单词 | pay-rises |
释义 | pay-rises例句释义: 全部 1. In his autumn statement, he said this would be followed by a 1% cap on their pay rises for the two subsequent years. 在秋季声明中,他表示在随后两年里还将再削减1%的薪水。 xiaozu.renren.com 2. A driver's health profile and blood pressure are among the other factors considered in determining pay rises, she said. 她说,司机的健康状况与血压也是决定加薪的因素。 www.bing.com 3. Without a resumption of economic activity, not to say generous and rapid pay rises, people could become restless. 如果经济活动不恢复,更不要奢望又多又快的涨工资了,这可能会导致动荡。 www.ecocn.org 4. Factories across South Africa closed as tens of thousands of workers in the chemical and other industries called for pay rises of up to 15%. 南非许多工厂关闭,由于好几万化工业及其他行业的工人要求工资增长15%。 www.ecocn.org 5. Lay down the law. Tell him pay rises and bonuses depend on him shaping up and watch his attitude change. 告诉他,加薪和奖金都取决于他的表现,看看他的态度是否改变。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Paltry pay rises, as well as job losses, mean employment income is probably growing by less than 3%, well below the inflation rate. 物价上升和失业率的上升意味着职业收入可能以少于3%的概率上升,这个数据刚刚低于通胀率。 boboan79.blog.163.com 7. While top-end pay rises were at close to or above retail price inflation, a large number of deals settled well below this level. 虽然加薪幅度的高端区间接近或超过零售价格通胀率,但许多企业的加薪幅度远低于这一水平。 www.ftchinese.com 8. He lavished $36bn on his subjects, in pay rises and debt forgiveness, and to help them buy houses and start businesses. 他通过加薪和减免债务的方式向臣民们派发了360亿美元红包,以帮助他们买房和创业。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Moreover, negotiated settlements have been modest. Actual pay rises, indeed, have lagged behind inflation for several years. 不仅如此,谈判达成的解决方法作用有限,实际工资上涨落后于物价上涨的状况已持数年之久。 club.topsage.com 10. Separately, it has emerged that BA boss Willie Walsh and other executives will receive substantial pay rises after the two airlines merge. 另外,现在终于发现,是巴老板威利·沃尔什和其他行政人员将会收到后大幅增加工资的两家公司合并。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. This dates back to the era of post-war wage controls, when firms offered benefits instead of pay rises. Today's tax code sets it in stone. 这要追溯到战后薪资控制时代,当时公司提供福利而不是加薪,这一点己写入税法。 www.ecocn.org 2. The private sector did much of the work: enterprises restructured and trade unions accepted low pay rises and more flexible contracts. 私营企业在其中发挥了主要作用:公司重组,贸易联盟推行降低加薪幅度和灵活合同条款的政策。 www.ecocn.org 3. For many years China's large pool of surplus labour held average pay rises below the rate of productivity growth. 多年来,中国的过剩劳动力大军使得工资的平均增长保持在生产率增长之下。 www.ecocn.org 4. Managers and other highly skilled staff often demand steep pay rises to move from sophisticated coastal cities to the boondocks. 经理和其他技术精湛的技术人员常要求大幅加薪才肯从发达的沿海城市搬至偏远地区。 www.bing.com 5. Asking for a raise: Bosses are most receptive to requests for pay rises on Wednesdays, a survey of more than 1, 500 UK top brass shows. 要求涨薪:对超过1500名的英国高层的调查显示,老板们在周三接受涨薪要求的可能性最大。 www.bing.com 6. now it is less than a tenth. Several Arab states have decreed hefty pay rises: 25% for public-sector workers in Syria, 30% in Egypt. 一些阿拉伯国家颁布法令大幅提高工资:叙利亚公务人员工资上涨25%,埃及公务人员工资上涨了30%。 www.ecocn.org 7. The Communist Party has decreed double- digit pay rises and firms are grumbling about a new labour law . 越南共产党颁布法令,要求两位数字百分比的加薪,而工厂主都在抱怨这项新的劳工法。 www.bing.com 8. In the past decade its firms have modernised and their workers have accepted miserly pay rises, boosting their competitiveness. 在过去十年中,它的企业一直很现代化,它的工人被纵容贪婪的要求涨工资,增强他们的竞争力。 www.ecocn.org 9. In exchange for 35 hours of work per week, drivers enjoy a generous salary, above-inflation pay rises and a hefty pension. 每周35个工作小时换来的是司机丰厚的薪水,在应对通货膨胀带来的物价飞涨能得心应手,同时也能享有巨额养老金。 www.ecocn.org 10. But if workers expect permanently higher inflation, they are likely to press for faster pay rises. 但如果员工预期通胀将长期加剧,就很可能会强烈要求加快工资上涨的速度。 c.wsj.com 1. But the middle class is squeezed between sluggish pay rises and the soaring costs of health care, college and petrol. 但中产阶级眼下正受到缓滞的涨薪和医疗、大学以及汽油等方面高涨的费用的双重压力。 www.ecocn.org 2. In the airports, protesters carried banners asking why politicians can get huge pay rises, but they cannot. 在机场,抗议者高举布条,质问为什麽政治人物可以大幅调薪,但他们却不可以。 www.ecocn.org 3. But some economists warned that sweeping pay rises would strain the exchequer. 但一些经济学家警告称,大规模工资上涨将增加财政部的压力。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Zhang said his pay rises were nothing compared to the rising prices of consumer goods. 他说,他涨的工资与不断上涨的物价相比几乎算不得什么。 163english.cn 5. The police are investigating some 660 "secret acts" passed since 1995 which have awarded jobs and pay rises to members of staff. 警方现在正在调查自1995年以来通过的大约660项“秘密法案”。这些法案提供工作,给职员们加薪。 www.ecocn.org 6. According to official statements, the focuswill be on pay rises for soldiers, as well as the modernization of equipmentand weapons. 中国官方在声明中表示,军费增幅主要集中在装备和武器的现代化以及士兵加薪方面。 www.bing.com 7. My husband and I got pay rises of 8% and 10% respectively. 我丈夫和我分别加薪8%和10%。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. A rigidly centralised system of wage bargaining mandates annual pay rises, come what may. 无论如何,西班牙严格执行的集体工资谈判机制定会提高年薪。 www.ecocn.org 9. She overheard the management discussing pay rises. 她无意中听到管理层在讨论加薪的事。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Now company after company is making massive concessions: pay rises of over 60 percent are being conceded. 如今,公司接二连三做出巨大让步:被迫将公司涨了60%。 www.bing.com 1. Some clerks who have received automatic annual pay rises make more than the judges they serve. 连一些工资每年自动调级上涨的书记员,薪水都比他们的法官高。 www.bing.com 2. People become cynical about their monikers (particularly when they are given in lieu of pay rises). 人们对他们的名头开始产生怀疑(特别是在只给头衔而不加薪的情况下)。 www.ecocn.org 3. Moreover, many of the biggest producers have ample room to absorb pay rises. 此外,许多最大型的生产商有足够的空间吸收加薪影响。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Yet it is not unusual. Spain's centralised wage-bargaining system awarded real pay rises of3. 5% in May, the highest in a dozen years. 五月,中央工资调控机构实现了3.5%的实际工资增长,最近几年中最高的一次。 www.ecocn.org 5. The government is promising pay rises but, to the union's disgust, it intends to link them to performance, not seniority. 政府允诺会涨工资,但是让工会深恶痛绝的是,涨工资要和工作表现挂钩,而和工龄无关。 www.ecocn.org 6. This, in turn, will spur firms to cut costs and limit pay rises. 换而言之,会促使企业削减成本,控制薪金支出。 club.topsage.com 7. Expected income: $100-$2000 monthly. With higher volume and more responsibilities the pay rises accordingly. 预计收入:100元-2000元每月。随着高容量和更多的责任相应的加薪。 www.bing.com 8. give the pay rises only to the better . 只给表现较佳的员工加薪 www.ebigear.com 9. Pay rises ran well ahead of efficiency gains in all these countries. 在这些国家,工资上涨远比效率提高快。 www.ecocn.org 10. The idea is that those who devote lots of time to people-related matters are not disadvantaged as a result in pay rises and promotion. 这个想法意在说明花大量时间处理人事问题的人会加薪升职,因此并非鸡肋。 club.topsage.com 1. The nurses and the miners received pay rises of 8 and 12 respectively. 护士和矿工的工资分别提高了百分之八和百分之十二。 www.hotdic.com 2. Rigid salary structures in which pay rises with seniority (as in Japan) should also be replaced with more flexible ones. 在严格的薪资结构里,工资随着工龄增长(如日本)。这种结构应该用更灵活的结构取而代之。 www.ecocn.org 3. By themselves, the pay rises mostly make up for ground lost last year. 加薪主要是补偿去年的损失。 www.ecocn.org 4. Find out when your organisations have discussions about pay rises and who is involved in the decision. 知道公司什么时候开始讨论加薪,并且谁会参与决定。 www.bing.com 5. The salesclerks and the teachers got pay rises of 6% and 9% respectively . [adv. ] 店员和教师的工资分别增加百分之六和百分之九。 vasa.sinaapp.com |
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