单词 | on a par with |
释义 |
adj. on an equal footing with,equal to,similar to,parallel to,equivalent to 例句释义: 与…持平,与…不相上下,和……一样,与……同等,与…相等 1. You can rest assured that our packing will be on a par with that of other competitors, If not better. 您放心好了.我们的包装即使不比别人的更好.也可以和他们的相媲美。 www.bing.com 2. It would guarantee European peace as well as restore European geopolitical power, with a currency on a par with the U. S. dollar. 欧洲诞生一个能与美元并驾齐驱的货币,将确保欧洲的和平,恢复欧洲的地缘政治威力。 chinese.wsj.com 3. They found that its size was on a par with other australopithecines, but its shape was more like that of a human brain. 他们发现sediba脑部大小与其它南方古猿并无分别,但形状却更接近人脑。 www.ecocn.org 4. Now the talk is of a grander design, with the Obama administration hoping to put development aid on a par with defence and diplomacy. 如今此计划对于奥巴马政府而言是一项宏大的工程,他们希望援助事业如同国防、外交事业一样的发展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. China is at the beginning of a domestic consumption growth story that puts it on a par with Japan in about 1969. 中国正处于内需市场成长传奇的初阶,情况可比1969年的日本。 www.bing.com 6. Driving a convertible with the top down could expose you to dangerous noise levels on a par with a building site, claims a new study. 最新的研究告诉我们,驾驶敞篷车会使你暴露在危险的噪音下,几乎跟处于嘈杂的建筑工地一样。 www.bing.com 7. Our packing will be on a par with that of our best competitors. 我们的包装可以与我们最优秀的同行相媲美。 www.peilian365.com 8. The public, which views us as on a par with real estate agents, prostitutes and perhaps even criminals, tends to agree. 认为我们等同于房地产经纪人、娼妓甚至罪犯的公众更偏向同意这个说法。 dongxi.net 9. Our packing will be on a par with that of the Japanese. 我们的包装可以与日本同行相比 wenku.baidu.com 10. For China, however, they are at least on a par with rights like free speech and the right to assemble and to vote without intimidation. 可是对中国来说,他们至少和诸如言论自由权和集会权还有无威胁的投票权一样。 www.bing.com 1. A year earlier, a British research institute rated Beijing a third-tier city on a par with Warsaw and Bangkok. 此前一年,一家英国研究机构将北京评为与华沙和曼谷水平一样的三流城市。 www.bing.com 2. Still, some are skeptical of the ambitions of turning badminton into a global sport on a par with the most popular games. 不过,也有一些人对羽毛球试图成为一项全球性运动、想和其它流行运动比肩看齐的野心持怀疑态度。 chinese.wsj.com 3. However, we do not see improvement in software on a par with that in hardware there. 但是在软件建设方面,我们看不到与硬体建设等量齐观的进步。 edu.sina.com.hk 4. To quite a few people, the best American cars are on a par with the best European and Asian cars. 对很多人来说,顶级的美国车和顶级欧洲及亚洲车具有同等的地位。 www.bing.com 5. The combined size of the economies of all the AU's countries is still on a par with the Netherlands' at an official exchange rate. 非盟所有国家全体经济规模在官方汇率上说也就是和荷兰持平。 www.ecocn.org 6. Shanghai is not that cheap these days. It used to be, but now it's on a par with the UK. 现在上海东西可不便宜。过去是的,但是现在和英国已经差不多了。 www.ebigear.com 7. At Fuqua , recruitment from its masters in management studies course has been on a par with that from Duke's traditional MBA programme . 在福库,其管理硕士学位学生的就业率,与杜克传统MBA课程学生的就业率旗鼓相当。 www.bing.com 8. New York is now cheaper than Chicago and Los Angeles while Atlanta, the United States' cheapest city, is on a par with Kiev in Ukraine. 比芝加哥和洛杉矶要低。亚特兰大是全美生活成本最低的城市,排名和乌克兰的基辅市相当。 www.bing.com 9. China's gene patenting, genetic engineering applications and interpretation of the genetic code are on a par with the United States. 我国的基因专利注册、基因工程应用和基因密码的解读都与美国并驾齐驱。 biology.31931.cn 10. The cash puts him on a par with Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. 这笔钱使他能与领先的民主党候选人希拉里。克林顿一争高下。 dict.kekenet.com 1. An economy that in the 1960s had a per capita income on a par with sub-Saharan Africa is now snapping at the heels of Britain and France. 一个在上世纪60年代人均收入还与撒哈拉以南非洲不相上下的经济体,如今已经紧随英国与法国之后。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A classic is the term given to any book which comes to represent the whole universe, a book on a par with ancient talismans. 经典之名可赋予那些代表整个宇宙,如同古代附身符一般的书籍。 www.bing.com 3. As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists. 她是与伟大小说家齐名的作家。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. The Edinburgh School contends that all scientific beliefs are on a par with other beliefs in terms of their causes. 爱丁堡学派坚决主张所有科学的信念和其他的信念根据他们的各自的理由是平等的。 bbs15.xilu.com 5. Howard: Well, technically speaking, the operation is brain damage, but on a par with a night of heavy drinking. Nothing could miss. 霍华德:好的,从技术上来说,手术是对大脑的损伤,但这就等同于一晚上的酗酒。你不会损失任何东西。 www.sj525.com 6. In turn, making a good living is supposed to be on a par with "living your passion, " but safer and easier. 同时,拥有美好的生活也就相当于“充满热情的生活”,但是却更安全更容易。 www.bing.com 7. As a further spur to investment in Asia, in much of the region salaries are likely to be roughly on a par with those in China. 随着进一步推动亚洲投资,许多地区的工资大致和中国的一样。 www.stnn.cc 8. If solid-state batteries could overcome such range anxiety that would, indeed, be a revolution on a par with the silicon chip. 如果全固态电池能够克服这个忧虑,那真是一次可与硅芯片相媲美的技术革命了。 www.ecocn.org 9. e. g. The quality of many products fail to keep on a par with that in the initial promotion stage. 许多产品质量都不能与开始促销阶段保持一致。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. And one might say that for those victims who have committed SUICIDE, their experience was on a par with the death camps . 有人可能会说对于这些自杀的受害者来说,他们的经验等同于在死亡集中营。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The UK have already become a up-rising star of the sparkling wine which can be on a par with Champagne. 英国如今已成为一个可以酿出与香槟媲美的起泡酒的后起之秀。 www.cbmedia.cn 2. "Expectations are enormous, on a par with the outlook for economic growth in the region, " said Vinexpo in a statement yesterday. Vinexpo昨日在一份声明中表示:“人们的期望值非常高,与该地区经济增长前景处于同等水平。” www.ftchinese.com 3. These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 这些具有极强辐射的骨架曾经被发现,跟在广岛和长崎发现的一样。 www.xici.net 4. In ancient China, kissing was considered to be on a par with coitus, and thus was confined to the bedroom. 在古中国,亲吻就等同于性交,因此必须是在卧室里。 www.bing.com 5. There are reports that the value of some may have dropped by half, a decline on a par with some of the worst-hit parts of America. 有报告显示,有些价格已经减半了,其下降程度已经和美国最糟糕的地方相当了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Many professionals believe it should be considered an Olympic sport on a par with ice skating and gymnastics. 许多舞蹈家们就认为应该和滑冰和体操一样把交际舞也列为一项奥林匹克运动。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It vanished in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the sexes are more or less on a par with one another. 而象挪威和瑞典这样男女或多或少相互平等的国家,其成绩差距不明显。 bbs.kaoyan.com 8. The international Sports Arena is a world-class sports & entertainment platform, on a par with the Toyota Center of Houston Rockets. 其规模豪华程度可与美国休斯敦火箭队的主场馆丰田中心相媲美,是一个世界级的体育娱乐平台。 www.zhongshenw.com 9. Some place him on a par with Einstein. 有人将他归为与爱因斯坦比肩的人。 www.kekenet.com 10. China remains a poor country with a per capita gross domestic product on a par with Albania. 中国仍是一个穷国,其人均国内生产总值与阿尔巴尼亚相当。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As the chart shows, the largest gold ETF has a gold hoard that places it on a par with the reserves of central banks. 如图标所示,最大的黄金ETF拥有的黄金储备同中央银行的准备金相等。 www.ecocn.org 2. Rooms were on a par with other Westin hotels I've stayed in (that's to say excellent). 房间和我曾经住过的其他威斯汀酒店不相上下(这很好)。 weike.taskcn.com 3. Most importantly, its vehicle performance and roominess are on a par with those offered by its conventional counterpart. 最重要的是,它的汽车性能和roominess是比不上那些提供它的常规对应。 www.bing.com 4. Red scarf is a flag of a corner, young pioneers symbol, how to put on a par with green scarf? 红领巾是国旗一角,是少先队员的象征,绿领巾怎么能相提并论? bbs.cnqr.org 5. It's a development that some believe will transform our world on a par with the splitting of the atom or the creation of the silicon chip. 一些人相信,这项进展对世界做出的改变将像原子分裂和芯片的发明一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The quality of news I read in other parts of the world is on a par with what you will hear on NPR. 我在世界其他地方读到的新闻质量会如在国内电台听到的差不多。 www.bing.com 7. You've consistently mislead people on this forum in the past, and your credibility is on a par with the news anchors in Pyongyang. 过去,你一直误导这个论坛的网友,你的诚信等同于平壤的主播。 www.ltaaa.com 8. In the eyes of business leaders the government's lack of success against organised crime is on a par with its failure to reform the economy. 在企业领导者看来,政府对有组织的犯罪的无能为力,就像其失败的经济改革一样。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. Compensation levels are "on a par with multinationals or more" , says one headhunter. 这些职位的薪酬水平“与跨国企业持平,甚至更高”,一位猎头如是说。 www.ftchinese.com 10. some industrial concerns and investment managers have built up trading rooms on a par with the banks. 一些工业企业和投资管理者建立了相当于银行的交易室。 mysearch.100e.com 1. In the Ming Dynasty, the Chongzhen emperor banned smoking and called for penalties on a par with those for treason. 明朝时,崇祯皇帝开展了禁烟运动,对吸烟者的处罚严厉到与卖国罪相当。 www.bing.com 2. The patented process has been certified eco-safe by Nordic Swan, and costs to consumers are on a par with traditional dry cleaning. 获得专利的过程中已被认证的生态安全,由北欧天鹅,和成本,消费者就等同于传统的干洗。 www.ganxi-ganxiji.cn 3. The New Multilateralism must put global development on a par with international finance. 新的多边体系必须对全球发展问题与国际金融问题给予同等重视。 web.worldbank.org 4. The Dow rose just under 40% in the six-month rally that sparked that bull market, so the rally wasn't quite on a par with the others. 道琼斯指数在启动了当时牛市的一轮6个月的上涨中涨幅不到40%,因此那次的上涨与其他几次并不太一样。 www.bing.com 5. Data are becoming the new raw material of business: an economic input almost on a par with capital and labour. 数据正在成为商业新原料:几乎等同于资本和劳动力的一种经济投入。 www.bing.com 6. Progressing as they are they will be on a par with military technology with theUSAwithin a few decades at most. 然后按照他们的思路进行改进,在未来的几十年内他们就会在军事技术方面与美国分庭抗礼。 www.ltaaa.com 7. Another slice of cold meat, another draught of Madeira and water, will make you nearly on a par with the rest of us. 再吃一片冷肉,再喝一口兑水马德拉白葡萄酒,你就差不多跟我们大家一样了。 novel.tingroom.com 8. These day, China has put on a par with the US and Europe to become one of triumvirate in the world. 如今,中国已比肩美欧,成为世界三大巨头之一。 lqlsqsh.blog.163.com 9. The App Store offers Mr Jobs his best chance yet of creating a global franchise on a par with Microsoft's Windows. 软件专卖店还给予乔布斯一个在全球专营权上与微软Windows平起平坐最佳的机会。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. And as a percentage of GDP, China's corporate R& D spending is almost on a par with the European Union's (around 1%). 中国企业研发资金占GDP的份额已经与欧盟不相上下(1%左右)。 www.bing.com 1. The UN says agriculture is on a par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with increased economic growth. 联合国表示农牧业跟燃烧石化燃料的危害一样大,因为这两项的消耗都伴随着经济成长而快速增加。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Branagh says he is not suggesting Thor is on a par with Shakespeare. But he insists the themes are similar and familiar. 拉纳说,他并非建议雷神莎士比亚是与看齐。但他还是坚持的主题是相似的和熟悉的。 www.maynet.cn 3. We have played difficult opposition and our team has shown they are on a par with the best. 我们有玩了困难的反对派和我们的队以最好有显示他们是在标准上。 www.fifalife.com 4. Agriculture accounts for 14 per cent of the world's total greenhouse gas emissions, on a par with the transport sector. 该联盟致力于弥合关于农业温室气体排放的研究鸿沟,这些排放占了全世界总排放的约14%。 www.scidev.net 5. It's not quite on a par with other Java document models when you need a fully expanded representation. 当您需要完整地展开表示时,它无法与其他的Java文档模型相比。 www.ibm.com 6. He doesn't think his salary is on a par with his position in the company. 他觉得自己的薪水与在公司里的职位不相符。 wenku.baidu.com 7. It puts China on a par with the US, the UK and other advanced nations that can protect citizens far from home. 它让中国达到美国、英国以及其它发达国家的水平,可在远离本土的地方保护本国公民。 www.ftchinese.com 8. And as a percentage of GDP, China's corporate R&D spending is almost on a par with the European Union's (around 1%). 并且作为GDP的组成部分,中国企业研发经费投入在GDP中的比例几乎和欧盟持平(约1%)。 club.topsage.com 9. What is more annoying? to be placed on a par with the thieves, this is slander, we reserve the right to sue. 更可气的是什么“贼眉鼠眼”,把我们与贼相提并论,这简直是污蔑,我们保留起诉权。 www.bing.com 10. That rule puts the UK on a par with Switzerland, which also has an outsized banking sector. 这一规定让英国与银行业同样超级庞大的瑞士看齐。 www.ftchinese.com 1. By 2025, the region should represent a market of 1 million consumers with spending power and habits on a par with those in Europe. 到2025年,这个地区将成为同欧洲具有同等消费能力和消费习惯的100万消费者市场。 www.invest-in-france.org 2. Modern education brought them on a par with students in Shanghai and Beijing. 现代教育让他们同北京和上海的孩子们站在了同一条起跑线上。 www.kouyi.org 3. We started downgrading countries such as Greece and Portugal in 2004, at a time when the market valued their bonds on a par with Germany's. 我们在2004年开始下调希腊和葡萄牙等国的主权评级,当时市场对这些国家债券的估值与德国相当。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Surging poll ratings (see table) put them on a par with Finland's three main parties. 不断上涨的支持率使其可与芬兰三大主要政党平起平坐。 www.ecocn.org 5. Traders were net long U. S. dollars by $7. 9 billion, on a par with levels last seen during the financial crisis. 交易员们做多美元的净额达到79亿美元,与本次金融危机期间的水平一致。 c.wsj.com 6. The landscape is primary, on a par with the architecture. 景观是首要准绳,同等于在建筑。 www.0717zx.com 7. The poorest province, Guizhou, has a GDP per head of $280, on a par with Bangladesh or Yemen. 最贫穷的省份贵州人均国内生产总值仅为280美元,这就相当于孟加拉和也门的水平。 www.ecocn.org 8. Jack was on a par with John in their company. 杰克与约翰在公司中的地位相等。 dict.hjenglish.com 9. Its regulators may simply be adopting a hard bargaining stance with RIM because they want to be treated on a par with bigger countries. 其监管官员有可能不过是因为希望得到与大国的同等待遇而对RIM采取一种强硬姿态。 www.ecocn.org 10. Lewis' retirement package is on a par with what other ex-Wall Street CEOs have received. 刘易斯退休金方案的规模,与华尔街其他前任执行长的水平相去不远。 cn.reuters.com 1. On the other side, the payment they get is can't be put on a par with the stars. 另外,科学家们所得的报酬也根本无法和那些娱乐明星相提并论。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Non-farm employment has fallen by 0. 5% in three months, on a par with the worst of the 2001 recession. 非农人口就业率在3个月内跌了0.5%,这与2001年衰退时的数据持平。 www.bing.com 3. But that is only on a par with forecasts for America, and the rate is expected to subside to 1. 7% by 2011. 但这只是与美国的增长预期相当而已,而且日本经济增长预计在2011年降为1. www.bing.com 4. Some of their biodiesel is also sold at gas stations at a price per calorie that is on a par with diesel. 他们也在加油站出售一部分生物柴油,每卡路里的价格与柴油相当。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As an actor he is on a par with the famous artists. 他是和著名艺术家齐名的演员。 www.ouredu.com.cn 6. Some wonder if the Arab revolutions put 2011 on a par with 1917, when the Ottoman Empire broke up. 当奥斯曼帝国结束的时候,有人想知道阿拉伯革命是否把2011年与1917年放在了同样的水平? www.bing.com 7. We should not put subjective reasons on a par with objective reasons in our analysis. 不能把客观原因与主观原因平等起来分析。 dict.wenguo.com 8. He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。 www.fane.cn 9. In science it is on a par with Jordan, poorer still. 在理科方面与约旦,依旧较穷的国家相提并论。 www.ecocn.org 10. The share of exports in Japan's GDP is much smaller than in Germany or China and until recently was on a par with that in America. 日本出口占GDP的比值比德国和中国小很多,直到最近也才是美国的水平。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 1. The share of exports in Japan's GDP is much smaller than in Germany or China and until recently was on a par with that in America. 日本出口占GDP的比值比德国和中国小很多,直到最近也才是美国的水平。 www.bbs.yeeu.org 2. If so, this is on a par with a loss of $5. 5 billion in 2001. 若真如此,这与2001年的55亿美元的亏损不相上下。 www.ecocn.org 3. BAIYUN sealant on a par with imported product 与进口产品媲美的白云密封胶 www.ilib.cn |
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