单词 | A battery |
释义 | 例句释义: 甲电池组,丝极电池,丝极电池组 1. All the system needed was a key, a battery, wire and a line of poles between stations for the wire and a receiver. 整个电报系统只需一个键、一个电池、若干电线和电线杆(架在两个站之间)即可。 www.bing.com 2. The company said it has a two-megapixel camera, an electronic notepad, a media player and a battery life of 10 hours. 华硕说,该产品配有200万像素的照相机、电子记事本、媒体播放器和续航时间达10小时的电池。 c.wsj.com 3. Kits can run from $40. 00 up to $100. 00 and include at least one of each, a battery, atomizer, charger and cartridge. 电子香烟雾化器价格从40-100美元不等,基本配置包括一节电池,雾化器,充电器和药管。 www.transcn.org 4. There was a battery or two of M109's east of the airfield, and if I remember right, a patriot battery. 机场以东有有一到两个的M109自行火炮连,如果我没记错,还有一个爱国者防空导弹连。 bbs.cjdby.net 5. 'We want to be able to fly from New York to Los Angeles and be able to watch a whole movie without a battery recharge, ' he said. “我们希望做到从纽约飞洛杉矶的整个航程不需给电池充电就能欣赏一部完整的大片,”索德说。 chinese.wsj.com 6. I found out about the problem when I showed up to work last Thursday, and there was a battery of television cameras waiting. 我发现的问题相关的,当我出现在上周四的工作,并有一个电视摄像机电池等。 www.englishtang.com 7. When affecting lights or draining a battery, it is not so much a strong charge as the interference that causes the action. 当影响到灯或者让电池耗尽时,与其说是很强的一股电荷,倒不如是受到干扰引起这样的动作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Solar powered, this watch never needs a battery and remains charged for months at a time, even in the dark. 太阳能供电,这款手表也不需要电池,收取个月的时间,即使在黑暗中,仍然。 www.custo.com.cn 9. It is possible to make such a battery with a solid electrolyte, but until now that has been done by a process called vacuum deposition. 使用某种固态电解质制作该类电池是有可能的,但迄今为止这要通过一种被称为“真空沉积”的制作工艺来完成。 www.ecocn.org 10. So she negotiated with her doctor and took a battery of tests so they'd be ready to start treatment when she returned. 于是她与医生进行了“谈判”,先做出一系列的检查测试,等她渡假回来后再开始治疗。 www.bing.com 1. She passed a battery of tests, including a physical, a test flight and a written exam the latter of which Chen said was the hardest for her. 她通过了所有测试,包括体能测试,飞行和笔试测试,她说笔试对她而言是最难的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. THERE is the nail test, in which a team of engineers drives a large metal nail through a battery cell to see if it explodes. 在针刺测试中,工程师们将一根大金属针穿过电池以观察其是否爆炸。 www.ecocn.org 3. The air for cooling is usually passed through a battery of water jets and dried before using. 这个冷空气的冷却通常可用一组循环水的方法实现,并且使用前一定要干燥。 k.pcgames.com.cn 4. and a battery module used for providing electric energy support for the mobile terminal. 及电池模块,用于为所述移动终端提供电能支持。 ip.com 5. 'A fine wine is like a battery . If you don't store it well, there's no energy left in it. It's dead. 好酒跟电池一样,如果储藏不得法,酒里面的能量就会流失,酒也会就此死去。 www.qeto.com 6. Cell Reversal The reversal of the polarity of the terminals of a battery cell as the result of discharging. 电池倒相由放电引起的电池两端极性反转。 swtrunk.bokee.com 7. I've written about this previously in the context of a battery "deal" that I ran across at Sam's Club. 我先前已经将我在山姆俱乐部购买电池时遇到的问题中说到过这点。 www.elanso.com 8. The system consists of a miniature adjustable pressure switch connected to a battery operated external alarm. 该系统包括微型可调压力继电器以及与它相连接的外部报警器。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 9. Fitted with lights and a pump-powered washbasin, Dai's home relies on electricity from the solar panel on its roof, as well as a battery. 据了解,这件小屋里装有电灯、抽水式面盆,依靠屋顶的太阳能板和一块电池供电。 bbs.longwenedu.com 10. The embodiment of the invention discloses a battery backup module as well as a power supply method and a storage system thereof. 本发明实施例提供一种电池备份模块、电池备份模块的供电方法及存储系统。 ip.com 1. If the network does not contain a battery or other energy generators, known as passive network. 如果网络中不包含电池或发电机等能源,就称为无源网络。(。 www.8875.org 2. Electricity can be stored through design of a 12V electrical system using a battery bank and means of "off grid" generation. 用一个电池盒,设计出12伏的电力系统,使用“断网”发电法就可以储存电力了。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Earlier, people at the India Gate monument near Parliament surrounded a battery of television news trucks, chanting 'Anna, we're with you! 早些时候,在印度议会大楼附近的印度门纪念碑处(IndiaGate),人们包围了一队电视新闻车,用北印度语高呼“安纳,我们支持你!” cn.wsj.com 4. The amount of energy a battery can store depends on the volume of its electrodes, so a thin battery does not last long. 一只蓄电池可以存储的能量的大小取决于其电极的体积,因此很薄的电池不会延续多长时间。 www.bing.com 5. But a magnesium atom would carry two electrons, so a battery storing a given amount of energy could be nearly halved in size and weight. 但镁原子每次可以携带两个电子,这样的话在储存相同能量时可以使电池的大小和重量减半。 www.oobang.com 6. The battery is arranged in a battery bin at the rear end of the shell, and is covered by a battery cover. 所述电池位于外壳后端的电池仓内,通过一电池盖盖装。 ip.com 7. Like a battery, they use positive and negative electrodes separated by an electrolyte. 燃料电池像电池一样,有正、负电极,两极之间是电解液。 www.bing.com 8. The University of Illinois research team has also been able to add components to a hand drawn circuit, including LED lights and a battery. 伊利诺伊大学研究小组还在手绘电路上增加了其他元件,比如LED和电池。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. A plurality of light emitting diodes are arranged on the glove body, serially connected, and connected with a battery by a toggle switch. 本发明包括套体,所述套体上分布有发光二极管,发光二极管串联后通过拨动开关与电池相连接。 ip.com 10. It consists of a fuel cell, an isolated unidirectional converter, a bi-directional converter, an inverter and a battery. 它是由燃料电池、蓄电池、单向变换器、双向变换器和逆变器构成。 www.dictall.com 1. I picked it up, turned it around, unbuttoned its clothes, to find if there was a battery compartment or anything, but there was nothing. 我将娃娃翻过来,将它背后的衣服解开,想找找看有没有什么安电池的地方或者开关之类的。但没有找到。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Think of a battery as a bottle for energy, and the power density as the size of the bottle's neck. 想象电池是一个能量瓶,电能密度就是瓶颈的尺寸。 www.bing.com 3. The position is monitored by a battery powered sensor unit mounted in a convenient position on a tripod or fixed to a suitable support. 探伤的位置主要由一个电池供能的检测器监控,方便起见用一个三角架或者是其它合适的支撑物固定。 www.contech-development.com 4. They are attached directly to the heart and connected to a battery outside the body. 可以直接附在心脏上,并与体外的电池相连。 www.56.com 5. The solar cell is a battery, even in the dark, and will usually show a few microamps of current. 太阳能电池是一个电池,即使在黑暗中,通常会显示一些微安的电流。 www.tech-domain.com 6. Adding a battery system to a harbour tug would allow it to be used as a hybrid, greatly reducing fuel and carbon-dioxide emissions. 对港口的拖船添加一个电池系统使它成为混合动力拖船,能大大降低燃油的使用,减少二氧化碳排放量。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. A bicycle in the children's bedroom must be pedaled for 30 minutes to charge a battery to power video games. 孩子卧房一辆脚踏车必须踩30分钟才能为一个电池充电,提供电玩电源。 www.merit-times.com.tw 8. The iron bar was placed across the poles of the electromagnet. Then the coil of the electromagnet was connected to a battery. 这根铁条被放在电磁铁的两个极上,然后,将电磁铁的线圈接通电源。 it.bab.la 9. I must either voyage or journey to Italy , as a soldier marches up to a battery . 无论走水路也好,陆路也好,我一定得到意大利来,就象一名战士奔赴疆场那样。 www.bing.com 10. However, volatile memory can retain its data when the computer is shut down if it has a separate power source, usually a battery. 然而,挥发性记忆体可保留其数据的计算机时,被关闭的情况下,如果有一个单独的电源,通常一个电池。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. One silly aircraft carrier that could be sunk in two seconds with a battery of chinese surface to surface missiles. 只要中国来个陆对陆导弹齐射,不需两秒钟那条愚蠢的航母就沉了。 www.tianyayidu.com 2. Weld two ends of an electric wire to a battery's positive and negative poles respectively, like a necklace. 一根电线两端分别焊接到一节电池的正负极,作为装饰颈圈。 www.fqart.com 3. With camera traps: faux-bois gadgets consisting of a camera, an infrared motion sensor, and a battery pack. 照相机“陷阱”:使用faux-boisgadgets装置——包括一个相机,一个内置运动传感器和一个电池包。 www.bing.com 4. The craft could land at a sunlit site and send a battery-powered rover into a dark crater, but the batteries would quickly die. 虽说探测船可先行降落在日照区,再遣送电池驱动的探测车前往黑暗的陨石坑,但电池的电力很快就会耗尽。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. a battery system expected to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as America's dependence on imported oil. 电池系统预计将有助于减少温室气体排放,以及美国对进口石油的依赖。 www.ddqcw.com 6. That is to say, once you start it up with a battery, it will keep on running and outputting power long after the battery is disconnected . 换句话说,只要用电池启动这个发电机,就能运转个不停,而且一直发电,即使把电池拔掉也一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Radio journalists can get the news on the air quickly and anyone with a battery-powered radio can hear the news almost anywhere at any time. 广播记者能迅速播出新闻,任何拥有电池收音机的人都可以在几乎任何时候、任何地点收听。 www.america.gov 8. The only evidence is a battery pack and a power line on his side. 唯一的迹象就是在他腰边有一个电池组和电源线。 www.56.com 9. The method includes enabling determining when a battery pack is coupled to a device, the battery pack including a battery management system. 该方法包括确定电池组何时连接到一个装置,所述电池组包括电池管理系统。 ip.com 10. Several organizations are developing hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles in hybrid form with a battery and an electric motor. 有几个机构在开发氢燃料电池,希望能用于搭载电池与电动马达的混合动力车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. When buying a battery make sure they are rechargeable, have high mAh (energy capacity), and can output at least an amp at any time. 要买可充电的那种,有高mAh(能量的容量),能在任何时候至少可以输出1安培。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. UNIX (and a battery of vendors) offer a great number of file systems, so you're sure to find something advantageous. UNIX(和许多软件商)提供很多种文件系统,所以一定能找到适合自己需要的文件系统。 www.ibm.com 3. Tesla Motors, a small Silicon Valley company, has come up with a way to extend the range of a battery-powered car. 硅谷的小公司特斯拉汽车公司,想出一种方法来延长电池动力车的行驶里程。 www.bing.com 4. A battery radio was the only connection with the outside world. 一个电池收音机,是奥威尔与外界单向连接的唯一工具。 www.bing.com 5. When a battery is left unused for a long time, sulfation occurs as the electrolyte solution begins to break down. 当一个电池闲置了很长一段时间以来,发生在当可用电解质溶液中开始崩溃。 www.bing.com 6. Curiously, even the most expensive of these wonders may never be as accurate as a battery-powered Swatch. 奇怪的是,即使是最贵的精密机械手表也不能像使用电池的斯沃琪(Swatch)手表一样精确。 dongxi.net 7. So understanding the State-of-Health (SOH) of a battery and the State-of-Charge (SOC) in discharge processes is important. 于是了解每块电池的健康度(SOH)和放电过程中的荷电率(SOC)是至关重要的。 www.zidir.com 8. The generated power is stored into a battery after rectification for driving the automobile or the other electrical apparatuses. 对于发出的电经整流存入电瓶,以备汽车驱动或其它电器使用。 ip.com 9. Electronic paper also needs relatively little power, so the life of a battery should not be a problem. 且电子纸只需要相对较小的能量,所以电池的寿命也不再是问题。 www.24en.com 10. This is a single cell of a battery . The zinc nail and the copper penny are called electrodes . The lemon juice is called electrolyte. 如图所示是一个单芯的电池。镀锌钉和铜硬币就是电池的电极。而柠檬中的柠檬汁就是电解质。 www.bing.com 1. The more energy packed into a battery, the higher the danger that the liquid electrolyte will catch fire. 电池存储的能量越多,液态电解质着火的危险就越大。 www.bing.com 2. GM introduced the Chevrolet Volt Concept Car, a vehicle propelled by an electric motor powered by a battery, in 2007. 通用公司2007年推出雪弗莱VOLT概念车,这是一种由电池提供动力的电力马达驱动的汽车。 www.voanews.cn 3. At Mobile, on the 4th inst the water communication was cut between Spanish Fort and that city, and a battery was established above the fort. 4日在莫比尔,西班牙要塞和这座城市的水下信息交流被切断,而要塞上也建起一座堡垒。 www.bing.com 4. The company was started back in 1995 by a battery expert. 这家企业在1995年由一位电池传家创办。 www.bing.com 5. In the future, the car could be equipped with a battery-electric powertrain like the one featured on the iQ-based Toyota FT-EV Concept. 今后,汽车可配备电池电动动力系统,如一个精选的智商为基础的丰田红外电动车概念。 usa.315che.com 6. The control panel incorporates a battery charge indicator and a speed meter which assists in maintaining a constant walking speed. 控制面板、电池充电指示器和速度计能协助保持不变的走动速度。 my.b2b.makepolo.com 7. A device giving a visual signal to indicate that the correct voltage is applied to a battery-powered calculator. 一种能以可视信号来指出以电池为电源的计算器电压正常的装置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Keep a battery-powered radio with you so you can listen for emergency updates and news reports. 随身携带用干电池供电的收音机,以获取最新的救援消息和新闻报道。 www.hjenglish.com 9. The invention relates to a battery box which comprises a body comprising a cavity and a spring. 一种电池盒,其包括具有空腔的本体及弹簧。 ip.com 10. Smart, which starts at just under $13, 000 in price, offered a battery-powered version, which had a range of 60 to 65 miles on a charge. Smart轿车的起价还不到13000美元,而且它还提供了一款电池动力的版本,每次充电的续航里程为60至65英里。 www.fortunechina.com 1. This vision mode is limited by a battery that drains quite quickly but recharges very quickly as well. 这个版本模式由相当快速排泄的电池仅再充电非常快速限制。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The base unit is configured to provide an electrical connection to a power source to charge a battery of the handheld medical device. 该基座单元配置成电连接到电源以便对所述手持医疗装置的电池进行充电。 ip.com 3. It has a motorcycle engine, runs on a battery, and will be ready for commercial production within the year. 他拥有一台通过电池发电的摩托车发动机。年内将会投入商业化生产。 www.bing.com 4. The alternator is driven by an engine to achieve the power generation for charging a battery. 用发动机驱动交流发电机发电,用于为电池充电。 www.hgpf114.com 5. Displays a battery bar at the top of the screen in most situations except when full screen applications are active (intentional). 显示电池酒吧在屏幕顶部的在大多数情况下,除非全屏应用活跃(故意)。 www.wda.com.cn 6. He connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between the other ends of the wires. 它将两根导线的一段连上电池,另一端连上一小段碳条。 zxpyyyzwy.blog.163.com 7. A battery is usually commanded by a captain. 一个炮兵连通常由一位上尉来指挥。 www.gzenxx.com 8. My buddy Herbie Homes and I rigged up a battery and two key sets and practiced sending messages. 我和好友贺比·侯姆斯倒腾出一个电池和两套按键开始练习发报。 www.bing.com 9. The invention also provides a battery cathode which contains the additive and a relative battery with the cathode. 本发明还提供含有这种负极添加剂的电池负极,以及包含上述电池负极的电池。 ip.com 10. The front side is adapted for removably securing the module housing (34) to a battery attachment region (26) of the portable telephone (20). 所述正面适于可拆卸地将所述模块壳(34)固定到所述便携式电话(20)的电池连接区域(26)。 ip.com 1. and reflector sun-chasing does not need a motor, a reducer, commercial power and a battery. 反射镜追日不需要电机、减速机、市电、电池。 ip.com 2. And your next question is, can you light a little torch bulb with a battery, a bulb and one piece of wire? 问题二,你能否点亮一个小灯泡只用1个电池、1个灯泡、和1条电线? www.ted.com 3. It is like the two poles of a battery, or the splitting of an atom. 它就像电池的两极,或是原子的飞裂。 www.kidfanschannel.net 4. Generally speaking, a battery, like the one inside your cell phone or laptop computer, stores energy chemically. 大概来说,电池通过化学能储存能量,比如说手机和手提电脑里的电池。 www.bing.com 5. A battery chicken will lay six eggs a week. She might cost the equivalent of 150 eggs to feed, producing an annual net gain of 150 eggs. 笼养的鸡每周下6个鸡蛋,喂养它耗费的成本大约相当于150个鸡蛋的价值,每年可以净得150个鸡蛋。 www.bing.com 6. Strictly speaking the composite behaves not like a battery but more like a capacitor, or rather a supercapacitor, says Dr Greenhalgh. 严格来说这种复合材料与电池并不相似,而更像是一个电容器,或者说是个超级电容器,格林浩尔博士说道。 www.bing.com 7. The researcher then supplemented a normal diet in mice with small amounts of the compound and subjected them to a battery of health tests. 之后研究者又将熊果酸化合物添加到了小白鼠的饲料之中,以观察白鼠的健康变化。 www.ebigear.com 8. Each participant was also put through a battery of tests assessing endurance and strength. 每一位参加者也都通过一组耐力和力量测试。 news.dxy.cn 9. Loading was achieved through a battery of hydraulic jacks acting on a rigid metallic distribution plate. 通过作用于刚性金属垫板上的一组液压千斤顶加载。 tr.bab.la 10. A recording device type toy and composes a toy casing, a recording microphone, a recording chip, and a battery and a switch. 录音装置式玩具,涉及有玩具壳体、录音话筒、录音芯片、电池和开关组成。 ip.com 1. Inside was a long room containing several desks and a battery of steel filing cabinets. 里面是一个长方形的房间,有几张写字台和一组钢制的公文柜。 bbs.24en.com 2. A surgical instrument. The surgical instrument comprises a handle, a battery, a motor, and a lockout system. 一种外科切割器械,包括手柄、电池、马达以及锁定系统。 ip.com 3. Made from grey nylon, these long-sleeve jackets have two built-in fans connected to a battery pack on either side of the jacket. 看似普通的尼龙长袖夹克衫现在也变得不一样了,因为它装上了两个内置的风扇,可以帮你随时调节温度。 www.for68.com 4. A battery pack having a nonvolatile memory and a secondary battery cell is attached to the battery charger. 将具有非易失性存储器和二次电池单元的电池组安装到所述电池充电器。 ip.com 5. Proper charging of a battery pack is essential to ensure safe and optimal operation of portable electronic devices. 使用正确的电池充电器能够保证便携式电子设备的安全和最佳操作。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 6. So in 2006 he converted a powered hang-glider, removing its small combustion engine and replacing it with a battery and an electric motor. 所以2006年,他转向了动力滑翔机,同时把小型内燃机拆了下来,用电池和电动机来替代。 www.ecocn.org 7. It contains a coin-shaped sensor encapsulating two thermometers, a movement detector and a battery. 它包括一个硬币形状的传感器封装2个温度计还有一个移动探测器和电池。 www.ecocn.org 8. Tokyo- based Honda will display a battery- powered concept car, the EV -N, and a concept electric motorcycle . 总部东京的本田公司将展示一种电池动力的概念车EV-N和一款电动摩托概念车。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Obama's lawyer choked on his water, faltered in his opening statement, then endured a battery of hostile questioning. 奥巴马总统的律师被水呛到,在开庭陈词时结结巴巴,之后更是忍受了一连串咄咄逼人的质疑。 www.bing.com 10. To avoid these, he used patch cords, miniature alligator clips, and black tape to wire the inducer to a battery-operated ASP-deck. 为了避免这些,Parker用胶布、夹子和黑色的带子把引导器连接到一台电池驱动的外部感官体验终端上。 www.bing.com 1. A battery pack, which lasts about 20 hours on each charge, pops out of the top of the right headphone. 右耳机上方有一个凸出的电池盒,电量充满电池可持续使用近20小时。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The site evaluates users with a battery of IQ tests, multiple-choice questions on ethical issues, and open-ended queries. 该网站用系列智商测试、道德方面多项选择题和随意回答的问题对用户进行评估。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Honda will also begin selling a battery-powered all-electric car in 2012, he said. 他表示,本田也将在2012年开始销售一款电池动力的全电动汽车。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Finally, each child was assessed with a battery of tests assessing cognition, motor skills, and behaviour. 最后,每一个孩子成套测试了认识、运动技巧、和行为的评估。 news.dxy.cn 5. Safra, a French bus manufacturer, has designed a multi-hybrid bus that incorporates a hydraulic system in a battery-electric drivetrain. 法国客车制造商萨弗里(Safra)已经设计了一辆多混合动力公交车。这辆公交车在蓄电池-电力动力传动系统纳入了一个液压系统。 www.bing.com 6. A battery of pipettes squirts the cells with agents, to see if they react. 一个电动移液器在向细胞喷射药液来观察它们的反应。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Chevy Volt has an electric motor with a battery that can run up to about 65km on a single charge. 雪佛兰这款电动汽车一次充电后最远可行驶65公里。 www.showxiu.com 8. The charging of condenser from a battery is not unlike filling of a tank from a reservoir. 电池给电容器充电就像油库给邮箱加油一样。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. There was a battery of naval guns that had gotten on his nerves . 特别刺激他神经的是敌人的海军炮队。 dict.veduchina.com 10. The converter is optimal for portable electronic equipment, which come with a battery pack for power supply. 所述转换器对于便携式电子设备是最佳的,它与电池组一同用于供电。 www.bing.com 1. At the top and bottom were metal plates hooked to a battery, making one positive and the other negative. 小盒子的顶部和底部分别连接一个电池,让一边成为正电板,另一边成为负电板。 page.renren.com 2. Pick up a battery recharger and an extra set of NiMH batteries. 最好挑选一个电池充电器和一套特优的镍氢电池组。 www.ptmxgs.com 3. Judges ruled that he supplied a battery for the suicide bomber who blew up the former prime minister. 法官裁定,他向实施自杀性袭击者提供了电池。 www.ecocn.org 4. To detect engrams, Hubbard adopted a battery-powered galvanometer with a needle dial wired to two empty tin cans. 为了探测记忆印痕,哈伯德采用了一种电池驱动的电流计,它有一个指针可调节,连接着两个空罐头盒。 www.bing.com 5. Results show that the water pollution of mercury is a battery life of more than one water. 试验表明:一支汞电池污染的水量超过一个人一生用水量的总和。 www.xjptnz.com 6. A battery, by contrast, stores what is known as an electrochemical potential. 电池却与电容相反,据我们所知它储存的是电化学能。 www.ecocn.org 7. State of Charge refers to the amount of electrical energy left in a battery. 费用是指状态量的电能放在一个电池。 www.bing.com 8. But a battery test on Nov. 17 initially experienced a temporary temperature increase, and on Thursday caught fire while being monitored. 但是11月17日进行测试时,先是出现了暂时性的升温,然后电池便引起了火苗。 www.bing.com 9. If that happens to several of its cells, a battery can no longer hold anything like its full charge. 如果几组电池都出现这种状况,那么蓄电池组便不能像充满电那样发挥极致性能。 www.ecocn.org 10. If you take off this BlackBerry's leatherette back, a battery that measures almost the size of the device itself lies beneath. 揭开它的人造革后盖你就会看到,里面的电池跟整个手机差不多一样大的尺寸。 c.wsj.com 1. Worried governments are launching a battery of measures to try to restrain the value of their currencies. Will they work? 焦虑的政府启动了一系列的措施以期望抑制货币升值,但这管用吗? ecocn.org 2. Economists have started to put forward a battery of policies to rebalance growth. 经济学家已开始提出种种平衡经济增长的对策。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I store energy , like a battery, by stockpiling sugar (carbohydrates, glucose and fat) until you need it. 我像电池一样帮你储存能量,包括醣类及脂肪,供你所需。 www.slideshare.net 4. And when we gave them a battery and a piece of wire, and a bulb, and said, "Can you do it? " They couldn't do it. Right? 你能用一枚电池和一根电线点亮灯泡吗?是,你可以,我会示范怎么做。 www.ted.com 5. Yet when subjected to a battery of neuropsychological tests, they showed no intellectual decline. 然而,成套系统的心理测试表明,他们的智力水平并无下降。 www.ecocn.org 6. Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information. 收听用电池的收音机或电视.收听最新的紧急通告。 www.bing.com 7. To do that Dr Cui connected them to a battery and ran water containing E. coli, a common bacterial contaminant of water, through them. 在这个试验中,崔博士把过滤器接上电源,让含有大肠杆菌(E.coli)的水流过,这是一种污水中常见的细菌。 www.bing.com 8. The Edge had a battery time of 4 hours and 16 minutes, so you could likely get over 5 hours in normal use. Edge的电池续航时间则为4小时16分钟,所以在正常使用状态下,可能会达到5个小时以上。 chinese.wsj.com 9. A battery of experts failed to discover the cause of the accident. 一批专家未能发现事故的原因。 www.kekenet.com 10. Throw a battery into a glass of water, then drink it in half an hour. 扔一节电池到一杯水里,半小时后喝掉。 www.fqart.com 1. Battery Status applet features a battery status dialog, power statistics, CPU frequency scaling and power management preferences. 电池状态小应用提供的特点包括:电池状态对话框、电源统计、CPU频率调节和电源管理选项。 www.bing.com 2. The fuel cell produces electricity and feeds it to a battery pack under the floor of the taxi's passenger area. 燃料电池产生电力,并充入计程车乘客位置下方的电池组中。 www.bing.com 3. The Volt, due to go into production in late 2010, will be powered mainly by a battery pack with a 40-mile range. Volt定于明年底投产,将主要由一个行程40英里的电池组驱动。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The invention also discloses a tool set and a method for operating a battery-powered tool set. 本发明还公开了一种成套工具和用于操作电池供电的成套工具的方法。 ip.com 5. Over the course of several days, Dr Roberts's team conducted a battery of psychological tests on both groups of volunteers. 几天后,罗伯特博士的团队对两组的志愿者都进行了一系列的心理学测试。 www.ecocn.org 6. A battery chicken will lay six eggs a week. 电池系统喂养的鸡每周下六个鸡蛋。 www.ecocn.org 7. These are the key components in a battery that allow the movement of electrons across the electrolyte, thus generating power. 正负极是电池的关键部分,能够使电子通过电解液运动到负极,从而产生电力。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It also powers the system if you choose to operate without a battery. 若是您选择不利用电池,它也可以供电给系统运作。 www.jf609.com 9. The utility model provides a battery terminal sheet and a battery pack having same. 本实用新型提供一种电池端子片和具有该端子片的电池组。 ip.com 10. When the battery is running low, in the upper left corner will display a battery symbol, that the battery should be replaced. 当电池快用完时,会在左上角显示一个电池符号,表示应该更换电池了。 www.chenxiaona.com 1. In any circuit which operates from a steady voltage source, such as a battery, current flow is always in the same direction. 在任何电路,使用唯一的电压源操作的,比如电池,电流是沿着相同方向流动的。 blog.163.com 2. When a battery powers a product, or discharges, energy travels the opposite way, between its anode and cathode. 当电池释放电能或放电时,能量以相反的方向迁移,从阳极移至阴极。 www.bing.com 3. These persistent registers are powered by a battery and receive a timing clock signal from a crystal oscillator. 这些持续不断的寄存器由电池供电,并接收来自晶体振荡器计时的时钟信号。 www.1168818.cn 4. In an active RF system, a label with a battery in the valid range. 在主动射频系统中,标签中装有电池在有效范围内活动。 www.bing.com 5. Low impedance - enhances load handling when put in paralleled with a battery. 低阻抗-增强的负载处理时,在与电池并联付诸表决。 www.ddqcw.com 6. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are electric vehicles; they use a fuel cell instead of a battery to provide juice. 氢燃料动力车虽然是电力机车,却是利用燃料电池代替蓄电池提供动力。 www.bing.com 7. Another application is improving the current handling of a battery. 另外一个应用是提高电池的电流处理。 www.ddqcw.com 8. The team then subjected the mice to a battery of tests that are used routinely to measure the emotional states of rodents. 然后,研究组人员对小鼠进行了一套测试。这套测试经常用于衡量啮齿类动物的情感状态。 www.kekenet.com 9. A binder for a battery electrode comprising a vinyl fluoride-based copolymer. 一种用于电池电极的粘合剂包含一种乙烯基氟基共聚物。 www.hgpf114.com 10. The pipe-still consists of a brick-lined furnace, in which is fitted a battery of tubes, through which the crude oil is pumped. 管式蒸馏釜包括一个砖衬砌熔炉,熔炉内安装了一组管道,原油正是通过这些管道被泵送到炉内。 www.zftrans.com 1. An electrolysis solution (4) is filled into a battery chamber (8), and the battery chamber (8) is hermetically sealed with a gasket (9). 电解液填充在电池室(8)中,电池室(8)由垫圈(9)气密密封。 ip.com 2. Small differences in the manufacturing tolerance of a battery's cells may play a part. 蓄电池组各个电池制造误差间的差异可能是第一种原因。 www.ecocn.org 3. but the country is a battery produce and spend big, so we have to protect the environment, not casually throw waste batteries. 而全国又是电池出产和花费的大国,所以,我们更要保护环境,不胡乱扔废旧电池。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. A battery contact elastic plate mainly comprises a fixed part, a first elastic arm, and an insulation piece. 一种电池接触弹片主要包括固定部、第一弹性臂以及绝缘件。 ip.com 5. When a battery is connected to a load, a chemical reaction begins. 当把电池接到一个负载上,化学反应就开始了。 www.bing.com 6. They consist of three main parts: a battery, an atomizer and a cartridge. 电子香烟主要由三部分组成:电池,雾化器和药管。 www.transcn.org 7. A battery compartment and the cover of one of the two tanks (on the right). 蓄电池箱和两个蓄水箱其中的一个[右侧那个] www.bing.com 8. Then he went to work for a battery research company and waited years before the founder promoted him to CEO. 随后他去了一家电池研究公司工作,历经数年,直到创始人将他提拔为首席执行官。 www.fortunechina.com 9. The solar energy is stored in a battery, allowing it to be used anytime. 太阳能被储存在一个电池里,随时可用。 www.ebigear.com 10. "It warms bread when I plug it into a battery, " he says, brightly. 它的外壳在不断渗出什么东西,并往下滴落,就像蛋糕上的糖霜出了差错。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Temperature and phase changes in the gel could also be harnessed to charge a battery. 而胶体中的温度和相性的改变能被利用来对电池充电。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The power for these bursts of speed comes from a battery packet with a storage capacity of 42 kilowatt hours. 这种速度突增的动力来自一组电池,该电池组储有42千瓦小时的电能。 www.bing.com 3. A digital pen is a battery-operated writing instrument that allows the user to digitally capture a handwritten note or drawing. 数码笔是一种电能写字装置,允许用户数字化捕捉手写字体和图画。 wiki.mycreative.com.cn 4. Participants filled in information about their habitual food intake and underwent a battery of cognitive tests. 参赛者填写自己日常食物摄入量的信息,并接受了认知能力的测试。 www.bing.com 5. On a battery of math tests, the Americans did worst at all grade levels. 在一组数学测试中,美国学生在所有的年级层次上都考得最差。 blog.163.com 6. The electricity then flows through a wire to charge or power a battery or device. 同时电流通过电线给电池或者装置充电。 www.bing.com 7. The result is an ultracapacitor, a battery-like device that stores and releases energy quickly. 这样的结果是一个超级电容器,一个想电池的设备,可以迅速的充电和放电。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The invention relates to a battery charger and control method thereof. 本发明涉及一种电池充电器及其控制方法。 ip.com 9. Without vision, even the most focused passion is a battery without a device. 如果没有远见,即使是再富有激情,也是一个没有装置的电池。 www.bing.com 10. As part of the research for the book, BCG asked 12, 000 women in 22 countries a battery of 120 questions. And among the rich findings. . . 作为本书调查的一部分,BCG询问了来自22个国家的12,000位妇女连续120个问题。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The Dutch study used a battery of standardized questions plus a phone interview to minimize the chance of misdiagnosis. 荷兰人的研究采用一连串的标准化问题加上电话采访,来使误诊的可能最小化。 www.bing.com 2. The floor is also packed with an assortment of electric things including a bicycle, a moped and even a battery-powered racing car. 地板上陈列着各式各样的电动玩意,有电动自行车、电动脚踏车,甚至还有电动赛车。 www.bing.com 3. To prevent sulfation, a battery needs to be kept in a fully charged state. 为了防止可用,电池需要被保存在一个完全充电状态。 www.bing.com 4. It also comes with the latest in home-security technology -- a battery of anti-aircraft missiles donated by China. 房宅的安保技术所采用的也是最新科技——由一系列防空导弹组建而成。 www.bing.com 5. When connecting a battery pack to a charger, ensure correct polarity. 当把电池放入充电器中时,注意保证极性正确。 store.taobao.com 6. A battery of simulation tests helps harden combat soldiers into the Empire's elite armor assault crews. 一系列的模拟训练让战斗兵更加顽强,以进入帝国的精英装甲突击部队。 starwarsfans.cn 7. And what is the symbolic significance of a battery-operated chemical flame, anyway? 那个由电池控制的化学火焰的象征意义何在? www.ecocn.org 8. A battery changing position at a frantic gallop scattered the stragglers right and left. 更换电池的位置在一个疯狂的奔驰分散人左右。 www.en400.com 9. A battery is at the end of the tail and provides the mass that is necessary to swing the robot upward. 电池安装在尾巴底部,提供机器人摇摆上升的必要动力。 www.bing.com 10. It was almost impossible to get a car mended in Lundazi, or even to replace a battery. 在伦达孜你休想修车,连换电池都办不到。 www.bing.com 1. After much haggling, a battery of American Patriot missiles will arrive in Poland in March. 在漫长的讨价还价后,一组美国的爱国者导弹将在三月运抵波兰。 www.ecocn.org 2. They' ve got a battery of stainless cooking utensils in their kitchen. 他们在厨房里配备了一套不锈钢的厨房用具。 www.jukuu.com 3. The result is a cell, the building block of a battery. 好了,一块电池单元完成了。 www.bing.com 4. Also, ILs can be used as liquid electrolyte in a battery and electrolysis process for their good conductance and stability. 由于离子液体的电导性和化学稳定性,它还可用于二次电池和电解等电化学过程。 www.juhe8.com 5. In some cases we may discover that current will be forced backwards through a battery, causing this very effect. 在有些情况下,我们可以发现,电流将被迫通过电池返回,从而导致这一效应。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Such a battery is the flywheel. 这种电池的飞轮。 www.tech-domain.com 7. A sample of 537 Arab immigrants completed the POMS and a battery of other measures. 样本537阿拉伯移民完成了简明心境和电池的其他措施。 www.syyxw.com 8. To build this fun project, you'll need an audio output transformer, a solar cell, a small amplifier, a radio, a battery pack. . . 要完成这个有趣的项目,你需要一个音频输出变压器、一块太阳能电池、一个小型放大器、一台无线电、一个电池组… qac.yappr.cn 9. If left unchecked, sulfation would disable a battery's usability way before its designed service life. 如果让其自由发展,可用伤残电池的可用性将在设计使用寿命。 www.bing.com 10. That power is then stored in a battery bank which supplies power to the whole house. 权力是储存在电池供电银行,对整个房子。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In the coming months Enterprise will undergo a battery of ground and flight tests designed to test the craft's safety. 在接下来的一个月里,进取号将接受一系列的地面和飞行测试。这些测试将检验飞船的安全性。 ngmchina.com.cn 2. The sound system after modified, be sure to note that increase the storage battery power, can change a battery. 对音响进行改装后,一定要注意加大电池的蓄电量,可以更换一个电池。 www.docin.com 3. The latest fires are in addition to a battery fire in a crash-tested Volt six months ago. 其实,最近的火灾另外也是六个月前的一次碰撞测试后的沃特车电池引发的。 www.bing.com 4. When a battery charges, energy moves between its cathode and anode. 电池充电时,能量从阴极移至阳极。 www.bing.com 5. A battery residual capacity information feeding device is disclosed. 公开了一种电池剩余容量信息供应装置。 ip.com 6. This, they hope, will push capacitors to 50% of a battery's storage capacity. 他们希望这样做能增强50%的电池储电能力。 www.ecocn.org 7. A battery provides the electric power to operate the starting motor and the ignition system during cranking. 在启动时,蓄电池提供电能能使启动电机和点火系运转。 www.bjqxxx.org 8. Other technical improvements are on the way, including systems that could charge a battery in as little as five minutes. 其他技术也在不断更新,包括5分钟充满电的系统。 www.ecocn.org 9. Founded in 1928 as Gavlin Manufacturing Corporation, Motorola's first ever product was a battery eliminator. 摩托罗拉的前身是建立于1928年的卡夫林制造公司,其第一款问世的产品是电池代用器。 dongxi.net 10. A battery-operated device implanted under the skin, which is similar to a heart pacemaker but smaller, controls the stimulation. 另一个电池驱动的设备植入皮肤下控制刺激的释放,它类似心脏起搏器,但较小一些。 www.dxy.cn 1. This gives about 5% of the storage capacity of a battery. 这提高了电池的5%的储电能力。 www.ecocn.org 2. A battery status indicator flashes when batteries need recharging. 当鼠标需要充电时电源指示灯会亮起。 we.pcinlife.com 3. A battery container is filled with electrolyte, after putting on a film, to form an electrode. 在蓄电池里充满了电解质,向其加一薄膜,就形成一个电极。 blog.163.com 4. MANY an engineer has dreamed of making a battery as light, thin and flexible as paper. 造出像纸张一样轻巧,纤薄,柔软的是许多工程师的梦想。 www.suiniyi.com 5. If people want this job, they will have to take a battery of tests. 如果想得到这份工作,就得参加一系列的测试。 6. The researchers asked the members of both groups a battery of questions about their lives. 研究人员向两组受访者提出了一系列关于他们生活的问题。 www.bing.com 7. Analysis: in the nuclear power plant emergency should do: pay attention to carry a battery-powered radio specific instruction. 解析:在核电站发生紧急情况时应该这样做:注意随时携带一个用电池的收音机收听具体指令。 bbs.cnqr.org 8. The conductive material allows current to flow in a battery. 这种导电材料允许电流在电池内流动。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. If find any noise, excessive temperature or leakage from a battery, please stop its use. 如果出现噪音,温度异常,或者漏液,请停止使用。 store.taobao.com 10. Probably shave six, seven times, so that's a total of 100, 000 joules that's not bad out of a battery. 可能要刮六七次,那总共是100000焦耳,那不错了,对于一块电池来说。 open.163.com 1. So what if you could do the same thing with a solar cell or a battery? 所以,如果可以在太阳能电池或电池上同样这麽做呢? www.myoops.org 2. Keep a battery-powered radio on hand so that you can listen for official information during an emergency. 随身携带一个电池供电的收音机,这样你就能听到紧急情况下的官方消息了。 dongxi.net 3. Paul sat at his desk, surrounded by a battery of telephones. 普利坐在桌子旁,被一些电话的电池包围着。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Essentially it is made up of a webcam, a battery-powered 3M projector, mirror, phone and colored finger caps. 它由一个摄像头,一个电池供电的3M投影机,镜子,电话,以及多个颜色的指套构成。 www.bing.com 5. These also require a battery to operate. Most modern light meters use silicon or CdS sensors. 现代的测光表一般使用硅探头或者硫化镉探头。 instapedia.com 6. The receiver is hooked up through a battery to wires B and C. 接收装置通过电池接在导线B和C上。 7. i beaned him , like , right here with a battery. 我用东西丢他,好像就在这儿,用电池砸的。 www.ichacha.net 8. A battery is the intentional application of force to another person. 殴打指对另一人故意施加暴力。 bbs.np163.net 9. As far as where to start: always a battery powered device and use the toy store as a last resort. 至于如何着手,则需要电池驱动的装置,万不得已可以到玩具店购买相关装置。 www.elanso.com 10. BYD started out as a battery maker in 1995, and began making conventional cars in 2005. 1995年比亚迪成立之初主要从事电池生产,2005年开始制造常规型汽车。 www.shinewrite.com 1. They've got a battery of cooking pots in their kitchen. 他们厨房里有一套炊具。 2. W: Inside a battery are two liquid substances. Power is produced when these two react. 温迪:电池内有两种液态物质,两种物质起化学反应时,就会产生电力。 www.ebigear.com 3. It pumps blood, taking power from a battery pack attached to the patient's body. 它输送血液,由附在病人身上的电池包驱动,这个装置不需要管线刺穿他的皮肤。 www.24en.com 4. For them to get a battery that goes 120 miles is an extension on range, not a reduction in range. 对于他们来说,一个可以行走120英里的电池简直是范围的无限扩大,不是范围的缩小。 www.ted.com 5. All underwent a battery of tests at Rapport's lab over four consecutive Saturdays. 他们都连续四个星期六在拉坡的实验室参加一系列的试验。 www.suiniyi.com 6. Don't eat potatoes after using them for a battery. 不要食用被用作电池的土豆。 bbs.myst.cn 7. The Nissan Leaf or Renault Fluence are powered only by a battery. 尼桑公司的Leaf或雷诺公司的Fluence都是纯电池驱动。 www.ecocn.org 8. You may also want to have a battery-powered CB or other two-way radio. 如有,你还应当电池供电的收发报机和无线对讲机。 www.ttxyy.com 9. A battery , which is actually an electric cell, is a device that produces electricity from a chemical reaction. 一个电池,它实际上是一个带电的细胞,是一种设备-它通过化学反应生产电力。 blog.cnii.com.cn 10. After putting into a battery, we can control it through remote and sound. 装入电池后,可以遥控控制和声音控制。 wenwen.soso.com 1. If we want to make [a battery] the size of a football field we could do it. 做成33加仑容量的垃圾桶大小也可以,要做成一个足球场那么大也是没问题的。 www.cnbeta.com 2. Dr. Wilkinson put on a battery-powered headlamp and kept working, but Dr. Masenga had to depend on daylight. Wilkinson装上电池供电的头灯继续手术,而Masenga博士不得不依靠日光照明。 www.bing.com 3. Sperm donation generally pays $100 or less, and also requires the donor to pass a battery of medical tests. 精子捐献一般只有100美元或更少的报酬,捐献者也需要经过一系列医疗检查。 www.bing.com 4. A battery compartment (9) including a starting battery is arranged in said intermediate space. 包括起动电池的电池盒(9)布置在所述中间空间内。 ip.com 5. But the crude oil is replaced with a battery. 但是原油被电池取代。 www.ted.com 6. The DC system is normally supplied from a battery charger system, which is supplied from the low voltage AC system. 直流系统通常由蓄电池充电系统供电,蓄电池充电系统由低压交流系统供电。 dict.ebigear.com 7. Instead of storing energy as electricity in a battery, it is stored as pressure in a tank. 它并不是在一个蓄电池里储存能量作为电力,而是将其在储油箱里储存为压力。 www.bing.com 8. Taking a battery-bus as an example, the analysis model of the bus body was set up. 以纯电动大客车车身为例,建立了车身骨架的有限元模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The prisoners were promised pardons if they survived a battery of tests. 要是犯人能从一系列的试验中挺过来,就保证他们获得赦免。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The car uses a battery that can be charged through an electric socket at home. 这种车型使用电池供电,可以在家中的电力插孔上完成充电过程。 cn.reuters.com 1. Discover how you can use a battery and wire to make a magnet! 发现如何用电池和电线制作磁体! www.myoops.org 2. It subjects each ball to a battery of tests. 另外,国际足联会对每只足球进行一连串的测试。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 3. More and more Chinese cyclists, it seems, would like a battery and motor to turn the wheels for them. 在大陆,越来越多的骑自行车的人喜欢安装电瓶与发动机来驱动车轮,而不用脚踩。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Apple Peel 520 case contains a battery, dock connector and SIM card that allows voice calls. 苹果皮520包含一个电池,一个Dock接口连接器和一个支持语音通话的SIM卡。 www.bing.com 5. When you are on a tour, you need a battery-powered shaver, which makes you realise how handy it is. 当你外出或旅行的时候,你只需要一个电池驱动的菲利普剃须刀,它让你懂得什么叫方便。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I needed a battery for my wireless microphone. 我的无线话筒需要换个电池。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A battery also works -- I use an AAA battery when wearing gloves. 同样,电流也有起作用——我戴上手套时,导电性十分好。 www.hjenglish.com 8. This generates electrical current that can then be used to charge a battery. 这一过程产生的电流可用于为电池充电。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 9. Battery sulfation impedes a battery's ability to accept, hold and deliver a charge. 电池的电池可用阻碍能接受、持有和提供收费。 www.bing.com 10. You NEED time to recharge, like a battery. 你需要充电,就像电池一样。 www.bing.com |
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