单词 | outspoken |
释义 |
例句释义: 直率的,坦率的,直言的,坦率直言的 1. Early in his career as an official, Yang Jisheng was an outspoken critic of the Ming government's horse trading policy with the Mongols. 在其职业生涯早期,杨继盛就对明朝政府与蒙古人开马市做交易的策略进行了公开批评。 app.fortunechina.com 2. Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journalist; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's policies. 小罗纳德成为了一个芭蕾舞演员和记者;帕蒂是她父亲许多政策的坦率的反对者。 www.bing.com 3. His colleagues say Mai is frank and outspoken and is consistently ready to accept conflicting ideas on business development. 他的同事说,麦非常坦率和直言不讳,并能一直接受业务发展不同的各类想法。 art.macd.cn 4. He's an outspoken Christian with a passion for Christ. He and his wife and children continue to be faithful and refuse to deny Him. 他是个坦率且爱主的基督徒,他和妻子、孩子们坚持对上帝忠心且不愿否认他。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 5. When he (Magic Johnson) tried to make a comeback in the fall of '92, the fears of some outspoken N. B. A. players forced him to call it off. 1992年秋季魔术师的约翰逊想重返N.B.A.,但由于一些直言不讳的球员(怕被染上艾滋病),使他打消了这个念头。 www.ebigear.com 6. German chancellor Angela Merkel and often-outspoken President Nicolas Sarkozy of France did not reveal a preference before the meeting. 德国总理默克尔和经常直言不讳的法国总统萨科齐在会议前都没有透露自己的立场。 www.bing.com 7. Yet he never gave up the struggle for rational discussion and debate in public affairs, and remained outspoken to the end. 但他从没有放弃为在公共事务中理性讨论和辩论而斗争,并且始终直言不讳。 www.scidev.net 8. Robert Gates the Secretary of Defense was one of the most outspoken opponents of a helicopter assault. 国防部长RobertGates是用直升机袭击的最坦率反对意见之一。 www.bing.com 9. If apple is your favorite fruit, you are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person; often with a bit of a temper. 如果苹果是你最喜欢的水果,你是一个奢侈,冲动和直率的人,往往有自己的脾气。 wenwen.soso.com 10. He was very outspoken about freedom and doing what you want, and he took on a fan who had a rare bone marrow disease as a personal crusade. 他对于自由和做自己想做的事情非常率直,还有他为了一个罹患少见的骨髓疾病的歌迷而响应捐赠活动。 q.sohu.com 1. Unfortunately, even some of the most outspoken environmental advocates don't seem to grasp this concept. 不幸的是,甚至一些最直言不讳的环境倡议者似乎没有掌握这一概念。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. After the BMW comment, "Because they saw that I was outspoken, they wanted me to say more controversial things, " she said. 宝马之说后,“他们见识了我的敢言,便想让我再说些具争议性的东西。”她说道。 www.bing.com 3. I cannot say that for Michael. But if you look at the woman he chose to be around. . . they were strong and outspoken. 我不能替迈克尔回答。但要是你看看他选择在他身边的女人……她们都狠强势,直言不讳。 www.56gk.com 4. Truman's outspoken daughter, Margaret, helped by saying at the rally that I, not George Bush, was the rightful heir to her father's legacy. 杜鲁门直言不讳的女儿玛格丽特帮了我的忙,她在集会上说我应该是她父亲政治遗产的继承者,而不是乔治.老布什。 www.bing.com 5. His outspoken behaviour did not commend itself to his colleagues. 他直言不讳的行为不受他同事的欢迎。 6. By the end of 2008, Google proposed copyright the settlement agreement, but a more outspoken. At present, the u. s. 2008年年底,谷歌提出所谓的版权和解协议,却招致了更多的声讨。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Pu , an attorney known for being outspoken on sensitive issues , said he was given no warning before his site stopped working . 对敏感事宜敢于直言不讳的律师蒲志强表示,在他的博客停止运作前,他没有得到任何警告。 www.bing.com 8. He was one of the more outspoken critics of the second round of quantitative easing. 他是更为直言不讳批评第二轮量化宽松政策的其中一名联储官员。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Outspoken FDA scientist David Graham said he saw a higher heart attack risk and no advantage over alternatives. 坦率直言的FDA科学家DavidGraham表示,他注意到了较高的心脏病发作风险,并且在供选方案中无优势可言。 news.dxy.cn 10. The opposition was more silent than outspoken, making its weight felt through parliamentary obstructionism. 相比直言不讳,反对派更加沉默,使得它更像是来自议会的蓄意阻挠。 www.bing.com 1. Thank you for being very clear and outspoken in your criticism in an age of so many uncertainties and conspiracies. 谢谢你在这充满阴谋和虚伪的时代能够这么直接坦率地批评我们。 www.2muslim.com 2. Anthony Seldon, Master of Wellington College, is an outspoken advocate of a more 'holistic' education. 威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)校长安东尼-塞尔顿(AnthonySeldon)直言不讳地提倡一种更为“整体”的教育。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I would never have said those things because you win your place in the team in training, not for being outspoken . 我从来不会说那些话,因为你要在训练中赢得你的位置,而不是坦率直言。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. if i had it to do over again , yes , " sumner redstone , the outspoken viacom chief executive , said simply" . “如果我再做一遍的话,我还会这样做。”维亚康姆主席雷石东坦率而又淡淡地说。 www.ichacha.net 5. Challenge an old assumption. Question conventional wisdom. Be a little outspoken. 质疑一个早已被认定了的假定,质疑常规才能获得智慧。 www.douban.com 6. " He this clearly is in us. " Cher outspoken, she wanted to say, but Han Lengyan gave a straight look, her words have swallowed back. “他这分明是在耍我们嘛。”雪儿心直口快的说,她本来想继续说,但被韩冷烟给瞪了一眼,她把话有吞了回去。 www.bing.com 7. The opposition continues to be outspoken in its criticism of the regime and significant unrest could spark a fierce crackdown. 反对派仍将直言不讳对政府提出批评,而动乱将引发更加残酷的镇压。 www.ecocn.org 8. He was a man of extravagant tastes and outspoken opinions. 一个喜欢品尝放纵滋味而又将自己看法坦率直言的人。 hi.baidu.com 9. In the past, Fox has been outspoken about being bisexual and having had an affair with a stripper while in her teens. 福克斯曾坦言,以前她对男女两性都有兴趣,并在少年时期曾和一位脱衣舞女有染。 www.bing.com 10. I guess it is refreshing to see the usually outspoken and callous New Yorkers to become so vulnerable and shy for a change. 我想能看到通常大胆又麻木的纽约客变得脆弱和内向是一个很新鲜的经验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Outspoken and unafraid to lock horns with the U. S. , the head of China's delegation to the Copenhagen climate summit overcame a toxic past. 加哥本哈根气候峰会的中国代表团团长解振华直言不讳,不畏与美国针锋相对,不过却有着一段不堪回首的过去。 c.wsj.com 2. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao has been most outspoken about this, but while calling for reform, he has not presented a path for reform. 中国总理温家宝常常谈论此事,但在呼吁改革的同时,他却没有表达改革的路径。 www.bing.com 3. Perceptions that he treated Diana badly, and his outspoken style, have cost him with the public. 外界普遍认为查尔斯王子对戴安娜不好,再加之他直言不讳的性格,这些都让他的公众形象受到一定影响。 c.wsj.com 4. Some engineers, and a number of outspoken relatives of the miners, consider the casing a necessary precaution. 一些工程师与很多直言不讳的矿工家属认为,安装升井舱是必要的防范措施。 c.wsj.com 5. Article II as the men play south of the actor, his outspoken personality and for love and career . . . 文章作为剧中的男二号向南的扮演者,他率真的个性和对爱情与事业的… www.xunbin.com 6. An outspoken graduate from Mount Holyoke, she began work as a social reformer in New York well before women won the right to vote. 坦白的说她是从和丽山学院毕业的,她开始是在纽约从事社会改革的工作直到妇女赢得了选举权。 www.ecocn.org 7. Narrative Poetry outspoken figures later strengthened part can develop into a rap performance literature "Zhugongdiao tune. " 叙事诗后来加强了人物直言部分,发展成为可以表演的一种说唱文学“诸宫调”。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 8. A prolific author, Keller was well traveled and was outspoken in her opposition to war. 作为一个高产作家的同时,凯勒周游各地,向公众传达她的反战思想。 www.bing.com 9. Lots of people say I don't pull punches and I'm way too candid. Well, actually, I have never been outspoken. . . by anybody. 大家总说我说话总是不留余地,太直率了。嗯,确实我从来没有被任何人驳倒过。 www.lantianclass.com 10. She is known for her outspoken views in the wake of the global financial crises, including her support for greater market supervision. 她以全球金融危机后直言不讳的观点而知名,其中包括她支持加强市场监督。 c.wsj.com 1. Christopher Hitchens has continued his outspoken attacks on religion in interviews as he is treated for cancer of the oesophagus. ChristopherHitchens在采访中继续着他对宗教坦率的攻击。他是一个被治愈的食道癌患者。 www.bing.com 2. The authorities still crack down on any signs of opposition and send outspoken dissidents to labour camps. 当局仍然严厉打击任何反抗的迹象并且将持异议者送到劳改场所。 www.bing.com 3. "In Chinese schools students are encouraged to be quiet and less outspoken; it fosters a culture of listening more than initiating. " “中国的学生被鼓励安静和不要大声喧哗,这就造就了一种重视倾听,而非创造的文化。” www.bing.com 4. He appears to be enjoying the attention once again, and is becoming increasingly outspoken. 他似乎很喜欢的再次受到关注,并且正越来越直言不讳。 www.ecocn.org 5. For they have outspoken colors, own design and the sizes are not always according the mainstream business card. 因为它们有突出的颜色,自己的设计图样,而且大小总是跟主流名片不一样。 www.hxen.com 6. Bibble was an outspoken, intelligent man, who fancied himself a philosopher and scholar. 比布尔是一名直言不讳的智者,自认为是哲学家和学者。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. Gongadze, an outspoken critic of the then President Leonid Kuchma was found dumped in a forest, provoking widespread outrage in Ukraine. 他被斩首后丢弃在森林中,这引起了所有乌克兰人民的愤怒。 liaozhai.pujia.com 8. The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1921) explore with outspoken candor the sexual and psychological relationships of men and women. 彩虹(1915年)和恋爱中的女人(1921年)探索与直率坦诚的性暴力和心理关系的男子和妇女。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Jean was outspoken about her wish to be married. 琼毫不隐讳她意欲结婚的愿望。 ox0591.blog.163.com 10. Many felt that a black man of such esteem should be more outspoken, but Ellington often chose to remain quiet on the issue. 很多人认为,像他这样一个声名显赫的黑人音乐家,应当比其他人更敢于直言不讳,但在黑人运动问题上,艾灵顿多数时候选择了沉默。 www.bing.com 1. Is still outspoken, without thinking of the mind, be careful not to hurt you! 依旧是口无遮拦、不加思索的头脑,却不小心深深伤害到你! wenwen.soso.com 2. Broad-minded and outspoken. With sense of responsibility and spirit of cooperation. 思维活跃,善于表达。有责任感和团队合作精神。 www.jobstreet.com.cn 3. As a result of his outspoken opposition to the Pinochet evil, Neruda's poetry was posthumously banned in Chile from 1974 until 1990. 由于生前公开反对皮诺切特黑色政权,聂鲁达的诗作在其去世后在智利被禁,直到1990年才得以解禁。 dongxi.net 4. An article on the website of an unusually outspoken newspaper, Southern Daily, argued that such filtering was unconstitutional. 南方日报(一份不多见的敢于直言不讳的报纸)网站上的一篇文章声称这种过滤是违反宪法的。 www.bing.com 5. But another critic of the government's handling of the parents' grievances, Ai Weiwei, remains free in Beijing and just as outspoken. 然而另外一个对政府处理家长申诉的批评者,艾未未(AIWeiwei),依然直言不讳并自由的生活在北京。 www.bing.com 6. However, because of his outspoken and wise attitude of the spectators, even the slightest expression of their views of history and reality. 但他以犀利而睿智的旁观者的态度,更为隐讳地表达着自己对历史和现实的看法。 www.798as.com 7. The outspoken Canadian again criticized the course setup, saying the greens were too soft for a national championship. 敢言的加拿大再次指责的课程设置,他说,草皮太软了全国锦标赛。 www.sjgcz.cn 8. Mourinho has also had his own TV show, commentated on matches and delivered some outspoken newspaper columns. 穆里尼奥也有自己的电视节目,担任比赛评论和直言不讳地撰写报纸专栏。 www.godjose.com 9. One of China's more outspoken media organisations, Caixin, this week published an article by Joseph Nye, an American academic. 中国一家相对敢言的媒体《财新》,这周发表了美国学者约瑟夫·奈的文章。 www.bing.com 10. And where are the ideas of the CDC's Thomas Frieden, arguably the administration's most outspoken anti-obesity advocate? 政府最直言不讳的反肥胖倡议者、疾病预防控制中心托马斯·弗里登的观点是什么呢? www.bing.com 1. Ed Koch, an outspoken former mayor of New York, thinks Democrats should not take the Jewish vote for granted. 纽约市前任市长郭德华性格直爽,他认为民主党不应想当然的认为那些犹太人会给他们投票。 club.topsage.com 2. The problem: It always seems like the extravert and outspoken girls get all favors. 问题:看起来一般是外向、坦率的女孩子会得到所有的宠爱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She returned to France in 1993 and became an outspoken advocate for the rights of the poor. 1993年,她回到法国,并成为一名坦率直言的、为穷人维权的倡导者。 www.bing.com 4. Hornets General Manager of sporting goods Ding Shuangbo outspoken or road out of the shoes sales tangled emotions. 大黄蜂体育用品有限公司总经理丁双波直言不讳,也道出了童鞋内销的纠结情绪。 www.texclo.net 5. Mr. Arsenault makes it clear, though, that for most of her life Anderson was not outspoken on the topic of race. 安道森很明确,尽管如此,她在种族这一话题上并不是直言不讳的。 www.bing.com 6. Senator Biden is known as an outspoken politician. 拜登参议员一向以直言不讳而著称。 www.tingroom.com 7. Wu Mala strong personality, and his frank, outspoken, won the support of the civilian population in the lower. 乌马拉性格坚强,为人坦率,敢于直言,深得中下层平民的拥护。 www.englishtang.com 8. Although Ellison is famously combative and outspoken, analysts say the public vitriol is not mere bluster. 尽管埃利森以好斗和直言不讳而着称,但分析师表示,其所公开发表的尖刻言论,并非只是在恫吓对手。 cn.reuters.com 9. Financial markets Thursday responded warmly to the Fed move, but outspoken critics of the policy issued full-throated critiques. 金融市场周四对美联储的举措作出了热情回应,而对此政策公开持有批评态度的人则发出了严厉指责。 c.wsj.com 10. Heroes are willing to sensationalize their feelings and self-perceptions to become outspoken critics of the status quo. 英雄更愿意感性的倾吐自己的情感而成为对现状口无遮拦的批评家。 www.mytino.com 1. Zhang Zuhua, an outspoken political theorist who signed the latest petition, described it as a spontaneous response to the Havel letter. 张祖桦,一位坦率直言的政治理论家,已经签署了此次呼吁书。他将此次呼吁书看做对哈维尔等人公开信的一个自发反应。 www.enbad.com 2. The new lineup of the military commission suggests that being too outspoken about corruption is detrimental to career advancement. 新一届军事委员会阵容表明,对腐败问题太过直言有害于仕途升迁。 cn.nytimes.com 3. According to the conditions of his bail, the outspoken artist and political activist is forbidden from speaking to the media. 根据他的取保候审条件,这位敢言的艺术家和政治活动人士不得与媒体交谈。 www.ftchinese.com 4. She is also well-known for her outspoken support of gay rights, having won the Human Rights Campaign "Ally for Equality" award in 2008. 她也是众所周知的,她直言不讳地支持同性恋者的权利,赢得人权运动“盟友平等”奖于2008年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The murder of Anna Politkovskaya, an outspoken Russian journalist, raised a few sighs and lamentations-but not street protests. 以直言闻名的记者安娜?波利特科夫斯卡娅被谋杀,只引来几声叹息和几滴眼泪,却没有引发街头抗议。 blog.ecocn.org 6. Over the last decade, Gorbachev's initial support for Putin has given way to increasingly outspoken criticism. 过去十年中,戈尔巴乔夫对普京的态度由最初的支持渐渐转向益增的指责。 www.bing.com 7. Standing in her way is the feisty and at times outspoken Mayor of New York, republican Rudy Guiliani. 她的绊脚石是纽约市长,共和党人鲁迪·利安尼。此人脾气不好,有时也心直口快。 dict.veduchina.com 8. Hans GOT in bad with some of his friends because of his outspoken opposition to the war. 汉斯因为坦率地反对这场战争,使得他的一些朋友不再喜欢他了。 dict.ebigear.com 9. His outspoken honesty continues to irk those in power or who are privileged, but endears him to ordinary people. 他直言不讳的诚实继续激怒当权者或有特权,但他到普通百姓endears。 www.englishtang.com 10. One of Yemen's richest and most outspoken men, he founded Islah, the beefiest opposition party. 作为也门最有钱最直言不讳的人物,他创立了最强大的反对党Islah。 www.ecocn.org 1. But why would one of the most outspoken and funny filmmakers of recent years want to quit the silver screen for internet radio? 但是,为什么近些年这位直言不讳、风趣幽默的电影人想要退出大银幕并转投互联网广播呢? www.ftchinese.com 2. Since coming to the car maker, he has made a name as an outspoken proponent of dramatic change, people close the Mr. Akerson said. 据接近阿克森的人说,来到通用汽车后,他直言不讳支持大幅改革的做法为他赢得了声望。 www.voa365.com 3. The linux-kernel mailing list, Linus said, is somewhat famous for its outspoken nature; it is seen as a barrier to participation sometimes. 李纳斯说,linux-kernel邮件列表以直言不讳闻名。有时候对于想参与的人来说,经常会被浇冷水。 www.bing.com 4. His were the most outspoken comments by a senior European government figure since Wall Street fell into chaos two weeks ago. 这是自两周前华尔街陷入混乱后,来自欧洲高层官员最直率的言论。 www.ftchinese.com 5. On Thursday evening, the sites of several prominent bloggers, including Pu Zhiqiang, an outspoken attorney, were inaccessible. 周四晚间人们无法进入包括以坦率直言闻名的律师蒲志强在内的几个知名博主的博客。 www.voa365.com 6. Mr Godley became best known for his outspoken criticisms of Conservative economic policies. 戈德利先生以其对保守经济政策直言不讳的批判而闻名。 www.ecocn.org 7. These outspoken young people tend to be highly opinionated and fearlessly challenge recruiters and bosses. 这些外向的年轻人往往固执己见,经常毫无顾忌地挑战招聘者和上司。 www.ebigear.com 8. His outspoken remarks made him an easy target for the opposition. 他那番直言不讳的言语使他成了反对派的主要抨击对象。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Regarding Japan, Mr. Ks pessimistic economic assessment is more in line with mainstream thinking, but his perspectives are more outspoken. 至于日本,克鲁格曼先生对其经济的悲观评价更多的与主流见解相一致,不过说得更直言不讳。 www.for68.com 10. Once dubbed "China's literary bad boy" by the US Time magazine, Han is well known in China for some of his outspoken blog articles. 被美国杂志《时代》称为“中国文学坏男孩”的韩寒,在中国以他博客文章中直率干言的个性广为人知。 www.rongshuxia.com 1. Regarding Japan, Mr. Ks pessimistic economic assessment is more in line with mainstream thinking, but his perspectives are more outspoken. 至于日本,克鲁格曼先生对其经济的悲观评价更多的与主流见解相一致,不过说得更直言不讳。 www.for68.com 2. Once dubbed "China's literary bad boy" by the US Time magazine, Han is well known in China for some of his outspoken blog articles. 被美国杂志《时代》称为“中国文学坏男孩”的韩寒,在中国以他博客文章中直率干言的个性广为人知。 www.rongshuxia.com 3. The president has been less outspoken about other Persian Gulf allies, including Bahrain, which hosts a key U. S. naval base. 奥巴马关于其他波斯湾的盟友的评论收敛了许多,其中包括拥有美国海军基地的巴林。 dongxi.net 4. Dr Ramsay's outspoken bluffness made him easier to deal with . 而拉姆齐医生,由于他那种无保留的坦率性格,倒还容易对付。 www.bing.com 5. Outsiders, especially Western democracies once so cocksure and outspoken on human rights, now fret that their power is ebbing eastward. 外界,特别是一些西方民主国家,曾经在克什米尔人权问题上可以过于自信和直言不讳的,现在都随着实力下降而有所保留。 www.tianya.cn 6. Among Asian art followers, he is also known for his distinct sartorial style and his unapologetic, outspoken nature. 在亚洲艺术的拥趸中,他还因为独树一帜的着装风格和永不认错、直言不讳的性格而闻名。 chinese.wsj.com 7. In the name of eliminating corruption, he has purged outspoken political rivals. 打着消灭腐败的名义,他清理了招摇过市的政治敌人。 www.bing.com 8. Penn, an outspoken liberal and anti-war activist, took a break from filming to visit Iraq as a journalist in 2004. 潘是一名直言不讳的自由主义者和反战积极分子,2004年在电影拍摄期间曾以记者的身份访问伊拉克。 www.bing.com 9. His latest award for being an outspoken citizen is a summons to the Criminal Investigation Department this morning for "a chat" . 他最近被誉为直言不讳的公民,而这也使犯罪调查部门今天早上约他「聊一聊」[11]。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Turkey is the outspoken example of such hostility, but the other regimes are not less hostile, albeit silently, towards it. 土耳其对此类恶意直言不讳,而其他国家虽然沉默,但不乏敌对。 www.2muslim.com 1. Due to Paris, born beauty aristocratic childe scramble to chase, became outspoken of "social star" . 因为生得闭月羞花,巴黎的贵族令郎争相追逐,成了红极一时的“社交明星”。 www.cntingshu.com 2. Mr Netanyahu made his early career as an outspoken advocate of "never trading with terror" . 内塔尼亚胡的早年事业是以“绝不与恐怖分子交易”这样坦率的主张开启的。 www.ecocn.org 3. European leaders have long had concerns about China's exchange rate policies, but they have been less outspoken than US leaders. 欧洲各国领导人对中国的汇率政策长期抱有担忧,但与美国领导人相比,他们在这个问题上没那么直言不讳。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The Evangelist is outspoken, knows an awful lot about software development, but performs very little actual programming. 传教士总是直来直去,对软件开发很了解,但却很少真正的去编码。 hi.baidu.com 5. King Zhou increasingly dissolute without Road, outspoken minister was demoted to remonstrate both killed. 纣王日益荒淫无道,大臣刚直劝谏者皆被杀被贬。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. a good superior should encourage his assistant to be outspoken. 一个好的上司应当鼓励他的助手坦率地发表意见。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. He's very outspoken, offensive even, and he'll argue about anything just for the sake of arguing. 他有一说一,率直到冒犯人的地步,而且会为任何事情与人仅为争论而争论。 rrting.com 8. Humala, who was once regarded as an outspoken nationalist, describes himself as representing the center-left. 胡马拉曾经被视为是一位坦率直言的国家主义者,他形容自己是中左翼的代表。 www.ctcvn.org 9. Three of the relatives were released but Mr Rafsanjani's most outspoken daughter, Faezeh, was still being interrogated yesterday. 3名亲戚已获释,但拉夫桑贾尼最敢言的女儿菲伊洁(Faezeh)昨日仍在接受审讯。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I believe I'm honest, monsieur, but, to be outspoken , I've had several trades. 先生,我自信还是个诚实人,但是说实在话我干过很多种行业了。 dict.veduchina.com 1. Maria: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 玛丽亚:不,我说话太过分了,这是我最大的缺点之一。 www.kekenet.com 2. Those businesses feeling threatened have been even more outspoken. 那些感觉受到威胁的中国企业甚至更加直言不讳。 www.ftchinese.com 3. His crime, say the Maoists, was his article on April 26th on a blog hosted by Caixin, an outspoken Chinese news organisation. 毛主义者说,他的罪行是4月26日他在《财经杂志》博客上发表的文章,该杂志是一家中国直言不讳的新闻机构。 www.bing.com 4. In his later years, Piccard became an outspoken critic of marine pollution and over-fishing. 在他的晚年,皮卡德坦率直言海底污染和过渡捕捞行为。 www.showxiu.com 5. Mr. Karimov's daughter was the most outspoken in refuting the report. 卡里莫夫的女儿对这一消息的驳斥最为直截了当。 cn.nytimes.com 6. The clever ambassador is the face of the team. He is outspoken and the unofficial project manager. 外交高手是团队的形象大使,他是直言不讳,没有官腔的项目负责人。 www.bing.com 7. They're often outspoken and affable. They tend to emerge naturally as leaders in a group setting. 他们通常直言不讳,平易近人往往能够自然而然地成为团队的领袖。 www.fortunechina.com 8. M: No, I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 玛:不,我说话太冲了,这是我最坏的缺点。 q.sohu.com 9. Thierry Pailleux, Synovate's Managing Director for France notes that the French are outspoken about their experiences, good or bad. Synovate法国执行董事ThierryPailleux指出,无论其住宿体验是好或坏,法国人都会坦率直言。 www.bing.com 10. Some outspoken Chinese scholars are raising that previously taboo idea in public, albeit with caveats. 虽然中国当局多次警告,国内的一些学者还是直言不讳的在公共场合谈论以前为人所忌讳的观点。 www.ecocn.org 1. The prospect has also led to nervousness in the West because Mr Putin is is seen as less liberal than Mr Medvedev and more outspoken. 预测结果在西方国家引起一阵紧张感,因为普京先生似乎没有梅德韦杰夫那么开明直率。 www.bing.com 2. Some leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in the country. 一些领导人明确表示了他们支持在这一地区实行政治改革。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This could change under Lee, an outspoken advocate of open-market policy, Wall Street chief executives said. 华尔街执行长们称,这一情况可能在李明博的领导下得到改变.他坦言支持公开市场政策。 cn.reuters.com 4. 128-15. To choose to be outspoken isedue to the facty when you do not wait to speak the complete truth. 如果你不等候着要说出完全的道理,那么把话说进去是很简略单纯的。 www.lianshangyu.com 5. Sio Bibble was the outspoken governor of Naboo. 西奥·比布尔是直言不讳的纳布资政官。 www.starwarsfans.cn 6. By contrast, she was much more outspoken. 相比之下,她要坦率得多。 www.wenkoo.cn 7. This may clash with foreign employees who tend to be more outspoken and results-oriented. 这可能会与那些比较直言不讳的、以成绩为导向的外国员工发生冲突。 www.bing.com 8. I'm outspoken, sometimes critical of the organization, which is seen as boat-rocking, upsetting a comfortable arrangement. 我是直言无讳的,有时紧要关头的组织,被视为船-摇摆,颠复一个舒服的安排。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 9. Curt Schilling, an outspoken former player for the Red Sox, has expressed interest. 而红袜子队一名直爽的前队员柯尔特·施林也对此席位表示有兴趣。 www.ecocn.org 10. But the outspoken Zen insisted the meetings were much more substantial than mere contacts. 但是坦率的Zen强调会面不仅限于无实质内容的接触。 navyshysn.blog.hexun.com 1. Beijing has long been wary of China's increasingly freewheeling reality programs and the outspoken stars they produce. 中国政府早就对越来越随心所欲的真人秀节目和他们制造的口无遮拦的明星加以警惕了。 www.bing.com 2. Since then, Wang has become an outspoken advocate of saving old cities and their cultural and architectural legacies. 从那时开始,王就成为了一个致力于挽救旧城区、旧文化和建筑遗产的全身心倡导者。 i.myechinese.com 3. i adore helen was because of her courage and justice, she dares to president outspoken ask! 我崇拜海伦正是因为她的勇气与正义感,她敢于向总统直言发问! www.pcttt.com 4. I have always been very outspoken but, more reserved in my stance as you very well know. 我一直非常坦率,但是以我的立场会矜持一些,如你所知。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Gong Xinglun ancient ink figure painting, outspoken style atmosphere, the characters of ancient elegant high style. 龚兴伦的水墨古代人物画,风格率真大气、人物造型高古清雅。 www.cutpic.cn 6. Brazil's finance minister, Guido Mantega, has been outspoken on this issue. 巴西财政部长奎多。曼特加,已经直言不讳的提出了这一问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. To many analysts, Merkel and her outspoken finance minister, Peer Steinbrueck, have seemed behind the curve at each turn. 对许多分析师来说,德国总理梅克尔及财长史坦布律克看上去总有出其不意的举动。 cn.reuters.com 8. Max Roach was not only one of the great innovators of bebop drumming, but also an outspoken activist. 麦克斯·罗奇除了创作了著名的比博普鼓法外,还是一位敢于直言的活动家。 www.bing.com 9. Piedad Cordoba is a controversial figure in Colombia, an outspoken advocate for peace talks with the country's left-wing rebel groups. PiedadCordoba在哥伦比亚是一名有争议的人物。她直言提倡与左翼反叛分子进行和平谈判。 www.hxen.com 10. The PES community is vast, deep and outspoken, and Konami rightly pays lip service to fans, insisting it now listens more closely than ever. PES的是广大的社区,深入和坦率的,和小浪正确口惠而实不至的球迷,坚持它现在比以往任何时候都更加紧密地倾听。 game.ali213.net 1. Een those who hae been outspoken in their opposition to stem cell research in the past were pleased with the new findings. 甚至以前曾经声称反对干细胞研究的人士也乐于接受这项新发现。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. outspoken in their opposition to segregation; a vocal assembly. 坦率的表达他们对种族隔离的立场;畅所欲言的会议。 www.jukuu.com 3. Feisty and outspoken, Usakligil had little patience for Ataturk's drinking habits and even less for his late-night soirees. 脾气暴躁而又坦率直言的乌沙克利吉尔无法容忍凯末尔嗜酒甚至深夜搞聚会的习惯。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Casals's outspoken opposition to General Franco's government kept him exiled in France. 卡萨尔斯对佛朗哥政府公然的对抗使他流亡到法国。 www.ecocn.org 5. The EC is not paid by Pakistan, so I can be outspoken. 由于巴基斯坦不向欧共体交钱,所以我可以直言不讳。 www.fao.org 6. July 1989: Suu Kyi, an increasingly outspoken critic of the junta, and her deputy, Tin Oo, are put under house arrest. 1989年七月:素姬,逐渐成为军政府的直言不讳的批评家,和她的副手,丁乌,被软禁。 www.aitrans.net 7. Kang direct and outspoken, the observation made for the GUI control. 伉直敢言,出为桂管观察使。 1zitong.com 8. For example, Samsung Electronics hired the outspoken blogger Philip Berne to review phones for the company internally. 例如,三星电子雇佣了说话坦率的博主PhilipBerne来为公司手机写评论。 www.bing.com 9. In some respects, Thompson was atypically British. He was supremely confident, cocky and outspoken. 从这个意义上说,汤普森是典型的英国人,超级自信,健谈,骄傲。 www.rrting.com 10. The Dutch are an outspoken, demanding bunch, who expect straight answers, says Luc Deliens, a Belgian academic. 比利时学者LucDeliens说,荷兰人是直率的,苛刻的,他们期待直接的回答。 www.ecocn.org 1. Ms Obama is the more outspoken, but with two young children each, both are equally photogenic. 但她们都各自有一双年幼的孩子,而且一样的上镜。 www.bing.com 2. He was also famously outspoken and not afraid to confront clients. 鲍尔同样也以直言不讳,不惧顶撞客户而著称。 www.ecocn.org 3. In other words, outspoken old people aren't being rude - they just can't hold their tongues. 换句话说,心直口快的老人并非粗鲁,只是他们已无法控制自己的舌头了。 www.bing.com 4. Basketball player Ron Artest has been an outspoken advocate on behalf of mental health issues. 在心理健康问题上,篮球运动员罗恩-阿泰斯特是个直率的拥护者。 www.bing.com 5. Conservatives, libertarians, and other defenders of free enterprise are becoming more outspoken and more articulate. 保守派、自由派和其它自由企业的支持者们更加坦率清晰地表达着自己的观点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. They now worry about a new generation of outspoken internet users. 现在他们才担心直言不讳的互联网新一代。 www.bing.com 7. But Republican voters also have decidedlymixed feelings about Paul, who has been an outspoken critic of the partyestablishment. 不过共和党选民对保罗也怀着复杂的感情,因为他一直以来都直言无忌地批评党内的当权派。 www.bing.com 8. "It is a reign of terror, " says Phil Gordon, the mayor of Phoenix and Mr Arpaio's most outspoken enemy. “这是恐怖统治”,凤凰市市长、阿尔?帕约的最敢于公开挑战的政敌戈登?菲尔指出。 club.topsage.com 9. He has always liked this straightforward, outspoken youngster. 他喜欢这个小伙子,心直口快,有啥说啥。 www.hxen.com 10. Other health activists have run into trouble for being too outspoken. 其他卫生维权人士也因过于直言不讳而惹上了麻烦。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Charles Mingus was known for being angry and outspoken on the bandstand. 查尔斯·明格斯素以他的愤怒和直言不讳而在乐界闻名。 www.bing.com 2. If the GFOA wasn't the strongest opponent of GASB 34, it was certainly the most outspoken. 如果GFOA不是最强的对手的锑化镓34,这无疑是最直言不讳。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. They are horses with character, outspoken individuals. 他们与性格,直率个人马。 www.hc263.net 4. She is one of the ruling party's most outspoken critics. 她是最直言不讳地批评执政党的一个人。 5. I have been an outspoken critic of Wall Street, on these pages and elsewhere, for more than a decade. 十多年来,不论是在本报还是其它地方,我一直都在直言批评华尔街。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Maybe they were too candid or outspoken . 也许他们太耿直,或者说话不中听。 www.bing.com 7. Vladimir Roca, an outspoken critic, says he is "watching and listening" . 一个坦率的评论家VladimirRoca说他正在“观察和聆听”。 www.ecocn.org 8. They're also more outspoken about their needs or wants, and like to openly negotiate with their employers. 他们可以更加直言不讳地表达出需求和想法,喜欢开诚布公地与老板沟通。 www.hxen.com 9. She is an outspoken champion of Louisville, where she and her husband, Suhas, initially owned and operated a grocery. 她是路易斯维尔的公开赞誉者,她和丈夫苏亚斯(Suhas)起初在这里拥有和经营一家杂货店。 www.america.gov 10. My piano was boldly outspoken, in attempts to repeat its refrain. 我的钢琴很坦率,试着重复着他的副歌 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In fact, he's become an outspoken critic of government policies in the property sector. 事实上,他已成为中国政府房地产政策直言不讳的批评者。 www.bing.com 2. All of them hosted by Washington's most outspoken regional critic Hugo Chavez. 所有人都由对华盛顿最直言不讳的批评家查韦斯招待。 www.englishtang.com 3. You've been an outspoken supporter of healthcare reform. 你一直是医疗改革的公开支持者。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Zhou has become increasingly outspoken about the environmental costs of China's breakneck growth. 对于中国高速增长所付出的环境代价,周生贤越来越直言不讳。如今中国是全球最大的温室气体排放国。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Always too outspoken, Graham had made enemies in the chief's office, and at thirty-nine, further advancement was unlikely. 总是口无遮拦,哥兰在局长的办公室都能惹来敌人,到了三十九岁,再进一步升职是不可能了。 www.bing.com 6. The outspoken President believes a bright future lies ahead for the Aquile, but insists he will always keep a close eye on costs. 坦率的主席相信蓝鹰军团有一个光明的未来,但坚持说他会一直密切关注花销。 www.laziofly.com 7. If you are honest and honest, people may deceive you; Be frank and outspoken anyway. 即使你是诚实的和坦率的,人们可能还是会欺骗你,不筦怎样,你还是要诚实和坦率; blog.163.com 8. eg: He was outspoken in his criticism. 他在批评中直言不讳。 www.putclub.net 9. There are around 700 newspapers in circulation. All are government controlled, but some are relatively outspoken. 越南全国现在共发行约七百种报纸,全部由政府控制,但其中不乏比较敢于直言的媒体。 www.ecocn.org 10. So in public you are more submissive and less outspoken? less worried that you wouldn't like me because of social stereotypes. 所以在公共你更依从地,尽量少迸发吗?少担忧你不喜好自己,由于社会成见。 www.52qq.org 1. But Mr. Zhang, 51, has also emerged as China's most outspoken tycoon on environmental issues. 然而,今年51岁的张先生同时也是中国对环境问题最为坦率直言的企业家。 dongxi.net 2. But the Senate's most outspoken China critics weren't mollified. 但参议院对中国最坦白的批评者们并没有因此而平静下来。 c.wsj.com 3. I am far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults. 我说话太冲了。这是我最坏的缺点。 blog.163.com 4. How did he look, Sir? Was he portly, bold, outspoken, and hearty? 他看来怎样,先生?他是不是又魁梧、又豪放、又直爽、又精神饱满呢? www.dictall.com 5. You can get through that process with fewer mistakes if you have advisors who have been through that experience and are outspoken. 假如你身边的顾问们已经有过类似经历又愿意告诉你,那你完全可以在发展过程中避免很多失误。 www.bing.com 6. An outspoken advocate for tanks, Patton saw them as the future of modern combat. 坦克将成为未来战争的中坚,巴顿把他们视为现代战斗的希望。 www.qxwar.net 7. The women in the group were style-conscious and outspoken. 这些女性注重时尚,坦率直言。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Chen Zhongxin in the letter to the chairman of Sohu home furniture new perspective on their predicament Forum outspoken. 中至信家具董事长陈中信在搜狐居家新视角论坛上对自己的困境直言不讳。 trade.cnhyw.net 9. Shown here in his book-lined study, the outspoken Zhou has witnessed a century of change in China. 这张图片上显示的是他的书房,书籍随处可见,率直的周亲眼见证了中国的百年变革。 www.bing.com 10. Since joining the W. T. O. in November 2001, China has been an outspoken defender of free-trade principles. 自从2001年十一月加入W.T.O.以来,中国一直是坦率的自由贸易规则拥护者。 www.bing.com 1. Uncle Frank is an outspoken man. 弗朗克叔叔是个坦率的人。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The most outspoken governor, 41-year-old Toru Hashimoto of Osaka, reckons only households need to make cuts. 其中41岁的大阪府知事桥下彻最为直言不讳,他认为只需要家庭减少用电就行了。 www.ecocn.org 3. With an 80 percent approval rating, she has been outspoken on political ethics. 民调显示,佩林州长在阿拉斯加民众当中的支持率高达80%;她以大力强调廉政而著称。 www.voanews.cn 4. Bartz has also been outspoken about the tradeoffs she has made in her career and family juggle. 巴尔茨也对她在职业生涯和家庭生活之间做出的权衡直言不讳。 chinese.wsj.com 5. But sometimes, perhaps because of my outspoken against some people, it is inevitable. 但是有时候,也许是因为我的心直口快,难免得罪一些人。 winliuxq.com 6. no matter how outspoken the son became to Mrs. Jones. 不管儿子会对琼斯太太如何的直言相告。 www.tingroom.com 7. Brazil and India, for example, have been among the most outspoken critics of China's exchange-rate regime. 举例来讲,巴西和印度一直直言不讳地批评中国的汇率制度。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Sunflowers You have boundless energy and are outspoken. You are a true optimist. 如果你喜欢向日葵,你有无限的精力,坦率、直言,是真正的乐观主义者。 www.jydoc.com 9. He uses criticism as art, he has a hugely popular and outspoken blog. 他以批评为艺术。他的博客人气极高,他在上面畅所欲言。 www.ftchinese.com 10. They oftenproject an image of being outspoken and tough. 他们展现出一种坦率和强硬的形象。 www.bing.com 1. This month Mr Zhovtis himself, one of the government's few outspoken critics, became a victim. Zhovtis先生是一个为数不多的敢于直言批评政府的评论家。而这个月他自己也成了受害者。 www.ecocn.org 2. He campaigned against corruption and has been outspoken on national issues, such as free trade and reparations for war victims. 他发起过反腐败活动并曾直率地发表过对国家事务的看法,例如自由贸易和对战争受害者的赔偿问题。 xiaozu.renren.com 3. On top of complaints from North America and Europe, Japan has also become more outspoken about the problems of business in China. 除了北美和欧洲企业的抱怨外,日本也对在中国开展经营的问题变得更加直言不讳。 www.ftchinese.com 4. She has been an outspoken advocate of women's rights throughout her life. 她一生都是女权的坦率拥护者。 hi.baidu.com 5. People here are pretty outgoing and outspoken, so the working atmosphere is very harmonious. And we do take care of each other. 这儿的同事都很外向,也很健谈,所以工作气氛很和谐,大家都相互关照。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. With this in mind, we are looking for outspoken confident individuals who have tenacity , initiative willingness to learn. 以这个概念为中心,我们需要的人才一定要能言善道,有自信,有耐力,积极与肯学。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Mourinho, a controversial figure in England, because of his outspoken nature, claims he will not have a different approach in Serie A. 穆里尼奥在英格兰以他的口无遮拦而频频引发争议,虽然来到意甲,他说自己不会有所改变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He's outspoken about what he believes is the need for democracy in China. 他仍旧敢于直言,坚信中国需要民主。 www.bing.com 9. He is frank and outspoken and never beats about the bush. 他有意见就坦率地提出来,从不转弯抹角。 dict.ebigear.com 10. To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth. 当你不能为说出全部的真实而等待时,直言快语是很轻松的。 fre77.spaces.live.com 1. His history of outspoken views on the need for democracy in Hong Kong have also made him a role model. 他总爱直言不讳地谈及香港发展民主的需要,这也给他增添了榜样的色彩。 www.ftchinese.com 2. These women all have a loud, funny, outspoken style. 这些女性都有一个响亮、有趣,以及坦率的特质。 www.24en.com 3. The often outspoken judge says he will be joining a show he created, called " The X Factor" . 西蒙是一个口没遮拦的评委,他还说,他将加入他制作的节目《X因素》。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Your shy but blunt, that is a different mix but a good one I want to be with someone that is outspoken. 你腼腆但率直,这是不寻常的却优秀的性格组合。我希望和坦率的人在一起。 wenwen.soso.com 5. She is an outspoken critic of the school system in this city. 她是这座城市里学校制度的坦率的批评者。 www.bing.com 6. Packaged: Despite outspoken international protest, attitudes in Japan are still permissive regarding whale hunting. 打包:尽管国际示威抗议不断,日本国内对捕鲸的态度仍然很宽容。 www.bing.com 7. Cui Yongyuan, who is famous for his outspoken way, said good words for public relations the first time. 而以“实话实说”著称的崔永元,也是破天荒地为公关业做了一次“正名”。 www.qikan.com.cn 8. Having lived abroad, she nearly became a foreigner who is frank and outspoken. 她在国外住了很多年,几乎变成了个心直口快的外国人。 www.bing.com 9. I like a man none the worse for being outspoken. 我并不因为一个人直言不讳而改变我对他的好感。 10. an outspoken critic of the education reforms 对教育改革的一个直率的评论家 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Expressing one's opinions or feelings freely in speech; outspoken用言语自由表达意见或感情的; chinafanyi.com 2. Betty Bloomer Ford, an outspoken First Lady, died on July 8th, aged 93 贝蒂?布鲁姆?福特,直率的前第一夫人,于7月8日逝世,享年93岁 www.ecocn.org |
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