单词 | pay off |
释义 | pays off是pay off的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:pays off 现在分词:paying off 过去式:paid off 例句释义: 偿清,付清,发清,发清工钱解雇,值得,值得的,如愿以偿 1. Its short wheelbase gives it a busy ride over expansion joints, but that pays off on curvy roads, where the 335i comes into its own. 其短轴距赋予它一个繁忙乘坐的伸缩缝,但回报的曲折道路,那里的335i进入自己的。 usa.315che.com 2. This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see. 这需要做一点额外工作,但是可以获得丰厚的回报,因为如您所见,所有贴子都将以倒序显示。 www.ibm.com 3. But the point that all that planning and preparation pays off during the later phases of the project is well taken. 但是所有计划和准备在稍后项目进行良好的阶段就会得到回报。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off. 不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The system pays off for the company too the interns routinely work full time hours but collect no health benefits. 那个系统也给实习生例行公事地全职工作报酬,但这对大学生健康不利。 www.hxen.com 6. Perhaps, but it will be hard to see how Google can resist following Facebook's lead if the network's social-app initiative pays off. 如果Facebook的社交应用软件获得了预期效果的话,或许我们将很难看到谷歌怎样避免对于Facebook的跟风。 www.bing.com 7. If the gamble pays off, if the guests show up in a festive mood and hit it off with one another, you have a fabulous time. 如果这场赌博划得来,宾客露面时如同过节一般欢喜,相互间一见如故,这场宴会将会是难以置信的好时光。 dongxi.net 8. So, runs the rationale, they should be entitled to a share of all the bounty on the occasion when one of their bets pays off. 所以,按照这种逻辑,当一次赌注得到回报时,他们应当有权分得所有赏金中的一定比例。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She makes a down payment of $10 and pays a $5 service fee. Over the next two months she pays off the rest. 她得到10%的优惠,服了5美元的服务费,而在以后的两个月内付清下余货款。 source.yeeyan.org 10. Sometimes it pays off handsomely but other times the earnings, given the hours you put in, don't even add up to minimum wage. 有时候你能大赚一笔,但是也有些时候那绵薄的收入相对于你投入的时间成本而言是入不敷出的。 www.bing.com 1. During the interview focus on making good first impressions. Understand good body language. And a firm handshake pays off. 在面试中注意做出能制造良好第一印象的举动。了解那些好的肢体语言,比如紧紧地握手。 ts.hjenglish.com 2. Learning a foreign language can be very frustrating, but it pays off. 学习一门外语非常郁闷,但总有汇报的。 www.qingsongxuexi.com 3. As you see, when it comes to October, patience pays off. 如你所见,十月到来的时候,你的耐心就没了。 www.douban.com 4. The next decade could determine which of these bets pays off. 下一个十年,输赢就可能会见分晓。 chinese.wsj.com 5. I believe that the "Emperor it pays off" , I carefully, carefully, carefully, strive to get rid of this drawback. 我相信“皇天不负有心人”,我会仔细、仔细、再仔细,争取将这个缺点改掉的。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Typically, however, using good OO habits pays off in the long run, as future changes are greatly solidified. 但是,通常,使用优秀的OO习惯从长远来看十分划算,因为将极大地巩固未来更改。 www.ibm.com 7. Spend some time, effort, and some financial resources when necessary to get a good RETURN. It PAYS OFF! 花一些时间,努力和一些金钱如果需要的话来得到一个好的回报,这是值得的。 www.028town.com 8. "It's all about teamwork and helping one another to grow, " he says. "Believe me, in the end it pays off. " 「团队合作和协助他人成长是我们的重心。」他说:「相信我,到后来一切都是值得的。」 toastmasters.org.tw 9. Finally, the work pays off, for half an hour later, I climb up the Great top! 终于,工夫不负有心人,半个小时后我登上了长城顶峰! zhidao.baidu.com 10. And usually pays off in the long run, as well. 通常来说,它的收益也是长期的。 flash1.for68.com 1. And what happens if all this loyalty and networking pays off? 如果所有的忠诚和人际网都产生了效果,那么接下来会发生什么呢? www.ecocn.org 2. Research pays off. The most appealing and seductive (that word again) exterior can hide the most danger and chance of loss. 研究表明,最诱人(又用到这个词了)的表象下往往潜藏着最深重的危机和最惨痛的损失。 www.bing.com 3. I think, though a man's strength is slim, but as long as you work hard, always pays off. 我觉得,虽然一个人的力量是微薄的,但是只要你努力了,总会有回报的。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Well, it pays off for her. How old is she anyway? 额,这对她有益。她贵庚? www.tingclass.net 5. Really? It is not easy! But it finally pays off, may i ask you why you spent so much time to repair the bell? 是吗?!真不容易,不过努力终有成果。可不可以问下您为什么要花这么多力气修这个钟呢? bulo.hjenglish.com 6. It's so hard to take the trouble to wrangle all the stuff together the night before, but it really pays off. 虽然要在头天夜里把一切东西都准备好真是太难了,但真地有好处。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Hard work pays off, you know. 你知道,辛苦工作总会有回报。 www.putclub.com 8. If the bet pays off when the buyer of the derivative is no worse off, we call it speculation. 如果衍生品购买者的境况没有变差,押注能得到回报,我们称之为投机。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Still, automated testing is an investment that pays off over the life of the project. 对于项目的整个生存期,自动化测试仍然是一项有收益的投资。 www-128.ibm.com 10. When you add in the possibility of needing to rework the application for a larger (plural! ) audience, it pays off even more. 如果有可能需要对应用程序进行重构,以适应更大的用户群,那么这种努力会有更大的回报。 www.ibm.com 1. Compare those statistics to major airline safety records and cruise experts say you'll see how their commitment to safety pays off. 比起各大航空公司的安全纪录,专家认为游轮兑现了安全的承诺。 www.cctv.com 2. While the perceived urgency of getting on board is clear, what's less obvious to businesses is whether or not social pays off. 急于登船的心情已不言自明了,但是没有注意到的一点是社交回报有多少? www.bing.com 3. I've suffered a lot and I've worked hard, so I hope that it all pays off. 我已经经历很多,我会努力,我希望我经受的这一切都是值得的。 page.renren.com 4. If OZ Minerals pays off all its debt, excluding convertible bonds, it would have around A$600 million in cash after the deal. 如果OZ还清除了可转换债券以外的所有债务,那麽交易完成后,其还将拥有大约6亿澳元现金。 cn.reuters.com 5. Mary: Sure. Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off. 当然可以。在家做好面试准备工作是值得的。 www.898house.com 6. When a default occurs, one party pays off the other. 当违约发生时,交易的一方要向另一方偿付。 www.bing.com 7. The time invested in learning such tools as these quickly pays off in the large amount of time they save. 投资在学会这样的工具的时间很快就会在它们所节省的时间中得到补偿。 www.cnblogs.com 8. Mr Lewis's best shot at redemption is to make sure that the takeover of Merrill pays off. Lewis先生赎罪的最好方式就是确保对美林的接管盈利。 www.ecocn.org 9. You see, ethical behavior pays off in financial returns. 你知道,道德的行为将得到经济上的回报。 club.topsage.com 10. Hard work pays off much more than cheating because you actually get long-term benefits from it. 努力学习要比作弊付出的多很多,但你会实实在在获得长期的受益。 www.bing.com 1. Here's where your rich data structure pays off, because you don't need any special logic to handle the subtraction rule. 这里便显示出你丰富的数据结构带来的优势,你不必处理需要什么特定的逻辑处理减法规则。 wiki.woodpecker.org.cn 2. This equivalence in analysis accuracy pays off in several ways, with productivity being the most obvious. 分析精确性中的这种等效性在几个方面获得了回报,其中生产率是最为明显的。 www.infoq.com 3. They live exclusively in the moment and it pays off in Olympic Gold. 他们住在独家不负有心人,在这一刻奥运金牌。 actuafreearticles.com 4. Congratulations, Francis. Your hard working finally pays off. I am so happy for your promotion. 恭喜你。你的辛苦工作最终都得到回报了。你升职我很开心。 www.hxen.com 5. The resulting flexibility really pays off both in testability and flexibility. 由此产生的灵活性无论是可测试性还是灵活性真的是非常值得。 www.infoq.com 6. And what happens if all this loyalty and networking pays off? How do you keep power once you win it? 那么,如果这些忠诚和人脉网奏效了会怎样? www.24en.com 7. A debt consolidation loans is one loan which pays off many other loans or lines of credit. 债务合并贷款是指用一个贷款来偿还其他的贷款和一系列的信用卡。 www.suiniyi.com 8. We would call Hlynur a workaholic, but so are most of his compatriots. It pays off. 我们可以把赫利纳称为“工作狂”,但是,冰岛人也大多和他一样。 www.3tedu.com 9. Usually, a country is pays off the import with the export or the longterm loan. 通常,一个国家是用出口或长期借款来清偿进口的。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. God pays off, I really have to be found. 老天不负有心人,真得被我找到了。 www.82g.com.cn 1. This investment pays off by leaving an unforgettable impression on the consumer. 这笔投资是为了给消费者留下难以忘记的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Do a lot of reading. You never know whether it pays off. Improve communication skills, you will benefit from it all your life. 大量阅读。你从不知道它什么时候回报。加强沟通技能,你的一生都会从中受益。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Often, but depending on technical conditions, rigid pricing pays off. 但他们往往依赖于技术条件,靠固定的价格来赢利。 www.ecocn.org 4. It includes credit-default swaps, a form of insurance that pays off if a bond goes bad. 它包括信用违约互换,一种在债券变坏的情况下可以给予保障的保险形式。 www.stnn.cc 5. These stories make for captivating headlines, but all the evidence is that college pays off better than ever. 这些故事的确很吸引眼球,但所有证据表明,投资大学教育的收益比以往任何时候都要丰厚。 chinese.wsj.com 6. We all know that breaking a bad habit or establishing a new, healthy one can be difficult, but persistence pays off. 我们都知道,改掉坏习惯,或是形成一个全新的、健康的新习惯,很难,但是坚持就是胜利。 www.bing.com 7. I firmly believe that: naturally I material will useful, pay pays off! 我坚定地认为:天生我材必有用,付出总会有回报! www.ccmn.com 8. It pays off to conduct property tax from the perspective of economics and economic law. 无论是从经济学还是经济法的角度分析,开征物业税都具有十分重要的价值。 www.13191.com 9. Having researchers work more closely with customers pays off in other ways. 研究人员和顾客更紧密接触的益处还体现在其他一些方面。 www.ecocn.org 10. But it is the technology surrounding the mainframe that really pays off for I. B. M. today. 但是使IBM能够取得今日成就还是其主营业务的科技环境。 www.bing.com 1. LIME: What pays off better in this industry, working hard or schmoozing smart? 在音乐这一行,是努力还是讨好可以获得回报、收获? www.leehom-cn.com 2. If the asset pays off in full, the investor repays the loan, with a profit of $357, 000. 如果问题资产被全部收回,投资者归还政府贷款后获利35.7万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Patience pays off, often in a very big way. 但耐心总会得到回报,往往还是巨大的回报。 www.bing.com 4. Being an active member of the conversation pays off. 成为会话的积极成员才会有成效 www.bing.com 5. Apprenticeship also pays off for employers. 学徒期对雇主也是有价值的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Answer: find someone who doesn't know much about basketball and pays off two dollars on this bet instead of one. 答案是:找到不太懂篮球的人,付给他2美元而不是1美元。 www.bing.com 7. Hard work pays off, you get what you put in . 艰苦的劳动后,你会得到你所付出的回报。 dict.kekenet.com 8. Define boundaries between your personal life and your study life. This isn't easy, but it pays off. 界定你的生活,学习是学习,生活是生活。这虽然很难做到,但值得一做。 www.cdhuaying.com 9. Of course, beauty pays off in spheres of life other than the workplace. 当然美是在生活方面而不是工作场所给人回报。 www.ecocn.org 10. From a financial stand-point alone, safety pays off. 单从经济角度来看,安全生产也是大有裨益的。 www.enfamily.cn 1. In other words, a sound architecture really pays off. 换句话说,一个稳健的架构是有回报的。 www.infoq.com 2. We are all working hard and we hope the effort pays off on the pitch over the coming season. 我们所有人都努力训练,希望在将要到来的新赛季得到回报。 www.laziofly.com 3. The result: you'll find an investment in XPath one that quickly pays off. 最终,您将发现在XPath上的投入能很快带来收益。 www.ibm.com 4. Patience has a future payoff, but impulse pays off now. 耐心的收成在日后,性急的收成在眼前。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Unfortunately, you have not followed, the work pays off. wait until your brother has finally agreed. 呵呵,可惜你不肯跟我走,工夫不负有心人,终于等到你老弟同意了。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. All her hard work pays off. 她所有的努力得到了回报。 www.tieku.org 7. Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off now. 勤奋工作总会有好报的,懒惰立马就有回报。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. My observation: Kind works! And pays off! 我的观察是:与人为善行之有效,且善有善报! www.ftchinese.com 9. Exercise and eating right pays off big in your quality of life! 运动和正确的饮食会大大回报提高你的生活质量! www.bing.com 10. The work in the gym pays off when one must don a formal gown for a charity gala. 对于那些必须身着正式的礼服出席慈善晚会的人在健身房锻炼是必须的。 www.bing.com 1. Life's great and perseverance pays off. 生活很美好,坚持得到了回报。 group.mtime.com 2. Long-term investment pays off. 长期投资是划得来的。 www.678876.org 3. Make the proper investment in a unit test, and it pays off later. 在单元测试上做适当的投入,随后将得到回报。 www.ibm.com 4. Investing time to ensure these things pays off when the need to maintain code arises. 请投入时间以确保在需要维护代码时这些方面会有所回报。 www.ibm.com 5. It pays off: they hardly ever leave. 这很有效果:他们很少离开。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To do so simply pays off too well. 这样做很简单,但带来的好处太多了。 www.ibm.com 7. What still excites him about journalism, Bradlee said, is that "high energy pays off" for getting a good story. 布拉德利表示,至今他仍然情系新闻事业的原因是:为完成一篇优秀的报道,付出大量精力是物有所值。 www.america.gov 8. This is a risky move sometimes, but it pays off if you do it right. 有时这是很冒险的,但是很值得,如果你做对的话。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Patience pays off. 耐心会有回报的。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Similarly , someone who borrows to buy shares when they are cheap has an excellent chance of losing everything before the gamble pays off . 同样,那些在股价便宜时借钱购买股票的人,很有可能在赌注下对之前就输个精光。 www.bing.com 1. I have always stuck to the principle that hard work pays off. 我一直坚持这样的原则,即努力总有回报。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now. 勤奋会在将来得到回报,而懒惰却是现世报。 i.cn.yahoo.com 3. Hard work pays off. 努力工作会有回报的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When your hard work pays off and you do land a job, don't forget all the trials and trouble you went through to get it. 当你的辛苦获得了回报,你终于获得了一份工作,不要把一路获得它所经历到的一切考验和麻烦全部忘掉。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. They know that hard work pays off and because of this they are willing to work hard. 他们知道自己将从努力工作中所获得的回报,并且那也是他们所愿意为之奋斗的。 www.bing.com 6. It takes a long time but in the end, it pays off. 或许会花费很长时间但结果是有所回报的。 www.bing.com 7. It really pays off to study abroad. 出国留学是值得的。 www.5151abc.com 8. Filter for Arsenic-Polluted Water in Bangladesh Pays Off for Chemist 发明砷污染水过滤器给孟加拉国的化学家带来利益 www.amazon.cn 9. Re "Even for Cashiers, College Pays Off" (Economic Scene, Sunday Review, June 26) 作为“就算对收银员,大学教育也值得拥有”(经济状况,周日评论,7.26)的回复 www.bing.com 10. CASE STUDY: Great leap pays off for Suttle 案例研究:重大跨越为Suttle带来回报 www.ftchinese.com 1. An investment that pays off 有回报的一项投资 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Patience Pays Off: Bide Your Time And Save 耐心等待回报:付出时间,节约了成本 www.hjenglish.com |
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