单词 | on a plane | ||||||
释义 | on a plane
例句释义: 在飞机上,坐飞机,搭飞机 1. He remembers being on a plane on his way to a conference and having an epiphany. 他记得有一次在前往参加一个会议的飞机上,曾经有过一个顿悟。 www.bing.com 2. In a hotel or any time you've been on a plane or a train, it's a little inconvenient, but try to not to put your suitcase on the bed. 当你身在酒店里,乘飞机或火车时,确实有一点小小的不便,但是请不要将你的手提箱放在床上。 www.bing.com 3. Remember there is a limit to how much baggage. You may carry on a plane, and the same rule should apply to life. 记住,搭乘飞机所携带行李的重量是有限制的,运用到生活中,道理也一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Even when my dad was overworked, he'd happily hop on a plane if I said I needed help. 甚至当我的爸爸是劳累,他会很高兴的跳上一架飞机如果我说我需要帮助。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Depressed with all the attention her sister is receiving, Nuru decides to jump on a plane and visit her son in London. 与所有的注意力她的妹妹正在接受抑郁,努如决定跳上飞机,在伦敦探望她的儿子。 www.yiyiys.net 6. Askydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the plane and floats in the air with the help of a parachute. 一个空中潜水者通过飞机到达高空,然后他跳飞机和浮在空中的降落伞。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Miller soon found herself on a plane and eventually at a small airport in southern South Korea. There was no one there to greet her. 米勒很快上了一架飞机,最后到了韩国南部的一个小型机场,没有人接待她。 www.bing.com 8. I could not believe she had travelled on a plane with it on her head. 我不敢相信她竟头上带着变色龙乘坐飞机。 www.bing.com 9. He opened his eyes, and for a moment didn't have a clue where he was. Totally disorienting, waking up on a plane. 他睁开了双眼,在那一刻中他对于自己的处境没有一点印象,完全搞不清楚自己怎么在一架飞机上醒来。 www.dashuye.com 10. If the general is allowed to return home, he could be on a plane back to Chile within minutes of the announcement. 如果将军被允许回家,他可能在判决宣告几分钟后乘飞机会智利。 martrix.hongen.com 1. Bob told Hank Paulson about this fear and he said get on a plane. 鲍勃将自己的担忧告诉了保尔森,保尔森说,坐飞机过来吧。 www.bing.com 2. Masked soldiers took his cellphone, shoved him into a van and took him to an air force base, where he was put on a plane. 头戴面具的士兵们拿走了他的手机,将他推入车内并押送至空军基地的一架飞机上。 q.sohu.com 3. I even sat next to a woman on a plane a couple of months ago who offered me a free introductory session. 甚至在几个月前一次乘坐飞机时旁边的一位妇女主动为我提供免费介绍课程。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter. 我当然不认为自己可以攒到足够的里程换返还金了,因为我可能一年才坐上一次飞机。 www.bing.com 5. The battle for the best seat on a plane is one airlines seem to find ever more inventive ways of monetising. 飞机上最好的座位在哪?这似乎是一个航空公司众说纷纭却永远无法统一口径的千古难题。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. The terrorists might have planted a bomb on a plane in Athens, set to go off when it arrived in New York . 恐怖分子很可能已经在雅典的一架飞机上安置了炸弹,并且将它设定为到达纽约后爆炸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. For others not ready to jump on a plane to the U. S. 对于其他还没有准备好登机前往美国的人… qac.yappr.cn 8. Fusun, who spends a large chunk of her working life on a plane, says women should be able to go from flight to meeting uncrumpled. 菲松大部分工作时间都是在飞机上度过的。她表示,女性应该能够穿着不起褶的服装,直接从机场奔赴会议场所。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The app now offers extensive support for offline reading, making it one of the easiest ways to catch up with the news on a plane. 目前这款应用软件支持离线阅读,对于在飞机上浏览新闻来说,这是最便捷的方法之一。 www.bing.com 10. You know, when you get on a plane and your bag doesn't, they actually know right away that it's not there. 你知道,如果你登机了而你的行李没有登机,那么工作人员其实是知道这个情况的,只不过没人告诉你。 www.bing.com 1. Sa: There is no way that we are going on a plane to meet some woman who could be a crazy lunatic. Didn' t you see Fatal Attraction? 山:要我坐飞机去和一个可能是疯女人见面是不可能的,你没看过《孽缘》吗? niro11.blog.163.com 2. It's so easy to hop on a plane and within hours be in a different time and place. 你很容易搭乘飞机,在几个小时内处于不同的地方。 www.bing.com 3. The customer gets such things as a seat on a plane, a room in a hotel, and a chance to sit on a beach in the sunshine. 顾客可以得到诸如飞机上的座位,旅馆里的房间以及在海滩晒太阳的机会。 www.juyy.net 4. At my small of time father takes me to go to and travel by airplane, on a plane I saw a beautiful stewardess. 在我小的时候爸爸带我坐飞机去旅游,在飞机上我看到了美丽的空姐。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. A map projection is any method used in cartography to represent the two-dimensional curved surface of the earth or other body on a plane. 在制图学中,任何将地球(或其他天体)的二维曲面表达为平面的方法都可以被称为地图投影。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. If you are unlucky enough to end up on a plane that develops a hole on it, "all is not doomed, " Landis said. 如果你不幸搭上了这样一班有洞在形成的飞机,“一切都还没有结束,”兰迪斯说。 www.bing.com 7. You could be placed in medical isolation if someone you traveled with on a plane is suspected of having swine flu. 如果你乘飞机旅行,上面有一个疑似甲型流感病人,你可能会被医学隔离。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It's just very far, not that easy to hop on a plane and go. 它非常远,不是跳上飞机就能去的地方。 www.anistonchina.com 9. On a plane - Waitomo, New Zealand Ever wanted to see a plane's cockpit? 住在飞机上——新西兰,怀托摩你曾经想看到飞机驾驶舱吗? www.acsf.cn 10. Input We regard the billboard as a segment on a plane and assume that the road is represented by the abscissa axis. 输入我们将广告牌当成一架飞机上的一个部分,而把这条路想象成横坐标轴。 word.hcbus.com 1. An antenna element constituting a part of an opening cross section structure of a double cylinder ridge waveguide is spread on a plane. 构成双圆柱脊形波导的开口截面结构的一部分的天线元在平面上展开。 ip.com 2. The ambitious scholar jumped on a plane and was soon interviewing Afghan refugees and dining with soldiers at the Khyber Pass. 这个充满了雄心壮志的学者跳上了飞机,很快他就开始采访阿富汗难民,与开柏隘口的战士们共同进餐。 www.bing.com 3. The plot of the upcoming Hollywood film "Snakes on a Plane" might not be as improbable as it seems. 即将上档的好莱坞电影「飞机上有蛇」的剧情,也许并不是那麽不可能发生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. How often up in the air: I'm on a plane every two days. 出行频率:我每隔一天就要坐一次飞机。 chinese.wsj.com 5. It was a woman's first time on a plane. She boarded the plane and found herself a window seat. 一个女人第一次坐飞机。她上飞机后找了一个靠窗户的位置。 bbs.24en.com 6. Billy: You're so adorable. Only you could go on a shopping spree on a plane. . . 比利︰你真可爱。只有你能够在飞机上疯狂大采购…… bbs.tingroom.com 7. So let me get this straight, you're not getting on a plane at all? 恕我直言,难道你根本不坐飞机吗? www.chinadialogue.net 8. A skydiver goes high up in the air on a plane. 跳伞运动员走高空中的飞机。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. He started feeling a bit sick on a plane. He was coming home from a summit with South American leaders. 乌里韦在与南美国家领导人举行会谈后返回的飞机上开始感到不适。 club.topsage.com 10. The following is a true story written by an educational psychologist and her experience on a plane. 以下的故事是一个心里教育学家根据自己在飞机上的亲身经历所写的。 english.cri.cn 1. A police officer and the husband of the prime minister of a country were on a plane back to their country when the plane was hijacked. 一个警察和一个国家总理的老公在坐飞机回国的时候,遭到了坏人的劫机 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A projection is defined as any orderly system whereby the meridians and parallels of the spheroid may be represented on a plane . 投影是一种有规律的方法,用来把椭球面上的子午圈和平行圈映射在一个平面上。 www.bing.com 3. He gave me a West German ID card and put me on a plane to West Germany. 他给我了一份西德局民身份证,并安排我乘飞机去了西德。 www.bing.com 4. That means they're drawing from big pools of weekend travelers opting for a quick road trip getaway in lieu of getting on a plane. 这意味着他们从周末旅游的大潮中获益,人们大都选择短途的旅行而不是坐上飞机。 www.bing.com 5. He is at Heathrow Airport waiting to get on a plane to Austria for a skiing holiday. 他正在希思罗机场等着乘飞机去奥地利滑雪渡假。 www.bing.com 6. But, in different ways, both global warming and global terrorism threaten the ability to hop on a plane at a moment's notice. 但全球变暖和全球恐怖主义,均以不同的方式威胁着人们随时登上飞机的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I once went to Australia twice in a week. I was on a plane to Japan three times in one month. 我曾经一周去两次澳洲,一个月去三次日本。 www.bing.com 8. So next time you sit next to a philosopher on a plane, talk about the movie, not the meaning of life. 所以,等你下次坐飞机邻座是个哲学家时,谈谈电影吧,不要谈生命的意义之类的问题。 www.philosophyol.com 9. For starters, as the holder of an Indian passport, I need a visa before I get on a plane to just about everywhere. 首先,由于手持印度护照,不论我到全球哪个地方,在上飞机之前,我都得先把签证准备好。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I might take the train, leave here on a plane, even in the rain, I'ma get this message to you. 我可以搭火车的,离开这里坐飞机,甚至在雨中,我会把这个信息。 wenwen.soso.com 1. If you're on a plane, your ability to enjoy the journey is greatly aided by your belief that there will be a smooth landing. 当你坐飞机时,你能够享受这个旅程,很大程度上是因为你相信飞机将会顺利降落。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Recently I had printed out a number of student papers to grade on a plane. 最近我有打印出的学生论文数量级的飞机上。 wenwen.soso.com 3. If you're stuck in an airport or on a plane, traveling by car, or, in a lonely hotel room, this game will keep you entertained. 2. 如果您是滞留在机场或飞机,乘坐汽车,或在一个孤独的酒店房间,游戏可以让您享受其中的乐趣。 www.appappapps.com 4. After the show we went back to the hotel, grabbed our stuff, which wasn't even unpacked and jumped on a plane and left. 表演结束后我们回去饭店,把还没打开的行李拿起来上飞机离开。 board.odyes.com 5. If you do try to sneak yourself on a plane, many airlines won't let you board if you're within 30 days of your due date. Psych. 如果我暗中乘飞机,如果你在预产期30天之内的话,许多航线也不会让你登机的。 www.gzdlw.com 6. And this is what I most aspire to, right now: to be able to sleep, perfectly, on a plane. 这也是此时此刻,我心中最深的渴望:能安然,入眠,就在一架飞机上。 dongxi.net 7. Thanks to Google Earth and puzzling new TSA rules, all you need to know to get on a plane these days is the color of your house. 多亏了谷歌地球和美国运输安全局令人费解的新规定,现在要想登上飞机,只要说得出你家房子的颜色就可以了。 www.ebigear.com 8. Keith Frazier: Who ever heard of a bank robbers escaping on a plane with fifty hostages? Why? I dont know. 基斯·弗雷泽:谁听说过银行劫匪请求跟五十名人质一起乘飞机逃走?为什么?我不知道。 www.fanx360.com 9. Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane, never to return again, but always in my heart. 低声道别,她等上了飞机,再也没有回来,但是永远在我心里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Today, as I get on a plane to return to London, my head will be filled with all the future possibilities that I hope to explore musically. 今天,当我坐在即将飞往伦敦飞机上,我的头脑里会一直充斥着我希望用音乐传达出的未来所有的可能性。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Now, condensed time is the time felt by the entity while any of its given personalities live on a plane of physical materialization . 现在,压缩的时间是这个实体感到的时间,而它的特定的任何人格生活于物化的一个层面上。 dict.kekenet.com 2. An actuary is someone who brings a fake bomb on a plane, because that decreases the chances that there will be another bomb on the plane. 保险理赔员带着假炸弹上飞机因为那样能降低飞机上另有炸弹的可能性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The next morning I hopped on a plane to Ireland for the Irish Software Show. 第二天,我乘上飞机,前往爱尔兰,参加“爱尔兰软件展会”。 www.cnbeta.com 4. Wexner got on a plane to San Francisco that day and agreed to purchase the four stores and a catalog for $1 million. 瓦克斯纳当天就飞到旧金山,以100万美元的价格买下了四家店和产品目录所有权。 www.bing.com 5. In your announcement, you said you wrote this application because you were bored on a plane. 在你的公告中,你提到你编写这个应用程序是因为你在飞机上闲得无聊的缘故。 www.infoq.com 6. I was on a plane all the time, I was just never there. 我一直在飞机上,我就是不在她那。 www.bing.com 7. A week later, I was on a plane to Colombia. 一个星期后,我就坐上了去哥伦比亚的飞机。 www.bing.com 8. We were on a plane and had about two hours to kill. I figured running through the twos to the twelves would take about 20 minutes. 当时我们正在飞机上,大约有两个小时的空闲时间。我本来估计过一遍乘法表可能需要20分钟。 www.qeto.com 9. President Obama has secured a group linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen of orchestrating a failed attack on a plane over the US. 奥巴马总统指责也门的一个与基地组织挂钩的组织策划了美国领空的一次失败袭击。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. President Obama has accused a group linked to al-Qaeda in Yemen of orchestrating a failed attack on a plane over the US. 总统奥巴马认为那场在美国上空失败的袭机事件,是由也门当地一个与基地组织联系的组织精心策划的。 voa.hjenglish.com 1. If you feel cold on a plane, you could ask a flight attendant for another blanket. 在飞机上,如果你感到冷,想向空乘人员多要条毯子时,就可以这样说。 www.kuenglish.info 2. There is no way I'm going to get on a plane after what happened in Guatemala, Venezuela, Tunisia and Paris. 想想在危地马拉、委内瑞拉、突尼斯还有巴黎发生的那些悲剧,我说什么也不会去坐飞机了。 www.bing.com 3. After years of harassment he was put on a plane and expelled from Russia. 经过多年的骚扰,他被带上飞机,被当局驱逐出境。 www.bing.com 4. Keep a travel folder for projects that you can accomplish while on a plane or in a taxi. 为工作专门准备一个旅行文件夹,这样你就可以在飞机上或者出租车上完成它们。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Start with that screen, which makes movie watching on a plane or train a pleasure. 首先是它的屏幕,它能够带给想要在飞机和火车上看电影的人极大地欢乐。 www.bing.com 6. Who ever heard of a bank robbers escaping on a plane with fifty hostages? Why? I don't know. 谁听说过银行劫匪要求跟五十名人质一起乘飞机逃走?为什么?我不知道。 www.baike.com 7. So the three of us got on a plane and went to Kurdistan, in Central Asia, to meet the family of these girls. 于是我们一家三口坐飞机到中亚这个名为库尔德斯坦的国家去拜访了这些女孩的家人。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. He is a drug-runner put on a plane with a bellyful of heroin who's intended liquidation by the drug gang failed. 她在一个棚子中遇见一个受伤的男孩。他是一个负责运送海洛因的贩毒团伙成员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. I've never been on a plane before. 我从来没坐过飞机。 www.m1905.com 10. Astronomers often examine star maps where stars are represented by points on a plane and each star has Cartesian coordinates. 天文学家时常调查星图,星图在一个平面上表示出所有星星,而且每个星星都有笛卡尔坐标。 start07.yo2.cn 1. I'm training and relaxing a bit but not for long because on Sunday I'm back on a plane flying to China. 我在这进行了大量的训练也休息了很多,但没有太长时间,因为我在星期天要回到飞机飞赴中国。 tieba.baidu.com 2. After the accident it took a long time before she had the confident to get on a plane again. 在那次事故之后,过了很久,她才有信心再次乘坐飞机。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. You can't put a jackass on a plane and expect it to get off as a racehorse. But try we will. 你不能把一头驴放在飞机上,然后指望它们下飞机之后就能像赛马一般健步如飞,但我们还是在尝试着这么做。 www.bing.com 4. At 285 pounds and 5 feet 7 inches, I may not be the tallest, but I am almost always one of the biggest passengers on a plane. 我身高一米七三,但体重足足有160公斤。我也许不是飞机上最高的,但总是那个最大号的旅行者之一。 www.bing.com 5. I was on a plane flying east, a long journey with a great many stopovers. 我搭乘着东飞的航班,长途跋涉,渡过一个个中途经停地、穿过一个个时区。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And the safest place to sit on a plane in case of an accident? 在空难发生的时候,坐在飞机的什么位置最安全呢? chinese.wsj.com 7. Diamond, who badly wanted a deal, got on a plane and flew to New York with his close colleague Rich Ricci. 急切希望达成交易的戴蒙德登上飞机,和一位要好的同事瑞奇·里奇(RichRicci)奔赴纽约。 www.bing.com 8. Paratroopers can no longer take control of hostile territory while on a plane. 伞兵再也不能在飞机上的敌对领土的控制。 bbs.52pcgame.com 9. So he goes fromtalking to Saito to just waking up on a plane, all as a part of a dream inlimbo? 所以他从和Saito对话就仅仅是为了上一架飞机,作为全部梦境中的一段? www.putclub.com 10. In the near field, a high impedance appears on a plane perpendicular to a straight line current. 直线电流源垂直面上之近场呈现高的波阻抗。 1. An American, a Japanese and a Bangladeshi are on a plane. 一个美国人、一个日本人和一个孟加拉人在一架飞机上。 www.bing.com 2. You are on a plane, thirty thousand feet above ground. Four hundred and fifty snakes crawl into the passenger cabin. 假设你置身于在3万英尺高空飞行的客机中,此时有450条蛇爬进了客舱。 www.bing.com 3. If there's a natural disaster in a far away land, they're already on a plane going over there. 如果在遥远的某个地方正在发生自然灾害,那他们一定正在飞过去的路上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table , used in angular measurement . 旋标装置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度。 www.bing.com 5. Would you want to be friends with the people sitting next to you on a plane? 难道你希望与飞机上的邻座乘客交朋友? www.bing.com 6. Some people put their cars on a plane and fly across the Channel. 有些人把车子放到飞机上,空运过海峡。 www.netfm.com.cn 7. A couple of days later, I was on a plane to California, with Bruce Lindsey and my press secretary, Mike Gauldin. 两三天之后,我坐上了飞往加利福尼亚州的飞机,陪同我的是布鲁斯.林赛和我的新闻秘书迈克.高尔丁。 www.bing.com 8. And resorts out West are offering a flurry of deals to entice skiers and snowboarders to get on a plane. 而西部滑雪场正在提供一些能吸引滑雪者和滑雪板玩家坐上飞机的项目。 www.ecocn.org 9. Mounted on a plane flown at 3, 000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. 夜间,在飞行高度为3000英尺的飞机上,远红外线扫描仪可以测量植物散发出来的热量。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Parents who lose control of their offspring on a plane can be forgiven the first time it happens. 第一次在飞机上对孩子失去控制的父母们是可以原谅的。 www.bing.com 1. Thursday we're getting on a plane to Toronto for Gwynn's cousin's wedding. We're flying with BOTH kids. 星期四,我们登上飞往多伦多的航班去参加格温表兄的婚礼,还要带着两个孩子。 www.bing.com 2. I cannot get on a plane without one! 乘飞机没有她的书陪伴,我会度日如年! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The electric and magnetic field shows the similar distribution on a plane in the far field. 任何电流源远场面上之电场与磁场呈现相似之分布。 4. It's like when you're on a plane and there's turbulence, and you sometimes think: 'why doesn't the pilot just change the flight path? 就像你坐飞机时遇到了气流,有时候你会想:‘为什么那个飞行员不改变飞行路线呢? www.ftchinese.com 5. Well, if I can't get on a plane, it is a ban. 是啊,如果我不能搭飞机,那这就是一个禁令。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. Today, I don't know, maybe a guy got on a plane in Lagos this morning, and he's flying to LAX, right now he's over Ohio. 今天,我不知道,也许一位嘉宾从拉各斯上飞机,他的目的地是洛杉矶机场,现在已经到了俄亥俄州。 www.ted.com 7. Well, guess what, the kids and I wanna have some fun, too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you. 你看…孩子们和我也要出去玩玩了,除非你中午之前给我回电话,否则我们会坐飞机过来找你。 www.qzmama.org 8. If not for your stupid balloon, I'd be on a plane. 要不是你和你那该死的气球,现在我就在飞机上… www.bing.com 9. The hoop cable, the welding joint and the groove of the drum body keep on a plane. 箍索及焊接连接点与鼓身的凹槽保持一个平面。 ip.com 10. And next day, I was on a plane, my father did not know that I was coming because I didn't tell anybody I was going. 第二天,我登上了去看他的飞机。父亲不知道我要去看他,我没有告诉任何人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When you wave goodbye at the airport, she got on a plane, never ever see her. 当你在机场挥手道别,她搭上飞机,从此再也见不到她了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Investigators say they are looking into possible overloading on a plane that crashed in Montana, killing all 14 people aboard . 调查人员声称在蒙大拿导致机上14人全部死亡的坠机事件可能是由于超载引起的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Why should it be so hard so sleep on a plane? 在飞机上睡个觉怎么就这么难? dongxi.net 4. Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane, never to return again, but always in my heart. 我低声说再见,她登上飞机,再也没有回来了,但总是在我心里。 www.yappr.cn 5. And for getting on a plane right afterward. 而对于在飞机上得到权利之后。 www.englishtang.com 6. Two months later I was on a plane to Sierra Leone to spend a month with Tribewanted. 两个月之后,我上了来塞拉利昂的飞机,我要到部族客来度过一个月的时间。 www.bing.com 7. Two passengers are chatting on a plane, which has just landed in Sydney. 两位旅客在一架刚降落在雪梨的飞机上聊天。 foxrouge.blogchina.com 8. A friend in Los Angeles had just opened a sushi restaurant with his family, and he told me to get on a plane and fly to California. 我的一个在洛杉矶的朋友刚和家人开了一家寿司店,他让我坐飞机去加利福尼亚。 www.bing.com 9. Make sure your child drinks plenty of water, especially on a plane. 保证孩子喝足够的水,特别是在飞机上。 news.dxy.cn 10. We came to Shanghai pudong international airport on a plane flew to Hokkaido. 我们来到上海浦东国际机场乘坐飞机飞往北海道。 en.cnxianzai.com 1. (On a plane) Well, this plane got here. Let's hope it gets back here one more time. (在飞机上)好了,这架飞机停在这里。希望它能再一次回到这里来吧。 www.joyen.net 2. There were no survivors on a plane crash in eastern Ukraine Tuesday. 星期二坠毁在乌克兰东部飞机没有生还者。 bbs.putclub.com 3. Sam's getting on a plane? -He joined the Scholastic Decathlon Team. 萨姆要坐飞机?他参加了学校百科知识问答队 www.tingclass.net 4. Hollywood producers certainly gambled on that when they released the 2006 summer blockbuster " Snakes on a Plane. " 好莱坞制片人在发布2006年夏季大片《空中蛇灾》时,一定将宝押在了这上面。 www.bing.com 5. Every time I get on a plane, I quake with fear. 每次乘飞机时,我都因心里害怕而颤抖。 www.englishtown.cn 6. This machine should be fixed on a plane surface. 这个机器应该固定在平面上。 learning.sohu.com 7. Sure, it's a little bulky, tough to get on a plane. 当然,要弄上飞机是有点费事 zhidao.baidu.com 8. In the end, the Dublin officials were kind; they didn't send me back to China, they put me on a plane to London. 最后,都柏林官员样,他们没有送我回中国,他们把我一到伦敦飞机。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 9. She is used to working on a plane and is not afraid of flying any more. 她习惯了在飞机上工作,不再害怕飞行。 www.5ykj.com 10. From that day on, she vowed she would never get on a plane again! 从那天起她便发誓再也不乘坐飞机。 www.bing.com 1. When there is turbulence on a plane the pilot always tells passengers to take their seats and put on their safety belts. 当飞机遇到气流的时候,乘务人员就会告诉旅客坐在座位上系好安全带。 www.bing.com 2. Well, you've only been on a plane twice, Mr. Frequent Flier. 是吗?你自己还不是只搭过两次飞机,空中飞人先生! www.1stenglish.com 3. After I get on a plane, I sometimes read the paper and the magazine. 登机以后,我惯常的看看当日的报纸和杂志。 www.jackiechan.com 4. Now, however, those who last year would have jumped on a plane to attend meetings have had their travel budgets slashed. 但现在,去年那些会坐飞机去参加会议的人们已大幅削减了差旅预算。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "Getting on a plane is about the safest thing you can do, " Bisignani said. "But every fatality reminds us that we must do better. " Bisignani说:“乘坐飞机是最安全的,但每一次的经验教训提醒我们时刻都要做得更好。” www.bing.com 6. The passengers are taking resta on a plane. 一架飞机上,乘客们都在休息。 963cat.tianyablog.com 7. Then your boyfriend got on a plane to Phoenix. 然后,你的男朋友坐上了飞往凤凰城的航班。 www.putclub.com 8. l'm gonna get on a plane and l'm just gonna come down there. 我得马上去那,我这就去乘飞机 www.tingroom.com 9. I usually perform an operation on a plane. 我通常在飞机上做手术。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Don't talk about planes crashing when you're on a plane. 当你在飞机上的时候不要谈论飞机坠毁 www.tingroom.com 1. You're finished. I'm putting you on a plane to Vegas. 你玩完了,我送你上飞机去拉斯维加斯。 q.sohu.com 2. Today, I met the prettiest woman on a plane. 今天,我在飞机上见到了最美丽的女人。 www.bing.com 3. By the time you get this message, I will be riding on a plane to Paris. 等你收到这个留言时,我将正搭机前往巴黎。 www.360abc.com 4. To better define the final image I have applied the image on a plane in Maya and reprocessed it. 为了更好地确定最后的图像,我在Maya中把图像给一个平面和处理它。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. He put them on a plane to London an hour ago. 1小时前他把他们送上了去伦敦的飞机。 www.ebigear.com 6. one time , she met john stamos on a plane. 有一次,她在飞机上遇见了约翰?斯塔摩斯。 www.ichacha.net 7. If you can sleep on a plane, after all, you must have a higher consciousness that doesn't stew about cramped quarters or fellow passengers. 如果你真能在飞机上睡着,就必需得随遇而安些。别去在乎那狭窄的容身之所,也别管同道的乘客。 dongxi.net 8. A French woman dies in mid-air on a plane crossing the English Channel. 一位法国女死在英吉利海峡的过境飞机在半空中。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. "You can't just jump on a plane and go to China and start questioning people, " another government official said. “你不可能跳上一架飞机,然后飞往中国对人们进行质问”另一位官员如是说。 dream4ever.org 10. Ever programmed on a plane? 在飞机上编写过程序吗? www.ibm.com 1. We booked two tickets on a plane. 我们预定了两张飞机票。 blog.cersp.com 2. A nice clean alpha, should look great in 3D. But look at what happens when it's applied on a plane in your favourite 3D application. 好用的清洁阿尔法,看起来应该非常三维。但是,看看会发生什么事时,在飞机上应用在你最喜爱的三维应用程序。 blog.163.com 3. You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane. 在飞机上你得付超重的行李费。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Try scorpions on a plane! 蝎子一试机! www.2getnews.com 5. Be: You told a lie and got on a plane. 贝:你说了个谎,然后坐飞机去的。 www.ryedu.net 6. They met by chance on a plane. 他们在飞机上不期而遇。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Can you get on a plane to go home? 你能搭上飞机回家吗? blog.hjenglish.com 8. Just get on a plane. 跳上飞机。 ielts.hjenglish.com 9. Christian: I'm on a plane almost every week, so New York is the one place I want to be. 基督教:我对飞机差不多每个星期,所以纽约是一个地方,我想。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. If you're gonna spend that much money on a plane ticket, why not just go to Rome? 如果你非要花那么多钱买张机票,为什么不干脆去罗马? www.bing.com 1. A better engine on a plane means it can go farther, and stay airborne longer. 在飞机上使用更好的发动机,就意味着它可以飞得更远并在空中滞留更长时间。 www.bing.com 2. This is why i'm longing for a job on a plane, and this is why i'm standing here for this interview. 这就是我为什么希望得到这份工作,为什么站在这里进行面试的原因。 tieba.baidu.com 3. After getting my cortisone shot I hopped on a plane, and flew to Portland to surprise my friend who was having a birthday the next day. 注射了一针的可松后我便坐上了飞往波特兰的飞机,准备给第二天就要过生日的朋友带去了一个惊喜。 hi.baidu.com 4. On the other hand, I do hope that the next time I get on a plane, it doesn't crash. 另一方面,我希望下次乘飞机时,飞机不会坠毁。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I went on a holiday. I went on a plane. I took many picturesThere never was rain. 我去度假。我坐飞机。我拍了很多相片。那从未下雨。 www.baobao88.com 6. We were traveling to Yunnan on a plane at that time. 那时我们正乘飞机去云南旅行。 www.xiadoc.com 7. Many people hate the idea of having to sleep on a plane. 很多人不喜欢在飞机上睡觉。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. She will go to Beijing on a plane. 她将乘飞机到北京去。 www.ell.cn 9. For example, when I'm on train or on a plane, I would write my name and the lyrics I recited. 所以,我在火车上、飞机上没事的时候就开始写,写我的名字,我背过的歌词。 english.cri.cn 10. Have you ridden on a plane before? No I haven't. 你乘过飞机吗?没有。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Gavn Verheek. Voyles' Chef Counsel. l think that's more than enough. l'll be on a plane ths afternoon. you must follow my instructions. 葛文维西伏尔的首席辩护律师,够多了吧,我搭下午的飞机,你必须照我的指示。 www.bing.com 2. Today, my parents took me on a plane ride for a vacation in Hong Kong. 今天,家长带我坐上飞往香港的飞机去度假。 www.bing.com 3. For example, many people have the experience of getting sick at the same time every year or every time they go on a plane. 例如,一些人每年都在某个时期生一场病,或者一去某个地方他们就会生病。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. My mother and my brother this morning has been on a plane to Macau , they will first travel in Macau and then to the mainland . 我母亲和我弟弟今天早晨已经搭机前往澳门,他们会先在澳门旅游,然后再到大陆旅游。 yy.shubaoku.com 5. When waiting to get on a plane, have you ever seen a uniformed pilot rushing to the plane? 每当在机场候机时,看到身边有飞行员,身着制服,拉着箱子匆匆走过,你是否会产生好奇呢? english.cri.cn 6. the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction 的意思是‘代表一个数字或固体上飞机,因为它会研究从一个特定的方向’ zhidao.baidu.com 7. Well, sure, but can you play it on a plane? 但你能在飞机上玩吗? www.bing.com 8. Have you ever traveled on a plane? Yes, just once. 你曾经坐过飞机旅行过吗?是的,只有一次。 files.eduu.com 9. Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in? 不好意思,这是我第一次坐飞机。我该怎麽登机呢? www.nciku.com.tw 10. Have you ever travelled on a plane ? 你曾经坐飞机旅行过吗? www.51share.net 1. Have you ever traveled on a plane? 你坐飞机旅行过吗? wenwen.soso.com 2. With a notebook computer, you can work anywhere - on a plane, in a hotel, and even at a conference (有一部笔记型计算机,你就到处都可以工作-在飞机上,旅馆里,甚至会议上)。 www.wwenglish.com 3. Two days later, he was on a plane to Hong Kong to find a manufacturer to make FyrFlyz. 两天后,罗森茨韦格就踏上了前往香港的飞机,寻找一家生产FyrFlyz的制造商。 www.fortunechina.com 4. Generalized Inversion Transformation on a Plane-Quasi-Inversion Transformation 平面上的广义反演变换--拟反演变换 service.ilib.cn 5. A New Determining Method of the Main Size and the Secondary Parameters on a Plane Steel-secondary Linear Induction Motor 平面型钢次级直线异步电动机主要尺寸和次级参数新的确定方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Simulation of light scattering by a sphere on a plane surface 平面上方小球的光散射计算 www.ilib.cn 7. a light scanning unit disposed on a plane onto which laser light emitted from the laser light emitting unit is delivered; 置于自所述激光发射单元发射的激光在其上被传送的平面上的光扫描单元; ip.com 8. Analyzing on the Work Principle on a Plane and the Resonant Frequency of a Kind of Micro Piezoelectric Robot 压电微机器人平面致动机理和谐振频率分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Representation, usually on a plane surface, of a region of the earth or heavens 地图,天体图指通常画在一块平面上的用以代表某一陆地或天空区域的图示 www.dietitians.org.cn 10. Whispered goodbye as she got on a plane 悄声说再见她头也不回登上飞机 wenku.baidu.com 1. getting on a plane after consuming a large meal may lead to a disastrous time in the sky 空格前说的是上机前大快朵颐会造成的惨剧 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Study on Autonomous Control of the Snake-like Robot Movement on a Plane 蛇形机器人平面运动控制方法的研究 www.ilib.cn 3. This is my first time on a plane, how I want to sit again when a plane! 这是我第一次做飞机,我多么想什么时候再坐一次飞机呀! www.268r.com 4. Design of Multi-point Simultaneous Initiating Circuit on a Plane 平面多点同时起爆网络的设计 www.ilib.cn 5. If I was flying on a plane above your town 如果我乘飞机飞过你所在的城市 wenwen.soso.com 6. Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane 中文:飞机上有僵尸 www.dvdspring.com 7. Development of formal science during the Enlightenment was based on a plane consisting of 在启蒙运动时期形式科学的发展的基础是 blog.cersp.com 8. Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane 今晚丹尼尔正坐着飞机旅行 zhidao.baidu.com 9. ride on a plane, fly to places, start the journey 乘上飞机,飞到各地,开始旅行。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. lt ' s not like he jumped on a plane and came after me 他不会跳上一架飞机来追我的。 www.ichacha.net 1. Research reveals which is the best seat on a plane 飞机上最好的座位在哪? www.ebigear.com 2. Make things on a plane equal in height 使同一平面上的物体高度相等 cy.winzheng.com 3. Algebraic curve on a plane 平面代数曲线 www.sinobay.com 4. I'm on a plane tonight for Germany 我对今晚的飞机为德国 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Keeping the Curve on a Plane 保持平面的曲线 wenku.baidu.com 6. book a hotel room, a seat on a plane 预订旅馆房间﹑飞机座位* zhidao.baidu.com 7. to book seats on a plane 在飞机上预定两个座位 infos.edulife.com.cn 8. And she got on a plane 她走上了飞机 spaces.msn.com 9. book a seat on a plane 预订飞机座位 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Snakes on a Plane 飞机上的蛇 www.bing.com 1. I'm on a plane to Dubai, 我就坐上了去迪拜的飞机 www.kekenet.com 2. Ad on a Plane 飞机上打广告 www.bing.com |
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