单词 | Netease | ||||||||||||
释义 | Netease
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 网易,网易公司,门户网站网易 1. Last week, Netease appeared ready to provide WoW service to the mainland, but gamers see no sign of a reopening. 上周,网易声称已经可以在内地运营《魔兽世界》,但玩家们仍没有见到重新开服的征兆。 www.9116998.cn 2. Before before long, media heads for Zhejiang lake city to interview, did not find the hoggery of Netease in place. 前不久,有媒体前往浙江湖州采访,在当地没有找到网易的养猪场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. And before shake game industry before long " demon animal world " easy advocate incident, netease becomes protagonist once more. 而前不久震动游戏业界的《魔兽世界》易主事件,网易再度成为主角。 itzhe.cn 4. It has poor achieving in Blog, NetEase began to search for other new field for profit. 博客未能发力,心猿意马的网易便开始侧重于搜索的研发。 www.ifengwo.com 5. Content of profit from game upgrades and have agglutinant game group, netease is able to lengthen the lifecycle of its myth game. 得益于游戏内容升级和具有粘性的游戏群体,网易得以延长其神话游戏的生命周期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "This was a trip that sold out the interests of the people of the whole nation, " wrote one commentator on the popular Netease portal. 流行门户网站网易(Netease)上的一个贴子写道:“这是一次出卖全国人民利益的访问。” www.ftchinese.com 7. Netease also denied a competitor baleful to its undermine the foundation and in respect of law law plan of proper sex censure. 网易也否认了竞争对手对其恶意挖墙脚以及在法律法规方面正当性的指责。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Netease is happy, ding Lei laughs very aglitter , cuddle of tremendous a ready source of money is in the bosom. 网易乐了,丁磊笑得很灿烂,巨大的摇钱树搂在怀中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. 'Give Chinese people enough to eat, and there's nothing they won't do, ' wrote a Netease reader from Henan province. 河南省一个网易用户写到,中国人吃饱了就是什么都干的出来! chinese.wsj.com 10. the strength of Tencent, Netease, gold online, Guotai Junan stocks used in simulation platform. 实力雄厚腾讯、网易、中金在线、国泰君安使用的模拟炒股平台。 www.g36.com.cn 1. The announcements had an immediate impact on major Chinese game operator NetEase, which saw its stock price fall more than 5 percent. 的声明中有一个主要的中国游戏运营商网易,它看到了直接影响其股票价格下跌了5个百分点。 bbs.ngacn.cc 2. NetEase does not undertake any obligation to update this forward-looking information, except as required under the applicable law. 网易不承担任何义务更新本前瞻性信息,除非根据适用的法律规定。 bbs.ngacn.cc 3. Baidu by search engine, NetEase rely on games, instant messaging clients rely on QQ made a lot of money. 百度靠搜索引擎、网易靠游戏、腾讯靠QQ赚了很多钱。 www.bing.com 4. After this, netease still is abiding by train of thought of excelsior research and development, among them model is " the world two " . 此后,网易仍然遵循着精益求精的研发思路,其中的典型便是《天下贰》。 itzhe.cn 5. Netease search results include the relevant directories, related websites, related pages and related news. 网易搜索结果包括相关目录、相关网站、相关网页和相关新闻。 www.biositemap.com 6. general netease general that can be used to protect netease pass account and netease dealers pass account. “将军令”可用于保护网易通行证帐号和网易经销商通行证帐号。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Netease was not offered begin operation " demon animal world " cut time or user really transfer process. 网易并没有提供开始运营《魔兽世界》的确切时间或用户的过渡进程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Netease talked about this "as a not verified news" on June 17 after North Korea's 1-2 loss to Brazil. 17日朝鲜2比1负于巴西后,网易谈及挖煤处罚,称其为“未证实之传闻”。 www.hjenglish.com 9. In second place on the entertainment list is William Ding, the founder of Internet portal and online game operator NetEase. 位居娱乐富豪榜第二的是互联网门户和在线游戏运营商网易的创始人丁磊。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Neither GAPP nor the MoC responded to questions regarding the apparent conflict. NetEase declined to comment. 新闻出版总署和文化部都没有就双方明显的冲突做出回应。网易则拒绝就此置评。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Welcome to the main blog (Netease blog), in Baidu search "unnamed werewolf" option. 欢迎光临主博客(网易博客),在百度搜索“无名狼人”即可。 blog.eastmoney.com 2. Then, on Tuesday evening, Netease's microblogging service also became inaccessible for two days. 然后在本周二晚上,网易微博也开始连续两天无法登陆。 www.voa365.com 3. Netease, China's second-biggest online games operator, and the popular portal Sina also issued public apologies. 中国第二大在线游戏运营商网易以及知名门户网站新浪也表示向公众致歉。 www.bing.com 4. "Tianxia II" is the first to NetEase as the background of ancient Chinese mythology, full 3D, real-time fighting online games. 《天下贰》是网易第一款以中国古代神话为背景、全3D、即时战斗的网络游戏。 www.19zhan.com 5. The brand, products, strategy, Netease search operations are still many doubts. 在品牌、产品、战略方面,搜索业务仍有诸多疑点。 www.brar.cn 6. NetEase shut the game down while it reapplied for permission from the Ministry of Culture and the publication agency. 网易在关闭游戏的同时,重新申请了文化部和出版署的许可。 www.elanso.com 7. Activision referred questions to NetEase, which declined to comment. Activision公司让记者向网易公司提问,网易拒绝置评。 c.wsj.com 8. As rival websites and top online media, NetEase and Sina has never had similar cooperation in game before. 网易和新浪同为国内门户网站,之前从未开展过类似的合作。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Weak financial posture of "Netease" is starting to concern its stockholders. “网易”的财政危机已开始困扰股东。 infos.edulife.com.cn 10. It is one easy case for the issue of NetEase. No matter what the result is, copyright is worthy pondering for media industry. 此次网易事件不过是个冰山一角,无论网易是否侵权,版权问题都是值得媒体界好好思考的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. According to second quarter results, more than 90% of NetEase revenue comes from its online gaming service. 从第二季度业绩结果来看,网易收入超过90%都来自在线游戏服务。 chinese.wsj.com 2. And in this commerce Bo Yizhong, netease and blizzard each takes what he needs, 9 cities exeunt cloudily however. 而在这场商业博弈中,网易与暴雪各取所需,九城却黯然退场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Sunday, NetEase shut its WoW servers for 'routine maintenance. ' 周日,网易以“日常维护”为由关闭了《魔兽世界》的服务器。 chinese.wsj.com 4. In the game, including netease, optic and jinshan etc. Large Internet company. 的游戏企业参加,其中包括网易、光通以及金山等大型网游公司。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Can Netease still manage the computer bos vaulting horse of the user? 网易难道还能管着用户的电脑不中木马? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The personage expresses related Netease, this is to perfect circumjacent product completely. 网易相关人士表示,这完全是为了完善周边产品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Netease: Come with me if you want to live. 网易:不想没的玩就跟我来。 bbs.ngacn.cc 8. And Netease is an omnibus network company, it can accept partial business not to make money, and more opportunity are gained in other side. 而网易是一家综合性的网络公司,它可以接受部分业务不赚钱,而在其他方面获得更多的机遇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Sohu's portal is growing as strongly as Sina and only Netease can compare to Shanda in gaming. 搜狐的门户与新浪的相当,而只有网易的游戏能够比较盛大。 www.jukuu.com 10. Earlier, NetEase said it didn't expect official interference in its launch. 早些时候网易曾表示,预计有关方面不会干预《魔兽世界》发布。 www.bing.com 1. Moreover, if the future Blizzard pushed for the Star Series games online games, NetEase also made "Jinshuiloutai the" foundation. 而且,如果未来暴雪公司为星际系列游戏推网游,网易也有了“近水楼台”的基础。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. There are four guys eating excrement together, named after the four big Chinese portals: Netease, QQ, Baidu and Google. cn. 网易、QQ、百度和谷歌(特指谷歌中国,下同)四个家伙一块儿吃大便。 www.dlnubbs.com 3. In February of 2009, Netease CEO Ding Lei announced his plan to expand into the pig raising sector. 09年2月,网易公司CEO丁磊对外宣布他进军养猪行业的计划。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Such unverified reports, Netease to pursue their legal obligations to retain the rights. 对于此类未经核实的报道,网易保留追求其法律责任的权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Nevertheless, the chip that Netease wins out may be more than hereat . 不过,网易胜出的筹码可能不止于此。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Previously the publisher had entrusted the game's operation in that market to The9, but going forward it will be licensed to NetEase. 之前,游戏发行商将游戏的市场运营权交予了第九城市,但今后它将被授权给网易。 www.bing.com 7. July 1, 2007, Netease announced Yodao, its own search engine, and it will not renew its partnership with Google. 2007年7月1日,网易发布自己的搜索引擎有道,并不再继续与谷歌的合作伙伴关系。 www.bing.com 8. Last week, NetEase reported flat fourth-quarter results in part because of the delayed rollout. 上周网易发表财报,显示去年第四季度业绩持平,部分原因是因为《磨兽世界》上线推迟。 c.wsj.com 9. Netease woman channel the female superior columns, give you the latest and most sexy hot the belle stars photo. 网易女人频道女上位栏目,给你提供最新最性感的火辣美女明星写真。 w28.org 10. The 2010 Beijing International Auto Exhibition opens Friday, according to NetEase Auto. 据网易汽车报道,2010北京国际车展今日开展。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Then we can build sina blog, netease blog, and domestic large BBS to do blog wrote his article take connection. 其次我们可以建立新浪博客,网易博客,和国内大站的bbs去做博客写自己文章带上连接。 www.82g.com.cn 2. Just recently, Blizzard's World of Warcraft hit regulatory snagson its way to re launching following a transition to operator NetEase. 就在最近,暴雪的魔兽世界在其将运营权转移到运营商网易后的重新开放过程中就一头撞上了监管壁垒。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Yesterday, a problem is " life times 15 days " the post appears on Netease forum awesomely . 昨日,一篇题为《生命倒计时十五天》的帖子赫然出现在网易论坛上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It is worth noting that a grand, giants such plans are not Netease CEO Ding Lei, founder and promising. 值得注意的是,盛大、巨人的这类计划并不被网易公司创始人兼CEO丁磊看好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. As Netease and blizzard more and more contacts, can discover the both sides immediateness in company culture and viewpoint of value more. 随着网易和暴雪越来越多的接触,越能发现双方在企业文化和价值观的接近。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. But officials in Huzhou, the east China city where Ding proposed to set up the farm, say Netease hasn't been in touch with them yet. 丁磊提出要将养猪场建在华东城市湖州,但湖州地方官员说网易尚未与他们联络此事。 www.bing.com 7. The changes will affect companies such as Shanda Games, NetEase. com and Tencent Holdings. 这种改变将影响如盛大游戏、网易、腾讯等公司。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Netease didn't respond to requests for comment. 网易没有回应对于此事评论的请求。 www.bing.com 9. We may say that your customers Netease ah, you can not take this approach to the generation of us. 我们可能说是你网易的顾客啊,你总不能拿这种态度来对代我们吧。 tieba.baidu.com 10. NetEase and Tencent couldn't be reached. 记者无法联系到网易和腾讯。 c.wsj.com 1. The net You Zhilu of Netease, go not smoothly. 网易的网游之路,走得并不顺利。 itzhe.cn 2. Since 2009, NetEase has been the main operator in China of the popular multiplayer online game World of Warcraft. 自2009年网易已经成为时下流行网络游戏魔兽世界的中国区主要运营商。 www.bing.com 3. Now, its NetEase. com Inc. 's (NTES) turn to take over WoW in China. 现在轮到网易公司(Netease.comInc.)接手《魔兽世界》在中国的运营。 www.bing.com 4. That would be the first Chinese national to be executed in Japan in modern times, according to news portal NetEase. com. 中国新闻门户网站网易(NetEase.com)称,这是现代在日本被处死的第一位中国公民。 www.bing.com 5. NetEase took on the license for World of Warcraft in China this summer. 网易今年夏季获得了《魔兽世界》在中国的独家运营权。 www.bing.com 6. And it said NetEase was perfectly free to offer the game on computers in China. 它说,网易公司完全免费地为中国的电脑提供的游戏。 www.elanso.com 7. For example you are women, you do products in sina women and netease women who buy a advertising to promote their products. 比如你是做女性产品的,你在新浪女性和网易女性买个广告位推广自己的产品。 www.82g.com.cn 8. Another procurement method is with the media, for example, can be bought in addition to resources NetEase can take per-click way to buy. 另外采购方式来说,跟媒体方面,例如网易除了可以买断资源也可以采取按点击来购买的方式。 www.y1web.com 9. NetEase shares have fallen about 23 percent from their record high achieved in September last year. 去年9月创纪录高点后,网易股价至今已累计大跌约23%。 cn.reuters.com 10. Shares of NetEase, the No. 2 online game company in China, closed down 2. 4 percent at $37. 69 on Nasdaq. 网易为中国第二大在线游戏运营商,其股价(NTES.O:行情)周一下跌2.4%至37.69美元。 cn.reuters.com 1. For example: BT resource channel, 163 Netease News Channel, Weather Channel and so on. 例如:BT资源频道,163网易新闻频道,天气频道等。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Newly edition Automobile Channel comes out in Netease 网易全新版汽车频道出炉 www.ilib.cn 3. The result of the selection of Mr. Brain failure twin stars by Netease of year 2005 2005年度网易脑瘫双子星评选结果 u2.club.163.com 4. NetEase provides multi-language search engine search; 网易搜索引擎提供多语言检索; www.biositemap.com 5. recharge game account, such as grand, Netease, Thunder and other game account; 充值游戏帐号,如隆重、网易、迅雷等游戏帐号; www.jieyitong2.com |
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