单词 | bottle |
释义 | bottles是bottle的复数
复数:bottles 现在分词:bottling 过去式:bottled 例句释义: 瓶,奶瓶,酒,堆,忍着,把装瓶,把装罐贮藏,瓶子图片,做任务用既可乐,水瓶 1. As he speaks, children run up to the cars of volunteers, who stop and hand them food and water bottles through the windows. 正当他说话时,小孩们朝志愿者的汽车飞跑过去,那些汽车停下来,里面的人从窗户里给他们递出食物和瓶装水。 bbs.ccut.edu.cn 2. It turned out there had been a lot of petty thefts in the area, particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps. 事情原来是这样的,在这一地区多次发生小的扒窃案,特别是从门前台阶上偷走牛奶瓶。 wenku.baidu.com 3. In the middle ages, the bottles was one of the means of communication when people across the sea . 中世纪,漂流瓶是人们穿越广阔大海进行交流的手段之一。 wenku.baidu.com 4. In the beginning, it only served as a decoration of snuff bottles and grew into a unique craftwork later on. 最开始是为鼻烟壶作饰,继而成为一种独特工艺。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If you regularly buy bottles of water you now have no excuse not to take a reusable bottle with you everywhere. The Vapur fits anywhere. 如果你经常购买瓶装水,现在你就没有任何借口不使用可回收利用的水瓶了。便携水瓶十分便携。 www.bing.com 6. It won't do to have candidates shaking Prozac bottles from the podium, unless the public is ready to reward them for it. 它不会产生在讲台上摇晃百忧解瓶的候选人,除非市民已准备好奖励他们。 dongxi.net 7. The usefulness of the two bottles of wine, he lied to participate in the meeting was the last meal, is used for official reception. 对这两瓶酒的用处,他谎称是上次参加会议的餐费,是用于公务接待的。 www.englishtang.com 8. It's to show you how much gas was left in the last bottles. 是为了告诉你们我们当时在最后一个瓶子里,还剩下多少燃料。 www.ted.com 9. Heavy-duty professional machines can preserve wines for up to a year after the bottles are open. 重型专业制酒机可以使开瓶后的葡萄酒保质期长达1年。 c.wsj.com 10. The firm said the bottles could be processed on machines used for PET. 该公司表示,根据瓶可处理机器用于宠物。 www.512121.com 1. But I do hate buying bottles of water, and toilet rolls would be easy to just put in your trolley without paying. 但我讨厌要花钱去买的是瓶装水和卫生纸,它们很容易不付钱就放进你的小推车。 www.bing.com 2. The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free , if purchased in a duty-free shop . 按法律规定,如果从免税商店购买,您可以免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Ling is the kind of tradition to the girls, poor expression, as if warm water bottles, and clutching his fiery heart, the pain made a cover. 玲是那种传统而内向的女孩,不善表白,就像温水瓶似的,把火热的心捂着,捂得发痛。 www.bing.com 4. Soon afterwards, she fractured her foot in a drunken fall. By then she was drinking up to three bottles of white wine a day. 不久,她的脚因喝醉跌倒而骨折,在那时她一天能喝三瓶白酒。 www.bing.com 5. Early cartons completely covered the bottles of Coke -- almost as if they were inside a box -- and had a handle at the very top. 早期的可口可乐纸盒可装好几瓶可乐——它们能基本完全覆盖可乐瓶,并且在顶部有一个手柄。 dongxi.net 6. There are thousands of plastic bottles there and who knows how much dirty stuff is underwater! 那儿有几千个塑料瓶,谁又知道水下又有多少脏东西呢! www.bing.com 7. If you want to give a memorable present this year and a case of these is too expensive, one, two or three bottles would still be a treat. 如果你今年想送出一件令人难忘的礼品,而一整箱酒又过于昂贵,那么挑选其中的一瓶、两瓶或三瓶仍然是很拿得出手的礼物。 chinese.wsj.com 8. As is often the case in Africa, the customers enjoy the drink on the premises, the deposit on the bottles being too dear. 这样的情况在非洲很普遍,顾客必须在店里享用饮料,因为瓶子的押金是相当贵的。 www.bing.com 9. Generally, milk bottles at the front of the shelf in the supermarket have an expiry date of only a few days. 通常,超市中架子前的瓶装奶仅有几天的有效限期。 www.bing.com 10. He looked down the table, narrowing his eyes against the sun as it reflected needles of light from the bottles. 他低头看着桌面,眯着眼睛看着阳光反射到瓶子上射出的光线。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "It cost how much you pay, my friend, " he said mysteriously as he unscrewed the lids off his bottles. “你愿意付多少就多少,朋友。”他故作神秘地说,一边拧下鞋油瓶盖。 www.bing.com 2. The next step will be to see if any of the few bottles that he's recovered are still saleable. 下一步将是检查他找回的为数不多的几瓶葡萄酒中是否仍有可以销售的。 www.cn.wsj.com 3. Between diapers, feedings , bottles, and clothes they seem to grow out of in a matter of days, it seems like an endless financial output. 仅仅几天,尿布,吃的,喝的,以及衣服都因为他们长得太快而不合适,这似乎是永无止境的财政支出。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Lots of empty bottles were found under the old man's bed. He must have done nothing but drink. 老人床下发现了一大堆空瓶子。他一定是什么也没做,只是喝酒。 wenku.baidu.com 5. A man in a suit pushes a case of water bottles into the kitchen of a hotel in Washington D. C. 在华盛顿的一个酒店,一个穿着西服的男人用推车推着一箱瓶装水走进了厨房。 www.bing.com 6. he said to the tippler, whom he found settled down in silence before a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles. 小王子问酒鬼,这个酒鬼默默地坐在那里,面前有一堆酒瓶子,有的装着酒,有的是空的。 kikiyo2007.spaces.live.com 7. We hope that the beer is packed six bottles in a box which should be beautiful, durable and easy to carry. 我方希望啤酒每6瓶装一盒,包装用的盒子必须美观、坚固并便于携带。 www.ebigear.com 8. Gently remove fisher put them into the pot has briny bottles, fisher sad looked at me as if say: "kid, please let me go I'll go home. " 轻轻的捞起小鱼把它们放进罐有海水的瓶子里,小鱼伤心的看着我,好像再说:“小朋友,请你放了我吧我要回家。” zhidao.baidu.com 9. Finally my relative took me to the communal hospital and the nurse put a few bottles of glucose drips on me, then I recovered. 最后我的亲戚带我去共同医院和护理放几瓶葡萄糖滴在我的话,我就痊愈了。 wenwen.soso.com 10. If your hotel doesn't recycle, consider taking your empty bottles or other items home with you to recycle them there. 如果酒店没有循环使用的垃圾处理方法,请考虑把空瓶子或者其他物品带回家做循环垃圾处理。 www.bing.com 1. My job was to wash bottles, which would then be filled with wine, or to pack the filled bottles in cases. 我的工作是洗刷那些用来装酒的瓶子,或者把灌了酒的瓶子集装成箱。 www.okread.net 2. In the bathroom, I discovered a pair of hand-blown glass bottles used for storing antibiotic pills and antiseptic. 在浴室里,我发现了一对装抗生素片和防腐剂的自制玻璃瓶。 www.ebigear.com 3. I knew that the local bottle shop gave ten cents for a beer bottle, so I decided to sell some bottles to get money for macaroni. 我知道当地瓶店给十美分一瓶啤酒,所以我决定卖掉一些赚钱的通心粉。 www.cpatz.com 4. Reporters opened the door, just came across an American woman from the home in a panic ran out of her hand, holding two bottles of water. 记者打开门,正好碰见一位美国女士也从家里慌慌张张地跑出,手里还拿着两瓶水。 www.englishtang.com 5. How much are two bottles of water? 两瓶水多少钱? wenwen.soso.com 6. Like this: Get a pair of two-liter soft-drink bottles and chop off the spout ends, creating two cylinders. 试试这样:找两个2升的饮料瓶,切掉瓶口的一端,留下两个圆柱筒。 kk.dongxi.net 7. empty bottles and rusty this. Among the rubbish, I found a sign which said. 空瓶子和空的罐头盒。在垃圾堆中,我发现了一块牌子。 467758069.qzone.qq.com 8. The atmosphere of the room was almost oppressive for the rich odours of perfumes in bottles whose gold stoppers had not been replaced. 香水瓶的金塞子都不曾塞好,房间的空气里充满了强烈的香气,香得几乎咄咄逼人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Mmm. -And then beside the two flavors of slush, there was one of those big, giant ketchup bottles, you know? 嗯。-除了这两种口味的冰沙外,还有一个巨大的番茄酱瓶子,你知道? qac.yappr.cn 10. Fill containers or wide-mouthed bottles or something of the sort with beer about a quarter to half way up. Then bury these in your garden. 在广口瓶或其它类似容器中倒入四分之一至一半的啤酒,然后埋在你的花园里。 www.bing.com 1. Their father had no choice but went for an urgent business trip in regret, leaving the two kids home, as well as Sheila with her bottles. 父亲因为紧急委托不无遗憾地出门去,家里只剩下两个孩子和抱着酒瓶过来的雪拉。 hi.baidu.com 2. Only 12 bottles of "The End of History, " a blond Belgian ale, were produced, and each came packaged in its own bit of taxidermy. 这款叫做“历史的终结”的金黄色比利时啤酒只生产的12瓶,每瓶都用不同的动物标本包装。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 3. Instead, what was slipped into the design for the bottles were a few fluorescent leaves, a nod to Basso & Brooke's newest patrons. 相反,出现在酒瓶设计的是一些荧光色的叶子,这是在向他们的最新顾客致意。 www.ftchinese.com 4. White particles which appeared on the surface of beans and the wall of bottles, during the shelf life of broad bean paste were investigated. 成品蚕豆酱随着货架期的延长,在豆瓣表面及其瓶壁上会出现一些乳白色硬质圆粒状小点,有时呈较大的片状结构。 www.dictall.com 5. She said that she wanted to buy two bottles of wine for a special dinner and explained what food she was planning to cook. 她说她要为一次特别宴会买两瓶酒,还说明她准备烧什么菜。 he.ah.vnet.cn 6. "The Revolution Everlasting" was one of the enduring slogans of his Libya, inscribed everywhere from bridges to water bottles. 在卡扎菲统治下的利比亚,到处都充斥着“永久革命”的标语口号,这些标语被印刷在从大桥到水壶的表面上。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Love the citrus smell and the fact that it is not toxic and I feel safe using it with my baby dishes, bottles, etc. 我喜爱柠檬的滋味,并且它的确无毒有害,我能够很放心的用它洗我家宝宝的餐具和奶瓶等。 www.cnjlc.com 8. Sunflower seeds are spilt across the floor and empty plastic bottles roll as the train rattles through the darkness. 瓜子壳扔了一地,空塑料瓶子随着火车的行进滚来滚去。 www.bing.com 9. The dinner wasn't served yet. A cripple was running in and out with dishes and knives and forks and bottles of wine. 饭还没有端上来,一个跛子跑进跑出,拿盘子、刀叉和酒瓶。 www.bing.com 10. Bisphenol A has been used for decades to make baby bottles and other plastic containers. 双酚A数十年来一直被用于生产婴儿奶瓶和其他塑料容器。 www.hxen.com 1. Or if you're laying down bottles for 10 or more years, but then we're back to the matter of professional storage. 或者你要把葡萄酒存放10年甚至更久,但那又回到专业贮藏的话题了。 www.bing.com 2. Mr. Tao says that on regular visits to the city-state, he carries a couple of bottles home with him over the border. 陶景洲说,在定期前往香港时,他就会从那里带两瓶酒回内地。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Plastic milk bottles a bit of greatest lies in its humid areas and not fragile. 塑料奶瓶的最大的有点就在于其轻巧不易碎。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. Now, the company admits that the epoxy liners in its bottles used to contain trace amounts of BPA. 现在,公司承认在它的这个水壶里面的环氧衬里里面曾经含有微量的BPA。 www.51mokao.com 5. We need about five plastic producing bottles and Molds for a branch of its Factory . Let me know something . 我们的分厂大约需要五套塑料瓶的生产设备和模子。请告诉我有关事宜。 www.bing.com 6. Setting up a whole new infrastructure would be an expensive waste because bottles and cans are not the issue. 建立一个全新的基础体系将会是非常昂贵的,却没有什么实际收效,因为饮料瓶和易拉罐并不值得我们这样做。 www.bing.com 7. All-in-one breastmilk organization system makes it easy to protect and locate breastmilk bottles in the fridge or freezer. 在母乳的组织系统,可以很容易地保护和定位在冰箱或冷冻的母乳瓶。 www.freemerce.com 8. You know you have arrived in Barbra country when all along the roadside; you see piles of empty beer bottles and cans. 要知道,当你漫步在巴尔拜的街道,随处可见都是些空酒瓶罐。 www.kekenet.com 9. Sa is lost without his cattle. Liquor bottles are piled up in one corner of the farm. "There's nothing else to do, " Sa says. Sa由于牛的损失已经沉沦,在他农场的角落里堆满了烈性酒瓶。“现在这里没有什么可以做的。”他说。 www.bing.com 10. As some firms face soaring resources costs, Mr. Huang pointed out plastic bottles aren't likely to see a shortage any time soon. 在有些公司面临资源成本飞涨之际,黄谦智指出塑料瓶不大可能会在近期内出现短缺。 chinese.wsj.com 1. At the beginning of this year, people would gain at least 10 percent profit to reserve a box of 2005 Lafite (12 bottles) for several months. 而在今年年初,谁能拥有一箱(12瓶)2005年的拉菲红酒,只需要放上几个月再卖,就能得到10%以上的利润。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 2. We used to hear the rattle of the milk bottles in the early morning. 我们习惯于听那清早牛奶瓶的嘎嘎作响声。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A year after opening, the wine shops make a feeble profit selling discounted bottles for local Communist Party banquets. 开张一年后,酒商只能通过为当地共产党宴会提供折扣红酒赚取微薄的利润。 www.bing.com 4. There was also a photographer taking pictures along the way and a water station with volunteers handing out water bottles. 跑道的沿线有指引方向的保安、拍摄照片的摄影师、志愿者们在临时设立的休息点给大家递来纯水。 www.zizhupark.com 5. The French governor Dumas sent a present of ten bottles of liqueurs to Raghuji, who gave them to his wife. 法国总督杜马以甜酒十瓶相赠,拉古吉都交了给妻子。 forum.askme.hk 6. The factory sells around 200, 000 bottles a year and keeps up to 600 tiger skeletons at a time in huge vats. 每年工厂销售量接近二十万瓶,并保持六百具虎骨架批次的巨型大桶囤积型酿造。 www.bing.com 7. Due to the surface many screen printing with the above characteristics, has been in the plastic bottles to occupy an important place in. 由于曲面网印具有上述诸众特点,不断在塑料瓶包装洋攻陷次要的身分。 www.bing.com 8. Coca-Cola has teamed up with New York stylist Patricia Field to produce a reusable bag made entirely from recycled PET bottles. 可口可乐公司与纽约设计师帕特里夏场到生产可重复使用的袋子全由回收PET瓶。 www.a1pak.net.cn 9. Yesterday eldest Dragon Center, drink a glass of red drink, arrogant remark was that he wanted to mention a couple of bottles of beer. 昨天老大龙涛喝了杯酒后面红耳赤,口出狂言说想当年一两瓶啤酒不在话下。 hi.baidu.com 10. A crowd began to form around the scene, throwing bottles and bricks at the policemen. 人群开始围观,朝警察扔瓶子和砖块。 dongxi.net 1. Including books, old newspapers, bottles and son, dishes, and even a little bit of the old furniture. 其中有旧书,旧报纸,酒瓶子,盘子,甚至旧一点儿的家具。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Much like a few people, but not human creatures came out, they wore thick "iron clothes, " carrying a large body of iron incredibly bottles. 几个很像人,但又不是人的生物走了出来,他们穿着厚厚的“铁衣”,身上背着一个大得不得了的铁瓶子。 www.tradeask.com 3. Holds several diapers, bottles, changing pad, a snack and a few of your baby's favorite outfits. 可容纳几个尿布,奶瓶,改变垫,零食和一些您的宝宝最喜爱的服装。 www.freemerce.com 4. Coca-Cola bottles and packages its beverages close to its customer base, rather than exporting its products from continent to continent. 可口可乐在靠近消费者的地方灌装饮品,而不是把灌装好的成品出口到世界各地。 www.ltaaa.com 5. Aluminum and titanium metal plating glass vacuum bottles outside in whole or in part to produce a similar effect of specular reflection. 用铝和钛真空金属喷镀玻璃瓶在瓶外部的整体或部分产生一种类似镜面的反射效果。 www.qiyeku.com 6. It takes up to eight recycled plastic bottles to make each of the shirts, which are melted down before being processed into fabric. 每件运动服都是由八个可再生的塑料瓶子做成,这些塑料瓶子要先被融化然后做成纤维。 www.bing.com 7. Production of these unusual beer bottles used aluminium tubes with a corresponding length which were produced by cold forming. 生产这些不寻常的啤酒使用相应的长度,这是由冷成型生产铝管瓶。 www.a1pak.net.cn 8. Last summer, they had grown so many tomatoes that they were able to make a dozen bottles of tomato sauce to last most of the winter. 去年夏天,她们种了许多西红柿,用这些西红柿又做了十二瓶西红柿酱,吃了大半个冬天。 k8edu.com 9. First, he had brought me a case of bottles full of excellent cordial waters, six large bottles of Madeira wine. 首先,他给我带来了一箱上好的提神酒,六大瓶马德拉酒。 www.jukuu.com 10. Then I could have had two bottles of wine, given the ring to the waiter and had the whole business off my hands. 然后,我可以有两瓶酒,戒指给服务员,关闭我的手整个业务。 www.englishtang.com 1. HDPE bottles do not break as glass can and are also recyclable so we urge you to please recycle them. 高密度聚乙烯瓶不会象玻璃那样易破,也可以回收利用,因此请回收他们。 www.usletao.com 2. The bottles are guided through from start to finish by two easy-to-clean, spiral conveyors. 瓶为指导,通过从开始到结束的两个易于清洁,螺旋输送。 www.512121.com 3. A recent episode of the Today Show highlighting potential dangers of plastic bottles has caused a great deal of confusion for consumers. 最近,《今日新闻》的一段小新闻着重强调了塑料瓶的潜在危险,这可能会引起消费者的混乱。 www.elanso.com 4. Benjamin Franklin was one of the first to use bottles in the study of currents. 本杰明·富兰克林在研究水流的时候是第一个发现漂流瓶的用法的。 word.hcbus.com 5. The invention concerns an installation for high pressure compression with several stages, normally used for producing PET bottles. 本发明涉及多级高压压缩设备,通常应用于生产聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)瓶子。 ip.com 6. walk right past those bottles of SOD, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, because these compounds must be created inside the body. 所以,无需伫足于SOD、过氧化氢酶以及谷胱甘肽过氧化酶(glutathioneperoxidase)等药瓶之前,因为这些东西得靠自己的身体制造。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. You cannot reasonably tell a child he is allowed only one soda a week if you keep two-liter bottles of Coke and Sprite in the refrigerator. 如果你坚持每星期在冰箱里防止两升瓶装的可口可乐和雪碧,那么你将无法合理地告诉孩子,他每周只能喝一小杯苏打汽水。 www.bing.com 8. Next thing you know, disposable plastic bottles are the bad guys. 结果,一次性塑料瓶是有害的。 www.bing.com 9. Glass is often made into bottles. 玻璃常制成瓶子。 www.englishjia.com 10. Combat troops out in the field are given bottles of anti-bacterial hand lotion and warned to stay away from locally-grown produce. 部队为在外作战的士兵提供瓶装抗菌水、洗手液,并警告他们离当地食品远一点。 www.jukuu.com 1. No. The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free . 不必。法律规定可以免税带两瓶甜酒或白酒以及一条烟。 it.bab.la 2. Teacher's concern, so that seems to knock a small white heart Gomi bottles, really was not the taste. 老师的关心,使小白心里好像打翻了五味瓶,真不是滋味。 word.hcbus.com 3. The bottle style is eye catching and is similar to bottles used for personal care products designed for people. 瓶子风格是眼睛捕捉和类似瓶用于个人护理产品设计的人。 www.512121.com 4. Ruyi tables and bottles table, no doubt the most unique are the two major categories. 如意表和瓶子表,无疑是最独特的是两大类。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Made a few small bottles of wine, buy the long march, and return to the revolutionary base areas. 提了几瓶小酒,买了长征,回到了革命根据地。 www.ok06.com 6. She assumed - perhaps rightly, perhaps wrongly - that it was the doing of the brown bottles in the cupboard. 她推断---可能对,也可能不对---是因为碗柜里的棕色瓶子。 www.bing.com 7. They always carry them as if they were babies who can't throw away feeding-bottles. 他们总是拿者饮料,看起来就像是扔不掉奶瓶的婴儿那么幼稚! www.hoyvideosonline.com 8. It accepts bottles (not cans) of any size, shape or color, and paper or plastic labels will not affect the measurements. 它接受瓶(不罐)的任何尺寸,形状或颜色,纸或塑料标签将不会影响测量。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 9. I noticed that the contour of the bottles could be adjusted to reveal a pair of glasses. 我发现,酒瓶的线条也能够调整成为一幅眼镜。 www.bing.com 10. This heap of beer cans, mineral water bottles and other material was just a few minutes' walk outside the village of Tengboche. 从天波切村出来走几分钟就能看到这堆啤酒罐,矿泉水瓶和其他垃圾。 www.bing.com 1. He took the empties and replaced them with full bottles, saying: "Ten cents, please. " 他收起了空瓶子,拿了两瓶牛奶递给她,说道:“10美分,女士。” www.ryedu.net 2. "I spent huge portions of my life in air-raid shelters, singing 'A Hundred Green Bottles Hanging on the Wall, '" Abright said. 我一生中很大的一部分是在防空洞中度过的,并常会吟唱起‘挂在墙上的一百个绿瓶子,’ www.crazyenglish.org 3. Beatson Clark does not produce green glass bottles, although some of the green cullet collected can be recycled into the amber furnace. 比特森克拉克不生产绿色的玻璃瓶,但也有一些绿色的碎玻璃的收集可循环再造的琥珀炉。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 4. I went into the cellar; all the barrels were gone, and of the bottles a most surprising number had been drunk out and thrown away. 我走进储藏室,发现所有的酒桶都空了,喝完后到处乱扔的空酒瓶多得让人吃惊。 www.dictall.com 5. In 2010, divers found the ship with its structure largely intact with a cargo hold that was empty apart from 168 champagne bottles. 2010年,潜水员发现了这艘船上一个几乎完好无损的货舱,这个货舱除了168瓶香槟外没有任何东西。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. The inside of the limo is stocked like a minbar, with bottles of red wine, flower bouquets, and a fruit platter. 房车内部弄的像个迷你酒吧,有许多瓶红酒,花束和水果拼盘。 tieba.baidu.com 7. Behold, my belly is as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles. 我的胸怀如盛酒之囊,没有出气之缝,又如新皮袋快要破裂。 www.for68.com 8. PepsiCo announced the discovery Tuesday and said it plans to test the product in 2012 in a few hundred thousand bottles. 百事公司在周二宣布了这个发现,并宣布公司计划在2012年会少量的生产几十万瓶进行测试。 www.bing.com 9. Although the study did not include infants, parents using BPA bottles are unlikely to be reassured by these findings. 尽管这些研究没有涉及到婴儿,但是这却不能使正在给孩子使用奶瓶的父母宽心。 www.bing.com 10. The ruddy-cheeked Wang herself stood bundled in a red down jacket, stuffing plastic bottles into a clear trash bag. 脸色红润的王秀丽自己裹在红色羽绒服里,正在把塑料瓶子往垃圾袋里塞。 www.bing.com 1. But angry supporters of the mosque then began throwing stones, bottles and a firework at the police. 但是清真寺愤怒的支持者们开始向警方投掷石块,瓶子和焰火。 www.englishtang.com 2. Bottles of mineral water and the repeated concerns have finally agglomerated into a huge warmth sweeping this city. 一瓶瓶矿泉水,一次次关心重复上演。最后凝聚成巨大的温暖席卷。 hi.baidu.com 3. Rubbish collectors are following behind the procession picking up discarded bottles, bound to be making a big fortune today. 捡废气瓶子的拾荒者跟在队伍后面,他们也收获颇丰。 www.ourblogs.cn 4. Boys as young as the age of 10 rampaging through the streets throwing bottles at policemen! Welcome to the age of biological warfare! 十几岁的小男孩,冲到街上,向警察扔瓶子!欢迎来到生理战的年龄! www.ltaaa.com 5. In the face of the riots, the beleaguered police are being bombarded as much with advice as they are with half-bricks and bottles. 面对暴乱,深陷重围的警察正顶着砖块和瓶子的轰炸,与此同时,各路建议也纷乱而至。 bbs.artron.net 6. More than two years ago, we sat on the pavement of a bridge in Congjiang, Guizhou, with two bottles of beer under a starry sky. 那是两年多之前,在一个繁星满天的夜晚,带着两瓶啤酒,我俩坐在贵州省从江一座桥的人行道上。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. The second is very similar with the PET material can be widely used in the production of beverage bottles, and be able to recovery. 二是非常相似的PET材料,可广泛的用于生产饮料瓶,并能恢复。 www.qiyeku.com 8. A wild night that, he said, "involved two bottles of port wine, chocolate cake, and sweaty bed sheets. " 昨晚,一个野性的夜晚,他说,“缠绵在两瓶波特酒,巧克力蛋糕,汗湿的床单中。” www.bing.com 9. The prescription medications were made out in the actor's name and were in the prescription bottles or packets. 处方药是以莱斯的名义开的,都在医用药瓶或药包里。 www.zftrans.com 10. You know I don't smoke, and I don't want to lug any bottles around with us. 你知道我不抽烟,而且我也不想我们身边一直拖着瓶瓶罐罐的东西。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 1. "Of course, I have five bottles, " he says pulling out a pint of Popov vodka. "But I don't want to be handing them out while I'm asleep. " “当然了,酒我是有,五瓶呢。”说着他掏出一品脱波波夫伏特加,“不过我可不会给他们。” www.bing.com 2. "Simon, " I suggested, "let us drink some wine and forget all this. I have two bottles downstairs in my apartment. What do you think? " “西蒙,”我建议,“让我们喝了点酒,忘掉这一切,我在我的公寓两瓶楼下,你怎么想的?” www.maynet.cn 3. My husband decided to install a light switch in our master bedroom. Cutting into the wall, he discovered a stash of bottles and boxes. 老公要在我们的主浴室里装一个电灯开关,在墙上凿了个洞之后,他发现了一堆隐藏的瓶瓶鑵鑵。 www.bing.com 4. They were then given two polycarbonate bottles and asked to drink all cold beverages from them during the next week. 之后研究人员给被调查者两个PC塑料瓶,并要求他们在接下来的一周内,只用这种水瓶喝冰饮料。 www.hjenglish.com 5. I opened up the minibar and drank down one of those pathetic little bottles of champagne. 我忍不住痛哭流涕,打开吧台喝光了一小瓶香槟。 www.bing.com 6. She was back the next day with two empty milk bottles. 第二天,她又拿着两个牛奶瓶出现在他的店里。 www.ryedu.net 7. For more info, don't forget to see Product Reports on "bottled water" and "baby bottles" . 想了解更多信息,不要忘记仔细察看“瓶装水”和“奶瓶”的产品报告。 www.bing.com 8. In many areas, glass bottles had to be sorted by color of the glass before being recycled, whereas aluminum cans required no sorting. 在很多地方,玻璃瓶在回收之前需要根据玻璃的颜色被分类,但铝制品不用被分类。 forum.chasedream.com 9. particularly that of stealing milk bottles from doorsteps. 特别是从门前台阶上偷牛奶瓶。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Occasionally he threw bottles onto the field, or anything else he could get his hands on. 他偶尔也会向内场投掷饮料瓶或者任何他的手能拿到的东西。 dongxi.net 1. However, when reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. 但是,当我们到达山顶的时候,我们被到处散布的垃圾震惊了,很多瓶子和香蕉皮等等。 wenwen.soso.com 2. "Next time, don't start something like that right outside Cowley's window, " said Doyle, as he walked past, bottles clinking in a bag. “下次,别象在考雷的窗外那样开始,”道尔说,他走过去,袋里的瓶子叮叮当当响起来。 i.cn.yahoo.com 3. Modern people don't want to be dropped naked into a swamp. We want to tour Yosemite with our water bottles and G. P. S. devices. 现代的人类不想光着身子被扔进一片沼泽地,我们希望带着我们的水壶和GPS设备游历Yosemite国家公园。 www.ebigear.com 4. in the Middle East, Coke bottles have become accepted missiles with which to punish unjust umpires at soccer games. 在中东,可乐瓶已成为惩罚足球比赛中的黑哨裁判的最顺手的武器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. You could go for a hip, green backpack to get rid of eco- guilt , such as one made of recycled material, such as water bottles. 为免除破坏环境的罪恶感,你可以去买一款兼具时尚与环保的双肩包,比如用水瓶等可回收材料制成的包包。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Since you are only allowed to bring in two bottles of wine and four hundred cigarettes, you'll have to pay duty on the excess. 只准带进两瓶酒和四百只香烟,对超额部分你得上税。 7. The long bar was a blaze of lights, polished woodwork, coloured and cut glassware, and many fancy bottles. 一排电灯照在抛光的长酒柜台上,上面陈列着彩色雕花的玻璃器皿和许多形状奇特的酒瓶。 www.bing.com 8. BPA is one of the most widely produced chemicals worldwide, among its uses, resins for food packaging and polycarbonate baby bottles. 双酚A是全球范围内最广泛生产的化学物质之一,其用途包括,食品包装和聚碳酸酯树脂婴儿奶瓶。 www.tingclass.com 9. Plastic packaging, tinfoil packaging and glass including bottles must either go with the general waste or be taken to recycling points. 塑料包装、锡纸包装和玻璃(包括玻璃瓶)可以归到普通垃圾里或者送到垃圾回收点去。 gb.cri.cn 10. But it was enough to trigger a counter-demonstration from Thaksinites, with each side chucking plastic bottles at the other. 但这些已经足以引发他信党徒的反示威行动,两边的人群互掷塑料瓶。 www.ecocn.org 1. Hotel room in Southeast Asia generally do not have hot water, two bottles of mineral water in the fridge can be used to quench their thirst. 东南亚的饭店房间里一般没有热水,冰箱里有两瓶矿泉水是可以用来解渴的。 www.xiami360.com 2. Infusion bottles and infusion packaging has long been the main form of our present, about 70% of our infusion still use glass bottles. 玻璃瓶装输液长期以来是我国输液包装的主要形式,目前我国70%左右的输液仍采用玻璃瓶包装。 www.ahchtf.com 3. No one laughed at him. Feng began to pick up cans and bottles around the campus for recycling for money and his classmates helped him. 没有人嘲笑他。冯英龙开始在学校周围捡易拉罐、可乐瓶卖了换钱,同学们也帮他一起收废品。 www.24en.com 4. Recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, and cardboard to reduce your home's carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds a year. 回收铝罐,玻璃瓶,塑胶和纸板,每年将可以为你的家庭减低850磅的二氧化碳排放量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. People throw bottles and paper out of their car windows, and the roadside becomes covered with all sorts of wastes. 人们将瓶子和废纸等物扔出车外,马路上很快就堆满了废物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There they were: one neat row of thick green bottles, necks staring directly at me, and ice cold from the refrigeration. 它们就在那儿!一排整齐的深绿色瓶子,瓶颈一个挨一个地凝视着我,冰箱里散发出冰冷的气息。 www.hotdic.com 7. The fancy bottles and exotic names was enough to convince the taste buds that they were experiencing pure bliss. 高档的瓶子和异国情调的名称足以使味蕾确信它们经受了纯正的享受。 www.bing.com 8. The lorry was loaded with empty beer bottles and hundreds of them slid off the back of the vehicle and on to the road . 这辆货车满载着空啤酒瓶,几百只瓶子从车子后面滑到了地上。 www.bing.com 9. Sangstrom followed him around the counter and through the doorway to a back room ringed by shelves of bottles from floor to ceiling. 桑斯特罗姆跟着他绕过柜台,穿过门,来到后面一间房里,房里从地板到天花板到处都是摆满瓶子的架子。 www.zftrans.com 10. This is a DNA synthesizer, and here at the bottom are just bottles of A, T, C and G -- the four chemicals that make up our DNA chain. 这是个DNA合成器,在这底部有着标记着A,T,C和G的瓶子--这四种化学物质组成了我们的DNA链。 www.ted.com 1. You can pay to have your bottles shipped back to Sigg, or check to see if a local retailer will take it back. 你可以自己出钱把你的水壶寄送到Sigg,或者检查看一下当地的零售商会不会把它收回。 www.51mokao.com 2. My passion as the streets with bottles of lavender wish the same for a quarter of nowhere to be found. 我的热情正如街头挂着的薰衣草许愿瓶一样,换了季再也找不到了。 www.dota123.com 3. We(C)some sample bottles of a new brand of soda a few days ago, but they have not arrived yet. 我们函购了一些关于一个苏达新品牌样品瓶几天前,但是它们现在还没有到。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Its growth rate of the top pharmaceutical packaging, on the species, the plastic blister packs and plastic bottles packaging demand growth. 其顶端药品包装的增长速度,在品种,塑料泡罩包装和塑料瓶包装的需求增长。 www.qiyeku.com 5. Though a translation may be like old wine in new bottles or a woman in man's clothing, the results can be both tasteful and alive. 虽然一篇译文可以像置于新瓶中的老酒,或似身着男装的女子,酒仍不失其甘醇,而女子仍风韵不减。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 6. Sometimes the trash you throw away ends up in the ocean. Plastic bottles can hurt ocean animals. 有时你扔掉的瓶子最终会到海洋里。塑料瓶会伤害海洋动物。 www.eokla.com 7. The Extension Service also says to throw away screw-topped or crimp-topped jars and bottles even if they have never been opened. 扩展中心认为那些有螺旋盖的罐子和瓶子也应该扔掉尽管他们还没有开过。 www.bing.com 8. The variety of things put up for sale is really wonderful - dishes, books, used clothing, tools, tires, empty bottles, bicycles, furniture. 甩卖的东西种类之多确实令人惊讶——盘子、书籍、穿过的衣服、工具、轮胎、空瓶子、自行车、家具等等。 www.ebigear.com 9. And was it true that you could still get milk delivered in glass bottles? 真得还能订购送来家门口的瓶装牛奶吗? www.bing.com 10. Land pollution is caused by the deposit of solid waste (e. g. , cans, bottles, plastic, etc. ) that cannot be broken down quickly or at all. 土地污染是由那些不能尽快或是根本不能被分解的固态废弃堆积物导致的(例如,金属罐、瓶子、塑料等等)。 blog.163.com 1. The restaurant have sold three bottles of the extravagant beer but a single bottle has stood unopened in the cellar for over a decade. 这家餐馆已经卖出这样的三瓶奢侈啤酒,但地窖里还有一瓶十多年来尚未开封。 www.bing.com 2. No one else in the world had built an exhibition hall with walls made entirely of bottles, he said. 世界上仅此一面全由瓶子建造的展示墙他说。 www.bing.com 3. It was a poor office: an old wooden chair, the pedal drill, a glass case with ceramic bottles. 这办公室真寒碜:一把旧木头椅子,踏板式的牙钻、玻璃盒里放着些瓷瓶。 www.bing.com 4. throwing plastics like coca-cola bottles indiscriminately all over the pilgrimage sites. 于圣地各处随意丢弃如可乐瓶等塑料制品。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We're trying to bring clarity and certainty that BPA isn't used in baby bottles and sippy cups today, and it won't be in the future. 我们正在努力使其明晰化和确定化,现在以及以后,双酚A都不在用于婴儿奶瓶和吸管杯生产中。 www.bing.com 6. The protest was generally orderly (the worst violence reported was a few plastic water bottles thrown at riot police). 总体而言,抗议相当有秩序(据报道,最暴力的一幕不过是向防暴警察扔了几个装水的塑料瓶)。 www.bing.com 7. The writer is an FT correspondent in Beijing. When he and his friends buy two bottles of beer, they generally drink both. 本文作者是英国《金融时报》驻北京记者。他和朋侪买两瓶啤酒时,通常会把两瓶都喝掉。 forum.keihing.hk 8. YuQuan hole is in a very long years formed, very classic, can be observed 95 million bottles of peculiar change stalactite. 玉泉洞是在很长岁月里形成的,非常经典,可以观察到95万支奇特变化的钟乳石。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. Twin linked to celebrities Crafts, hanging next to his bamboo vases, bottles, floral, floral species as the seasons and different. 床间挂名人字画,其旁悬竹制花瓶,瓶中插花,插花品种视四季而有不同。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The protesters dispersed peacefully after throwing a handful of eggs and a couple of bottles of plastic water bottles at the Dutch embassy. 抗议者向荷兰大使馆投掷了一些鸡蛋和几个塑料水瓶之后和平地散去。 www.hxen.com 1. Today those chalky plains are planted with vines that produce more than 200 million bottles of sparkling wine a year. 如今,这片白垩质平原种植着葡萄藤,每年能生产2亿瓶以上的起泡葡萄酒。 c.wsj.com 2. Losses were negligible and the compound did not adsorb to the surfaces of glass bottles. 损失是微不足道的,并没有大院的表面吸附的玻璃瓶。 www.syyxw.com 3. The Canadian government went so far as to ban it in baby bottles as well as listing it as a toxic substance. 加拿大政府甚至禁止它被用于婴儿瓶并且列它为有毒物质。 www.bing.com 4. Given the retail price (350 to 420 yuan, depending on the vintage) our customers like it a lot. They buy in [cases], instead of bottles. 由于价格不高(350至420元,取决于年份),我们的客户非常喜欢,他们常常整箱购买。 c.wsj.com 5. My husband used the gym which had new updated equipment and provided complimentary bottles of water. 我老公做了一会儿健身,健身器材都是刚升级过的,还提供免费的饮用水。 weike.taskcn.com 6. Storage : Stored in a cool dry place in sealed bottles . 贮存:密封,置阴凉干燥处,忌小童取玩误服。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Every other week in my neighborhood we place either recycled bottles or paper out with our garbage . 每隔一个星期在我家附近,我们要么回收瓶或纸和垃圾。 www.duw8.com 8. The Georgetown players eventually walked off the court under a storm of boos and thrown water bottles. 乔治城大学队最终在观众的一片嘘声中离开了赛场,还有不少人朝他们扔矿泉水瓶。 cn.wsj.com 9. Lightweighting of beverage bottles, especially polyethylene terephthalate (PET), is one of the most prevalent trends in packaging. 轻量化的饮料瓶,特别是聚乙烯苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET),是一种最普遍的趋势,包装。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Each shirt would use up to eight plastic bottles retrieved from Japanese and Taiwanese landfill sites. 每件球衣要用掉八个塑料瓶,而塑料瓶是从日本和中国台湾的垃圾填埋场回收而来的。 www.ttxyy.com 1. Witnesses said that there had been clashes between the protesters and opponents who pelted them with rocks, stones and bottles. 目击者表示,抗议者和对手之间发生了冲突,双方使用石头和瓶子互相攻击。 www.24en.com 2. All over the country, beach managers have tried to make beaches safer by discouraging the use of glass bottles on the sand. 在全国范围内,为了安全起见,主管沙滩的经理们都不鼓励把玻璃洒用于沙滩。 www.8875.org 3. Bottles are less likely to leak BPA at room temperature, but repeated cleaning and warm contents could increase the possibility of a leak. 瓶不太可能泄漏双酚A在室温下,但反复清洗和热烈的内容可能会增加的可能性泄漏。 www.512121.com 4. It should be noted, bricks, or Coke bottles to put water tanks should not impede the movement of parts. 但须注意,砖头或可乐瓶放得不要妨碍水箱部件的运动。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "Coke bottle" fabric selection discarded Cola bottles, after washing, broken, after melting made of recycled fiber. “可乐瓶”面料选用废旧可乐瓶,经过洗净、碎化、熔融后制成再生纤维。 www.texclo.net 6. He was also moved sometimes when the others gave him some plastic bottles "in a respectful manner" . 而有时人们会“礼貌地”把塑料瓶递给他,他也备受感动。 www.bing.com 7. Another woman comes in, carrying a load of plastic bottles several times her own size on her head. 另一位妇女走了进来。她的头上顶着的一大捆塑料瓶,比她的体型要大上好几倍。 www.ecocn.org 8. If your kidnapper takes you into a store, knock things down, break bottles, yell and scream that you have been kidnapped. 如绑匪带你进入商店,就打掉商店的东西,打烂瓶子等,尖声喊叫你被绑架了。 www.bing.com 9. This sort of glass can be made into bottles. 这种玻璃可以被加工成瓶子。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. They reach into a refrigerated cooler, grab two Cokes in glass bottles, and pull up two overturned red crates for chairs. 他们来到了冰箱那儿,抓起了玻璃瓶里的两瓶可乐,并拿两只翻倒的红色箱子做椅子。 www.bing.com 1. A man collects cans and bottles from the thousands of tourists who pass through Tiananmen Square every hour during the October holiday. 一个男子在天安门广场收集从此处经过的游客中丢下的瓶瓶罐罐,假期中的每天都会来收一个小时。 www.bing.com 2. Due to the high distance between the machine bottom plate and the vials area, turbulences around the open bottles are avoided. 由于机器之间的底板和小瓶,周围的高开瓶动荡距离避免。 bzxw.512121.com 3. This sword is a vicious cutter, it cuts cartoons, bottles filled with water and bamboos like a hot knife through butter! 这把刀是一个强悍的砍击物,用来切割卡通纸板,装有水的瓶子和竹子就象用热刀切牛油一样容易。 hfsword.com 4. Take the road from Cape Town to explore the lush, green wine country, and don't forget to grab a few bottles along the way. 从开普敦出发前往富饶而绿意盎然的葡萄酒乡一探究竟,别忘了顺路带回几瓶! www.hjenglish.com 5. Do not carry chemicals in glass bottles through the hallways without using a rubber bucket or cart. 请勿在不使用橡胶桶或推车的情况下在走廊里搬运盛有化学物品的玻璃瓶。 blog.163.com 6. Wang: Well, I' ve brought with me two bottles of Chinese liquor and a carton of cigarettes. 王:嗯,我买了两瓶中国酒和一条香烟。 www.docin.com 7. Both teams were escorted out of the court when local audiences threw in bottles. 两支球队离场时,全场观众开始向场内投掷瓶子。 www.newmediachina.net 8. He drank down slowly and then said: "give me a few bottles of it. " 他慢慢的喝完了,然后说道:“再给我几瓶吧。” wenwen.soso.com 9. Besides the positive cost saving effects, consumer reactions when opening bottles with shorter necks had to be evaluated. 除了节约成本的积极影响,消费者的反应时较短的脖子开放瓶必须进行评估。 bzxw.512121.com 10. But doing that at home with your significant other and just two bottles of the same kind of wine is also fun and instructive. 但你也可以在家里与你的另一半这样做,只品尝两瓶同类的葡萄酒也会令人倍感乐趣和启发性。 chinese.wsj.com 1. After the finish of the Robust beverage bottles and other Annex can produce a model of piston-type pumps. 利用喝完饮料后的乐百氏奶瓶及其它一些附件即可制作一个活塞式抽水机模型。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. I drink bottled water all the time, but I keep hearing that some bottles contain dangerous chemicals. Should I be worried? 我一直都引用瓶装水,但是不停听到,一些瓶子含危险的化学物质。我应该对这有所提防吗? www.bing.com 3. The sources of the pain include a 4% increase in the cost of glass bottles and a 6% increase in the cost of plastic caps. 问题的根源在于玻璃瓶的成本增加4%,塑料瓶盖的成本增加6%。 www.bing.com 4. The fans found out where he was and threw fruit and coke bottles at him before his ship sailed. (但是)在他的船航行之前,球迷们发现了他的行踪并且向他扔了水果和可乐瓶。 www.worlduc.com 5. The drivers came too close, and passengers sometimes pelted him with bottles (in Nigeria), or with shovelfuls of gravel (in Brazil). 有时司机会把车开得离他太近,而乘客有时会拿瓶子投他(在尼日利亚)或用砂砾袭击他(在巴西)。 www.ecocn.org 6. I should have been a little more specific, because when I went to check it later, I didn't find any bottles in it. But it was full of water. 我应该为那个结果感到一点意外,因为当我后来去检查时,没发现任何瓶子,倒是发现瓶子里都装满了水。 bbs.hxen.com 7. "What to do? " he wonders with a shrug as he begins feeding old bottles into the machine. 他边把瓶子放进机器,边问:“做什么呢?” www.stnn.cc 8. To tell you the truth, I myself can drink two bottles of Maotai without intoxication. 说实在的,我一个人就能喝两瓶茅台,而且啥事儿没有。 blog.163.com 9. As a result, the retailer announced that it was dramatically reducing the weight of its own-brand wine bottles. 因此,零售商宣布,它的重量大大减少其自有品牌的葡萄酒瓶。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 10. LIKE a thirsty partygoer swigging from two different bottles, big Western brewers are simultaneously pursuing two strategies for growth. 像一个口渴的人在聚会上两手各拿一瓶酒痛饮,西方大的啤酒制造商也会同时制定两套发展战略。 www.ecocn.org 1. The edges of the PMMA box are worked to create a play on light around the glass bottles, which are tinted with bright colors. 边缘的有机玻璃盒是努力创造一个发挥轻周围玻璃瓶,这是色彩亮丽的色彩。 www.512121.com 2. In a shed in a Paris suburb police found 900 bottles of wine and champagne destined to be resold to restaurants at a comfortable profit. 在巴黎郊区的一间小屋里,警方发现了900瓶葡萄酒和香槟,正准备以牟取不菲利润的价格再卖给餐厅。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Canada's government ban would not affect other plastic containers containing the chemical, only plastic baby bottles. 加拿大政府的取缔计划只是针对塑料婴儿奶瓶,并不会影响其他含化学物的塑料器皿。 www.elanso.com 4. It costs so much because it's made from a very rare Jamaican rum called Wray & Nephew and there are only a few bottles left. 它的成本这么多,因为它是从一个非常稀少的牙买加朗姆酒称为乌雷&Nephew公司提出和只有几瓶了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Waste vegetable oil collection box with a few plastic bottles of waste oil left by customers. 废食用油收集箱与几个塑料瓶废油遗留下来的客户。 ww163www.blog.163.com 6. The wine box can be made of various materials and can be any wine box for containing wine or wine bottles. 所述的酒盒是各种材料的所有装酒的或装酒瓶的酒盒。 ip.com 7. A device for drawing corks from bottles , consisting of a pointed metal spiral attached to a handle . 有柄的尖头螺旋形金属器具,用以拔出瓶塞。 www.bing.com 8. The substrate of the chip is a film of polyethylene naphthalate, a plastic similar to the material used to make bottles and wrap sandwiches. 该芯片的基板是聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯薄膜,一种类似于用于制造瓶子和三明治外包装的塑料。 www.ecocn.org 9. High-capacity plastic bottles, mixed up with lots of other junk, are one of the corps of environmental polluters . 用量极大的宝特瓶,夹杂在众多垃圾中,成为污染环境的一员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. We paced ourselves; on the side of the trail some had stopped, already exhausted. Many took deep gulps from oxygen bottles. 有些人在路边停了下来,已经精疲力竭了,有许多人从氧气瓶大口吸气。 www.bing.com 1. He said while he was out, he'd buy a few bottles of beer to bring back. 他说顺便再买几瓶啤酒回来。 www.jukuu.com 2. No one could have guessed that the headmistress was a tippler except the man who carried away the empty bottles. 除了每天收拾空瓶子的人,再也没有人会想到女校长原来是各秘密饮酒的酒徒。 www.yzenglish.com 3. Vocabulary Crush all the cans and plastic bottles before putting them out for recycling. 将空罐及塑料瓶压扁后,再进行回收。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. I pulled a few plastic bottles out of our recycling bag and filled them with water. 我找出一些用过的塑料瓶子,然后灌满水。 www.bing.com 5. with me. We took a few bottles of water, some apples and oranges, which we. 一起去。我们用袋子带了几瓶水,一些苹果和桔子。 newvideo.blog.163.com 6. Some of the bottles served dated back to 1959, and many were the last remaining ones of their kind. 宴会上的一些酒年份远至1959年,其中有不少是当世仅存的珍品。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Edward and Ann arrive at the bar. They choose a table with a great view of the big screen TV, and order two bottles of beer. Edward和Ann来到了酒吧。他们选择了能够清楚看到大屏幕的桌子,然后他们点了两瓶啤酒。 learning.sohu.com 8. If you use a polycarbonate water bottle, do not use for warm or hot liquids, and discard old or scratched water bottles. 如果你用的是聚碳酸酯水瓶,不要用来盛放温热液体,并放弃旧的或被擦伤的水瓶。 www.foodmate.net 9. However, both full and empty bottles are theoretically capable of fracturing the human neurocranium. 不过理论上两者都能砸碎人类脑颅。 www.bing.com 10. Today, one out of five discarded plastic soda bottles is recycled in the United States. 在今天的美国,5个被丢弃的塑料汽水瓶中有一个得到回收利用。 cet.hjenglish.com 1. Food storage containers, reusable water bottles and baby bottles are among the many different products that may contain BPA. 食物容器,可回收水瓶和婴儿奶瓶等多产品中可能都含有BPA。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. in-mold labels are hosted inside the plastic container bottles of arm, while the other tags are at the surface of the container. 模内标签位于塑料容器瓶臂内,而其他标签是在容器的表面。 www.bing.com 3. Applications include bottles used in the motor oil, laundry detergents, juice jugs, food, personal care and household cleaning industries. 应用领域包括机油瓶,洗涤用品,果汁壶,食品,个人护理及家居清洁行业。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. Plastic bottles can leach chemicals into the water if left in the sun, heated up, or reused several times. 如果留在阳光下、受热或者重复使用几次,可能从塑料瓶浸出化学物质进入水中。 www.suiniyi.com 5. Polycarbonate plastic is nearly shatter-proof, and is used to make a variety of common products including baby and water bottles. 聚碳酸脂塑料抗摔,广泛用于包括婴儿奶瓶和水瓶在内的各类常用品。 www.intertek.com.cn 6. The bottles come in Flint, Green or Amber and with a variation of closures, with the current stock in the UK having a 28mm MCA ROPP closure. 在弗林特,绿色或黄色和变异的封锁来的瓶子,与目前在英国有一个28毫米马华罗普关闭股票。 www.512121.com 7. The corks of three bottles were drawn; the champagne bubbled in the long row of glasses set upon the bar. 三瓶酒的塞子拔出了,香槟在摆在吧台上的一长串的玻璃杯里冒着汽泡。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Formula, bottles, heating pads, you've got to get this right. 配方奶粉,奶瓶,暖宝宝,准备好这些。 www.xici.net 9. The utility model is suitable for the simultaneous transfusion of a plurality of bottles of liquid in medicinal clinic. 它适用于医学临床中需多瓶液体同时输入时使用。 ip.com 10. This week Bonhams will auction a collection of these tiny bottles , including some that were gifts to Chinese emperors . 宝龙拍卖行本周将拍卖一系列这样的小瓶,其中一些曾是进献给中国皇帝的贡品。 www.bing.com 1. To facilitate handling efficiency, products in the form of cans, bottles, or boxes are typically combined into larger units. 为了装卸效率,在罐,瓶,箱或形式的产品通常合并成较大的单位。 www.023java.com 2. As a boy, Mr Wong recycled bottles after school to supplement the income of his farming family. 作为一个男孩,黄回收瓶放学后,以补充他的农民家庭收入。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Bottling: This can be the most hectic part of the whole winemaking process, especially if bottles break on the assembly line. 装瓶:这可能是整个酿酒过程当中最为忙乱的一道工序,碰到流水线上有酒瓶破损的时候更是如此。 c.wsj.com 4. Bottles of the virgin variety are typically available in stores around the holiday season. 瓶装的蛋奶酒也在节日时节随处可以买到。 dongxi.net 5. People can choose things freely and conveniently. Fresh and frozen foods, canned goods, boxes, bags and bottles soon fill up the trolley. 新鲜的和冷冻的食品、罐装食品,还有盒装的、袋装的以及瓶装的,很快就把手推车放满了。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn 6. The bottles were being stored in a warehouse in an area of the territory that abuts mainland China. 这些酒被储藏在靠近中国内地一个地区的仓库中。 c.wsj.com 7. At noon, we were very tired and hungry, so we ate some bread, and drunk two bottles juice, after that, we went home took a bus. 到了中午,我们又累又饿,所以我们吃了一些面包,喝了两瓶橙汁,然后坐车回家了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. I've brought with me two bottles of Chinese liquor and a carton of cigarettes. 我带了两瓶中国白酒和一盒香烟。 www.hxen.com 9. The little baskets were empty and the ground was covered with pieces of paper, cigarette ends, old tyres, empty bottles and rusty tins. 废物筐是空的,而满地都是纸片、烟头、旧轮胎,空瓶子和生锈的空罐头盒。 www.ebigear.com 10. The company said it is looking at plant materials such as wood chips and corn stover, which can be used to make bottles. 该公司表示,在诸如木屑和玉米秸秆,可用于制造瓶寻找植物材料。 bzxw.a1pak.com |
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