单词 | November 5 |
释义 | November 5例句释义: 全部 1. For the moment, the central bank's actions seem to have calmed the money markets, where rates fell below 7% on November 5th. 11月5日利率下降了7%,目前,央行的行动似乎已经稳定了资金市场。 www.ecocn.org 2. But with opinion polls showing his popularity diving, on November 5th he said he would not stand for re-election. 但根据民意调查显示他的声望一路下滑,阿巴斯在11月5日宣称他不会再次竞选。 www.ecocn.org 3. "By November, [. . . ] 350m pieces of harmful information, including text, pictures and videos, had been deleted, " he said. 他说:“截至11月,……清理文字、图片、视频等各类低俗信息3.5亿条。” www.ftchinese.com 4. On May 3rd he proposed the holding of elections in November, a year before his term ends, as part of a reconciliation package. 5月3日,他提出11月份——距他到任还有一年,举行选举,把这作为和解一揽子计划的一部分。 www.24en.com 5. The bank raised the requirement from 16 to 16. 5 per cent on November 25 for a year, it said, so the cut is scheduled. 报道称,央行从去年11月25日起,把这些银行的存款准备金率从16%上调为16.5%,执行期限为一年,所以下调是计划之中的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Since its launch in November 2009 it has proved popular, earning up to five times as much as the average slot machine on some floors. 自2009年11月发行以来一直广受欢迎,是同层的其他游戏机的平均收益的5倍。 www.ecocn.org 7. The only bright news was that house sales rose 6. 5% between November and December, as buyers snapped up bargains. 唯一的好消息来自房地产业,随着购房者纷纷抢购降价房,从11月到12月房地产销售总额增加了6. www.ecocn.org 8. Major retailers in the U. S. reported a 6. 5% increase in sales in November from a year earlier, according to Thomson Reuters. 据汤森路透数据,美国主要零售商公布11月销售较上年同期增长6. chinese.wsj.com 9. The network was the centrepiece in a five-year investment and overhaul strategy announced last November by Telstra. 澳洲电信去年11月宣布了5年投资与更新战略,上述光纤网络是其中心内容。 www.ftchinese.com 10. That prevalence was five times higher than expected from the general population, the group noted in the November issue of Pediatrics. 这组在著名的《小儿科》发表的低体重新生儿遇患自闭症的几率是普通人群的5倍。 www.bing.com 1. The City had expected GDP to grow by 0. 5%, in line with a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) in late November. 金融区原指望GDP涨幅为0.5%,与11月底预算责任部的预测结果保持一致。 www.ecocn.org 2. Manufacturing is starting to feel the heat but only 25, 000 workers have been laid off since November. 制造业开始感觉到危机的恶劣程度,但自2008年11月以来仅有2.5万员工被迫下岗。 www.ecocn.org 3. The Fire Brigade was called out several times on the night of 5 November to put out fires started by fireworks. 11月5日晚上,消防队多次奉召出动,以扑灭因燃放焰火而引起的火灾。 www.englishtang.com 4. In the five months through November, merchandise exports to China were up 10. 5% from a year earlier. 截至去年11月的五个月中,输往中国的出口商品较上年同期增加10. c.wsj.com 5. For those unable to make it along to the 'special' screening, 1911 will open at cinemas nationwide on November 5. 对于那些不能同时参加这个特别开幕片的展映的观众来说,《1911》将于11月5日在全国院线上映。 dongxi.net 6. Having fallen by more than $600m since the start of the year, Sino-Forest's total cash stood at $571m in November. 嘉汉林业11月份的现金总量为5.71亿美元,比年初时减少逾6亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Construction began on this new model in May 1960 at Dalian Shipyard, and after 2 years of trials, the design was finalized in November 1962. 1960年5月在大连造船厂开始着手于建造这一种新型号,接着在2年的试验之后,设计在1962年11月结束。 www.globalmil.com 8. Perhaps mercifully, he was due to escape Washington on November 5th for the pomp of a ten-day visit to Asia. 还算幸运的是,从11月5日起他将开始一段为期10天的亚洲各国访问,可以因此逃离华盛顿一段时间。 www.ecocn.org 9. Sovereign credits at the eurozone's periphery suffered two crises of confidence, in May (surrounding Greece) and November (about Ireland). 欧元区外围国家的主权信贷遭遇了两次信心危机,一次在5月份(围绕希腊),一次在11月份(爱尔兰)。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "The people who voted for a new direction in November have a five word response - 'We do not have the money, '" said McConnell. 麦康奈尔说:“11月为了一个新方向而投票的民众的答复是5个字,我们没有钱。” www.kekenet.com 1. The Summit will take place in Atlanta from November 3rd thru the 5th, 2011. Travel and accommodations are not provided. 上一届峰会于2011年11月3日到5日在亚特兰大举行,不提供交通和住宿费用。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. US markets suffered a further 7. 5% decline in November despite an emphatic presidential election win and a rally over 'Thanksgiving' week. 十一月,虽适逢备受瞩目的总统大选及「感恩节」周假,美国股市仍进一步下跌7. www.fane.cn 3. November's inflation data revealed prices had risen 5. 1 per cent from a year ago, the sharpest increase since July 2008. 中国11月份的通胀数据显示,物价同比上涨了5.1%,创下2008年7月以来的最大涨幅。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It was here, on Thursday November 5th, that soldiers preparing for and returning from war encountered a tragedy no one expected. 11月5日星期二,正是在这里,准备上前线和从前线归来的士兵遭遇了一场突如其来的悲剧。 www.bing.com 5. Pena, who ran the New York marathon in November, finished the race in five hours eight minutes, half an hour faster than his Big Apple time. Pena在11月参加了纽约马拉松,用了5小时8分钟完成了比赛,这一次比纽约的时间快乐半个小时。 www.bing.com 6. China's consumer prices rose 5. 1% in November from a year earlier, the biggest increase since July 2008. 中国11月消费者价格指数同比上涨5.1%,这是自2008年7月以来的最大增幅。 c.wsj.com 7. Producer prices in December rose 1. 7% from a year earlier, well above expectations for a 0. 5% rise and reversing November's 2. 1% drop. 12月份的生产者价格指数(PPI)较一年前上涨1.7%,远高于0.5%的预期涨幅,并从11月份的下降2.1%由负转正。 c.wsj.com 8. VAT was cut from 17. 5% to 15% in November's pre-budget report in an attempt to kick-start consumer spending. 11月公布的先期预算报告把增值税从17.5%降到了15%,试图重新刺激消费者的支出。 www.bing.com 9. Explanation: Venus rose in a glowing dawn sky on November 5th, just before the Sun. 解说:在11月5日太阳还没升起之时,金星已经出现在这个明亮的黎明天空中了。 www.bing.com 10. Consumer prices rose 5. 1 percent in November from a year earlier, the most in 28 months, mainly driven by food costs. 消费价格较去年同期12月升高了5.1%,28个月中最高的,主要是由于食品的花费。 www.bing.com 1. The yields on ten-year Treasury bonds and British gilts have both risen by more than half a percentage point since late November. 10年期国库券的收益和金边债券收益自去年十一月以来都上涨了0. www.ecocn.org 2. But the modest package unveiled on November 5th is too small to provide much of a lift. 但11月5日公布的一揽子经济刺激计划数额还太小而不能带来很大提升。 www.ecocn.org 3. The consumer price index rose 4. 2% in November from a year earlier, slowing from October's 5. 5% rise, according to the statistics bureau. 根据国家统计局的数据,今年11月份,消费者价格指数(CPI)同比增幅为4.2%,较10月份5.5%的增幅放缓。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The November auctions are usually the second biggest of the year, after the May sales. 11月份拍卖活动的规模通常在一年中位列第二,仅次于5月份。 www.ftchinese.com 5. LinkedIn on Thursday announced it has 150 million members in its network, a 20 million increase over November. LinkedIn在周四宣布,它在网络上已经有1.5亿会员,比去年11月增加了2000万。 www.bing.com 6. January's figure was less than many economists had predicted, but close to November's 28-month high of 5. 1%. 一月的数据低于经济学家的预期,但已接近去年11月28号的月度新高5. www.bing.com 7. Pakistan's government is considering a request for a $4. 5 billion loan to top up the $7. 6 billion the IMF agreed to lend in November. 去年11月,IMF同意了向巴基斯坦提供76亿美金贷款,现在,巴基斯坦政府正在考虑申请这笔贷款中剩下的45亿美金。 www.ecocn.org 8. On November 1st around 5, 500 firemen downed hoses for an eight-hour strike as part of a dispute over working hours. 11月1日大约5500名消防人员用水管镇压了一场长达八小时的罢工行动,而罢工的原因是工作时间引起的纠纷。 www.ecocn.org 9. An experienced speaker, Polk surprised everyone when he campaigned vigorously and won the presidency on November 5, 1844. 但是波尔克是一个经验丰富的演说家,他卖力的参与竞选,并且在1844年11月5日赢得总统选举,让许多人都跌破眼镜。 www.24en.com 10. In fact, inflation jumped to 5. 1% in November, stayed high for months, and is now climbing again. 事实上,2010年11月通胀率猛增至5.1%,此后数月维持高位,现在又在攀升。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The November sales are usually the second biggest of the year, after the May sales. 11月份的艺术品拍卖成交额通常是一年中的第二高水平,仅次于5月份。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Way back in the mists of time - November 5, against Tottenham. 穿过时间的薄雾追溯到—11月5日,对托特纳姆。 bbs.qieerxi.com 3. With consumer prices rising at an annualized rate of 5. 1% in November, yuan appreciation would, in theory, help by cooling import prices. 由于中国11月份的消费者价格较上年同期上涨5.1%,从理论上说,人民币升值可以通过降低进口价格来抑制通胀。 c.wsj.com 4. The final 2009 toy inductees, to be chosen by a National Selection Committee, will be announced on November 5. 2009年玩具的最终入选,由全国推选委员会选出,将于11月5日。 www.cnhuu.cn 5. Ruins of part of the city of Stalingrad, on November 5, 1942, following huge battles, with wrecked shells of buildings on either side. 1942年11月5日,在大规模战斗之后,斯大林格勒城部分区域成为废墟,公路两旁只剩下残垣断壁。 www.bing.com 6. The central bank had signalled in its November Inflation Report that the base rate would come down to 5. 25% next year. 中央银行已经在它11月的通胀报告里表示明年的基础利率会下降到5. www.ecocn.org 7. We shouldn't burn the chap every 5 November but celebrate his attempt to blow up parliament! 我们不应该在每年11月5日烧死他,而应该庆祝他的企图炸毁议会。 www.bing.com 8. Generally, early June to October is the rainy season and November to May next year is the dry season. 通常说来,6月初到10月是雨季,11月到第二年5月是干季。 www.bing.com 9. Italians were given a salutary reminder on November 5th that not all crime in their country is committed by foreigners. 11月5日,意大利人得到了一个有益的提醒:他们国家的犯罪活动不都是外国人干的。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Will one of the volunteers crack before the faux mission's scheduled conclusion on November 5, 2011? 试验会在2011年11月5日结束,会不会有志愿者在此之前就无法忍受情绪崩溃呢? kk.dongxi.net 1. Please to remember The fifth of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. 请您记住11月5日,记住火药、叛逆和密谋。 www.hxen.com 2. The interim assessment reviews progress made by these countries between May and November 2006. 该临时评估报告回顾了这些国家在2006年5月至11月之间所取得的进展。 www.america.gov 3. The band will play a free concert there as part of the MTV Europe Music Awards on November 5. U2乐队将在11月5日在勃兰登堡门前举办一场免费的音乐会,是年度MTV欧洲音乐奖的一部分。 www.bing.com 4. It is unlikely that the court will render an opinion before November 5. 在十一月五日之前,法院不大可能给出一个意见。 jpkc.uibe.edu.cn 5. Reuters reported (25 November) that Egypt will license five companies to produce five million doses of generic drugs in 2010. 路透社(11月25日)报道说,埃及将在2010年向5家公司授权生产500万份仿制药。 www.scidev.net 6. That committee has until late November to identify one and a half trillion in additional savings over the next ten years. 该委员会必须在11月底前确定未来十年削减的另外1.5万亿美元。 www.hxen.com 7. Shares in the oil producer have lost nearly a third of their value since listing in Shanghai on November 5. 自11月5日在上海上市以来,这家石油生产商的市值已缩水近三分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But inflation crept up to 5. 6% in November. 但是,通货膨胀在今年十一月攀升至5. www.ecocn.org 9. OPEC will cut its oil output by 1. 5 million barrels a day starting in November, with chances of more cuts to come. 欧佩克将自11月份起每天减少150万桶的石油产量,之后有可能进一步减产。 www.voanews.cn 10. And together, we shall give them a 5th of November that shall never ever be forgot. 我们一起,给那些当权者一个永生难忘的11月5日。 www.bing.com 1. California voters passed the ban as Proposition 8 in November 2008, five months after the state Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. 2008年11月,加州最高法院裁定同性婚姻合法的5个月后,加州选民经由8号提议案(Proposition8)通过该禁令。 www.bing.com 2. America's biggest interest payments occur on the 15th of August, November, February and May. 美国在8月,11月,2月和5月的15日需要支付最多的利息。 www.bing.com 3. On November 5, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference and answered questions. 2009年11月5日,外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会,答问如下。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. In November 1999, UPS began five-times-weekly scheduled express service to Shenzhen. 在1999年11月,联合包裹按计划在深圳开始了一周5次的快递服务。 my.putclub.com 5. In November, industrial production grew by just 5. 4% on an annual basis. 11月,工业产值折合成年率仅增长了5. www.bing.com 6. The Common also hosts events such as South West Four Weekender festival and a popular fireworks display on 5 November. 还有一些公共活动,像“西南四周末”节日和11月5日的绚丽的烟花表演。 www.bing.com 7. In November, for example, Google announced that it would buy AdMob, a mobile-advertising start-up, for $750m. 例如在11月,Google宣布将以7亿5千万美元的价格收购AdMob,一家移动广告新兴公司。 www.ecocn.org 8. On Thursday, the U. S. Dollar Index closed at 81. 49, up about 5% since January and nearly 10% above its November low. 当地时间周四,美元指数收于81.49,自1月份上涨约5%,而高出去年11月份低点近10%。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Relate said it had received more than 7, 500 calls in October to November this year, compared with about 5, 000 in the same period of 2007. 该机构称,今年10月至11月,他们共接到7500多个求助电话,而去年同期则约为5000个。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Inflation hit 5. 1% in November, the fastest clip since the pre-crisis boom months of 2008. 截止到11月份,通胀率达到了5.1%,比2008年经济危机前的几个月还严重。 www.bing.com 1. If all goes to plan, the 1. 5-tonne satellite should be flying over the pockmarked lunar surface November 11. 如果一切按照计划进行,这个1.5吨重的卫星将会在11月11日飞临布满环形山的月球表面。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. As a result, photos from a May birthday party won't end up on my Facebook page until November. 结果,今年5月一次生日聚会上的照片直到11月才传到我的Facebook主页上。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Food inflation was indeed a major contributor to the 5. 1% annual consumer inflation rate in November. 食品价格通胀的确是11月份这个5.1%的年度通货膨胀峰值主要的因素。 www.bing.com 4. And as she walked down the aisle on November 5, 2011, Marie weighed just 21 stone. 并且当2011年11月5号她从通道走下来的时候,玛丽只有294磅。 www.bing.com 5. In November, the People's Bank of China, the central bank, cut the reserve requirement ratio for 20 co-operative banks by a half point. 11月,中国人民银行,即中央银行,将20个合资银行的存款准备金率下调了0.5个点。 www.bing.com 6. In China, consumer prices were 5. 1 percent higher in November than a year earlier, according to official government data. 政府数据显示,中国11月的消费者物价比去年同期上涨了5. www.bing.com 7. By comparison, the Benchmark ICPA Index accelerated to a 21-month high in November, coming in at 5. 63% YoY. 相比之下,11月基准ICPA指数加速增长,同比增幅达到5.63%,创21个月新高。 www.bing.com 8. Marty attempts to escape in the DeLorean but is accidentally transported back to November 5, 1955. 马蒂开着德罗宁跑车试图逃走,结果却被意外地传送到了1955年11月5日。 www.china.org.cn 9. Food, rent, fuel and household bills have all gone up over recent months, pushing inflation to 5. 1% in November. 食品、房租、燃料和房价在最近几个月内的全线上涨,把11月份的通胀率推到了5.1%的高位。 www.bing.com 10. This year, China will host the World Expo in Shanghai from May to October and the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou in November. 今年5月至10月,中国将在上海举办世博会,11月在广州召开第16届亚运会。 www.putclub.com 1. Latest data on Chinese inflation show consumer prices rose by 5. 1 per cent in November, a much higher rise than expected. 中国最新的通胀数据显示,11月份消费者价格上涨了5.1%,涨幅远高于预期。 www.ftchinese.com 2. From today till 30 November 2010, all new posts related to Thanksgiving theme will be rewarded with at least 3-5 points. 从即日起到本月底发有关感恩节或感恩之类的主体帖,将可获得奖励3-5分。 www.aitxt.com 3. On November 18th India slapped a 5% duty on a number of iron and steel products. 11月18日,印度也对一些钢铁产品加收了5%的关税。 www.ecocn.org 4. Yields edged down slightly from 4. 6% the day the news broke, but by the end of November they had climbed to 5. 5%. 收益率较消息出炉日的4.6%小幅走低,但去年11月底前收益率攀升至5. chinese.wsj.com 5. Jessica, a young photographer from Germany, was studying photography in Paris when she met the famous Gisele Freund, on November 5, 1992. 来自德国的一位年轻的摄影师,她在1992年11月5日遇见了这位著名的GiseleFreund,那时她正在巴黎学习摄影。 www.bing.com 6. Peruvian break dancer performs at San Miguel rooster fight ring in Bogota, Colombia, November 5, 2006. 在哥伦比亚首都波哥大的圣米盖尔斗鸡场,一位秘鲁的霹雳舞者正在表演。 mailftp.lihpao.com 7. Prices, however, proved surprisingly firm, as the median sales price rose to $221, 600, the highest since November. 但房价却出人意料地坚挺。5月份的预售屋价格中值为221,600美元,为去年11月以来的最高水平。 www.bing.com 8. And on November 7th aborigines won five of the 58 seats in the Saskatchewan legislature. 11月7号那天,他们在萨斯喀彻温省省议会58个席位中占有5席。 www.ecocn.org 9. In November Californians approved $9. 95 billion of bonds for the project. 去年十一月份,加州人批准了为该计划发行的99.5亿美元债券。 www.bing.com 10. A Pew Research Center survey found that 12% of American adults owned a digital-book reader in May 2011, up from 6% in November 2010. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)的一份调查显示,截止到2011年5月,12%的美国成年人拥有电子阅读器,而在2010年11月,这一数字仅为6%。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Most of the Uighurs fled China after the July 5-7, 2009, protests in Urumqi, and arrived in Cambodia in late October and early November. 大部分的回返者是在7月5至7日乌鲁木齐发生抗议后,逃离中国。他们于10月下旬和11月初,来到柬埔寨。 www.hrw.org 2. The guidelines were finalized at the first Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC1) consensus conference, held November 3 to 5 in Lisbon. 新指南在11月3日至5日在里斯本举行的第一次晚期乳腺癌(ABC1)会议上定稿。 news.dxy.cn 3. while in November 2007, eleven-month release reports note a decline of 20. 5% of new titles released. 在2007年十一月的时候,十一月的释放报告注意20.5%新的名称衰微发表。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. China's consumer price index (CPI) accelerated to a 28-month high in November of 5. 1 percent. 中国的消费价格指数11月份高达5.1%,创28个月以来新高。 www.putclub.com 5. November 5, 1945, Colombia joins the United Nations. 1945年的11月5日,哥伦比亚加入联合国。 www.ebigear.com 6. The consumer price index (CPI) accelerated to a 28-month high of 5. 1 percent in November. 今年11月,消费者物价指数(CPI)创造了28个月以来的新高,达5. www.i21st.cn 7. More than 400 years ago, a great citizen wished to imbed the 5th of November forever in our memory. 400多年前,一个伟大的市民想把11月5日永远刻入人民的记忆之中。 www.bing.com 8. Former Vice President Dick Cheney hunts quail in Gettysburg, S. 2002年11月5日,时任美国副总统的迪克·切尼在南达科塔的葛底斯堡狩猎鹌鹑。 www.bing.com 9. King James was going to open Parliament on November 5th, 1605. 詹姆斯国王准备在1605年11月5日召开国会。 www.hxen.com 10. The 100ml tubes labelled as Colgate Cavity Protection were sold in the chains' outlets between 28 November and 5 December. 这些标有“高露洁口腔护理”的容量为100ml的牙膏于11月28号到12月5号期间在连锁店中出售。 www.bing.com 1. November 5, 1935, Parker Brothers releases the board game Monopoly. 1935年的11月5日,帕克兄弟发行著名的棋盘类游戏——强手棋。 www.ebigear.com 2. The EIA estimated spare capacity in November at 5. 6% of global production. 能源情报署估计11月份备用产能占全球总产量的5. c.wsj.com 3. When BestBuy's doors open at 5 am on November 27, crazed shoppers will risk life and limb for a $99 Blu-ray player. 当百思买在11月27日早上5点开门时,疯狂的购物者们会冒着失去生命和指头的危险去抢99美元的蓝光播放器。 dongxi.net 4. November 5, 1930, Sinclair Lewis is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. 1930年的11月5日,辛克莱·刘易斯被颁发诺贝尔文学奖。 www.ebigear.com 5. Industrial production growth slowed to 5. 4% in November, the lowest level since February 2002. 同样是08年11月,中国的工业生产增长率减缓至5.4%,达到2002年2月以来的最低点。 www.bing.com 6. Power-plant standards will be finalized by May 2012, and oil refineries by November 2012. 发电厂绩效标准将于2012年5月之前定稿,炼油厂是2012年11月。 www.bing.com 7. November's 5. 1% rate was the highest in the last 28 months. 而11月份的5.1%是近来28个月中最高的。 www.bing.com 8. On November 5th the government expressed a new willingness to reduce its stake in these enterprises. 在11月5日,印度政府表达了有新的意愿减少其在这些企业的股份。 www.ecocn.org 9. Although inflation jumped to 1. 5% in November year-on-year from just 0. 6% in October, that's low compared to Taiwan's neighbors. 虽然台湾的年通胀率从10月的0.6%激增至11月的1.5%,但与其周边国家和地区相比仍处于偏低水平。 chinese.wsj.com 10. January's inflation rate was only slightly below the 5. 1% rise in November, which was the highest rate since the summer of 2008. 1月份的通胀率仅略低于去年11月份5.1%的水平,而后者是2008年夏季以来的最高通胀率。 c.wsj.com 1. Muslim pilgrim pray outside Namira mosque in Arafat near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on November 5, 2011. 2011年11月5日,朝圣者在麦加附近的阿拉法特纳米拉清真寺外祷告。 www.bing.com 2. In the OBR's November forecasts it further lowered potential output at the start of 2016 by 3. 5 per cent. OBR在11月的预测中,将2016年年初的潜在产出预期进一步下调了3. www.ftchinese.com 3. Inflation accelerated to a 28-month high of 5. 1 percent in November. 去年11月通胀加快至5.1%为28个月新高。 www.bing.com 4. From 5 November 2011, the government introduced a new genuine temporary entrant requirement for all student visa applicants. 从2011年11月5日起,政府面向所有学生签证申请人出台了新的真实临居入境者要求。 www.thenewstone.com 5. The improvement came after a disappointing rise of 0. 8 per cent in November and compared with a 3. 5 per cent fall in December 2008. 在此之前的11月份,该指数令人失望地仅上升了0.8%,而2008年12月则为下降3。 www.meiguoliyu.com 6. The government raised banks' reserve requirements to 21. 5 percent in June, the ninth such increase since November. 政府6月份上调了银行存准率,达到了21.5%,这是去年11月份以来的第9次上调。 www.bing.com 7. Will you check what flights are available on the fifth of November? 什么航班在11月5号你帮我查一下好吗? www.bing.com 8. For December inflation dropped to a 4. 6% annual rate from 5. 1% in November. 12月的通胀率已经从11月的5.1%降至4.6%的年度水平。 www.bing.com 9. The trend in Chinese prices points increasingly upward: yearly inflation was 5. 1 per cent in November, up from 4. 4 per cent in October. 中国物价的上行趋势越来越明显:11月的年通胀率达到5.1%,高于10月的4. www.ftchinese.com 10. In November, the consumer price index rose 5. 1%, the steepest climb since July 2008. 11月,消费者物价指数(CPI)上升5.1%,这是自2008年7月以来的最高涨幅。 c.wsj.com 1. Now this ratio has snapped back above 1. 5, with new orders at their strongest since November 2007. 现在,随着新订单出现2007年11月以来的最强劲表现,该比率已回到1.5以上。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But it abruptly accelerated the date to November 4-5. 但是它突然将推出日期提前到11月4日至5日。 www.ecocn.org 3. A major earthquake hit Van province in November 1976, with 5, 291 confirmed dead. The province has a population of just over 1 million. 1976年11月,一次大地震袭击了凡省,经证实,5291人罹难。该省的人口数量刚好超过一百万。 www.hxen.com 4. The average percentage of cash in a portfolio of assets is 5. 5 per cent, up from 5. 1 per cent in November. 资产组合中的现金比例平均为5.5%,高于11月份的5. www.ftchinese.com 5. Inflation in November surged to a 28-month high of 5. 1 percent. 去年11月份通货膨胀上升至5.1%,是28个月来的新高。 www.bing.com 6. Malaysia's $4. 8 billion Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd. IPO in November offered 0. 5% in incentive fees. 去年11月,马来西亚PetronasChemicalsGroupBhd.在IPO期间募集了48亿美元,提供的奖励费为0. c.wsj.com 7. On November 5, 2003 Ridgway pled guilty to 48 counts of aggravated first degree murder. 2003年11月5日里奇韦为自己48个严重的一级谋杀罪名请求。 str.ausbio.com 8. Manufacturing payrolls dropped by 13, 000 in November, the most in three months. Economists had projected an increase of 5, 000. 制造业就业人数11月份下降了13000人,这也是三个月以来最多的,经济学家此前预计将增加5000人。 www.bing.com 9. On November 5, 2005, the International Seminar on One Village One Product (OVOP) was held in Yangling, Shaanxi Province. 2005年11月5日,“一村一品”国际研讨会在陕西杨凌举行。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. Once a big aid recipient, China hosted a summit of 48 African leaders in Beijing last November, promising $5. 5 billion in aid for Africa. 中国曾是一个大的援助接受者,去年11月却在北京主持了有48个非洲领导人参加的峰会,承诺向非洲提供55亿美元的援助。 www.ecocn.org 1. After rallying nearly 13 percent through September and October, the S&P 500 has given up nearly 4 percent since November 5. 在9月至10月大涨近13%之后,标准普尔500指数自11月5日以来已经回跌近4%。 cn.reuters.com 2. The deposit rate increased to 2. 75 percent, compared with the 5. 1 percent annual pace of inflation in November. 存款利率和12月通胀的5.1%年度速度相比,已经增找到了2。 www.bing.com 3. Obama announced the 100, 000 Strong Initiative in November 2009, and Clinton launched the effort in May 2010. 奥巴马于2009年11月宣布了十万人留学中国计划,克林顿于2010年5月启动实施。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. Usually open: March-mid November, daily, 10-5. 通常开放时间:三月-十月中旬,每天10:00am-5:00pm。 www.ebigear.com 5. The mining state's unemployment rate was 4. 5% in November, below the national average of 5. 2%. 这个以采矿业为主的州今年11月份的失业率为4.5%,低于澳大利亚全国5.2%的水平。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The IPCA consumer price inflation index was 5. 5% in the 12 months through mid-November, above the country's year-end target of 4. 5%. 巴西IPCA消费者物价指数11月中旬为5.5%,高于巴西4.5%的年终目标。 c.wsj.com 7. November inflation hit 5. 1% year on year. 中国11月消费者价格指数较上年同期上升5. chinese.wsj.com 8. The central bank in November lowered its 2008 economic growth forecast to 1. 5% from 2%. 国家中央银行在调低了2008年的经济增长,预测在1.5%到2%之间。 www.bing.com 9. Sales of Mercedes-Benz in China more than trebled in November, with full-year sales poised to beat its target of 65, 000 units. 奔驰汽车11月中国区销量增长三倍,全年销量将超过6.5万辆的原定目标。 cn.reuters.com 10. Yesterday, November soyabeans, the first contract for the 2009-10 season, broke above the $10 a bushel mark, jumping 23? cents to $10. 19? . 昨天2009-10年度首份期货合约11月份交付大豆价格冲上了每蒲式耳10美元的关口,上涨23.5美分,报收10.195美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As a result, food accounted for 74 per cent of the 5. 1 per cent year-on-year CPI rise last November. 因此,11月CPI5.1%的同比涨幅中,有74%由食品价格上涨贡献。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Headline CPI inflation has soared since November 2006, to an 11-year high of 6. 5%oya in October. 中国的标题消费者价格指数自2006年11月起节节攀升,2007年11月更创下了6.5%的十一年来的历史最高值。 www.bing.com 3. On November 3rd the Reserve Bank of Australia raised its cash rate to 3. 5% from 3. 25%, the second increase in as many months. 11月3日,澳大利亚储备银行将现金利率从3.25%上调到了3.5%,这是多个月以来的第二次上调。 www.ecocn.org 4. A second printing of 5, 000 copies ran in November following a first run of 10, 000. 在首次印刷了1万册后,出版社又于11月份加印了5千册。 dongxi.net 5. Ping An last November paid $2. 7bn to acquire a 4. 2 per cent equity stake in Fortis, and later upped the holding to 5 per cent. 平安去年11月斥资27亿美元,购入富通4.2%的股份,后来又把持股比例提高到5%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The Washington-based bank today upped its projection for GDP growththis year to 9. 5% from 8. 7% in November. 今天,总部设在华盛顿的世界银行将其对中国今年GDP增长预测从去年11月份时预测的8.7%调高至9. www.bing.com 7. In November of 2010, Alphay donated RMB 1. 5 million to Chinese Red Cross Foundation. 2010年11月,安惠公司又向中国红十字基金会捐助人民币150万元。 gatefanyi.com 8. About 100 finalists will be invited to compete for the grants at the Development Marketplace, held November 3-5, 2009, in Washington, D. C. 约100名最终入围者将应邀出席于2009年11月3-5日在世行华盛顿总部举办的发展市场赠款竞赛会。 web.worldbank.org 9. A 12-member "supercommittee" of Congress must find $1. 5 trillion in deficit savings by November 23rd. 国会一个由12位成员组成的“超级委员会”必须在12月23日之前找出节省1.5万亿美元赤字的方案。 club.topsage.com 10. Now even the World Bank's most recent forecast of 7. 5% growth this year for the Chinese economy (made in November) seems wildly optimistic. 目前看来世界银行最近预测(2007年11月作出的)的中国今年7.5%的增长也过于乐观了。 www.bing.com 1. December's annual WPI inflation rate was 8. 4%, up from 7. 5% in November. 批发价格指数的通货膨胀率从十一月的7.5%增长到十二月的8. www.ecocn.org 2. In November it will begin producing 5, 000 tests in order to complete their evaluation. 在11月,它将开始生产5000份价格低于1欧元(1.2美元)的试剂,用于完成对这些产品评估。 www.scidev.net 3. The index is expected to show a reading of 35. 5, down from November's 36. 2, according to economists polled by Thomson Reuters. 根据经济学家ThomsonReuters的调查,该指数将从十一月份的36.2降低至35. www.bing.com 4. Financials are up 4. 5% in November, lagging the S&P's gain of 6. 7%. 金融类股11月份的涨幅为4.5%,滞后于标准普尔指数6.7%的涨幅。 c.wsj.com 5. This is confirmed by Thursday's data, which show that headline inflation fell from 5. 1 per cent in November to 4. 6 per cent in December. 这一点得到了上周四数据的证实——数据显示,12月份的总体通胀率已从11月份的5.1%下降至4. www.ftchinese.com 6. The index peaked at 189 in May 2007 and dropped to 143 in November 2008. 该指数在2007年5月达到189的峰值,并于2008年11月跌至143。 cn.reuters.com 7. Temperatures in these regions were between 0. 5C and 4C colder than the November average from 1951 and 1980. 这些地区的气温比1951年至1980年的平均气温低0.5度到4度。 www.bing.com 8. Hatter James Jones, 25, went to jail for nine months for stealing books, eggs, jacket and best plus a 4. 5lb ham in November 1906. 1906年11月,25岁的哈特·詹姆斯·琼斯由于偷窃书籍,鸡蛋,夹克衫和4.5磅火腿,被判处有期徒刑9个月。 dongxi.net 9. In November, it cut the predicted growth rate from 9. 2% to 7. 5% and in March took it down again, to 6. 5%. 在11月份,世行将预测的增长值从9.2%降到7.5%;今年3月份的时候,再次下调至6. www.bing.com 10. On May 26th, the OECD predicted growth of 3. 2% for 2010, up from 2. 5% last November. 5月26日,世界经合组织对2010年美国经济增长率的预测从去年11月的2.5%提高到3. www.ecocn.org 1. Last year, Iparticipated in Katy Wolk-Stanley's No-Heat Challenge. She wanted to keep herheat off until November. Fine. 去年,我参加了凯蒂-沃尔克-斯坦利的“无热”挑战,她试图努力做到在11月5日之前没有供暖。 www.bing.com 2. In November, consumer price inflation (CPI) hit a record by increasing 5. 1% year-on-year. 11月的消费者价格指数(CPI)同比增长达到了创纪录的5. www.bing.com 3. Orders through November fell 12 percent from last year, or 5 percent excluding currency changes. 十一月份期间的订单从去年下降了百分之12,或者排除货币变化下降了百分之5。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. The Commission's eurozone "economic sentiment" index fell 5. 1 points to 74. 9 in November, following a record drop in October. 欧盟委员会的欧元区“经济信心”指数在10月份创出历史最大跌幅之后,11月再下跌5.1点至74. www.ftchinese.com 5. In November last year, China's consumer price index rose by 5. 1%. 去年11月份,我们消费物价涨幅达到5. www.bing.com 6. But in the final three months of last year, the index rose sharply, to 5. 1 percent in November, a 28-month high. 但是,在去年最后的三个月之内,指数急速上升,到11月其已上升至5.1,创下28个月以来的新高。 blog.renren.com 7. All being well, I shall be on the start-line with perhaps 3, 000 others when this year's Classic Marathon gets under way on November 5 如果一切顺利,我将在11月5号本年度雅典马拉松举行的时候,与大约3000人一起站在起跑线上。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index slumped -51. 5% over the 12 month period ended 28 November 2008. 截至二零零八年十一月二十八日止十二个月期间,香港恒生指数下跌51. www.fane.cn 9. 5-7 November, Beijing, Capital Theatre 11月5日-7日,北京,首都剧场 www.chinadaily.com.cn |
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