单词 | nothing much |
释义 | 例句释义: 非常少,没什么,没忙什么,老样子 1. In some areas where change might be expected, however, nothing much seems to be happening. 然而,在一些预期气候可能变化的地区似乎什么也没有发生。 www.ecocn.org 2. The doctor saw his mouth and said "there is nothing much wrong with you. " 这位医生看了看他的嘴,说:“你没有什么问题,只是有点感冒。” blog.sina.com.cn 3. This is why I said right from the beginning, if clubbing is not your thing, there is nothing much in Riga that will keep you here. 所以说,如果你像我这样不是很喜欢夜生活的话,里加对你而言应该没有多大的吸引力。 word.hcbus.com 4. When I looked that day up in my diary, I found that I had noted it down as "a very empty day" when it rained and nothing much happened. 当我查看那天的日记时,发现我是这样写的“非常空虚的一天”,下过雨,没有发生什么事。 www.bing.com 5. At last she said: There's nothing much wrong with you , but I'm afraid you have a problem: you're eating too much! 最后她说:有什么好不好,你,但我怕你有一个问题:你吃太多了! iask.sina.com.cn 6. I've a bit of a cold. It's nothing much, though. 我有点感冒,不过并不严重。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. There is nothing much to see in the exhibition . 这个展览会没什么看头。 www.bing.com 8. Fruits tasteless , and with lots of sago, yet still acceptable, nothing much to comment. . . AH ! One thing, EXPENSIVE ! ! 水果都没味道,加了很多的西米露,但是还是可以接受,没什么特别要说的…除了一个!这碗东西还蛮贵的说!! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Michael: Nothing much. I am trying to save all of my energy for the big dance tonight. 麦克尔:没。我正要攒足力气参加今晚的大型舞会。 www.ttxyy.com 10. As an Arab and a Muslim, there was nothing much I can benefit from what Obama has to say. 身为一个阿拉伯人和穆斯林,欧巴马说的话对我来说没有什么实质的好处。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. He don't say nothing much, only I'm a little older, and my heart ain't so good like it used to be. 他并没有说没有什么,只是我有点老,我的心是不太好喜欢它曾经是。 xixi.home.24en.com 2. But, he notes Afghanistan's overall health care system is nothing much to cheer about. 但是他指出,阿富汗的整体医疗体系状况完全不值得庆贺。 bbs.koolearn.com 3. You may be doing nothing much, which makes it easy to ignore you. 你可能没做什么,那可能使你很容易被忽视。 www.bing.com 4. Yet the use of risk models of this type is one of many areas of finance in which nothing much has changed. 然而,此类风险模型的使用,是诸多没什么大变的金融领域之一。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I've a bit of headache. It's nothing much, though. 我有一点头痛,不过并不厉害。 dict.netat.net 6. Do not know, demand to know what, this thing can apply to their own, huh, huh. Nothing much pleading. 不知道,需求知道么,这个东西适用自己就可以了,呵呵。没什么那么多央求的。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. When there's nothing much to say, that's when they slip into this boring, turgid style. 但当这一制度空洞无物时,那么就会流于这种无聊乏味,华而不实的风格。 dongxi.net 8. It is quite all right for these men and women to live thus so long as fools can be found who will pay so much for nothing much in return. 这是很好的为这些男人和女人生活因此只要傻瓜都可以找到谁会花那么多钱去购买没什么回报。 www.wgxr.net 9. Well then, undoubtedly, nothing much more satisfying, than to always, incessantly, renew, a certain number of circuits. 无可置疑的,除了在某些迴圈内,不断地更新,没有其它事情,能令人更心满意足。 springhero.wordpress.com 10. Nothing much. It's a surprise party. Could you take my son with your son somewhere and then bring him back in the afternoon? 没什么,这是一个惊喜聚会。你能不能把你儿子和我儿子带到别的地方,然 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. Locals and visitors alike sit for hours over a drink in one of the bars, watching nothing much happen. 一些当地人和那些参观者喜欢坐在酒吧花上几小时饮两杯为的是寻求一份心灵的清静。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The heating system is dated and most rooms are either like an oven or a fridge with nothing much in between. 这家酒店的当务之急就是推陈出新。供暖系统已经过时了而大多数房间要么就像一个烤箱要么就像一个什么都没有的冰箱。 www.taskcn.com 3. Data showing a deleterious effect might well be more likely to be written up and published than data showing nothing much. 显示有害结果的数据较之显示无害结果的数据更可能引起重视并得到出版。 www.qiyeku.com 4. The trouble is there's nothing much for them to see. The Olympic swimming pool is full of water but there's no-one actually swimming in it. 问题是那里没任何东西可供他们观看。奥运游泳池除了水其实没有任何人在里面。 hi.baidu.com 5. Just a little. Nothing much. 是赌了一点,不是很多。 www.showxiu.com 6. It was always raining, she remembers, and nothing much seemed to happen. 天总是下雨,她回忆道,而看起来生活也不会有什么重大的变化将会发生。 club.classic023.com 7. Six hundred feet (183 metres) below the ice where no light shines, scientists had figured nothing much more than a few microbes could exist. 在冰层600英尺(183米)下没有任何光亮,科学家以前认为只有微生物才可以在那里生存。 www.bing.com 8. "Nothing much, just we were having a little fun. " I hurried tried to cover up our places. 没有多少,因为我们刚刚玩了一小会。 www.bing.com 9. Knowing nothing much about him, most Republicans are "unsure" when asked if they have a favourable opinion of Mr Pawlenty. 因为对他所知甚少,大多数共和党人被问及对他的看法时并不确定该怎么说。 www.ecocn.org 10. Nothing much that i can update here, now. Next week might be a better week. 现在我没有很多事情可以和大家分享,下个星期可能会好一些(会有比较多事情可说)。 www.yanziblog.com 1. NOTHING much remains of Palestine's Legislative Council, its symbol of democracy and sovereignty-to-be. 巴勒斯坦立法议会,民主和主权的象征,未留下太多遗迹。 www.ecocn.org 2. I got up late and did nothing much all day. 我起晚了,一整天也没做什么事。 www.kekenet.com 3. There is nothing much more Japanese than onsen and sento: hot springs and communal public baths. 没有什么比温泉(onsen)和钱汤(sento,即公共澡堂)更能代表日本文化的了。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Actually, there's nothing much of a difference in harvesting cultured pearls. 其实,有多大的差异,在没有任何收获养殖珍珠。 word.hcbus.com 5. At first, nothing much will happen from that sense of connection, but allow it to stay open, stay open. 一开始,从那股连通感当中,不会发生很多事,不过要允许它继续开著、继续开著。 www.dhammatalks.org 6. Oh, nothing much really. And how is everything with you? 噢,没什么事。你最近怎么样? wenku.baidu.com 7. Nothing much. Just a bunch of reruns. 没什么。尽是一些重播节目。 www.zhlzw.com 8. Nothing much exciting about this? 这有何令人兴奋的呢? www.bing.com 9. "It started out as nothing much, then the building started swaying quite strongly, " a Reuters witness said. “它开始是没有什么,然后开始摇晃的建筑非常强烈,”路透社目击者说。 hi.baidu.com 10. I caught a cold and did nothing much all day. 我感冒了,这一天什么都没做。 tieba.baidu.com 1. What's new (with you)? Nothing much. How about you? (您)有什么新鲜事儿吗?不多。您呢? www.ejiaoshi.com 2. In its substance Mr Draghi's call for a new "fiscal compact" said nothing much new. 就本质而言,德拉吉呼吁签订新“财政协议”的言辞并没有太多新意。 www.ftchinese.com 3. There's nothing much serious with you. 对你来说没那么严重。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Uh, nothing much, just went to bed early. I was still tired from Saturday. 嗯..没什么.我蛮早睡的.我星期六玩太凶了,到昨天还很累。 www.ebigear.com 5. Having nothing much else to do at the time, I'd sit and watch Dustin play. 没事做的时候,我喜欢坐在旁边,看dustin玩。 www.bing.com 6. If you get a bland answer, like "Nothing much" or "I don't know. . . " , then you have to take control of the conversation. 如果你得到的是一个不明确的答案,比如:“没什么”或者“我也不知道”,此时,就需要你来控制整个交流过程了。 www.faya8.com 7. Nothing much will change during the election year, but 2013 offers a chance for real fiscal reform. 大选年期间不会有什么改变,但2013年为真正的财政改革提供了一个契机。 www.letou.cn 8. There's still nothing much to do here, just watch TV or help with chores. 在这里仍然无事可做,除了看电视和帮忙做家务。 www.bing.com 9. There's nothing much wrong with you. 你没有什么毛病。 ting.qeto.com 10. The police gave us a crime reference number, and nothing much more happened. 警察给了我们一张犯罪嫌疑人的名单,然后就没有了。 www.bing.com 1. Nothing much. Maybe you can help me. Do you know much about Hollywood Stars? 没什么。也许你可以帮帮我。关于好莱坞的明星,你知道的多吗? www.bing.com 2. "Nothing much, " returned Hurstwood. "It's quite a resort. There's some pretty scenery about here. " “没有什么特别的,”赫斯渥回答。“这是个旅游胜地。这一带有一些美丽的风景。” www.bing.com 3. If you have an existing website, but nothing much have been happening for you, try to apply these 8 principles and see what good transpires. 如果你已经有现成的网站了,却没有什么太多的惊喜给你的话,你可以试下应用上面这8条原则,然后看看会有什么好事降临。 www.n25m.com 4. A tsunami warming went out throughout the Pacific, but nothing much developed other than waves against the coastline of Chile. 海啸预警遍及整个太平洋,但除了智利海岸线受到一些波浪冲击,其他地方并没有发生大的连锁反应。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. There's nothing much wrong with you, but i'mafraid you have a problem: you're eating too much. 你没有什么大毛病,但我怕你有一个问题:你吃得太多了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. That could yet prove true, if the crisis deepens and nothing much actually transpires from Beijing. 如果危机恶化,而北京方面也再无其他表示,事实可能的确如此。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there's nothing much I can do about that. 房屋经理:那个地区是给农业和工业使用的,所以我也无能为力。 www.webi.com.cn 8. May: Nothing much except I've got in a very exciting school. 阿美:也没什么,不过我进了所不错的学校。 www.ebigear.com 9. Without cooperation from local officials nothing much will change. 没有地方官员的合作,不会有大的改变。 www.stnn.cc 10. They don't have allot of job opportunities and they drank allot because there is really nothing much to do there other wise. 他们没有配的就业机会和他们喝分配,是因为确实没有很多工作要做有其他明智的。 fm90.5d6d.com 1. Not much more news this time. Nothing much has happened. Write more often. 没有别的事了,都是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,以后再经常写给你。 www.xue90.cn 2. There's nothing much wrong with your eyes. 你的眼睛没有多大毛病。你的眼睛没有多大毛病。 wenku.baidu.com 3. and nothing much that happens to us changes our disposition. 无论发生什么都不会改变我们对事物的看法 www.tingroom.com 4. Peanuts, all I could give you was some sympathy and nothing much else. 落花生,我对于你,除了一点同情以外,是更没有什么可以给你的了。 bbs.open.com.cn 5. Oh , nothing much. Just went to bed early. I was so tired from Saturday. 哦,没什么。我们早睡了。我星期六玩太凶了。到昨天还很累。 www.ebigear.com 6. Nothing much, I almost didn't recognize your voice, You sound a little different. 不错,我没听出来是你,你的声音听起来有点不一样 www.eduzhai.net 7. Nothing much to mention here. 没什么提到这里。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Molly: Nothing much, but I am learning about a foreign company. 还不错,不过我正在学习有关一家外企的知识。 home.hxen.com 9. Nothing much good has been happening to Chinese battery and auto producer BYD Co recently. 中国电池及汽车生产商比亚迪(BYDCo.)来说,最近没有什么太好的事。 c.wsj.com 10. Second, life just creeps along, with long spans where nothing much happens. 第二,生活就这样缓慢地前行,很长的间空中没什么事情发生。 www.bing.com 1. Canyouimaginegoing to work everyday where you do nothing much except drink tea and read newspapers? It is. 您能想象如果每天的工作除了喝茶和看报外,就没有做其他事情可做的情景吗? cn.news.yahoo.com 2. There isn't much more news at this time girl. Nothing much has happened. 这个时候没有更多的新闻了孩子,发生的事情非常少。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Jack: Nothing much. What about you? Is everything going well? 杰克:没什么新变化。你呢?一切还好吧? blog.sina.com.cn 4. Campaigners welcomed the promise, which is a defeat for some senior judges who have argued that nothing much is amiss. 竞选者欢迎这个承诺,这个承诺是对一些坚持认为诽谤法中没有什么存在缺陷的高级法官的一次胜利。 www.ecocn.org 5. Your male friend calls you every night and talks about nothing much. 男性朋友每晚给你打电话,说一些无关紧要的事情。 www.tingroom.com 6. Nothing much, how about you, babe (beautiful girl)? 没什么,你呢,宝贝(漂亮姑娘)? www.bing.com 7. Oh, nothing much. I had a quiet weekend. 哦,没有什麽特别的。我过了一个安静的周末。 big5.cri.cn 8. Mostly, however, businessmen have neglected Doha because they are bored, calculating that there is nothing much in the talks for them. 然而商人们对多哈回合谈判不感兴趣主要是因为他们觉得这次谈判甚是无聊,谈判内容跟他们没什么关系。 www.ecocn.org 9. He has nothing much to do today. 他今天没有多少事情做 infos.edulife.com.cn 10. marcus : nothing much , i ' m just killing time. 马卡斯:没什么,我只是在消磨时间。 www.ichacha.net 1. I can do nothing much for you guys. 我不能为你们多做些什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Molly: Nothing much, same old, same old. How about you? 莫莉:没什么新鲜的,一切照旧。你呢? www.xianzai.cn 3. W: nothing much. just to make her feel that i'm around when she needs me. 什么都没做,只想让她知道她需要我的时候我就在她身边。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Molly: Nothing much, just the usual. How about you? 莫莉:没什么新鲜的,还是老样子。你呢? www.suiniyi.com 5. Nothing much was achieved by this. 只是这轮会谈没有取得什么成果。 www.ecocn.org 6. nothing much. just to make her feel that i'm around when she needs me. 不多,只是让她觉得当她需要我的时候我就在。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Molly: Nothing much. I have been watching a very funny Jim Carey movie. It is called the Man on the Moon. 莫莉:没什么。我在看吉姆·凯瑞一部很有趣的电影,《月亮上的人》。 www.bing.com 8. we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys, but there is nothing much we can do. 我们知道美元会贬值。因此我们恨你们这些家伙,但我们没办法。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Nothing much really. Was out last night with Tim and the lads. 其实也没什么。昨晚与蒂姆以及他的几个哥们出去了。 www.enfang.com 10. Nothing much. How about you , George? 普通。乔治,你呢? www.hxen.com 1. Nothing much man, just warming the bench. 不怎么样啊,老兄,我就是在这里坐冷板凳。 dict.bioon.com 2. Nothing much! I can find another job at any time. 没什么大不了的!我随时都可以找到另一份工作。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Nothing much, just the usual. How about you? 老样子,没什么新鲜的。你呢? edu.qq.com 4. Gordon: Nothing much, how about you? 戈登:没什么,你呢? www.bing.com 5. nothing much changed while he was away. 他不在的时候,没有什么太大变化。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Nothing much. I always sleep until noon. 不做什么,我通常睡到中午。 oral.ebigear.com 7. Gordon: Nothing much. Why do you call me that? 戈登:没什么,你为什么这样叫我? www.bing.com 8. However, the game is over now and there is nothing much we can do. 然而,比赛现在已经结束了,我们已无能为力。 www.bing.com 9. Nothing much, I am going to meet my English teacher tonight. I am afraid he thinks I am a rude dude. 没什么。我今晚要去见我的英语老师。我怕他认为我是个粗鲁的人。 www.bing.com 10. What have you been up to lately? Nothing much besides work. 你最近做些什么?除了工作外没什么。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. John: Nothing much. I'm just working a lot of overtime. What about you? 约翰:没什麽啊。一直都在加班,妳呢? tw.myblog.yahoo.com 2. In our first 20 years, we eat, sleep, play, enjoy the best and do nothing much. 最初的20年,我们吃喝玩乐,休息睡觉,安逸享受。 www.ebigear.com 3. What's new? Nothing much. How about you? 有什么新鲜事?没什么。你呢? www.for68.com 4. What is Mary doing? Nothing much! She is only watching TV. 玛丽正在做什么?没什么,她只是正在看电视。 wenku.baidu.com 5. No, nothing much. So-so, thanks. 不,不怎么好。马马虎虎,谢谢。 blog.39.net 6. When we first started hunting, nothing much happened. 我们刚开始狩猎时,并没发生什么特别的事情。 dongxi.net 7. Nothing much. I'm just on my way home. 没什么事。我只不过是在回家的路上而已。 8. Brah: Nothing much. I was just heading home. Do you want to come over? 布莱:没什么。我正要回家。想来看看吗? 54yajuan.blog.163.com 9. Kate: Nothing much. I am just chatting on the Internet. 没什么事,我在网上聊天。 www.hxen.com 10. B: Nothing much. 没有很多。 www.kekenet.com 1. We're just 4. 7 million people. Nothing much happens here. 我们这只有470万人,平时没什么事情发生。 www.bing.com 2. We could almost memorize the names of all 400 cycles if we had nothing much else to do. 如果没有别的事情可做,我们几乎可以背熟400个周期所有的名字。 dongxi.net 3. "Nothing much for us to do, " the intern said grimly. “我们根本无能为力了,”实习生伤感地说道。 www.yayan123.com 4. Till this year, there is nothing much I want to obtain. If there is something, that is, to treat myself much better. 到了今年,没有什么是一定要的。如果说有什么一定要的,那就是对自己好。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A: Nothing much, My girl friend brought me a dog yesterday, but I'm allergic to dogs. 没什么。我女朋友昨天给我那来了一条狗,可我对狗过敏。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Nothing much. Actually, I have some questions. 没什么,有几个问题要问你。 www.tingroom.com 7. If you have not been concentrating for the past few months, you may think that nothing much has changed in the world of finance. 如果你近几月没有一直在关注,你可能会以为,金融界没怎么变化。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I have a cold. It's nothing much, though. 我感冒了,不过并不严重。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. In the past, or do the work-in, nothing much changed. 还是做以前在中杰的工作,没什么太大的改变。 blog.163.com 10. He thinks nothing much of walking four miles to work and back every day. 他根本就没把一天来回走四公里的上下班当回事。 honey105812.blog.163.com 1. Nothing much is known about her except that she is one of the youngest handmaidens ; 除了知道她是最年轻侍女之一外,萨澈的资料不多。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Has got nothing much to say 没有别的可说 blog.sina.com.cn 3. there's nothing much more to say 这里没有更多可以说的了 blog.sina.com.cn 4. or nothing much, forever, in two bare rooms 或者说,没什么特别的事,在两个空空的房间里 dongxi.net 5. Nothing much. I'm just taking one day 没什么.我只是过一天是一天。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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