单词 | on both sides | ||||||||||
释义 | on both sides
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 两边,在两边,在两旁 1. The areas most commonly referred to as blind spots are the rear quarter blind spots, areas towards the rear of the vehicle on both sides. 最严重的地区通常被称为盲点的后方季度盲点,实现地区后面的车辆两侧。 bbs.jysq.net 2. and a fourth lens formed of a biconcave lens having aspheric surfaces on both sides and an inflection point on an upper aspheric surface. 第四透镜,由双凹透镜形成,在两侧上具有非球面表面,在非球面表面上具有拐点。 ip.com 3. In Chile, Antarctica and Brazil, he is likely to hear and observe evidence on both sides of that argument. 在智利、阿根廷和巴西,潘基文有可能听到和看到两种论点的证据。 www.ecocn.org 4. A baby pig to resist the enemy's game, that is, put the eradication of its enemies on both sides, have put the sky bird hit the ground. 一款猪宝贝抗敌的游戏,就是把其两边的敌人消灭,还有把天上的小鸟打到地上。 www.fishjava.com 5. Stupidly , the men on both sides of her opened their doors and got out, leaving her a choice of exits. 愚蠢,她两边的男人都开门下去了,剩下她自己选择出口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. There is only one solution. "Better policy decisions on both sides of the Atlantic are needed to get us out of this fix, " said Fels. 只有一个解决之道.Fels表示,“大西洋两岸必须都推出更好的政策决议,才能脱离这场困境。” cn.reuters.com 7. More momentous for citizens on both sides of the strait was the agreement that opened the door to group tours from the mainland. 对于海峡两岸的民众而言,更加具有重大意义的是对大陆旅游团开放门户的协议。 www.bing.com 8. There will now be a full hearing in a week's time when the arguments will be laid out on both sides. 一周之内将有一个全面的听证会,在这个听证会上双方可以进行辩解。 www.tingclass.com 9. The alliance should be a hard-headed "partnership of choice" serving national interests on both sides, he said. 他表示,结盟将是一次头脑清醒的“选择性的伙伴关系”,符合双方的国家利益。 www.ecocn.org 10. Stocks were subdued on both sides of the Atlantic as analysts reflected on a year's progress in cleaning up the banking system. 就在金融分析师对一年来各国政府清理银行系统的进展进行深思的时候,大西洋两岸的股市都处于低迷。 www.bing.com 1. But the big imponderable is how much appetite there is on both sides of the Atlantic for real diplomatic engagement. 但是最大的不确定因素在于大西洋两岸对进行实质性的外交接触有多大兴辑。 www.ecocn.org 2. When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir , the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜晚独自去约会时,鸟儿不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静地站着。 blog.163.com 3. But the local government is only a small portion of the building on both sides of the main installed cable TV. 但当地政府只是在主干道两旁的小部分建筑安装了有线电视。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. A 'no gifts' edict for a child's birthday party would seem to be a juggler's dream, on both sides of the invitation. 对孩子生日聚会的主、客双方来说,“不带礼物”的通知看上去都应该是最美不过的事了。 www.ebigear.com 5. Draft marks made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on both sides of the fore, middle, aft of the ship. 船舶的艏、舯、艉的两侧分别设置焊接钢板吃水标志,并涂以油漆。 dict.ebigear.com 6. He said threats of boycotts on both sides of the debate "created resentment and made dialogue harder" . 曼德尔森表示,欧洲和中国争论双方的抵制威胁“制造了不满,加大了对话的难度”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals. 我看见坐宝座的右手中有书卷,里外都写著字,用七印封严了。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. She fell a laughing at my scruples about remarrying, and told me the other was no marriage, but a cheat on both sides. 她大笑起来,笑我对于再嫁的问题还这么顾虑,还告诉我另一对并不算结婚,只是双方凑成的一个骗局。 www.bing.com 9. "Chinese people on both sides of the straits tend to see history from their own national scope, " she said. “两岸的中国人倾向于从各自的角度看待历史,”他说。 www.bing.com 10. Optimistic generals will be found, usually on both sides, before the beginning of every military conflict. 通常在每个军事冲突开始的战争双方都能发现这样乐观的将军。 www.360doc.com 1. Size of the two pairs of stone lions guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky. 大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。 www.elycn.com 2. Mouse operation , it all turrets drag on both sides of the road layout , it will destroy the enemy on the road ! 鼠标操作,点击各类炮塔拖动到路两边布置好,将敌人消灭在路上! www.bing.com 3. "Quite right, " the officer replied as he showed the lieutenant the coin which had heads on both sides. “非常准确”,官员答复,当他让陆军中尉看两边面有头的硬币时。 www.sxms5.com 4. Fight double-vision and two ears horizontally, the beard on both sides, tail slapping ground up, two forelegs, ready to voldemort leaping. 争斗时瞳孔放大,两耳平伸,胡须向两边竖起,尾巴拍打地面,两前肢伏地,随时准备跃起。 ww.mf08s.com 5. "What stands out, in my view, is how realistic, and human, the protagonists on both sides seem, " he said in an interview. 他在一次采访中说:“我的看法,这本书引人注目是由于它的现实和人性,双方看似都是主角。” www.bing.com 6. one handle and you can, erm, lock it in the front on both sides but there are catches at the side as well. 它,呃,只有一个把手,你可以,呃,在箱子正面两侧把箱子锁上,但是箱子的侧面也有挂钩。 www.jukuu.com 7. Therefore, at every time of clearing, the total amounts on both sides of the clearing house's balance sheet are always equal. 所以,在每次交换时,票据交换所资金平衡表两边的总金额总是相等的。 www.24en.com 8. The purchase landed it a windfall profit and a leading position in fixed-income trading on both sides of the Atlantic. 此项收购使巴克莱获得意外的暴利,成为大西洋两岸固定收入交易的佼佼者。 www.ecocn.org 9. The boat was eighty feet long , flat-bottomed , with big wooden eyes on both sides in the front and was colorfully painted at the back . 船是八十英尺长,平底,大木眼睛在前两方,并在背面涂上五颜六色。 www.12345677.com 10. However, he said the new royalty agreement incorporates an "experimental approach" that addresses concerns on both sides. 不过,他说新的版权费协议采取了一个“实验性的方法”来兼顾双方的利益。 www.bing.com 1. And growth seems to be stalling, while unemployment remains disastrously high on both sides of the Atlantic. 经济增长似乎已经停止,然而在大西洋两岸,失业依然具有灾难性的高位。 www.bing.com 2. If I close it completely, then this curve is no longer its boundary because my surface lives on both sides of this curve. 如果完全封闭它,那么这条曲线就不再是它的边界,因为曲面在这条曲线的两边都存在。 open.163.com 3. But she did attempt to limit the damage to the newly warming relations between trustbusters on both sides of the Atlantic. 不过考虑到美欧双方竞争监管当局的关系刚刚和暖,她也确实努力地调和自己的言论以减少对此关系的破坏。 www.ecocn.org 4. Yet the readiness to coexist on both sides may be stronger than is often realised. 不过双方和平共处的意愿可能比通常想象的更强烈。 www.ecocn.org 5. The general ordered that the deployment of his troop should be on both sides of the road. 将军命令部队部署在公路的两侧。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Budapest was embarrassing, a rare moment when people on both sides dropped the ball, but I knew it would pass. 布达佩斯感到困窘,双方都犯了错,这是一个极少出现的情况,但我知道事情总会过去。 www.bing.com 7. when i go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing , the wind dose not stir , the house on both sides of street stand silent. 九当我独自在夜晚去约会时,鸟人不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静的站着。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Cao Chong ordered the elephant to an empty boat, to see how deep draft vessels, inscribed with marks on both sides of the ship's side. 曹冲命人把大象牵到空船上,看船吃水有多深,在船舷两边刻上记号。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Times are clocked on both sides of the Atlantic and there is keen competition to see whether the British or American housewives run fastest. 大西洋的两岸,时间都被定好,因而人们渴望看看究竟是英国的家庭主妇跑得快还是美国的家庭主妇跑得快。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Stress builds up in the rock on both sides of the fault and causes the rock to break and shift in an earthquake. 压力在断层两侧的岩石中产生,并且引起岩石在地震中破裂和滑动。 www.dictall.com 1. You produce a fine mahogany hardwood rod and proceed to show it on both sides. 你生产一把美好的桃花心木硬木标尺并且继续显示它在双方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Houses sprung up on both sides of the bridge and stood until it was pulled down in 1831, making way for a more elegant, classic structure. 住宅如雨后春笋般冒出来两岸的桥梁,站在直到推倒在1831年,使道路更加优雅,经典的结构。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. This communication breakdown could have been resolved if there had been a little more flexibility and compromise on both sides. 如果他们双方不是那么倔强的话,他们的沟通不会失败而且是可以解决的。 www.gzwulong.net 4. Josh sees a whole school of these things, like a fleet of ships, emerging from the clouds on both sides of him. 杰克看见整整一群这样的东西,像一列舰队一样从他两边的云层出现。 www.bing.com 5. "I think what we're going to have to do is somehow figure out a way to compromise on both sides and get things back in order, " he said. 伍兹说:“我想我们目前必须做的是,某一位参选者能够找出办法让双方妥协,然后让事情回到正轨。” www.2abc8.com 6. He was also very generous and grateful to the fans as well, signing things for quite some time after the event on both sides of the court. 他对粉丝也显得大方和感激,训练结束后他给赛场两边的球迷签名,停留了不少时间。 vc15.cn 7. Enthusiastic and emotional passengers boarding the train in India said the service will help people on both sides restore links. 在印度登上火车的乘客激动的说,该项服务将能帮助双边的人们重建关系。 www.ebigear.com 8. There are advantages and disadvantages on both sides, " he said. " The Germans have a good break in the winter and are fresh in spring. “双方都有优势和劣势。”教授表示,“德国人将享有冬歇期,来年春天他们将焕然一新。” www.arsenalchina.com 9. It might just also be beginning to dawn on both sides that they are arguing in the path of an avalanche. 双方可能也开始明白眼下的形势:他们正在一条有雪崩危险的道路上争吵不休。 www.ftchinese.com 10. So let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. 所以让我们重新开始――牢记对于我们双方,文明不是软弱的象征,真诚永远接受检验。 blog.163.com 1. For the moment at least, China is far less formidable than hawks on both sides claim. 至少现在看来,中国还没有鹰派描述的那样可怕。 www.bing.com 2. Sensible people might look at it as an interactive process which involves interaction and cause-and-effect relationship on both sides. 理性的人会认为这是互相影响,互为因果的互动过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. l Please cut it a bit shorter on both sides. 请两边再稍微剪短一些。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If it is to travel in a straight line, the wheels on both sides have to be of exactly equal size. 那么,你就会知道小汽车几乎很少顺着直线跑,那么它左右两边的车轮的大小必须是正好绝对相等的。 www.hjenglish.com 5. At this time, at the door of the two men also came over and stood on both sides of reporters and plainclothes police have been staring at. 这时,守在门口的两名男子也走了过来并站在记者和便衣民警两边,一直盯着。 www.dw188.com 6. Pakistan and India have fought three wars involving thousands of troops on both sides of Kashmir's border, known as the Line of Control. 巴基斯坦与印度在克什米尔边界(称为控制线)已进行过三次战争,投入数千军队。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The throne had six steps, and its back had a rounded top. On both sides of the seat were armrests, with a lion standing beside each of them. 宝座有六层台阶,座的后背是圆的,两旁有扶手,靠近扶手有两个狮子站立。 www.ebigear.com 8. It's a small strip of land that is still above ground and on both sides of the road it's nothing but floodwater that's rising quite quickly. 现在仅剩一小块狭长地带还在水面以上,道路两旁只有洪水,水位在迅速上升。 www.tingclass.com 9. It has instead been a process marked by competition, calculation and miscalculation on both sides. 相反,这是一个以双方的竞争、算计和误算为特征的过程。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Recognition of the humanity of those on both sides of the apartheid barrier was essential, he said. 他说,认识到种族隔离制度下的施受双方都是有人性的人这一点很重要。 www.bing.com 1. So let us begin a new remembering on both sides that stability is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. 因此,让我们双方重新开始--双方都要牢记,礼貌并不意味着怯弱,诚意永远有待于验证。 www.hotdic.com 2. In case of landslides, to stay away from the direction of the Rolling Stones on both sides of the direction of running. 如遇山崩,要向远离滚石前进方向的两侧方向跑。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Flight hours on the wing and narrow white cross striations in the dark on both sides of the tail - piece oval-shaped white spots very clear. 飞行时翼上狭窄白色横纹及于深色尾基两侧的椭圆形白色块斑极明显。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He said tourism industries on both sides should take responsibility for providing good services to mainland tourists traveling to Taiwan. 他说,两岸的旅游业应该承担起大陆旅客赴台旅游提供良好服务的义务。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A swift implosion would be a major blow and he is expected to put huge pressure on both sides to stay at the table. 这次和谈如果顷刻瓦解,这对奥巴马将是一个很大的打击,因此他必然会向谈判两方同时施压,强迫双方留在谈判桌上继续谈判。 www.bing.com 6. On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it. 双方都将简单的礼貌置之脑后,因此对于大量的消费者来说,服务随之而去。 www.hjenglish.com 7. It was a stunning moment, stunning on both sides, certainly stunning for our Vietnamese visitors, and stunning for the United States. 那是一个令人惊愕的时刻,对双方都是如此,对我们的越南客人肯定如此,对美国方面也一样。 www.america.gov 8. Officials on both sides called it an historic moment for both nations, and said it would strengthen bonds between the two countries. 双方官员皆称这是两国历史性的一刻,并将增强稳固两国关系。 www.ebigear.com 9. Many on both sides of the Atlantic have recognized that NATO nations are at a critical moment, he said. 他表示,在大西洋两岸,许多人士已经认识到北约国家正处在一个关键时刻。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. The main concern across the region was how the credit crisis on both sides of the North Atlantic would hurt Asia's export-driven economies. 当时,整个地区的主要担忧是,北大西洋两岸的信贷危机会如何危害亚洲的出口拉动型经济体。 www.ftchinese.com 1. " Rather than blame Marcos for the fraud, which he called " disturbing, " Reagan said that there may have been fraud " on both sides. 他非但没有谴责马可仕的贿选行为,反倒称其为“一段小插曲”。里根称双方都有贿选的嫌疑。 www.ecocn.org 2. Top officials on both sides of the once-a-year Strategic and Economic Dialogue, though, wanted to emphasize progress. 但出席每年一度战略与经济对话的两国高级官员还是强调所取得的进展。 cn.reuters.com 3. "I think it's important for people to understand how strong the sentiment is here on both sides of the aisle, " he said. “我认为重要的是人们明白美国国会的情绪有多么强烈,两党都是如此,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 4. I must say the error was on both sides and I think the loss ought to be shar- ed by both parties, let us say half and half. 所以我得说双方都有错误,我认为损失应由双方承担,我们就对半负担吧。 www.hxen.com 5. He forced his penis into her mouth, she said, and he gripped her head on both sides. 之后他把阴茎强行地插到她的嘴里,并且抓着她两侧的头发,她描述说。 www.bing.com 6. Temple points Front Hall, rear, ancestral hall, and a total of 1000 rooms on both sides of the shag a few hundred meters of the building. 寺内分前殿、后殿、祖堂及两侧僧舍厢房共一千几百米的建筑。 www.elycn.com 7. We fought and lost hundreds of thousands of men on both sides fighting for what they believe is right. 交战过后双方都损失了数十万军人,都是为了捍卫自己心中的信仰。 www.kekenet.com 8. Which he unrolled before me. On both sides of it were written words of lament and mourning and woe. 他将书卷在我面前展开,内外都写著字,其上所写的有哀号、叹息、悲痛的话。 new.fuyinchina.com 9. 'Now they have two giant distribution networks on both sides of the Atlantic and those access points are robust, big and deep, ' he said. 坎吉姆说,现在,他们在大西洋两岸都设立了大型分销网络,这些接入点很结实、很大,植入很深。 c.wsj.com 10. For all the focus on the regulations on both sides of the Atlantic, banks face bigger issues than rule changes over the next few years. 尽管大西洋两边的规定是一个焦点,但银行在未来几年将面临比规则变化更大的问题。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. The bicentennial of his birth was the occasion for academic bacchanalias on both sides of the Atlantic. 他的诞辰二百周年已成为大西洋两岸的空前盛会。 www.ecocn.org 2. Now its ascendancy is about to set off what many officials and experts see as a backlash on both sides of the Pacific. 如今,许多官员和专家认为,中国的优势将会使太平洋两岸的对抗一触即发。 www.bing.com 3. In P. viridis, gills consist of a pair of lamellibranch covering the visceral mass on both sides. 翡翠贻贝身体两侧各有一对鳃瓣,覆盖在内脏团之上,鳃瓣由众多鳃丝组成。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Lately, Chan has settled into a more modest double life: making broad action comedies on both sides of the Pacific. 近来,成龙过起了一种更为闲适的双重生活:往来于中美两地拍摄各种动作喜剧电影。 www.bing.com 5. Fukuda cars can Daimler worldwide marketing system and network joint venture agreement on both sides did not reflect. 福田汽车能否借助戴姆勒遍布全球的营销体系和网络在双方合资协议中并未体现。 www.cwzyc.com 6. The freeboard marks are made of the steel plate, welded and painted on both sides of the ship. 干舷标志由钢板制成,焊接在船上,并且涂漆。 www.1x1y.com.cn 7. We came around a curve into a town, and on both sides opened out a sudden green valley. 我们顺着一条弯道,驶进一个小镇,两侧陡的展开一片开阔的绿色山谷。 8. The red-brown thrombus can be seen in on both sides of the section as it extends around the aorta. 剖面图的两端可见红褐色的血栓在主动脉内延伸。 www.binglixue.com 9. The root of the problem on both sides of the Atlantic is simple: too much debt, and too little political will to deal with its consequences. 问题的根源很简单,大西洋两岸是一样的:债务太多,又缺乏善后的政治意愿。 www.bing.com 10. She said stereotypes were broken on both sides - especially in Saudi Arabia, where she met women who were fully wield veiled. 她说双方固有的刻板印象都改变了,特别是在沙特,在那儿她碰到的妇女都戴着面纱。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. "This is an area where there has been a loss of confidence on both sides. More work needs to be done, " he said. 保尔森称:“这是一个双方都丧失很多信心的领域,需要做更多工作。” www.ftchinese.com 2. She said stereotypes were broken on both sides - especially in Saudi Arabia , where she met women who were fully veiled . 她表示双方的旧习已被打破,特别是在沙特阿拉伯,在那儿她遇到了带着面纱的妇女。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Late Tuesday, U. S. President Barack Obama urged extreme caution on both sides, in an attempt to push Sudan back from the brink of war. 周二晚,美国总统奥巴马敦促双方十分谨慎,试图推动从战争的边缘苏丹回来。 www.maynet.cn 4. On both sides, lack of shared assumptions is likely to be the trickiest problem, because it is not always recognized. 从两方面来讲,缺少共享理念看来是最难处理的问题,因为它很少被意识到。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. She cleaned the crosswalk on both sides of the street five times in the past few days, she said. 她说,过去这几天,她每天要把街道两边的人行道清扫五次。 www.bing.com 6. Stand on both sides of the majesty of men, the range of their kinfolk lasting appeal. 威严的勇士站立两旁,漫步其中不乏其故国神游的那种韵味。 bbs.e23.cn 7. What's more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. 尤其是,房子前门口的两边可以吊两个大红灯笼。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It is plain that the experts on both sides believe it is possible to build a system in which the two countries exchange data. 两国专家清楚的知道,建立一个两国都能交互数据信息的系统是可行的。 www.bing.com 9. The short and small houses on both sides of the road have been demolished due to its widening. 由于街道的扩建,道路两旁矮小的房屋全部被拆除了。 www.ebigear.com 10. The pickets on both sides had become friendly, more given to trading than shooting one another at less than 100 yards. 双方哨兵建立了友谊,往往会交换些物品,而不是向一百码之内的另一方开枪。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. eyes closed, hands index finger along the skin, nose, nose on both sides, rub back and forth up and down. 闭眼,沿着皮肤,鼻子,鼻子两侧双手食指,来回摩擦向上和向下。 www.qiyeku.com 2. After we crossed the ditch, we noticed that on both sides of us were newer houses, but nothing but trees lay ahead. 我们过了桥,发现路两边全是崭新的房子,但在前面有一片树林,那里却什么都没有。 www.kekenet.com 3. But we have, on both sides, to take a little bit of distance. 但是在得到表扬和批评时,我们都需要冷静一点对待。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 4. Throughout all this, solvency regulators on both sides of the Atlantic have maintained a monastic calm. 在这个过程中,大西洋两岸的偿付能力监管方一直持观望和缄默态度。 www.bing.com 5. But this cannot be a forced transition it will happen over time, with assets split on both sides of the fence for quite some time. 但是,时有发生的那种强制的转型,将资产拆分在两端并保持很长一段时间的做法,这是不可取的。 www.infoq.com 6. The solution is not for America to abandon Israel, but to guide it to peace with its neighbours, applying pressure on both sides. 解决的办法不是要美国放弃以色列,而是引导他与其邻国和平共处,施压力于双方。 www.ecocn.org 7. Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. 拿一把牛膝草,蘸盆里的血,打在门楣上和左右的门框上。 www.ebigear.com 8. There are very strong feelings on both sides and I don't want to upset people any more than I have to. 在这个问题上,争论双方的情绪都非常激烈。除了不得已,我不想让更多的人对我不满。 www.kekenet.com 9. "All the [online] social-networking tools were used to the best of people's abilities on both sides. " “所有在线社交网络工具都被双方最大限度的开发利用”。 www.bing.com 10. It deserves consideration on both sides of the Atlantic, particularly from the parents of that generation. 而且也值得大西洋两岸的人们思考,尤其是那一代人的父母。 www.ecocn.org 1. Pour enough batter to cover the base of a greased pan, fry until light golden on both sides, roll up and transfer to a plate. 把适量粉浆倒入已落油之平底煎镬内,煎至两面呈金黄色,捲起上碟。 www.hkheadline.com 2. And officers on both sides kept a vigil against similar outbreaks of humanity every December for the rest of the war. 之后一战期间的每年十二月,双方的军官都会高度警惕类似人性主义爆发。 www.bing.com 3. Many big trees on both sides of the road were blown down in the gale last night . 昨天晚上,路边的很多大树都被强风吹倒了。 www.allwinworld.net 4. Over the long run, many economists say the structural imbalances on both sides of the Chinese-American debt symbiosis could be disastrous. 许多经济学家认为,从长远来看,中美债务互相依存的结构性失衡导致的结果可能是灾难性的。 dongxi.net 5. Heat frying pan with some oil, fry the salmon patties until golden brown on both sides, turn off the heat and add lime juice; Serve hot. 煎锅中下油烧热,把三文鱼饼煎熟,至两面金黄即关火,洒上青柠汁便成,趁热享用。 blog.163.com 6. In modern society, people often say: "career, family, women are not willing to let go on both sides. " 在现代社会中人们常常说:“事业、家庭,女人两边都不愿意放手。” www.pjx8.com 7. Indeed, no one seems to know how they can be restarted. The mood among moderates on both sides is as glum as ever. 事实上,没有人知道和谈能够重新启动,(和谈)双方的温和派人士的心情依旧是忧郁阴沉。 www.ecocn.org 8. What people on both sides of the debate misunderstood was that I am not against ebooks. 这争论的双方都误解了我的意思,我并不反对电子书籍。 www.bing.com 9. There are a hundred lovely children on both sides of a pair of tiny little snuff-boxes. 在一对微型鼻烟壶内面,画有一百个可爱的娃娃。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of roads and streets all day and night. 它们的噪声一天到晚也打扰到了住在公路以及街道两边的居民。 www.worlduc.com 1. The White House, in a statement, is calling on both sides to immediately cease fighting and allow civilians to exit the conflict area. 白宫在一份声明中,正呼吁双方立即停止战斗,让平民撤出冲突地区。 www.beiin.net 2. Just like the reporter said, at present on both sides of the strait to Taiwan's creamer Qing of the test results are not consistent. 就像刚才这位记者所讲的,目前两岸对都庆公司输台奶精的检测结果不尽一致。 www.showxiu.com 3. Pressure is now mounting on both sides of the Atlantic for Apple to think again about the 'subscription tax' 对于苹果公司在欧洲和美国的压力正在上升,再去想想关于订阅所带来的麻烦。 bbs.diandian.net 4. Large areas of arid desert land in the train on both sides of the road, I boil like sores, injuries to the color of bare earth. 大片干旱荒芜的土地在我行进的列车两侧如同疮疖,袒露着大地受伤的颜色。 www.tradeask.com 5. But years of quiet discussion among senior opinion makers and intellectuals on both sides preceded this public diplomacy. 不过,在这次公开外交行动之前,双方的评论家与知识分子之间的安静讨论已经历时数年。 www.bing.com 6. I decided to paste in eight Israeli and Palestinian cities and on both sides of the wall. 我打算贴八个以色列和巴勒斯坦城市,而且给隔离墙的两面都贴上。 www.ted.com 7. On both sides of the body has obvious skin plait, short limbs, refers to the top five, four, micro webbed after. 体两侧有明显的肤褶,四肢短扁,指、趾前五后四,具微蹼。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Yet self-interest is at work on both sides: many of the bill's critics are trying to create just these kinds of business. 不过,无论支持者还是反对者都有私心:批评该议案的很多人,也正在努力创建上述这些商业模式。 www.ecocn.org 9. Dry Film Lamination: Just as in inner layer, photosensitive dry-film is laminated on both sides of the panel. 贴干膜:与内层相同,将干光性干膜帖覆在两边板面上。 blog.tianya.cn 10. Many policy makers and economists on both sides of the Atlantic believe China keeps its currency artificially weak to help its exporters. 欧美许多决策者和经济学家认为,中国人为压低人民币汇率是为了帮助中国出口企业。 c.wsj.com 1. Do you understand the difference? To be a good lawyer you need to be able to think about arguments on both sides. 你现在明白区别所在了么?好的律师可以站在双方立场考虑问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Insurgencies, however, are a specific set of conflicts, comparable to civil wars where hundreds or more have died on both sides involved. 无论如何,相比导致两边卷入的上百甚至更多的死亡的独立战争而言,叛乱是冲突的一种特殊形式。 boboan79.blog.163.com 3. The Great Wall of the city wall is composed of a block of rock composition, walls on both sides of the rough wall. 长城地城墙是由一块块巨石构成地,城墙双方都有上下不服地矮墙。 www.1118888.com 4. There are hung upside down above the rock cover, and Waitu on both sides of the giant wall seems to hold the temple arms. 上面有倒悬的巨岩遮盖,加上两旁外凸的巨壁,似将寺院抱于怀中。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When thought of as a contract, the requirements documentation infers obligations on both sides and is open for negotiation. 当被作为一个合同来考虑时,需求文档指明了双方的责任,同时对谈判开放。 www.ibm.com 6. On both sides of the street are a few hundred shops, selling mainly souvenirs and antiques to (cater for) the foreigners' tastes. 街道两旁有数百家商店,主要出售外国人喜欢的仿古制品和纪念品。 www.examw.com 7. People on both sides of the Taiwan strait? Urgent to see Taiwan's return to the motherland. 台湾海峡两岸的人么迫切的想要看到台湾回归祖国。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The wind power market shows different challenges and strategies at work on both sides. 风能市场在两方面都显示出不同的挑战和战略。 c.wsj.com 9. I have no say over the configuration of the office and unless I am told to recycle or photocopy on both sides, I am not going to. 对于公司的布局,我没有发言权,而除非我被告知回收纸张或双面打印,否则我不会这么做。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Is it better to be an only child or to have brothers and sisters? As with so many issues, there are pros and cons on both sides. 作个独生子女好还是有个哥哥或姐姐好?涉及到很多方面,所以赞成前者或者同意后者的人都有。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. We can only settle this argument if there is a bit of give-and-take on both sides. 只有双方都作出一些让步,我们才能平息这场争论。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The noise made by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night. 汽车所生成的噪音使居住在街道两旁的居民日夜不得安宁。 www.waiyulm.com 3. on both sides were extensive fields planted with crops, prickly pears, henna trees, and a few date palms. 对双方都广泛的领域种植作物,花椒梨,指甲花树木,以及一些椰枣。 wenwen.soso.com 4. It was an argument echoed by many others, on both sides of the House, in the parliamentary debate about the violence. 这是一个得到议会两院两边以及议会中有关暴力的辩论的双方很多其他人呼应的说法。 dipan.kekenet.com 5. On both sides of the cedar is the boxwood, like a green ribbon wrapped around the cedar. 雪松的两侧是黄杨,就像绿色的带子把雪松裹住。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. What do you think of father's spoiling sheets and sheets of paper with black marks all over on both sides? 你对于爸爸拿黑点子涂满了纸的两面,污损了许多许多张纸,你心里以为怎样呢? bbs.vekee.com 7. As casualties mount on both sides, 2009 is shaping up to be the deadliest year yet for coalition troops - twice as deadly as 2008. 随着双方伤亡数字的攀升,2009年正在成为联军部队最致命的一年---死亡人数会达到2008年的两倍。 www.bing.com 8. The wallboard forming machine is reasonable and compact in structure and low in energy consumption and is capable of wiring on both sides. 本实用新型提供一种结构合理紧凑、能耗低且可双层布线的墙板成型机。 ip.com 9. On a lower level between the main room and the southern entrance is an open yard bounded on both sides by narrow covered passages. 主厅和南边入口中间是一块空旷的低地,两侧均为狭窄的走廊。 www.fane.cn 10. I have to say that in debates of this kind there's always a considerable amount of hot air, perhaps on both sides. 我不得不说,在这种争论中,一定存在着相当数量的大话,可能双方都有。 open.163.com 1. All the dues on both sides have been gathered in, and it is time for me to go home. 两边的手续费都收过了,该是我回家的时候了。 www.enread.com 2. High protective net is set up to prevent people jumping into the sea on both sides of the bridge . 大桥的过道两旁有高高的防护网,防止有人跳海。 blog.163.com 3. Prominent cheek bones on both sides of the so-called anti-cheek, it is dangerous to people, and you do not eat and now spits out the bones. 两边腮骨突出来的,所谓的反腮,是危险的人,把你吃光了骨头也不吐出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Other advisers on both sides of the divide were also telling their bosses what they wanted to hear. 冷战双方的其他顾问们向各自上司的建言,也都是上司们想听的话。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some irresponsible people, on both sides of the political aisle, think that a temporary shutdown would not matter all that much. 两党中有些不负责任的人认为政府暂时倒闭不会有太大影响。 www.kekenet.com 6. A strip-shaped water channel communicated with the filtering net is equipped on both sides of a corner side board of the washing machine. 在所述洗衣机的转角侧板的两侧开设有与所述滤网连通的条形水流通道。 ip.com 7. Filoni: I have tried to be very linear since the episode "Heroes on Both Sides. " 费洛尼:打从《双方英雄》这一集开始,我就努力非常地按时间线顺序来做了。 www.starwarschina.com 8. The sun made sharp shadows, and the villages on both sides of the road were dirty, ill-kept and poverty-ridden. 太阳留下清晰的树影,路两边的村庄肮脏,破落,贫穷。 j-krishnamurti.org.cn 9. Therefore, we must be very careful in building up clear expressions and complete understanding on both sides of trade. 因此,我们的双边贸易必须小心建立在清楚表达与完全理解的基础上… www.hxen.com 10. The scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but I had no interest in them at all. 场面在街道的两边美好,但我在他们根本没有兴趣。 08translation.cn 1. During the cold war similar devices were said to be in development on both sides of the Iron Curtain. 冷战期间,据说铁幕双方都在研究同样的装置。 www.ecocn.org 2. As the couple exits the church, synagogue or other wedding venue, soldiers flank them on both sides, forming a receiving line. 在新婚夫妇退出教堂或婚礼地点时,战士们站在他们两侧,形成迎接的队伍。 www.docin.com 3. So we have a smile for others sake, I thought I would have good results, the last was the torture and injuries on both sides. 以至于我们微笑地为别人着想时,以为会有好结果时,最后却是对双方的折磨与伤害。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. When a person's facial expression is not symmetrical on both sides of the face, it is likely that they are pretending to feel the emotion. 当人的脸部表情两边不对称的时候,极有可能他们表现的感情是装出来的。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. All this has attracted the attention of regulators on both sides of the Atlantic. 这些现象引起了东西方法规制定者的关注。 www.ecocn.org 6. S. jets attack Soviet air base near Vladivostok as part of the 'Secret Air War' between Russia and the U. S. on both sides of the Yalu. 同一天,作为苏联与美国之间在鸭绿江两岸的“秘密空战”的一个部分,美国飞机攻击了苏联海参崴附近的空军基地。 7yd.5d6d.com 7. The difficult areas lie in the middle, especially around the "hacktivists" who are the main actors on both sides. 困难之处在于中间地带的人群,尤其是双方阵营的主要行动者—黑客活动分子。 www.ecocn.org 8. If the meal to be put down knife and fork, it should be placed on both sides of the plate, knife and fork, head inward. 如在用餐时要放下刀叉,应将其放在盘子两边,刀与叉子头向内。 www.worlduc.com 9. We believe that it is up to the people on both sides of the Strait to resolve their differences peacefully. 我们认为要由海峡两岸人民和平解决他们的分歧。 www.america.gov 10. But before that it was "a cemetery where thousands are buried, with heroism and gallantry on both sides" . 在奠边府有个“埋葬数千人的公墓,双方都充满英雄主义、勇武善战。” www.ecocn.org 1. I purchased this jacket with reflective EMS lettering printed on the back and with patches sewn on both sides. 我买的这件夹克,背面印着EMS,并且两边都封闭的很好。 www.vvcha.cn 2. by cars disturbs the residents living on both sides of streets all day and night. 事故。汽车所产生的噪音使居住在街道两旁的居民日夜不得安宁。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 3. The surprising length of the Libya campaign is a result of tactics employed on both sides. 利比亚战争拖延如此之长让人意外,不过这是双方采用战术导致的结果。 www.remword.cn 4. Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits carried out a prolonged, unremitting struggle against foreign invasion and occupation of Taiwan. 海峡两岸中国人为反对外国侵占台湾进行了长期不懈的斗争。 www.hotdic.com 5. Column personnel on both sides of the word structure, the use of high-quality steel pipe welding, good stability. 两边立柱用人字结构,使用优质钢管焊接,稳定性好。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. By 2025, young people on both sides of the border may struggle to understand why their parents' generation built this huge fence. 到2025年,身处墨西哥边境两边的年轻人将很难理解,为什么自己的父辈要建立这样雄伟巨大的围墙。 dongxi.net 7. Generated by the reporting currency losses and surplus, as the book on both sides of a coin. 由报告货币所产生的账面损失和盈余正如一个硬币的正反两面。 www.englishtang.com 8. No one was on the street, every door or window was closed on both sides, like a dim , vague and unauthentic picture on the cloth. 大街上很空旷,两边的门窗关闭着,看上去影影绰绰,很不清晰,也很不真实,仿佛画在幕布上的画儿。 dongxi.net 9. Finally, join together the surface with the patch lids on both sides. 最后用盖子在两侧将面连结在一起。 www.banysky.com 10. There have been notable shifts on both sides of the market, serving to push up the price of gold. 目前市场供给和市场需求两个方面都有显著的上升,推动了金价的上涨。 www.ecocn.org 1. Heat up a shallow frying pan with a little oil. Pan-fry until golden brown on both sides. 小火烧热平底锅,入少许油,放入饼胚烙成两面金黄色即可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Oscillation between interconnected synchronous machines in which the angles of deviation swing on both sides of a mean value. 并联各同步电机间的振荡,此时,这些电机电动势的相角差在其平均值的两侧摆动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Today the upheaval on both sides of the partition line would be described as ethnic cleansing on a gigantic scale. 今天,在分裂线两边都将此次突变事件描述为种族大规模清理。 www.ecocn.org 4. It it is to travel in a straight line, the wheels on both sides have to be of exactly equal size. 如果让它跑成直线,它两边的轮子大小必须完全一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. All the people left their work and stood on both sides of the road to see him pass by . 所有的人都放下工作,站在马路的两旁看他经过。 www.jukuu.com 6. It was a long shady road with trees on both sides - a narrow road that wound through the green fields of glistening, ripening wheat. 这是一条两侧都有浓密树荫的长路——一条蜿蜒穿过闪闪发光的即将成熟的绿色麦田的小路。 www.jkrishnamurti.org.cn 7. Implementations will use the list of endpoints associated with a scenario to verify that the code on both sides works as expected. 实现将使用与某个场景关联的端点列表来验证两端的代码如期运行。 www.ibm.com 8. Grip hollow straight back and forth on both sides of friction in the thymus can enhance the body immunity. 握空心拳在胸腺两侧来回摩擦身体可增强免疫力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits aspire for a peaceful reunification of their motherland as early as possible. 海峡两岸人民多么热切地盼望早日实现祖国和平统一。 www.kouyi.org 10. Obviously the roots of this problem lie on both sides of the ocean, and an effective clean up will require joint efforts. 显然,问题的根源涉及大洋两岸,要想根除还需双方共同努力。 app.fortunechina.com 1. 'Transparency on both sides is critical, ' she said. 她说,双方都需要保持透明,这非常重要。 chinese.wsj.com 2. There are cultural misunderstandings and prejudice (obviously on both sides) but that isn't a real problem so far. 我们与中国两边显然都存在着文化上的误解和偏见,但到目前为止这都不算什么大问题。 www.51junshi.com 3. To combat these networks on both sides of the border, the U. S. and China should propose a new NATO-China anti narcotics program. 为打击境内外的这些非法网络,美国和中国应该提议建立新的北约-中国反毒品计划。 www.bing.com 4. Don't stand up without permission while in the boat; hold the black handrails on both sides. 大家坐在漂流艇上不要随意的站起来,扶好两侧的黑色扶手; www.1x1y.com.cn 5. People on both sides of the issue try to use scientific data as well as reasoning in order to prove whether global warming is real or not. 这一问题双方的人们都极力用科学数据以及推理来证明全球变暖到底是真还是假。 www.bing.com 6. Diffusion of fluid through a semipermeable membrane until there is an equal concentration of fluid on both sides of the membrane. 渗透:液体通过一个半透膜进行的扩散,直到膜两边液体的浓度相同为止。 www.fane.cn 7. Install 6' crossbars between the front and rear clamps on both sides. 在两侧,在前夹钳和后夹钳之间安装6英尺的横(十字)杆。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Central bankers can buy the politicians a little time on both sides of the Atlantic. It is up to them to use it. 中央银行是可以为大西洋两岸的政客们争取一些时间。但用不用取决于他们自己。 www.fanzhai.net 9. The perfect pattern would have equal highs on both sides of the cup, but this is not always the case. 两个杯沿如果等高将是一个完美的形态,但这并不多见。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. It was because defence chiefs on both sides of the Atlantic foresaw this that they were reluctant to intervene in the first place. 大西洋两岸的国防官员们从一开始就不愿干预利比亚局势,就是因为他们预见到了这一点。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Fortunately, climate change is starting to be acknowledged by social scientists on both sides of the Atlantic. 幸运的是,天气变化开始受到大西洋两岸社会科学家的承认。 www.bing.com 2. Heat the sun flower seed oil in a fry pan and add butter. Gently fry the coated meat on both sides for 3 minutes or until golden. 在煎锅里加葵花籽油和黄油,慢慢的将鸡肉的两面煎3分钟,或者直到颜色金黄。 blog.163.com 3. They were nearly as long ast he fingers of the old man and they had razor-sharp cutting edges on both sides. 它们几乎跟这老人的手指一般长,两边都有刀片般锋利的快口。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But over the past few days, a new cycle of recriminations has begun, helped along by a lack of tact on both sides. 但在过去数天,一个新的周期已经开始相互指责,这主要得益于一个机智双方缺乏沿。 www.englishtang.com 5. Piping layout, the pump on both sides to do at least one side of maintenance. 管道布置时,泵的两侧至少要留出一侧做维修用。 www.cn-em.com 6. The two countries have diametrically opposed political systems. And a war in 1962 left a legacy of mistrust on both sides of the Himalayas. 两国的政治制度大相径庭,而1962年的战争导致两国长期互不信任。 www.ftchinese.com 7. that the internet's global scale means that there will need to be changes on both sides of the Atlantic. 不过,就连夏尔先生也承认,网络的全球化意味着大西洋两岸的双方都需要做出改变。 shanbay.com 8. Bearings that are supplied ready greased and which have integral seals or shields on both sides should not be washed before mounting. 如果轴承在供货时已采用润滑脂润滑,且两侧均有内部密封设计或防护罩,则安装前不应清洗。 www.skf.com 9. Throughout all this, solvency regulators on both sides of theAtlantic have maintained a monastic calm. 自始至终,大西洋两岸的偿债能力监管者保持修道士般的冷静。 www.ecocn.org 10. Researchers on both sides of the middleweight argument mostly agree that the bulk of a jumbo black hole doesn't come through early mergers. 关于中量级星系问题,持对立观点的双方,差不多都认为那些巨大的黑洞并不来自于早期的黑洞。 www.bing.com 1. To win a championship, you need a player who can anchor your sets on both sides of the ball. 想要赢得总冠军,你需要一名能在攻防两端拿住球的球员。 www.bing.com 2. Business people on both sides of the border have long argued that trade and investment could ease tensions between the two states. 边界两边的商人早就认为贸易和投资可能缓解两国之间的紧张。 www.stnn.cc 3. On the face of it, this configuration of people and power on both sides of the fence spells doom. 从表面上看,两国所形成关于人口构成和权力组织形式的格局会招致厄运。 www.ecocn.org 4. In the bottom of the column on both sides running goal at the wheel of components. 在两边立柱的下方为龙门行走的车轮座组件。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Promenade can be placed on both sides of the table, a small bench-type furniture to put debris. 长廊两侧可以安放桌、凳类小型家具,用以放置杂物。 rosewood.zhonghuarui.com 6. We were surprised into having to fight at Smolensk to save our communications. A battle was fought. Thousands were slain on both sides. 为了挽救我们的交通线,必须在斯摩棱斯克打一场出乎意外的恶仗。仗是打了,双方都阵亡数千人。 www.okread.net 7. After the sun was feeling excellent, and in one respect are on both sides of the decorative bonsai and around sunflower. 拉开后的阳光感极好,因此在两侧的装饰是一尊盆景和一束向日葵。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Avoid twins: mirroring the position the face, arms, and legs on both sides of the body. 避免双胞胎:镜像立场面对,手臂,腿部,并就双方的身体。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Rejectionists on both sides will try to disrupt the process, with bitter words and with bombs and with gunfire. 双方的反对派都将试图用刻毒的语言和枪弹炮火破坏这个进程。 www.tradehn.com 10. The well-appointed rear cargo area includes a storage unit with a rechargeable flashlight and new and improved grocery hooks on both sides. 在完善的后部载货区包括一个可充电手电筒和新的和改进的杂货店存储单元挂钩双方。 www.jeepcorps.net 1. Phoenix is a city, the river in the middle on both sides of the house, the boat people out. 凤凰是一个古城,中间是小河两边是房子,人们坐船出门。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. an empty area on both sides of the plate with the liquid flow of different sizes to side of the formation and swing angle. 印版两侧空白区域用液量大小不同,也会使一边形成甩角。 www.bing.com 3. Now, officials on both sides of the U. S. -Mexican border are calling on their military forces to restore order. 现在,美墨边境的双方官员都在呼吁各自的军队采取行动恢复秩序。 www.mwjx.com 4. Made of pure cotton fabric, polish processed on both sides, and extremely comfortable to the touch. 纯棉材质且两面均经滑面处理,触感十分舒适。 sm2000.org 5. After the passage to the door of my unit on both sides of meadows Yiyi, peaches and plums fragrance. 我单位进门后的甬道两旁芳草依依,桃李芬芳。 blog.wtojob.com 6. Here you can enjoy your favorite people on both sides of the Seine night, in the Seine to enjoy the warmth of a romantic journey. 在这里你可以和你最爱的人欣赏塞纳河两岸的夜景,在塞纳河上享受这个温馨的浪漫之旅。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Yet polls show that most people, on both sides, continue to believe that unification was the right idea. 尽管如此,民意调查显示,在柏林墙两边的大多数的人,仍然深信统一正确的。 www.ecocn.org 8. Beijing's initial response Tuesday was to acknowledge reports of the violence and call for calm on both sides. 中国周二对此事的最初回应是承认对暴力事件的报道,呼吁双方冷静。 c.wsj.com 9. Officers on both sides have good reasons to be wary of these calls to duty. 双方官员都有很好的理由对这些使命的达成表示担忧。 www.mwjx.com 10. Regular sampling and tests are carried out on both sides of the border by government agencies. 香港和广东的政府机构会在两地对这些农场进行定期抽样和检测。 www.ftchinese.com 1. This will take a lot of wind out of the cases against Intel brought by regulators on both sides of the Atlantic. 这将使得许多由大西洋两岸的监管机构提出针对英特尔公司的经济案件就此沉灭。 www.ecocn.org 2. And may that love be truly unconditional on both sides, for the only true love is unconditional love. 希望这爱是一种真正的无条件的获得与赠予,因为真爱是无条件的。 www.enfamily.cn 3. She said rhetoric on both sides adds to the confusion. 她说,双方在辩论中的一些空洞辞令使人们更为困惑。 www.24en.com 4. The stern on both sides of two-wu, with a thick wooden cross-tie at the stern, saying "jump. " 船尾两旁两支梧,用一块厚实的木板横搭在船尾,称“跳”。 www.elycn.com 5. The medical relief organizations are working around the clock on both sides of the border. 医疗组织在两国边境交替工作、救助伤员。 www.acsf.cn 6. Droopy eyelids on both sides (ptosis) can be evidence of myasthenia gravis - an autoimmune disease characterized by muscle weakness. 两侧眼皮下垂(上睑下垂症)可能是重症肌无力病的迹象,这是一种自身免疫性疾病,症状是肌肉无力。 www.bing.com 7. Conclusions: The right JF is usually larger than the left, and not symmetry on both sides. 结论:右侧颈静脉孔通常较左侧大,左右不对称; d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. The sun does not shine on both sides of. the hedge at once. 太阳不可能同时照在树篱两面。 www.bing.com 9. Political leaders on both sides should guide Sino-Japanese ties in the right direction and work for a rejuvenated and prosperous Asia. 双方政治家对此应有充分认识,把握好两国关系的正确方向,共同推动亚洲的振兴与繁荣。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. The cause of the war lies in the greed and incompetence of politicians on both sides . 战争的原因在于双方政界人士的贪婪和无能。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. and brushing bundles are symmetrically distributed on both sides of a paint effusing opening on the paint applicator. 所述漆料涂敷器上的漆料涌出口两侧对称分布有刷毛束。 ip.com 2. On both sides of the Atlantic concerns have been raised about letting foreign-born businessmen take over important news outlets. 大西洋的两侧对让外籍商人接管重要新闻中心的担忧均在升级。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. As with opium, transgressions are committed due to mutual collusion in illegal activity, and blame should be equally placed on both sides. 就像鸦片一样,罪孽都是双方不法之徒的勾结造成的,责任是对等的。 www.chinadialogue.net 4. Buildings on both sides of the street wear gradually disappearing into a pall of grey. 街道两旁的建筑逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。 www.fltacn.com 5. Unlike a knife, the knork cuts through food with a rocking motion which is facilitated by a finger platform on both sides of the handle. 不像一把刀,knork穿过食品和摇摆运动是由一根手指平台,促进两岸的句柄。 bbs.canjiren.net 6. Today we cannot walk a few steps without noticing advertisements on both sides of the road. 今日我们只要走几步路,就一定会注意到两旁的广告。 spdc.shnu.edu.cn 7. Individual countries would then target this debt level over the business cycle, allowing for some flexibility on both sides. 在商业周期循环中,每个国家将以这个债务水平为目标,上下允许一些灵活性。 sh.focus.cn 8. Senior central bankers and finance officials on both sides were to discuss global finances. 双方央行的高级官员和高级金融官员将讨论全球金融问题。 www.bing.com 9. Observers on both sides of the aisle are looking at this race as a possible harbinger of next year's mid-term election. 过道两旁的观察者们正在紧盯此场比赛,因为该比赛可能预示着明年中期选举的动向。 www.ecocn.org 10. The low-relief surfaces of terraces, developed on both sides of the deep-cutting valleys within the basins, are lowest in elevation. 发育于盆地深切河谷两侧阶地之上的低起伏面海拔高程总体较低。 www.ceps.com.tw |
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