫不起眼的一个点,凭什么成为全球的最高点?。 www.bing.com 3. Walking around instead of standing in one spot will reduce the risk of varicose veins. 四处走动代之以站在同一处会减少静脉疾病的危险。 www.elanso.com 4. It is designed to collect the waste lubricating oil in one spot for discharge. 润滑油废油被集中收集到一个地方排出。 www.worldmetal.cn 5. and I've got one spot left. 还剩下一个位子 www.kekenet.com 6. Mohammedan civilization, see one spot again from this. 伊斯兰文明,由此又可见一斑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Likewise, the phenomena is localized in one spot, unlike heat caused by weather. 这属于一个地点的局部现象,和气候引起的炎热并无相似之处。 blog.163.com 8. The term given to the area of a tyre that is worn heavily on one spot after a moment of extreme braking or in the course of a spin. 这个专业术语用于描述轮胎磨损严重区域,一般发生在紧急制动后或者在车身打转过程中。 www.7776.cn 9. Zhu Jun counterpoises in the regnant style of 9 cities and speech, see one spot. 朱骏在九城的统治风格与话语权,可见一斑。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Some birds, such as the hummingbird, beat their wings very fast to stay in one spot. 有的鸟,如蜂鸟,为了保持在一个地方必须不停地快速拍打翅膀。 www.61bay.com 1. China thus displaced India in the number one spot. India remained at number two, with 105, 000 students. 印度现在的留学生人数为105,000人,排名第二。 app.fortunechina.com 2. He is a good team mate and good back-up and in time he will fight for the number one spot. 他是个很好的队友,很好的替补,他将为一号门将而奋斗。 www.thefa.cn 3. Your eyes don't stay fixed in one spot when reading. 阅读时你的眼睛一般不会停留在一个固定的位置。 www.bing.com 4. Oprah only lost the number one spot three times in the past seven years. 奥普拉最近七年来只有三次与第一名失之交臂。 www.bing.com 5. It is more difficult from an operational point of view . . . but you can't raise € 200m in one spot unless you are in the US. 从操作角度来看,这会更加困难……但除非你是在美国,否则你无法在一个地方就筹集2亿欧元。 bbs.newacad.com 6. So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another? 他们能从这个星球上的一个地方穿越到另一个地方吗? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Sure the gap to get to number one is big, but you are only one spot away. 虽然和第一名的差距很大,但是比你厉害的也就他一个了。 www.bing.com 8. You also saw how to expose the defaults to plug-in users, letting the users define their own defaults in one spot, easing coding for them. 您还可以看到如何向插件用户展示默认值,让用户定义他们自己的默认值,轻松实现编码。 www.ibm.com 9. Even when I try to switch the topic, the subject matter returns to that one spot. 就算我想转个话题的话﹐话题便回转返到原点。 alive.tom.com 10. And moving from one spot to another. 从一个地方发展到另一个地方。 www.ted.com 1. and oftentimes doing this improves the breath flow not only at that one spot but also in other parts of the body as well. 这样做,往往不仅改善了那一个部位的气流,而且也改善了其它部位的气流。 www.liaotuo.org 2. You can be stuck at one spot for four hours because the streets are blocked. 因为道路都被封闭了,你可能会在大巴上被一动不动地堵上四个小时。 www.bing.com 3. Fix your eyes on one spot for 2 minutes. 让眼睛注视一点,持续2分钟。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The United States ranks 13th, down one spot from last year. 美国排名13,较去年下降了一位。 www.bing.com 5. She put a glass to that one spot and it didn't disappear. 她那一个玻璃杯放上的时候那个痘没有消失。 dongxi.net 6. "Are you a person of curiosity and integrity? " asks one spot. 你是一个正直而有好奇心的人吗? www.hxen.com 7. And you can set your robot up very precisely to work in that one spot. 你安装你的机器人非常精确地在那一点工作。 www.ted.com 8. Communication and Application of Microwave One-spot with Mutiaddress 微波一点多址通信及应用 www.ilib.cn 9. Number one spot, Wayne and Paula 数字上,注意到,韦恩和宝拉 zhidao.baidu.com 10. In One Spot (Pe Loc), Romanian Folk Dance, for orchestra No. 3 发现一个人,为管弦乐队而作的罗马尼亚民间舞蹈第3首。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Number one spot, Wayne and Paula 数字上,注意到,韦恩和宝拉 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In One Spot (Pe Loc), Romanian Folk Dance, for orchestra No. 3 发现一个人,为管弦乐队而作的罗马尼亚民间舞蹈第3首。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Look at one spot on the Tendency of Chinese Contemporary Architectural Ideology 管窥当代中国建筑思想的倾向性 www.ilib.cn |
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