单词 | persona | ||||
释义 |
复数:personae 复数:personas n. character,face,figure,figure ,front persona 显示所有例句
例句释义: 角色,人物,形象,人格面具,假面,女神异闻录,人物角色 1. Atlus, the company behind the Persona and Megami Tensei series, is to be dissolved due to its ongoing financial problems. 和女神转生系列的公司,是要解散,因为它目前的财政问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Always with a plan, he had activated a post hypnotic suggestion in himself that made him repress the Batman persona in his mind. 蝙蝠侠总是有计划的,他在自己身上激活了一个催眠暗示,通过它压抑住了脑海中的蝙蝠侠人格。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Maybe his automatic shift into a typical camp-gay persona with me was bugging him or something, but I felt he was trying to score points. 也许是他成为一个典型的营地同性恋角色和我是自动变速或窃听了他的东西,但是我感觉他是想得分点。 www.fnovel.com 4. His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. 尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。 www.ecocn.org 5. If the system does not meet an essential evaluation point, the persona will not be able to use the system at all. 如果系统没有满足基本的评估点,角色根本不能够使用该系统。 www.ibm.com 6. He quickly followed this with a string of television commercials which played up to his sports persona to great effect. 出完自传后,他迅速地在电视广告中把他的运动形象发挥到极致。 dongxi.net 7. Your object is already aware that you're flirting with him, and visual contact will only underline the interest to his persona. 你的对象已经意识到你在跟他调情,眼神交流只会增强他的兴趣。 www.bing.com 8. It may even help to assume a somewhat stern, commanding persona that indicates an exacting sort of professionalism. 它可以让应聘者感到他将要面对的是一个严厉并且具有职业精神的面试官。 www.bing.com 9. You then select the characteristics that are most representative of that group and turn them into a persona. 从用户群中选择最有代表性的特征,把他们转换成人物角色。 www.jukuu.com 10. It feels strange, a bit, to me because it seems like the dark ages or another time, or another persona, which I guess I was. 对我来说,这有点怪,有那么一点,因为这像是中世纪,或另一个时间,或另一个人物,我猜我曾经是那样的。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For crucial to her own self-image was the persona of a woman at perpetual war, politically, nationally, internationally. 对于她自己的自我形象的重要性,救市一个女人在不断的战争、政治、国家和国际方面的角色。 www.bing.com 2. I made a lot of fun of him early on but that was because his TV persona was so strikingly different from the person I knew. 我过去经常逗他取乐,因为他电视荧屏上的角色太吸引人,和我认识的那个人不一样。 www.elanso.com 3. It was a defence of Whitehall and the public service that Sir Humphrey, for all his manipulative public persona, would have approved. 这是对白厅和公共服务的一种辩护——尽管汉弗莱的公众形象是喜欢操纵他人,但他会同意这点的。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If it does not meet an important evaluation point, the persona can use the product, but only with great effort and in an inefficient way. 如果没有满足重要评估点,角色可以使用产品,但只能付出很大努力,而以效率低下的方式。 www.ibm.com 5. A few years later, feeling trapped in a persona that she feared would destroy her, she left her family, remaining in Salisbury. 几年之后,因为感觉陷入了一种会毁掉自己的伪装,莱辛脱离了家庭,仍旧在索尔兹伯里生活。 www.bing.com 6. The only quality his unique political persona lacked was a sense of humor. 他独特的政治形象中唯一欠缺的品质是少了点幽默感。 www.bing.com 7. Cho introduced himself as "Question Mark, " saying it was the persona of a man who lived on Mars and journeyed to Jupiter. 有时候ChoSeung-Hui介绍自己时说自己是问号,说这是一个生活在火星并往木星上旅行的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Dumb Blonde: The capricious schtick was all a persona, if Hollywood legend is to be believed. 无脑金发美女:如果好莱坞传奇是可信的,那这些反复无常的把戏都只不过是面具而已。 bbs.mytimes.net.cn 9. A primary persona will not be satisfied by a design targeted at any other persona in the set. 针对集合中任何其他人物角色的设计都不能满足首要人物角色。 www.jukuu.com 10. As a canny author of her own persona, Drummond surely realizes that she must encourage the fantasy she has created. 作为一个精明的作家,蕾显然意识到,她必须为她创造的梦想加油。 www.bing.com 1. A persona describes the typical skills, abilities, needs, desires, working habits, tasks, and backgrounds of a particular set of users. 角色描述特定用户群的典型技能、能力、需求、愿望、工作习惯、任务和背景。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. I also thought they might be afraid to be associated with me, now persona non grata. 我还以为他们可能是害怕被认为是与我现在不受欢迎的人。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. The data are interpreted by a computer, allowing the young scientist to move his online persona smoothly around the streets of Second Life. 计算机解释采集到的数据,使这个年轻的科学家可以灵活地在第二人生的大街上移动他在线的身体。 www.2muslim.com 4. A persona usually consists of a list of characteristics a user of a service or product has, combined with a picture to create a profile. 用户角色通常由使用某服务或产品的用户的特征列表构成,将这些列表结合照片可以创建一份用户角色资料。 www.bing.com 5. Normally, a product will have several different user groups that need representing, so there will be a different persona for each of these. 正常情况,一个产品通常会有若干个不同的用户群体,而每个用户群通常都会对应一个不同的用户角色。 www.bing.com 6. It is the conflict between Persona and Self that leads to her dual character which is the major cause for her tragic life. 人格面具与自性之间的矛盾导致其双重性格的产生,而她的双重性格是导致其悲剧生活最主要的内在因素之一。 www.13191.com 7. My friends were confused about me, but I'd throw them off my trail by embracing the persona of a cynical, slightly neurotic fatalist. 我的朋友们还是搞不明白我的个人生活,我会带上愤世嫉俗、有点神经质、有点宿命论的人格面具去应付他们的疑惑。 www.bing.com 8. Each persona represents a role in the organization and is portrayed either by me, one of the course assistants, or an external person. 每个人物扮演机构中的一个角色,这些角色由我,或者某一位助教,以及一名特约人员分别饰演。 www.ibm.com 9. Ascension makes possible rising out of the dance of the persona and also beyond the limited planes and dreams cast by the Anu. 提升使得超越人格的舞蹈得以可能,并也超越由Anu所铸造的局限性的层面和梦想。 cqly186.blog.163.com 10. The name should be evocative of the type of person the persona is, without tending toward caricature or stereotype. 人物角色的名字应该是对其类型的体现,而不是倾向于漫画或者固定型。 www.jukuu.com 1. I wasn't going to lose my Rico Suave persona so I crumbled up the money and threw it on the bar. 我不想让自己的阳光帅男形象丢脸,于是拿了酒,将钱扔在柜台上。 www.bing.com 2. His Tourette's syndrome only adds to his mysterious persona, as his fear of speaking leads him to shun the media. 他的妥瑞综合征使他惧于发言而回避媒体,更进一步增加了他的神秘色彩。 www.bing.com 3. Costumes of a bathrobe and an evening gown, along with her punk style, accentuated the 41-year-old Wong's persona. 41岁的王菲从浴袍装到惊艳的晚礼服,从小洋装到帅气十足的朋克,造型百变,气质迷人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Current managing director Dominic Barton personally called Gupta to tell him he was now persona non grata at the firm. 当前的常务董事鲍达民亲自致电古普塔,称他如今被公司列为不受欢迎的人。 www.fortunechina.com 5. With his music and persona both marked by a flawed honesty, Kanye's man-myth dichotomy is at once modern and truly classic. 伴随着他的音乐和人格都被有缺陷的诚实所标示,Kanye的人神二元论是一次现代意义上的和真正意义上的经典。 www.bing.com 6. As the consciousness retracts , the body may realign without the confines of the persona and the stress of one's daily life. 当意识撤退时,身体就可以不在人格的限制及日常生活的压力下,重新再生自我。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The lack of a face-to-face persona seems to divest the professor of some authority. 一个面对面的脸的人物,似乎没有剥离一些权威教授。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Of course, these changes must not conflict with the interface needs of the primary persona or those of other secondary personas. 当然,这些变更必须不能与主要角色或者其他次要角色的界面需求冲突。 www.ibm.com 9. A persona typically includes a fictional name and characteristics that are consistent with one of the main user groups you have identified . 一个角色包括一个虚拟的名字,和与你某个主要用户群一致的特征。 www.bing.com 10. You may not have known about this option because you first have to set "Custom Persona" to show in your Preferences. 由于第一次使用时将CustomPersona设置为你的首选项,你可能不知道这些选项的意思。 www.bing.com 1. Doing the right exercises can actually make you increase your height and thereby improving your persona and your confidence as well. 进行正确的练习确实可以增高,提高你的身价和自信。 www.bing.com 2. I've never felt comfortable judging any attitude, persona, behavior, character quality, experience or belief to be "typically American. " 判断任何一种态度、人物、行为、品德、经历或信念是否具有“典型的美国特徵”,总令我颇费踌躇。 www.america.gov 3. He is known as a powerful man onstage and a "cute" persona offstage . 他在舞台上是一个充满野性的男人,在舞台下则是一个“可爱”的男孩。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. But the effects of knowing that someone has taken over your persona can be just as worrying. 但是,知道有人借用了你的身份,同样令人烦恼。 www.bing.com 5. Design choices can be tested on a persona in the same way that they can be shown to a real user during the formative process. 我们可以在人物角色上对设计方案进行测试,就像在正式过程中针对真实用户一样。 www.jukuu.com 6. Adopt a new persona - it's easy to fall into familiar traps around family and friends because they expect you'll act a certain way. 尝试新身份在家人和朋友身边,我们很容易进入相似的模式,因为他们会期望你如何处事。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Weiner was considered technologically adept and was known for his lively Twitter persona. 据说韦纳技术娴熟,他还是个众所周知的狂热“推”迷。 www.bing.com 8. Stylish and chic though someone appears to be, underneath that facade hides a very lightweight persona. 某个人也许看上去体面而时尚,但那光鲜的外表下其实隐藏着一个轻飘飘的内心。 www.douban.com 9. And your first impression persona would be at the top of its game. 你给别人的第一印象将是这次游戏的核心。 www.yappr.cn 10. However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona . 然而,许多人认为,她最大的魅力在于她不装腔作势的个性。 www.elanso.com 1. Your reputation and your online persona play much more of a role in getting you a new job than your resume or your cover letter ever could. 你的声誉和你的在线角色比你的简历和封面能起到更多作用来得到新工作。 swc.178.blog.163.com 2. The menacing expression of two 'superheroes' shows them as ambiguous righteous or as an evil persona. 这两位超级英雄面带恐吓的表情透露出他们亦正亦邪的性格。 www.christies.com 3. It was a shattering event which began a struggle between his public male persona and emergent female self, Lili. 自此一发不可收拾,艾纳先陷入了公众世界男人身份和私人内心女人倾向的苦苦挣扎之中。 www.bing.com 4. She created an exotic persona, held court with cheetahs and tiger cubs and installed a coffin in her bedroom. 她创造了奇特的人格,曾吸引了猎豹和老虎幼仔,她还在卧室里放了口棺材。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We discuss each of these persona types and their significance from a design perspective in the following sections. 在下面的小节中,我们将从设计的角度讨论每一个人物角色的类型及其意义。 www.jukuu.com 6. Although the fictional persona is portrayed as an individual, the profile typically reflects a whole group of users. 虽然假想的角色被描绘成个体,但轮廓反映出整个的用户组。 www.ibm.com 7. To many of his fans, Mr Obama's allure owes even more to his persona than to his policies. 对于他的诸多狂热支持者来说,奥巴马之所以吸引人更多是因为其个人魅力而不是其政策。 www.ecocn.org 8. The interviewer can FEEL your anxiety and can sense that you're putting on an 'agreeable persona. 面试官确实能感知到你的焦虑情绪,能意识到你戴上了“随和”的面具。 www.oxford.com.cn 9. But behind Gates's public persona was a corporate strategist whose tactics of competition some have likened to those of John D. Rockefeller. 然而,在盖茨的公众形象背后,是一个企业战略家,有些人将他的竞争战术与约翰·洛克菲勒相提并论。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. But what is not known is that he was a walk-in of the Obama persona as a teen, and not born into the body. 但不为人知的是他是奥巴马角色青年时期的接管者,而不是从出生开始。 apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Also in this diagram, each Persona is shown as a class having a set of skill prototyped skill attributes. 还是在此图中,每个角色显示为拥有一组skill原型技能属性的类。 www.ibm.com 2. Until now the First Lady's has had a more serious public persona, an advocate for education and women's rights in Afghanistan. 直到目前为止,第一夫人劳拉·布什一直保持着比较严肃的公众形像,倡导教育和阿富汗妇女的权益。 www.voanews.cn 3. The persona message can set to two team of short addresses or two team length address, drop mail message can set 12 team of short addresses. 私人讯息可设定为两组短地址或两组长地址,广播讯息可设定12组短地址。 www.huatailian.com 4. You will be emotionally intense and secretive about certain deeply persona matters, playing your cards close to your chest. 在情绪上,对于某些极深的个人问题你强烈隐密,全都藏在心里。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Guarantee system is divided into persona guaranty and material guarantee, which have been discussed respectively, in the thesis. 本文将担保制度大体分为人的担保和物的担保两大类型,分别加以比较研究。 www.fabiao.net 6. Despite his musical ambitions, Asano's persona as a rock star will unlikely match his success as an actor. 尽管他有着音乐上的野心,摇滚明星的角色却不会超过他身为演员的成就。 www.mtime.com 7. In some instances, an evaluation point may actually make it harder for a particular persona to use the product. 在某些情况下,评估点实际上会使特殊的角色更难使用产品。 www.ibm.com 8. Even Barack Obama tried to drop his ultra-cool persona to say how "angry" he was. 即使是奥巴马也放下了他极其冷静的姿态说出了他是多么得愤怒。 www.bing.com 9. they are simply space between serpents that became animated and donned the persona of a human that existed long ago upon another dimension. 他们完全是间隔空间被激活的蛇,摆出一个很久前存在于其他密度上的人类的外表。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The system is speech-operated rather than touch-tone operated, and the persona's voice is strikingly responsive. 该系统为语音操作,而非按键操作,这个人物的声音反应惊人地迅速。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You can count in 24-year-old Guo Jingming, a pop idol whose cross-dressing, image-obsessed persona has made him a sensation in the country. 年仅24岁的当红偶像郭敬明算得上一个。他总是穿着奇装异服,表现得极度自恋,这让他成为这个国家的一个热门人物。 www.bing.com 2. Attracted to Aniston's innocent persona, he likes the girl next door and yearns to be the household protector. 迷恋她的男人对邻居家的姑娘情有独钟,渴望成为她家的保护神。 www.hicoo.net 3. In an interview with NEWSWEEK, he denied that his unconventional stage persona had any homosexual message. 在接受《时代周刊》记者采访时,他否认自己的非正统舞台形象有任何同性恋暗示。 gb.cri.cn 4. He was declared persona non grataand forced to leave the country. 他被宣布为不受欢迎的人而被迫离开该国。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. He is also a brilliant inventor with his own underground laboratory, and when inventing he sometimes adopts a mad scientist persona. 他一位天才发明家,拥有地下实验室,每次搞研发都会出他科学怪人的一面。 www.ttxyy.com 6. The artist can have more control over how his work - and his own persona - is presented to the public. 艺术家更能控制他个人及作品对外的形象。 2009.cafamuseum.org 7. This may be about to change, however, with the emergence of a new marketing tool: persona design. 不过,随着人物设计(personadesign)这一新型营销工具的出现,这种情况或许即将发生改变。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Fine-featured and soft-spoken, he looked much more youthful than his 43 years and his current onscreen persona. 英俊又温文尔雅,他看上去比43岁的实际年龄和大银幕上的形象要年轻得多。 www.hicoo.net 9. As the persona attempts to reach a goal, the scenario records the specific steps that they take in attempting to reach that goal. 当角色试图达到某一目标时,该方案将记录角色在试图达到目标时采取的特定步骤。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Philanthropy, after all, is part of her persona. 毕竟,慈善事业是她人生的一部分。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Inconvenient means that the product is less usable for the persona, but the persona can still use it without significant hardship. 不便意味着产品对角色的可用性较小,但角色可以在没有重大困难的情况下使用产品。 www.ibm.com 2. I think you need to go into the interview and assess your interviewer -- see what kind of persona they have, she advises. 她建议你在面试开始后评估一下面试官,看他们是什么样的人。 www.chinastudents.net 3. The Site Persona represents both the Brand and the Goals of the web site, which you work into the mix through dialogue with User Personas. 该三亚网站建设假面既是品牌和三亚网站建设,您在混合工作通过与用户对话的目标人物角色。 www.duoente.net 4. A persona without goals can still serve as a useful communication tool, but it lacks utility as a design tool. 没有目标的人物角色仍然能够作为有用的交流工具,但作为设计工具是没有用的。 www.jukuu.com 5. But, on the questionable evidence of an hour at the Groucho Club, he is far more accessible than his public persona suggests. 不过,在格劳乔俱乐部令人不可思议的一小时中,他的公共形象远比他通常所暗示的来得平易近人。 www.bing.com 6. Often when a writer writes with the same persona all the time, they get very monotonous. 一个作家在写作时,如果总是用相同的笔触,那他的作品就会变得单调乏味。 www.bing.com 7. this require refined design practices, as well as close examination of persona needs, goals, and mental models. 诸如此类的问题需要我们细化设计实践,并且还要对人物角色的需求、目标和心理模型有细致的了解。 www.jukuu.com 8. After the construction of those persona models follows an explanation of their application. 接着在人物角色模型创建完成之后,对人物角色模型的使用进行了阐述。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. He creates his Mark Twain persona as a cautionary example to show that democracy requires egalitarianism and compassion. 他塑造了马克·吐温的化身,通过这样一个人物告诫人们,民主需要平等精神和同情心。 www.america.gov 10. Describing a persona's goals provides context and structure for tasks, incorporating how culture and workflow influence behavior. 通过对人物角色的目标描述来提供任务的场景和结构,同时也加入了文化和工作流程对行为的影响因素。 www.jukuu.com 1. The Persona class also has attributes that capture information collected through the interviews. 角色类也拥有通过面谈收集来的信息的属性。 www.ibm.com 2. A usage scenario describes how a persona interacts with a system to perform a specific task. 使用场景描述了一个人物是怎样与系统进行交互式作用,从而执行一个特定任务的。 www.ibm.com 3. Excluding means that if the evaluation point is met, the persona cannot use the product at all. 排除意味着如果满足了评估点,角色根本不能使用产品。 www.ibm.com 4. Once you have the wardrobe for your desired image consider the other behaviors that attribute to your personal persona. 要是你的衣柜已经有了想要的装扮就考虑下你个人角色的其他风格。 www.elanso.com 5. The primary persona represents the main targeted users; it is therefore the main driver for designing the application's user interface. 主要角色代表主要的目标用户,因此是设计应用程序用户界面的主要推动力。 www.ibm.com 6. she has created her own category and she works at every element of the discipline that contributes to her persona. 她自创了属于自己的行为范畴,并能时刻做到自律,从而塑造好自己的角色。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The receiving State may at any time notify the sending State that the head of the mission is persona non grata. 接受国任何时候得通知派出国:其馆长为不受欢迎的人。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. And despite a recent push to soften his perceived persona, Mr Brown has struggled to communicate with the public. 尽管最近为缓和他所谓的形像进行着推动,布朗也已经在为和公众沟通而努力。 www.ecocn.org 9. The competition is held as part of an annual celebration of the author's work and out-sized persona. 这种竞赛是(该地区)每年一度举行的庆典里的一部分,主要是找出谁最像某个作家或是名人。 learning.sohu.com 10. Testers performing exploratory testing take on a persona and perform the tasks that persona would perform. 执行探索性测试的测试人员充当一个角色,并执行该角色应执行的任务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Your little persona is made up of all the places that people have seen you and what has been said about you. 你的形象是由人们所看到的和所谈论的东西组成。 m.yeeyan.org 2. You might overlook a major persona, because a particular segment of customers does not use the Web. 你可能会忽略了主要客户,因为客户中有特别的一部分不上网。 www.bing.com 3. I call this fear of being misunderstood because, as teens, everything we do is about experimenting with our image, identity and persona. 我把这种恐惧称作害怕被误解,因为作为青少年,我们所做的每件事都和我们的形象、自我认同以及自我角色有关。 www.elanso.com 4. Mel Gibson built the persona of someone who takes a moral and ethical stand for others and creates movies with strong spiritual messages. (梅尔。吉布森)塑造了给别人树立道德、品德榜样的橘色。他所制作的电影带有很强的精神讯息。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. If my book is Chelsea Handler, my Forbes persona is Dave Barry if he wrote about women. 倘若本书是切尔西·亨德勒来写女性的话,我的福布斯特色人物是戴夫·巴里。 www.bing.com 6. Then the host propria persona after toasting the bottoms up should send present in return host to themselves, with he again do one cup. 即主人亲自向自己敬酒干杯后,应当回敬主人,与他再干一杯。 www.0734.coolline.cn 7. Therefore, a new formal representation of a Persona's goals, skills, and duties is introduced using the following UML artifacts. 因此,我们应该使用以下的UML工件来介绍角色目标、技能和责任的新的形式化表示。 www.ibm.com 8. His public persona has brought criticism from those who complain he is as interested in fame as in science. 他的公众形象已经招致了批评,有人说他对科学和名望的兴趣一样大。 cn.nytimes.com 9. It is odd that the Queen's online persona is administered by an empire based in America, with scant regard for constitutional niceties. 奇怪的是,英国女王的在线角色由美国网络巨头管理,这可并未考虑宪法细节。 www.ecocn.org 10. Eva' s public persona didn' t reveal much of her character. 伊娃在公开场合的形象并不显露她的真实性格。 www.bing.com 1. Uh, I-I'm late. Spotted--lonely boy going from teacher's pet To persona non grata In the pitter-patter of a heartbeat. 我要迟到了。现场报道,寂寞男孩从老师的宠儿,变成了不受欢迎的人,就在啪嗒心跳的那一瞬间。 www.bing.com 2. Some brands choose a strictly professional approach, while others give their posts and tweets a company persona. 有的品牌选择走严格的专业路线,有的则是展示企业的个性。 www.bing.com 3. The primary persona should drive the user interface design for every use case that involves the associated human actor. 主要角色应该为每个涉及相关人类参与者的用例推进用户界面设计。 www.ibm.com 4. We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types. 在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。 www.jukuu.com 5. Often a cause-and-effect relationship exists between business concerns and persona concerns. 通常因果关系存在于商业关注点和人物角色关注点之间,如下例。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In part, it may have been his grandfatherly persona, which appealed to young people in search of wise elders and finding so few. 在某种程度上,可能是因为他如慈祥老人般的人格魅力,这吸引了那些遍寻睿智长者而不见的年轻人。 www.bing.com 7. Impeding means that the persona could use the product, but only with considerable effort. 阻碍意味着角色可以使用产品,但只有付出相当大的努力。 www.ibm.com 8. If your persona has goals and the product has magical powers to meet them, how simple could the interaction be? 如果产品有魔术性效能来满足你的人物角色的目标,界面会多么简单? www.jukuu.com 9. This thesis will use Carl Jung's Persona theory to analyze the conflicts of the characters. 本文将使用卡尔荣格的人格面具理论来分析人物的矛盾。 www.fabiao.net 10. The best tool I've found for this kind of discussion is the persona. 我认为处理这种讨论的最佳工具就是角色(persona)。 www.ibm.com 1. Did you know that "person" comes from the Latin word persona which means mask? 那你知道“人”这个词其实是来自拉丁语的“面具”一词? www.engxue.com 2. His turn in The Departed is another example of Baldwin playing his youthful, aggressive persona for laughs. 在无间道风云中则转变成为一个在年轻时代雄心勃勃的搞笑人物。 www.bing.com 3. Several dissidents are considered (as) persona non grata by a certain government. 一些异议分子不受某一政府的欢迎。 club.163.com 4. You can maintain a clever, astute and erudite persona whether you're adolescent or octogenarian. 不管你是青少年还是个八旬老人,你都可以持续你的聪明、机敏和博学。 www.bing.com 5. Despite such tribulations, Mr. Khan maintained an affable, fun-loving persona, according to former co-workers and acquaintances. 但根据其以前同事和熟人们所说,尽管面临这样的磨难,Khan先生还依然保持着和蔼风趣的形象。 www.bing.com 6. A disfavored persona or persona with the objective of gaining access to an asset. 不受欢迎的角色或以获取资产访问权为目标的角色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. To examine these questions, I carry out my works in the persona of dog though different methods and formats. 为此,藉由不同的方法及形式,我让我的作品戴上了狗的面具。 dict.bioon.com 8. As CEO, he provided a charismatic persona and sharp instinct for knowing what consumers want. 作为CEO,他极具个人魅力,同时具有知道消费者想要什么的敏锐直觉。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Theron is the wife who encourages her husband to take on a female persona, only to find it's more deeply rooted than she imagined. 塞隆扮演的妻子鼓励丈夫学会女性的特点,但是发现结果比她想象的要难得多。 www.elanso.com 10. We wonder why there is a disconnect between our work persona and our way of communicating at home. 我们想知道为什么在工作性格和家中交流之间有一个脱节。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. I had built a persona all around what I could and couldn't do. 我在我能做什么和我不能做什么之间制作了一个面具。 www.ted.com 2. What characteristics are included in a persona? 角色包括些什么特性 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I also play different persona on the projects, including Russell, the customer. 我也同样会在项目中扮演不同的角色,包括Russell,那个客户。 www.ibm.com 4. The Angles and Persona - psychological approach. 角度和个人—心理学的探索。 bbs.myfate.cn 5. It can be a summary of what the persona does in a storyboard before you create it. 在你开始创建使用场景之前,它可以是一个人物在故事板中行为的概述。 www.ibm.com 6. His sunny persona is unaffected, and Lang Lang is on to an anecdote about his former teacher, Graffman. 郎朗开朗的形象并未受到影响,开始讲他以前的老师格拉夫曼(Graffman)的一件趣事。 www.ftchinese.com 7. How do you think audiences regard that persona? 你认为观众会对这类人物怎么看?。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. But at what age should children get their first cellphone, laptop or virtual persona? 但现在的孩子几岁开始用手机和笔记本,几岁开始拥有虚拟身份才合适呢? www.elanso.com 9. What's most interesting about the tale is how Mr. Price used the new tools of Facebook and e-mail to create his persona. 这个故事最吸引人的一点是普莱斯如何利用Facebook以及电子邮件这些新工具来对自己进行改头换面的包装。 c.wsj.com 10. Personality comes from the Latin word "persona" which means "mask" . 性格这个单词来自于拉丁词语“persona”,它的意思是“面具”。 www.elanso.com 1. Constructing a confident yet modest writer persona is very important to the persuasiveness of an RA. 建构一个自信而又谦虚的作者形象是影响文章说服力的重要因素。 www.juhe8.com 2. Despite her childlike persona, you can't help but sense Hamasaki was never truly a child. 虽然保持童稚的形象,你却禁不住意识到滨崎步从来没有真正当过孩子。 www.fzfanyi.com 3. We all tend to believe that what we've shown the world so far is the persona we're stuck with. 人们常会相信当前向外界所展示的自我是那个自己被困于其中的角色。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The persona hypothesis is a first cut at defining the different kinds of users (and sometimes customers) for a product. 人物角色假设是为特定领域的产品定义不同用户种类(有时是顾客)的第1步,这一假设是确定一系列初始访谈的基础。 www.jukuu.com 5. His chilly public persona is an impediment, but he is working on it. 他冷漠的公众形象是一大弱点,不过他正在努力改变。 www.ecocn.org 6. Two people at Ford's ad agency responded day and night to Facebook posts in the persona of Doug. 福特广告代理公司的两名员工则不分昼夜地以道格的名义回复Facebook上的留言。 chinese.wsj.com 7. An example of a persona is shown in Table 1. 表格1中所示的一个人物实例。 www.ibm.com 8. But her sex kitten persona left her pigeonholed in shallow roles and alone. 但是她天生性感尤物的形象把她局限于出演肤浅银幕角色中。 wenwen.soso.com 9. By identifying the logical connections between each persona's behaviors, you can begin to infer the goals that lead to those behaviors. 通过识别每一个人物角色行为的逻辑关联,你开始得到产生这些行为的目标。 www.jukuu.com 10. Still, he is upbeat and cheerful, a contrast with his often grumpy on-screen persona. 不过,他表现得兴高采烈,与在脾气暴躁的屏幕形象形成了鲜明对比。 www.ftchinese.com 1. These statements got him declared a "persona non grata" by Cannes authorities, meaning he is banned from the festival from here on out. 来自戛纳官方的通告使他公然成为了一名“不受欢迎的人”,这表明他从这一刻起,即在这个节日盛会上被封杀。 www.bing.com 2. How do we get information for a persona? 我们怎样获得角色的信息? blog.sina.com.cn 3. That is, if you're on the board of a company that gets into trouble, you'll find your time stolenandpossibly your persona; reputation too. 换言之,假如你担任董事的公司陷入麻烦,你将发现自己的时间都被浪费,你个人的声誉也可能受损。 q.sohu.com 4. So in that sense my absence of persona is an advantage. 所以从这个角度来看,我缺乏个性反而是个优势。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Really want to have a persona chat with me or something else . 真想有个人陪我聊聊天什么的。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Not so as a public persona in the internet age. 但作为互联网时代的一个公众人物,情况就完全不是这样子。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. My persona for the SQA engineer is a female named Ginger. 6我的SQA工程师角色是一位名叫Ginger的女性。 www.ibm.com 8. Fashion, hairstyling and skincare choices are attractive because they let users individualize their online appearance and persona. 时尚、发型和护肤方式的多样都非常吸引人,因为他们让使用者可以使得他们的网上形象和个人更加个性化。 edu.qq.com 9. General experience goals such as "don't feel stupid" and "don't waste time" can be taken as implicit for almost any persona. 一般的体验目标,诸如“不感觉愚笨”或“不要浪费时间”可以被认为是任一人物角色都隐含的。 www.jukuu.com 10. What are the things that a persona wants to accomplish using our product? 利用我们的产品,人物角色要实现什么样的目标? open.163.com 1. They almost take on a different persona, and that can make it easier for some students to engage in summer romances. 他们通常会表现出不同的个性,对于一些学生来说,这样使他们更容易沉浸入夏季恋情中。 www.bing.com 2. Tonight, however, I feel like today has become a persona non grata. 然而今夜,我感到今天自己好像成了一个不受欢迎的人。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It is unclear how sluggish Indian trains fit with the James Bond persona. 不知道行动缓慢的印度火车如何能与詹姆斯-邦德这个角色扯上关系。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Chapter 3 illuminates Miss Havisham's Persona and Self and her dual character and her tragic life. 第三章具体分析郝维仙小姐的人格面具、自性、双重性格和她的悲剧命运之间的关系。 www.13191.com 5. Not only was his persona different, his trading was different. 他不但性格不同,交易方式也不同。 www.56.cx 6. So it won't affect your persona during your working lifetime. 所以,它不会影响你在工作期间伪装的形象。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The false persona they display to the masses will be revealed. 他们对群体大众展示的虚伪角色将被揭示。 www.sinovision.net 8. This is actually not at all the persona that he has projected. 这事实上并不是他呈现给人的形象。 open.163.com 9. And I became persona non grata in my native country. 我在自己的祖国成为了“不受欢迎的人”。 big5.china.com 10. A detailed persona description implies a similar level of observation in your research. 同样,详细的人物角色描述意味着在你在研究中的相似程度的观察。 www.jukuu.com 1. So the persona is the mask you put on before you show yourself to the outside world. 所以,persona是你向外在世界表现自己之前的一张面具。 www.kidfanschannel.net 2. But Martin is a master of career and persona changes. 可马丁又是变换职业和形象的高手。 www.hotdic.com 3. No, it's the persona of Lang Lang that's really rock star in stature. 实际上,郎朗表现出来的性格让他获得了摇滚明星般的声望。 chinese.wsj.com 4. With 3 coin transform, painted to justice and combat persona, OOO world ping cheng knight rider series 12th bombs. 3枚硬币变换,漆成正义和战斗人物角色,刀枪不入,因而如何世界系列12炸弹。 bdg.cc 5. He has cultivated a quirky public persona that includes his love of cats. 此外,梅森也逐渐成为公众眼中的怪人,包括爱猫成癖。 chinese.wsj.com 6. After many years of teaching practice, vocational education cultivates a great number of practical talented persona for our country. 职业教育经过多年的教学实践为国家培养出了一大批应用型人才。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. A documented day in the life of a persona. 角色生存期中有记录的一天。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. A persona is an instance of actor, and it can be associated with multiple storyboards. 一个人物就是一个角色实例,并且他能够与多个故事板联系起来。 www.ibm.com 9. A system helps the persona reach these goals. 系统帮助角色实现这些目标。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Including her boss's online persona. 其中也包括她的老板的网络形象。 www.bing.com 1. but the the persona in the water surface seems very sad. 水中的倒影显得非常悲伤。 tieba.baidu.com 2. They will be an important source of requirements. For each primary and secondary persona, you must identify. 它们将会是需求的一个重要来源,对于每一个基本和次要人物角色,你必须确定。 www.jukuu.com 3. New Car from Proton - Persona. 新的马来西亚国产车。 www.qqangeline.com 4. And the "you" who recognises yourself in your online screen-image is divided: I am never simply my screen persona. 而这个从网上的屏幕形象中辨认出自己的“你”是分裂了的:我从不只是我屏幕上的角色。 www.bing.com 5. Define your persona, if you are using one. 确定你的人物,如果你已经使用了。 www.ibm.com 6. How do you prevent your groggy self from making decisions your working persona will regret? 怎样防止因为你的决定使得工作形象不佳而感到后悔呢? www.elanso.com 7. As enough wholeness is mastered in one's dreams, then the persona falls away and gives way to allowing the ancestors to personify the life. 当在梦想中掌握有足够的整体时,那么人格将会掉落,而让出道路来允许祖先为生活赋予人格。 cqly186.blog.163.com 8. The diplomat was persona non grata. 这位外交官不受欢迎。 en1.chinabroadcast.cn 9. He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning! 他因昨日忘了多买些咖啡,今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的! zhidao.baidu.com 10. Taken together, the relationship between an evaluation point and a persona can be described along a scale of seven values 总之,评估点和角色之间的关系可以被描述成七个值 www.ibm.com 1. Want to be a bad boy? Here are a few things you can do to take on that persona: 想做个坏小子了吧?这里有些方法供你运用,你就能成为那样的人: blog.hjenglish.com 2. Crime of organizing the transportation of other persona secretly across the border 组织运送他人偷越边境罪 www.englishcafe.cn 3. A Preliminary Discussion about Editors'Persona Standard 编辑人格本位初论 www.ilib.cn 4. plenipotentiary chief delegate observer spokesperson signatory persona non grata the Five Principles of Pe aceful Coexistence 全权代表首席代表观察员发言人签署者不受欢迎的人短语和平共处五项原则 wenku.baidu.com 5. persona(L. ), an actor's mask or character, an assumed personality 演员的面具或性格,一种设想的个性(或人物) www.qeto.com 6. On Persona Design of Software Development 论软件开发的角色设计 service.ilib.cn 7. Now you prob'ly get this picture from my public persona 现在你从我的公证人那里得到这张照片 wenwen.soso.com 8. I kill ya, my natural persona's much worse 杀光你们我天生的伪装里都是败絮 wenwen.soso.com 9. I'm real live man, you a persona 我是一个真正的活生生的男人,你一个人格面具 zhidao.baidu.com |
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